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>be me
>have friend
why did God make me a subhuman spic i'll never pass
5'2 is a great height to pass as girl tho, you couldnt have asked for a better one
Пocт кoк фэггoт?
woah im a 5'10 russian with a 5'2 cuban friend thats kind of weird !!
spics are mexican you can't claim our term
I'm 5'0 and have a scoliosis hunch
I'm 5'10 russian and I have no cuban friends I'm aware of
im a pooner
just become a blue haired liberal streamer have a girlfriend who cucks you and you'll pass as a cis manlet cubano
Cuestión de destreza.

t. MtF dominicana de 5'10"
oh yeah, rip its over. im mtf and the same height and that was a big reason why i trooned
Gosh, you must be cute :3
ty, yeah im pretty tiny overall, wearing women size s to m, shoe size 34-36 in eu (3 us) and so on. my mom has a similar body so not too surprising
are you in a relationship?
no, why?
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124 KB JPG
Does it ever turn you on, having to look up so far at all the other men?
Average latinx man
пpивeт aнoн

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