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I'm a gay man and I want a boyfriend that looks like this
I have news for you - that means you're *not* gay!
Man that hourglass shape is crazy
I wish more wo—- I mean “gay men” looked like that
nooooooo you can't date a cute twink you have to date a big hairy man waaaaaah
You aren't a true gay
Anon.... thats a woman
this is literally just a (likely barely legal) afab woman not on any sort of hormones who calls themselves a boy for fun
ur straight lilbro
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I know it's terrible of me to think this but whenever I see an afab like this I can't help but assume they always get the "ick" from an amab femboy or trans woman because "amabs" are gross and ugly
Like "ooh look at me I can be naturally cute and feminine and use he/him pronouns teehee, but those other femboys and trans are gross because unlike me they were born male"
How do I stop myself from thinking this
When did identifying as a sexual minority for attention really kick off?
You can find HUNDREDS of videos like this: totally unrelated text superimposed over a random video, and it always fools the people of 4Chan. It’s sad.
No this one is the og vid, but its just another mentally ill no t ftfemboy bpdemon
Everytime I see this video it makes me happy my waist evaporated after starting T
fr. as soon as she gets her male attention she's gonna transition right back to female.

i can't believe it's always THESE types who get psychology degrees and somehow lack the self awareness to recognize they just want some dick.
that is not what a twink is
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>How do I stop myself from thinking this
You don’t because that’s exactly how they think. In their eyes amabs are gross and icky and afabs are cute and innocent
Noooo gay men that are into other men has to accept me too because i said so
it's the internalized woman instinct to put themselves on a pedestal and fucking play victim in every situation. "all mtfs are just pervert men who wanna get on with lesbians >___<" says the bunch of little shits who read a yaoi manga once and turned """male""".
you're starting to understand it anon. but you just gotta find yourself better company. which is probably not the support groups on mainstream socials.
everyone there just wants to be queer for the aesthetic or for brownie points.

there will eventually be ftms who are actual people aside from their bpd crap. or nbs who aren't privileged assholes.

until then tho? you gotta do your thing. and dodge the fuck out of the bullets in your pic lol.
>They smile at me while their eyes scan my soul for sin more thoroughly than any of the Catholic nuns from my childhood
why is this so accurate these fuckers literally look for an excuse to try to convince everyone else you're actually not one of them meanwhile the average christard could care less
>I want a bf with tits
you want a gf
The only possible end result when you decide any sort of gatekeeping medical or otherwise is for chuds and that you can be trans even if you are pre-everything
> how do I stop thinking this
Go outside
Very helpful advice anon thank you <3
Fr though legit every time I've tried to make friends with an ftm or afab enby either irl or online I get the obvious "male treatment", the few times I've tried to dress more fem out before and in "safe spaces" I've literally heard all the theyfabs and "allies" whispering cruel things about me
Like >>36381445 says obviously not everyone is like this but at this point at least I don't have to worry about trans women and amab enbies "scanning my soul for sin" as thoroughly as ftms, theyfabs and afab ""allies"" do
That really sucks, idk maybe I’m different cause my childhood best friend was a youngshit mtf and we would have sleepovers all the time and I miss her dearly ;-;.
Well that's nice, even if you lost that was nice that you had someone like that for support and vice versa...
Ik ofc it's dumb to make generalizations like this but past experiences and hearing similar experiences from others definitely plants a negative bias...
Anyway Ik your ftm and you sound kinda cool at least and am gonna drown my sorrows in attempting to voice train and failing miserably <3
good luck anon. try to search various kinds of female voices so you know which ones you can aim for to begin with!
That's a woman bro you're straight hahahahah
thats a woman
but not your vagina kek
thats gross anonette

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