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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Why do lesbians get first letter in the LGBT community?
Can we start calling it the GBL community to make both lesbians and troons mad?
this is why i can’t stand gay guys
read why lesbians are the first letter, we forged the road for gay rights. plus it was transfem lesbians that did it. the reason we have some sort of acknowledgment in society today is because of transfem lesbians
Something something to honor lesbians for something they did decades ago

Yeah it’s stupid
bisexual includes lesbians too, it should be called G
You don’t even know what it is.
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i mean one of the letters has to go first?
unless... we could be really bold and stack them on top of each other
The fact that gays got aids and lesbians didn’t should make the G come first tbqh
I thought it was because LGBT rolls off the tongue easier than GLBT
it should be BLT, for bacon lettuce tomato
idk nonnie i thought it was good bait. nobody biting just means the thread is full of haters, keep cooking sis.

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