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How do I cope that I'll never have hips like this? I'll always be a sickly bony booby twink with pathetic curves
looks like a BBL tbdesu
just get a natural bbl using fat on ur body
she also doesn't have hips like that
Perhaps Elon Musk neuralink can make your body shape itself like this
Plsss can we trade
Freak, porn addicted creep
you want it too...
sickly twinks can still be cute anon, don't despair.
why did they cover up that girls penis
i wish this were true..
it is. I have been attracted to sickly twinks before. People's tastes are broad, anon. There are many people in this world who will find you attractive, myself probably included.
More brainrotted than the people who think her waist/hip ratio isn’t edited
Get fatter ass and thighs, get lipo everywhere else, profit.
we have no wow factor.. nothing that jumps out to entice the eyes or mind.. anyone that loves us does so with quiet reluctance..
I can only speak from personal experience but something I like is that they can seem very delicate, which can cut both ways. it can invoke a protective instinct and a want to be gentle, or a desire to dominate and hurt, I guess depending on the person, but there is titillation to be found.
After crossdressing I’ve gotten tons of attention from men, you could say it’s only the clothes that men are attracted to but you just gotta know which styles show off your best features and hide you worst
>sickly bony booby twink with pathetic curves
but enough about trannies
at least you're not a turbohon
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the way you think is obnoxious
most women dont have hips like this
the women in your family dont have hips like this
you do what every other woman has to do
you just dont care and move on retard
thank you i want to look pretty and be protected
I'm so glad these zoomeresque BBL proportions don't interest me because my hips fall well within natural female ranges from starting HRT early :3
i'm sure you already are, anon. Have you tried putting yourself out there with dating?
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I mean like pretty is always subjective but if you put yourself out to the right places you’ll find lots of guy who want you <3
Like I have next to no hips or ass compared to cis women but I choose clothing that hides or gives off an illusion
Hoping that once I get on hrt though it’ll get better!
she looks so short

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