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Why do some people have social dysphoria but no physical dysphoria while some people have physical dysphoria but no social dysphoria?

People on this board make it a pastime to trash anyone in the former category as not really trans.
Meanwhile, I've heard of a transgirl going to her college's local LGBT group just to be told by two (non-medically transitioning) transmen that she isn't "really trans" because if she was she wouldn't "need to rely on medical transition to validate your identity."

Meanwhile, people in both camps, who hate the other camp, feel justified in their hatred because of an idea that the other group is making it harder for them to live.
What causes this?
trenders vs gender dysphoria
You really think someone would make their core identity trans for 10-15 years because of a trend?
social dysphoria is just physical dysphoria. one feels social dysphoria because gender is associated with sex and therefore being misgendered is essentially telling someone that they appear to be their birth sex.
anyone who claims to have only social dysphoria is a trender because gender, which is what social dysphoria applies to, is not inherent to a person
Couldn't a different person say the exact same things but reversed though?

>physical dysphoria is just social dysphoria. one feels physical dysphoria because gender is associated with sex and therefore one's sexual appearance influences the extent to which transphobic society will accept your gender identity
>anyone who claims to only have physical dysphoria is a trender because sex, which is what physical dysphoria applies to, is not inherent to a person
Some of these niggas still aren't over Harry Potter or Star Wars, it has been years...
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Your IQ is low bro this made no sense
Physical dysphoria is present in the absence of other people but social dysphoria is only when others are around.
It's literally what others have said, it's not even my position.

>Physical dysphoria is present in the absence of other people but social dysphoria is only when others are around.
Some people who strongly identify as transgender would claim that if society were to recognize everyone's gender identity, noone would feel the need to physically transition. I imagine some wouldn't believe that anyone would experience physical dysphoria in the absence of social conditioning that led them to experience it.
If you don't medically transition you aren't transexual
But are they transgender?
>Meanwhile, I've heard of a transgirl going to her college's local LGBT group just to be told by two (non-medically transitioning) transmen that she isn't "really trans" because if she was she wouldn't "need to rely on medical transition to validate your identity."
People who have medically transitioned do not need to "validate their identities" existence is validation enough. Non-transitioners are not transgender.
I agree that it's harmful for such an interaction to have happened. But can we really definitively say that people who are content with their physical bodies but have a deeply-held feeling that they are a different gender inside and identify strongly as transgender aren't transgender?

There's tons of discourse in tumblr-associated trans communities about how non-medically transitioning, non-binary, and other less than pure-binary-transsexuals face increased discrimination due to people being less willing to accept their transness?
It's often brought up how binary transsexuals actually have privilege over more marginalized trans identities, due to them being cis-society's typical expectation of what trans is. Meanwhile, those with non-standard trans identities will have their identity as trans dismissed, even by other trans people.

Don't you think they have something of a point? I mean, by saying they categorically are not transgender, aren't you proving their idea that it is harder for them to find acceptance than more "typical" and supported cases of transness?
nta but imo being trans has nothing to do with internal feelings of gender or even sex dysphoria it's just if you transition. definition of transition is vague but i think visual/auditory stuff is more important than pronouns. i think that makes the most sense because otherwise it dilutes the word trans to the point of uselessness. i don't think it makes sense to say trans issues and not mean issues that relate to people who transition.
>nta but imo being trans has nothing to do with internal feelings of gender or even sex dysphoria it's just if you transition
I get the idea, but doesn't this sell some people with dysphoria short?

We can recognize being gay means having a homosexual orientation now, which means people can talk about their time in the closet as a gay person, and how harmful that was for them.

If we redefine trans to meaning not the internal state that leads people to transition, but transitioning itself, then doesn't it feel a little cruel to everyone's experience in the the closet and repressing?

Plus, what defines "transitioning" then? If it's just self-identification, then a fully cis het guy who is just attempting to make fun of trans people would be *technically* just as trans as anyone else after declaring they are that.
I realize people can be suspicious towards others still and see through things, sure, but at the very least don't we end up in a new space where people aren't "really trans" until they've done X, Y, and Z?
It just feels like it completely disregards the experience of people who've had crippling dysphoria since childhood, for whom, their dysphoria becomes a critical and center aspect of their life, whether they try to repress it or not.

To just say this person isn't trans, but someone who never experienced that but does something or another to transition is trans... I don't like it.

Imagine if we told every closeted and virginal gay person that they aren't gay, aren't anything, while stating that someone who experimented once but is absolutely heterosexual is trans.

I just don't think this is the best end course of action.
>while stating that someone who experimented once but is absolutely heterosexual is trans.
is gay***

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