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>be me, 18yo straight youngshit passoid
>been attracted to boys since early childhood
>live in a mostly empty region, only know one other person from my region who's on 4chan
>randomly get a message on tagmap one day
>see its from profile in my region, bio says "enby/transfem"
>add them on disc, we talk for a bit
>seems to be in hugboxy communities, invites me to a trans discord for our region
>agree to meet up
>when i get there look around aimlessly, cant find anyone that looks like my idea of them
>she texts me what she's wearing
>look in front of me, short "guy" wearing matching outfit
>dressed in all black
>looks at shoulders
>bra strap showing
>say hi, go for a walk
>most gorgeous beautiful creature in the universe
>perfect, beautiful, smooth, feminine skin
>most beautiful plump lips
>short haircut, poofy hair that perfectly frames her face
>shy, doesn't make eye contact
>funny, kind and cute
>get the urge to make out furiously with this girl
>feel the straightness leave my body
>now a 100% t4t transbian

husstussies, why arent u boymoderpilled?
I'm not reading any of that shit but I can already tell you are completely cooked
i am a boymoder and i think i don’t have the mental capacity to deal with both of our brainworms
you don't pass bitch
This is true, I was there, I was the bra strap
picrel is so funny because for most of my life i was told laying pipe meant taking a big shit
announcing to a room of people that you gotta lay pipe but youll be back in ten minutes
this is the transbian version of every >be me >straight greentext
It can mean both things in certain contexts

Its like the word goon or the word thug
Bros they took out two shawties from our dating pool, wtf?? This is the power of boymoders?
I need a boy to lay his pipe into me
Its over chaserbros
if youre a good enough chaser you can turn both of them straight

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