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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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last thread: >>36411963
ignore the other thread, this is the only one that counts

>looking for
>not looking for
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21/F/US(eastern timezone)
counter-strike: source scroll bhop, osu!standard but i dont really play that much, pokemon showdown (known gen 1 tourney player, no other gen), nso i guess, trying to lose weight
>looking for
really just people to talk to about anything
>not looking for
weird people who ask if id marry someone who looks like them within 10 minutes, or other exceedingly weird people
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24 mtf
movies!! a lot of them!!! i like to vc and watch videos too and i really like literary fiction
>looking for
friends!! preferably older than me but my age is fine. people that like to talk a lot
>not looking for
anything romantic, sexual or flirty or anything like that!!!! no one younger than me neither please
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i just thought it be funny to be reply 1 again but for real actually just use the other thread >>36445831
stfu your thread is retarded and bad
ironically you seem like a very immature 24 yr old
i dont make threads, anon.
Why try to fix something that was never broken? This OP has the correct format, frengen isn't a thread for you to show off your creative writing skills or how cool and unique you are, it's a service for finding relationships and friendships.
18 M Aussie
drone photography, audio design, lolcow lore
>>looking for
a (male)friend.. maybe more than a friend that can somehow bare my autistic ass
>>not looking for
.phoke (with the dot :3)
this is the better one whoever does qott is a retard
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bump for real frengen
19, F, Brazil
B, T (MtF)
Music**!!!!*!!*!, Cinema, DnD, Games, Typology (Socionics, MBTI, Enneagram)
>looking for
People to talk to, basically. Other trans girls preferred but anyone is fine. I don't mind flirty but I'm not looking for either
>not looking for
VC and Video Calls.
You can know a lot about a person from the way they write if you get them to write a few more sentences about themselves.
If your goal is to find someone you're compatible with as a friend or even a partner, this is exactly what you should want.

This frengen template for example, in comparison to the templates used on /soc/ has no "about you", which if you want to find friends seems kinda important
yea i can't wait to find friends based on how they like their coffee
Can talk and shit post about:
/vr/, /a/, /co/, /mu/, /toy/, or /fa/
>Looking For
Someone else online that wants to know, learn, study, or teach:
Galician, Scots Leid, Irish, Welsh, Breton, Asturian, Scottish Gaelic, Doric, Shetlandic, Glaswegian, Dundonian, Orcadian, Ulster Scots, or Edinburgensian
>Not Looking For
Server, video, voice, horny, lewd, or porn
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i dont like coffee i like tea
>about me
east coast
hrt boy/manmoder ~16 months
B, T, F
i like movies, music (i collect records and wish i could play instruments but dont), video games a bit, art and art history.
>looking for
trans friends i dont have many irl (least who know i am lol) games? someone to talk to? vc text video IDGAF
>not looking for
anything sexual. you will be blocked. rightoid retards
I mean everyone here whose writing that they don't like coffee but rather monster energy is already getting a +2 for me.

But jokes aside, with all the people here that ignore the qott, I at least know that I don't want to add them, because those are the people that only copy paste their usual stick and don't engage with the thread, which means these are the people who post in every single frengen and stopped to think about it, i.e. people who are either so uninteresting they no one wants to talk with them, or friend collectors.

So it does serve a purpose
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Nothing like a great cup of black coffee.
27, M, UK
B, mtf repper
/fit/, 19th century lit, ancient & medieval history, philosophy if it isn't dumb, /fa/, David Lynch, some vidya
>looking for
Someone who likes to talk, interesting or boring people, I'm not picky
>not looking for
discord: kyun.zetta
Can't hold a conversation.
hope the conversation was funny atleast, I can't imagine adding someone who use their BPD as a selling point
polluting the board twice i see

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27 MtF San Diego
T, B
Vidya, ttrpg, cartoons, bugs and flowers, wandering around at night
>looking for
Cool people, friends, maybe more. Would prefer 23+. Dont mind talking to youngins but keep it pg you little shits.
>not looking for
moids who just want to hookup ,rightoids, blackpillers
Discord: gummygib
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22 m ny
bpdemon, shitskin, mtf repper
/pw/, /mu/, /v/, weed
>looking for
a new fp
>not looking for
cis men, minors, normies, under 22
22/mtf/ sandusky, ohio
bi, transgender
neet who likes league of legends, sometimes minecraft, sometimes chess.
>looking for
looking for someone to build a friendship/connection with, someone who shares common interests, or someone who is close by. but it doesnt matter much to me.
>not looking for
rude people :)
22, F, Scotland
Guitar, Some vidya, Deep convestations about life, Homecooking, Make up and fasion.
>Looking for
Friends of any gender, Sometimes lewd friends. I don't have great boundaries with these things, Thanks Autism!
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gay, vers, twunk/jock
I'm a physics student and enjoy math, anime, manga, yaoi, sports, gym, mystery series, romance novels, gaming
>looking for
hot guys, twinks, jocks
stem friends
conversations about either my or your interests, sharing hobbies
either nsfw or sfw are cool
>not looking for
annoying, boring, untalkative people who think a convo = passively answering my questions
those who can't/don't introduce themselves after adding or say why they added me
I swear I've seen someone that looked identical to you before here, I'm also in Scotland so it's kinda weirding me out

montreal meetup group
19/Transgender Lady/Quebec
T, Straight (I like guys, Cis or Trans it doesn't matter, I just really like men.)
Paranormal, conspiracy, religion, philosophy. Video games, retro games, anime, vocaloid, roblox, all kinds of nerd shit. I'm an /X/brained shut in, I follow the spiritual tradition of Antroposophy (the teachings of Rudolf Steiner).
>looking for
Somebody to have conversations with and maybe play video games. Something simple, a friendship maybe? I love all types of people.
>not looking for
People who are intolerant of religion or alternate spiritualities.
Discord: rtcmo
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My Discord account glitched out and I got logged out of it, idk how to get it back. Add me on my other account: Kinoe54
I'm the one who posted above btw, sorry if this causes confusion.
The fact that you threw a hissy fit to the point where you decided to make an entire new thread with the boring ass nothing questions, is beyond pathetic. Being asked to write more than a few sentences about yourself is not a monumental tasks and I promise it makes you more interesting and is more enjoyable to do than copy pasting the same intro for months on end.
I hope one day you gain any semblance of a personality and become somewhat intelligent
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Bi, bpd, T
Cooking, retro games, modded PS4, photography
>looking for
Friends, people to chat with, potentially a partner with someone local.
>not looking for
Fwb, people that just want pics, chuds
Discord: Odd.kitten
Twitter: xxoddkittenxx
I need to make friends with people who don't like drinking coffee
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23/F/vic aus
b t
currently, cooking, photography, running. doing my 1st run in fe engage.
>looking for
friends, preferably irls, other asians, music recs
>not looking for
men, <20yo
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx10 on discord i’m not filling out that gay form
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Video games, anime, manga, movies, music, horror, fashion, cosplay, traveling, all that fun stuff
>looking for
People interested in selling pics. Cis, mtfs, ftms, enbys, femboys. Doesn't matter to me. I just like getting cute pics and I've got no problem sending money for them.
S? I'm CIS.
I like to skate, draw, make music, basically have a lor of creative energy. I play a lot of vidya too and like the WH40K mythos. I have been watching a lot of Hollywood crime classics from the 70s and 80s lately.
>looking for
I'd like to try making a friend. I'm ok with either MtF or other gendeds.
>not looking for
People under 25 maybe. Anyone rude who talks in memes. One-time chats or horny chats.

are you looking for mostly people in EU? or anywhere?
I'm fine with any location really, but prefer EU due to shared timezones.
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>qott: do you like coffee? how do you like your coffee?
I'm actually trying to quit lol since I already have sleep issues, and I'd like to avoid dementia if at all possible.
>about me
I'm a manmoder in late 30s. I've been on hrt for uhh lets say 4 years and have girlmoded for a while when I still had a trans gf. Nowadays I just manmode because I got fat and depressed lmao. I'm mostly trying to get my shit together by yet again adopting a more healthy lifestyle, studying more consistently to change careers, and fixing various things in my apartment along with various other larger purchases.
I'm in Europe, Slovenia.
I hate the antichrist.
MtF, technically bi but I like girl-shaped people, think everything between a hrt femboy to a cis girl
Webdev, ui/ux design, reading fiction (currently reading william gibson's sprawl trilogy), really just everything cyberpunk-related (including the video game), darkly inclined music with various amount of synths and guitars, actually useful self help/self improvement content that isnt super store brand - this includes sobriety and generally talking about addiction, normal girl/transition stuff, still got some interest in crypto, also I wanna finally get more into music production and start doing some music curation again.
>looking for
Mostly interesting people that share some of my interests or have interests similar/compatible with mine. Big emphasis on getting your shit together for sure - it's what I think about the most right now and where most of my energy goes.
>not looking for
Horrible mental illness, drama, meltdowns, snapping at me. Larpy long distance relationships. Also if you are the opposite of getting your shit together, lol, for example if I see you playing some cursed modern vidya 24/7 I will literally block you. Also anyone terminally leftoid, I'm not doing le heccin based queer bonding ritual where we sh1t on white people or whatever the fuck is on your mind at the moment.
>About me
I love gaming and I’m looking for gaming pals, I mostly play solo games but sometimes I play online stuff like final fantasy 14 but usually im just too occupied with new solo games so I just leave the game running in the golden saucer for coins
I write game reviews here to show how real of a gamer I am
I’m also cute for the people who likes that I’m guessing it’s a selling point in SOC
>Games you wanna play/Favorite games
FFXIV for online when I have time but there’s so many new release rn I’m a bit busy ~_~
Or TF2 I’m really good but again I haven’t had enough time lately
>Looking For
Cool people
>Not Looking For
Fake gamers
>paper mario 3.5/5
>smb2 3/5
>about me
former cool interesting person humbled by life into depressed loser
music (skramz, slacker, hardcore), vidya (fgs, survival horror, valve shooters), art (former artist, current guitarist, ask me abt my telecaster)
like minded personable and emotionally available friends i can talk casually to or play vidya with. passionate people make life worth living
Make frens
Add frens
weird scammer that collects pictures of people
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23 Male Phoenix Arizona (USA)


Games, programming, gym

>Looking for
Be in Arizona (or be able to travel here i guess)

>Not looking

Discord tag: .rooomez.
I listened to the last Uboa album and thought it was really neat. I have about 500 albums on my rym--a paltry number for my age, but I like the ones I like a lot. I also finished reading Fear and Trembling by Kierkegaard. I really should be studying more math.
>looking for
Mutually supportive emotional connections.
>not looking for
Things which are not that. :P
19 cis girl southeast USA ascended femcel former ftm chaser
Q or B
i'm really interested in sociology (relating to gender, race, class, sexual fetishes etc). as far as games go i am a huge BTD6 player, and i am a massive fan of the UFC (war poirier). i love 2000s fashion and listen to scenecore music (punkinloveee, 6arelyhuman, hospital, hauntingclaire)
>looking for
friends of any gender
>not looking for
i am already taken by my beautiful transgender boyfriend so dont hmu to be horny or romantic
skiiiinz on disc
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18 mtf texas
bi tranny
gayming(metro, mgs, yakuza, disco elysium, fallout). i like to cook and bake too!.
>looking for
other trannies to be friends with, or just anyone in general desu :p idk, anything with anyone i guess im far too stupid to know what i want
>not looking for
people who are MEAN and EVIL
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>age, gender, location
23 m canada ontario toronto
ttrpgs, video game rpgs, yume nikki/2kki, other niche video games
anime and manga, stuff like shimeji simulation, dunmeshi, monogatari.
also interested in arts and reading
>looking for
hanging out, anything else
>not looking for
racists and similar
better thread no one fucking cares about coffee
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>weird scammer
Ive already bought from 3 people this week alone
This is a guy
>I built a new motorcycle and take photography, currently got old pentaxes and like discussing that. I also like practicing makeup and clothes combos! Oh, I also Juggle a lot lol
>Friends to chat with but also im not shy on showing my body off, but always its private and consented on.
>any intense love or fetish related
>Discord: hazedbloom
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20 f usa
playing destiny 2 endgame stuff or just random slop
>looking for
people to play destiny 2 with
>not looking for
people who dont play destiny 2
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are there any france anons here who are planning to hit up japan expo this week? i haven't decided yet if i'll go, it'd be cool to have lgbt peeps to hang out with there if anyone is going. 27 bi mtf btw.
I'm so sick of these forced gender swaps.
yeah wimmer you're not a girl you're an autogynephilic retarded male
prison gay
you're not "f" if you're male and trans you're just an autogynephile
>every tranny is bisexual and AGP
hussies to busy taking dick on grindr to come to 4chan.
>add or get added by multiple people
>not a single message in 24 hours
>those who did talk wrote 5-10 bullshit messages with barely any effort

What's the point?
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i used to post on these threads a lot now i have a job and seeing someone and not a lot of time to shoot the shit :-( sorry
I'd reply if you added me jeez
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26/nb/west texas
b, q, amab
big into fighting games, havent been super active lately but ive been getting back into tekken 8, placed top 8 at my last regional
also enjoy souls, osrs, WoW, rpgs, generally open to playing whatever i mainly play vidya to socialize these days
hiking/lifting/general exercise-im not extremely built or anything but i workout p much everyday
really into music, i make beats and shitty indie tracks as a hobby and listen to all kinds of stuff
particularly into underground rap, black metal and pop music
used to be more into film and reading but havent much cuz of school and work, i like artsy stuff and generally anything horror related. for lit i like philo, theology and history
studying compsci and work as an english tutor atm
i code and stuff but im pretty shit at it atm - most interested in game and web dev
>looking for
ppl in texas or adjacent states
friends, dating, ldr
artsy types
>not looking for
coomers & gooners
low effort convos
not interested in adds if ur really far from me and dont share a lot of interests sorry
so glad this thread is still alive and the coffee one got smoked
wondering if i could meet someone locally, i live in suffolk, england and id be willing to travel by train. im mtf, 31, passing and living as a woman for the most part. ive rewritten this sentence several times now, its so depressing when you start to write about yourself and realise you have nothing to say. my life is years away from being what i want it to be, i put it on hold to transition, ive been on hrt for almost 5 years and just last year i got ffs, im finally starting to explore new experiences, but it's something i still need time to adjust to, for now, i kinda just wanna hangout with transwomen who i can relate to, but the problem i suppose is presenting myself in a way where ppl can get to know me, but really i just wanna hide away. i could say i have hobbies like cycling, camping, weeb shit, but on paper idk who i am anymore than in reality. anyway idk, if anyone wants to talk, lmk and ill post discord or something
unfathomably based how the true frengen ultimately survived
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>asl & letters
"straight" granny tranny/northern california

>about me & interests
im old, passable. look young for my age. lonely. in my early 30s. i prefer to vc than type, but if you're too shy that's ok. working on becoming a physician. ive traveled a bit around the world, like to read a lot, have a decent base of knowledge of lots of stuff ranging from humanities like sociology & history, psychology, linguistics, cognitive science, leetcode/programming, medicine, and more.

>looking for
guys in their late 20s or early 30s, straight, gay, bi, transmen. fwb or long term relationship if near me. else friends.

>not looking for
anyone that doesn't fulfill above. no ldr's, im not leaving my state for anyone ever again until im done with my education. learned that in my 20s. i cant talk to zoomers, its just more of a chore than anything else, sorry.

disc: fildo7450
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23, male, SE USA(NC)
Bi, effectively aro.
Writing. Specifically: poetry, screenplays, fiction (-fantasy), essays, confessions.
I like artists of any kind, I value the artistic soul and vision above any other attribute. Your skills matter less than your eyes or hands or mind.
Urban exploration, walking/hiking, that sort of thing.
Reading books/manga/non-ero dojinshi.
Anime sometimes, but I only really watch a couple things a year.
Sometimes gaming, but it's not really my thing, especially with others. Hard to connect with others over a medium like that.
>looking for
Beautiful souls, tortured souls, good/available friends, more if there's real chemistry but that's not really what I want right now.
Artists who want to share their work (of any type, music, visual art, writing, anything so long as your work is your own)
Artists who don't want to share their work, who just want to talk about it or themselves or anything. I value the soul and its potential over what's actualized or what you're proud of at the moment.
VC, if it's possible. I love talking to people, even if it's harder to articulate points out loud. Establishes and fills out a rapport far better than mindless texting.
>not looking for
BPDemons, depressive/schizos, cutters, people who've had casual sex, people outside of the NA/SA timezones.
People who'll be bothered if I can't reply quickly. Using an alt for obvious reasons, but I'll still try to get to you when I've got the time and energy.
bi, T
I'm into /sci/, /an/, /v/, /vp/, /g/, /mu/, /i/, /m/. I also love to yap
>looking for
People who have similar interests and also like long winded conversations. Maybe a cute gf if you are nearby and around my age.
>not looking for
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
27/F/SE Asia


>open to long distance (y/n)?

>physical description
thick, 152cm, medium long hair

>life situation
first and foremost, I'm a single mom. Currently a neet so I spend most of my time caring for my kid and staying at home but still looking for opportunities to support both of us. we still live with my parents as well(we preferred to stay together because of economical status)

i play some games, i enjoy watching youtube and streams, listening to music and podcasts

>3 songs you like
too many to mention

>movies you like
Me before you
Dr. Strange

>religious beliefs

>political beliefs

>dating experience
thats a lot of stories to tell so just hmu if ur curious

>looking for
im not picky

>not looking for
always horny mode type of guys

this isnt /soc/ goofy are you lost
>Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster
midwit detected
if i still lived in england i would add you. ur doing great anon... comparison is the thief of joy u only gotta strive to be better than the person u were yesterday
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writing, reading, poetry, linguistics, programming (sometimes), animals (I have a dog), games, and music. I like learning new things when I can. I'm always interested in something new.
>looking for
Anyone! I'm up at odd hours so I'd like another night owl to talk to. A friend.
>not looking for
Romance or sex unless we hit it off.
18 mtf Knoxville, TN (Evil place)
rahhh I love gayming and er deepwoken and I play a lot of roblox and I yap a lot
>looking for
I need friends in my area I am awfully lonely T~T
>not looking for
evil bad in bible people
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22 | mtf | noo yoak
B, T
Botany, foraging, lockpicking, playing my lyre, learning languages
>Looking for
People to just chat with ig, I'm not looking for any sort of flirty or sexual stuff, purely platonic
>Not looking for
The usual, weirdos, attention hoes, people that can't hold a basic conversation
nah it's because when they do post they get attacked by trannies for actually being genuinely lgbt and not just a straight man in a dress
more bisexual agp trannies
might as well just call yourself lesbian retard lol, why even bother with the bi larp anymore
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Bi, Borderline
I write novels and short stories, some philosophy for fun (its cope). I bodybuild in my spare time, and play vidja when I'm bored.
I was into 40K during 8th and 9th but 10th is gay and faggy, I still paint models occasionally but I no longer support GW.
I mostly play Warframe and Mistblade as my passtime.
I have a great interest in history spanning the bronze age to the late 1800s.
>looking for
A friend, someone to be close to, or someone to appreciate the amount of attention my BPD can thrust onto people. A fellow writer. Someone to play video games with.
>not looking for
ill talk to anyone
dc; 3ndl35573rr0r
je pense y aller demain peut-être, c'est quoi ton discord?
nigga be speaking that au premier temps de la valse speak or some shit wtf
that's sweet, thank u
>"omg bisexual omg agp"
i just wanna make friends, whore
cry about it bitch lmao
>be cis lesbian
>see lots of "F"
>vc them
>man voice
>get sad
>more man voice and falsetto
>get sad
>don't repeat
>go back to cislesgen
I'm a man who routinely posts in clg
never happened
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23, mtf, England (South)
nb, bi
musical projects, textiles/cosplay, outdated anime, outdoorsy stuff, exploration
>looking for
friends to hang out with irl hopefully and message
>not looking for
anyone too far away sorry I wanna meet peeps
Note - may be delayed in getting back to you sorry
21, TF, Washington
T, Queer, DID
videogames, drawing, witchcraft, horror movies, jerma, weed
>looking for
friends to talk to and hang out with
>not looking for
league of legend normies, those guys who buy into that alpha shit you sound like you're reading omegaverse
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hi gloamy :3
how do you feel about older friends? im 31 mtf and most of my friends are younger than me, i rarely meet anyone who is in the same place in their life and the same age as me. i wasted too much time it seems. anyway im in south england too and looking for trans friends to hang with irl. ive met up with a couple ppl from /tttt/ now and its been fun.
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23 <> mtf <> PA
LGBTQ (all of them. depending on my mood) BPD etc etc
Mmm.. Cute things. Social Media. Self Improvement. Going to the gym. The Ren Faire. Strategy games. Talking. Learning about other people and their interests. Making friends. Seeing and hearing people. Weed. AEW. Reading. Writing. College. Learning. Bettering myself. Doom spiraling. Healing. Energy. Magic. I'm learning astrology.
>looking for
Friends, enemies, lovers. I want to broaden my horizons. other queer people get priority. I'd love to have a bond that goes beyond occasional messages, calling, etc. Maybe more. Cuties with mommy issues. Other bpd people who can love without end.
>not looking for
people who can only be horny
this place was never for you fuck off
>have the easiest life of any "lgbt" subtype
>see people with much harder lives than me
>add them
>vc them
>they aren't perfect
>get sad that my validation machine isn't giving me 10/10s
>more people fail to meet the absurd standards of my validation machine
>dont repeat
>go back to my privileged circlejerk of retarded children
>happy that my validation machine works again (can meet other non-penis having, obese sluts who'll sound cute on the mic for me)
people should use accurate letters
Just say you're MTF dumbass. CisLs deserve to make their weirdo friends too. There is zero reason for you to larp as CisF here if you are not. I feel bad for CisLs.
That said I just assume all Fs here are MTFs who think they're better than everyone else so despite looking for MTF so I ignore everyone who doesn't mark themself T because they're clearly just retards.
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yeah no shit 99% of new trans girls just don't voice train anymore
they get attention from other equally as low effort people in the community so its just this vicious cycle and everyone just sounds like men now
Thats oki :)
autogynephile straight loser

you're a straight man larping as a lesbian
this place isnt for you, it's for lgbt people

>"absurd standards"
>dont be a lying straight man
really makes me think

99% of autogynephilic straight men dont voice train*

oh look more AGPs
>trannies aren't women
go talk to the other obese 30+ cishons
Cis, t girls and femboy enjoyer, boo womp
exercising, psychology student, music, vidyagames, doing my best in this bitch of a world, wallowing, talking shit, deep talks about anything (I just like yapping), hearing people's problems and offering no advice cuz I'm clueles but still giving a shit.
>looking for
People to chat with and just see where it goes, maybe be friends, someone to connect with, playing games if can be (though my PC is kind of potato) and yeah desu I'm also open to flirting but not expecting it.
>Not looking for
babies (people under 18), old people (people over 22),the philosophy cringelords who can only ever talk being ironic, cringelords whose only personality is being horny, rude people
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we'll find a topic, i'm into lots of things, but rarely i can commit to learning about them more, so they becomes more enjoyable for me to do, but i'm hoping to get more into photography soon and not abandon it like i usually do
>looking for
people to bond over trauma or who will manipulate me with nice words so i'll feel something
>not looking for
people who won't mind that i'm an anxious mess and shy, i will think u don't like me in u don't respond in 5 seconds to my msg (it's a joke, maybe)
>autogynephile straight loser
retarded chaser whos sad no trannies want to add and talk to his stupid ass
u sound insufferable lmfao id hate myself too if i were you
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(hrt) male / gnc / bi
Music, music projects like making music and mashups, vidya (i enjoy (j)rpgs a lot), guitar, fashion, cosplay, baking/cooking, movies, kino anime
>looking for
Frens, I prefer mainly in europe and around my age, would be nice if it's possible to meet up irl eventually
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>asl - 27 cis f southern California near Tustin
>letters - bi
>interests - vtubers, j-pop, anime, weebshit, manga, vocaloid.
>looking for - a boyfriend, flirting, lewd, dating, voice chat
>not looking for - platonic only, text only
>contact- chickenclaw3
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t, b
league, tft, val, music, producing
>looking for
chill friends to play games with
>not looking for
sexual stuff or romantic relationships
Why did you block me?
Not them, but why do you even ask?
>looking for boyfriend
Why are you even here. I get bi girls aren't straight, but just look for boyfriend on a normal straight place.
18 mtf australia
bi mtf
music production, designer brands, counter strike, shoujo romance manga
>looking for
>not looking for
ppl who want my nudes
felt a bit awk trying to meet up when we only messaged for 20 minutes with no connection, consider it a polite declination from an anon online sorry
Virgin chaser lmao
They are cisf in their head
Why did you block me?
Have any of you actually made friends from /frengen/? Or do you all just post and then not contact each other?
>Or do you all just post and then not contact each other?
So far just one, hes a good guy and its been over 6 months now of chatting. I don't really feel like I need to monitor the thread as much since then but I still do incase I see cool people with similar hobbies
I got added by a few people and added a couple. Those who added me barely said a word and those that I added talked for a couple days before disappearing
I haven't found anyone who has my interests here but I'm too scared to post my tag out in the open. I Can't make an alt either. I have no other ways of making friends except this so I don't know what to do.
Just create a throwaway acc, everyone does that
>make temporary throw away account with a different email
>post ur deets
>get added or add someone
>chat for long enough to the point you both go "ok ur cool lets add on main"
Literally this >>36496621
It's also a great filter, as you can first figure out if you like the person before adding them to your main
I know anon, that's what I wanted to do but couldn't
Gmail and hotmail accounts require phone numbers
Protonmail disables your account if you make a new one on the same IP and use it to sign up a third party app (source: I tried it for this exact reason)
Temp mail services don't work on discord
pro tip: you can use the same phone number for as many accounts as you want
holy shit anon thank you, you're a lifesaver
>Gmail and hotmail accounts require phone numbers
If you already have a gmail account you can just use it to have as many accounts as you like by appending +text

All go to the same account. I literally have like 5 discord accounts linked to the same gmail address

I'm male and bi it doesn't really matter. I use this as a /soc/ alternative. You can watch movies with me or borrow my Autism if you're lost or lonely. No obligations.

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None really, been using this for a while now but every conversation just dies quickly, lately I don't get any adds anyways, it's so over
Yes, two I've been chatting with for month now. But granted a lot of conversations are just dead on arrival where you write something to start the conversation and get like single phrase responses with nothing to pick up the conversation from there
>lately I don't get any adds anyways, it's so over
It's summer, this site gets much slower over the summer always been that way and across boards.
Yeah, though they never pan out desu. It's one of three reasons...

1. Being my own worst enemy
2. No connection or chemistry
3. Just plain mean/unpleasant people to be around

Weirdly though, I've had more success in other /LGBT/ or /lgbt/-esque post, but even then it comes back to one of those reasons. I will say it's a new type of pain realizing you've ruined your chances of something good and have them ghost/ignore you only to see the same anons hit it off here lmao

This is why I liked having random convos here. There's no expectations, no follow ups, if the convo is good, it can last a short while, if it's not, you can just leave the thread. What hobbies or stuff do you have/like to do anon.

>But granted a lot of conversations are just dead on arrival where you write something to start the conversation and get like single phrase responses with nothing to pick up the conversation from there
When do you call it quits/stop investing. Like with your friend, did it take a while for things to get going?
>Like with your friend, did it take a while for things to get going?
Not really, with some people conversations just start flowing. Often you can already see it from the first messages already. Like I was added by someone, they tell me where they're asl and a bit more information but very generic. I visited where they were from so I told them and what I liked about the place, and the only answer I got was a "ya thats cool". I then picked up one of their hobbies I somewhat related to and again just a phrase of acknowledgement.
I tried two more days by going like what's up/what are you doing, told them what I'm up to rn, and again nothing came from it.

If after the third attempt it doesn't flow I'll just ignore them and if they don't make an attempt to talk with me after another week I'll just unfriend them
Yes we are going to hangout today irl.
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>Good advice
I see. I guess my problem(s) is that w/ anon...

1. They don't like texting first since they don't want to annoy/feel like they're bothering people
2. They don't like talking about themselves (its awkward), though at the very least when I ask about them or their personal stuff they respond and tell me honestly
3. They don't usually ask me anything about myself (even when I give them a nudge that they can)

We have good convos (at least I enjoy them), but I'm the one starting them and it's usually me thinking or coming up with stuff to talk to them about.
I have a similar thing right now, where I was added by a girl who isn't very talkative, so she never takes initiative in chatting, but answers questions and when I press on long enough, we do indeed have nice convos.
Like it's not completely dead as many other convos I had, so I'm not yet "giving up" but I'm not sure if I have the energy to continue this, because it takes a lot of effort to carry the convos to a point where they are enjoyable.

But currently I mainly wait until summer is over and this place is buzzing a bit more before I post again and find hopefully someone with whom I get along again.
The last 2-3 month have been quite dire (not just frengen, I also really like adding people from other threads and places)
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Now that you mention that, that most likely is my problem. She's one of the anons who I have managed to talk to for a bit, so its a bit hard to simply pull the plug even though it's obvious things can't last as they are (which is even funny, cause I sought them out solely for them being in the same state that I'm in.There's not of people on the North East coast here it seems).

>The last 2-3 month have been quite dire (not just frengen, I also really like adding people from other threads and places)
True, but outside of chasergen and the occasional /soc/ threads for my state, I probably should "expand" my reach to other boards desu. I'm currently a college senior, but I don't really like staying on 4chan, especially the boards I like qualities have really dive bombed in the last few years. Though I'll try what you said:

Wait till Fall rolls in and see if there's anything the catches my eye and shoot my shot. Ideally I'd like to find someone in my state so I can leave this god forsaken site desu.
>True, but outside of chasergen and the occasional /soc/ threads for my state, I probably should "expand" my reach to other boards desu.
What other 4chan boards allow Discord threads? I have only seen them in /cgl/, /lgbt/, /soc/, and some times in /r9k/.
/v/ has steam friend threads that usually go for a few hundred posts until they get killed
If those are the only boards that usually have them, then welp.
what are those interests?
You don't need threads like these. The best connections I made through random conversations in other threads until one of us dropped contacts
>The best connections I made through random conversations in other threads until one of us dropped contacts
Good luck accomplishing that in the other boards. I have been banned for Discord tag posting in /a/, /co/, /g/, /m/, /sci/, /vr/, /toy/, etc. Which sucks, because letting a single social thread happen in any of the hobby boards, would solve the problem of being added by coomers and gooners that don't visit or post in the boards I go to.
I find people who use the interest boards creepy. I've been on this site for 16 years now, but I never understood the appeal of any board other than the general ones (like /b/, /bant/ or this one)
>I find people who use the interest boards creepy
You are pathetic.
Does anyone actually find friends or partners here? I've tried before and I think people assume I'm stupid or get bored :(
I made 12 of them using protonmail
just make one silly
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Somehow as a chaser I was able to meet my mtf gf from here. Been dating her for months. Anything is possible if such a person like me was able to find someone so amazing.
It's just weird if you think about it. Thesw are the same retards that are on /b/ just talking about topics they often have no clue about (back when I worked in research I've been on sci a few times and most of them have as much knowledge about science than a fucking lego brick)
I'd rather stick to a place full of retards where everyone knows they are shitposting, rather than on boards where people are serious in their posts but just so fucking unbearably wrong about almost everything that it's just painful to read
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i fucking hate all of you. every single one. it's like, every time i have the gall to try and strike up a conversation with any of you, it's like i'm taking time out of your day, wasting precious seconds where you could be masturbating or doomscrolling the internet, instead of *forcing yourself* to speak to someone willing to provide genuine human empathy and responses longer than a word or "haha that's crazy". like, my god. every time i post in this thread, i get a solid 10-15 people that sift through my description (i don't put easy tranny/chaser bait in there to prevent brownie points and bad adds), and then maybe i'll have a good conversation within the day, but as soon as either a 24h or 7d time span elapses, i never hear from any of you fuckers again, and when i eventually DO reply, you've either "been really busy" (not, you've been active on discord 80% of the time i've been awake) or "was thinking about messaging [you] but forgot to"; like, have some common sense and TELL someone if you think things aren't going in your favor. it's like the only thing sustaining /frengen/ interactions is the potential for tranny-on-tranny sex cabal behavior which seems to be the only lasting thing on these god-forsaken threads. like i can't get any of you to be interested no matter how specifically i cater to your interests, respect boundaries, and for those of you that complain in perpetuity about "low quality adds" but don't do fuck-all with me, fuck you lot especially. there's always some stuck-up douche nozzle who's like "oh, i get a lot of adds but people don't talk to me!", then when i do, they don't even fucking TRY. it's like, i can't catch a break with any of you. i stop adding trannies and reach out to men who don't mind mxm conversations, but things go unchanged or i sometimes get unfriended/blocked before things even have the chance to go anywhere. like what, dawg, are you disappointed that a MAN dared to show up in your dms when this board is largely AMABs? fuck
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i should add that i find the fact i've had better adds from dropping my /soc/ tag once in a blue moon than any time on /frengen/ within the past 6 months or so. like, where the hell do you people that act the same, relate the same, ghost the same come from? okay, with /soc/ i'd understand, since there it's just a rat race for whoever's the youngest AFAB whore at the time, but there are genuinely decent people on that board who i've kept connections with, have good mutual interests with, and they actually fucking reply first! fantastic! i know i've been shitting on the guy who goes ">>>/soc/" every start of a thread, and at some points i've even told him to fuck off because it seemed like some pretentious bullshit, but i'm starting to believe the dude is right. and i feel it's not the same person half the time, but the people who do so have the right mindset in place. /lgbt/ fucking sucks for friend finding if you're not transgender. what's ironic is ftms have even less luck than mtfs on this board. like you can't have a little cognitive dissonance and relieve ftms are still AFAB at heart? that's what i do. they don't care if i do, and sometimes they've outright stated they understand that's what people do. but that's enough about that. i don't know what it's going to take. most of the people i talk with on this board aren't nearly as interesting as they make themselves out to be. like they won't even talk about the stuff that's on their >interests list for more than five messages at a time, then because they won't commit to my interests nearly as much, conversation dries out, i fuck off, boo hoo, i add another person, ad infinitum. i'm giving up. you guys win. you guys have had such a combined stranglehold on my own self-esteem that it's caused me to break my own cycle of mediocrity by forcing myself to continue on this board for socialization. >>>/soc/ is better, get better social skills, you fucking homos
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and i hate the realization that this'll amount to nothing. /frengen/ will go on. it'll fucking go on. this post is a fart in the wind in the grand scheme of /lgbt/ friend making. faggots like lignux will continue to shit up first post, the same set of 36/m/us bots will plague the thread, the same 10 trannies will change their tags / create new accounts to seem new again, cool newgens will come and go in a thread's duration, and maybe i'll even regret going on this faggoty ass tirade. but you guys do what you want. it hurts to know you're all adults. i'd think of maybe the behavior of young teenagers on social media when i think about the way you conduct yourselves, how devoid of humanity you are, and how quick on the trigger you are if something goes wrong for you. i just wish someone with enough cognitive empathy reads this, understands it, and fucks off the board too. this isn't even a protest. this is one guy being fed up with the state of affairs. hell, i'd take some >>>/r9k/ shit over having to deal with another thread of this. i've spent too long trying to fix what can't be fixed. last post of tirade, go on as normal, peace
not even gonna read but i bet it's a cis man
it's always cis dudes that act like this then wonder why no one likes them
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>ah, i, as an /lgbt/ user, reserve the right to criticize the hoi polloi, lest i realize in right mind we occupy the same board, the same space even!
still not reading lol
go outside bro
there arent enough adjectives to describe how retarded, pathetic and funny these three sequences of posts are
the especially silly thing is i feel like i have u on disc and its really u i shouldve removed ur ass eons ago
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>"go outside bro"
heh... got 'em...
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>About me
I like history, my favorite historical period is the Middle Ages, but I spent time with reading on the 20th century, I also enjoy the 19th century as well and I'm interested in everything related to history so if you want to talk about something else I'm into it. I also like collectiong things, not just books, postcards or stamps, but other small non usable things that someone would throw out. I also like music, reading, maps and many other things that others would find boring.
>looking for
Real Love with another male.
>Not looking for
Non whites, fat people and also real women.
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You will never make and keep a friend because you will never understand that in order to make friends you have to be interested in something more than yourself but you being tranny will never be possible t. Detrans a long time ago
>post basedjack.jpg
heh... got 'em...
i'm not a tranny btw
Still applies queer
i'm just a faggot, bruh
how do niggas write posts like this and not realizing how hard their projecting
frengen try not to be disingenuous, bi, trans and bdp challenge(impossible)
another PA poster. god is good
Alright genius. Show me the phd, 6-figures and articles you've made within the last decade or just shut the fuck up. Either or.
When we see you crying about how you’re gonna kill yourself because you have no friends
newsflash: youre not a woman youre a straight man

im not a chaser im an androphile, youre an agp straight man though
What game is that? And you literally just ignored me when i added you so stop making these bs posts
That is fatal frame and also learn how to reverse image search !!
literally all of you deserve it for selling your bodies
have some fucking self respect, you're disgusting
Its just pictures you privileged rich bitch
not everyone who refuses prostitution is born with a silver fucking spoon, you whore
some people are just able to work normal fucking jobs, instead of devaluing and debasing yourself for a stranger online (just to whine when your immoral work is given the respect it deserves)

if you want $50, get a service job. your future boyfriends/girlfriends are the only ones who you should be sending those foamy shower pics to.
If you stopped expecting people to be geniuses who agree with you on everything on the hobby boards maybe you'd have more fun on them. Pure attitude issue.
It's actually quite a lot of fun to see someone write something embarassingly stupid and flex your knowledge on them. If they then argue back after that you just ignore them instead of taking it personal. And you may not have noticed this, but people are shitposting on almost every single hobby board. If you spend more time on them patterns start to emerge and you'll better notice their shitposting culture which varies from board to board in what makes a subtle shitpost.
>posts jacks
No wonder nobody talks to you.
I have several good friends. None of them are trans, but that's fine. Not detransitioning. They're not friend with me because I'm a tranny either way, they're friends with me despite me being a tranny. Just have something to offer that isn't just "hey im trans lol".
keep proving my point because ive met some really good people in these threads lol i feel sorry for you
the ones crying about being unable to make friends are almost always cis men but ok
The fact that you’re still replying only proves my point detrans while you still can its not too late
Life as a tranny is lonely and not worth people will continue to look down on you and every other tranny is stuck hating themselves learn to embrace your body before the evil healthcare system chops your dick off and brands you a freak forever
I have made several friends, even a few irl ones.
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mtf, 21

>about me
pitiful unstable neet thing
i didn't go to school and have spent most of my time talking to people online
i'm not a shut-in, but i mostly go on walks at night
i like taking my plushies places to take pictures of them

misc. other indies n just vidya as a medium (tell me ab ur creative projects)
itemlabel (plushie brand)
minecraft/lethal company modding (add me for lethal)
weed (smoke w/ me?)

Touch grass incel
soulless hands typed this post
20/tf/melbourne aus

b, t, q

really into 2010s anime rn, nostalgic for that period
dance music (porter robinson, rhythm game ost's) but also some vgm stuff too
starting to get into visual novels (reading chaos;head rn to start off sci;adv but have read nasuverse and saya no uta)
applefag (big ux design freak)

>looking for / not looking for
honestly, we'll find out, just message me!

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shit i forgot a silly photo, pretend this was there the entire time
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21/m/Western Europe
Philosophy, history, esotercism, anime, movies, photos, old youtube videos, history, spirituality, esotericism, anime, forums
>Looking for
Best you tell me what you are interested in and see what meshes! People to chat with would be good.
>Not looking for
Doggirl types.
i just found out that i'm a narcissist as well so keep that in mind before adding
26, F, Hamilton CA Hi, I am afab nonbinary, im looking for friends to talk to, or if nearby, go places. I don't really like shopping, or games too much, I like to go on trails and explore karsts. I'm a little bit socially awkward, and I always have been, but I genuinely enjoy the presence of others. I seem to be just very unlikable to others in my life, as ive not had a friend since highschool. My idea of a cool day out is bringing a small charcoal grill and some food to the bottom of a waterfall and hitting a bong and usin a bluetooth speaker. Disclaimer that baggage involves a lot of nonverbal depressive episodes and an abusive ex wife who fucked me up to be easily scared lol
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>"i am afab nonbinary"
hahaaa holy fuck dude whichever faggot is revenge posting random /soc/ intros and making them female you're so crazy
fyi i can say with 100% confidence "arseniccanine" did not post this, someone is just being retarded and pretending to be male /soc/ gooners
The 36/M autist does it as revenge if you stop talking to them.
>What hobbies or stuff do you have/like to do anon
Don't want to come over as begging and linking my post, guess lately just playing some vidya, namely Ace Attorney and Cyberpunk, other than that got some sweet new speakers in so just testing them, hbu anon
What cyberpunk do you like?
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Been playing it off and on for a while now, but my bad, meant Cyberpunk 2077, now I got the rig to run it at high settings anyways, game looks dope on raytracing psycho, although path tracing is too much for my 4070 lol
still am halfway on part 2, it's better than I excepted, Johnny at times annoys me with his le epic zingers
I just like to vibe and just drive around and do the side jobs first rather than the main story but I think it's slowly time to finally work more on that, I've only done Panam's really so far
Gaming, Listening to music, Streaming, Vibing, Virtual Reality (VRChat, etc.)
>Looking For
I consider myself to be pretty sweet, I’m used to playing the “motherly” role in relationships(friendships aswell) to make sure that everyone’s loved and taken care of.

I always have free time to play games or talk aswell. I also stream on kick/twitch as I’m an aspiring content creator!

Feel free to shoot me an add on discord(embral) if I sound interesting to you! I don’t check on here all too often so discord is a much better way to get in contact with me :3
27 f seattle
books, bl, video games, fashion, music, music shows, making music
>looking for
someone to watch anime with and play autism games like satisfactory, if ur local maybe hangout and stuff
>not looking for
Do not add. Unfriended after asking what thread I was from.
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26, mtf, chicago
bi mtf (man/boymoder)
movies, violin, embroidery, crocheting, interior design, nature/going for walks, photography, music/going to shows, etc
>looking for
friends & more :3
28 m us
b, t questioning
playing guitar, music, video games, philosophy, literature, scifi, going to shows and movies
>looking for
a pen pal basically
>not looking for
a sexual relationship
discord: mithra22
33 mtf
I just got a dreamcast and og xbox not to long ago. use them to play PSO. Really want to try the berserk game for dreamcast. I like cars and just got a garage I'm cleaning up to put all my tools and stuff into
>looking for
looking for someone talkative that will share interests and hobbies. how I got into most of the things im into now. maybe share some games or anime
>not looking for

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>think "oh what a cute girl, i would love to talk hobbies with her"
>look up the tag on an archive
jesus christ jordan go to bed
i didnt post this so someone is posting my info.
I don't voice train and I post in clg :3
Asl: 24, m/femboy, Denmark
Letters: ADD, bi
Interests: videogames especially soulsborne games hehe.
Looking for: tips for dressing up and someone to talk to just generally, dressing up together, flirty:3
Contact: Discord username: onlygodknowzzz
MERDE j'ai arrêté de check le thread et je viens juste de tomber sur ta réponse ! je suis désolée aaaaa j'y suis allée hier toute seule au final snif c'était cool mais ça aurait été plus fun avec des gens. >.<
i lol'd, nice reference anon.
27/M/New England
6ft, 6in, White
Anime and manga: mecha (all of gundam, eva), attack on titan, naruto, chainsaw man, sgt. Frog, lupin the 3rd
Movies: many, although there’s been a drop of quality in recent productions. A few favorites (Bridge on the River Kwai, The Dark Knight, Jurassic Park)
Music: anything goes except country. Recently I’ve seen live: Depeche Mode, Maneskin, Madonna, Disturbed, Rammstein, going to see Phish
STEM (I am a doctor), finance, American and European politics
DND (prefer Pathfinder), both GM and player
Biking, weightlifting when not injured to lose weight and look cuter
Videogames: switch and PC, I play mainly JRPGs, TTRPGs but also action such as Ace Combat, Armored Core and some co-op multiplayer (e.g. Monster Hunter)
Programming socks
>looking for
Anything from horny chats to a serious relationship. For the latter, being able to meet would be ideal. Feminine presenting is a plus

May or may not look like pic rel
Left out the most important part!

>not looking for
Very masculine men

Disc: 88stardestroyer
you know i thought you looked like sam and then i looked up your tag lol

havent seen you post in awhile hope life is going well
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30 mtf wc
L, T
HEMA, Warhammer, ttbg, /k/, /o/
>looking for
A fellow tortured soul
>not looking for
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Gay, Repper (My GD too mild), Bottom
Counter Strike 2, Elder Scrolls Skyrim, Arcanum, Fallout 76, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 4, Custom Doom Wads, & emulation
Death Metal, Industrial, Post - Punk, Ambient, Noise & Electronic.
>Other Hobbies
Lifting, Edging, Reading, Horror / Thriller / Action / Scifi films, True Crime Documentaries, Underground Music
>looking for
Friends ig, maybe something more
>not looking for
Coomers & hugboxers scared of the N word.
It's a scary and somewhat sad feeling that I wish I could add a bunch of people here but realizing I probably won't be able to give them the overall attention they deserve, or otherwise wont mesh well enough with em.
Do I still take my chance or do I just not try? What have your experiences been like?
There are some surprisingly decent people here but also some hopeless idiots. The only way to find out is to add them I'm afraid.
It's always a numbers game, like the other anon said. I put a bit more emphasis on close proximity to eventually meet in person if we hit it off.
tant que tu as passé un bon moment, c'est le plus important
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>It's a scary and somewhat sad feeling that I wish I could add a bunch of people here but realizing I probably won't be able to give them the overall attention they deserve
I assure you anon, if you're coo/nice and genuine you will eventually find others who click with you. It won't feel like you're wasting their time or yours.

>otherwise wont mesh well enough with em.
If anything the people you'll add are for the most part flaky, inconsistent, or just no effort.

>Do I still take my chance or do I just not try?
You can if you want. Though I'm not sure how long things will last with that mindset. Unless you're not looking for friends, and actually just want to support and be a crutch for people here. Though if you are, make a 2nd discord as a way to filter people.

>What have your experiences been like?
From adding /lgbt/ anons, most were duds. Some were racist or edgy, others couldn't even try to hold a convo or just ATTEMPT (yet they add always lol?), etc... Though some were actually good and chill that I still talk to.

Since it seems like you'll be more susceptible from this, don't take it too hard when you seem like there's good convos/chemistry and they unadd you or are AFK. It sucks (especially if you unintentionally caused it), but you'll live.
après si tu veux qu'on s'ajoute quand même, ça pourrait être cool, c'est rare les français ici
22/F/Michigan, US
trans lesbian
music! gaming(especially fps games, rougelikes, gachas), true crime, making music, japanese wrestling
>looking for
(girl) friend other than that i really dont care someone to chill and hang with, if more comes of it then cool!
>not looking for
men, people explicitly looking for sex, i hate sex
hit my discord, blackbellaswan
can u unblock me i miss u baby <3
its going oddly well just gotta not fuck it up
who. that could be like 80 people
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22/mtf/GA (USA)
b, t
ttg, pc games, reading, fashion
>>looking for
bf or gf in GA
>>not looking for
short ppl, hookups, baldies
disc: ablazingstarisborn
wc meaning?
west coast
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grave, c'est quoi ton disc ? c:
u open to those from other southern states or GA only?
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29 M Ohio


Hiking camping and shooting. Love survival videogames and scifi movies, but mainly just work a lot rn because everything’s so expensive.

>looking for
Someone to chat with, friends, maybe more. Finally got my own apartment and realized I don’t vibe with anyone in my town so I’m here.

>not looking for
Sexting and stuff. I just can’t feel anything over the phone compared to irl and don’t want to waste anyone’s time lol

Fladdles on discord
Last time I browsed 4chan and gave it a shot I must’ve chatted with a few dozen people and only meshed with one. Then they stopped chatting lol so I don’t have hope here but I enjoy chatting with people nonetheless.
It warms my heart hearing success stories from 4chan. Wish you both long and healthy lives <3
are you a racist? why do you have 88 in your username? this post reads like a CHUD larp
are you not a fan of getting dubs?
I like dubs but why would a successful chud doctor be posting on lgbt is what confuses me
This guy was only looking for cis women 5 months ago. He literally went prison gay lmao. Used troon as a slur despite being cis. Tired of all these prison gay chuds posting here.
True where are all the actual exclusively male attracted romantic gays
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Mid twenties f est
Gay/les boymoder
Older vidya, Manga, Cartoons, Tv Shows, /out/, biking, random roadtrips and adventures, i think fish and plants are kinda cool?
>looking for
Idk people actually interesting and or close by? Be weird but not a complete freak, ideally a relationship or legitimate good friends or at least someone close to hangout with
>not looking for
Men, People that don’t know how to talk, anyone that lies about everything/bpd, preferably nobody under the age of 22, people that take 0 initiative in friendships
Also pls don’t be an uptight normalfaggot
Seems like a larp, but mainly because he would have only been a proper MD for 2yrs at most. How the hell did he maintain these hobbies during med school and residency? He could still be alright though, who knows? Give it a shot.
All ghey. Do you like Daggerfall? Which manga? Also, man.
> Love survival videogames
Clearly a Clear Sky enjoyer.
um the retard that sent u a picture of a cis vagina LMAO i'm sorry I wont do it again
im bald but im black so it balances it out
>>"mid twenties"
grow up please
hrt makes you look really young
Im sorry for leaving that day you beautiful organism
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>Im sorry for leaving that day you beautiful organism
im sorry what?
what do you want mika
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>Oh no, 88 = HH so he's a hecking nazi
>physician doctor and not real PhD doctor
Wow, I can't believe I am getting shamed for my background on 4chan of all places.
Just add me and see if I am larping, it's not like you haven't added trolls and schizos from here before.
sisters, he sent me his i'd/ hes only 6'1 lmao
friends? :3
he meant 6 inch cock babe
Fuck you incel
Well that’s what lgbt calls me, wtf should i be called?
Bro, I am not a tranner, nor a fag. However, my best friend is an MD IRL (the fucking retard signs his name with that shit). Do you have a PHD or MD? Your response doesn't make it clear.
>Fuck you incel
Haha. You are incorrect. However, you could just give more information. Best to know if we could actually get along.
a manmoder. you aren't young
are you gonna let me hit or not you fag
what kind?
If you are neither fag nor tranny, it seems you're here to morally support others, which I admire. Godspeed anon
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20/MtF/US Central
B, T
Weird music, reading, meditation, hikes, nature
>looking for
Looking for people to talk to and possibly make friends! Would be nice to have someone to talk to.
>not looking for
Rude, smelly people
Eh. I mix it up a little. Try to help genuine people, and troll people I don't like. I also lash out when I am drunk. Nice mix of things, in my personal opinion. Appreciate the clarification, Phake Doctor, haha. Just fucking with you.
B, T (I guess)
Martial arts, guitar, music (especially metal), comics/anime/manga, world language and culture, beer, true crime,
>looking for
>not looking for
Don't be chuddy or pester me when I don't respond
18 mtf(manmoder) northern virginia/dc metro area
Pan, B
Horror art, ttrpgs, vidya (animal well, trying to get into guilty gear)
>looking for
Any terminally online people i can chat wit so i don't get lonely
Don’t call me a man and i would have
/tttt/ told me that im not a man moder evertime iv called myself that and mmg told me to get out
>Anon and I share many interests down to the niche ones
>Meet their looking for list
>Meet their not looking for lis-
Every single time I hit one (1) of their not looking fors, always manage to meet everything fully for people who I have no common interests with though so it's not all bad
I didn't think I made it hard to understand sorry I'm really dumb.
Basically every time someone seems like the type of person I'd get along with super well I just happened to fall under what I deem a deal breaker for them item listed under their "not looking for" part of their post. I hope this one makes more sense!
>north east coast
I'd give me a shot. I'm this anon
What is it? Whats the dealbreaker part? Yhey might make acceptions
Typically them wanting people who want to try dating or stuff that leads to that only but I just want friends. Sometimes gender is another one as well, but not as often luckily
We aren't in the same state (I'm in NYC). Idon't think we'd mesh since I'm also a cis guy anon and I'm not fem presenting.

Also respect for being into OG Gundam and Amuro Ray
>About me
Weeb, kemoner
>Friend or relationship
Crossdressing, foot fetish, etc.
>looking for
bf or gf
>About you
I am a pretty decent cook and am learning to draw mostly traditional art. I collect VHS tapes among other things, I'm a christian but I'm willing to date non-christians although I won't have premarital sex. Willing to show a pic of myself, 5'7 with an average body and looks
>Looking for
anons on the spectrum who I can vibe well
>Not looking for
videogames,programming,movies and tv series...you know,the classic boring stuff
>looking for
people to talk to about anything,watch movies togheter or play games,preferably other italians
>not looking for
sex or sexual talk
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Into the typical things like Anime and Games, I consider myself pretty outgoing when I warm up to someone. I enjoy discussing interpersonal topics a lot
>looking for
someone feminine to bond with and build a relationship. The ideal is finding someone who I can spam and give lots of affection to(and get it). Would love someone to drag along to random games I play. US only
>not looking for
Racists, argumentative people, extremely political people
this guy sure spams me a lot of onion links with questionable content
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26 M USA
Gaming, Drawing, 3d printing, writing, reading, bonsai, fitness
>>looking for
Friends, I am trying to meet people whom I can be there for I enjoy being an active listener and helping others when I can. Just want to meet people whom are genuinely trying their best.
>>not looking for
Not interested in arguing in the slightest I simply. Negativity for its own sake, racists
onion link?
i met a girl off this thread and im in love with her and she loves me hooray
Happy for you. what are they like anon
pics or it didn't happen
good luck lol
shes perfect anon, shes funny, smart, charming, compassionate and has a wide range of interests and talents. shes really easy to talk to as well shes just so great
nice try folder bro
no she is a bit far from me but love conquers distance anon
I wish this thread was less shit nowadays. It is very transbian dominatrd
Frengen lethal company lobby when???
How long you been talking for?
so cute anon. hope you guys are gonna get to meet up soon!

fuck off this is adorable
It is. But the thread sucks now and will produce less of these romances
let me believe in 4chan love
they leave once they fall in love

its beautiful

I am kinable, this post was taken from /soc/ and someone changed the gender to F. Likely happened to other anons here but letting you guys know I am cis male
This is some good trolling.
eww transbian cringe
what is up with you retards just saying the country you're from. i genuinely don't understand where its gonna get u. u all use alts and then r scared of saying your state or whatever like FUCK off please. i'm not adding all of u just to find out you're thousands of miles away in the same country
what is up with retards making posts like this every thread. not everyone wants to meet irl, it's not that complicated. are you guys incapable of understanding that not everyone wants the same thing as you
i dont include state because i dont want irl meetups. since you clearly do it's a good thing you aren't adding me
people saying they only want others from their country is fucking retarded kys. if u dont want to meet what is that dumb shit. and half of them do want some type or relationship so i dont believe ur retard cope goodbye
based take. im hardly ever here anymore and its still always like the same 20 people on theyre 20th alt

I actually want to make deep realtionships
take a break to calm down before you post something stupid, general advice
what the fuck are you talking about lol
lots of people just want a friend to talk to online. again, it's not complicated
ty for confirming that you're in fact completely unable to comprehend people wanting something different from you though, that's actually incredible. i can tell a cis man wrote this post
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tranny needs more tranny friends
contact : partiallyweird
true online friends arent real friends
I added you. I'm >>36522229

Fair enough. Thanks for compliments, you seem a stand up guy. If you ever just want to be friends, I'm around
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HRT for 10+ years, I'm a passoid and mostly just like hanging out and listening to music, I work in finance. I just have a lot of fun socializing and talking to people from lgbt. Hoping to find new friend groups or old friends
>looking for
other passoids and cute girls. i will bully you lets be friends
>not looking for
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im taking a break didnt actually mean to make people hate me
die monster, you don't belong in this world
27/M/southeast US
Bi, autistic
games, some anime, most media, boys
>looking for
bf or gf ideally, but I’m lonely so just someone to talk to often or play games/watch stuff/whatever with
Also being autistic would probably be easier but I’m not picky there.
>not looking for
racists, bigots in general
Just set up an alt for this: supply_zap
19, mtf, canada
Gundam, From Software games (especially armored core), Parahumans, Touhou, Milk Outside a Bag of Milk, writing my first story, comp sci/linux
>looking for:
friends and servers
>not looking for:
_blueberrymilk on discord

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