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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Crush gone wrong story times

>Reminder: This gen is for cis homosexual females (lesbians). All trans-related or bisexual posts are considered off-topic and should be directed to other generals or threads. No discussion of male (XY) anatomy.

>OG Discord: https://pastebin.com/P644WESi
>New Discord: https://pastebin.com/1ct1Fcag

Previous thread: >>36484281
ive always liked that picture. It reminds me of how i used to be, and how nice it was to be able to be nice, and when being chivalrous was appreciated.
Its sad to see incels find new and creative ways of bringing the bar down on the floor then get mad at real lesboz because we did the basics, and actually enjoy making our partners happy.
just looking at it puts a smile on my face.
sigh* X)
Would you rather sniff a bra or panties?
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Bastard goreposter I was banned because of you and couldn't bump the thread and it died.
I can't really understand what you're trying to say S but you should be careful about saying the T word (not tranny but the other one) as it's now a banable offense as of yesterday.
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Last bump because I'm going to bed but this is ridiculous how dead it is, I expect the thread will be gone when I wake up.
Goodnight /clg/
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I've never had a crush gone right.
The girls I want are too perfect and out of reach, while the girls that like me aren't my type.
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>my face whenever I hear there's been a car accident nearby
There were two other people who would bump the thread throughout the day, but I think it's just us now.
Uuuuh, thas no me...
Is that troll pretending to be you again?
i think so, i didnt even know trip was in the last one. kind'a got mad when the terminology they used was not me. Like, yeah, im an ass hole but pos is not my nutral
Panties of course. I love the smell and taste of pussy juice.
wow it's so dead in here
Anyone interested in 1v1 smash ultimate tomorrow after 11pm central? I'll fight you
what does this even mean?
If you don't want to fight me for glory then don't fucking reply I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you
What kind of fighting will take place? is it to the death? is it some sort of dance battle? do you have a bagina? are you taller than me or shorter than me? (protip: if you're shorter than me, you already won, those chicks are to attractive to me for any epic battle to take place at all) What kind'a interaction we talk'n bout here?
It's that Nintendo character fighter game
if its Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity, im down, i STILL haven't bought the switch, just because i really really REALLY dont want to buy yet, ANOTHER entertainment system. but i really like The legend of Zelda series. I lub dat game sense it came out in the 80's. Or is it smash brothers? or mortal kombat?? IDk there are no epic games right now. Not enough to get me to spend money on a whole ass new system anyway.
HowEver! I i dont hate you, i dont know you.. but I WILL TAKE THIS CHALLENGE MuhLady!!
For the honor of CisLesGen!!
ps, ps, im still not spending money on a new system unless its an epic game
have you ever flirted with a bishit milf? how did it go?
>>have you ever flirted with a bishit milf?
I like girls, of course i have.

>>how did it go?
Poorly, i ask for very little, Be single single, as in if you're into me, please let me know. And whatever it is you would like me to stop doing, you have to stop doing it too. Its like a good faith investment in a possible future.
Man that girl could Not stop talking about me. Every day it was something new, and it doesnt help that everyone and their mom is attracted to me, so of COURSE they are all going to tell me about every single move she makes.
I liked that girl, I still do, but i dont think she would ever be ready for someone like me. Im a full ass established seasoned can straight up take care of you adult. I think she was more interested in listening to 20teens then to humor my ass. Im Okay with it, Realistically, i dont think she was any kind of gay. Just a girl who liked me. I liked her too. It is what it is.
The thread actually survived my sleep...

>There were two other people who would bump the thread throughout the day
I know bipedochan used to before she left
>but I think it's just us now.
People will come back... I'm sure of it...
Nice song :)
Anyways if /clg/ doesn't recover and just slowly dies permanently I want you all to know I love you and hope you all have a beautiful life.
I have many good memories of this place and reading the thread while I eat my breakfast in the morning has been something I've done almost every day for nearly 11 years.
If this really is the end of our community I will miss it dearly but nothing lasts forever and 11 years is a very long time, we lasted a lot longer than many 4chan generals for sure.
/clg/ is dying because of all the traitors who went over to troongen. Oh well, they weren't real lesbians anyway. They have 6 months left.
Dubs and I will join hinge to shag a fat bisexual with a race play fetish.
>11 years browsing this site
id rather kill myself before admitting this
I didn't know anyone from here went there.

I've been on 4chan longer than that but /lgbt/ was only made in 2013.
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What do we think of Mongolia's Olympic uniform?

I've been on 2006. I came for the anime, stayed for the memes. Honestly, I just refresh a few boards and leave now, I don't even watch anime anymore.

You have to understand, back then, you had to register for forums that were moderated by fellow users who modded how they wished and not under any guideline. You could literally get a warning for using too many emojis, frequent incorrect spelling or the mods could straight up delete/edit your post. A lot of forums even prohibited NSFW and cursing.
what they banned you for was being an islamaphobe

not one TERF supports islam
oh great the tranny is here no wonder the thread is so dead
replace tranny with jew i dare you
i dont dont have beef with jewish people, i DO have beef when people str8 Up pass laws that One HUNDRED percent affect me negatively.
Its funny when you think about it, they literally just fucked the mass over ego and pride to prove a point, now EVERYONE will pay because of ONE kid who has NO concept about anything that has to do with gayness, or transness.
>No discussion of male (XY) anatomy.
no discussion of penis
>No discussion of male (XY) anatomy.
also you're a fucking lesbian how do trans laws affect you are you that retarded


Flat Chest

Y Chromosome

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>Pe-*grabs you by your nasty adam's apple that you have because you are a putrid male with a crossdressing fetish that will never be a woman and tears out your throat with my bare hands*
i used to post in this gen instead of the other one bc I want to think of myself as just a normal lesbian woman instead of the freak I am. But nowadays you people only seem to talk about trannies. absolutely fuck this gen, now I have nowhere to go.

I used to post in this gen too
now where do I post?
Should I post in random threads on page 10? Is that what you evil TERFerinis want me to do????
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My wife is sad about her m*le viewers number ;(
those fetishist moids are jacking off to shakesperean children
If the sex distribution of your channel looks like that it either means you dress like a whore and the moids are jacking off to you or you have interesting and based content that likely appeals to autists
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Youtube like most websites is overwhelmingly male, there are very few categories that have majority female viewership.
Whitewomanbros.... we aren't beating the allegations....
White women are a small minority of the women Youtube viewers.
Bedtime soon
Why is it that way? What kind of activities do women like that are different than what men like? I'm not sure anyone knows
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Goodnight anon, sweet dreams.

We are a sexually dimorphic species so it makes sense that the sexes think and behave differently and have vastly differing interests.
Doubt it's sexual dimorphism. The stuff surrounding makeup/cosmetics, skin/nails, and weight loss is likely a byproduct of social conditioning.
>The stuff surrounding makeup/cosmetics, skin/nails, and weight loss is likely a byproduct of social conditioning
One of my issues with radfems & gendercrits is the way they refuse to acknowledge that some behaviors might have a biological basis. All of the behaviors listed above are just beautification rituals with the purpose of making yourself a more appealing mate according to current beauty standards. Humans really are just retarded animals ruled by reproductive instinct. Certain women (including myself) might be uninterested in partaking in said rituals bc of autism or some other antisocial issue. Radfems will be free when they finally accept that the desire to be fuckable (reproductive instinct) is why women do the unnecessary, tedious, & often harmful things they do and no reasoning will be able to save them from themselves
I want updates! You don't have to life story it, just let me know you're okay! I'm not expecting some grand epic tale, just worried about my friends is all.
I cooked me up one of those huge pot-pies from Sam's Club. I do not regret it at all, I'm a little overstuffed and I'll probably be gassy all night but that was so good. I have a little left to eat cold later tonight.
I want to know if baek has kissed the girl she was dating yet
Bedtime soon
Wow, I care for none of these.

tf it's all vidya
At times I wonder whether the AI is biased though.
When I was working in the US, the company bragged about how their AI can identify men and women based on writings.
While this was true for Americans, all European women who tried it were identified as males.
Me and my gf have incompatible kinks.
She made me cry and say the safeword once and I was the domme.
>While this was true for Americans, all European women who tried it were identified as males.
Were the euros writings in their language or English? I think people are probably less expressive in their second language.

>She made me cry and say the safeword once and I was the domme.
How? if you don't mind sharing
I woke up, ate my pie, going back to bed soon
what kind of pot pie was it? I hope all was good. gn anon. sleep well .
daisy ridley
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>it's finally set in after 5 years that she's not interested
>5 years
That’s pretty fuckin embarrassing anon. Did you watch her have relationships and stuff too? If so that’s extra cringe + cuck shit
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Heavy eating days of summer.
I'd think Daisy wins that matchup at +1, if not +2. Ridley has weight going for him and size working against him. He's only ever one good combo away from death
i have never had a crush go right, no woman has even been attracted to me in my life, even though plenty of men have. i’m not even particularly feminine. i’m 20, should i just end it?
Sometimes I think back to my crush 6 years ago. I don't know if I have any feelings for her anymore because my heart certainly doesn't race but I'm wondering if I just think about her because it's the last time I had feelings for someone.
>be me, radfem
>decide to stop being a neet and try to find friends with similar interests or hot feminist wife
>join feminist advocacy group
>its all trannies
>join abortion advocacy group
>it’s like half trannies but whatever
>we protest the RNC
>each group gets one speaker to explain what their groups marching for
>my group appoints a “butch” transwoman
>literally just a normal looking man with pink hair and cowboy boots
why do women not give a shit about their own rights? why do they care more about moids feelings than protecting women?
They just like penis that much.
Now that society has placed boundaries on what men can do to women they've found a workaround and make sure that women are retarded enough to think men are women.
if I have a good paying job and am cute I can get any gf I want right?
My little sister has her first bf and it's gross desu
She's 19 and has never expressed interest in guys before this so I just assumed she was asexual
>why do women not give a shit about their own rights?
Oh anon, you sweet summer child. I was like you once, following radfem tumblrs and trying to radpill my female friends & acquaintances on trannies, moids, and gender role retardation. It doesn’t work lol women literally worship males, it is coded into their dna I believe. The true path of the disagreeable autist dyke is accepting that radical feminism is not for you and that you can’t use plain cold logic to appeal to women who are primarily fueled by their feelings. Make some based friends whom you can feel comfortable saying what you believe around and enjoy your life
It’s pretty normal to be grossed out by the idea of your sibling being sexual and fucking. Just tell her to use birth control and don’t think about it anymore kek
>It’s pretty normal to be grossed out by the idea of your sibling being sexual and fucking.
My sweet innocent sister doing anything sexual is gross and wrong but it being hetshit is particularly bad
>Just tell her to use birth control and don’t think about it anymore kek
I'm just not going to talk about it at all
It was a chicken one with carrots and peas and celery and potatoes, I threw a little Tabasco on it but I wish I used Tapitio instead
Jealous she's not doing it with you?
I woke up early just to make sure we didn't die

Anyone dealing with parents trying to set them up with men because they are not out to their [religious] family? I thought they would give up and let me enjoy my auntie era now that I’m in my 30s.
got to ask, did the tabasco taste weird on the crust? I dont think ive ever had tabasco on any kind of breaded kind of thing
>>how do trans laws affect you
TFW, i have diagnosed SA PTSD, and now have to share a locker room with dudes like FemSack
>>you're a fucking lesbian how do trans laws affect you

TFW, self ID is an American law that allows anyone to do anything that violates people's medical issues just because a dude like FemSuck, is now legally allowed to bully everyone freely claiming to be oppressed wile he metaphorically beats everyone to a bloody pulp
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Oh dear
It did, but I don't really like Tabasco much, it always tastes fermented, like it's vaguely alcoholic? I much prefer this guy over anything else.
My mom has cancer
>Man that girl could Not stop talking about me.
What’s wrong with that?
Creates lesbian visibility and Impedes on women’s rights.
Idk if that’s accurate. I never answer honestly to online servers and will pretend to be a guy on any of the other boards on here to avoid harassment
I love those
Yikes hope you can recover
I'm sorry to hear that anon, was it caught early or is it really serious?
One of my closest friends lost her mom to cancer last month. She is only 21 which is a really young age to lose your mom and her dad died when she was 7 so her only surviving family is her older brother and one of her grandparents, it's really sad and upsetting.
I’m 30 and feel this way. Men are always interested but I’m not “gay enough” looking or some shit
>why do women not give a shit about their own rights? why do they care more about moids feelings than protecting women?
Because they’re stupid. Honestly idk. I ask the same question constantly. Maybe try a book club? I’ve had some success there.

If you want to avoid trannies completely try women’s sports or a gun group. Second will have some men but the women there are gold.
I wish it worked that way. Found out the hard way it doesn’t
>being hetshit is particularly bad
I also get the ick seeing strait people
Try to focus on how happy she is instead of how gross it is if you can
My parents almost set up an arranged marriage for me. Honestly I thought about it. I live in a really conservative community so life would have been a bit easier. I just needed to find a guy who wouldn’t want to have sex that I could divorce off when my parents die.

Instead I just up and left my community. Moved to a different place.
I LOVE that Louisiana sauce. Get some Vinegar in me.
I have an ice pack to put in between my thighs.
I think it’s caught early enough she’ll be ok, but she’ll have to get her boobs removed completely. I think it’s going to be really rough on here. Idk if I’ll have to take care of her while she’s bed ridden. She only just told me and I don’t know the details.

Oh shit, I feel terrible for your friends that’s rough.
>I think it’s caught early enough she’ll be ok
I hope so anon, cancer can be really nasty. Double mastectomy may suck but if it will save her life then it's not that big a deal.
>Were the euros writings in their language or English?

>I think people are probably less expressive in their second language.
That may be, but good English skills was a req and the Anglo slags who speak English their whole live were also identified as male.
But the point I tried to make is that "femininity" seems to be a cultural thing. AI can be biased as well, so if someone deems it that girls don't play vidya period, their accounts will be categorised as such in the statistics. Which is quite a big deal as this involves advertisements.
>Instead I just up and left my community. Moved to a different place.

How far away did you move?
I lean towards aromanticism so I don’t see any point in coming out to my parents when my gay experiences are all hookups.
Murdering children isn’t protecting women.
Thanks anon
Are you super religious or something?
I don’t need to be super religious to disagree with murder
I’m indifferent to abortion since it’s a heterofag problem.
So you are. Got it. Psalms 137 promises blessings for people who bash babies brains against the rocks. “Blessed be the one who seizes and dashes your little ones against a rock…”
Assuming you’re not a larp I’ll try to explain abortion best I can. I’m not a doctor or medical assistant, but I can promise you it’s not murder. No kid is dying in the process. When you eat chicken eggs are you killing a baby chicken? No. Obviously most eggs that you can buy aren’t fertilized. So what about after fertilization? When the body starts to create life in an egg, no matter the animal, when does it become alive? Well we do not have a good definition of what makes someone or something alive I can tell you this, the general rule is after we can detect brain waves there is consciousness and you are not allowed to terminate the pregnancy. Up until then there is no one there, no one is home. Telling people they are killing babies is like telling a doctor they killed someone when they pulled the blue on someone who is brain dead.
Yea it’s not a big deal if you don’t have sex with men. Im still pro choice though encase I get raped or something someday and need one.
* pulled the plug

Misspelling my bad
I'm not the pro-life activist anon but fetuses experience periods of consciousness from 14 weeks onward and most western countries allow abortion up to 20 weeks.
In the USA blue states usually have no limit on how late in pregnancy you can abort which is kinda messed up imo.
It is funny to me how like over half of all /clg/ threads have at least a small argument about abortion even thoughhoweverbeit it doesn't really affect us all that much.
I thought that happened at 26 weeks? But yea the blue stats that don’t place a limit on abortion… it’s tucked up. I think it was reactionary on their part because of what republicans were doing.

Yea I’ve noticed this conversation pop up a few times since the first time I’ve gotten involved. Maybe there are some bishits here or something… or maybe it’s brain damage from associating with liberals. I’ve gotten to the point I really hate them and their stupid expectations on what I should care about.
I will anon :)
I do want her to be happy
Found a job in a city 700 miles away. I get that it kinda feels stupid coming out if you don’t have a gf. But also how will you ever find a gf if all you do is hide? Maybe try don’t ask don’t tell and find a friend group? Don’t have to come out to your parents but at least you can have people to talk to and place it’s ok to express yourself. Easier to find people in big cities.
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>Well we do not have a good definition of what makes someone or something alive
So all abortion should be banned, since pro-“choice” people can’t even be sure that they’re not murdering a person. Look at abortion legislation itself, how it varies from state to state in America and from country to country around the world, abortion legislation isn’t based on scientific evidence of whether a foetus has become conscious or not, it’s based on completely arbitrary factors, some American states like Oregon and Alaska don’t even restrict abortion based on gestational age, mothers there can legally murder their babies even right before their birth.
>the general rule is after we can detect brain waves there is consciousness and you are not allowed to terminate the pregnancy.
Comatose patients aren’t conscious, yet they are still alive.
>Telling people they are killing babies is like telling a doctor they killed someone when they pulled the blue on someone who is brain dead.
And what if that brain dead person was soon to become conscious, would you be alright with doctors pulling the plug on their life support machines then?
Wow you’re stupid
I want to be beg. Like 6ft at least and have a loving butch gf. But here I am short and girlfriendless.
We're doing the abortion shit again? It's okay, odd that you think we'd have a consensus on the subject, but some people are like a dog with a bone. They only care about their One thing, nothing else matters. It can be sitting on a pile in a hoarding situation just rotting in the sun, but nooo I'm gonna need it at some point eventually maybe, don't throw it out!
I’m only pro choice in case I decide to make a sperm donor baby and it ends up having down syndrome or something. That or if I get kidnapped and raped
im so sorry for this anon, My dad was diagnosed with it about two years ago, hes doing better now, but he gets really tired now. I myself was diagnosed with something last year, they still dont know what is causing the pain, DESU i really dont even want to know anymore. ive just come to terms that my life is just distend to end up like this. NGL, ive been smoking for 30 years, i was ready for heart deses or lung cancer, never in a million years would i imagine i would get anything in my uterus.
Do they know what stage she's in? Is everyone ready for what its gonna take for your senpai? I hope everything turns out okay for you. I would never wish that on ANYONE, ever. I hope you guys land safely on the other side of this.
Absolutly NOTHING, ngl, i kinda like it when girls do that talking about the cute someone in their lives, Its just when i would talk to her, sometimes i would blurt out some of the things people would tell me. Not much bad in there, just really cute things. But i really did like her, so at those moments "derp" is the only thing that would fall out.
for me death would be the only out if abortion was not an option. My PTSD, would never allow for my brain to adjust.
Happly listing to a party down the street

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