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QOTT: Political ideology?
i just hate white people i don't have other politics
Anarcho-Tranny-Islamism duh
white maoist
ew no thanks, politics is gay, I just think people should be treated fairly and ideology sucks
I think NA communities and society would generally be in a better place if typical people just shut the fuck up about whatever dumb tribal political ideology they espouse and tried to find things in common with their everyday human experience instead of substituting ritual purity testing for civil discourse
god fuck off
i love lenin
I don't find myself agreeing with nietzsche's conclusions and syphilitic rantings but find his exploration of nihilism and rejection of dogma to be foundational to my own personal philosophy
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I changed my mind, my politics is lain
i’m a soc dem thru and thru but i end up just voting democrat
i want trotsky to fuck me while wearing his cute leather outfit (neoconservative)
I hate Leninism
sometimes I wonder if one of these times soon the sirens aren't gonna stop and it's gonna be something serious
you people have sirens?
I live in an overpopulated overpriced overburdened inner city area in a fairly nice state in a "first world" country so yes especially in a heat wave there are sirens going off all the time, I'm also right next to a freeway exit (which seems to be true of literally every place I have lived on my own)
what are these sirens you speak of?
checked, they're these weird bird creatures with humanoid faces and giant tits for some reason despite being avian and they put you to sleep by singing so you gotta watch out
sounds like they would mog me...
they're half-fish ladies that hang out on the rocks and get sailors to crash their ships
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it's these bitches that vampire keeps in his basement that d just outcooms into submission with raw sexual energy
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no actually it's these hoes that almost got jack and his crew
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i am a left communist
liberal leaning socdem
though i also think having a strong military that is willing to defend allies & democracies is important as well

essentially, build houses and trains at home and build a larger navy for abroad
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i will not apologize, lmao
defending Kosovo? based
Gulf War? based
supporting Ukraine? Based
defending Taiwan? Based
Supporting the rights of minority/lgbt rights? Based
building public transportation since its just a better use of govt tax dollars & helps poor people by giving more access to job market & not be burdened by having to own a car? based
building more housing being built because lack of housing is one of the main reasons for housing cost inflation? based
implementing housing first policies for homeless because its been shown to be the most effective method to help? based
the ocky way
fart tuah
braaap on that thang
i can't keep being an enbycoper. it isn't acceptable. it isn't normal
some of us were never going to be normal or acceptable no matter what
At this point I would unironically rather have people see me as a gay HRTwink than a they/them copium addict

I came in enbycoping though so I know the pain
we were never going to make it any other way
wow sometimes it just hits really hard and you have to try like hell not to fucking lose it over how over it is
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whatever will be funny for 3 days before i lose interest
my only belief is that I cant stand anarchists
I'm gonna starve myself and think really hard about why everyone hates me and how I deserve to be alone
i felt true emotion for the first time in my life on psilocybin this month and spent hours wailing like i'd never before so now sober crying fits feel like a waste of time and i'm just gonna go play noita instead

that's always good but not really sustainable just eat like 800 calories a day
post pics you fucking retards
of what I posted like three pictures earlier
why are there so many low iq people on this board?
not in my sight grandma
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scroll up? what's your issue here's another picture
post pics
do chasers like manmoders?
of what
depends on the pics
up to you
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its ugly you wont want it
im waiting...
This pic has been around since the dawn of Internet I believe if not before.
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it's probably close to as old as I am
i wonder if chudette likes girls who are clocky...
i wonder if chudette likes girls who are indistinguishable from the average man...
I like when you can't quite tell what someone is
literally actually me
nigga im bald as fuck
got that mishima hairline
beat off my meat after i get done raping a bitch
guarantee i have read more books than you (fiction doesn't count)
I'm so hungry
idgaf just give me the estrogen and leave me the fuck alone is my ideology
i also take issue with being lumped in with liberals, socdems (liberals) and maoists (liberals)
i'm stupid as FUCK and my ass stinks too
I am truly disgusting and horrible
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im crumbling
I masturbated with my dick
I hate myself
I’m permafake
Sympathize with general anarchism with no labels. I don’t like the idea of politics or political power at all and wherever it exists it should be removed. Systems should have as little power over people’s lives. Of course in practice this will never happen and society will always practice politics due to material and ideological reasons but neither will anyone else’s fantastical ideology.
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no matter how good it gets, you will never have the perspective and amazement of when you were younger again. the world is worn out at this point and i don't know of any way out of it other than ending everything. i love being me so much, i deserve all of it . no one deserves the pain of loving me so i should end it too :)
You are a good person please keep going
>jerk off
>get high
>do basic math
>update arch linux
>suck my own dick
>eat ice cream and chocolate
>fantasize about killing people
OMG yes!! it feels so good to be a real & valid woman!!1
omg yes!
Real women have penis and jerk off and do piv sex CHUD! WE ARE LESBIANS DEAL WITH IT
i hate woke
it doesnt make any sense
i hate being asked my pronouns
i hate people telling me their pronouns
im tired of being a conservative trapped in the body of a woke libtard
being transphobic and trans at the same time is a contradiction therefore i cant be trans and that makes sense anyway because only men are like this i am exactly like a creepy sexist misogynistic rapist incel loser
you are a woman but meth makes you crazy and dysphoric
post unsee methschizo
are you cute at least
look me in the eyes when i cum from your advances
just jerked off in a cheap miniskirt an AFAB gifted me :) i am so so SO stunning and brave
then i wiped my cum on my men's underwear. just like a real girl
i will suck the cock of anyone ITT in exchange for cocaine
Omg just like me!!!!!!
I am dysphoric about not having strong enough bottom dysphoria
I hate that I raped myself today just because I was hornier than usual(aka not at all)
I hate being horny
I hate it
I hate that i slipped into pornography so easily knowing full well I would hate it.
I hate it
Something is amiss with my hormones. Back on full power cypro fuck YOU
ummmmm estrogen shouldnt be that high at trough right
Depends on your doseage
EV monotherapy every 5 days, thought it was supposed to be like 300
kinda wish i didnt have a penis and male sexuality and wasn't forced by my brain habits and literal genes to masturbate to shitty porn
Eh it differs for different people
I wouldnt say its a bad thing desu but check it again next time
Ask hrtgen desu they know more
could b worse lol
ty for replying have a great day
every other tranny I know passes and I don't
He looks like Anne Frank
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bros Someone at HQ is trying to kill me
I want to detransition, being socially female is more important to me than having a feminine body but I am afraid of balding and masculinizing
I look like this and say this
Take your meds
Then start passing
I've been on HRT for 8 months, I am 6'1, I have a very masculine face (this general said so itself) and I will never pass
>I want to detransition but don't actually want to detransition also I'm manmoding even though I have social dysphoria
many such cases
go hon and be a happy tran
555 888
I don't live in a safe area to honmode
You can eventually pass as a woman that’s older than your actual age
Height is ok but you need a few things
>good skeleton genes
>money for surgeries
>be lean not fat
Eventually passing will be reality but if anyone told you it’s simple they lied
Transitioning is extremely hard. But even if you take years to get settled it can be achieved with success
Create a support group if none exist. And from there it will be better.
I should be killed for being an agp faketrans manmoder
What am I even doing if my penis is still working and mind controlling me to that extend as it did. Fuck
I just
An awful human being
I hate it
>good skeleton genes
I have wide shoulders but a small ribcage and big hips
>money for surgeries
I don't have money and I live in poverty
>be lean not fat
I guess I have this
>Eventually passing will be reality but if anyone told you it’s simple they lied
No I knew what I was getting into, I repressed for a while because I knew that it was over. I had a mental breakdown and decided to start hormones after that
>Create a support group if none exist. And from there it will be better.
I got banned from one for complaining about my height and masculinity too much
You are fine skeleton wise I think
Surgeries aren’t the end all be all
And yes complaining and trauma dumping is not cool. You should be talking in positive notes. Things you are improving on. Your life getting better
Rottmaxxing and asking people to participate in that is not good. It is good to vent sometimes but you need to remember that self hate is still hate. Don’t do that please :(
I think you can get better
Women can have giant shoulders. Working out to bring your best features forwards like your hips abd butt is crucial too. Face always matters but being clocky yet passing is good I think.
You should consider reaching out to people again
You can get back up again.
My penis works fine and my levels are great
Smoke some weed and jerk off it’s very fun
This sounds like just a shitty cope, I'm not going delusional
went out with no concealer and looking generally shitty and i got ma’am-ed then turned a corner and got sirred

kill me
skill issue I love my dick and that I can jack off still if I want, if your libido is running away with you still then check your levels
yes that's way too high and might hamper your development
brb buying a durag and a wife beater
It made me feel really bad
I want to avoid this abd I skip up sometimes
What does
>your libido is running away with you still
Also can’t check till start of next month, I got noooo money
Just try to improve your life
You know going back to a man isn’t it
Why detroon?
Women cum too little buddy dw
anons be honest how b(l)ackpilled should I be about my shoulders
I feel like a fridge it sucks
I kinda want to stop taking hrt cuz its only making it harder to dissociate
unsee cc/album#zj50AvtJMQXA
Built for rape
Okay. So my height is a problem. How do I decrease it?
me practicing surely
I have bodybuilder genetics I should have just gymrepped
As a twink appreciator your pic passes the test you are built for rape
You are now the official MMG Free Use Slut.
I mean if you're still more horny than you want to be check your fucking levels, retard
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not even close
twigs me
It isn’t
Talk women exist
Don’t you think of that?
Women as tall as me are extremely rare and are still not as likely to have broad shoulders
Yes me retard
I’ll check em when I’m allowed to. I’ll nuke T till then
Kill it with fire
Don’t call me “buddy”. Cumming is w/e who cares
I’m mad at having no self control
At stooping so low.
i hope i can bottom some day
Ok but you can have an incredible ass with your description and wear clothing that hide your shoulders if you hate them.
I understand dysphoria but do t brainworm yourself, women can absolutely have your build.
I won’t do anal
Only post srs
I’ll give head and stuff
ill do anal
i neeeed to be dommed
its getting harder and harder over time
i fucking looked in the goddamn mirror again FUCK
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I fucking looked in the goddamn mirror again... fuck...
Sandpaper skin and grazing brows
what is a grazing brow, like they're scrape-y?
Women cannot have my face, this general told me that I have it very rough. I can't afford FFS
It grazes the sun with how protruding and rough it is
shut the fuck up retard that is one of the most unhelpful and humiliating and demoralizing things you can say
This lol being an ugly woman is horrible don’t know how people look at that as a win..
it's not even about that, the statement is a putdown and an order to give up all in one, but because people are FUCKING stupid you get to pass it off linguistically as though it's encouraging self-acceptance or actually supportive

god I hate people
it's in the title
what are you talking about? you don't know me or what I look like, I'm saying that telling people to just accept being an ugly woman and handwaving their concerns is as insulting and demoralizing a way to undermine someone and their progress as hateboxing or hugboxing
I am sorry
I should do better
Don't be sorry, you just said what you thought was best
If my best is not good enough because of reasons then I should do better and apologize for my rash, inappropriate, and terrible comment
I’ll try to be better.
I'm really confused, what the fuck are you even trying to say? are we hitting a language barrier or what?
chatgpt ahh convo
I fucked up
Said some terrible shit because I’m retarded
And now I apologized for that
ok... weird...
People make mistakes, that's it
Its not that deep i don’t think…. probably just means what it says
the chinchad becomes a chinhon
it's not "deep" you retard it's just the actual implications and practicalities of the statement when applied to someone's life, like it's really easy to just say as a platitude but nobody saying that to anyone else actually thinks about going through that process internally and what the outcome is

mindless fucking drones parroting key phrases
I dunno why it’s weird to admit I did something wrong but ok
And I want to show I’m sorry about said mistake.
Like this is normal right? You fuck up, you apologize and move on
its not dat srs lil bro pipe down
it reeks of insincerity because you didn't bother to even try answering my questions or addressing what I said, just apologized and basically said "never mind" which is completely dismissive, idk why you'd even bother apologizing when you don't know what you did and won't engage with the person you think you slighted or what they're trying to discuss

shut up retard
if this is ur reaction to that then u have way bigger issues. get well soon
idk what you're trying to say or do but you're trying way too hard
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you both sound retarded. hope that helps
imma go to snowbunny heaven

all I did was say something was shitty and explain why, is this a conspiracy theory or some schizo shit, or do you just not understand the language being used?
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My face feels like sandpaper but still too anxious to go get lasered.... Might just end it now I can't live like this
skill issue
What I did was say something to that other anon that dismisses them and their issues and basically craps all over their inquires and insecurities that they write about.
I do agree with you about that comment. I said it without much thought abd I should be better than that.
So I apologize for my comment and rash judgement. And also about the Devi d comment about you being harsh on yourself when you aren’t the original anon I made the “ugly woman” comment about.
I do have a hard time being authentic but I try to improve.
I Need June
i'm such a pussy baby bitch... the pain of getting laser frightens me
>craps all over their inquires and insecurities
ok, I think we are hitting a language barrier after all, it's not just a matter of insecurities at all and you're actually doing the exact same thing I called out again
I hope he’s alive he is too hot to die :(
gross, shut up june I know you never actually leave this place
Ok what am I misunderstanding. I’m serious
you doubled down on snubbing what I was saying and minimized it is "insecurities," idiot

don't feel bad
you're like literally every other drooling empty vessel
i miss my bf, i want sex badly but i hate typical masturbation. are there any alternative methods of release for a delicate princess like myself?
So what do I do to afford FFS? I can't get a well paying job, in fact, I can't get a job that isn't dangerous
gently feed your princess wand into a hand cracked meat grinder
You called for me bbgirl?
move somewhere that insurance covers it
sounds stimulating i'll try that ^_^
Hey bro please post ass I’m dying
sex... and violence!
I’ll do better
violent sex? choke me til i pass out and scratch me til i bleed?
For you never xD
for someone special here...maybe
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>trooned out because a girl broke up with me 15 years ago
i wanna be her
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please June im begging
opposite for me, I repped and tried to "man up" for a girl instead of trooning out and being myself, and I was the one broke up with her (a bunch of times honestly) but she kept showing back up in my life even after she cheated on me
Similar story
As a kid I was convinced at some point that all my feelings abd mistakes were due to the lack of pussy
Turns out it was unknown dysphoria, arrested development, and lack of strong social circles
Just realized what I wrote lol
Yeah lack of pussy alright
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What do manmoder desktops look like?
I’ve been studying media in high school, but I might switch to Linux if I end up working with programming and stuff. It seems interesting and it could help me save up money for surgeries but I have never tried it.

Windows is really good for video and photo editing btw.
I use apple =D
I use Ubuntu
Be on y'all's toes. Money is on its way.
Keep stackin that paper my man
Hey chat should I kill myself already? I’m starting to think maybe mom will die after me
But if I ever cared for anyone I would not be here so if I don’t care maybe it’s ok
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a filthy neglected mess, well-customized to my liking and maintained to the minimum extent possible, just like the rest of me and my life
thanks for reminding me to dust my desk
nta but m$ has never gotten my cash for a piece of software or service that wasn't directly related to the xbox and windows is the comfy ecosystem where I grew up and had all my professional development

it's way more noticeable in pictures... I should really clean up but lol executive function
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i hate being a skullpilled chadjawed foreheadhon
Mogs me
better midface than me
soph got ffs
it is over
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still mogs me

bogs me
but people had also mistaken me for her lol...
mogs my hairline
Who cares the dude is tall af
not as tall as me
>all ai sites say "woman"
>betaface says "man"...
there is only one site that doesnt hugbox
>Political ideology?


lolberts are the BIGGEST crybaby cucks I've ever met and had the displeasure of getting to know, every single time they are bending over for the biggest strongest most yelliest and loudest strongman authoritarian they can and just can't wait to give up their rights for him

you're fucking pathetic and you will get what you deserve
read mor
how do I understand Hegel?
italian or dutch-german
I think on the second time around all the angelic runes get translated
I want to fuck a commie they seem very kind hearted despite intellectual flaws
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can i pass this off as manmoding?
betaface calls me female too lol sorry its a hugbox
after i fix my face i plan on it
Diabetes will come for you before you can even book a consultation for ffs, time is running out…
https://unsee cc/album#9cQDvm2PEfoL
this is how you manmode
you... >>36559839
"manmoder" who gets seen as a woman by all AI & stuff
that is barely manmode if at all

i’ll concede that its basically honmoding but im staying here anyways
my blood sugar is good : )
how long HRT?
it is...
approaching 8m at the end of the month
thats nothing lol
why are you still here
I look nowhere near as feminine as you at 8 months
which one?
yea... and?
The disrespect wtf… https://voca.ro/1fipHPnUJ9tZ
i just want to feel something
>2 webcams
one was for my work pc lol
Post ass NOW
That’s the best voice I’ve heard in MMG step your dicks up!!
it's bad, i only let my bf fuck me with the lights off
too bad i'm STUCK with it don't dissociate your lives away as a woman on the internet there are serious consequences!!
keep working on resonance
decided that I won't go to the doctor, I'll call the company that I decided I won't be working for them
I am not getting discovered to be a tranny, not where I live
yea :3
is there any particular practice or maybe thing to try and be cognizant of (whether if its a physical sensation, a particular sound, etc) that i can work on?
Please don’t use this voice IRL you sound like if minnie mouse was dying from lung cancer
do whisper sirens over and over
It sounds cisf but also very pretty, you should learn to sing..
I should have repressed, being a tranny is too stressful
whisper sirens suck you'll be stuck doing warm-ups before you can speak, learn how to voice resonance or suffer with inconsistency. and practice at a lower pitch you are obviously straining yourself, pitch is pretty irrelevant anyways..
aw thanks! i can sorta sing but too scared to do it without playing guitar as well, maybe i'll post a clip here when i'm in a good mood c:
whisper sirens don’t suck if you vocalize after. they’re fine for early training to build muscle memory

every girl i know with a good voice used them early on. the are silent and you can build up the muscles very frequently even when not actively vocalizing
yea, ill def bring the pitch down
i used them, like, a few times at the start to learn the feeling but if you can voice the higher resonance afterwards then why wouldn't you focus on doing that without an unvoiced exercise? i mean they obviously know what resonance IS it just needs to be dialed in more... idk maybe you're right this stuff was simple for me and i never had autist voice
ugly ahh voices itt. detransition pls!
i get hit on or at least threatened with rape in every game i play
iwn speak again
Little do they know I started voiceposting because I wanted chuddie to call me a fag in his deep sexy voice… now i can jerk off later tonight my plan worked haahahahaha
god you're hot
Please put cigarettes out on my skin omg
i want you to choke me while you take me from behind
ye :3
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i want to rip out my vocal chords
why are there so many trans leftcoms
dude just voice train
this but unironically, if you can't be a girl irl why not be one on the internet?
>larp as a girl online
>give up and still be a man irl
that's really offputting and dysphoria-inducing to me, seems like a massive cope and I would hate myself so much more if I had ever done that, that's boomer sissy/repper garbage
Mogs me
i mean i am trying to be a girl irl too, i think it's better than nothing in the meantime. tons of voice practice and interacting with people as a woman is a real help for future passing attempts. i've done it since i was like 12 it's not boomer sissy... plus i tell the ones i'm actually close with that i'm trans these days.
whatever I guess I just don't get it because, unlike you, I'm actually a fucking manmoder
this is my stop
this was always going to be it for me

you? you're planning on more

manmode is forever and making that as comfortable as possible is what this has all been about, so I find the suggestion to just... give up on physical reality and work exclusively on your voice deeply insulting and demoralizing (in a way that I find really hard to not assume is deliberate)

I want to be a female socially
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so then stop manmoding, retard
I will only be a tranny socially, actually a crossdresser at best
hey, you do you. my social dysphoria is intense, and i don't think i make a particularly convincing man in personality, mannerisms, hobbies, etc. it's genuinely more comfortable for me to present female when possible. for the last some odd years that has meant online but i am trying my absolute best to make it irl too.
>it's genuinely more comfortable for me to present female when possible. for the last some odd years that has meant online but i am trying my absolute best to make it irl too.
well I guess I can't judge or hate on that, it just seems like... very specifically not a manmoder thing to me? idk, I seem to be the only person itt like this though, so I'm probably the odd one out and don't actually have a label of my own
>”just make a social embarrassment out of yourself retard”
i am a man on the internet
Anarchist, ego communist/communization style
Exactly the nigga has no clue what its like
don't you dare try to talk shit to me b*ymoder fuck off, you're nothing like me
>if you want to be seen as a woman just honmode RETARD
ok because I'm curious

i’m not a boymoder i have never malefailed
a girl complimented my necklace when i was out :3
i hope some day i can be seen as a woman :(
Not being treated like a woman indicates that I don’t look female which makes me physically dysphoric. They go hand in hand and are codependant
men sometimes compliment my hair, and then ask me if i'm in a band or if i play guitar
someone list every website that has gendering AI. all of the ones i’ve tried call me female even though im a giant man
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I put the MAN in manmoder
i get female on all of them too (even with hair pulled back) but face doesn't mean that much when i'm 5'10", wide and deep torso, male belly and back fat, giant hands... plus people just say i'm andro anyways so i really don't trust the botnet.
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>a woman taking a selfie with her cell phone, inspired by Winona Nelson, he shas short curly brown hair, portrait symetrical, half - length photo

but beta face... the best i got was "gender: male (8%)"
> Keep yourself sexy
What has that got to do with anything?
why don't you kYs huh
passed to all but pictrieve which is notoriously shitty
girl, are you me??
AI can tell me whatever it wants i know the truth..
What country are you from ?

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