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old >>36534049

have you ever attempted suicide? if so, how?
what keeps you going?
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>enter women’s bathroom
>nobody gives a shit
Enter men’s bathroom
>nobody gives a shit
>not even a second glance from anyone
>people try to avoid gendering me at all, when they do it’s 60/40 male/female
How am I supposed to tell if I pass or not
how long on t? usually voice makes or breaks passoid status
https://unsee cc/album#jUr5q96xpdUP
how bald am i + wtf do i do with my hair. i haven't seen a barber in months.
>how long on t
5 months
>usually voice makes or breaks passoid status
I actually pass better on the phone, though I don’t put much effort into my appearance other than binding and dressing androgynously so my parents don’t figure out I’m pooning out. I need them to pay for college
Is an autistic hobby a turn off for you?
No, I dated someone into trains before. It depends on the hobby and how important it is to the person and what that entails. Someone into manga or comics and collecting those would be fine. Someone into anime and action movies collecting figurines would be a hard pass tho.
no one can see dummy
>have you ever attempted suicide? if so, how?
yup, pills. met my current gf in the psych ward.
>what keeps you going?
life git better 'cause I manned up.
It's a turn on
If you don't get weird looks or women shocked if you're in the women's bathroom you don't pass. Men probably just think you're a kid or aren't paying attention
My gf bought me minecraft and is logging my playthroughs. Can't get more autistic.
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Ftm server for any trans dudes or just anyone
Feel free to join
Or don't
Just a fun and silly server
Let me guess she's a transfem that mating presses you and creampies your pussy
>Pater, ignosce illis, non enim sciunt quid sit gaudium cum vident.
removed my friend as a mod from my server because he was acting like a tard and now he's doubling down. why are cismen such whiny bitches
what did he do?
act like a weird sex pest in the cringiest of ways
>captcha: GDASS
Cis men are so cringy I pity the poor gaydens.
yeah when i was like 15. ive been super suicidal more recently (not now tho) but haven't attempted since.
short term stuff like games and music that will be releasing soon, and long term its the hope that i will be able to finally live a nice simple life
probably not unless its something I really don't like. i have plenty of autistic hobbies and interests myself
You owe him your pussy
I’m typically not suicidal anymore, I just have bad days. My reasons have been different over the years, you really just have to find one thing that kind of works for you in the moment, and do everything you can convince yourself it’s worth living for. Doesn’t matter if it’s consoomerist nonsense, hope for the future, other people, pets, spite, whatever. If that thing stops working, find another.
Places to jump off off near Vancouver bc
it was an mtf server
he owes me his pussy
>60/40 male/female
That’s your answer. You pass 60% of the time.
Depends on a lot of factors. So, I guess by itself, no.
If people don't gender you male 100% of the time, you don't pass
had a dream where i saw my homie shirtless and completely mogged him with my body hair while mocking and touching his fairly smooth body
need to convince him to go to get in the pool or something to make this a reality
I don't hate myself. Just the people around me. Killing myself wouldn't do anything about them. Any issues that are about me, my height or not having a dick, I expect modern medicine to fix in my lifetime.
QOTT: nope. My uncle killed himself when I was fairly young and I've experienced the trauma that his decision caused.
QOTT2: my life is pretty good actually. I have a gf, I have money, I have friends and I have a job that I enjoy. The only thing that would make it better is if I could afford a house
I'm happy as a gayden. I play vidya with my friend and we jerk off together while he controls my vibrator.
That’s so fucking based jfc
what games do you play do you jerk off while playing silent hill 4 the room
The jerking off is separate. Trying to convince him to play League with me while we do though. It's the only game we play that would be semi-conductive to that, since we typically play stuff like Vicky 3, Stellaris, or whatever co-op roguelikes we find.
>5 months
There's you answer, retard. Wait for 1 year
i had it on 1 hour. be faster
1st attempt: Kneeling hanging, aiming for a bloodchoke
2nd attempt: Cyanosis via SN

Not fearing death
>Started taking bigger risks
>Stopped taking life plans seriously

If everything goes down the shitter, I can always kill myself. But while everything is fine, I do whatever the fuck I want
any italian pooners here? i'm going to study there next year
i cooka da pizza
>’Attempting’ without actually going through all the way is retarded and will cripple me for life so no
>Nothing, I’m killing myself tonight unless my life actually ends up changing for the better within that timeframe desu
It can't be that over
My mind is completely gone and I fucked up my 1 friendship by being pathetic and mentally ill
The bridge can't be that burnt
Really though fucking up a friendship isn't a good reason to kill yourself. You will grow and change, meet new people, make new friends. You could even try talking to that one you "fucked up" with, not that I know the context or the severity of the situation. But it's still not a good reason to off yourself.
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Do I pass
The upper half of your face passes yes
Don't know about the other one though
Porce you’re a cis gay man
Someone told me to go to ftmg
Gloves disappeared
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qott: i ate a bottle of pills when i was 12, didn’t work..nowadays i pussy out whenever i do make plans. womp womp
qott2: my hobbies like cooking and reading books and browsing the internet.. my dog.. talking to my friend.. sleeping.. going to college.. there’s not that much but i live a very comfy life and im grateful for it. i dont feel like my life is that bad besides being an ugly retarded pooner. i used to be sad about it but im not killing myself anytime soon so i may as well try to cope
im in the same boat. im not really sure what i should do
nah i just don't have anything to say
gloves what do you usually do on your day to day?
On god, it’s boring in here today
>making personal mods for rimworld i don't release to learn xml
>pet my cat
>take care of my cat
>do basic chores
Show your entire face
>have you ever attempted suicide? if so, how?
Yes, I was twelve when I tried to hang myself, I was going through a lot of abuse mixed with a couple of addictions ON top of gender dysphoria, the only reason it failed was cause the rope was too long and I broke down crying when I realise that I couldn't even kill myself right
>what keeps you going?
The hope I can be a women someday and move to a small snowy village somewhere like Alaska or Canada
Iunno. I'm content even if I'm not really doing anything. I live a pretty good life and I generally always feel OK, any time I feel bad it's something that'll go away over the night. I think I used to feel a little worse when I was younger, I dunno what happened to that, but even then I never considered ending myself, cause why would I?
>The hope I can be a women someday
Dyslexia moment? This is the pooner general
Wait, pooner general?, I might be too sleep deprived but what?
Trans man
God damn it, why did it took you to point that out for me to realise?, thanks, this is just embarrassing
Happens to the best of us
>grandparents who disowned mom & i decide to commit tax evasion worth thousands
>demand dad pay for it
>he blames us and tries to shut entire family's cell lines down
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He’s right, you know.
Your entire family is stupid
I just look like a pajeet
the most retarded part is my grandparents decided they'd rather have shaklee (pyramid scheme) than a mortgage on multiple occasions and we are too poor to keep them off the streets now.
i look white
Can you get a refund from the devil
Just cut them off
Straight people think kids are an investment strategy
i've tried telling dad that on multiple occasions but that's impossible because he lives with them, refuses to move out here, and "but muh parents!" despite the fact they've threatened my life and injured my disabled mom
extremely based if you're not a dick about it
Does/did anyone else have secondary amenorrhea, especially functional hypothalamic, pre-t? Literally blissful for me. I find it insane how everything's about "recovery," as if everyone wants to be an ovulating fertile cow, at most I'm concerned about bone density (want leg lengthening in the future) but I get enough calcium through milk and supplements. I eat normal amounts of food and do light-to-moderate exercise daily so I'm not working hard to maintain my lack of periods. I think it even helped my mood, and it lets me feel superior to potentially-menstruating foids. How does/did it feel to know your estrogen AND testosterone is/was almost certainly lower than that of cis women? Tbh I would rather be low estrogen and testosteroneless than have normal-for-cis-women estrogen with only a little bit more testosterone. I do hope I can go on testosterone through informed consent soon though, once I can afford it.
are you an anafag anon
i didn't have it, but pre-t i'd have a(n extremely painful) period every few months and had signs of low estrogen as well. my voice sounded prepubescent so i got clocked frequently until i started t
he said he eats normal amounts of food so i'm assuming he eats 2000 calories a day, 1800 if he's 5'1 or something
you look like a dyke
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today is my 4 yrs on T anniversary and I still have no twinkhon gf to fuck to celebrate
Used to be about a year ago, but not severely, and with excessive (walking) exercise. It lasted a few months. I eat normally now as I said before.
You are correct.
are you still underweight or something? i stopped getting my period from like dropping to 120ish from 130 lbs. im still losing but i eat whatever i want, it’s kind of weird. it really is the best feeling ever tbdesu. i hope you can get on informed consent soon anon :3
Feeling twinked up rn
it really dosent count i just try to drown myself every time im in the bathtub its practically impossible and im too much of a pussy to do the real thing
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Foaming at the mouth for top surgery atm
foaming at the mouth for you atm
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Aw, thank you anon
The disabled/mentally ill are subhuman
I feel like your dad is probably shagging other women over in cali I’m ngl man
Is there a reason he refuses to live with yall?
he's incapable of making any money out here because nobody provides a liveable wage in his line of work. meanwhile in cali he makes $65/hr on either lucrative commercial events or commission based trade work
work has dried up lately for him
Fuck, that sucks
I hope things get better for all of ya
thanks, he gets another opportunity in august, but he drove all the way back here because our chud neighbor gave him a job
Anyone play vampire survivors
will i pass if i sound like this?
https://voca.ro/1aQhHC2pulBN sorry forgor to post my voice lol
https://voca.ro/14GUOxgpVioI do you play with rimworld sex mods?
yeah, i'm even an artist on an upcoming update for rimround
I'm just having fun gloves. I love you
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my love for Joe will never die. I will go to bed now.
you sound mentally retarded
ftmg is for retards by retards
>wolfgang joins server
>long time member gets banned
>wg admits to reporting people he doesn't like
no proof it was him but my brow is raised
Today is my last day of work before an unpayed brake. I worked full time for a whole year, no sick days, no holydays, nothing for a subhuman wage and yet I have almost nothing t show for it. At least I have the money to diy.
if i tried to kill myself i wouldn't be alive because i never fail

skill issue mate i have two
Don't worry bro, you'll find the tgirl of your dreams soon.
what happened to TH?
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does my nose pass?
I didn’t report anyone you dumb faggot. And now you got me kicked for no reason while I was sleeping you fucking autist.

Yeah that was unnecessary to kick Wolfgang considering people kept getting reported long before he ever joined. You clearly just wanted him gone but you two girlies can't keep your drama to yourselves
I do not have that kind of female itis, I am here to have a good time, these hoes never understand
How is everyone's day going. Personally I'm bored to death.
To be fair Gloves did start it.
That fat fuck is always starting shit
what happened?
Obese while woman complained to the manager
no, you said this shit and it got you kicked.
Do you know what a joke is you mentally retarded monkey? Unironically seen guinea pigs smarter than you
considering the history of the server that didn't seem like a joke to anyone in it
you were invited specifically to be bullied anyways by the words of others
You are just a white woman having a tantrum and making other people deal with your problems as usual, if you wouldn’t have been present there would be no issue
one, i am a man you dog-eared chola. two, i was in that server for a year and have a good rapport with the members. you can't just join a server and demand 2+ people get banned on the spot like you own the place.
What if I raped you and your mother’s fat cunts?
Wolfgang has been a part of pooner servers for at least 2 years.I'm not trying to wk him I'm just stating facts and I think it's clear it was a joke which people on this board seem to not understand anymore
Do you call all of us women because you’re deeply insecure of your feminine birthing hips?
When are you becoming a mommy wolfie?
Yes, i blame G and gloves for making everyone deal with their self righteous white woman fee fees
Why are trans men calling other trans men women...
Pretentious twitter brained white women. Cancer, cancer I tell you
You type like an over compensating chudsbian
Holy shit discord and its consequences on society
Can none of you be normal for once
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wtf is wrong with my body? why am i built like an ancient fertility goddess?
Dw, I had it way worse before gymmaxxing.
calm down coyote
to be fair, the person who banned him was on the board for years as well and didn't see it as a joke. i don't think anyone in there except for babyx3 understood it was a joke
cope cuckgang
G and gloves are both genuinely scared of getting “cancelled” which explains a lot about why they act so retarded
What if a big black man shoved his cock down your throat?
Wolfgang based and real as always
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you clearly know nothing about me if you think this, why the fuck would i trip on 4chan if i was scared of that? i've been canceled so many times (usually for good reasons, once for being picrel) that it's all a blur to me
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I don’t act like an unhinged monkey, that’s correct. I care about being somewhat likeable. Sorry I’m not telling everyone I’m gonna rape or murder them every 20 seconds.
It would be immoral to beat someone with less muscle mass than half of 10 year olds
Since when did you have morals? Was it before of after you groomed a kid in your discord?
When did this happen?
you fuckers tell people to detrans and shit all the time
Cause some people should ngl
False accusations of sex crimes are female brained, by the way.
why? because they have sex with men?
It’s not even a thing against gaydens, im essential a gayden in practice. Some trans guys I’ve met are simply just women and I genuinely wonder how they came to the conclusion of being trannies.
I don't think G would be against that anon.
Literally who the fuck are you to accuse some people of being women. If you can be a man anyone else can
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This image ruined my life
I should clarify that I don't mean G specifically, I just see it tossed around on here often. I don't take offense because that's not what I do but I just find it so fucking weird how even the mention of a BF on this gen warrants weird bullshit about detransing
Sorry I like to bully bottoms for their greedy holes
If you spoke to me off the board you’d feel differently I can almost guarantee.
Anyway, some of these people don’t even wanna take hormones or do anything and just act like chicks with short haircuts. Vise versa any terfy ftms should immediately detrans and go back to being dykes to save us all the headache later down the line.
Trvth nvke
yeah I think everyone here dislikes those types, but those types aren't the people posting here
bully me again uwu
You find the terfy subtype in here quite frequently. They’re very annoying.
i'm glad you haven't come across mttnon but xe's an actual terf on testosterone
Oris is more of a man than you are
Personally I have nothing against gaydens although I'm not gay nor bi. I don't care enough in general about what other trans people do and most detrans people are kids and bullying kids is just cringe. I have more to say but I'll leave it at that.
>If you spoke to me off the board you’d feel differently I can almost guarantee.
I'm in your pisscord but I've never spoken to you. Maybe you're right
Oh ok, so you think that i am a terf because I like to fuck other ftms? By that standard you are just a straight chick. Don’t be stupid.

Oh you like to be full of cock you little bitch? You’re gonna get horny from T and take more and more cock deep inside your pussy?
Also, g, you made money from porn of people railing your 85lb female body. You will always be a woman.
He wasn't even talking about Oris doe
Hop in vc sometime, I’m always down to talk to new people :)
You’re reading comprehension is the same as a 2nd grader if that’s what you got from what I said.
Try again slower this time
Can’t catch myself lacking like that jfc
You stupid autist, here is a translation: I am wg, you just called me terfy earlier in thread, I am speculating on your reasons for doing this
> expecting me to know who you are when you’re using a different name on an anonymous site
Also you are extremely terfy, not because you fuck pussy, but because you say trans women are men and act like a radfem retard after most likely taking a single gender/womens studies course. Kinda like how you suck off freud and say bipolar disorder is cluster B after taking a semester of psychology.
Really putting the state of California’s money to good use with your education.
You are selectively remembering one fact I got wrong one time, even though I say mostly things that are right and know various things you don’t know, and will have better career prospects when I finish my bachelor’s degree next year at the age that is typical to do that.

Don’t insult welfare you stingy Jewish bitch, go slurp up some cock in your greedy hole you stupid JAP
Good luck getting a job with your “philosophy degree” lmao
Maybe if you went to school for something useful you’d be better off, but I see a nice comfy box under a bridge in your future.
Is this some kind of joke? I cannot even tell if this is supposed to be serious, coming from G of all people
I literally have a part time job that is not minimum wage or retail, or retail, currently and have job prospects post graduation already. Just having any bachelors degree at all, or being on track for one, puts you in a different category of employability. Something you will never enjoy because it’s too hard waaah
I’m deadass, just feeling a lil extra spicy today
Cosmic levels of irony then. How are you so self unaware?
What do you do?
I am not giving out more personal info
oris detransitioned after getting botched meta
>part time
>not minimum wage
at most you make $2 above it
and you make $0
Your part time job that you can make a max of $300 a month at kek
My galaxy brain is on another plane, I’m playing 4D chess rn in my mind
Gloves at least has a family that loves him
I make more than 3x it
at least i'm honest about it, if wolfgang stopped lying and being a narcissist i wouldn't hate him so much
The reason she can criticize me for this and be above it herself is because as a woman she doesn’t feel the need to contribute to society and the economy
You "work" less than 24 hours a month, that's not a real job. You get a good boy allowance from the government
Anyone going to any concerts this year?
going to see Opeth in October. i need to listen to the guys they're playing with and see if they're any good
unlike you, i'm a man. the reason i don't work is because i'm incapable of it
Nice, who are they playing with?
You don't leave the house tripnigger
go to discord /invite/AyWCS8T5 for the /ftmg/ pisscord
yes, but i also listen to vocaloid and most producers of the genre will never play live even if the songs are sung vocally and not by the program
Didn't ask, meat mountain
you did actually, right here >>36569476
>"I'm a man"
>"I'm incapable of work"
So you're not a man
how does this make me not a man? a manchild is still a man by definition
besides, i can't control being disabled
Stop using AAVE incorrectly you're white.
joe died yesterday, are you aware?
How are you disabled?
some Swedish death metal band called Tribulation
Went to a concert last month, been looking around on dice for shitty concerts in NYC to go to.
I work part time and go to school full time. Yeah I got/borrowed some money from the govt to go to school, so does literally everyone not in the 1 percent and I am I. Like the bottom 1 percent of worst situations you can have as a kid (excluding being SA’d, etc which happens across the income spectrum and didn’t happen to me once.)

The expectation is that you are going to work for decades after and be a productive member of society. This is a common situation for people that intend to be independent adults
I heard the same. Anyone know more about this? I'm worried
Never heard of them, checking out their albums Down Below now. What's your favorite Opeth? I'm not a huge fan of theirs but I do really enjoy what of them I listen to.
You should go see The Black Dahlia Murder at Irving Plaza Nov. 3rd.
>productive member of society
You're getting a philosophy degree
got my name legally changed... now all i have to do is get top surgery and my transition will be complete
Oooooo lemme check that out rq
That name sounds familiar, have we spoken before….
And I have a job and will likely have the career I’m looking at post graduation. What have you done in the past 5 years besides be a huge slut
First impression after hearing the first track on the album is pretty weak. It sounds good, but it's not very intriguing, not that heavy, and not that melodic. This is just one song off one album, though.
Children of Bodom is a way better example of a Scandinavian melodic death metal band
I heard it was a car accident with a drunk driver involved. Not sure if it was him or not and if he's even dead or just badly injured
>What have you done in the past 5 years besides be a huge slut
I've graduated high school, gotten into premed (working on obtaining actual valuable degree), and I work 60 hours a week when I don't have school.

Fat btw
that description is definitely a turn off, I'll still give a listen on the way to work. it's hard to choose a favourite Opeth album, kinda depends on the mood. if i had to choose, Sorceress from their newer prog rock stuff has grown on me a lot, and My Arms, Your Hearse from the older works. rec album for Children of Bodom?
is this another Joe trollment
Yeah, I'm about halfway through the album now and it hasn't captured my interest. It's from 2018, so I wonder if their older stuff is any better and if they sound good live.
>Sorceress; My Arms, Your Hearse
Haven't listened to either, will check them out after this album. I love prog rock and metal so I'm keen to listen. The only Opeth album I've listened to is Blackwater Park, love Bleak and The Drapery Falls.
>Children of Bodom
Hatebreeder all the way. It's awesome. I don't know if it's necessarily up your alley but I think you'll appreciate it.
All tentative but Chat Pile, Charli XCX, (another) Chat Pile show in a different place with different guests. Maybe more. Wanted to go to a Lauren Bousfield show but can't fly out to Seattle.
>Chat Pile, twice
Oh shit nice dude, wasn't expecting to read that in this general. Even less next to Charlie XCX of all things. Who else is playing with Chat Pile?
>Lauren Bousfield
Never heard of her. What's the furthest you've gone for a show? I've never flown out. Furthest I went probably was down to Long Island at Jones Beach Theater, beautiful venue.
Joe show us those big daddy slappers!!
oh god i see what you mean. the drums definitely kill it for me, tbf old Opeth suffers somewhat from that though there are other elements that make up for it, and their recent stuff is tight. if you like prog stuff I'm sure your ears are spoiled for cool drumwork. the drums on Pale Communion specifically make me cum buckets. fair warning, Sorceress was my least favourite but grew on me, Pale Communion might be a better first listen. thx I'll check it out!
ok how many of you faggots know how to change your oil
Finished tribulation and a song from The Horror (2009) came on next. The Vampyre. Instantly leagues and miles better. Far more intense, better riffs, drums, vocals. More technical too (which wasn't much to begin with). Should have picked this album to listen to first. Perhaps they changed members between these albums or just unfortunately got shittier.
Also, a fantastic Swedish death metal band is At The Gates if you don't already know them. Slaughter of the Soul (95) is one of my favorite death metal albums. Haven't listened to their newer stuff, but a song came on just now from their 2018 record and it sounds great too. Yet another thing to get around to listening.
>Pale Communion
Will do sir
Agriculture and Porcelain, Agriculture I've heard stuff from and enjoyed but not familiar with Porcelain. For the other Chat Pile show, Mamaleek (probably one of my favorites in metal) and thirdface. Also haven't heard music from thirdface.
Lauren Bousfield is probably one of my favorite artists in general. Avalon Vales is probably her most known album but I liked Salesforce more, it's top 3 for me. She's also the person behind Nero's Day at Disneyland if you're familiar.
There is an abandoned structure in the city I live. I go once or twice a month when the metal bands play.
You don't pass but you look male enough to obvious be a troon so some people are humering you to avoid social backlash of criticizing an AFAB.
what? they teach this in driving school do americans have to figure this out on their own? how do they let you own cars without telling you how to do basic things?
i was going to change mine last week but i need a 14mm socket and my set only goes up to 13. i wish i could just buy a single socket, I don't want to buy a whole other set with a bunch of overlap
Anon I ran a stop sign on my driving test and got my license 6 months ago
I do!
Honestly kind of shocked they even let you on the road.
i lean towards prog/tech metal myself so i haven't heard of these, but I'm not opposed to some good old fashioned death metal now and then. very strange about Tribulations, a band member switchup could definitely be behind it
>struggle with basic self care
>don't know how to do most basic chores
>ocd so severe i need assistance in my day to day life with tasks like cleaning
>incapable of cooking beyond basic oven usage
>prone to autistic freakouts
>socially delayed
>struggle with fine motor skills, commonly associated with autism
should add i'm (obviously) american with severe anxiety, struggle with maintaining focus, and horrendous eyesight thus meaning no license, which means no getting anywhere. it gets to 128 degrees in the summers here and i never learned to ride a bike. all attempts failed
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I hate FTM that LOOK like a woman, ACT like a woman and claim to be a man.

listen, transition is hard I get it. And I don't mind people who actually try. My problem is, those who look like Belle Delphine and call yourself a twink and femboy. like fuck off cunt.
Do you even know how stupid the average American is?
speaking from experience?
Holy that animation is top tier
dumb gooner
G and gloves don’t exist to me anymore. They are below human
Bruh imagine those big ass titties pressing between my dick, imagine how milky and jiggly they are, I'd suck them dry
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stfu pooner
this isn't twitter
You’re in the pooner thread anon
It’s sad I’ve never been that into asses
Jesus fucking christ i need that ass on my face asap, like holy fuck, i need her to crush my face and kill me with that ass, imagine the smell, good lord
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I'll do whatever I want silly

You should Mr. Wolfgang.

be a good boy and keep playing yourself, mmkay?
>lean towards prog/tech metal myself
Nice. Do you like Between the Buried and Me? This song is fucking epic:
Eh, sometimes bands just get shittier with their newer stuff. It happens. Hope they're good live though
stop shitting up this thread go to gif
why are 2d and 3d animated asses so hot but the real thing is revolting? meanwhile tits look better irl
blue board, tourist.
>thinking that blue board mean anything when u can easily evade the ban
go back
i used to spend hours on /b/ in 2016, i'm anything but a newfag
that said total ftm chaser annihilation
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yeah sure buddy. my uncle works at Microsoft too
brother why do you keep making me horny now i have to go jerk off again
not joking i was 13 and was too autistic to understand satire so i wrote "hitler did nothing wrong" on a poster at school
i'm 21 now and still retarded, but at least i'm not less than human (ftm chasers and coomers)
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awww what a big boy he is! such a silly big boy~

Are you still a nazi
oh yeah you're so superior buddy, go back to jerk off to your rimworld mods retard
You have a very refined taste if i say so myself, where do you get your content from?
i know you're being sarcastic, but this is true unironically in multiple ways
absolutely fucking not, i was a retarded child. mom explained when i went home that i had jew ancestry and i'd basically be advocating for her & i's death
Literally every trip here is part jew wtf is up
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>you're so superior buddy
this but unironically, i've never understood the appeal of fucking a real person, let alone a disproportionate one
>jerk off to your rimworld mods
beat you to it
we are multiplying
Jew world order
Only in fat, nothing else
who's a good boy hmmm??? who's a good boy~
5'8 is tall for a pooner, 250lbs with no tits or ass, and a big ego, that's 3 actually
is this ignorance supposedly due to being a virgin? because if so i'd rather be a virgin and happy than have sex once and want it again
You are a fat fuck autist with no skills who thinks he's somehow better than people who are doing things with their lives
i can draw, but that isn't much of a skill
>realfrogg picrel
>i can draw
If that is your picture, then no you fucking can't.
It’s 1pm, you know what that means!
>spider bat
Well that's specific
yes i can, most of my work goes unfinished, though
Most 13 year olds who draw can draw better than this
i’ve tried hanging myself but kept backing out over and over no matter how bad i want it. i tried overdosing before that, but it just made me have seizures and placed me in the hospital. when i was really little i was stupid and thought i could just smother myself with a pillow or drown myself in the bathtub

the only thing keeping me here is that i don’t know how to find the strength to kill myself. i feel physically sick when i look in mirrors or take photos like i genuinely literally feel like i’ll throw up, and sometimes i’m surprised i don’t. i just kind of freak out all day and be insanely depressed, i can’t live like this, this is torture
Physically you can draw. Should you? No
i think it looks cute
i've seen your art and it's all gayyden coomer yaoi shit. stones in glass houses and all
tumblr style
You cannot be talking
Finally some tits
That one's pretty cute. I also like how the bat ears on the sword seem to be glowing in >>36571531. How long have you been drawing for?
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>My problem is, those who look like Belle Delphine and call yourself a twink and femboy
It's up to trans people to solve the Theyfab menance by actually gatekeeping claiming a trans identity
>Me trying to distract my dad from the fact he got a gay son
>By dancing in an outfit like that
Are hefabs catching up to tranny incestuous fantasies?
Not a hefab but roleplay is roleplay and if my gf needs an older brother...
How did they find out….
The stereotype is that trannies want to fuck their brothers or fathers. Wanting to fuck your younger sister is different
Yeah I'm not gay.
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thanks anon!
almost everything is "tumblr artstyle" nowadays, but usually people associate it with the ugliest faces imaginable drawing characters 15 shades darker than they are canonically with red noses
thank you! i've been drawing my entire childhood but i started doing it digitally around 2018, adding glow effects has always been something i enjoy. here's one of my oldest digital pieces. insane how much i improved over the past 6 years
It kinda looks like a creepy pasta character.
I've been on this wave for years anon. No I will not act or look like a boy. Yes I will fuck my brother and make him call me a boy while his cock is in my ass.
Nah, just trying to be something controversial. Bi girl or even lesbian is too tame these days, now we tell dad we're a trans faggot.
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That drawing feels nostalgic, like something I would have seen on DeviantArt desu. Your art got cleaner and you seem more confident in your lines. You also got better at shading. Very nice
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he's supposed to be a vampire hunter but when i created him he was just some edgy nonviolent teenager. i haven't drawn him in months, i should again
thanks, this is a major compliment
But if I keep the tits I can play with tits whenever I want
Me n my bf made a drop box account to have a mutual goon folder to compile all our goon material
This is true love
Freaky life is happy life.
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sucks to see another man living your dream
I love him so much it’s kinda unreal
You’ll find the gooner of your dreams someday anon, it’ll happen
How long have you been together.
The man living my dream is your bf you dumb bitch. I wanna kill him and take you as my wife
2 and a half years, he lives in my house with me n it’s awesome
No need for murder we share well dw
Daym happy for you. I was supposed to live with my ex but I never got there.
Tried to improve it
Did doing that stroke your ego good? Do you feel superior enough?
True hater behaviour.
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Tried to improve it
LOOOOOOOOL gloves btfo'd
Why the fuck is everybody hugboxxing gloves his art is shit
You could want to fuck your older sister or your mom
Older sister no but raping mom...
Is the captcha too complicated for you or do you just like wasting money?
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I meant that I thought the captcha 'M0MY' was funny
I'm sorry bro. I misjudged.
Do you also upload videos of you getting fucked by other men to help his goon cuck fetish?
You all fucking suck at drawing, TP is somehow the only /lgbt/ poon who is good at art
proof ?
this place is so dead
stop texting you? who are you? schizoanon?
>yaoi obessed AFABs suck ass at drawing
This is surprising to you? This has been the trend since 2004
>AFABs suck ass at drawing
Better statement. There’s a reason why the professional art industry is still mostly male despite art as a hobby being dominated by foids. You’d think T would give poons better visuospacial skill, but instead 90% of them draw like 14 year old Tumblr girls
What about you did you think was important enough for you to start putting a name to all your posts?
You see two artists then decide there's no good ones here. Stop being dramatic. Artpoons where tf are you guys
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I've been kinda blocked lately unfortunately
We should have another drawgen.
i am not posting my work on this site
Wow this is cool as fuck!
Ftmg should become drawgen. Also nice art! I love the way you draw bodies >>36573947
Nothing I just did. Having a tripcode doesn't make you more important just more recognizable.
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Thanks anons
Also agreed on ftmg becoming drawgen. The only thing that happens in this general is trips fighting each other
Omg someone just linked this thread as if it was gaygens next, we got bamboozled
>Having a tripcode doesn't make you more importat
i never said it did either, i'm asking you why you think everyone else need to know which posts are yours? this is an anonymous imageboard after all
Hell no they’re not. I was bamboozled into this thread and the best bara I’ve seen drawn was by a Japanese woman
Well more like anon and dog
that actually looks really good! that was drawn in 2018 and holy fuck was it bad lol
are fags welcome here or the war is bothsided
no leave
When will anon pet dog instead of bothering him.
I ate a blueberry pop tart and I feel like my mouth is burning
Obviously the Nips are going to be the exception for good female artists considering the excessive training their manga artists go through to get work
More art means more cultural output. Trip drama isn't interesting in the slightest, we need more artists! We need a ftmg revolution!
you cab stay if you're chill
I mean just don't be an ass.
hello, bisexual here. what’s up ladies?
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kys lonely pervert
based bihate
post holes
Why is this the ugliest seal I have ever seen.
Bro don't interact with the bait, it's not worth it.
what bait? i’m here from /gaygen/
leave the seal alone so much hate in ur heart
remember, bisexual scum to kill themselves is always worth it
Well at least some of the lost fags seem nice
I already responded :)
the average iq around here is way below gaygen, don't be too mean to the locals
nah uh, hsts having low intelligence comes from them being formerly gays.
"Nothing I just did" is a retarded response, try again
I apologized to the seal, thankfully they were forgiving.
What's up bros I hope you are all ridin with biden and not conforming to the fragile machismo of "conservative" populism
i am a big teto enthusiast and own her synthv voicebank
picrel is from november, i was going to draw her normally at first, but then i fucked up the second eye so she gets to go to the hospital
as long as you're not being transphobic you're allowed, this gen is like a minefield on a good day, though. expect hostility
most of the gen is pussysexual, and those that aren't usually hate bi men because of ones like you
There is no “war”, gaygen lets the poon menace live rent-free in their heads while ftmg forgets cisfags even exist on this board
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all the seal?
Gays statistically have higher IQs no offense just correcting you
>gaygen lets the poon menace live rent-free in their heads
zippertits please, we're just here because you're an easy target to make fun off.
then the war is one sided
debaser stfu
What does this mean? I love my ftm brethren
Say please
Massive cope kek, keep malding on about the poons you supposedly don’t care about
Based teto enjoyer. Ftms love teto because she's 30 but looks super young, we can relate to her. If you have her voice bank you should start making music with her.
every gay & lesbian i've met irl is extremely smart but i can also say hsts are retarted as an hsts
Just the one seal.
Hot, keep posting.
>Massive cope
cope about what? you're the dead general only kept alive by me jokingly linking the new gaygen thread to here
rent free
Brother. We need not fight
That's valid but then it couldn't be the case that what >>36574174 said is true
no we do
as if gaygen wasnt dead
Don't stay here then.
Let me see those trimmed boyholed
Make new gaygen fags
this single thread is one day and 17 hours old, we have a new one every other hour
This is ftmg
Nah hairy manhole is better
This gen got more traffic from gaygen than it has the last 24 hours
Also extremely based
Sorry we aren't allowed to post in gaygen after 310 because we don't get as much attention
I thought gays were smart. Connect the dots buddy you can do it
Facts. Average HSTS poon IQ is 110 while AAP IQ is around 120. This kills the trupoon
No I play rpg/ jrpgs mostly. Also you are too young you should not be here kiddo.
ive made a few covers but didn't release many of them
this was made to test the new utaformatix feature that allows phoneme transfer
true, i just think something about being trans makes the brain only half-function, i feel like it made my autism 10x as noticeable when i started testosterone. completely unrelated but i also started programming shit for rimworld as a hobby. i need to learn to compile and read c++ now that i've got xml down
shut up cooper
This one has lost his genetic advantage from poppers overuse.
1 ftm bf please
I was talking about mtfs but yeah that's true too
Literally who
You can be hsts and aap that’s t4t
Anyways you’re gay
Well trauma makes the brain not function and I wouldbimagine being trans in a society that is hostile to it is probably a little traumatic
Test does motivate you to do stuff but it sounds like it has made you smarter if it made you learn 2 code
Nah I’m ordering two

You are not talking to a smart person, he has a scar on one of his many stomach rolls from his hot laptop burning into his fat
thanks, that does explain it. when i said it makes me seem 10x more autistic i mostly mean it made my interests fine-pointed and my lack of skills in other things more obvious. i started learning basic adulting after it because i'm no longer depressed
I enjoyed the sample, the singing was a little loud though. Hope you gain the courage to post these, Or start making original music soon. I assume that's pretty easy to do with vocaloid.
you’re no looker yourself lady
I only need one, force fem her, make her detrans into my fem twink creation
>t. the gen’s resident fat cuckold
Glad you feel better and I hope you continue to get good at the things you like and not care about the things you don't care about unless you are republican or something
Sure if you're a cute twink I can play out my yaoi fantasies with
Show me your tight boypussy
You can get that by putting a poon on low dose T.
You don’t want a pooner with estrogen brain, this is from personal experience with what I call “fembrained neuroticism”. T fixes that.
I'm curious about what most you girls plan is, are you going to mutilate your arm for a flappy meat imitation or are you gonna keep your roastbeefs?
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I haven’t used this board in over a year, what is the lore behind the gloves and wolfgang beef
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> ignoring the fact I look like a weird 15 y/o boy 90% of the time
Wolfgang is Wolfgang, it’s pretty self explanatory
No point in having a dick if I can't nut. If I were to opt for a surgery now, it'd probably be complete nullification. Holding out for potential better options in the future though.
i thought wolfgang was a gaygen trip
No one actually gets srs outside of top surgery it's like a fraction of the already small segment of the population that is trans just be a vagina man maybe get top surgery and use a double ended strap on
>Holding out for potential better options
sorry but this is so funny to me, good luck girly
do you have a BPD diagnosis?
G, gloves, and another pooner in a clique got mad at me for some reason I forgot genuinely. The thread also hurls Mexican slurs at me even though I have one Mexican grandparent and everyone else is white. These 3 participate although they are in denial. I continue to be right about 90 percent of things. The end.
>Acts retarded
>Extremely annoying
>spergs about nothing
>Gets angry over pooners existing
>Let's pooners (specifically G) live in his head rent free
>Tries hard to sound smart
I can see why you thought that. He's just a regular ftmg trip though
If modern medicine can make your lifestyle work out then it can for mine.
Your trip being frotty is funny as fuck
your name might be the most uncreative thing i've ever seen on this board
I don’t, prolly got psychosis of some kind on top of my autism though
Also amazing tripcode, I love it kek
The reason they do not get along with me is because they are bottoms and women
you really thought this prime content needed a permanent name attached to them didn't you?
Why do you hate him so much?
go back retard, we have a new thread now
I don't hate him, i just think it's funny to pick on slow people

i'll see you there
why does it matter
are you girls seriously not used to bullying around here?
they bully each other like girls, it's mad cute to watch.
thank you! i appreciate it, i made an original song recently but it uses piko
much appreciated, i live in a small red town and most of the people here are horrible about the lgbt. when i was pre-t and visibly butch i got discriminated against pretty severely, then the moment i started passing as an autistic teen boy they backed off
i don't drop trip to bully you, the only trip i have ever done that to is kayla. that said, i don't like you because you attacked me unprovoked so frequently i expect it. you're also a narcissist, not in the mental disorder sense but in it's classical definition.
we're used to it but it's usually by cishet ftm chasers that frequently ban evade
We chased one trip away so clearly we are. Even if you're baiting this is just autism
Why do ftms like TF2 so much?
You guys are acting like petty roasties right as you’re saying this
Post ass or shut the fuck up
Because it's fun
Hello ladies
You also act like a petty roastie
Don’t post ass though, we’ve seen it and it’s bad
That sucks to hear, I'm from Ohio so I've seen it but I blend in pretty well myself when I'm not on a date with a man lol and we don't do that in rural areas because they are shitholes anyway
>We chased one trip away
>one trip
good porn
it's a good game
I'm a 6' 3" man, not a tranny.
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Before and after testosterone! Boy I feel so ~manly~ uwu
Is that gympoon? He is too based.
Holy shit left though was so fuckable
Why is your philtrum so wide?
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Why are gay niggas so retarded. Im talking about recently, like 2 or 1 day ago
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you're literally a neverpasser with a severely botched top surgery
understood, i'm in arizona and it's ass
You certainly don’t act like one.
Tbh overwatch porn is higher quality I find in terms of 3D. Even tho I’m one of the bamboozled fags I do enjoy when the ftm artists draw spy or scout in women’s lingerie
Then act like it bruv
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You looking up at his penis before he gets you pregnant
Tbh I feel bad for ftm going on testosterone in terms of hair growth. It took me from ~12-16 to start growing a full beard, and my chest hair started coming in around ~20. Full Leg hair from 15
all i said was it's cute the way you guys argue sometimes. gaygen faggots are ruthless going for the jugular vein with every post. take the compliment of being cute rather than gross like gaygen is you
i don't blame you, my dad can grow patchy stubble, that's it. his stomach is hairless and almost all his body hair is on his chest and calves so i don't particularly have the genes for it either
Oof, that’s a really unforatunate pic. My eczema was off the charts.
Good luck, stay strong, code a porn mod or html game and use the revenue to move to Seattle
Like it also might just take a long ass time of being on T
I called you ladies because you’re ladies
Thank god for my italian genes I was basically born hairy.
i mean drawn porn, sfm porn is too goofy to cum to
i'm an actual man unlike you, wolfgangita. you're at most a limp-wristed dramawhore and at worst a seething neverpasser
I go outside of the house and that’s how I know I’m a man cuz not in the house but outside I go and do things and people talk to me like a man cuz I am a man

Your mobility is threatened by your severe obesity, so all anyone ever sees is a tragedy, which luckily they don’t see because you can’t walk
>being a man is when you go outside
Why do you keep talking about yourself in the third person?

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