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fishy queen edition
Yay fresh
debaser and dan watching triumph of the will together
My eyes are better but I won't post it here because I wanna stay anonymous, having long ginger lashes and a dull blue eyes are great, I get complimented on them semi-regularly
you're a creepy little fucker anon <3 keep rocking on.
post fresh balls
you're an ugly old cunt that will never experience joy <3 you should have roped when you wanted to years ago
tfw no dom vers bgf
Please refrain from associating us his posts are detrimental to my gaygen supreme status
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why bother to wear glasses if you're looking over them?
lmao you really want to play totem pole when you hoard pictures of people on the internet? fuck off pond scum.
Hey Conbot/Larriposter, doxing someone with the intent to make someone fear for their safety or to incite others to cause them harm is illegal under US law.
cus close up
nice try doxanon
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plz don't convince yourself it's only one person that dislikes you
Reply was supposed 2 be to the anon talking shit
someone repost jizzy's selfies so we can see how cute he is :)
Get a life xanthippe
i know you think this unironically like what they have done isnt a reason to dislike them but keep defending an awful person that posts revenge porn like a retard thinking you arent next
I have green eyes
you are laughing at that latino coon, but rn he's probably taking a giant BLC somewhere
no he is here trying to report my posts because he knows i know who he is
>an awful person that posts revenge porn
Like you are doing right now, vile shit?
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>banned for ban evasion
nobody recognised me :/

green eyes are gorgeous
just took a huge debaser
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I recognized u immediately :3
holy shit you are insane
I know that you know that he knows that you knows that hes know that yous now
join the club brother sister
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blowjob eyes
I did
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why are you ban evading?
This kills the xanaxpeepee hair is son pur
nobody here knows who i am
Mike who cheese harry
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>why are you ban evading?
how else is she going to seethe about the king
a mistake probably
Yeah u like that u little slut
gorgeous green eyes
gaygen is scaring away the hos (the twinks)
i have no idea what dan and debaser arguing about, they just do, its like a never ending thing
i told my boyfriend that acid was a powerful drug that deserves respect and he called me cringe
i know too many people who took a heroic dose or whatever and now are facing legitimate problems because of it
it's a wonderful substance no doubt, but there is serious risk
put em in your mouth
pull em all down south
A Mistake mentioned
brother looks like a toad
Yaaas we love killing neurons with highly toxic substances for a cheap thrill and pretend its spiritual periodtt
not doing anything that guy hasnt done so i dont think so
stupid bitch. u kno who u are and what u did to me
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would you let ms larri shit on you?
not doing anything new that hasnt been done here before desu. Next time dont be a revenge porn posting troll that tries to dogpile bully
Apple mentioned
i don’t like my eyes
LSD improves brain neuroplasticity, IE the reverse of brain damage
Whack her again lol
kek, you are a braindead hypocrite
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I made fun of him for his politics and he is obsessed with my me since, inferiority complex and spiritually unwell if you ask me
shy and outgoing bwc dom top eyes
My wig flew into the milky way
lmao seems like this xanthippe fella lives rent free in yall's head
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>this whole thread
so much for being a nice and kind person xan
Whatever makes you feel better babes
you're going to piss her off clocking every post she makes
what happens if they drain your bone marrow?
did they mix crisps and laxatives?
is it weird to never have had a relationship with people your own age and gravitate to older people since you feel they'll judge you less?
U forgot about the public sex stuff u did which is what actually triggered me
foodie beauty broke up with her abusive muslim bf :(
I need to talk to a gay person... I need to talk to a gay person
lmaaao he denied xanthippe
He looks like he packs bbc.
why were you triggered by public sex? aren't you a liberal?
cooper shut the fuck up and stop sending non targeted individuals to gaslight me
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I think so.
why does everyone hate xanthippe?
Everyone on here is a larpist. No days on here, pal.
god fucking damn that's evil
Because he can’t have it
no one said that tho
he's posted
it was big
are u gay?
And he told tranpipey to never reply to him again when she tried to flirt with him
lmao keep trying to subtweet me hun
i feel this spiritually and emotionally .... someone put a dick in my mouth to make me feel better
Xanthippe didn't flirt with him. She only said "hi" because she's polite and welcoming of new posters
Conservatives are the real degenerates
He had sex on a public walking trail and in the bathroom of an ice cream parlor
Someone saw him on the trial and gave him an ugly look and he said that they were jealous, like how he's saying I am
I can afford rent or a hotel room gutterslut see ya on the registry
why can't you put your trip on tranthippe?
lol, the denial
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>Conservatives are the real degenerates
>He had sex on a public walking trail and in the bathroom of an ice cream parlor
>Someone saw him on the trial and gave him an ugly look and he said that they were jealous, like how he's saying I am
>I can afford rent or a hotel room gutterslut see ya on the registry
i have this colleague at work who's my age and has a discreet profile on girndr. from his profile pic and stats i could figure out who he is. the moment he saw my profile he blocked me (my profile is empty). i think he knows who i am too because im new and he saw my stats too so he can probably connect the dots. he always looks at me alot whenever i walk by him
> saw him on the trial and gave him an ugly look and he said that they were jealous
This part didn’t happen. Archives will show. Fat ugly and dishonest
The lady doth protest too much, methinks
All the more reason to end blatino
Only the absolute worst people like it
>can’t wait to completely end this guy
>focusing on this guy exclusively
you are the one who keeps posting his face luv
Getting ur feeble mind blown, luv?
Okay now I believe the anon that said this his been xanthippe being a racist troll bc she got banned lol
Why did fagchan correct my post after it was submitted? My phone did NOT correct a certain word as I type it a lot. Janies ,explain yourselves
This is how I got my first bf he saw me on grindr and asked me to go on a coffee :]
Debbie will never eat ass by the creek at sunset listening to the wind blow the trees. Too busy crying about me and right wingers.
Due to her speaking her truth and speaking up against the (bi)pedos of gaygen. there's alot of rumour and slander spread about Xanxan especially spread by anons and bucko. don't believe what they say and always ask for proof.
You're lying again dan unless you have syphillis induced memory problems
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figured that once she started trying to take shots at
>construction work
bc she wanted a reaction from blatino or bucko
are harry and xan ok? should we call their families?
I will also never be a registered sex offender, you have a good shot of pulling that off though
and now she's basically admitted it oh no no noooo
i'm trying to imagine how this conversation plays out
>so I've seen your discreet profile on grindr... oh, don't be surprised, I've noticed by the walk, the way you longingly look as you pass by, tempted... but reluctant, but you don't need to be intimidated...oh, look, we're alone in this basement haha, now I can make my move, because I know you won't fight, because of the implication...
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There's mostly just weirdos on grindr where I am, so I just use scruff
And baku I wonder what hes up to I miss baku
i contacted sherman aline and his dad and he is okay
say his name
nick core
I didn’t though and it was a fun experience you can never have. :) Everyone needs you to fix your spiteful autism Debbie. All of us in the thread and your fake imaginary bf. You can do it.
Is this a nigger pun
What's the problem? Just suck his dick on a lunch break in the restroom and let his BOC plow and gut you later too.
Get a room degenerate stop trying to show your anal warts scars to children
Get her jade
ehat are the chances that she's being twofaced and posting against dan as well?
its also his actual name
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Why is he so smug?
Is Sissy here with us in this room?
he still posts all the same retarded cartoon pictures on /r9k/ and has come out as gay
surprisingly, no
He isnt on the Knight Insurance Group main page anymore but on the other site which i cant post here he is still there so I cant tell if my emails worked
Maybe sending his other vocaroos about indians straight to his indian manager would finish the job.
Please keep your closeted pedophile fantasies to yourself
the love of a good twink would fix me
>tfw no milk left for coffee
>haha haha get it GAAAAAY XDDDDD
I hate straggots
Who is that?
well yeah I mean if you are going to larp as having an education. Something only home depot employees do
Youre scaring me
can gay people be attracted to twinks too, or is it just bipedos?
This is rich coming from the guy who larped about being from south africa and having a dad.
Ive been a nasty gurl nasty nasstyy
yes, gaypedos exist
Pretty high
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Literally what the fuck are you even talking about?


Liar liar anal warts on fire
What makes you so mad anon?
you missed the other threads it seems
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Here is basically troons, depressed guys who don't go out or do anything, 1 word repliers who keep bothering me every so often like they're interested (but not enough to communicate anything meaningful), and queens. Scruff has some of that but not nearly as much.
this reply doesnt say shit lmao stroke victim
am i retarded enough to jump into a new MMO?
they know i post, but i don't know they post.
as in. they've formed a parasocial relationship with me because they've denied me my anonymity, but because i didn't do the same with them i often have no idea what they're on about irl when we interact.
Damn. That's actually kind of impressive.
If you're over 18 it's a complete waste of time.
it says that spics lie about having educations because they are ashamed of their blue collar jobs at home depot
Well, no. Most of the posts were deleted.
post penis
Everything grrrr
link the posts
What you’re quoting me on saying isn’t in this archive thread. Genuine unhinged schizophrenia. Hope you get better.
Which one?
just some guy larping about going to college and getting called out for being an uneducated thirdie
i never lied about my education. if anything i downplayed my work history.
like when bleagle lied about having father? lol
okay, link the posts
throne & liberty
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Raise your hand if you have a degree in linguistics!
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>had public sex
>caught by unsuspecting people
>call them voyeurs instead of realizing that you are a repugnant sex pest
Why me?
why not you?
gaygen has this whole deeper esoteric lore of normo-cyborg fags larping as fem mean girl fags larping as fem mean girls fags
is that the guy who killed pink floyd?
hot who is she
So there is no record of me saying that they were jealous, only you. Ok we’re done.
gorgeous trans woman eyes <3
from the depths i come
i hope you two can resolve your differences some day
i don't understand it but I respect the hustle
post a selfie they said you were cute ;3
dribbler or shooter
i hope they do it now. having two different slapfights going on at the same time is exhausting
pls stop posting
debbie is being generous, i'm not cute <3
we could all be having sex with our cute twink bottom bfs right now
he isn't
Transformation is a process, and as life happens there are tons of ups and downs. It's a journey of discovery - there are moments on mountaintops and moments in deep valleys of despair.
I don’t keep lying Trump obsessed pedophiles with hallucinated partners in my friends circle
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only if they've tied me up first
Slap the tip on camera
drag fat debbie and her fat boyfriend
drag the biscum and their girlfriends
drag dan and his bottom granpas clique
It's not that special.
why did you get banned sisma
so yeah, i got debaser banned from facebook
ok post hole then
I don't know what that means but rock on youngster!
"wheres my dyslexic representation?"
there are guys who look like golden retriewers, guys who look like rodents and then there are guys who look like fish
The tip
you make being a sub top sound like so much fun
Normalize drinking 2 litre of melon juice and pissing it all on ur top
oh like a penis

yeah well I'd have no idea I'm a pure virgin
idk girl where is it?
he posted that himself here
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Slap it on camera
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weird that she does the same obsessive posting of the man that denied her that beagle did with domposter
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umm you could stay that
Oh! Sorry but I have no penis but my own available
>tfw you light the wrong end.
i'm fuckin' retarded
Timon and pumba
Nut tapping
are you going to do that to other posts or will you only focus on blatino? telling me all I need to know here
you're fucking xanthippe? gross
Wink if its 7+
so you're a sloppy bottom huh
she also tried with jizzy and bucko, she is just making imaginary enemies at this point
no sorry I can't remember it's size but I doubt it's 7 inch
You had public sex and got caught while they were just going for a walk. You made them see your wart caked caveman ass and there easily could have been a kid with them. You also had sex in a public bathroom at an ice cream place which is for families, not degenerate perverts.
You got me that you didn't call them jealous but you said anyone disgusted by your disgusting acts was. I'm not jealous, I would want to kill myself if I was caught having sex in public, I am disgusted by you and have thought about letting authorities know about Gay D the public sex haver
It's not gonna happen, he's scum, and you'll probably notice it yourself before too long.
Dick reveal
my eyez
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What other posts? You are the only one harassing a guy whose last post was from last year, Ms. X.
do you suck dick
nah cba boss
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No, mostly a dom top.
bucko deserves it but i dont respond at all to jizzy.
i actually came to their defense and think how every other poster is free game except this one isnt fair
lmaooo you so bothered by dan having sex in public
Terrible makeup terrible painting
do you think you're fooling people when you do this?
remember eight chan? man that site had some crazy stuff, i remember stumbling across a post explaining how OP fucks his pet snake
bitch shit aspires to fuck and marry one of these stupid things one day
>You're so bothered by something that can make you a registered sex offender
Yes? This is why people kill faggots
>terrible painting
no taste
>OP fucks his pet snake
op was a dicklet?
>nooo bucko rightfully called me out he cant do that reee
its always funny when debaser gets so pissed off he starts saying racist/homophobic shit
you don't have to agree with an idea to not go to war over it, this whole feud seems like a lot of energy

wdym every other poster is free game anon?

is she cooking it straight on the electric hob wtf
>from last year
lmfao no it is not
playing dumb here is only going to fuck over the guy you want to defend so badly btw so you better find all of the posts Im talking about
lol lie again
>old = good
lmao a fat woman or a dom top?
>wdym every other poster is free game anon?
when i posted the guy that spams doxxes and revenge porn in here vs when you were attacked and no one except debaser came to your defense
blatino seems to be off limits for whatever reason
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I can only imagine
anybody else not dyslexia's safe space?
Achja rtl war so geil früher das waren noch zeiten :')
>bucko deserves it
For what? For being latninx?
You are just a disgusting sack piece of shit in his 30s that spends the whole day seething at the imaginary people on his computer.
a guy that has unironically defended revenge porn is a good enough reason to dislike him
mostly fat women, but if she buries him under her femininity he will die happy too
why do you want to creat a new scapegoat so badly? will having someone else for people to hate distract from you? Or did they hurt your feelings?
Nothing I said was homophobic, it's sex offender phobic
Him having sex in public makes people homophobic
Fighting with people gives me energy, it doesn't drain it, and while I agree that it's not necessary to attack every shitty thing people admit to itt, I absolutely would not be friendly to someone who I think is morally repulsive.
>seething at the imaginary people on his computer
but enough about blatino and bucko
This is why no one likes Bligger nor Xantroon.
This is so sad
Me when I get the munchies
they rejected her advances lol
is it not?
I am the only person you need to convince and this is not convincing
Ya'll rly sharted up another thread in 30 minutes
lol BBWs can be attractive but I'm not that keen
Yea it really is you're going to scar some innocent kid like how HPV scarred your fetid shithole
Looks just like Debaser's every bihourly meal.
kek, what are you even babbling about?
The jannies are taking their time range banning the trolls.
debaser vs. mrbeast burger
Encouraging dogpilling too
that i hold the power whether or not I dox him. lying to my face and playing dumb is not convincing at all of what you are trying to say
what the fuck is an osha violation?
Like you are doing, lol.
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The two partners I may end up with
A) Obese woman.
B) Mean ?trans twink.
when a bottom doesn’t harness himself properly and impales himself on a tops dick
Calling someone out rightfully instead of making stuff up is not the same
>noooo don't dogpile the poster with a years long history of attacking others for no reason and then claiming peace and positivity
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At least make something nice
I've been working out and running and it's been making me hornier, is that normal?
So you agree he's right to judge xanthippe for her actions? king bucko wings again
My hole is doing fine and again please keep your pedo fantasies to yourself.
nooo dont use logic
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>noooo don't dogpile the poster with a years long history of attacking others for no reason and then claiming peace and positivity
Waaaait no fucking way xanthippe is the sneako looking dude is that what you guys are arguing about?
It won't be when you get put in prison for exposing yourself to a minor
Exercise releases testosterone
And I have the right to judge him for giving revenge porn posters a pass
debbie just can't stop mentioning kids today, what's up with that? was he the freshieanon all along
keep telling y'all that gyms are basically sex dungeons
Like when people calls out Bleagle and Xanthippe for doxxing, harrasing and threatening people?
>ok fregoli?
>huh? who am I supposed to be
yeah going to the gym yesterday has made me extra bisexual
i am a callous bi reptile
It’s honestly disturbing. And you can tell he’s red in the face too. Meanwhile I’m vibing.
>attention grabbing attempt #627898
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what the ever loving fuck is she making
I made chickpea potato spinach curry yesterday :]
No thanks.
It's because Dan has sex in public in family restaurants and on walking trails where kids are likely to walk in on him. He thinks he lives in porn world where you can just fuck anywhere and anyone that has a problem with it is just jealous.
Exposing yourself in public is illegal for a reason.

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