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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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>a gay man gets put in charge of British healthcare
>first thing he does is ban treatment for trans children
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The sooner trans people realise that gay men are not our allies the better. Most gay men are indifferent or actively support anti trans legislation.
gay men are literally the leeches of lgbt no matter how many times others stand up for them, its to be expected tbhon. its funny cause theyre also the only letter that refuses to resemble normalcy after a decade or two of relative acceptance.

gay moids never cared about the other letters or any ulterior goal or movement if u ask me
>gay moids never cared about the other letters or any ulterior goal or movement if u ask me
Truke, though i'm not old enough to have been around for the GLF or anything like that
Based. Gender identity has nothing to do with sexuality.

LGB drop the T
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LBT drop the B
>LBT drop the B
>actually drops the G
sorry anon i mistyped cause i havent gotten enough sleep
Transgenders will stab you in the back with the best of them. The real issue here is that the current generation (millennial and younger) of LGBT grew up with too many rights and as a result has adopted the "I've got mine fuck everyone else" attitude, or as the denizens of perfidious albion would say, "I'm alright jack"

Just look at the youngshits throwing late transitioners under the bus (late transitioners to them means anyone who started medically transitioning after the second trimester). I can supply many many other examples of LGBTs stabbing each other in the back due to a sense of entitlement and unearned superiority but I'm sure you have examples of your own

You kids grew up thinking all this was the default state, and that intersectionality and social justice were dirty words. And now that you've been playing with fire and going "ha ha I bet it would be cool if the house burned down" you're about to get your wish, hope you like it!
yeah gay men as a whole dont give a shit about any other queer ppl. they got their acceptance, so shit on the rest of us, but theyre next on the chopping block after trannies are exterminated...
so fucking based
Drop all of it.
Just be straight and normal like Jesus and your parents would want.
thank you for reusing the same image over and over so i know not to read any of your post x
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Reminder that the troons who seethe at LGB for not supporting T are the same troons who shit on enbies, aroaces and tucutes.
thiss. i wouldnt say this applies to every letter or other minority group associated w/ lgbt but gay men def are not trannies (or any other letters) allies, at most they pretend to be when they want trannies to help them again

false equivalence, but thank you for using reverse dogwhistles and making sure nobody takes you seriously
>Just look at the youngshits throwing late transitioners under the bus (late transitioners to them means anyone who started medically transitioning after the second trimester). I can supply many many other examples of LGBTs stabbing each other in the back due to a sense of entitlement and unearned superiority but I'm sure you have examples of your own

Lol im a youngshit that sometimes makes fun of older transitioners but never would i ever go against them or restrict transitioning for them.
I actively don't like gay men either but i'd never support any sort of legislation against them because that would backfire terribly

the phenomenon of gay men backstabbing trans people is mainly limited to gay men
>Reminder that the troons who seethe at LGB for not supporting T are the same troons who shit on enbies, aroaces and tucutes.

I only seethe at other trans people for pretending gay men are totally allies and support us when they have nothing to do with us for the most part
>the phenomenon of gay men backstabbing trans people is mainly limited to gay men

Phrased this badly, the phenomenon of backstabbing is mainly limited to gay men
its a schizo that keeps making retarded posts like that occasionally ignore them dw
Wanting anything other than straight white men in power was a mistake. Every time a minority is put in a position of power they try their hardest to be one of the good ones. See: Priti Patel, Kemi Badenoch
Transbians really are the straight men of legbutts.
He's doing damage control to protect LGBs against all the mess trannies have created.
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Seriously though I think the person who was shittiest to me during my early transition was a faggot coworker of mine. I think honestly they have a lot of jealously over dolls for getting to catch the occasional straight dick, meanwhile dude was balding and getting fat as he approached 30 and his brief time in the sun was coming to an end. Also ofc there’s the pickles who think it’s anyone more visibly different than thems fault that people hate them
i am a straggot tranny please fuck off if you actually researched the history and culture of legbutt shit youd realize gay men are parasites to the whole movement and everyone it concerns. you probably arent even trying to appeal to terfs or circlejerking and are probably just a dumbass baitlord but still

its so funny when uneducated maga yankees treat british politics like its american
Gay men hate us because we have what they will never have : straight cocks in our asses and successfull mariage
>i am a straggot tranny
Ah so it's internalized homophobia.
Got it.
>straight cocks in our asses
Lol. Yeah because greasy porn-addicted chaser coomers who will troon out in a year or two are high quality cock.
if youre implying im repressing attraction for women just say u hate trannies. now fuck off and heres ur (You), stop diluting actual conversation asshole
>implying twink chasing closet pedophiles are any better
It’s literally this ngl, plus probably the same mentality as the lesbian terfs who hate that their heckin butches are turning into trannies
>impying femboy grooming closet pedophiles are any better
Your "conservation" is just braindead homophobia.
This thread wasn't producing anything of worth.
If anything I'm improving it.
>Thinking it's gay men and not gays in general
Cotton ceiling hurt your feefees again, alice?
>gay moids never cared about the other letters or any ulterior goal or movement if u ask me
the real blackpill is that no letter give a single fuck about the others and will throw them under the bus if it benefit them
That's because he's very much aware of the groomer aspect of feeding little boys sissy pills
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tranny groomers and faggot groomers once again doing their best to destroy childrens lives
This isn't true and nobody in this thread knows LGBT history.
>Lesbians helped gay men during AIDs.
>Gay men put lesbians first in the acronym for supporting them through.
>LGB people created drag culture that allowed trans people to explore their gender in relatively saf safe.
>Trans people were often the catalyst for more extreme push back against cishets
All this every letter for themself carries the stench of astroturfing.
Imagine how many children would could destroy if we worked together...
you went after transbians first you braindead mong, most people in this thread are going after gay moids for their behaviour specifically, not sexuality. lesbians and bishits are completely fine.

completely false, you have no clue about lgbt culture or history. what i said applies to gay men and gay men only.
I'm just a straight dude that likes to laugh at sideshows. Who really is the ally of the trans? Gays hate y'all, lesbians hate y'all, bisexuals ghost y'all and just looking around here tranny hates tranny more than the hate between Rowling and y'all.
...good imo. People shouldn't be allowed to make severly permanent life-altering decisions before they are legal.
It's justified because of troons behavior.
Banning hrt for minors isn't even that all unreasonable.
If anything the gays are looking out for troons because if we let minors transition then you're going to have an army of detransitioning ex-poon terfs in 20 years who will do anything they can to shut the T altogether.
>you have no clue about lgbt culture or history
Neither do you apparently.
why not just do the reasonable thing and ban transition for afabs
>Gays hate y'all
Gays think trans are silly. It's not hate.
>lesbians hate y'all,
They won't ever openly admit it.
>bisexuals ghost y'all
The one letter that's really on T's side but T's hate them.
..what? if you said neither then you admit it and dont have a frame of reference. moron. it doesnt even make sense regardless idiot. dont reply to me again.
NTA, retard.
the problem with this one is that when you are legal the effectiveness of the treatment for your quality of life goes down by about 90%
Lmao stay butthurt Alice (or whatever the hsts equivalent is), if anyone is a leech its the autistic blahaj humpers who were hardly in the community 30 years ago
Just for this comment i am going to help an underage pooner get on testosterone for free
No it's gross gay incels who think transitioning is stealing their bottoms and/or bottoms who are too ugly to get good dick anymore. You NEVER see attractive gay men pulling this shit
waow ok for real?? i dont fucking care redditor im not psychic now *stop* replying to me i told you already, you arent here for any actual discussion you just wanna shitpost and its clear, i dont care how much you larp. you stink of reddit. heres your (You), faggot
are you even reading my posts before you reply
god this thread shows how much board quality has gone downhill, everytime we try discussion a bunch of retards start shitflinging randomly hoping one insult sticks to excuse for the fact they have no intelligent input to give

baited nobody award
>the copium ITT
Gave me a good chuckle.
lesbians are the most consistent cis allies to trans people by a significant margin. this is repeatedly demonstrated every time there's a poll on the subject.
stop letting the media define your view on this, lesbian TERFS are a tiny fringe group promoted by american conservatives so they don't have to voice their true views on LGBT people
assimilationist gay men willing to throw everyone else under the bus, on the other hand, are very real and in actual positions of power as OP points out
imagine dropping the G before the B. yall priorities are in the toilet
Tsmt. Most bisexual men are outright Trump supporters but trannies don't care because unlike gay men they are potential sexual partners. Stop pretending this is about wokeness and not the same old envious crabs in a bucket shit that drives other intra-LGBT conflicts
drop the plus
this is why I'm fine with it
trannies think they are better than us
They’re functionally straight
>you must be straight to be good
When did I say they were good?
I don’t like em
>it is just a coincidence I see them as straight despite them not being straight
people don't realize how brainwashed they are
um how do trannies help gay people?
they fucking don't
>I know I've been saying it's coming any day now for a decade but just 20 more years until the great detransition wave finally proves me right!!!
>the great detransition
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>The sooner trans people realise that gay men are not our allies the better. Most gay men are indifferent or actively support anti trans legislation.
A lot of gays are pedophiles too
See not all faggots are freakshows.
Tranime + lying doctors+ lying influencers+ lying pedophile groomers+ lying bio med industry + pharmaceutical + depopulation agenda + psychologically vulnerable individuals = bad news
Drop each letter, disband the alliance

L vs G vs B vs T free-for-all
no, lg vs bt
disinfo shill
Do gay men see tranners as traitors somehow? I feel like some see tranning as the "easy" way out of being gay and don’t believe gender dysphoria for one second

I also kinda feel like a gay person would maybe look at trans as a mockery of their sexuality somehow? Idk
who cares about history, we're not talking about the 60s we're talking about current years
no its harder to be trans than gay you can't question that narrative ever

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