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last disaster >>36555681
qott what makes you feel the most depressed, aside from the obvious answer of not having enough brain chemicals
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the rot (body flavor not brain flavor)
The constant worry that I only ever succeeded in my work because I was simply people's only option and not that I was ever good at my work

scarlet rot?
when i break out of my daily NEET hyperfixation and realize i wasn't doing anything worthwhile all day, i was just distracting myself while rotting
qott: a mirror
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Qott: feeling like i don't belong anywhere, and it's always been that way and always will be
yo bread
today was so exhausting, i had to work with the department female. very scary stuff, and i have to do it all again tomorrow!!!
may as well be
being ugly and unloveable
I need to start lifting but like unironically
what a dystopic image, absolutely soul crushing


aren't those the same thing
grace's worms that tell her these kind of lies are definitely what make her most depressed mhm
what bothers me is that gender is said to encompass not only the social aspects of a persons gender identity but the psychological and behavioral aspects as well. we know from empirical research that cis men and cis women behave differently. we know that there are psychological differences between them. so how can we say that a trans woman knows what it is like to behave or think like a woman. because they identify as such?
why are you talking about empirical research when u literally believe in jewish fairy tales as the answer to life fucking lmao
>so how can we say that a trans woman knows what it is like to behave or think like a woman. because they identify as such?
i agree; trans women are not women
>"Kota why don't you open up be vulnerable"
>lay it all on the table
>own up to all the lies
>show em the real Kota
>everyone just goes quiet
Don't ask questions you don't want answers to what the fuck. Not gonna let it get me down tho gonna have a good day, maybe I went too far idk

But to answer op I am deathly afraid that my past actions as a not so great man will catch up with me and everyone will abandon me and the thought of that makes me really sad. I try not to dwell and let the past be the past but it's hard sometimes, I really wasn't a good person
do women scare you
theyre not worms lol
like im not dumb ik im ugly
and anyone who has been attracted to me irl has just been a complete degenerate weirdo
Not even just being in public spaces, but my fear of public spaces itself. I don't think I'll ever be able to actually enjoy going out because I'm terrified of the way I'll be treated or even just perceived
yes, terribly so. they are so much better than me
knowing that i'm wasting my very precious and very finite youth and good looks
We also have it that trans men and trans women have brain development more closely aligned with their cis counterparts.
Like, yes, based on a bunch of factors we have social stuff ingrained upon us by how and who we are raised around, but if it was as simple as all that we wouldn't feel as disconnected as we do from our peers
what do you do for work?
love, love so much
i work in the back of a grocery store. choppin' up the fruit and such
the little voice in the back of my head that tells me I don't deserve nice things, or really, its consequences. I know not to trust it most of the time but then it sometimes gets a hold of me and I become a terrible person to be around. idk how my fiancee or bestie or anyone still wants to spend time with me bc every other time they do, I end up ugly crying to them about how sorry I am for wasting their time by guilting them into spending it with me.
not being able to experience being a teenager as a girl and instead having to do it as some fat fuck loser which i still am after it
do you girlmode or boymode when you go to work?
wait what
what's the real scrota
sometimes when i look at men it reminds me how disgusting and not female i am and it makes me sad
oops forgot my name
also im no longer allowed to upload files lol can't even attention whore in passgen...
4chan will never know who I really am, all you need to know is that I was a deeply unstable, delusional liar hiding behind a mask and I am better now and it's all out there to the people who matter
boymode, obviously.
i never girlmode
post jonkler scars
wait what changed
last i remember you were still a deeply unstable delusional liar hiding behind a mask, posting about dying from blood coming out of your butt
I just tried to send you something but your addy’s broken
>gender is said to encompass not only the social aspects of a persons gender identity but the psychological and behavioral aspects as well. we know from empirical research that cis men and cis women behave differently
there's a pretty strong argument to be made that if we could somehow control for socialization and bodily dimorphism this difference would evaporate. we don't know that it's innate rather than a product of socialization + having a whole class of people be stronger and the other solely control reproduction (american barbarism notwithstanding)
>we know that there are psychological differences between them
uh source on this one? that seems pretty contentious
>so how can we say that a trans woman knows what it is like to behave or think like a woman
well if it's a product of socialization just living while presenting as a woman would do it. or if your other presuppositions are true we could figure it out the same way we figured out those, with more studies
>deeply unstable delusional liar
average mtfger
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I have no jonkler society man scars but I got booboos on my forehead from tripping with an eyebrow razor and running into a door
most wormed bitch on this whole board i swear, clinging to bdd delusions despite all evidence to the contrary. genuinely sad to see
necromancer can u resurrect our poor dead thread?
Blood butt was true I got a colonoscopy in August cuz of it
no my magic isn't strong enough
>my past actions as a not so great man
i mean as long as you didn't rape anybody... you didn't rape anybody, right?
ok so what changed in between then and now
No, I was bad but I wasn't that bad. I still hurt people tho, just in different ways, and I feel a lot of guilt about it
I feel lonely.
Posting myself on passgen and getting 1 reply gave me strenght to go on
my brain is genuinely fucked and ppl keep telling me the opposite
i cant help it :c
Breaking up with my girlfriend and finding somebody who actually loves me for me and not the stupid charade I put on
it's truly over
so no therapy or anything
idk i don't know if i believe it, you're too cluster b/munchausen tier for it to change just bc you got a new bf

yes but the differences in brain structure between cis men and cis women also cause behavioral and psychological differences, the studies which you speak of always have tiny sample sizes (see below), and as far as i know they don't answer whether these similarities in brain structure cause trans men and trans women to behave or think similarly to their cis counterparts. i'm not sure if you could even study that. i'm obviously not a big fan of this talking point but terfs commonly use this as an argument against us and unfortunately i've never seen anyone provide a good rebuttal.

You're cute, pretty, nice, and I love you.
>also im no longer allowed to upload files lol can't even attention whore in passgen...
Lmao do u not have 20 dolla. Jan twerks for you for that little $
I've been making strides to be a better, more honest person for her. She really changed my perspective on a lot of stuff and made me stop feeling hopeless
Therapy is still something I want but after I figure out where I'm going, got plans to move just don't know where
idk do you think this progress would stay if you two broke up? you should be being a better person for yourself, not for someone else
We literally already have a decent rebuttal in this thread >>36560796
Be better for yourself. Yes
Being good for someone else, depends
Wouldnt you change a bit to be favored? Idk tbhonest idgi
I don't know, honestly. She's been encouraging me to focus more on myself and I've been trying to but I've spent so much of my life living for other people, this isn't something I'm used to
also its hard to be positive abt myself when i spent the last like 1.8 months just purely rotting and only just recently started to put actual real effort into myself
so im just v like self-critical about myself and i hate that it took me so long to stop feeling shitty enough to actually put effort into something that ive wanted the entire time bc i was too depressed and dysfunctional to do anything about it until now
overall trying to be less wormy but its hard when even i laugh at my own efforts
>Wouldnt you change a bit to be favored? Idk tbhonest idgi
it's never helped before

>I've spent so much of my life living for other people
is that what you call making everything about you and telling tall tales to get attention and being an emotional vampire?
Just keep with it. You're amazing.
1.8 years* sry
nomi post

>there's a pretty strong argument to be made that if we could somehow control for socialization and bodily dimorphism this difference would evaporate. we don't know that it's innate rather than a product of socialization + having a whole class of people be stronger and the other solely control reproduction (american barbarism notwithstanding)

>well if it's a product of socialization just living while presenting as a woman would do it. or if your other presuppositions are true we could figure it out the same way we figured out those, with more studies

see >>36560877

>uh source on this one? that seems pretty contentious

No? Me irl and me online were two very different people, I came here to scream and get attention because I had problems and didn't know how to deal with them any other way, irl I've been giving up so much of life to support other people and it ran me into the ground
lol i feel this so hard
ik being less wormed would make me a better more likeable person but at the end of the day i always just end up thinking what's the point I'm a tranny I'm literally disgusting
just say 2 lol
2 wouldnt be accurate bc i just hit 2 years and i didnt actually begin to start putting efforts into myself until a few months ago
is your gf trans?
i've had dysphoria all my life and im not even sure i want to be trans i just want to be cis but im not and i cant pretend to be since it's hurtful so now im stuck with this online identity which feels like such a joke after i look in the mirror, i hate this. i've only socially transitioned for a year and a half and im not able to go on hormones until im like 23 at least and it feels so fake being called a she knowing im not a woman. does this ever get better? i cant even talk to other trans people about it because i either accidentally offend them and i end up looking like a dick.
this is very interesting and does challenge my assumptions, but more studies is definitely still the answer here. just one example off the top of my head that could give some insight: replicate these experiments where we found differences at a young age, track the participants, compare how many of the outliers who acted against the predictions for their sex become gay/trans vs how many typical participants do. expensive but easily doable
also there's that one swedish study that found crime rates dropped in mtfs and rose in ftms on hormones (plus t rage being just well known). so, there may be an endocrinological component to consider in behavioral differences too
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if the girl who made this is here please make your presence known
teenage angst has paid off well
now I'm bored and old
that's spice
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she single
fuck off pooner
i'm the cis guy.
here's a little advice son; all women are single if you're what they're looking for
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this is a good pairing i've seldom seen posted
oh congrats on being a girl now
brutal, the trans flag in the TL.
jones is shit as all of the TL is, but eddy is probably the worst street.
turk & jones used to be the spot then it moved to Leavenworth. nowadays i wouldn't fw it.
Would you wear a collar in public if your bf wanted you to? (while with him)
what is wrong with me
p pretty....
u will feel better on hormones bc living socially as a woman while not being on hrt is a fuck
but big relate on wanting 2 be cis and not a tranny
why do u have to wait to take them?
r u paige
I love you for what I am not
i did not want what I have got
is anya here
main reason is i still live with my parents and i'll also be going to uni and i dont live in the balkans and over here like half of my paycheck would go to just the rent
I'm nothin special, you're surrounded by people who look better than I do
no amount of in love would make me do this
wouldn't even be apprehensive
literally I bought myself a collar when I was a teen but I don't have it anymore
No. I'm a guy who wants to make you feel special.
It isn't something I'd make you do from day1. Think of it like a wedding band to me. That sorta thing, when we've been together a while.
Yes absolutely 100% no hesitation
I doubt that, everyone is special anyway because they have physical characteristics among other things no one else exactly has.
your eyes are beautiful.
Thank you, I wish the rest of me was as beautiful but uhhhh I'm a work in progress
she wouldn't be feral anymore with an owner, yeah?
let me clarify: my public image is more important to me than any romance. i won't be with a man who can't respect that i need to maintain it
what's up
she always gets out of the yard one way or the other
you know what this is a good point, I'm not feral anymore we're so back girls
it's kinda trashy and seems wrong, maybe if it was really subtle like a choker.
Im your fan, just wanted to talk to you, how's your day going?
very attractive
jokes on you I was already sitting
this is how you find out about my psychic powers
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I don't believe it
probably my dad’s death. i was boymoding and during my last conversation with him while he was alive he barged into my room and i left my discord open on one of my monitors with my dms to my boyfriend, who was saying he loved me and calling me by my chosen name.
the last text he sent my mom after this referred to me as “your kid”.
he committed sui by cop a few mins after. feels awful man
meant to
unironically I'd want a leash too
so he can pull real hard if I get distracted
maybe beat me up with his shoes
a man chooses
sorry anon
Speaking to my soul, sister...I actually have a collar and leash already, just waitin for the right person to come along and call me a dumb mutt while beating me with a chancla
i need to stop weighing myself
its so depressing to see the number go down but still see a massive tummy on my body
a dog borks
>check the general
>no unsee links
wrong general fool, cock pics are two aisles over in chasergen.
>I actually have a collar and leash already
pretty based
I hope u find that person kota
how do I convince my endo to increase my spiro dose from 25mg to 100mg
I think I have she was just a little hesitant about the dog stuff but I wore her down I think, she's supposed to be coming over to Wisconsin sometime in the fall and maybe if I'm lucky she'll use the leash and beat my ass

The collar is purple and the leash is pink yes it's agp no I don't care it's cute no bully
threaten with a gun
this busta belongs in the dogpound on gang
what makes me most depressed is how much i just look creepy. like i manmode so its not even a tranny thing. i’m just ugly. i look ugly i sound ugly i try to soften myself up w masks and clothes but nothing works. i just want to be a normal guy if i can’t ever be a woman
waist trainer
>yes it's agp
I am literally autogynophilia incarnate
will it actually cut fat on my tummy though or is it just shapewear
Naz I don't usually think about people in that way, agp or hsts is just not a concept that exist in my mind u are just a person to me...I just wanted to cover my ass a lil
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Anya is so cute
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you're beautiful all over even if I don't know what your face looks like
(pics?? lol jk...unless?)
they cannot possibly actually remove fat, they just squish it temporarily.
some claim it deforms your torso but i don't think that's possible.
they work, it's like a sauna for your tummy and the straps on a double compression type will slowly move your ribs. also they prevent you from overeating cause they squeeze ur innerds
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I'm also a damn fine evil pilot of course
i still dont rly eat that much
but ok will try
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I've posted my face tons u can pictures of me cutting a smile into my face in the archives but ok here you go. Aggressively average sorry to let u down
im repressing but at least im on hrt.
but what about your voice training anon, don't you have work to do?
nah, you're still pretty.
>cute freckles decorate the princess's face, lights above reveal her elegant complexion, her oceanic eyes glimmering in the room, practically beckoning your attention.
i wish i ran a shady pachinko parlor
very chris chan esque facial structure.
it makes sense why you are the way you are
i wish i was a chinese rapper
stop with the aiposting lia
leaf really turned out to be all angle fag didn't she
i miss him i miss him i miss him imisshim i kno he still wants me ti can telllll what did i do wrongggg uuuugggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
The duality of man
i wish there was a rapper chaser who rapped abt fucking trannies w fat asses and small cocks and how they're all snow bunnies and stuff
i feel like that would help trans acceptance a lot
honestly just take better care of your hair/skin and youll be fine
theres good angles and bad angles anon
no human looks perfect from every angle
you're not ugly by any stretch
Another funny note I was actually in special ed so yes more like Chris Chan than I'd like to admit
its like if chris chan was attractive in a former band kid way
u could b one if u put ur mind to it, i bleev in u
im sorry but she looks like chris. u cant deny it.
at least chris doesnt fuck with h lol
what was that like? for tism or a physical disability?
Anya looks pretty fucking hot from any angle. So do a few others. Some girls don't really angle it up that much I've noticed.
That's an older pic, been working on skin...hairs another story but I'll get there
I dunno man you all beat me down and called me an ugly cunt back in the day, I guess absence makes the heart grow fonder
This is the meanest but also nicest thing anyone's ever said about me
If you're passing, don't ever bother coming out to some guy who is interested in you that you met at school, work, your hobby whatever. Chances are way more likely than not they just reject you anyway. And that is the least of your worries if you are unlucky. It's absolutely not worth it, don't be stupid like I was.
gay sex grandaddy santa clause crotch ugh sex daddy pls
Doesn't anya have the weirdly short jaw that makes her look like she had throat cancer, or was that one of the other anyacord randos?
i hate to be the bearer of bad news but anya absolutely does not look hot from every angle.
nobody does. the closest i can think of to that is kat or laf and that’s because they had the money to turn their faces and bodies into inhuman plastic facsimiles of living flesh. they look good from every angle because they threw away their outward humanity. also theyre fucking insane lol
t. someone who sees anya far more frequently than u anon
I can see the Chris comparison honestly, ever since switching to injections my face got fat in a very Chandlerish way, I used to be pretty gaunt n ghoulish looking
Behavioral issues and speech issues, I hated it
I look like cwc
anya locks in for selfies and look like a mogger, but irl she has a impish ear 2 ear infectious grin permanently on her face and smells like beer. she litterally half leprachaun or someshit. luh that luh irish nigga like u wudn't believ desu anya realest in the game yahud?
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i'm a dude, not lia.
also that was written by a real person.
good for u i guess. trips of truth nvr lie…
>they threw away their outward humanity
Are we related was your dad's name david
not great
my dads name is chris, no joke
i refuse to believe either of your claims
very true. i would get a robot body if i could but unfortunately the brain does not last forever
can you do a slutty chrischan cosplay for me?
can you kill yourself
feel that, was in sped way longer than i needed to be bc of insane controlling parents who screamed at me and threw shit at me when i tried to get out of it. got out for high school but yeah really not a good experience, am much less well adjusted because of it. and the CWC things not rly that prominent, if that's an old pic then you probably look fine now.
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go away kat
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idk is my jaw weirdly short
I'm the only non bdd uggoposter here
if there are otger ugky people in the thread
they don't tend to post pictures I'll tell you that...
who's this
its a recent pic lol. she never posts old ones
My uncles name is Chris, my cousins name is also Chris...hmmmmmm I got my eyes on you
Honestly if my girlfriend let's me yes absolutely
Nah, you're perfect (until you pull your hair back)
where's all the socal tranners :(((
I can trace my family to china but I cant trace anyone to the u.s so it's unlikely
you look cute, your jawline is nice
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>i refuse to believe either of your claims
Woman moment.
anya post chest stubble
anya looks much better since she toned up and got /fit/
Idc about dick wagging contests u retard i just made a comment
whatever either way as i said earlier she doesnt even have bad facial structure just needs to be less greasy w her skin/hair
i like how youre a submissive wife to her its not weird
I still look pretty rough desu that was a few months ago, still working on getting my shit together after getting out of a hellish 3 year polycule gotta relearn how to actually give a shit about myself
Not true shut up fuck you deez nuts

I also want to listen to this.
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learn2read syntax baka
Hmmmmmm...one of us could be adopted
I can't tell if that's sarcasm but yes I am a good bitch or at least trying to be
we got pedo rappers before we got chaser rappers
>nomi enters the fray
idk where she is. hopefully in rehab. the benzos rly arent doing her any favors.
:3c idk
cute but drink some water u look a lil dehydrated
im not really an uglyposter per se, more like mediocreposter. im probably more like chris chan cos my bed has lots of stuffed creatures on it and i have a decent amount of video game and anime memorabilia
its exactly the sort of thing lia would lie about lmao
i never said she looked bad just that nobody looks good from every angle sob..
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love that for you (god i need a girl to be a submissive bitch for)
wash ur greasy mop heat a better haircut and you will do fine
thanks bro that means a lot
That is literally me after getting out of the shower that's why I look wet n slimy, my skin n hair usually isn't great anyways but it's not that bad looking
hahaha live this callbacks
if u have sonic autism too, based
>bed has lots of stuffed creatures on it and i have a decent amount of video game and anime memorabilia
honestly cool
if I wasn't so poor and actually had a room I'd probably fill it with similar
>they don't tend to post pictures I'll tell you that...
paige does
not sonic autism. giant robot autism
theyre basically the same tho so its ok
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See look not great but not greasy this was literally two minutes ago
thank u
paige unironically passes when she isn't making goofy faces and trying to look bad
that's why she see's no issue with being a trans neonazi
lives in like the south and they give her no issue
>its exactly the sort of thing lia would lie about lmao
see, pretty.
not with that jawline lmao I was cursed with a chad jaw
moshi moshi grem
ur septum is bonkers lol
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I have to do this when I eat cuz it gets in the way lmao
>just take it out for a bit
>theyre basically the same tho so its ok
but I've loved that damn blue hedgehog like my entire life
only got into mecha like a few years ago
not really, your skin is soft enough to make it look smoother.
the frizzyness of your hair there really adds to your appearance.
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no no no no no do NOT say that mecha is gay and cool sonic is for losers like crhis chan or pring
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i had 2 pick some stuff up from ex n he all like "come up for coffee" n i sed yeh cuz i hadda take a shit anyway but the seconded i got in my car 2 drive away with the items i forgot 2 move out with i starrted crying again why he keep making me get close 2 the flame and not let me touch just grab me dude JUST REACH OUT N GRAB ME AND SAY YUO WANT ME I CANT SAY NO DUDE I LET YOU IN AND I CANT GET YOU OUT MAN WTFFFF WHYYYYYY U DO THIS SHIT TO ME FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
>play video games
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im sorry but this shit is pretty gay
please stop
I have been told that I am quite soft by lovers but idk, I think they're trying to make me feel cute when in reality I just look like a twink with boobs who can cut diamonds with their jaw
My hair is kinda outta control yeh, hot weather isn't helping either. Gotta get a trim in a bit
death 2 manlets desu
i meant all uh that as a good thing, i'm just trying my best to make girls around here fell better about themselves.
you're genuinely really cute, if i wasn't holding out for a crush i'd be asking for your discord or something ngl.
>tfw 5'9
hieght mogging works backwards for troons.
as a 6'1er i am the betacuck and as a sub 6' you are the mogger
Ohhhh sorry I just have no self esteem sorry really sorry I appreciate the compliments
I am also spoken for lmao, so even if you didn't have your heart set on someone already I don't think I'd go for it
You're like my girlfriend, she's 6'2 and you guys have no idea how blessed you are. If I was 6 foot something no one would wanna fuck with me but I am short n don't even weigh 130lbs I am built to get hatecrimed or molested it's awful
idk if it's where I live but most guys seem to average around 5'9"
Nah, I guess it was someone else
Sorry for getting y'all confused
There was someone with kinda bug eyes and a really really short lower jaw posted with one of the other passoids tho
>nobody does
okay but have you seen zendaya
humble braggin ass...also i don wanna fuckin fight ppl. i hate how i look.
It's weird how height is in the US, I feel tall over here, not the tallest, but taller than most. But over where my gf is she's always talking about how there's people above 6 feet everywhere n it intimidates me lol, I went from feeling kinda tall to like a munchkin
I'm not trying to brag I am egitimately scared of everything and everyone especially after almost getting raped twice last night on my way home from Walmart, it made me finally realize that I am not strong and I hate it all I could was scream and run
I wanna be able to defend myself or at least look intimidating I feel like a joke
sob...bf...god if i just drink i can go sleep and not have brain just black...want black times juice...pray for no drinkykins
did u break up
what happened
>almost getting raped twice last night on my way home from Walmart
are you sure you weren't reading too much into something cause no offense but this sounds very unlikely
her pr team makes sure that her bad photos arent out there lol. shes just another self absorbed hollywood shithead who can afford to look nice 24/7
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no i mean gay in a good way


it's scrotakins what do you think
Ok so like the first time was more like sexual harassment but the second time I literally had to run because after the guy started acting weird and trying to grab me he chased me to my house, I was out for a couple hours ducking up side streets just trying to get someone's attention but no one would help me. Lost him eventually tho n got home
shoulda went 2 target.
he no want me no more...i am used up fuckhole now for him and he say go away now pls so i go. i wanna die.
hes a literal manlet fuck him
u deserve better fren
Walmarts closer tho
literally nobody can believe anything you say because you are a habitual liar
b-b-but the manlet x long bish vibes were growing on me...no pun intended.
i was his oliveoil and he was my popeye the sailor man :(((((( he tol me he luv me but now he dont luve me no more and i feel so used up and old and dry and gay and retarded
I don't care bruh I'm not asking you to believe me I was just explaining what happened. Like I got witnesses and video of me hiding from him in an alleyway I don't gotta prove nothin to you
>cute but drink some water u look a lil dehydrated
yeh took that pic after waking up fo from hangover
laguna will have an aneurysm when she wakes up and reads this lmao
have been getting some regrowth from her but will get hairline lowering surgery at some point yeh
uhhmm lol
>ask gf about sexy chris chan cosplay
>radio silence
Mission failed boys pack it up it's over
remember that I'm sad and lonely and also uggo and my life's going nowhere and everyone hates me and
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oh same
why life is going somewhere tho albeit slowly

is it real
>rapist came out of nowhere and chased me around for two entire hours with spectators
what's it like living in a cartoon
iwn have a bf/gf who thinks I'm sexy ;~;
iwn be the gf
iwn be cute or hot
Despite that you're still like top 3 of /tttt/
naw prolly some ai joke idk pls stab me in the neck cuh ty
He didn't come outta nowhere I literally walked past him on the way home, it's a public street bro there's more people than me in this city

But to answer your question awful every morning I wake up and go outside and get pancaked by a piano, then when they pull it offa me I pop back up like an accordion and everyone starts laughing and I get super insecure
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i don't have a long enough knife sry

>iwn have a bf/gf who thinks I'm sexy ;~;
the important part is having a bf you find sexy, having ppl you think are ugly being the only ppl who find you attractive feels terrible
thank goodness my exes have all been rather handsome otherwise my self esteem would be even worse than it already is
Yeah, a real high bar there
thank u mysterious anon
It actually is, /tttt/ has plenty of cuties
see? look at these idiots.
no one couldnvt cosplayed popeye x olive oil like me n ex could...we was perf...the olive oil must be portrayed by a long tranny!
throw wutever that is at me instead then. it look sharb
who is this
an anon, not a namefag or trip
imma guess it was tigerdude off trip
this kinda just feels like a humble brag but ty i lold
If I throw throwing knives in my backyard at a target is that an issue?
owo its so much bigger then i thought
no im not humblebragging, i was just reflecting on my own experiences
i just like handsome men and im lucky enough to have found a few who were into me to date me

only if you miss
ugh my movie sites only have camrips of longlegs up
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why does it say (you)
add me on disc of u think im that cute xd
cus ur using 4chan x
no that's fun. you could just play darts instead though, you'll probably be really bad at knife throwing and end up in the er.
Aren't you a transbian?
Knives are actually fun though

weird glitch
I'm in love with you. My chest actually ached

are you into t4t by any chance? Not like I'm planning our wedding or anything haha
what do you do with knives?
ugh i wish handsome men wanted to date me
i feel like the only ppl who notice me at all r creepy old men
i mean it's not common, but im sure there are handsome men out there who are looking for a transwoman to exploit that u could date
it's over the dream is dead
Nothing I don't have any, I just see theives in videogames use them so I want to learn them
im in a open long distance transbian relationship
u can add my discord if u want tho i might flirt with u if ur cute
tag is omewette
the fact that there's not an ending where you side with miquella
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lol exactly
get a dart set little one
meant 2 reply 2 >>36563149 sobbing
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have you ever heard of a tulpa
that doesn't sound v nice..
i mean it's not like handsome men seek out transwomen for genuine companionship lol
Umm I want to learn how to throw knives and throwing stars though and learn martial arts
killing myself rn
>im in a open long distance transbian relationship
i feel like all I've ever been to anyone is a prop
even before i was trans, but even more so now
i just want someone to like me for me :(
we had a set of throwing stars, we used to throw them at trees and each other lol. me, my brothers and our friends. show me what your wrist looks like and I'll tell you if you can handle knives
>i feel like all I've ever been to anyone is a prop
me with literally every man in my life
my dad
my ex bff
the men i've dated
literally always just a prop or a tool to them
never felt really loved for me aside from my ex bff but i guess i was misreading things because he dumped me like cold vomit
A bunch of burn marks from cigarette burns but no cuts
I'm also almost 40 I got this
yeah im probably a walking red flag
ur a walking star babe
have fun but i mean it, be careful. ive seen a lot of dumb drunken accidents with knives and fireworks involved
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Yeah for sure idk I just wanna get better at this type of stuff but idk
So, I got another refill of Prog, 3 month supply, I'm getting pretty happy with my breast growth if I'm being honest, once I'm out of Prog, should I stop? I'm not huge or anything, but I like where they are.
i know other people get to experience it
I've seen it, how normal ppl are able to just find others who want to share their lives, they form these connections and they last years and even when they break it's not that long before the next one comes around
but nobody, nobody ever made me feel like i was worth their time
lol real incelposting hours ig, but I'm not just talking about sex
i might as well be a mannequin
He might have been a dick to you idk but also look at how you treat him now. He set up a pretty clear if unspoken boundary you overstepped and continue to talk about overstepping further. He doesn't want anything to do with you and you're not thinking about him at all, only how it made you feel. If someone drops you sure it sucks but you just move and and accept it. The fact you are unwilling to suggests to me you probably were not able to be a very good friend to him anyway, as this sort of failure to read social cues is usually indicative of other inappropriate behaviour. It was rude of him to drop you but I find it hard to believe he didn't have reasons to do so.
>He might have been a dick to you idk but also look at how you treat him now.
why? ex bff?
>He set up a pretty clear if unspoken boundary you overstepped
no he didn't
he just stopped talking to me, and i stopped talking to him. the only time i've sent anything to him in the last 4+ years was a letter apologizing for being a bad friend
>continue to talk about overstepping further
how though
>He doesn't want anything to do with you and you're not thinking about him at all
yes i am though, i don't email him or reach out to him and haven't in years. i even ended the letter i sent him to apologize with a post script saying he doesn't need to respond if he doesn't want to, i just wanted to let him know i was sorry and wanted to maybe help ease the burden of carrying some of the stuff i said and did
>it was rude of him to drop you but I find it hard to believe he didn't have reasons to do so.
last thing we said to each other irl was "i love you"
last line in the last email he sent me was "i miss you lots"
maybe he did have a reason, and i've respected it, but the idea how "i'm treating him now" is anything other than respectful is just ludicrous.

it's depressing
>qott what makes you feel the most depressed, aside from the obvious answer of not having enough brain chemicals
I feel like I'm losing my best friends. They're closer to me than family, it hurts so much to see them drifting away from me. I want to reach out to them and hold on to them for dear life, but I can't. They're already too far gone. They're just close enough to touch, but not enough to hold. And soon even that won't be true, and then they'll be gone from my life. Forever.
can some1 giv me a nice dreem prompt for when i go sleep.
It gets better and you feel better in the morning
>lonely squire tending to a knight
>father is harsh
>knight visits your hovel to see where you are bc you're late to muck his stall
>sees your father being abusive
>pulls rank as a night to cow your father
>takes you with him to his quarters
>comforts you and says even if your dad doesn't love you
>you should know that a real man of value
>a knight
>loves you and wants to feel loved and cared about
>hug him and cuddle together and fall asleep with him
naw i meant like something with dragons...or like everyone has mini marshmallows for theeth...something like that
> qott
the fact that ive wasted my life/am so lacking in life experiences. im 21 and i fucked for the first time like 2 months ago. nothing in life comes naturally to me especially with my interactions with people. there is no one in my life who i speak to on a regular basis. i can't keep up a job and wherever i work i just feel like a retarded child and a liability for my coworkers. i dont know how to be a woman, i dont even know how to be a human being.
I only just realized there's a gay bathhouse here
are there straight bath houses
and then merlin shows up with a fuckin boner n we all FUCK haha hell yeah dude ty ni ni everybody try love 1 another and b kindness 2 ur sisters except for the ppl who r trash (like me) etc
you're not trash, manlets r trash
don't straights typically attend swinger parties if they want to sleep around?
ilu sleep well
ur manlet ex is an asshole pls dont trip abt him u genuinely deserve so much better
nite emo
hope tomorrow is a better day
when i see the mf who groomed me being successful. its a niche thing so i will occasionally see him doing something and it just kills me
Shut the fuck up laguna
you tried but unfortunately, wrong person
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a lot of people are completely lost in their early 20s without the additional difficulty of dysphoria, don't beat yourself up about it. things get easier.
i want to drink
but also dont
dying and being forgotten about within a few generations
should i play more elden ring or go get some food

i think that's comfy
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>i think that's comfy
my dad thinks the same. But i find it awful that my entire existence and everything I've done on this earth could be forgotten about so relatively quickly.

Sure it's easy to be remembered for doing something horrible, but it's harder to be remembered for doing something great.
mtfrens if u became famous what do u think it would be for
it means you don't need to worried if you make a fool of yourself, you'll be forgotten and so will everyone who experienced it or heard about it
i need a partner
but isn't that awful? to live so long and for all of it to be forgotten? your name, history, and whatever impact you've left to be left in the dust? If you gain peace from the idea that everyone who will ever tell your tale will become extinct, then good for you. But the idea of forever being forgotten depresses me to no end.
you have fascist tendencies
>you have fascist tendencies
explain. what tendencies appear to be fascist? i want to correct them.
>what tendencies appear to be fascist? i want to correct them.
Your desire to exert your will beyond yourself. You want to be remembered, you want to influence the world beyond your own death, you want at least a tiny amount of control over others through that influence. That's authoritarian behavior.
idk i admire David Bowie and i know that he'll be admired, remembered, and loved for generations to come. He's the only reason why i have this train of thought. i want to be remembered like him or an actor like Jimmy Stewart
dead cope thread
I, I will be king
And you, you will be queen
Though nothing will drive them away
We can beat them, just for one day
We can be heroes, just for one day
Teenage Wildlife is the cooler "Heroes" desu
dad sex dread
i miss marina
going to stay up and drink and hope she comes back when she wakes up
i miss my fernando puga piggy
>Uploading files from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse.

they're onto us bros


im completely uncool as you can see.
kill yourself nick
i never rly cared that much for teenage wildlife or the scary monsters album (i think that's where it's from right)
ziggy stardust and diamond dogs r prob my fav albums
idk what my all time fav bowie song is tho
maybe changes
btw have y'all heard cygnet committee before
it's from one of his earlier albums like hunky dory i think but it's so good, def gives a taste of what was to come
who's nick? i want my fernando
kill yourself you stupid fucking faggot you're an irredeemable piece of shit who doesn't deserve to be alive
my moonface mario...
my sweet fernando...
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end your life you know you'll do it eventually anyways
ugh i hope im not getting sick
need a threesome with this gigachad and my sweet sweet fernando piggy
can you just stop
kill all soulsborne dogs
stop what? u jelly that my fernando puga piggy mogs you hon?
its time o clock
How many of you whores have posted nudes online?
meeeeeeeeeee :3
ive posted my tits does that count
post them again
it's half past dead
no i dont want to get banned
thats why you post to unsee or another such site
theyll remain unposted for now...
i barely have any anyways
I posted my face for the first time on a passgen today, I'd never have the courage to do that
hold hands with me?
feels so comfy being outside right now with the breeze and sunset, i wanna lay down and take a nap but then I'll look like I'm homeless
can you please kill yourself please just end it out s gun on your mouth and pull the fucking trigger please
ur seething honey
need to kms
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ended up playing elden ring instead of going to get food, which was not my desired choice but it's what happened
time to daydream about cuddling with men until i fall asleep
it's only been like several years since i've fallen asleep with a man, im sure this is sustainable
I’ve had a pretty comfy evening thread, some personal worries and anxieties but otherwise good. I hope that you are all well too?
post face hon
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it's all yours
you literally have a beard and chest hair honey
ok holding it
i hate them.. so.. much...
checked and sure c: u a bowie fan?

Get noms!
is your bishop hot
it's not that bad a day I guess
drowning my sorrow in food
happy you are well tho carol
Imagine me being a household name for a thousand years.
society does tend to remember serial killers, you’ll get there one day
imagine continuing to reply to a person that has you blocked for months
Only if you like old men.
I’m p ok
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that's a 3 year old photo sweaty
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one day im gonna watch the life drain from ur soulless eyes

sweaty you think hrt just removes hair? mmm no sweaty ur shaving that. and we all know ur too poor to afford laser and electrolysis mmk sweatie?
taking a quick peek through my filter list, the first trip filtered that is not "nomi" is "catboy fat", and the most recent string of it being used that i can find started on 09 Jan 2024 12:41:33, but i know i had that filtered on my old laptop. considering i got this laptop last year after my car burnt up, which was in march or april, it is safe to say i've had his posts filtered for easily at least a year if not two years at this point

stop flirting
Lmao based
imagine eating a big bowl of fruit loops
I'm sleepy.

You're too cute to not remark on it.

Sorry not sorry.

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