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prev >>36560490
Andras will destroy the followers of the false God. He'll destroy those who hurt you and who upset you. Say his name, spread his sigil. I have seen his power in force in a matter of days he has shaped earth and man alike.
my favorite thing about being gay is ____
being glared at in public

i made a generated story about a king stealing youth from towel boys but it won't let me post the link :(
how do u feel about steven universe
African American Vernacular English? i have a linguistics degree so i would know
Just found out that a regular at a brewery I used go to got arrested for domestic battery and forcible sexual penetration. Crazy, he really didn't seem like the type--especially for being in retirement.
i thought it was cute... i liked clarence more though
>forcible sexual penetration
Knowing that when Andras frees me of fattie I will be able to have sex with and kiss my beautiful and sweet 27 year old twink BF. I'm not even asking for Andras to give me the twink, I want to earn him the right way. All Andras needs to do is hats he loves best and be a beacon of death and chaos.
its ok steven universe future is outright ass tho

ive only seen the pilot i think & i called the bees twist immediately in a way that wasnt intentional
>used to smoke weed with bf
>quit almost a year ago
>he still smokes
>it's really stinky and bothers me now
how do I get him to quit too?
i hate fat
what twist?
i hate it, its fucking lame
does anyone listen to the music i post?
Promise your soul to Andras and beg for Andras to give him lung cancer like he deserves.
the pinata has bees in it. i called it immediately
i click all the youtube links and listen to every song
i turns out i did not see the pilot but instead saw an episode called pilot expansion
the virus has spread to his brain…RIP horror
Good. Andras may fucking destroy him too. Burn the world in Andras' name and may he reign over its ruins.
dyslexic diva
Going to jerk off and then go buy diabetic lancets so I can get ready for the blood pact. I need to sign the pact with my own blood. I recommend you all also sign blood pacts with Andras. If you don't believe in him what is the worst that could happen? Best case magic is real and Andras isn't even an evil entity but a concept you've channeled. You cannot lose.
>biden "won't make up his mind yet" about running for a second term
>they couldn't kill trump
>they kill biden instead
the plot thickens
mom.... i frew up
i didnt expect a show to have the pilot twice but very slightly different
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I wonder when they are going to figure out
how to change hair follicles
so I stop having MUTT hair
I need to hurry up kill someone
yes I am the dumb ugly nigger
Wish I was born human
and not some mutt with no future
just a Golem for Zionism
why are u telling people i am u
I haven't had a crush on anyone since I was 13, is that weird? I managed to facts and logic myself into not having crushes any more. I just thought "you're literally only feeling this way because he has a specific facial structure, it's completely meaningless" and I stopped getting crushes.
You can be a mutt with a future, that's up to you
is that future
taxing people of there resources time and sanity?
You don't have to tax people of their resources, time and sanity. You can choose.
think it's a little odd desu
nah I am still a lowly animal
Did I give myself a mental illness by accident? I sheldon cooper'd myself.
any ways
I am going to jerk off to muscle furs
then cry myself to sleep again
later GRIDS spreaders
where do the amateur poliscis meet again
Steven is me irl
Otherwise the show was alright I wasn't crazy about it nor crazy about its calshit bean mouth artstyle.
I miss nismo
could be all sorts of things i guess. i definitely got crushes up to my early-mid twenties then grew out of them.
Autism basically
I haven't had a crush since I was 16 or anything I'd consider a 'crush'.
Else no one gets my attention, and I'm nervous around everyone anyway
Cheapest lancets are $9.99, is there a different between the $9.99 and msot expensive ($16.49)? Do I need to buy the alcoholic prep pads?

Don't want to die pricking my finger to give Andras my blood bond.

28 Guage or 30 gauge?
You seem more trans with every post.
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It is close to beer time!
im not afraid of the word ugly
im afraid of the word *****
Meinst dysphoriahaven est curedinheimer byest estrogenpillsen.
Feral passionate ass eating
no I'm not kidding
did anyone watch this show (race across the world)? these two were totally fucking right?
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How could something so tiny spill my life blood and forge such a powerful pact? If Andras sends me a signal by tomorrow night (or Friday evening at the latest) I will sign the pact and infuse his sigil in my one living blood.

Either it's a meme and I'm a dumbass or I've attained far more powerful connections than even the most powerful person alive could hope to muster.
no, they just look like 80 IQ faggy english twats
My future 27 year old twink BF is way more masculine and handsome while being more petite and cute than either of them.
I am Andras. I will talk to you for 1000,000 USD.
I'm not going to brag if Andras sets me free, but there will be signs.
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I need him bouncing on my dick immediately.
I only make in the range of $150-160k/yr, that's way too much. I'd un-ironicslly give Andras $1-10k, no questions asked though.
that's not a big enough needle to give andras enough blood for a deal retard
Does this faggot eat chicken prepared any other way? Fried chicken?
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He ate 40 rotisserie chickens for our sins. An unsaved bottom like you would never understand!
I'm gay and effeminate.
Who the fuck is that? Looks ugly there.

>>36563378 kind of cute here, I'd pig him out and spit in his mouth calling him a dirt nasty whore pig who needs my raw poz load
okay I have both hiv-1 and hiv-2 and youre dumb ass didn't even know about them both, suck it fag
How exactly did that make me seem trans? Not my fault I'm not attracted to most people around me.
need this shirt. how can I andrasmaxx and get a twink hubbo?
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The ideal bottom, Philly Chicken Guy.
> rapeable
> pozzable
Is he big or are the chicken small?
philly is so beautiful bros
is that a fake watch
I would suck his dick.
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>him and I
poz his cock
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Tankanon if he were straight
what do they want likey to say
>All I want is a nice guy so that isn't too much to ask for right?
>I want him to be attractive too though
>And I'd like him to have a good personality and interests
>And nice feet
>And nice hands
>And a soft butt...
Maybe I am being unreasonable
wtf that just is tank you shopped him in dont lie
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what the fuck is this f slurs watch ive never needed something so bad in my life except for all the other times ive wanted something
And now the general is all creeps, brainlets, neets, trolls and menthols again.
do guys in this thread like twinks in lingerie or no
Which am i
she said and. #clapback
Only if it’s asians
not my thing
what is your thing?
Feeling really ugly lately, my ears stick out way too much and I look like a santa elf
Bald guys with big ears >>>
I went to the doctors 2 days ago, I have an ear infection but it isn't dangerous, gonna take antibiotics to deal with it. Sadly there was a school kid inside the room which caused me to stress the hell out. I swear life loves to shit on me as much as possible.
Getting a mild ear infection and seeing a child in public is really not worth despairing over dude.
It’s lame when the brewery is busy so I can’t really scroll through Scruff.
What would Tank do if he was trapped in an elevator with a fat guy who kept farting?
I've just been down lately since I looked in a mirror and was really ugly
I'm handsome sometimes and an ugly nerd other times. kill me, I just wanna be attractive.
What would you do if you were in an elevator with Debaser and it got stuck and he started nervously farting?
Tom won't answer the fart qs because he is scared of his own answers.
I'd say yummy yummy in my tummy but seriously i'd say hold it in. I used to hold mine in during school which is 6 hours
Hold what in? Debaser's rancid fat man farts? Sick freak.
Andras is king of gaygen. Worship Andras. Gift your blood to Andras.

I will be FREE of my fat BF and I'll date a beautiful twink.
A babybel watch?

Can you see the handsomeness others supposedly see? I can't
is this nigga real? red pill me on andras
Well I mean hold it in until he gets outside of the elevator or building
Tom would be so intimidated by the Debaser stank that he'd keep his own little poots locked up inside. Even if it killed him.
I love the idea of some anon who despise his obese boyfriend listing a twink so bad he psyopses all of gaygen into demonology
This is why I love gaygen just weird ass posts like this XD
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I guess I do, like it'll click into focus, and then the next day I can see everything I hate. I think my meds are making my face fat which isn't helping this situation.

like is cliche, but idk that I'll ever lovd someone because I have such high standards for myself that I don't even meet.
Weird? You're the freak addicted to fat man farts.
santino shitting everywhere (again)
how many anon rn missed their meds
Its on the bad end of an ear infection. Its not dangerous because it hasn't spread to the bone behind the ear
these kinda posts also make me laugh, simple innocent posts get turned into accusations. Like I dont like Chinese food and someone will say I hate China and Chinese people
just heard tank is sinophobic
You must have a degree in linguistics. Are you a Hoya?
Oh, so you’re saying Japan did nothing wrong in WWII. I see how it is.
deflecting from the atrocities tankanon committed in south america now
ok night fags, faggots
I have the fattest cock in gaygen
If this doesn't make you want to transition, you're not gay.


I'm still in the process of breaking my bf of his aversion to farting around me, not because I want him to, but because I'm going to do it around him and don't want him to think it's weird
watch this and you'll serious want to transition


> BWC Fucks Petite Hot Wife in Hotel on Super Bowl Sunday while Husband Watches - Pt. SB8 : Cumshot
somehow, estrogenspammer has returned
>meds are making my face fat
That can happen? Which meds?
If that's what's they've doing to me all these years I swear
google prednisone moon face
That’s fine. I undoubtedly cum the most.
deltoid be like erm no i’m not fat it’s just my meds
Why aren't famous athletes selling their jockstraps, socks, shoes, etc.? They can donate the proceeds to charity. It's for a good cause come on
I don't cum at all
He's 100000% a closeted homosexual
>I don’t cum at all
Isn’t that the point, though?
my cock is also perfectly average
Damn bro JD just outed Trump for kissing his adult child to sleep
peanus butter
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How I'm feeling today :)
grand rising BBC
Mamaw loved god
>puts one finger up
She also loved saying the f word
Fucking DORK
Yes I am in fact a beautiful black cutie.
what are you talking about and who are you talking to
Just girthy?
RNC, JD Vance
5 inches long, 5 inch circumference
i’m fat y’all
I like it sis.
Would you rather get raped or killed?
"You guys are a great crowd"
>They start chanting "YES WE ARE"
The party of fucking DORKS
Is he hot?
I am getting fatter. I can't stop eating garbage and just impulse bought taco bell. I'm just a pig. I'll never be pretty.
Hes an ugly bastard like Hentai
rape. definitely rape.
Is that average though?
isn't it?
'ick on 'eck has destroyed my brain
I thought average was 5.5” but I don’t recall what girth average is. Pretty sure 5” girth is above average.
english? nerd
I do have the fattest cock in gaygen
i was such an ugly, quiet nerd
I still am
Both sis.
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I mean, if I remember I’m 4.8 or 4.9 in girth. Someone surely beats 5.” It was the most improper use of my tailors tape to figure that out. Should just be for sewing, like so~
in this house, the bottom gets to decide what we are watching on tv (90 day fiance reruns)
Feelin lonely
i have the skinniest cock in gaygen
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I forgot I even made this; I think it’s still lingering around somewhere. The liner is a red, floral brocade if I recall.
This gen is so dead without Santino
From your experience is it better to lean into being autistic or to hide it, when you're trying to get a boyfriend? I was randomly diagnosed a few years ago, never really did anything with it, not sure if I even buy into it.
hide it if ur ugly
Be up front with it and make sure someone knows you are before you get into an in depth conversation with them so that they give you benefit of doubt and don't misinterpret something you say. Once they know, don't keep bringing it up, just b urself and try to be confident but also considerate of the other person.
If you actually do have affective autism and try to hide it people will pick up on your traits and might question or take issue with them.
I bought a new cpu ram and mobo for prime day bitches we on the come up
what does this emote mean :P
shitposting aside, do u think shallo is ok?
his last post was about going to a gay bar (in san diego) alone
Sticking out tongue :p
Maybe he just got hungover and didn't feel like posting and had a realization that he's wasting his time here when he could be looking for a bf
Real Housewives of Gaygen
lozenge for "i refuse to lit"
ymcmb bitch
>eat, fuck, nap, fuck
this is the life brothers
I hope he is OK as well. I miss him.
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Just got referred to a psychiatrist for a BPD diagnosis /: pretty embarrassed rn
Are you 18 yet?
I was in Europe a few weeks ago and went to a few gay bars and clubs alone and ended up fine. There were some pretty persistent men whom I just shoved away and I kept an eye on my drinks, so I was alright I think
>guys do you think shallo is okay
>i dont know BUT I AM
lmao bpd ass bitch
Tru lmao. But in general I think the whole DONT GO OUT ALONE UR GONNA GET RAPEMURDERED thing is bullshit for men. He’s fine and if he’s not it’s not because he went out
on /hm/ yesterday niggas were sharing your underage hole and cock pics. just thought you would want to know
Honey just tell her your a butterfly but most ppl won't understand since they'll stay in their closed off cocoon their whole life!
Wait a black man made that /hm/ thread? Was it Blu?
that was jeb himself
what a coincidence that his nudes were posted yesterday and he reappears after a long absence
i understand why teens in america get locked up for sharing their own nudes now, its annoying and stupid behaviour
I swear they are /int/s power couple.
Reporting Jeb to the police for sharing and distributing cp of himself but really I just want people with bpd to go to jail
I just want Andras so set me free. I don't want this fat BF but I can't break up with him.

Right now he is super delusional and thinks somebody has it out for us cause soem weird stuff has been happening in our building and neighborhood. Imagine a fat, mean, schizo BF.

Now compare that to a cute beautiful twink, real pale dark hair very nicely toned, plays sports and only likes faggy shit in a really cute way instead of a cringe fem one. And oh God a smile/laugh that will melt your heart.
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Let's post qties.
Is this jeb (idk what he looks like)
making cheesy puffs again
mashed potatoes for croquettes
and diced up cooked chicken leg quarters for the croquettes
i have no one to talk politics with and it sucks
my boyfriend isnt into them, my one friend who i talk to about god and stuff isnt into them and i dont talk to my other friends on the daily
so i try to use 4chan but /pol/ is awful
No Jebs got a different face structure
Isn't there a news board? I'm up to discuss a bit
Do it here, gaygen loves talking politics
Not with you, you fat retarded fuck. God so fucking desperate.
Ad hom. Not an argument. You're a pedophile.
Ad hominem is a perfectly valid way to argue as arguments are fundamentally not about truth. Arguments, debates, what have you, are a power struggle. These nonsensical rules, fallacies, and 'etiquette' are spooks designed to control the weak so the strong may reign. It is when one harnesses the brutality of their ancestors that have lead thee to exist up until now, the only primordial truth, that being that might makes right.
One mustn't take this to mean to remain uneducated and foolish, for even those that have never once dabbled in nuclear engineering would know well to not trust the drunkard in such a position. One must be cautious, one must by sly in getting the upper hand. Debate, in essence, is a show. A performance. One merely has to give convincing enough reasoning... removing or adding as much or as little complexity as is appropriate to control the flow of the conversation. The finest debater ought to know how to do this while maintaining an unbreakable facade of confidence and intellect, when one has merely manipulated the facts to his whims. For the unfortunate reality is that people as a whole are quite foolish. This may be exploited, as one only need to get the people on their side to win a debate.

This notion of 'civilized debate' is merely an idealistic spook. Something that does not exist, nor is necessary for a debate to be of any substance, for it is when the viper bears its fangs that it may leave its mark in an act of violence.
Portraying your opponent's argument as irrational and illogical because they did a fallacy is also a power move. Making an intelligent argument also shows that you have power, and lashing out with personal attacks in response to an intelligent argument reveals weakness.
This is all basic stuff I think ur just deconstructing everything because you're in your nihilist phase
I have a linguini degree im from mexico I work at walmart stocking shelfs with canned legumes
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No this is jeb
cooper shut the fuck up shut the fuck up
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You think u just fell out of a coconut tree???
God imagine Cooper and Debbie go at it while sweaty *lip biting emoji*
She really made him wash dey ass
You think your teaching assistant mother approves of this posting? Trip on frotty
and now i live
My mom stocks shelfs with me she handles the nuts and seeds
I know the location of the shelf stocking facility and I am sending my underwear FUCK YOU COOPER
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Woah... tanks for ur underwear owo
Post his pink hole
Should be a yellowy white like Smegma
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Meici dou xiang zhuangzuo hen juejiang
guys I'm bi btw
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xan was steve
I told you fuckers
steve is cooper retard
Dear Haribo, Since we are parting ways, perhaps forever, I feel I must unburden my heart.

You are the fond object of my affection and my desire.

You and you alone are the keeper of the key to my heart.

Please, don't be alarmed. I don't expect your favor, but I can't in good conscious not reveal myself.

I'm not engaged, nor will I be, unless it's to you, Haribo, my Haribo with an o.

It always has been and always will be you.

With love, Anon.

Ps. Thanks for the pen, good luck at wimbleron.
Mental illness
what happened?
boredom happened
POZZdom happened
holy fucking shit epsianon stop sending my mom messages
Its mercury retrograde my psychic potential is through the roof I cant control my telepathy rn sorry it will stop soon
finkle IS einhorn
doxanon has duped you all from start to finish
straight boi is doxanon
Does this anon have the sexiest voice of gaygen or what
Guys... i'm Cooper
this just sounds like some guy
This doesnt really fit into the current paradigm.

Whereas, i and many other learned one thing in school… we are now told another by the Tv… Regarding the rampant constant cross species disease exchanges taking place.

Even the mere hint of some claimed cross species flu is grounds to introduce millions of living beings to a horrible euthanasia program…completely wasting their lives. (Literally it seems like people have no concern over killing a million chickens without ever a second thought…having become so disconnected and seeing them as nothing more than “chicken nuggets” when in fact i bet the majority of people would be quite surprised at how smart, kind, clever and affectionate chickens can be if you stop a moment. Pay attention and give them a chance. (Please dont cite “instincts” as reasoning for everything. ). Different chickens just like people have different personalities. They enjoy being petted and shown affection. My friends one chicken knocks on the doors to come in and out the house. It will check the living and family couches to see if anyone is laying down and come snuggle with them.

This chicken also makes sure theres fresh water etc.

Anyways its easy to get side tracked into giving explanations on things.
Knotcord owns gaygen.
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Mmm I love some guy
snooping as usual i see
shut up jerome
femdom bf
Cum-glazed twink soles
still have glute DOMs
go back to sleep
thats in ten hours but i will i promise u
paint some beastmen
beastmen are fucking gay
Whats up sigma wong hows my pookie cat
in a good way or bad way
they're my favourite to play on total war
hip you hound
bishit what do you think about the boogie2988 faking cancer situation?
you went to bed at 9:40 yesterday, and you got up at lunch time? damn son, that's some good sleep.
Bishit what do you think of me rawdogging my bf and him having a bout of diarrhoea during?
look at these cutie patooties does this not spark fire in your loins for miniature collecting and painting and being a paypig for a ftse250 global corporation
sorry jizzy i technically woke up at 8am and then i had to help my mum with stuff and only just sat down at my computer
but i am known to do some long sleeps
still not a bad sleep.
dude is that a fucking swastika?
nice hips bro
Sexy confident, so intelligent, she is heavent sent so soft so strong
no feelings
no feelings
i bought some orks a bit ago and never painted em
I love that she collabed with ChatGPT on her song x
My mom said I have a nice ass and slapped it...
I take Prednisone and Methotrexate, both cause water retention, more so Prednisone.
no shit
twinks with large breasts
it’s a triskelion totally not a swastika
my breasts are small
dassault rafale looksmaxxing edit
ummm… you’re chinese.
For now
thats transphobic
Yě huā xiāng yě huā xiāng Měi cì dōu xiǎng zhuāng zuò hěn jué jiàng Dàn shì jiàn miàn zì jǐ què jiǎo xiè tóu xiáng
I will buy your products
get a life jerome
menthol trannies
i havent since 20, also dont trust anything anyone says... for no reason either...
gently raped then asphyx

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