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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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prev >>36567885
stuff like this is hot because like those could just a likely be women so it's like not gay to like it
bisexual homosexual?
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Is it possible to release critically acclaimed work if you're mostly known for making some of the most degenerate shit perceived by human eyes?
iPhone master race
only if you're japanese
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Having an android is literally a liability in the gay dating scene
show it to any straight dude and he'd be like yeah this is hot I'd suck them tits
everyone of any sexuality should find it hot
clam chowder makes em louder
make em sound like blasting powder
twinks are women
I need to say something thats been weighing on me lately,
I bullied a kid during secondary and I feel awful about it and it's been on my mind a lot recently. I tried to justify when I was younger as he would antagonise others and he once blame another kid for his actions causing them to cry and that everyone else disliked him including some teachers. I feel so horrible with myself. God I hate how I acted.
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I'm just joking around!
not coping
dan wants someone to notice him posting off trip so badly
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It's rare to see two blonds together even in places where they aren't that rare because blond bottoms HATE blond tops.
>blond bottoms HATE blond tops
white culture
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For me, it's the coconut tree
Most blond bottoms love swarthy guys it's some fetish thing it's makes them feel prettier and more feminine
post balls
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I would play this gacha game
simulation theory doesn't actually explain anything
it's the dumbest theory out there, it's an IOU designed as an explanation
i want her to squirt xanax-laced breastmilk into my mouth
This is my ideal fantasy as a top. Bottoms are problematic tho. They are thirsty for cock and co dependent.
Boogie only faked cancer once Yahooo
How long are you gonna keep this up old man?
y? usa?
I thought he was holding a dog.
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Is she, Sabrina Carpenter, and Charlie XCX collectively the gay song of the summer?
have you taken your hole out for a test drive yet?
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And submissive?
>Sabrina Carpenter
>Charlie XCX
washed up has been
Maybe He doesnt like me as much as I Wish to believe He does. maybe I should finally jsut cut my loss and stop foolinz myself that He likes me. Returned home from drinkingwjth him and the chemistrs really 2qsnt very strong today... sad... maybe life just is about accepting that you cannot have everything you desire. I still do Wish he liked me, but maybe the best solution is to just give up and find some cute gay twink that will love me. What makes me depressed Is that no one will have the same exact personality as him. It kinda makes me sad And Bitter but i just probably neeed to get kcer it rarher rban boping something happens eventually. What a waste of time. Fuck why does life have to suck....
Maybe maybe not
dan reminds me of plapjak
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>They are thirsty for cock and co dependent.
Kylie minogue is carrying gay pop
Ladies please, we all know Gaga is the queen of queerbait.
Padam was last year though
lady gaga is a has been
still better than anything this year
my oh my is this years banger
I agree I don't think Hot to Go is as good but it is catchy
do you think she sold young gays that assisted her concerts to Epstein?
Fuck mistr.
I do not trust Lady Gaga
haribo is a woman
yes i'd believe that
Guess with the context of the post i replied to
proud of my ass
It was a false alarm he called me horny Dan completely by coincidence, or did he?
post ass
me :)
Ugh I love this
nta but cause you LOVE fat bottoms
i dunno, but probably >>36571142
Big booties are best booties.
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Within reason
That reminds me is it just me or is there a weirdly disproportionate number of blond homeless people
Will be sexy in 5-10 years.
The sun turns your hair blond if your homeless long enough dumb ass.
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Personally I don't particularly care for men who can be knocked over by a stiff gust of wind
i feel i want it bigger & stronger first
How to become this hairy?
There’s better looking twinks out there
Fuck ton of roids
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where apuanon
some of are just blessed with more testosterone than lesser men
Hgh ruins your face though.
>discover a new band magdalena bay
>It's a couple/ band
>Comments in all of their vids are simping over the girl and saying guy is lucky to have her
>Meanwhile i develop a huge ctush on the guy because despite being average (in average perception) he looks just like the guy i knew from work
Anyone else develop crushes on average guys like this? Like, they may look mid in photos but once you see them with your eyes it's a wholly different deal
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He asked, I answered.
I think bone structure counts for more. Broad shouldered men have a moral obligation to get yoked
You people think THAT is average? lol…kek even.
testosterone in the womb matters a lot too
Looking like 40 yo in your 20 is bear beauty standart thought. It's not like you can see much of the face behind the beard
He's an absolute qt in my opinion but everyone acts like he's average compared to her
imagine having a fem twink bf and he ties you down & injections you with a concoction of roids until you're nothing but a horny muscle machine
And yeah i think the guy from my work was probably considered "average" too
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I don't care who wields the power as long as it's size difference
i care about who wields the power as long as its the cute one
someone photoshop wolverine claws onto her
Like the guy was like 2 meters tall, lanky, had the same ginger hair. He did have a bigger beard though and had a huge nose but it looked really nice on his face i think. And like when the guy is lanky but still masculine and you see his hairy arms it's like hnnnggghhhh
He also was kinda dumb which added a lot of the charm. Like he was talking on the phone with his gf telling some absolute nonsense about some nothinburger but he was so excited and enthusiastic about it it was so cute
Well I’m gay so idk.
who are hodgetwins? they fuck on camera?
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Going to slowly work on getting the bare basics of Italian/French/German for my trip (if I lose my phone or some shit I want to be able to ask for help/directions). Right off the bat French is absolutely insane. The pronunciations are fun but they make no sense at all. Did you know that it's more common for a French word to have at least one silent letter than none at all? Like wtf. At least it's still a romance language though so a lot of the words themselves are easy to remember.
aaron gettin destroyed
Uncalled for
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Do you feel powerful?
I think there's a certain appeal in terms of personality only a straight man can have. They don't act like ghetto bitches, they don't pretend to be over the top masculine (most of the time), they just act like themselves. Growing up without having to pretend that you're something you're not probably helps tho
lol that sounds super tarded
Spoken like a true getti bitch yass kween ebony cunt nigga
Hey straight man...
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Delta will you be my giant bf and carry me in your shirt pocket and then crush me with your giant dick
Idk how any of you are not getting laid. You all have the most god awful taste in looks.
Get yourself a Minnesota bf. They're very mild-mannered
nah I ain't straight I'm like half and half, or like I dunno like you know like
Not being brain rotted from stunted adolescent sex confusion and peer image issues helps too.
I mean, you don't have to be straight for that. Imo, gay guys tend to drift towards 'gay culture' because they think they're supposed to or to feel accepted.
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Fantasized about a german and a russian soldier having sex in stalingrad last night.
>I'm like half and half
that's worse than just sticking to one of them
Lots of judgment here. Maybe focus on yourself.
Tы peaльнo eбaнyтый ayтиcт.
>brain rotted from stunted adolescent sex confusion
Ah shit that explains a lot

yeah instead i stick to neither lol
Very cool how a billionaire manchild can just flat-out buy a massive public platform and turn it into his propaganda outlet.
Ugh it was so much better when it was a propaganda outlet for leftist viewpoints and the United States government
Guys please don't be so mean to eachother, dan doesn't like that :(
They don't just "be themselves" if you've ever seen how a close friend acts when alone with just the boys compared to how they act when there's a girl they like around you'll know, it's embarrassing.
>nah I ain't straight I'm like half and half, or like I dunno like you know like
Exactly, we know that you're more into girls and/or will end up with a woman, so hey, maybe you could be someone's straight boyfriend for a while...
but if I crush you I'll have nothing to put my dick into :(
>propaganda outlet for leftist viewpoints
the idea of that is fun & nice
I could say no homo a bunch
Twitter is ran by the government
>Free market capitalism chud! Get your own twitter!
Someone buys twitter in the free market
>No fair! Surely the government will step in and return my agitprop blankie to me!!
Yeah but when the straight guy talks with you, assuming your not a pretty girl he's trying to impress, he's being himself right?
Seethe retard
depends on whether its just you & him or you & him & the lads

if the latter then its banter o'clock & prepare to get humiliated for their bonding/entertainment/individual protection from being the target
Not for nothing but social media should be a public good
I'm sorry you got bullied for being queer :(
like 4chan? lmao
/pol/ is in full pearl clutching mode over some literal nobodies and cucks saying
>le trump better aim
literally who cares
Then make one and let the free market decide if it’s worthwhile
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It's okay you can just be careful and I'll ride it like a horse
Lol nah fuck off
I had plenty of times when I was part of the banter pack

I think I was only called a fag etc a few times but it was never a mainstay
why are reading /pol/?
Usually yes but if there's any kind of behavior that might be perceived as embarrassing it's like pulling teeth to get it out of them. I think on the other end gay guys are very proudly open about things that are potentially embarrassing like having godawful music taste. If there's anything that can get a straight guy clocked as potentially queer they keep it locked in a box buried deep in the ocean.
because i have no one else to talk to about politics
4chan is a public ill. Also largely an irrelevant corner of an internet.
That's not what a public good is supposed to do
Not even a small child would be capable of making a thought this dumb. What do you think a public good is?
straight people are not queer as far as i know
do u guys remember sissyspacek's polisci insight? iconique..
So you want a government mandated social media? Sounds pretty fascist.
Yeah this too
are you just pretending to be this dumb?
Dan's social media addiction is so bad he thinks outside forces are making him do it. Grim.
I don't think 4chan is irrelevant. Everyone gravitates here to get away from other, more sterile platforms. But it does have a negative impact on people if they're underage or just using the site to replace healthier forms of socialization imo
Idk maybe i'm just salty after running into turbofags so many times. Like no, i'm not interested in Ariana Grande's new song or whatever
oh, he's not pretending is he
You're the one who misunderstood middle school civics so bad you think public goods are mandatory.
>I want social media but it’s a public good so the government decides what people can say and what is true
Feels pretty good to be a straight dude. Just hanging out with the gays
4chan had it's heyday almost ten years ago.
No one said that. Again, fundamentally misunderstanding the term.
What do you get from it?
Maybe you're looking in the wrong places.
Look at that pussy muncher
It's CDC. He acts exactly like CDC. He looks exactly like CDC's disgusting type. He posts at the same times CDC used to post.
I know
i wonder if that's true, or if people's perception of the site changes over time, as they change?
I didn't use 4chan until 2020, and its not as fun for me anymore, but i still browse
Oh what then
I'd like to have a sex with a turbocloseted gay man. Like as he cums he starts crying because what he did was wrong
This is a safespace for you to express the gay side of yourself that you supress when you pretend to be completely straight the rest of the day
Like, imagine being a relationship with a hypercloseted gay man and helping him accept who is and then he says actually i'm not gay i'm a trans woman
Everyone thinks the site peaked when they started using it, and they're probably right. Every board slowly gets turned into a small handful of extremely mentally ill people's private playground where they throw tantrums and shit themselves and throw shit at each other all while refusing to accept the reason the board used to be good before they came along is because they weren't using it yet. They'll chase that high forever, even though they're the problem.
next up you're gonna say i got internalized homophobia or some shit
i mean yeah, you probably do
Internalized homophobia is Jensen Ackles not showing hole and pole on The Boys.
What people perceive the site's "golden age" as depends on when they started coming here. I started browsing in 2010 and I think I already missed out on the best years from 04-08 or so. I consider myself an eternal newfag but probability wise I am one of the oldest posters in any given thread.
Yeah well I can just like, push things away and not acknowledge them y'know
Don't need to go delving into shit like a shroom trip
Is holden still around or he's out there with the kids
Did ramen finally found the stinkiest man of his dreams
Is gaydead finally actually dead
Is Samuel dead
Is skunk dead
>that hair
Balding white pig.
Those are called attention whores/Bs.
nah i've had a widow's peak for years & years. it makes me look perma proto-balding but the hairline never shifts
keeps me on my toes tho
>tfw no dom giant Delta bf who stuffs me in his underwear to wrestle with his dick while he idles on gaygen all day every day
Cersei would drag Bish's flat flabby ass up and down the coals so hard we'd all be smelling bacon.
I guess we didn’t want to argue about definitions and how social media as a “public good” would operate anymore. I guess I won again.
did you see my blanket
i hate yall hoes
Seems like the HPV actually has hit your brain.
Bi men have two choices:
be gay and frilly and cry because you can't open onions bottles

go to the gym & watch berserk
Tops vs bottoms.
Can you not post my ex highschool crush mixed with a bit of apartheid Clyde? Thank you.
>Bi men are either gay or incels
What a curse
You already made this joke like 5 minutes ago love

lol mad
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She has to declare "nyah nyah I won the argument" to reassure herself how precious
wait no i didn't mean it like that
Never heard of talahon before. It's like the German version of ghetto arabs?
Lile guys i'm TOTALLY not gay i'm bi! I like totally like pussy just like you guys! Why i'm not fucking pussy exclusively just like you guys? Well...
typical rabist behavior
>admitting to having both Chlamydia and HPV.
One of those is treatable.
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Imagine the smell
it's the only source of joy she gets throughout the day
Yeah I took the antibiotics also hpv leaves your system as well in 5-7 years.
AMA and I'll respond in a vocaroo
>he guys forget about the thread lets talk about me instead
Maybe you just need to like nofap or something
>lose argument
>bitter coping and non arguments
Honestly as a gay man this is super relatable behavior
Can't do with your pictures getting posted here honey
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>rabe :DDD
>bitter coping and non arguments
.... [ :) ] ... what the fuck bro thats gay
If it's caused anal damages, no it won't.
/gaygen/ jobless edition
Those were arguments because you were trying to define social media as a public good in a dishonest way

Ok Dr 4chan
Not everyone has to participate. Low iq behavior.
How big is your repper BBC and BBB?
I didn't imply everyone had to participate. Chronic attention seeking disorder behaviour
hate it when people are like "internalised homophobia" and shit
i just wanna grill
Have you ever wondered if it's possible to turn straight man gay?
Like, if some volunteer get put into a solitary cell and gets injected with some steroids and gets fed viagra while gay pirn is continuously playing in the background, would he turn gay?
Why can't I stop thinking about kissing a cute faggy dude urgh I don't even have the balls to get on Grindr or go to a gay bar
what is your honest opinion of Xanthippe?
Well do you have internalized homophobia?
>hate it when people are like "internalised homophobia" and shit
Why did you even bring it up then?
They said it should be. No one was defining anything except you, and you defined it in a wrong and stupid way.
why have a "job" when you can have a multibillion dollar business? and be a CEO?
Then stop participating you moron. Your complaining is not wanted. Filter me pls and spare me from your ignorance of my greatness.
Ask a proper and appropriate question I don't even know what a BBB is supposed to be
If it were possible there wouldn't be a straight man alive. Women do not love men as much as gay men love men
Temporarily. They always go back to women.
Maybe no one ever tried it
Have you ever tried it
Yeah but like no but like
probably something psychological
i believe Sissy could save Gayge
This response is a clear case of internalized homophobia. Guards, seize her.
I don't date b men, but maybe if I get bored/desperate I'll try.
How can men ever be confused about their orientation?
Like, if it gets hard for girls you're straight
If it gets hard for boys you're gay
If it gets hard for both girls and boys you're gay with internalised homophobia
>I wasn’t trying to define it, I just think right wingers like Elon should not be free to speak openly
>Filter me pls
bet you'd love that wouldn't you? instead of contributing anything to the conversations already going in this thread you thought you'd rather people talked about you.It's weirdo behaviour and i'm not gonna let you slide without calling it out
it's so pathetic when gay or bi guys are in denial or embarrased about liking men/cock/ass. like ur a grown ass fucking man, get a grip bitch
You're arguing with more than one person. Are you always this paranoid?
the 5k I got is now in a 4.5% interest rate tax free savings account yayaya swag to the maximum
Not an argument
hey dan guess what
It has everything to do with social repercussions, not true denial. What if your family disowns you? What if your friends leave you?
i'm sure its just prison gay or something right
>If it gets hard for both girls and boys you're gay with internalised homophobia
not fair
i like both, i have receipts

i dunno what im trying to prove
I love men
I love cock
I love assholes
I want to make hot, nasty, sweaty love with a man
I want to suck his fucking cock until I choke
I want to stick my fingers tongue and cock in his asshole
I want to watch his dick bounce back and forth as I pound his filthy hole
cringr sow butt
shouldn’t you banned for racism and ban evading?
You likely don't need tax exempt returns and you can make substantially more that.
What about hims feet?
I was describing a specific British financial product in generic terms
i'm not listening to that lol
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Please record the Sound of BBC
i’m going to listen to this
Hey Br*tish people. I'm going to your godawful disgusting country next week what should I avoid besides the entire country in general
If prison gayness is a thing then anyone can become prison gay
Make you straight crush prison gay
the seal: delta being loved by his bf
the doggo: no one
Welcome to the UK, please enjoy your stay
There is one big rule here, so please oh please obey
Please do not make eye contact with anyone, it's very offensive to us
Please respect our tradition
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Ah, I'm less familiar with Euro/UK specific securities and products. Though, I do own shares of Lloyd's and Barclays.
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??? no.
every straight guy would fuck feminine male bottoms if women didn't exist. they would fight over them like they do with the most attractive females.
American cartoon. Do Br*ts have anything or should I count my days until I can go home?
i nooooticed that the guy attacking dan disappeared once xan showed up
I get what you mean. I am bi and my friend groups growing up were majority straight. I made some forays into gay groups and made a couple friends but we shared no common interests outside of who we liked or dated, I had dudebro tastes and they were all extremely camp so we never spoke much. I have been socialized into a mold that screams "closeted gay" to gay men even though I've never been in the closet and have received a fair amount of shit treatment from straight people who think I'm gay.
Only if they're clean and smol and cute
Plenty of dudes with cute feet desu
American/Australian* cartoon. I think you should sit with your thumb up your ass in your hotel room until you leave.
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Inter-toe sex
Bisexuals invented polyarmory to take away rights from Women and Tops.
>I've never been in the closet

I don't know what I'm in
There's not really social situations where people ask
Xanthippe would never play me like that. We are girlies.
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Damn I thought there was something to do there. Oh well.
I don't know who that is
a real person spent money on that
hariboid is ai generated tho
Nope, nothing for you to do. Plenty for us to do. Nothing for you though.
i'd spread that rumour too if i was him
need another session at the gym all this psychological talk got me pondering the disunited portrayals of self
such things aren't pertinent when one

I mean yeah nah fucking big ass hamstring curls fuck
Love you
Is he cute
Wait what am I talking about he's br*tish of course not
Okay I'll be sure to eat my American pizza and American chinese food right before I leave so I don't miss America too much while I'm gone
It might depend on your personality. I joke around a lot and am pretty open nobody has to ask to suspect. At my last job another guy there was bi and I suspected because he called a really fruity coworker a twink in a joking way but he previously told me about his girlfriend. A lot of the times it is just jokes but we all had each other clocked in under a week.
yeah you're probably a bit gay and shit
gas station milkshake
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If you're going to have all this internalized homophobia are you at least tall or can I stop caring?
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That's actually really cute haribo.
Did he get to cheat with him on his girlfriend?
thanks i had to buy the merch so nobody could call me a fake fan
i can see the little retard sprawled all over my bed right now
he is looking at me
Is Dan real?
stop caring i'm an upper 5' something manlet
5'10 or something i dunno

also not a masc hairy giant or anything
just an autismo chameleon
Yucky gross no actually I fantasized about fucking him a lot
Oh okay what a shame I hope you get better with the internalized homophobia
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>5'10 or something
wawa is less a gas station and more a temple to sacred corn syrup
kek how's the weather like down there little guy?
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To haribo.
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Who's the most masc guy in gaygen?
Meh it doesn't really matter
As with all bi mentalcels i'll either end up with some kind of woman or just not end up doing nothing

as with all my posts i am half joking half i dunno lol :P

probably shorter lol
this dude was asking my height (non gay context) the other day and was like "yeah im 5'11 i think youre 5'10" lol

this guy >>36572515
He'd look good tied up.
I like u
well i have to sleep now goodnight catch you on the flipside apoo
Ain’t nothing wrong with that….
I'd suck this guy's dick and he wouldn't even thank me >>36572515

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