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Share your art! I drew a self-portrait :)
guys i'm ngl, have i missed any drawgens since >>36339995? i've kind of fallen off no-lifing /tttt/ since it died, so i very realistically could've missed one!
utterly based
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here's the selfie I used for reference
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i haven't been doing too much personal art because commissions but i've done two things of vent stuff that are unfinished. this is the first one.
the other one
hi bailey!! other redhead gal here!! :> i think you have a good baseline but should focus on gridding out the page and trying to get facial proportions a bit more realistic. it goes a long way because even minor changes can make or break things. keep it up!
i also drew a self-portrait a while ago
i like
Both of deez drawings I’s immediately recognized as youz two, conglaturations :3
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lots and lots of self harm, its all i can draw, its all i can think about, every ounce of creativity in me shriveled and died
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I temporarily become a degenerate when I sketch.
how long have you been drawing?
was this drawn with a reference or freehand
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Freehand, no direct reference, although inspired by some vaguely similar posts, been drawing for over a decade but idk if it's due to not doing it often or just because I've hit my talent peak, I don't seem to really improve at all.

Here's another of my sketches.
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i did a self-portrait too
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I honestly thought this was a self portrait thread. Have my bad drawing anyways
nta, and i am not an artist, but over a decade!!! have you not tried anything with more structure? there must be some fundamentals you're still lacking, though i wouldn't have the consciousness nor vocabulary for as much
bailey how did you get uglier on hrt? it must be the weight
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i can't draw but I do photography sometimes. here's a film photo from like five years ago, it's still my fave thing I've ever shot.
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I normally do surreal pop stuff but iv been doing representational work lately
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i drew a cowgirl too lol
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We love moo girls :3
It's not about lacking something I don't think. It's more about me just not putting in the effort to improve. Practice takes effort and I don't get in the mood to sketch often.
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>It's not about lacking something I don't think.
maybe consider drawabox, even so:

again, i'm not an artist, so in a way, don't listen to me. the course demands a lot to actually follow it (their "50% rule" demands spending as much time drawing for fun as you draw for the course, they only allow a narrow spectrum of traditional media, they don't allow moving onto the next lesson until two weeks since you were graded as having understood the previous lesson, they force you to draw using your shoulder for every stroke, they want you to always turn the paper so every stroke you make is from the perspective you're most comfortable with, maybe more rules), but it's highly-regarded. you can pay for official feedback, or you can join their discord server for free community feedback from volunteers. if you don't get pleb filtered (like me), it might do you wonders
I only draw purely for fun tho
I have like 14 other things I'd rather improve at lol
>I have like 14 other things I'd rather improve at lol
what do you mean? drawabox teaches you the fundamentals which you can apply everywhere. if you're saying it wouldn't be fun to follow the course, i understand. but regardless, here's a video i DIDN'T watch, but the thumbnail and title of which i assume is relevant:
I meant 14 things that aren't art-related lol
For example I'd rather spend more of my day exercising to get a nicer ass
alright. well just know that if ever you change your mind, drawabox gon be there
Disgustingly fat even as a self-portrait. Now I know you're fat AND you hate yourself.
not her but would you really not have said anything had she drawn herself as an anorexic picrew anime girl instead?
what does the hating myself have to do with it? very mean :/
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oh woah I really love the kinda ethereal shiny yellow light in these.
>this is solid! what film stock?
thanks <3 i don't remember exactly, but based on how green it is, i'd say Superia 400 (i very rarely bother to fix colours). Though I guess it coulda been Agfa Vista 200 as well, I used that a lot back then.
Lately I've been mostly shooting on very expired (from 2002) Konica Centuria 800 and Fujicolor Press 800. I got a bunch of those from my aunt, they'd been sitting in her drawer for the past two decades. They produce pretty fun results when shot as if they were 400ASA (see picrel, also sorry about the dirty scan lol)
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you made yourself prettier than you are
Is it over :(
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you look like that cat, you know the one
not her, but i do not know the cat
>i do not know the cat
of course you do
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have only been drawing for about a year and in no way am serious about art but will judge y’all and say if ur art style passes or doesn’t
kind of cool but v tranny coded
lol no
degen male
emo girl pass
tranny coded but it’s cute
cool pic it’s harder to tell from photography whether or not smth is male brained lol
absolutely not, weird male core body horror stuff
weird no
fucking lol nooooo
little too horny to be truly female brained
sure it’s female brained
rlly like this!!
also pretty n female brained
ftm core
terminal male brain
>I am in no way serious about art
yeah, it's blindingly apparent by your lack of form, construction, everything, just a really poorly drawn picture made by some low effort poster who just wants to try and prove themselves as more feminine than others out of an insecurity in themselves
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drew a goblin today
got my ass!! it’s literally just a choppy little sketch i did pretty quick and only for fun lol but idk all the art in this thread is v embarrassing if any of it was taken seriously by the creators outside of the photography
My drawing vs me. Is it accurate?
>but idk all the art in this thread is v embarrassing if any of it was taken seriously by the creators outside of the photography
nta, but did you really have to take that unprovoked attack against you and make an unprovoked attack against literally everyone else who made themselves vulnerable by sharing their art
this + nobody cares what you think insecure anon
here’s my shitty evil pony drawings + some more
anime artstyle is malebrained and Tomoko is for the rapehons
Dave Mustaine is so fucking sexy and you are channelling him right now girl. Are you a rocker? Pls be a rock chick.
Is that really you
no? it’s daisy edgar jones
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>outside of the photography
lol, lmao. i'll never trust the opinion of someone who thinks of my stuff as anything other than very clearly amateur fucking around. but here, have some more, I discovered a whole folder of old scans I'd forgotten about.
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>Share your art! I drew a self-portrait :)
>little too horny to be truly female brained
>i-its just a choppy sketch
fuck off. this is like the number one amateur artist copout so that people wont be too mean to your shitty work
what the fuck
this is incredible
how did you do it, 100% digital?
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You've been drawing for a Year?
Lol, lmao. Rofl even.
What was the point in using a reference you didn't even follow it slightly. Who cares if anyone in this thread draws like a man or draws like a woman, you draw like a fucking retard XDD
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im not mad at being called ftm core i am just confused ive had my art called that several times.
is it a compliment if i am MtF i just don't know.
is it because i don't draw sad anime girls?
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another goblin
Wtf you made that?
Secretly hiding a cool a fuck talent smdh talk about yourself more
you looked super pretty latelty Bailey, such nice makeup :) also your drawing is good it's definitely you, hope you will keep at it

i cant draw anything but i've been making music again :) whenever i finish something again (hopefully together with Raya) ill be sure to share with you all~

picrel my new mpc

though since Raya is back with me i can't keep my hands off her lofi 12 xt, it's so fun:))

bless all trans creatives )*
it was a long time ago fren
Your room at the hotel derek awaits...
Love the ugly goblins, good jobu
lol who keeps stealth bumping this
leave the comment up you coward
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hot and based
i did at first, but people complained in the thread itself, then it was forboden in the following thread

rip drawgen. you died cause you got replaced by the higher-traffic spontaneous draw thread created while you were still up. then it got complicated cause the thread that replaced it used the term "art" rather than "draw", which is technically broader scope. worse yet, /tttt/ archives only allow searches of 4+ characters, so "art thread" would just be lost to time. also, reminder that i'm gonna try to get a life come august, so i'm not gonna be bumping drawgen forever
draw a skeleton underneath if you need a proportion guide, shading is good!
unironically incredible
extremely impressive!
i love your artstyle so much dood
cute tummy
thanks! i've been trying to get better at drawing them to the point i put a suspicious amount of effort
based as fuck. i wish you the best of luck on your journey!
you too anon!
reminds me of radiohead/the smile album art. really awesome
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i did it in mspaint with a drawing pad, here’s one of jerma
i don’t kno why it’s sideways :[
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here, i rotated it for you using the command "jpegtran -rotate 90 input.jpg output.jpg"

the reason it happens is probably metadata/exif data, which 4chan removes on upload, which is why it doesn't respect the intended rotation, i think. no idea how to fix that on mobile besides rotating or flipping it back and forth in an image app and hoping that not only removes the metadata, but doesn't incur any quality loss for it
at least on iOS, editing the image with the draw tool in the gallery fixes this.

I usually poke my pics with a tiny bit of the highlighter tool and they stay upright after that.
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thank you !
>tran funni word
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they need to make a drug that makes you not hate every single new brush that you try out
nice tummy!!
theres also this bigger tummy ver + a nsfw futa alt that i cant post here, but all of them are with a brush that i didnt like the next day so im remaking them with a different brush
i think i prefer the first tummy, cause the line on it makes her look pregnant. or is that how it works for fat tummy? but very good
>preg or fat tummy
fat tummy anon... im le fatkink mtf degenerate... </3
beyond based
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Bumping so I can post when I'm off work
Absolutely fucking insane to me that you are calling people "male brained" for being horny lmao
W anon
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supernaosupernaosupernao furfaggotry
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the similarity is uncanny
Cute !
I just finished signalis recently, I didn't understand shit to the plot
Illustration for a short story im writing

It’s set in monument valley
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i dont do self portraits
isn't it a little backwards that the "clueless" arrow is point to the word, rather than the person? lol. it reads like looking up "clueless" in the dictionary and coincidentally seeing the person as an example, rather than the person being the greater point
based funger
idk if i intended that but the idea its a dictionary picture is better than whatever i was doing when i randomly made the arrow point that way. to me its just saying he = clueless
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i was basically just saying that i read it as like the arrow is telling you where to start, and where to end. but since you're pointing to the word, it's like the entire drawing of the expression is just a means to understand the word, lol
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a self portrait of me before and after
before and after wot
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i hate drawing #fuckdrawing
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was inspired and drew a portrait of you also, i looked up a bunch of pics of you in the archive but i realized my brain averaged them out to an incredibly boring head on position so thats what you get unfortunately
that’s actually really cool, i didn’t know you did art nils
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i do lots of art, heres one that actually turned out well instead of boring and bad
how do you learn drawing? i wish i could do it but i draw like a 4yo :(
you draw until you get to a 5yo level then you draw more and you start drawing like a 6yo then you draw more an dyou stsraty drwian klaei 7 euy agyue kjhgjhgk
i am not an artist, so don't listen to me. but here was a two-part post i formatted the other day of me trying to draw, if it helps:
thank you!
Second day of learning to draw, can someone critique me? Just doin youtube tutorials atm.

Don't need to become mega good at drawing tho, just leaning this so I can get better at storyboarding for my shortfilms, but I do want some level of skill.
OMG that's really good! thank u xoxo
yeah that’s sick
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this is dogshit but i saw reposted art from a fat fetish thread and had to draw in that pose, i think the face is the best part
this is adorable!
holy shit is that THE mcboymoder????? cool to see you around if so
None of you can make me not like Bailey
really captured your honiness
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sketch I did tonight :)
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drew yesterday
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drew this on my phone a few weeks back
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my boymoder, this is actually what i look like
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continuing the self portrait dumping
How many months you been on T?
negative 12
Actually I'm confused lmao are u mtf or ftm. I was just making a joke about the art style.
i didnt think my artstyle was particurarly poon coded i thought simple shaped calarts was more their speed
its not porn coded but its 100% ftm coded
poon not porn
dam da freudian slip
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doing more sketchess
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i like it

tryin to learn to draw kind of like this / GRUTTS from twitter

very cool style
girls with guns are neat
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Im an austis i mean artist :3
First time drawing in 15 years
Love it
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doodle of jamiroquai and mikuroquai that my boyfriend and i did on a discord call once :3
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love these, especially Enki :)
wish I could get back into the mood to write something less bitter but at least I'm still writing
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trying to get back into drawing since nothing makes me happy anymore
i think i'm depressed lmao
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ty! They are one of my main inspirations haha

here’s another I did tonight

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