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prev >>36572538
are you a janny?
thank you for your allyship OP
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What was that garbage last thread?
This guy is not funny tbqh
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Yassified Xanthippe.
why do you care then?
bipedos, OUT!
the duty befell upon me once I earned my linguistics degree
The clothes I bought just came in
Gigablackpill, might need to take estrogen soon.
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>wake up
>see this
What do?
Bleagle won.
why does every blackpiller end up on estrogen?
beagle always wins
Neuroticism maxxing
sometimes the BBCs they're carrying is too much responsibility for them and they mutilate and poison themselves to get rid of it
Humiliation fetish.
They know that testosterone is too great of a responsibility.
except for that time xe tried to sue a latina and the judge dismissed the case for racism lol
You might have a point with that actually lol less test does reduce the odds of going postal
Blu is on T thoughever
can't believe i missed that
I love how this makes xan and bleagle chimp out.
What happened to your greasy estroginized emasculated mind then? lol
don’t let them see you mention certain trips
Latino tops
Italian otters
I’m a straight guy and I just jacked off to two obese black women :-)
I'm a federal agent
Imagine you are fat. You were around 20-21 BMI when you met your BF but have chosen to be above 25 BMI and as high as 33 for 12-13 years of a 15 year relationship. You're now antisocial and only play those cheap mind number games (think angry bird but not) and watch dumb shit. Your BF was an underweight twink who became a normal weight highly toned twink then briefly skinny fat for 6 month during covid and now goes gym 5x per week for about 3 yrs is and in way back to extremely snatched. Does that make you a bad person? Also you get angry if your BF hangs out with friends or joins clubs and activities but refuses to come with?

Is that morally okay?
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Please note that this is not illegal because I am not gaining anything
but that's an edited pic of the blatino guy that rejected xanthippe after she thirsted after his dick pics so wym ??
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not edited actually :)
Idk does he pay for your survival?
its not even about morals
your clearly not happy, and should end things asap
lol many such cases
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/pol/ says this is what happens when the dems win.
Flat ass blottoms can't compete with BWMA aka Big White Muscular Ass d/b/a Average White Bottom.
I believe that. I believe that you might work as an agent that needs to be fed a lot.
me caveman me no unga me want set this straight
Hey conbot and bleagle, doxing someone with the intent to make someone fear for their safety or to incite others to cause them harm is illegal under US law.
And that's a good thing. When Rs win people fuck real dogs.
Cuba coded
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>conservatives googling "dog fleshlight"
>Biden made me do this!
Dan really is retarded.
I fucking hate my.body holy.shit.
are you the oink oink redhead piggy or is that delta?
bottoms have no rights, fuck your life and your fatso bf
This is like the 2nd one ever that has made me laugh good job lmao
No, I make 150-170% of his income before tax after benefits
I also hate your body.
That's delta and I'm using league of legends dialect piggy I bet delta is complete ass at league
ginger lime cookies turned out actually atrocious but i made a vanilla bean icing & i think it saved them? the original recipe was 1 tbsp of sugar for 500g of flour which seemed crazy low & it really was
Someone post it, i want to hate to
looks like a junkie with a huge B?C
Blu is neurotic
xan looks beautiful here
I bet Delta doesn't even know about target only champions toggle and left click attack move
What would you do?

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do you think the secret service intentionally let thomas crooks take the shot?
water is wet.
How exactly am I neurotic?
I'm just a fucking pig. A fat disgusting pig. I will never be beautiful and testosterone is poison that destroys my body everyday. Why couldn't I have been born as the superior sex?
Black is big
>How exactly am I neurotic?
i don't get that either
Probly not that's more of a CIA move
The dumb cops were probably just staring slackjawed at the God emperor not paying attention to their fucking Jon because the prophet is before them
You display neuroses constantly and with no shame.
>display neuroses constantly
point them out
Blu you are literally becoming beagle please stop before its too late I care about you and many people want the best for you this is not the path you must go down
white men wont fuck beagle
shut up you catfish, i would
Unprompted rants about depression, anhedonia, and religion. Desperate samefagging. Spamming selfies for a year or more asking if he's ugly.
u ain’t white xan
point to specific posts he made today
he has a scottish fiance now
what do you mean ???
dom wouldnt lol
When people used bpd idk if they mean bipolar disorder. Honestly bipolar disorder is worse to deal with than borderline personality disorder
what race is this?
xanthippe mogging race
mog what? he is beyond ugly and that pedo stache is disgusting
? ????? ????? ????????? ??? ??? ????
why do you keep replying to yourself?
well it is not hard to mog a balding aged boar
>mog what?
i'm not??
Why do withered old bottoms on this general hate Jeb so much? Why do they always try and bring him down?
bpd is worse because everyone hates you and thinks you're schizo, and you can't repair the dumb shit you did when you were listening to the part of your brain that told you to wreck every relationship and burn every bridge on the way out
?? ??? ???????? ???? ???? ????? ?? ????????? ???? ??? ???? ??????? ????? ??? ??? ????
t. Has never had an actual manic episode.
they jealous of his feet fr
I think shiza sabotaged Blu BBC mind?
They mean borderline unless they are dumb and borderline is way fucking worse dude you have no idea it gives people around them PTSD
I really want to know what those are like. It looks like being sped up. What's it like?
Fuck off you racist nazi CUNT. Go back to Germany where you belong. I know what it is you do in the shadows.
Because Jeb WON and they lost.
it’s borderline usually and i think bipolar is worse but it also has effective medication
no one cares about jeb
I believe against all odds and reason that I am psychic and will die tomorrow and it makes me act in a way congruent with those beliefs.
I only pretend to be a nazi sometimes because it's funny and also because I'm a federal agent and have to so I can subvert and inform on them
Captcha: DDDOOK
I have bipolar and I hate it. I really do change my mind all the time and since I’m rapid cycling I can go from grumpy to high energy in one day
I like when Blu's having fentanyl manic episodes.
Yesterday bitter old bottoms were talking about reporting him to the police and sending him to jail.
Blu is the most mentally ill person to ever post here.
where did you even get that recipe? bruh
then she better get funnier quick
Is there medication for people with BPD? Would y’all rather date someone with BPD or Bipolar 1
That doesn't sound very cool then, your right. At the bottom of the bpd pit is a deathwish for me, wanting death more than anything.
Reporting him for what? Diabetes mellitus?
>I have bipolar and I hate it. I really do change my mind all the time and since I’m rapid cycling I can go from grumpy to high energy in one day
perfect top
Posting underage nudes of himself.
Not even close we had a terrorist
There are treatments but very few stick with it and many who have BPD will reject their diagnosis completely and try to gaslight the rest of the world rather than acknowledge that they have a problem
>Would y’all rather date someone with BPD or Bipolar 1
Yes, especially if he's cruel and cold and abusive sometimes and preferably a top.
The medication makes you fat though, you get 24/7 munchies
Liar. You probably kiss a photo of Hitler before you go to sleep.
How exactly am I having a 'fentanyl manic episode'? Of fucking course I'm accused of drug abuse when I'm clean. It's because Im black.
who here do you think is more mentally ill than yourself?

idek if i would consider r*gby mentally ill per se she was just unusually stupid even by our standards & desperate 2 be eric cartman but in real life including the fat part fsr
I don’t remember that.
if i searched your trip in the archives how long back do you think i'd have to scroll to find a post where you don't talk about yourself?
A picture of Hitler's, not a picture of Hitler. His art is underrated people just can't separate art from artist.
i wish i was still young like jeb
Is there a specific medication designed to treat bpd, or do they just toss the usual ssri/tranq combo at it? I've been prescribed several ssri, but never stuck with any of them. I really would prefer to die than become a fat zombie
Yea but we also had sissy
I should go post in /pol/ to lure her to the thread, she posted recently
you know, king athur's flour has a good and flexible shortbread cookie
or you could just have used a regular butter cookie recipe, add ground ginger to the flour and beat lemon zest into the sugar
Ive dated anxiety and frankly even that was too high maintnence, theres no way in hell im committing to BPD
im so old and decrepit
What do you look like today sis?
Big Polynesian Dick?
you're falling off horror, time for the next horror to take over
a rotting piece of turkey bacon
what did sissy do that was terrorism '

i dont eat wheat due to the deep state plot 2 make americans and people of american culture suffer from obesity
post hole
>rapid cycling
that’s kinda what it’s like to be bpd although it never hits mania and you can go up and down many times a day due to the dumbest shit, someone takes too long to text you back so now you hate them with your whole being for making you feel rejected when you would have killed yourself for them 5 minutes ago
there are medications for when you’re out of control but they don’t do much for the day to day stuff in my experience
The fate of all white "people" after 25
i hate being like this and try to hurt myself more than others. It's not a consolation to ppl I've hurt.
Nothing he's just crazy
I'm basically perfect. Lol.
Would you buy a beautiful painting made by a pedophile rapist who will continue to be a pedophile rapist?
I would have nominated myself, but it dawned on me that no way in hell I would be able to be on par with him(?).
>Of fucking course I'm accused of drug abuse when I'm clean. It's because Im black
Ding dong. But also look what you've been typed recently and how the quality of your posts and your psyche have gone bad.
No but if he was dead and the proceeds went to victims of pedophile rape I would
It's basically mounting their head on the wall
have you ever tried dick before?
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Anyone playing videogames tonight instead of being a normal person?
join me in bullying dog
>a rotting piece of turkey bacon
ideal top
Bro Anderson Cooper really just said:
Testosteroni the real San Francisco treat during RNC coverage
no i poop from there

its been a minute but the last i checked "rapid cycling" in bipolar is like 4ish distinct ups & downs in a year. its way slower than the word rapid implies but idk that anons sitchy nor do i care
What type of skirt should I buy? What might look nice on me? Serious post. I'm browsing Amazon.
I thought this was gaygen but it's even funnier that it's more relevant itt
Wait it is gaygen I'm fucking high it's >>36575240
Fault for mentioning dog and
For asking such a preposterous question fuck you motherfuckers
you should wear Blacked clothing. reclaim it like the n word
are you high?
Yes I literally just said so
i swear 2 god the devil built blu in a lab to make me angry
im playing a little bit of tf2 hehe
You litreally did do that, sorry i just skim read your posts before giving yous
I'm not a whore. Let alone a race fetishist.
Sorry I'm just bored
imagine watching CNN and not being 80 years old
It's fine I don't even read most posts before I hit the post button
The one that accentuates your manly non passing dong.
i cant even spell prog
Can't believe that game is still getting new maps I haven't played it in a decade. What class are you playing? I was a heavy/soldier grognard
I'm watching it ironically
I have developed a 6th sense for shitposting and I am aware of the vibes of a post just by glancing at it
I like the black guy is trying to be all trans and whatnot, but he has to duct tape his dong to his knee to keep it from peeking out under the hem line of his dress.
CNN is praying that trump wins so they'll finally draw more viewers than the nursing homes can provide.
Hulk don't do it brother play it cool keep it silly and stupid don't christcuck out
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You're making me dysphoric.
God i wish. The way its blowing out peoples spines call it the kamehamea

I dont care, do whatever you want. I just dont want to be in a relationship where i have to constantly be some kind of psychological anchor
demoman, it's been years since i last played so it's a bit of nostalgia
Good, it's not like you're gonna be less ugly if you get on hrt.
I've never been rawdogged, I'm waiting for the right guy to do it with.
OK the shirt rip was funny even though it's old lol
Yea probably but they're showing the thing that I want to watch and I can just make fun of them
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Hairy ideal bottom hole!
Pipes were always too hard for me. Are there bots spinning around everywhere or did they finally fix that?
the hell is the broccoli doing sitting on the windowsill like that
I literally just want to be a beautiful woman. That's all. Men get old and masculine and testosterone destroys our bodies.
I think I might kms before. A demon isn't gonna kill him most likely. I got delulu enough to think maybe there were signs cause some very weird shit happened every day for 4 days straight but like I asked for signs last night and tonight. No luck.

My BF is a bottom so he doesn't deserve to avoid heartbreak?
Maybe I should just cheat as much had possible and drink myself to death? Idk... At least have lots of fun and then die before my misery really sets in.
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Health. God!
nah for the time being they fixed it, it's what prompted me to give it another go
Bottomizer, bottom-bottomizer, you're a bottomizer
Oh, bottomizer, oh, you're a bottomizer, baby
You, you-you are, you, you-you are
Bottomizer, bottomizer, bottomizer

Top don't try to front, I-I
Know just, just, what you are, are-are
Top don't try to front, I-I
Know just, just, what you are, are-are

(You!) You got me goin'
(You!) You're oh so charmin'
(You!) But I can't do it
(You!) You bottomizer
hard drugs are so much more fun than alcohol
Get a new gimmick
This is a hairy man hole general Philadelphia style.
I need to know how many chickens and carrots his relatively hairy anus can fit.
More likely to kill me. BF might a tally break up if I did some. But I don't want to be the guy who got broken up bc he was a druggie.
Took them long enough. Might have to reinstall it myself sometime the memories are already flooding back.

Please don't get any ideas anyone the fact that hard drugs feel so good is exactly why they're so bad to ever pick up
If any of you can prove you're a psychotic schizo killer who will murder me I will voluntarily **** myself so you can kill me plz. Put me out of this misery.
Yaaaaay pray for Trump God killed the firefighter to save Caesar
I'm a fat, disgusting slob worth less than a penny that fell out of somebody's pocket into a pile of dog shit. I'm utterly repulsive both physically and mentally. I have the cardiovascular health of an 80 year old, the intelligence of a 5 year old, and the penis of a newborn baby. I am a white supremacist. I am a slave to Israel and NATO. I am a testament to American arrogance and stupidity. As a fat subhuman with no useful skills, I should have starved to death a long time ago, but in my country white men get to fail upwards. I am the reason millions of third worlders pray for America to go up in flames every day. Hundreds of South American tribes had their homes bulldozed to farm the palm oil, corn syrup, concentrated onions slop that makes up my diet. They go hungry while I engorge myself on the fruits of their labour. Countless Bangadeshi children have lost their limbs in the sweatshops that produce my plus size clothes. Imperial superprofits pay for my useless business degree and endless bariatric care. I am a parasite. I deserve the most brutal, violent torture imaginable.
>tfw no bf to take out for a nice meal with his carrot
I wish I were high rn
>I should have starved to death
trip on Blu
blu would never post anything off trip, that's too much attention lost
finally debaser says something i agree with
blu = bish**?
To whatever powers that be , this is my declaration. I choose neither heaven, nor hell, but to remain with my friends. Be it with shadows in periphery, or somewhere else altogether. I choose my animal friends of whom to spend eternity, with not one human involved. This is my most sincere wish. So mote it be, tmdwu.
No u
no those two are cringe in way different ways
>the dems have never signed a check and live off of welfare
Next sentence
>we can't afford groceries
what are you doing with your life if you're not cheating the government for free money
>to people who can't afford medical bills I'm sorry
>we oppose socialized healthcare
you were born in the wrong era you should have been a huffpo blogger during bush’s second term
It always has been huffpo blogger era
you should be in bigen
If I can manifest a demon I'm going to become one.

But seriously dead lord Andrus. Fucking give my fat BF a heart attack, an aneurysm, lighting strike him, make a ravenous incel chud **** beat him to death in revenge for the **** **********, make a deranged schizo attack, make him get untreatable aids
Debaser is a quality human. Cheers boy!
But since Andrus hasn't accepted my soul and bond yet, I will fucking become my own demon. A sex demon who cheats and does drugs.

Andrus, if you free me I'll do something fucked up like pee on a homeless person's shopping cart or tent.
Republicans can't afford groceries because they're too dumb to use digital cuopons
Republicans buy luxury goods like raw milk, grassfed steak, and Ram 4x4s so they can get mad about how expensive they are
>**** **********
risperidone now
why are you ban evading?
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i wanna talk to gays not bisexuals
this thread fell off
not my problem, go back
Why? That’s bi erasure
Suffer thread
it’s because people lack a degree in linguistics
Women don't cut it anymore?
This is like a history channel docuseries before they get into all the fucked up evil shit he did except it won't have that part
Being gay from 1970-2000 seemed so much more comfy.
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Which one should I buy babes?
The 1980s seemed pretty bad
you save 100 more dollarus on the right one
Nah, they were awesome, except the aids. Max comfy though.
You are here
I would've rather died of aids in the early 90's than been a part of the garbage of today.
Gays from 1970-2000 had an identity, we weren' wrapped up with the 4 letter+ uggos and pedos of today.
Oh yeah, that little plague that was like the black death for gays?? Nothing to it!
it seems like severe overkill to get a monitor as wide as the right one
Rico Nasty showing Delta how to have nasty sex and gay!
Even with the plague relationships were meaningful back then. Bonds were stronger because you couldn't just swipe.
Lol it's the shitty singing guy that can't remember the words again why would they let him do it again he can't keep getting away with this
Why do bi men start smelling like shrimp when they're horny?
Because bi's will eat whatever sets their hook.
Do you actually do karaoke? I have like once in public but it's fun with friends in a house
why are you smelling bi men?
no i am in the running for the worlds worst singer
That's the ideal karaoke singer no one likes the faggots that actually try hard
I had you beat years ago
They're made of shrimp.
oh no im trying

dark horse i just keep getting worse & throatier
Even better as long as you're actually bad at it
>dark horse i just keep getting worse & throatier
A lot of you have heard me sing, it doesn't get much worse than that. Maybe someday we can karaoke together, and let the audience judge, lol!
i miss atmos
Not him, but me too.
bleagle was bragging about having him fired diva
Those look ridiculous

Based Subway not letting these repressed faggots sublimate by eating phallic sandwiches
I would love to get really drunk and find someone to absolute butcher this song with at a karaoke bar
Subway sounds good right now
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>Bonds were stronger
i mean.
can you really compare daniel to pierce to sean? i think not.
no one has ever said that in their life
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That's me sis.
he just did tho
Why'd you scare him away?
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God's hungriest warriors
Sean was the one, forever and ever. We also share a bday. Happy Sean Connery's birthday...next month.
hes not real this whole thread is a mess hallucination but only by me
I can’t believe they replaced Daniel with a Sheebon.
just because they all had a ski chase scene does not mean sean did it the best. you're just remembering through rose colored glasses like all the kids that have fond memories of golden eye.

craig is objectively the best looking, but not necessarily the sexiest. pierce? well has a thing for feeding so i would never want something long term.
>shirt actually says rape on it
Oh come on. I was just going to make a joke about a man refused service from the woke left for wearing a shirt "that identifies me as someone who really loves other people" and it just says I RAPE PEOPLE on it. This is why the Onion sucks now you can't parody reality.
Footlong double steak and american cheese, toast it with the onions, green peppers, and banana peppers. Add pickles lettuce and southwest sauce. On monterey cheddar ofc
I know, i'm the one orchestrating your hallucinations
Yea we are living in clown world and irony is dead and rolling in its grave
keep waking up 4amish warm and sweaty and hard
Sean connery was way sexier than daniel craig, by a lot. Young sean connery was sex.
Daniel Craig
Trump is the most boring part of the entire RNC by far, somehow
...so do you take care of it or just roll back over?
how deep does this rabbit hole go
I rape asian guys
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i kinda lay there in a state of uncertainty & procrastination
im not always very good at making decisions for myself
i guess i might just sleep again, I'm not gonna get much sleep tonight so I ought to maximise what I can get
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who wore it better?
an 8/10 homeless girl flirted with me.
or, i really need to get laid and my vision is being clouded by backed up cum
Please don't say that you made me think of not like us again
You are good at making decisions judging by your education you just are sexually repressed and need confidence lol it's like you're afraid of riding a rollercoaster
Since when are we not allowed to upload images in incognito? Bro fuck this site, for real!
well I can make some decisions yeah but I dunno
need a fem bgf to make sexual decisions for me
anyway back to sleep
Once you actually get a fem bf all of your sexual decisions will seem so clear and obvious that you will wonder why you were worried about them in the first place
It started for me after 4chan switched to Cloudflare for the capotchas. Couldn't find a work around
i wanna fuck they ass and suck they dick
So do it
I hope debaser grows up and stops caring about politics soon
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