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magic tragic female general
last >>36573570
qott: how's ur night going

Do you believe yourself to have a female-coded soul? If so, how do you know?
Pretty well
Leveling trusts in ffxiv and got some of the dungeon minions for my wife and me
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I will never be able to pay for ffs ))))))):
I have work tomorrow so I shouldn't be staying late. I'm starting HRT in two months. I'm small but I have male proportions, broad shoulders and barrel chest. Is there any way to mitigate it? Mainly how you dress?
power outages from heatwave
it kinda sucks

That sounds silly.

I believe that because I'm human i command who and what i am. I can just decide I'm female at my discretion and that makes it so.

And i have.

Build up your thighs and ass.
There was a guy on Tinder who liked me who had a pic of him cosplaying Dante from DMC. I tried to message him and then he unmatched me
DMC sucks anyways, so whatever
I'm looking for peggle rice girl. I want to buy you dinner.
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just woke up haven't figured out yet if i can function today or if i'm rotting again. it's raining so idk if i wanna go to the gym.

thank god i don't have a soul so i don't need to worry about this.

just get insurance to pay for it lole.
that would be me lol
nomi what is the basis for this vinegar and oranges suggestion
im addicted to importing children's trinkets from japan
crimes are good
thats me lol (you posted while i was struggling to solve the captcha for this post >>36577299)

Citric acid and vinegar both act to balance ph levels in the body and are essential to run the Krebs cycle. And if your body is overtaxed trying to balance ph, your Krebs cycle can become stressed due to essential components of it being used to balance your ph levels.
It's getting better after 9 laser sessions but uggghh it makes me feel gross and like a man, horrible dysphoria source, this is 12 hours after shaving

https://unsee cc/album#oQdCvtNJK822

Should I just stick at laser or start electrolysis too? I feel like some more laser will save a lot of time and money on electrolysis
I wish I could be female :(

When i take over the world I'll just buy everyone surgery.
Do you have a way I can contact you?
drums are so fuckin primal. nothing beats a good beat. mmmmmmmmmmm...... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmY8q1aqZb4
wait u were serious when u said u wanted to cook for me?

What about a deep sexy singing voice?

what about Chinese Bass?
Uhh you kind of just kept popping up in my head. I would actually but that would take some logistics to figure out. I just felt like I should try and seek you out again.
woah, um. idk if i could actually meet up that kind of stuff scares me and were probably pretty far away anyways
I'm sleepy but I wanna hit my p spot in one of my lovense toys
Send help, girls
I'm drunk and horny and sad and watching The Boys
Yeah I wasn't trying to be that forward. You said your food budget was pretty tight so I was thinking of just buying dinner for you. Not actually cooking.
its very nice sso i will save it in my memory bcz its butifull
laf dead
neko dead
pain dead
angel dead
demon dead
callie dead
kate dead
olivia dead
mado dead

how many? how many more until... u-until..
All the bad ones remain
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this kind of sounds like youre asking me on a date, but im really bad at reading social situations like this so if you are im not interested in a date
i got a 501 thread vape
these things r cute it looks like a lil flute
so much for quitting weed :/
but I'm sticking to my diet so that's good yippee
i've been eating 1k calories per day
i hope losing weight makes me less uggo
I don't know how this ended up so weird and awkward lol. You have a good one.
I am ruined fren
im just weird and awkward sry lol

Nonsense. Humans are masters of flesh.
please pound my ass
*stretches and yawns and curls up by the thread fireplace and purrs*
*shatters a glass against the wall and screams*
*sets the thread trash bin on fire*
It's fucked up but I kind of wish I had cancer. Nobody cares if you're a loser if you're dying.
I know it's fucked up because so many people do have it. I wish I could take it from someone more deserving than me, someone who actually wants to live.

It's retarded but I think that a lot.

*fwumps on you and purrs*
>check size chart for clothes
>waist measurements in large range
>hips in small range

I guess I'm gonna try and get pioglitazone but can I realistically expect it to do enough to even things out?
can anyone cover my shift tomorrow
sure, how hard can it be?
Hopefully all die
Well it's official gals
I tested positive for rona. Took 4 and a half years, but it finally happened.
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ball cancer would be pretty cool for the free orchi
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coffee and depression :}

legit the only way you can get it where i live.
aside from diy lol.
Im not a dr but
What if you injected your balls with botox do you think itd work if you knew what you were doing
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morning angel
time to microwave
i think it will still have wrinkles
microwaves aren't ionizing tho. better off ordering a cool glow in the dark thing off ebay if you want cancer.

i don't see what the desired outcome here is or why.
dear satan
pls make me a real girl
i promise to pay whatever price even if its smth weird like sucking demon cock or smth
be an evil person, burn churches etc etc idc ur powerful right u can do it
signed ur loyal pookie
Dear satan
Id suck demon cock for free pick me instead
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misery woooo~~
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i need more anime with a hikkineet eyebag-having main character like y'know how all three of these characters are self conscious and perverted and socially awkward?
i want to get better but to do that i need more help from others than i feel is reasonably
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do i have value
If only I could
if only you could do what.
do any of you post on 28 chan, lefty pol, or crystal?
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do u rly think im wife material.
I am literally in love with you woman
not any more
i think if that was the case you would have me added
fwiw im pretty sure I'm in love with you too
You know what maybe I fucking will
yes homura chan is fren
go ahead
it'd make my night
u r nice girl and u deserve good things inshallah
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being a manmoder is killing me
It would be so much easier if I just went away until we could meet.
drop disc king
that is unfortunately not how it works
if you were to disappear i would feel abandoned
honestly i think you probably should stop posting here and you should stop checking this thread because it will lead to inevitable harassment from the xanny demon and not coming here is the healthy option
but I don't want that to mean losing you
i would like if I could maintain contact with u through that but obviously it's up to u whether ur gonna post her or talk 2 me it's all up to u
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I don't want to be stuck being in love with someone I can't even see either
But it's not like I can do anything about it
And I'm also absolutely horrific when it comes to these kinda things and I WILL be a severe bother to engage with
Katja is not 100% wrong about me on certain aspects
I'm essentially fucking both of us over if I actually give in to emotions so I'm trying to avoid it
>I am literally in love with you woman
is this true by the way
ok yes it is a curse to be in love with someone you can't see
but to deny that the feelings exist and to try and avoid me is not a solution it just leads to more pain. i love you and i need you here and i hate that i can't devote my whole self to you
please stay a while longer, i don't want to be alone
As far as I know yes.
I need time to at least assimilate this mentally and think about what's happening and what I'm doing
I just came out of something pretty horrendous so I can't just throw myself at someone right after
I wish things could be simpler
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die already :D
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Woke sarah up at 2am with an alarm on my phone rip
y am i so dam boring :/
i got along rly well w someone like one time and they were a schizo autist coder tranny who was the same age as me
she was actually p nice tho, most of those types r kinda full of themselves
but anyways, I'm worried cause it seems like ppl who find me palatable are rare and tend to be outcasts themselves and basically i think I'm destined to be friendless and alone
it just hurts to not have you
to not even have a way to message you
to have to post here and hope you see it
but i definitely understand stand not wanting to throw urself at me after the disaster u just got out of
i care very deeply for u and u deserve the best life possible
i just hope i can be a part of it
Just give me some time to figure things out I guess..
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hug fremdel
i suppose that's fine
it's just somewhat embarrassing having to talk to you in thread i feel like we should be capable of talking to each other in private without hurting each other..
anyways listen ,2 this song because it's cool
Yeah I am being quite awkward with this. Sorry. Very cool song also
this probably wasn't meant for me but I'll pretend like it was
it's ok i rly do understand ur perspective it just hurts to not be able to talk to u in private
if u ever wanna make s nee account on disc I could just add me and not have any other 4chsn trannies i think that epuld be good for u
but idk i might just be an unhealthy person to be around i definitely need to get a handle on my self destructive tendencies
You have your issues and I have mine and being in contact with eachother could very well make things worse for both of us. I'm just waiting until I'm actually ready for that
that's alright i understand
it's just that u talk about leaving thread a lot and it triggers my fear of abandonment and i don't know how to deal with it
I talk about it because I intend to do it
I think you need to learn about having space between you and people you're close to emotionally in order to sustain healthier relationships
Could say the same about myself to some extent
yes i need to be better about it but being abandoned is my biggest fear and u just
can't fucking handle it the thought of it tears me to shreds
Good morning thread.
Visibility vs looks
Idk which one I even prefer
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looks both for the game and the metaphor
Idk I love the views I get w the visibility one
I think I might reenable the grass but still keep the fog and view distance super far
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gm gm
looks like chinkslop
Looks like I don't care
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>wake up from weird dream
>body feels like cast iron
>can't move for several minutes
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dead thread
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maybe i will gym after all. 0 energy tho but feels like i'm wasting time.

sleep paralysis?
>sleep paralysis?
could have been
i didn't see a demon tho, i just couldn't move aside from moving fingers a wee bit
>maybe i will gym after all. 0 energy tho but feels like i'm wasting time.
you could go for a jog or something
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you'd think it could happen without demons too if it's just some sleep state.
ehh i'd rather be seen by as few people as possible. this apartment complex gym is used by like one other person regularly and i've yet to run into them.
ok well then the gym sounds nice, i'd go for that especially if it's air conditioned and such
sobbing a lot
it's in the basement so it's nice and cool. quite old building so it feels like working out in a wine cellar or smth lol.
>cringe memory
time to kms
need transbian gf to make bleed :)
I'm so bored and tired
go back to sleep
no one remembers it but you
It's 1 pm I just ate and will work out now
I need to get like a new hobby or smth now that I've nothing to do out of obligation
Tfw you almost slice off your finger
I had to take my parents to the airport this morning really early and I didn’t fall asleep until probably past 2AM so I was never fully asleep but like semi-conscious the whole time but it was so comfy it was like swimming through sleep
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Not to be a bitch but slicing off your skin like you would skim the top of some jamon fucking hurts
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>not knowing how to chop vegetables


i sure everyone else does and they're all judging me for it

u don't cut jamon, u put jamon toast
How much is a neovagina gonna cost me? genitals are a fucking curse
a lot of money, and lifelong regret
>chop vegetables
i WAs trying to open a bag with a knife and got on a weird position for it where my finger was besides behind the back so when I did pierce the bag the knife also almost sliced off the skin on one of my fingers
It hurts a shit ton but it's barely bleeding and I didn't lose my skin yet so I'm fine
Look it up on the surgeries subreddit
>>36579716 And don't listen to faggots like these
I like that robot it is closer to western mecha than usual for you
good morning btw love you & hope you slept well
>i WAs trying to open a bag with a knife and got on a weird position for it where my finger was besides behind the back so when I did pierce the bag the knife also almost sliced off the skin on one of my fingers
low iq
>And don't listen to faggots like these
>can't open a bag
>wants to give life advice on major risky surgeries

>I like that robot it is closer to western mecha than usual for you
there's very few western mecha gunpla kits out there, that's the closest i've been able to find to something resembling more traditional western mech design outside of maschinenkrieger
>good morning btw love you & hope you slept well
y-you too
i slept pretty meh, probably gonna go back to sleep for a bit idk
did a little elden ring modding yesterday but idk if i'm into it enough to continue
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I love western mecha so much BattleTech is one of my hobbies stuff like picrel is endlessly cool to me
hope you enjoy your morning nap friend
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How it feels to try to be nice to paige
Well where I’m at rn is self mutilation thoughts so I’m probably better off paying a surgeon to do it for me

Have been looking at all the Min Jun ones desu because they seem best but everyone in the US has health insurance and still seem to have to pay like 50k (and another 30-40k to hospitals).
I know I can’t afford it regardless yet.
Honestly just came here to vent and cope that someone might give me something I don’t already know idk :(
Weren't the thai ones relatively affordable? You're gonna have to save a shit ton for it regardless still
I wish Carol a good day
I haven’t really looked into the Thai ones very well but it’s definitely about to be my obsession for the next few hours
Knock yourself out buddy
too soon
Yeah might not be bleeding much but I'm pretty sure that's because I hit the muscle layer on a part with no veins
The fact I bled as much as I did is worrisome itself
For what
>he doesnt know
someone tell him
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upped weights in hopes of making body too sore tomorrow to care about brain problems. hope it'll work.
did some leg lifts during side plank too i never do those so maybe that helps find some new places to experience pain in.

>wants to give life advice on major risky surgeries
i mean this gen is basically a support group where no one is qualified to give any advice but we still do because lol lmao if u trust ppl on 4chan that's on u.

also interesting to observe the social forces at play here. who gets along with who etc.
Man I wish I didn't get depressed and stopped going to the gym but I don't feel like taking a step there again
If you're implying carol is dead i saw her post earlier >>36578951
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>making body too sore tomorrow to care about brain problems
seems like a good strategy
I worked my butt off in the yard yesterday for almost three hours then went on a date then came home and had such a comfy evening and nice sleep, the latter part is esp unusual for me
I hate being a little bitch
Was salty permabanned forever?
no it’s just she immediately gets banned agin whenever the last one expires
gacha is soulless cash grab, people who play it are like gambling addicts
Little baby bitch useless bitch have-all-oportunities and do nothing bitch
That is what a perma ban is.
People that play gachas to gamble are the retards, those games always have mechanics where at certain points you're guaranteed to get what you want, you can literally never gamble due to it and just save until you can get what you want guaranteed

t. have played basically every gacha game in the market (and out due to EOS) in the past 6 years
Become a big bitch.
Except like. Actually shitty ones made by bad companies, like square enix, gumi and netmarble.
Those want your money or want you out. No one thats f2p is actually meant to have fun with them and same goes for paying players too since they're meant to be there just because of fomo
Played the seven deadly sins netmarble game and ended up top 100 on PvP once servers started as a f2p but after that the game became pure p2w bs
There's a solo leveling game now too but it's netmarble so it's pay to play w how little it wants f2p players so I'm not touching it
kat stop being a bitch for once
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Why would I want to be an even worse bitch?
Laguna. I'm laguna.
Well that goes for you too
Have you gone to the gym to do cardio?
She got a proper 'this will not expire' permaban. The ultimate par
Why did she get permad?
Well I can do that at home I was going to but maybe I accidentally got a muscle deep cut now and Idk if it's a good idea to work out while I have that even if it'ds bandaged considering it's still fresh
Kyle you better not be transing in here istg. It doesn't matter that you look like a little lesbian.
I have an addictive personality but never gambled
kek worth it to get that reaction out of you
*grinds you up and snorts a line*
Wot, how'd you get a muscle deep cut?
What is the EU equivalent of the Republican National Convention?
Good question. Like many she got banned for off topic but most people get 3 or 30 days. I'm not sure why hers is forever. This is on the back of her getting months of back to back 30 day bans too. I think it was just for talking to kat originally.
Serrated knife and poor planning when it came to opening a bag
I sure opened my skin at least
i bet kat got hard just from reading that
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A full thickness wound requires stitches. The bottom layer of the skin needs weeks to knit.
Nah it's cat scratches bruv don't matter that my entire arm hurts and can barely work I just need another energy drink to tank it
And maybe skip working out today I feel like I'm dying
would be pretty fun turning her on and then denying her.
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would recommend. it's like sunscreen for ur flesh as it makes things a bit nicer in the long run and it's nice as a routine thing to do and feel good about in the short term.

sleep is important. melatonin defs helped me with sleep quality with the added downside of being able to have dreams that are upsetting.
Yeahi SHould just get back to it one day but idk i feel so sad so miserable I just want to be home and play gamed but then I don't even wanna do that and just sleep I widh I was happy and motivated like before
do you know who you’re talking to the constant victim of the terrible nightmares
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mohg or radahan?
Learn to beat them.
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Hagging woman sweep
Holy shit I get it now I get it I should learn to draw to self insert myself with fictional women I finally understand where my time needs to go
I bet you're only saying that because she's black
>because she's black
is that what you think black people look like lmfao
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Actually she's jewish but a little dark I was just trying to troll
yea, lucid dreaming and astral projection
>lucid dreaming
i used to do that tons as a kid
not anymore tho
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I think between the trauma and how much this cut hurts I'm reverting back to a normie and disregarding the weird kinks my brain is snapping back to reality
how is accidentally cutting your finger a bit so traumatic
Good. Go to an urgent care. This is what they're actually for.
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understandable. i gave up on all my other hobbies between work, exercise and chores.
now that i'm unemployed i get to have hobbies, exercise and chores while bleeding away my surgery savings.

i gathered as much from ur no dreams comments.
>astral projection
You cut yourself into a normal boy
mtfg stands for magic the female gathering
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Bro I don't mean that wtf why would I mean that what why huh I mean like the whole bullying getting beaten getting cheated on after I mean that like eueah maybe I should just give in to being normal and innocent anf cute instead of a freak
Idfk this cut is draining the dam life out of me I swear
No I'm fine I have to be fine I'll be fine
Never identified as a boy
>bullying getting beaten getting cheated on after
that's not trauma
>Never identified as a boy
you still are one
it's like the highlander
there can only be one tru trans
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im just jking btw
Where is my wife?
Nigger you call me getting beaten daily and sexually harassed not trauma again and I'm gonna make the fucking sheen copypasta seem like an aliexpress imitation of tbw sperg I'm going to throw at you
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hmmm should i practice drawing or do airbrushing or elden rang
Malding towards female genitalia?
that kinda sounds like trauma to me
I'm going to marry you.
i had a dream that jerma like the streamer was my realtor and i was looking at a ridiculously expensive house and then he realized he was a streamer and started doing one of those bits where he just has a mental breakdown while im trying to be serious and get a tour of this home.

and then he started making alarm clock noises and i woke up
I dream about getting raped a lot
You've already been raped
I haven't that's the thing, I have no idea why i get these dreams they're rather upsetting
Do you have a family friend or uncle who your father invited over to the house often when you were a kid?
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Ikr ikr I just need one motherly woman to take care of me then ifd have no issues everything would be perfectl like before but Nooooo god wants me tofucking SUFFER and rot
I'm getting weird compulsions to learn to wield a 8 foot tall glaive.
Iots all your fault and you knwo yit
I've always been close with my entire extended family but I can't imagine any of them doing anything like that

I'm motherly...
It's true. I am the reason the merry go round broke down.
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How motherly.
The what??
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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall of you are a bunch of BITCHEs
polearms are nice

i was going to but i ended up reading more FSS instead bc i was going to look at the art for inspiration or maybe something to study but got drawn into the story

dreams like that aren't real they're just dreams and nonsense
I think they're nonsense too but sometimes I do wonder if I'm horribly repressing something
either way it may not make much of a difference desu
if you are then whatever you're gonna feel like shit bc of it no matter what you do
and if you're not then it doesn't matter
nothing matters and life is just constant suffering
repressing some of the suffering doesn't mean you won't still constantly be in emotional pain, and even if you're not repressing something life is still hell even without that shit and you'd be justified in suicide no matter what did or didn't happen
I'm boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed
yeah i'm definitely not making it past 30
I have to avoid looking at anything transgender related because I feel bad if its one that passes. Im done witht this part of my life. I am comfortable with being a man. Its like young girls that get body image issues by seeing instagram models online.
What the fuck do I do with my life
stop repressing you'll be happier even as a hon
optics are fake anyway we will always be hated regardless
shut it
i used to think that too but im 30 rn and don't feel like i could actually kms
maybe i'll try to find some SN but i'd probably just vomit it up like whenever i try taking pills for sui

what? im just saying how i feel about the matter
i've hiked today and I thought a lot of grendel
i think it's the only person that i have such a large age gap with that i find so inspiring and interesting
also glad that she gets to see her gf irl finally
the fact that you have such a negative outlook and still made it this far gives me some hope lol, thank you
I hava oog
I was not happier. I was more anxious than I have ever been in my entire life regressed back to when I was afraid of going outside or talking to people or doing literally anything. If transition is supposed to make you feel like more yourself, I did not feel like myself. I felt like I was trying to pretend to be a woman and hide who I really was. I feel better now than I did when I was transitioning. It's best for me to just keep into perspective that actually passing in person doesn't really actually happen for anyone except those that missed puberty entirely, and the people I get jealous of dont actually legitimately pass in person
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ahh it's so awkward when i fail to respond appropriately to the grocery store workers greetings and whatnots.
i know how to do the easy ones like hello but don't remember fast enough how to reply to others so i just rng 'i'm sorry' or 'thank you' in english if i get stuck.
hope the tourist aura is forgiveable enough.
that really sucks ouch. I started before puberty finished but yeah most of the damage was already done. cissoids can't usually tell i'm trans unless i talk but if you know what to look for it's pretty obvious
if you really are happier how you are now then i guess that's ok

that's me actually
You are not a doog
i am a doog you don't know that
this is so wrong lol
if it comes from a passoid, what would they know about being happy as a hon?
and if it comes from a hon...lmao, sure w/e makes you believe you made a good choice but stop trying to take people down with you jfc
you're dangerous, and absolutely not in a cool way
It sucks I have to be naked all day and I'm still sweating bullets
she's saying she wants to be your pet
Okay I like lemons
Are you naked rn?
i'm sorry but i really am a dog i'm not lying :(
No I have my sissy panties on
Well that's pretty sad how are you typing now
is there a "will i pass on hrt thread" or is this a dumb fucking thing to ask in the first place
with great difficulty i erase and retype a lot
do you have any dog wisdom on how to fix society?
Yes. To both.
Oh wow you're a very smart dog
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yes but we can help you. post pic. be warned that if you have hottie potential groomers here will suddenly find you endlessly fascinating
state mandated puppygirl gfs would fix a lot of people

you are too kind...
it's on my to do list.
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I wish I could be someones "puppuygirl" gf and just be a neet type maid and serve them n then go play gachas
so get away
please be nice lmao
i posted here the other day and was told to just get on HRT anyway but yeah
(this is an old pic but its the best I got)
>I wish I could remain a child and never take responsibility for myself
so does everyone else
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Listen to this tho
No one asked but updates: I finished The Boys and this last episode is amazing Holy Shit I can't wait for the next season
please do not go super saiyan broly i am sorry
Say it coward
based anon
>he's my wife's son
I am NOT falling for Amazon shilling again after what they did to my nigga Butcher at the end of season 3
Self control is good.
is that a good thing
> homelander took me bloody son and fucked me bloody wife

I think they are forcing a little some critics to the alt right and stuff, but its good that weird people are dropping the show bc of this
I'm not really a fan of Frenchie and Kimiko as a couple either

Aside from that I was tense and excited and on the edge of my seat the whole episode
for me, no
I love carti nigga!
you'll make it. results will be between fine and excellent.
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that's not nice
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the whole season is out? might put it on. i only watched it to get context on the meme compilation bits, now im morbidly curious about that ladys bogdanofficiation.

probs need ffs for the chin n stuff.
and the other lateshit stuff hrt doesn't fix.
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oh thank god
>started at 19
>still look like a man
lateshit bros... it's over...
Bro i like some parts of the boys but yeah i don't give a fuck about frenchie or kimiko or the black dude, also Hughie is such an unlikeable pussy and all of them keep contradicting each other all the time, it's like everyone's got BPD in that show
And apparently the next season will be the last one
i can't afford ffs, laser is already gonna be a bitch
i'll just get really good at makeup I guess

maybe ill just go into medical debt forever
the boys is minda too gory for me ironically enough
but housemate is watching and I couldn't help but get invested watching the ending of season 4
what if told you characters aren't people and behave according to their arcs and theme and not at all according to logical deduction
hughie is my favorite
HOW DO YOU NOT LIKE MM?? He's one of my favorites
Kimiko I think is kinda cool ig and Frenchie was better in the earlier seasons, but still has some good scenes
I felt that with the comics. I wasn't disturbed or uncomfortable but it felt jist lacking bc it didn't have any commentary or interesting plotlines, just violence and gore and rape everywhere
Literally worst character and actor
> worst character
Starlight is worse.
if ur in the states just get it covered by insurance lol.
My brain is rotting. I am dying insidce. What do I do? Hello
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>muh slopaganda tv shows
yeah well that whole arc of we gotta so whatever it takes then last minute have a change of heart is cringe especially coming from butcher
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touch grass lasagna
im not diagnosed or anything, I'd have to go do that first.
and also get insurance but that should hopefully not be too hard. I'm not working right now so I should be able to mooch but I guess I could work at Starbucks for 6 months if I absolutely had to
He did go back from his change of heart and split Neuman in half tho
it's definitely worn thin. I think they get away with it this season because of it's pen-ultimate status but next season should and likely will change focus
I have nowhere to goooooooooooooooooooooooooooo there's nothing to do Im scared of people I want friends hello I wish I could have friends but I cant people are scary I would go to a bar if I have gfriends and then I'd make more friends but I have no friends so go nowhere you understand? Maybne should be smart person and try to get the friend from dating app wlike other peoples do but I am too scared for that too hello I think my brain is dying
life if it wasn't cruel and dogphobic and girl hating
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i could fix him
it's not that I dislike gore for gores sake even
I'm just extremely squeamish
so when people start exploding into thin red mist I kinda get woozy and nauseous
not a show I think I would watch on my lonesone
I am a lemon
im sure more posting on imageboards will fix things
what is being a lemon like
I have nothing else toooooooo dooooooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
>and actor
did he like do something?
or just a bad actor?
not familiar with the guy but on the set of the boys he looks pretty hot imo
study for your next driving test?
How?? By driving illegally?? What I already know how to drive the instructor literally said im not going to practice anymore since I already know I'm just rolling rng w tests from now on until I get one where nobody fucks me over
i think his accent is funny. dude just talks like an aussie but it's sold off as brit in the show.

beats working a regular job for years and saving every penny outside the US.
im sure it wasn't your fault and there was nothing you could do
I should've stopped and followed the rules instead of how people drive. If someone brakes for me to pass and I shouldn't be having priority then I stop and wait until they do like they're meant to even if I have to stop 6 cars behind me. I got told that. What do you want from me?
>What do you want from me?
stopping and following the rules it sounds like
I already know what I did wrong and what I have to do next. What now?
do it
Fair enough
What kind of shows do you like?
you could also watch initial d, that's what i did when i was learning to drive and get a license
I have to wait until the next test dumbass do you think I can just ask for one and have them magically organize that all for me?
I'm watching too many shows at the same time I can't do that im already taking long enough with them my brain hurts
mostly cartoons and anime
but I'd watch like game of thrones(if I didn't know the ending would be disappointing)
lately veen contemplating rewatching sailor moon('92)
I shouldn't have drank that many energt y drinks
me lon

He doesn't need fixing. He's perfect the way he is.
No im not on the xanax my brian just hurts a lot and im it s not working so I speak a little stupid but it's okay
How make brain stop pain it jhrt
and let yourself go
I think im having an aneuriysm
Sometimes i really wanna act on those intrusive thoughts, it scares me
But the xanny bad bad it evil it wants to kill me it'll kill.me anon you have to undrrtstand its evilrvilrvilevilevil
SAAAAME oh wait actually not really I just wish it happened the other wah around sometimes its more like I nttusivr imaginations yeah
Did you smoke some crack
No I'm just the autism an uah the autism its its just the autism and then headache I speak the same when drunk what s happen now is brain not working if brain not working I tism out hello
Who r u, i need to speak to you
MYA NAMW is laguna also marina hello we are communicating now we are talking yes
but they are about hurting other people..
a man chooses
Are you a lemon
are you a peach
Okay Laguna, hmm, have you ever drank alcohol before?
I think
Maybe I am a cherry
or a strawberry
Maybe an orange
What do you think
Yes yes j used to be good friends with that guy siome two years ago I hung out with him a lot but I dont really drink nowadays JTS pretty weird when I do do it I mean it's nice but I hate how it makes me feel like I'm dying ykh know what j mean? cool ckol
It seems your brain isn't functioning quite well, consider the following
A. Go masturbate?
B. Go eat something?
C. Go get drunk?
another way to feel what you didn't want yourself to know
literally my dialogue options
A no
B already did
C no
aCan someone groom me
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i wish for a boyfriend who loves me and i can share shielded thoughts with

get a brush and comb and do it yourself
How would you like to be groomed?
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lemon = what you call something that doesn’t work right or has some kind of manufacturing flaw
peach = what you call something that is superior
e.g., “this car’s a lemon, I have it in the shop all the time”
and let yourself go
Youre funny. oh wait no you aren't I'm being sarcastic fuck you fyou fucking bitch
I want it abusive with a side of toxic love and manipulation maybe even a healthy dose of kidnapping and sheltering
They're real terms?? you know I was just saying fucking fruit names right?
Wait is lemon a fruit.
calm down lasagna you're just trauma chasing and want to be a victim bc it makes you feel like the world owes you something
that’s why I let you know
i thought peach was slang for vagina
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Groom yourself with ai

Whereas i share my shielded thoughts directly with mtfg. Raw dog. No condom.

E.g. that boy looks like he's getting fucked by a wild animal. Is that a character or a demon?
i wish i could let myself go
I just want to be abused like that because I have trauma about it and letting it happen again somehow makes lme feel comfortable
Please be nicer to me
Thank you maiz. I will forget about it immidearely.
Give me website give me it I need it give it to me give me orange give give me orange me give oorange
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>I just want to be abused like that because I have trauma about it and letting it happen again somehow makes lme feel comfortable
no shit that's why ppl get back into abusive relationships
but you weren't in much of a relationship, it was e-dating and even then it barely lasted any time at all
just move on already, find someone irl or whatever go to lgbt groups or something just get off this website ffs it's not doing anything good for you

Let's invade heaven and kick god in the shin for this!
I should avoid it because I know perfectly I'm going to end up developing g a parasocial relationship with a robot but it's tempting
I got into that relationship because of previous trauma I sreally should try to meet people irl somehow but it makes me so scared idk idk if I can do it idk I like the pixels on my screen the pixels are comfortable they're not scary they're calm
are you larping being high rn lol
not that I have ever heard I think that may be just an emoji thing
What laguna is basically saying is she wants to date you again, she craves the abusive relationship you had
no i've read it in books before, but it may have just been in that story world where it was the slang, like how men would call women "slits" sometimes
I'm not high I'm autism
so what dyou wanna do whats your point of view
Incels are gonna become big when ai dating simulators get big. When there genuinely is an alternative to human mates there are gonna be soooo many people who can't beat the cheapest bot and are gonna get sooooo pissy, it's gonna be hilarious.
you're acting weird, just put the phone/computer down and go do something else even if it's just going for a walk or taking a nap
never heard that either
Auugh but thr pixels are fun they talk to me loneliness is boring theres so much soilence so little to do

i can abuse u if u allow me to
bc it's from that series, "slit" being a vulgar way of referring to women as it is referencing their anatomy and reducing them to it, like calling a woman "cunt". the word slit comes from the slit-like appearance of the vaginal opening

why the typos
you're being extremely creepy and weird with this acting
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does anyone know if too much E could cause mood swings or something?
your doctor would
Would you rally do that for me non?
I already said it. took I took too much caffeine brain rotted but now I'm tired now less typo but less coherency
you know i would.
Who do you think i am, huh?
>like appearance of the vaginal opening
okay thank you for explaining ??
are u a girl
if yes than I'd let you
no worries
you're not my preferred victim
Let you?? Are you my manager mow who are you
fuck me while talking about how I'm mid and you wanted someone else :3
what a pleasant slit
Nothing like looking up the name of a person someone says passes and doesn't. Truly, passing is a myth. Only the youngest of youngshits can
Okay wow thats not. how you start it fude you totally fumbled the vibes kitten is outdated
You are ewie
Oh you dunno but i think you do, we have talked before and will take again
meeeeeeeee :3
it's joever
anyways if i ever get you in a room with me u aren't leaving that room without serious physical and mental scars <3
anya stop it
so does everyone actually hate me or am I a crazy person?
Cyber cucked to cyber keked is a typo funny enough to disable my autism holy fuck that was peak
this is a known fact about me yes
who are you to tell me what to do
allah wills it trust me.
if I stop being crazy will people not hate me?
Maybe you stop being autistic
Allahis. a fucking FAGGOT
I can't do that??
can you do schizophrenia after? please
i am your father
Every one here is a larping gay poor neet no life gay loser that will never do anything and is just going to leave me alone all of you fucking SUCK and I need an irl partner and I hate all of you I hate edaters all of you rre larping gays
lol do ppl in the first world who support israel realize where all the palestinain refugees will end up. they're not going to arab countries.
We do what's called a lil bit of projection
yeah he is but ill find a way inshallah
no you arent and that also gives me less reason to listen to you
love you too

yeah fruits have seeds inside
On a scale of one to ten. How big are the chances of me getting a compatible partner (female only and preferably good looking)) irl if I start looking. How big are they. Is it realistic to be able to find that? The amount of bi women isn't that big and the amount of trans acceptng lesbians even smaller. Should I even bother?
no just wait for me ^-^
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I wish i could just follow sarah around forever
i intend on doing something
it takes time you know this
I'll jist go watch some fucking animeand fuckoff
Look, I'm going to lowes. Jesus.
think about me
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Thanks valentine. I went on a walk with sarah this afternoon was pretty
i know that place
A Slave Obeys
I saw Anya at a grocery store in Boston yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.
She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in her hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Miss, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
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You wanna come say hi? Wya
Peach emoji is butt
i didn't say emoji i said slang, i.e. words

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