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prev >>36580134
pure kino https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vqiI9srst8
no after we went to the cinema and made out more
she invited me back to hers after but I declined for some reason
not sure if I quite understood how things worked
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why does my bf load the dishwasher like this?
it's another alt menthol meltdown targeting someone since xhe got xher trip banned. it'll be like another day or so before xhe gets it back
the modern answer would be adhd, but the true answer is that hes a pisces
I want everyone in this thread to tell me about their anal masturbation experiences in detail.
alright, hope xe gets better
sometime after puberty as most males do i had the urge to put things in butt, so a few phallic things I could find
later tried aneros etc, later later tried dildo
eventually felt it was all a bit meh and too much effort for something then lesser than an easy wank so haven't done anything bum wise in years
post vocaroo pls
I was supposed to be productive today but I ate and now I'm tired.
not worth the hassle frfr
he hates his fans
its easy to be unproductive when the posters of gay general are so entertaining; the posts captivate me too, i cant stop reading
I was drawing earlier trying to study and learn. I just wanna sleep now.
thinking about it logically that I had a fair selection of flings with women is prove against homo allegations
I had no flings with dudes
what the fuck is a "fling"? is that like a hookup but you're trying to cope your way out of sounding like a slut?
you didn’t fuck any of them though so you’re gay
im counting manually the number of possible 6 digit sequences of 1-100, with no repeating numbers
i think the answer is something like 1/700,000,000,000 but i have to make sure
im at 29 sequences
no it's the masc straight thing of flirting with a girl for a period without fucking them

does fondling and making out count for anything
>flirting with a girl for a period without fucking them
so...so doing literally nothing?
fucking bishits
it's the autismoneuroticism I swear
I think I'm slipping into depression again.
just take some more zoloft and get high, it'll pass
getting that far without your dick taking over is very gay
try slipping out of narcissism
well the fondly making out was in a cinema and it's not like i coulda fucked her there

besides I wasn't attracted to dudes as a teen I don't think
Did you ugly fat gaydead fucks miss me? Fun story, I got hit by a car. A twink (19) brought me cupcakes in the hospital. I can pull more freshie hole with broken legs than you losers can on your best day.
>and it's not like i coulda fucked her there
they don’t have blowjobs in england? you can get those almost anywhere
Both legs broken? That sucks. I hope you get better soon.
> freshieanon got hit by car
nature is healing
well i think she tried to slip her hand into my pants but my belt blocked it lol
anyway my point is that I'm aspie & not gay
Yes. It sucks. I haven't missed more than a week in the gym in about 10 years until now.
You sound ugly and old.
I'm also an autistic bi dude but that shit is retarded
just suck her dick (or whatever she has idk)
why beat around the bush when it's obvious what you want?
i wanna lick a top's asshole and then get fucked
freshieanon dropped his name to samefag sympathy for himself n forgot to turn it back on lmao die pedo
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blu doesnt have anything to be narcissistic about like you do. you have so much more than her
huh? I'm talking about teenage experiences not a recent date with a trans woman lol

no proof of gayness tho
maybe a lack of hetero drive but no gay drive
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>showed my bf my banished town
>he just went "ah", "huh", "that's nice"
I need an autistic replacement bf who appreciates citybuilders *stat*
rimjobs are fun
xanxan teas
>teenage experiences
I fingerblasted my first gf in the back of a walmart parking lot
we weren't even in a car, just sitting in the grass
Letting your bottom bf top for the first time but you wrap your legs around him when he’s about to cum
>xerome is also frexieanon
>>36582407 #
Wtf we're the same height and penis size and I'm also a dom top
silence whore
to all the white boys across the globe: what does
the discovery channel mean to you
she's about to lose her mind about this lol
omg sis how is that small? its average
shark week
I have decided I am hetero-romantic asexual
Mr. X's dental hygiene
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is there anything more cursed for a bottom to say than "I'm bi, and I bottom for women too"?
a sexual what
i watched a documentary about lions when i was about 7 and they showed the challenger killing all of his rival’s offspring after winning and it made me the man i am today
lmaoooooo. as if being a bi bottom isnt cursed enough
okay, you were right anon
They did a video of that rollercoaster "Son of Beast".
/gigi/ domtops be like yes mate i'm domtop i'll screw yer arse *sucks bottom's dick*
0-4 I'm straight and just need to get myself out there
5-7 bi verse
8-9 gay homoboy
>showed bf my map collection
big wants er
i promise to e
hahahahaha draaaaag them sisma
Pissed off my Asian boyfriend earlier today and now I can’t find my dog :/
I'm a bi bottom and I'm proud.
the numbers have spoken, time to leave this place
Ms. X started posting and now I can't find my wallet or keys :/
I'm straight but I'm having a prison gay moment
that's it I'm prison gay yeah
if i had a dog i wouldnt take him to a chinese restaurant!
oi you stole my post mate
>bi bottom
read: "I top women and I only bottom for men because nobody will touch me otherwise" lol
what prison are you in?
Hey fuck off you’re not me
That was probably xan
I refuse to believe bottoming for women is a concept
I dunno I've jerked off to the idea a lot lol
It's very hetero and masc
how do you think lesbians work, boo?
ive seen videos of it on the internet, and a zoomer former coworker confided in me a goth girl he was dating expressed an interest in the idea of pegging
u can refuse to believe but the facts speak for themselves
For penis havers it’s not a thing. Lightbulbs are different. If a girl is pushed you down on the bed and rode you almost every guy would still think they were topping.
It’s a thing they might do occasionally but nobody is a bottom for women as a category. It’s basically roleplay and most ways it’s done doesn’t actually get the woman off.

It's kind of a thing, but most of the guys ITT probably couldn't take something as big as gif related.
this is gayer than fucking a dude
xerome on melty mode again
i like seeing my memes propagate
I think I just gotta nofap noporn and lift weights
until you die?
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>totally straight
delta uses the same pngs over and over again and thinks he’s the funniest fucker out there
no just till natural urges arise
has anybody here been banned from 4chan
If bish and Blu were both bald Blu would still
never ever i’ve been a good boy :3
not recently, but in my years of loyal service ive caught some 3 day bans here and there
they're reaction images
get new ones who’re
so many that i only post from 5g at this point
i like cock
i miss tankanon
what the FUCK do you think aurea borealis is
lots and lots
not much nowadays
you ever been in the woods at night alone n you get that type of fear you don’t ever get from anythin else?
why is that lol
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i downloaded a handful of reaction images thinking ooh thesell come in handy and i literally never use them
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that guy from the show angel
yeah, but im tough so if a ghost tries to get me ill get it
because it's silly. what natural urges?
sexual ones duh
I actually trained myself against fear when I was a little kid. The alternative is better, but not by much. It may be the reason I'm a bit daft.
banana flan
put it in me, pleease uwu!
i'm so horny, i could ride for hours
you don't have to do anything to have natural urges and if you don't have anything nothing you do will make you have some
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I think that would only happen to perpetual urban and suburban dwellers
nah I mean like if I'm not watching coomer porn then I'll get a clearer idea of what I'm actually into
>as most males do i had the urge to put things in butt, so a few phallic things I could find
>later tried aneros etc, later later tried dildo
Ah yes most males
>that would be $50 plus tip
thrift store twinks
why do you think you watch porn tho
I'm German and haven't been outside in like 2 months. Today my mom went to the doctor for me because I didn't want to go.
nah I imagine it's the kinds thing that's surprisingly common
but yeah my sexuality has likely been goofed up from the start

I went from jerking off over Kayden Kross gmod backgrounds to degeneration quickly
I blame playing valve games from a young age

to jerk off over cartoons of twinks being fucked by giant women with penises
I'm almost 30 and have zero (0) friends.
yes! tea!
and you don't think that searching out those things is a natural urge or a sign of something
u gonna have even less later
you gotta turn that around asap
no man is twink X futa hentaisexual
it's not a sexuality and you can't convince me otherwise
werewovles r gonna rape me?! oh no!
on the road to be delta or xanthippe
make changes quick
my number of friends is an unsigned integer. it will me UINT_MAX when I subtract from 0.

I tried for years but I think I just kinda suck tbhon. I also don't have a job and am sick and ugly. It's ogre.

I don't know the new trips. I only know Sissy Spacekek and texanon and old bish
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delta is an old trip lol
he predates me
germans r the worst
>you can't convince me otherwise
when does preference end and fetishization begin
Trans cope.
can i say hi to all my republican cuties
bottoms are not allowed to talk
i just scratched my hairy ass and smelled on my finger
smells good
Disclaimer: my liking of haribo is purely theatrical, but if I did have to plap him for some reason, it would be very easy.

I’d brandish my warhammer 40k toy at him and he’d be compelled to approach. “That’s very cool,” he’d say, confident in his superior domtop strength and endurance from all the Agents of the Imperium he paints around at all times. he’d shower me with very interesting facts about warhammer and hover just out of range of the plapping edge, waiting for me to exhaust myself. “But as it is a boarding patrol, it’s very fragile, you see, and isn’t well-suited for use as a comb—” and then I’d hit him with my penis in my other hand, which he would not have noticed because haribo can only see miniatures and toys.
Hey guys
can't wait till I'm 30 so I can post here and make the exact same posts I made 4 years prior & 8 years prior
Me but the cracks between my balls and thighs
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*blocks your path*
not the republican uglies.. very specific about this
luv that yeasty boismell
can u fuck me
harri and xerome look beautiful here
these people will swear they're not trans lol
15 beers deep
willie nelson playing
time for some snow to keep the show going
im a button and have a boifrend
perfect top
My type apparently.
>I'm almost 30
hot. are you bi?
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Red pill me on taking prescribed meds
for hair loss
I think at 28 its about time I start trying to prevent it
although I might degenmaxx tonight, smoke some weed, jerk off, go to sleep
tomorrow I can sort my shit out

same energy
what went wrong? only not having a job is relevant to making friends i think. is your illness disabling?
this is how women with bpd think
im a buttom

no im a button
you’re always on the prowl nismo rofl
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*turns you straight*
bend over
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Do you have hair loss?
a reminder I am nothing but an asspie biscum
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im imagining this with short hair and no tits and a penis.
You would know, you've probably dated a lot of BPDsexual girls yourself.
>im a buttom
Ideal top.
>what went wrong?
i was born ugly (looks and personality) and retarded
>only not having a job is relevant to making friends i think. is your illness disabling?
I'm just lazy and antisocial, not sure if that counts. I could probably manage to work as a toilet cleaner if I really wanted to but why bother

my butthole is hairy and I'm stinking so much my mom told me to shower
just slight thinning on the sides and back
but I heard for some people
meds can hyper promote hair growth
You should take fin and pill minox and become wolf man for the good of gays.
I'd fuck a woman and I'd like it.
Still gay. Cry more about it.
gotta take a swing

hello. how are you anon?
would you fuck he/him hons?
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I'm good tyvm ^^
I hope you are too.
If she looks like a hyper sexual cartoon like this somehow I think you should get a pass.
Wizard mode
Avada kedavra
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How do gays feel about this?
I didn't know you had a stroke in college.
I feel sorry for straggots who have to put up with this
How is it 2024 and supposedly educated men still think women have thoughts?
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at least my sexuality brainworms/mental prison will grant me magical powers
*licks lips*
Why not just let a man have his way with your hole just to see?
i don't care
a bpd woman is why i mostly stick to men lmfao
you sound depressed and doing nothing is the worst thing you can do when depressed so while janny might be a shitty job it’s surely better than being told your asshole stinks while you wait to die
plenty of times
mostly from /r9k/
whys it gotta be bottoming
Stream Preacher's Daughter
what's wrong with bottoming?
Because you’re obviously a gay bottom.
who tf is that
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Have you worked out today?
These crosses all over my body mama
imagine putting up with this
post balls
I binge watched Ugly Betty.
body positivity is fatty cope
i think if your overweight you SHOULD feel negative about your body and take steps to reduce your weight
you have an immensely powerful bibot aura
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Yeah my boyfriend says I’m already perfect but he just doesn’t get me :/
"A House in Nebraska" is 4 minutes too long. Like Ethel wrap it up honey, it's not that serious.
Sexuality is only complicated when it comes to things other than actually interacting with other people. In person it is simple. Shsbshsbsbsh refusal to get faken nakkit in bed with me is a clear sign that he is not willing to resolve his issues the easy way so I quickly lose sympathy for his daily woes
A lot of songs on the album suffer from this but I respect her nerve
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y would u want to chem castrate yourself?
>a bpd woman is why i mostly stick to men lmfao
Oh don't worry, you will find a good girl, just keep looking somewhere else.
I mean I guess bibot allegations are better than gaybot
not in an internally homophobic way just accuracy

although being a bibot would be horrible and tarded, meme sexuality
would rather be a gay one

this isn't much of a daily woe
I'm just fixated the past few weeks
otherwise I'm busy with plenty of non sexual matters
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you can say anything about brits but they're made for bottoming (many plebians say the same thing about asians) beautiful feminine pale skin and most perfect smooth pink holes I've ever seen
Are you saying that you would solve all their problems if they gave you sexo?
fatties -> gas
a fat dude send me his uggo anus pic even though i had bottom and athletic in my descripion, disgusting
that is a nice butt
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yeah but my bf is gettig fat
You could fuck an ass like that by the end of the day if you just hop on Grindr for a few hours.
Damn Cooper looks kind of good now.
i guess i could
I'd prefer to prioritise a good night sleep though. I've been getting sub 7.5 hours net the past week. Plus I'm not very horny.
>while you wait to die
I will kms, waiting sucks
He's sadly prefer black and brown cocks :(
You said you were going to goon and smoke weed. Use an ass during.
gaylords, opinion on condoms?
Yeah. Or if he got literally any mildly conventionally attractive guy in bed and then did what comes naturally.
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looks like they wear diapers
Shh, sis shut up, let her larp for another week freely.
really hot (on thicc dicks)
love condoms
it's also fun when he cums inside me and stays inside until he gets soft, then I can just pull out the condom out of my ass and eat his cum
lotsa assfuckin will do that to u...
my butt use is up to me
how am I larping and as what
necessary evil
bish and Blu as prison roommates.
i poured my heart & soul into that pasta and it was ignored :/
They only venial thing about the bisgusting incels.
yeah, bottom opinion doesnt matter here...
or ever
fart and hole
there's a subreddit for cocks with condoms on and I sometimes masturbate to it
blu and Bish getting MS together and having to share a wheelchair due to poverty.
no soles!?
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Lf twink bf
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Not bad but clean your mirror.
once I hit a 60kg OHP for reps the bottom allegations will cease
getting addicted to the dangerous dog eat dog world of competitive pup play
how old are you
what's the most fabulous suicide method?
kill either kill or bore each other over talking over and pulling attention
gay pup stuff is weird it's all leather and shit
life may be a bitch but I am willing to ruff it out
Lick it faggot
wow that's a lot of hair for a teenager
fuck off whore I'm the only dog in town
It doesn’t have to be. Could be as simple as having your bottom wear and leash and collar and calling him a good boy.
imagine getting to be the sexy mommy cow who picks which steer goes to the slaughter
I have literally never worked out a day in my life.
I actually tried that
kinda sucked and lost some brain cells
barbiturate overdose
Is it an ick if your partner refers to their cock as a leaky Peter?
Jumping off a cliff over the ocean while in a bright green dress
yeah that's hot but only if the top is fem
no those are the qualities of the
perfect top
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It can be fun depending on the dynampic.
lol that stuff is like double gay
no hate tho, respect for blokes doing bloke shit
>was 290 pounds to attempt to reach bear mode
>had to lose weight because of the health problems I had at that weight
evens: dude weed
odds: pack it in
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More gay, more gooder.
that sounds really good but I don't have any drugs :( I'd also like to try heroin but that shit is hard to get nowadays

sounds kino. i need a dress
is our queen, taco bell, putting out the quesalupa again?
princess malala fought for your right to education and here you are not using all the opurtunities you have.
why are you here and not studying, gayge?
anybody else feel defeated by the non side menu at taco bell
its summer
I just learned kris from mrbeast was a fan of shadman
i'm a very horny bottom practically every day, and i'm not sorry about it.
while u were partying, i wa studying the cock
you should get someone to eat your ass on demand
i have a degree in linguistics
why not you?
i prefer women sadly
beagle-mama? this u?
that why you spend all the time in gaygen?
no shutup doppelganger

cause i dont know where your ass is
do you like estrogenised men?
lol yeah
I didn't choose the meme life. It chose me.
i'm trying to sort out my attraction to men and me thinks i can go back to women when i've had enough
i do like them, for me the more feminine the more i'm attracted. real women preferably, but tranny will do too
I have a serious confession
I'm so sorry I know it sounds like shopping mall core and is a lot different than her other music but Crash is my favorite Charli album
i liked crash more than brat but i think thats just bc i did not like brat
i wish i could pass
androgyny is cool
Who the fuck is jerome? Is that some new trip or an old one rebranded
I did not like Brat either and I think more people are coming around to that opinion. Parts of it are good but as a whole not really. It was hyped up so much at release maybe people were just desperate for summer chunes from charles
new cooper alt sisma, get your lore up to date
i need an emo twink
>tfw post-wall goth twink
you should play stardew valley
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who are you?
who isn’t a cooper alt at this point
odds jerk off
evens nah
A bishit invader.
lol hecking chud got owned by our totally not corrupt government that cares about us
just another zoomer who fried his brain after taking too much acid
Because those shapes are very difficult to fit between the prongs

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