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Professional Griefers edition
prev >>36562843
QOTT: Did you have a chance to transition earlier in life that you let pass you by? Are you doing the same thing right now?

>Reminder: This gen is for estrogenized, male-presenting male-to-females (manmoders). All repressor-related or honmoder posts are considered off-topic and should be directed to other generals or threads.
i really only figured out transitioning was a thing when i was like 21 or so
then i repressed for years unsure if i could pass until i broke & started at 26...

i wonder where i would be now had i transitioned then... i hate myself for it
How do I know if I'm a manmoder or a honmoder? I present male but I have long hair, and I've had FFS.
>Did you have a chance to transition earlier in life that you let pass you by?
If I found out about DIY earlier, I think I could have worked out the logistics behind ordering HRT online at like 15 or 16.
yes, many times, i was researching diy hrt in early college but getting raped sent me into my final longest repression arc. it is what it is, i look pretty similar but fatter now anyways.
how do i fix eyebags? and is it over? hrt made them so bad is it bc i cry more or is it just thin estrogenized skin? i would post in the thread instead of unsee if we could spoiler images here i just don't wanna see my face... https://unseecc/album#WP5dGT6j7JWp
i quite literally look like this. it's so fucking over
i feel like recently, ive made a lot of progress after thinking i was stagnating the entire time
not i know i made some progress, but i feel like itll stagnate from now even if others say it wont....
what kind of brainworm is this... i hate it
I posted in passgen here, but I think it's my skull shape and midface that causes the most problems for me - >>36578802
>and is it over?
No, I think you actually have passoid potential, do you malefail IRL often?
I think I could have done it at 14 if I haven't been so scared, I even heard a guy in my school started illegal hormones but that it was dangerous or something (lol wish I'd just googled it) and I wanted to get laser hair removal on my legs and chest after I learned that was a thing but had no way to pay for it and was terrified of my parents knowing

I'm still kind of not living my own life but at least I'm doing it as myself now, that's all I ever really wanted was to be myself
honmode?? are you crazy?? in that pic you are cis passing to my eyes unless something is very proportionally off irl.
>do you malefail IRL often?
if i wear a lot of bb cream over my shadow, yes. but i have a straight up woman voice that i can't turn off very well so that is the bigger reason than my appearance. i am early hrt.
during junior high i would incessantly "joke" with friends about taking estrogen. i started sneaking a low dose of my mom's prog later in high school for a few months but i stopped. there simply wasn't any support networks for younger trans people in the mid-2000s and i didn't want to ruin my life. fuck this faggot existence.
that's called BDD and it's a requisite for posting on this board if you're a tranny of some kind
looking at passgen has made me sad now...
i feel like i can never look like them. it just seems like a different reality i can never achieve

maybe... idk
i do wonder if its bdd of overconfidence or lack of confidence...
i am not a boymoder
>but i have a straight up woman voice that i can't turn off very well
GIWTWM so much, I sound completely unpassing, will probably get VFS instead of paying the deposit on a house.
>if i wear a lot of bb cream over my shadow, yes
So it's not over at all, you just need electrolysis, right? I actually worked up enough courage to go to a hair removal clinic and get what's left of my upper lip and chin hair lasered off.
i guess you're right. i've had one laser session so far that didn't do much but i'll keep going. i get in my own head bc my body is pretty not good but i hope face + voice can carry me someday. thanks for the boost anonette c: vfs would be gigapassoid status for you imho
*hands u a cup of coffee*
QOTT Once i found out about hrt I wanted it but was disgusted to be trans and repressed until i was 20 when i noticed my skeleton expanding
I could have started as early as 14 but I had yet to realize how easy it is to get estrogen because i'm a fucking drooling brainless retard so I repped for 6 years instead of doing anything at all to help my condition. not that it mattered because I already was an ogre with mpb by then.
I can see why you were raped, faggot
>autistic faggot who browsed 4chan and subsequently 420chan /cd/ and other tranny adjacent chans
>could have got a job and bought hrt
>throw bought hrt away to rep
>transitioned 5 years later
>total hon

why say such a hurtful thing? i am choosing to take it as a compliment or i might cry
>looking at passgen has made me sad now...
>i feel like i can never look like them. it just seems like a different reality i can never achieve

I relate to this so much.
I could have started at 15 when I realized I was trans by myself or even earlier if I just voiced my feelings instead of repressing them out of shame.
Hrt didn’t do anything for me and I keep masculinizing and aging as a man.
I fucking hate this shit
>my skeleton expanding
I feel so disgusted by how my body got so disfigured by HGH and T, it's unreal.
Did you voice train at all? I'm actually considering getting more FFS as well as VFS next year, I have some consultations booked with various surgeons and I also think I need a lower facelift since I have so much skin left on my jaw and chin after FFS and it's so weird that FFS surgeons don't do it simultaneously. I think my underlying bone structure in my jaw and chin is actually okay now but the loose skin makes the corner seem square and gives me a gigachad jaw.
>throw bought hrt away to rep
Why would you do such a thing instead of being an HRT repper?
Hi cheese
*reads too much into it and literally just starts crying*
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>Hi cheese
Who's that? You must be mistaking me for someone else.
>>looking at passgen has made me sad now...
>>i feel like i can never look like them. it just seems like a different reality i can never achieve
I bet you're actually a passoid.
i voice trained at, like, 14 years old when i couldn't easily do a girl voice anymore. i chatted to guys in mmos and stuff daily. i became so terminally online in college through the pandemic that it became my default and now i can't go back very easily. i don't ever get clocked online even though my laugh is kinda gross, although i tell close friends i'm trans ofc. these were my attempts to LOWER my resonance from last week, i'm too sad to record something new rn https://voca.ro/1onLaQmOcPV5
I could’ve DIYed at 16 I guess
Wouldn’t have changed anything because I needed ffs at 14 except maybe I’d have less body hair so it doesn’t claw at me much.
Oh my god I'm going to kms, you actually sound amazing.
thanks T_T don't kys wagmi
gonna watch gay porn now
>I bet you're actually a passoid.
nope https://unsee cc/album#RSU8bZLWXWef
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>I bet you're actually a passoid.
Kek I wish. I look 10 years older than I am and masculine as fuck.
I think you'd actually have a lot of potential with FFS unlike me, I just look like a weird man after FFS. I keep getting told by various people to wait for swelling to go down but I think it's already gone down to a point where it's not going to look better without further revisions. I think you actually have one of those kinds of faces that are easily amendable to FFS.
i do have a long midface though...

joever. i need vfs so bad fuck
You look fine lmao
what is "fine" supposed to mean...
like, i might not be the "worst off"
but like... idk if i could ever be one to post in passgen
You’re gonna make it sis
i think i'd be happy w/ like twinkhon tier cause i never expected much
i hope it kinda works
why are you even here lol
did you see my pic?? and i'm 5'10 and 25 that's why
I can't have not seen it, we do this every time, next you'll post it again for even more attention because you want to pretend I can't be serious
if i was younger i'd maybe fuck off. my youth is gone and i don't feel comfortable in spaces dominated by 18 year olds. and i'm not yet a honmoder. is wanting opinions on myself (positive or negative) so bad? every tranny does it..
will you chop it off after?
im the biggest manmoder here
you get the same exact responses and then put up the same "argument" that completely dismisses other people's experiences while insisting you're the same as them in way that simply cannot be interpreted as the most blunt and careless kind of "humblebrag"

I am a "real manmoder" but it's not "my" thread and I can't tell you what to do just saying you're in the wrong place

you're a fucking faggot
>cannot be interpreted as
as anything BUT*
fuck just kiss me already chudette you make me feel sm worse abt myself than anyone else it's hot
i am a fag. thats true
my lip is quivering please degrade me every time i post or attention seek i'm sorry
how dangerous is binding really... does anybody here do it?

first considered the possibility around 13-14 now almost 30. being a gay boy in an unaccepting environment was bad enough + i already felt my face was too manly so decided not to make my life anymore difficult. i take a small bit of solace in that i probably wouldnt have been allowed to anyway
how do I get over fear of laser...
i'm still trying to find that out myself...
oh i get told i apologize too much i'm sorry you just have a dominating presence it feels right
Is it socially acceptable to wear a headband as a man? I have a scar on my head that I want to cover up.
>i probably wouldnt have been allowed to anyway
I think about this a lot, if I had somehow managed it I would have had to get emancipated or something because my mom made my life a living hell as full-time employed 18-year-old paying rent for dyeing my hair and I just cannot imagine trying to deal with the fucking explosion and constant subversive assault on my existence I would have been subjected to
having smoother skin or even just finer, slower-growing hair is really nice
it doesnt even hurt lol
it's not the pain it's the other people
literally no one will care
how do you know
it's their job to not be shitty
i get laser bitch lmao
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around half of the respondents are basically just temporary guests in the house of manmode
for me it's the pain and the people both
i'm here forever. end of the line
Anyone planning on girlmoding in the future should leave desu we have nothing in common bye
the pain is improvement
the pain is change
the pain is good
cool but i'm a huge pussy
i can't believe chudette hates me... i have some introspection to do
chudette is just being tsundere. her tirades are an expression of deep love~ <3
Post titties slut
there's only one true manmoder here :v
File deleted.
it's me
waow, zased
sorry I don't make the rules you asked for a man to post tits
Shut up mommy
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no, it's ME
okay but fr would you fuck me? the answer could free me from attention whoring
no sorry
I am a broken shell of a human being incapable of closeness or intimacy and crippled by two simultaneous and destructively interfering cases of terminal oneitis, I'm not fucking anyone
Consent is optional get ready babe
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that said
okay but i'm not saying come over and fuck me i'm saying WOULD you fuck me
do you have a pussy?
not yet... it's over...
I'm not matching the voice to an appearance, and my tastes can be mercurial
very fair it's definitely a mismatch :c i think i need to sound more brooding to match
fat, sweaty mantits
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mogs me
even mmg thinks my voice is wrong based on a few pictures... imagine what people irl are thinking with the meat flaps i call lips smacking around and producing that sound... it's so over this is why i don't go outside kmskmskmskmskmskms
I don't know if you misunderstood or what but I still literally do not know who you are or what you look like
oh okay i did then. but it's still very true until i can pass better and makes me wanna cut. i was the first unsee in the thread and the double vocaro told to stop attention seeking
Idk anymore bros
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ok no wait seriously how did you think I could have matched an appearance to a voice without more context in the reply chain, and how did you interpret what I was saying as
>your voice doesn't match your appearance

fwiw and maybe I'm just bad at hearing the differences but especially over vocaroo a lot of you voicetraining fake "manmoder" retards sound nearly identical to me because you try way too hard especially with the high pitch like literally every other person I've seen start out on this board
literally every marie thread
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no fuck you you're obviously working on at least your voice
I was training. I settled in this fag-mode-voice after repressing some
i'm restarted i'm sorry i just thought bc we were talking earlier you'd know that i needed your validation... i probably have main character syndrome... and my voice is not high pitch what i used to speak literally 50hz higher before i realized how dumb that is. if i sound like the other early training manmoders i def need to end myself
>i'm restarted
lol yeah u r
i kno :( if i was cuter it'd be okay but it's just debilitating
i can never relate to any of you because you all have at least one redeeming quality, i am simply masculine in every aspect of my being.
Yours truly xoxo
my only redeeming quality is my giant cock
I am going to frame this thank you queen
oops i cut
don't do that
too late and it is soothing
Carve my name into your arm
what's your name? and would you fuck me? i'm more of a leg and tummy cutter but idm
Post a picture when you do, my child
Idk are you cute
no, first unsee. i have my ex travis scarred in my leg alex is easy c:
Don't cut nigger you are too hot
well thanks but if i was hot i would have attracted something besides a violent rapist, emotional abusers and cheaters by now. i think they detected tranny gene in me and decided it's okay to treat me like abusebait. cutting blanks out trauma, quiets the mind abt dysphoria and sometimes feels plain good
i hate how wide my chest is and how far apart my boobs are. even my gf told me that they are
you should seriously talk to a professional about that, it's a really bad pattern
>they detected tranny gene in me and decided it's okay to treat me like abusebait
This pretty much
Same thing happens to hot cis women with trauma idk why
yeah, i need to try. i've had bad experiences with professionals bc i had eating disorders as a teenager but lately i have considered trying again
it's fucked up. i love men but god there are some truly evil ones.
I used to live with a theyfab who’d do tattoos instead of cut. Maybe you could learn
interesting thanks for the idea. i don't love how they look but i realize that's hypocritical considering i'm covered in uglier scars. maybe i could figure something out
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Stuff like this looks cool too if you could learn how to do it
yeah i agree that looks amazing. i have nothing to do all day anyways
this is really fucking gross but also cool desu
I'm treating myself to leftover mexican that isn't taco bell for once
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man-jaw + D-cup tits is a horrible combination and i should've never transitioned. it doesn't matter what i wear. people see me as a freak by looking at my body alone. it's almost as bad as being black. people just see you and immediately start making assumptions
you just drank my semen (i jerked off into the cup)
t. ransbian rapehon (AGAMP, AGP, & ASE)
im gonna cry you finally did it
give me a handjob while playing with my hair or im spamming gore & porn again
getting a tranny girlfriend who calls you beautiful can fix you
the last girl who called me beautiful (not like a coworker or employee helping me somewhere) fucked me in the heart so bad I couldn't emotionally shit right for decades
i like MEN
what does manmoder cum taste like?
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someone recommended i get a cami instead of wearing general tshirts (they said it makes my outfit look older)
idk about it though (maybe feel worse cause i still have to lose weight, but it could be worse)
also, i think this may be too far for manmoding... (prob will just stick to tshirts rn)
you are not manmoding
you are not in manmode
you are not a manmoder
i know w/ cami its too far...
but i am a manmoder
i wouldnt wear this outside rn
no in every other picture as well
well now ur just being silly
tranny mecca of the north
delicious succulent milky slightly salty prostatic fluid
ok I've seen your pics from downtown and I think you posted a picture of a fence from inside a yard that reminds me a lot of the homes in NE... hmm

but I don't want to catch aids
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the only permissible manmoding fit is flannel with a t shirt underneath and jeans

(it looks bad. someone please help idk what im doing)
im a buddymoder. im a trans dykemoder. im a cute fagmoder. im a weird lesbianmoder. because that's what drunk people call me, "buddy", "cute fag", "trans dyke", and "weird lesbian".
i don't have aids you fucking faggot you have AIDS now get in your knees you dumb bitch and let me fingerfuck your mouth
I would assume this was a picture of a woman
smoking meth smoking blunts fuck me in the mouth and cum
cummies is what i want
give it to me now, whore
t. ranny semen enjoyer
I wish i was female so i could date women
I've only ever dated a girl when I was younger and long pre-transition, and sometimes I wish I was confident enough to see myself as some kind of woman so I could date women who are into women but the only people who could be into me basically have to be into big strong gay men
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the females... wear clothing?
dw my face would make you change your mind T.T
Shut up fatty go to MTFG
fuck you I've seen your face
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Gn bros
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twisted on my nipple now it hurts
twisted on my nipple now my whole titty hurts, yeah
>time warner employee dot jiff (FIGHT ME)
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ok but this is really good tho
noooo im still manmoding
im sorry. fair enough
HAHAA u have to go to mtfg cause ur not a manmoder
im staying here cause i am a real manmoder :3
i fucked myself in the ass with my big nerdy glasses
im jerking off to asian girls in my math class
when i see a jew and i know she's high iq
i want to suck her titties and put my face in her pubes
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i... *moans softly* think lesbians *cums cutely* are so HOT!
is it time to start spamming gore and porn? where's my handjob?? i LOVE homosexuality but i would never, ever, ever give you AIDS! AIDS!! AIDS!!1 AIDS!!1!
speaking of which does anyone have the video of an old lady protesting a pride parade by shouting AIDS!! at them? i can't stop thinking about her and it's been years. just like the oldest lady standing a little to the left of a whole crowd of gay people shouting AIDS with so much conviction and energy it's like she's genuinely afraid she might catch it from them
you don't want a handjob from my calloused manly hands, also this tickles something in the back of my mind from the era of westboro baptist church and people trolling them
what a asshole for throwing kyle gass under the bus
can I get a QRD?
oh never mind I just got it... lol
i look like this
I'm so sorry, also me too lol
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it's at once now more than ever all less over than it once was before and not enough less over to have ever before been less over overall
caress my fuzzy little shota balls with your big yaoi hands estrogenized daddy. let's be gay men pretending to be gay women pretending to be gay men together (no homo).
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ugly dyke levels: critical!!
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zomg literally me
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there should be a hon thread except for instead of manly hons its manly butch lesbians and instead of hating on them we're loving on them
I mean unironically some kind of manly butch he/him lesbian with a dick is my impossible transition goals but that's... just a dude, isn't it? also I'm at least kind of bi and like overwhelmingly male-brained male-auraed male-everythinged so like picrel in the best case scenario
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shit's surreal idk I still feel like permamanmode is the way forward and agree with my decision from before I started that it was the only way I could let myself start, and it's way better than what I was putting myself as a repper feeling increasingly detached from everything and worse in my own body instead of finally feeling like it's actually my own damn body and "me," but it's just all so fucking surreal sometimes and I swear even in my fifth year of hormones things are still changing and sometimes it just physically fucking hurts and the emotions get overwhelming in ways I am not prepared for as a middle-aged man

sexual dimorphism is a cruel fucking scam
my underboob sweat and dead skin buildup are so HECKing valid and legitimizing
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Yeah, I really don't know what I was thinking. This is probably just a very contrived mid-life crisis but I'm in too deep to stop and act like nothing happened. I can't even browse the rest of the board without wanting to kill myself after that initial wave of optimism left me like it always does. Not like I had any value to throw away, but I can already tell this isn't gonna be anything even approaching a happy ending. I would need to relive my entire life from near the beginning with all sorts of meta knowledge to have a chance at ever maybe being happy and that would be such an incredibly selfish waste anyway. Also I hate weekends AND summer.

I think minoxidil would save you almost completely, but topical is a pain in the ass and ridiculously toxic to pets and oral causes guaranteed body hair growth to some degree even if you had none before, so it's kind of completely awful. Gotta be honest, fin isn't gonna do shit but stop it from getting worse.
it hurts so much
mogs me
fell asleep without cleaning my cuts. dried crusty blood all over my leg. i'm a fucking wreck
yeah honestly I really just don't want to fuck with minox unless I'm desperate
>fin isn't gonna do shit but stop it from getting worse
idk I've seen (very) slow but steady progress in actual recovery and seeing new growth where it was shiny and smooth before on hrt despite more generalized thinning, and after starting fin the post shed growth seems to be filling in a lot more than I had before

I'm not expecting a complete recovery or dooming completely either, just taking what I can get
do better
I have a big nasty scar from a cut I let get infected 20 years ago, mostly white but it was this really red keloid looking thing for years and years
i have a couple small ones like that, yeah they're gross. i used to put matches out on myself and those scars are the worst. i meant to get up and clean but the numbness after cutting and the music in my earbuds had me in a comfortable dreamless sleep pretty quickly. oops
stop self-harming already ;__;
it's freaking hard i've done it for a decade. nothing else calms me down the same except, like, cuddling
no <3
i don't know if i can possibly get moer malebraind
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being a she/her manmoder is weird. like when you're around other trans people and manmoder but they still refer to you as she/her even when you're in manmode even when you're around other people and it's really emparasing and i cring publicly and maybe even blush a little but
but also like thisimage>>36588356
when im on drugs because if i get high enough i acually achive 100% AGP gender delusion levels and think i a girl but als get peranoid
hey baby, i love game engines , computer, operating systems, experiments, video games, statire, drugs, sex, gore, and porn--i love money and violence. wanna fuck? wanna suck my dick because i am real woman i am cute butch lesbian. time to go marching into the women's restroom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hahaha i feel like a real girl when im on drugs!!! i don't need hrt i feel i am perfect just the way i am <3<3 i identify as perfect :3
i feel so happy and good :D
*puts on pink miniskirt*
i am a pretty little princess catgirl anime *jacks offand cums everywhere* VALID NONBINARY TRANSFEM NON-HRT NONDYSPHORIC
time to go on lesbian dating apps and pressure women into sex~~ uwu
t. keywordspammer
>hey gurl, im a male-identified lesbian what's upp lolll oh youre a lesbian too ?? wow thats so cool love meeting other dykes like me at the lesbian bar ha haa haa
this is what transbian agp gorillamoding anarcho-communist arch linux catgirl-identified gigahons (ASE, AGAMP) really believe
AGPs are sick in the head and should DIE!!
if trans women are normal then why are all of them mentally ill freaks that are fat and gay and ugly and on drugs and stink? why ar they all criminals and rapist? what is the ultimate solution to transgenderism?
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this is now an LGBT groomer coomer trooner faggot tranny hate thread
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hahaha i am sane I AM SANE FELLOW WOMEN TRUST ME BEFRIEND ME I Am Normal I Sleep Sometimes I
this is what real gigahon look like:
brow ridge
jew nose
beard shadow, acne, enlarged pores, rapehon lipstick, rapehon words, never shuts up, never gets job
disgusting enlarged male mammary glands (a disease called gynecomastia)
rapehon organ (untucked)
hairy balls
as a short, skinny, young, voluptuous, cute, sexy, beautiful, manly, masculine, sane, non-autistic permamanmoder
im pretending to be gay for attention dick in my mouth on drugs gagging and crying WE ARE MALE LESBIANS BBABY LETS DO DRUGS AND GIVE ME HANDJOBS squeeze my titties touch my clitty USE MY it/its mental illness pronouns i identify as demisexual and depressed and im an asexual slut i suck cock
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hha iim an unemployed ugly man in a skirt wearing glases *strangles you for being cisgender* PRONONUS!!!
im a little girl . im a little dog gurl uwu MOLEST me MOOMMY *whips out my stinky penis* she/her pronouns for my dick please
i cant stop thinking about how bad meth tastes and how weird and exited it makesme fel and how dry is mouth and how tired are i when i dont sleep for long time and not eat for days so skinny so pale so horny so
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*sexually assaults you*
im a real woman tho so put me in a women's prison <3 and don't misgender me in the articles about the crime :)
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i am AMAB i love to cum
spurt spurt i love to cum
i am a girl when i masturbate <3
because im horny. and im asexual
one of the better threads in recent memory.
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i love kids
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i sexually identify as a cute lesbian anime girl
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i made my little sister lick my girldick
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ThinkPad T
titties in my face
Apple IIe Platinum
cis pussy on mah gurlcock
raping lesbians in bathrooms
writing C++ libraries for my CLI tool
autism communism sexism masturbation
you pedophiles deserve raw lubricated surprise anal rape desu *whips out veiny penis* look, girl, im already oozing precum. lick it you transbian
can i put my penis in your cute little innocent beautiful delicate mouth while you're sleeping can i sniff where the pee comes out while you're asleep can i touch you and watch you sleep and jerk off and cum on your soft skin uwu i cant wait for sweet release
i don't know if i can possibly get mroe malebraine
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trans-identifying males in prison are convicted sex offenders
it isn't hypocritical to be a horny male TERF on estrogen. what are you talkign about??? trans TERFs are TERFs
“Life” as a skinny 120lb manlet in current year is basically an 80 year daily humiliation ritual. I am 5’5.8 with D-cup tits and a natural hourglass figure and despite trying all of the gymcel copes, just being urself memes, le confidence and general self improooove copium I am still a sexless incel and all of my friends abandoned me for being a zero value omega male incel halfman freak. No woman, no trans woman, no gays even want a skinny 120lb manlet with a natural hour glass figure in current year. It is virtually impossible to not be a complete loser as a pale manlet with smooth skin and soft boobies since soiciety has completely locked me out of any and every social opportunity including school and career milestones. Despite even having decent qualifications I am still forced to work a shit minimum wage nightshift just so I don’t have to deal with another human being, they are all programmed to despise and undermine short males at every given opportunity. Being a manlet with a small cute chin in current year is on par with being black before the abolishing of slavery, manlets are expected to suck cock their entire teenage years for a society that actively wants them to kill themselves. Even minority groups like transgenders and homosexuals join in on the ever present manlet witch hunt, manlets are assigned the rank of public enemy number one, the incels, the loveless, the omega males, the future mass shooters, the jobless and the losers of society. The only reason I continue living is out of spite, I want others to suffer, I want to see the collapse of “civilisation”, I want to watch you wither to dust and writhe in agony. It’s over
i drink my own cum
i suck my own cock
im just a teenage boy
every day i masturbate
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>Did you have a chance to transition earlier in life that you let pass you by? Are you doing the same thing right now?
I could have done it at like 21-ish. I figured hrt was too obtuse and I really didnt wanna get hatecrimed by asking for help.
I could have done it by 25-ish. I bought diy and was ready to go. i didnt do anything.
A year later I started but stopped quickly because I was extremely brainwormed and hated myself for not being a "real tranny"
I am doing it now again but this time I am not stopping.
I repressed extremely hard all those years. I let my body go as much as possible. My life style permenantly masculinized my face, body and age made sure my bones are set in place forever
I only take hrt because fuck you.
ffs will make you pass
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i'm so fucking ugly
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there'snothing i love more than lesbian anime middle-schol girls ;)
My face is unfixable
My face is unfixable
My face is unfixable
Ffs can’t fix my moid eyes, moid mouth, and moid midface
My face looks disgusting and long my face looks disgusting and long my face looks disgusting and long
going to a party
what should I, as a manmoder, wear?
the cutest manmoder outfit you can put together
how do I hide my tits also?
ur prob not hiding them, lol
good luck
duct tape.
they're small, maybe a cups if not smaller
oh, theyre prob not noticeable, dont worry about it (srry i just assumed since i have DD-E)
mogs me
I'm not gay. It's the world that's gay.
Bangs won’t fix anything my problem is the eyes themselves not the brow.
>feminine mannerisms
>masculine body
HSTS kino
should i become a computer nerd again to pick up agp rapehons?
(jk if not obvious)
fuck this gay earth
>I only take hrt because fuck you.
My parents found out about my crossdressing at 11 and asked me if i wanna troon out but they also pointed to tranny hookers as examples so loke like i denied it. Then i tried to troon at 18 but my bf at the time was against it. Ended up trooning at 30 and its basically over.
there is a sparkle of truth in every statement
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sh isn’t cutting it anymore i need to slice my face off and rip out my insides
Ketamine is the answer bro
so real for that. i'm close to going back to long starves and burning myself
i did that and it didn't work, just kinda gave me a sinus issue, i think i needed to boof
you don't look like that THOUGH
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to dissociate enough to do if? maybe
k never did anything for me before
starving is my usual sh i just need more
i stopped doing those two in favor of cutting bc they're more "harmful" when cutting can provide a similar release. some of my unlucky burn scars are really unsightly. but the extended pain for days that you can flick and start again whenever you want is hard to beat for me
Noooo you will k hole so good you wont want to kys
>masculine mannerisms
>feminized body
AGP suffering
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i’ll have to try the lighter i have so many that ive stolen
my fear because it probably won’t make me spiral like alcohol. honestly just tying a rope to my bed post and walking away from it is enough to black out consistently. i know what i need to do anyways
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booty call after ive already smoked a joint and fucked my ass
sorry bub!
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>avatarfag appears
so i let my tranny friends tell me that i had to come out at some point and that delayed me starting hrt for 4 years until i realized what boymoding was and then i was like “huh ig i never have to come out” 18 months later here i am in mmg marginally worse mentally.

transitioning was a red pill that made me realize how bad things actually are. i used to be dysphoric but i could push it back but now it’s a daily thing.
you're not a manmoder and you never bothered explaining your dismissive fashion "advice"
shut the fuck up boymoder or i'll fly over to philly and gangstalk you irl
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nigga it's literally rule of 3rds how is that hard to understand
girl you wear your pants high waisted and crop your shirts at your waistline it helps you not seem top heavy and gives you a waist it’s so fucking simple. your legs are supposed to take up 2/3rds of your body instead of 1/2 and your torso should take up 1/3 instead of 1/2

here’s my favorite fashion youtuber talking about it:
pls do i need more friends
>wear your pants high waisted and crop your shirts at your waistline it helps you not seem top heavy and gives you a waist
Dumb idiot this is horrible advice for male skeletons
Cropped shirts and high rise pants will make the ribcage look bigger and hips look smaller, emphasizing larger shoulders
i regret going to the party
met an old childhood friend (female) and we talked a bit, but me absolutely towering over her, being masculine, it felt horrible
others even commented on my male appearance and asked me if i will grow taller (186cm)
everybody expects me to be a straight fucking guy, i am alienated from women, they all view me as this guy who wants to fuck them
almost cried while sitting there thinking about it, started crying the moment i entered my home
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youre def someone that had to be told EXACTLY how to do something and was unable to adapt concepts and ideas for their own purposes huh?
wasn't talking to you, avatarfag, I understand perfectly well

I mean you told me to "crop my shirts" lmao what did you actually mean by that? cut my shirts up? buy women's crop tops? I want an explanation
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seems to do fine for me. combine with w layers and i’m still male but more andro
either or but i personally buy men’s shirts and cut them up
>i’m still male
ok hon

lol you can't be serious
maybe you shouldn't be manmoding and should be trying to do more to transition
I can see your stomach, looks like you are too tall and outgrew the shirt
This silhouette will make your legs look longer too
June stop ghosting me
there is nothing i can do
He died
you can please by cock with your mouth. that's something you can do.
fucking finally
why not? there's always something you can do or change, and it sounds like what you're doing isn't working
okay i should shrink my height then
ok sure yeah man that's exactly what I said and what any reasonable person would have taken from our exchange
so what, you want me to honmode when i look like a literal normal guy
I don't really want you to do anything or not do anything, you whined about what you're doing now and I said maybe you should change what you're doing
there is no meaningful change i can do
tbf your waist & stuff is a lot better
oh well I guess it's all over then
it's not a fucking manmoder and it knows what it's doing, and it only gave "advice" in an attempt to insult or humiliate on the basis of women's fashion
why are they like this? is it mental illness?
well some of you say im not a manmoder (i am)
but my waist/figure is much worse than theirs, thats why i was just mentioning it...
but yea, cropped doesnt work for many
show me a realmoder
my assumption is learned behavior, attempting to emulate the worst aspects of "womanhood" emphasized in pop culture and people being generally shitty to each other by putting each other down in indirect ways
You guys are retarded jess can't humiliate anyone the nigga is like 6'2 or something
whatever I'm just being grumpy about everyone jumping onto the manmoder bandwagon and not relating but insisting they do in a way that heccin erases my valid uwu lived experience
jess would stop getting so much hate if she were to drop the act and admit to fishing for pity and compliments
i will admit i used to but i stopped posting selfies in here bc i realized i shouldn’t. the only reason i posted anything today is bc i had a point to illustrate
Don't be grumpy i assume there is taco bell in the fridge maybe eat some lunch
I have my 3rd day leftovers from the realer mexican place... that's for dinner though, and I don't get hangry >:(
>I don't get hangry
>Did you have a chance to transition earlier in life that you let pass you by?

when i was 19 i was crossdressing a lot and knew a lot of tranners, but i just thought what i was experiencing was different than what they had experienced. i didnt really understand what was happening to me or what i was feeling and spent most of my life very confused. i wish i had just talked to someone but instead i doubled down on macho repping and alienated all my trans friends from that time. it is painful because im xxy and prior to like 25 i probably could have easily passed as female but now im nearly 30 and it is just completely over.

ive been off hrt for a little over a week now and im not sure i will go back on. i like all of the effects and watching them go makes me sad but it’s ultimately just so hard to justify to myself and others when i feel completely ridiculous id’ing as a woman.
Can also dermaroll on occasion and massage your scalp. Big issue with MPB is hormonal shinkidily diddly of the hair follicle, but estrogen tells the follicle to stop fucking around and stimulation of the dermis helps to get it back up to speed. Dudes obv. wont take estrogen and grow tits to fix their balding head so they go straight to minox but you have more options.
no I'm serious, it's genetic (I have variants associated with not getting hangry from my noble unga bunga neanderthal lineage) and it's something I never had to deal with growing up in my family even though friends and others did
Based :)
being powercrept out of boymoding by youngshits was brutal enough. twinkhons transitioning in their teens and early twenties is beyond the pale.
No male skeleton possesses a 14th, 15th, and 16th pair of ribs, anon. You can wear clothes right, I believe in you.
Lol i look better in shirts that aren't cropped and my pants sitting at my natural hipline

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