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tinashe - nasty edition

qott: is somebody gonna match my freak?

thread theme: https://youtu.be/jrjESdPsLxE?si=zVC7oGswQTWk5M2E

previous thread: 36537291


>Am I bi if I like women and femboys/traps?
>Am I bi if there's this one member of the same-sex I'm desiring, but normally I like the opposite sex?
>Am I bi if I sexually like both sexes, but only interested in romance with one of them?
Yes, sexual attraction to both sexes is bisexuality.
>Do you love me, OP?
We can develop feelings for each other, but I know you'll leave me for someone better eventually.
>What's the difference between bisexual and pansexual?
Only difference is that our flag is prettier.
>Am I bi if i have periods where I feel only attracted to women and others where I feel only attracted to men?
This is known as the bi-cycle and many bisexuals experience it.
>Am I bi or am I 'prison gay' or porn addicted?
'Prison gay' is not a real thing and porn addiction does not alter your sexual orientation. You are bi.
>Am I bi or pan if I like trans people?
Both are able to be attracted to trans people.
>I think I might be bi but I can't tell. How can I be certain?
Just make a point to check out members of the sex you think you might be attracted to and see if anyone grabs your attention.

Resource for Bisexuals:
Being bisexual is unironically gayer than being homosexual.
You fence-sitters should pick a side and stop disturbing both gay men and straight women with your instability.
Nah. There is no fence sitting. I am under no delusion that I am romantically attracted to men in any way. They are just stunt cocks to me...and I am just a fucktoy to them. Its a win/win...
Gay men are whores and straight women are mostly narcissists.
Didn't ask + kick rocks.
>is somebody gonna match my freak?
I just want a hug....
Listen, we're here for the trannies

Unless they're poonmen
That's just icky
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me too, anon.
catch me burying my face in those underarms and taking in depth long heavy sniffs
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what the fuck is wrong with you
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being socialized as a gay man
Same I’m a shameless mansniffer. Don’t call it socialized it’s a deeper instinct than that.
>Unless they're poonmen That's just icky
speak for yourself. I’m here for the pooners
All I want is a cuckquean gf who likes to watch me get fucked by other men
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I could always not spend my Saturday night alone. But there would be no love behind it
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Try not to get scared
>Finally I know what I like guys too and not just women
Said the bi man
>HELLO boyfriend
Said the twink (1 month hrt)
yet another bump
slow, even for Sunday
>Said the bi man
i think a more appropriate thing for him to say is “im bisexual i like women and femboys :) astolfo was my bi awakening”>>36599280
>Don’t call it socialized it’s a deeper instinct than that.
oh yeah ik i just call myself gay male socialized as a bit bc my type in men are usually bears or hunks
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Have we watched any lotr on movie night? Seems like a solid bisexoo choice. Heroic bearded men, hobbit and elven twinks, elegant elf women, AFAB horse warrior baddie, unc wizard papi, thicc spider dommy mommy... need I go on?
I've come down with some sickness and threw up twice today :(
We'd probably have to only watch one movie if that movie is a LOTR movie, those things are long as fuck
my sincere condolences
get well
do you ever get into something just because of friends? i have a friend with super sonic autism and it got me borrowing their comics and binging the shows, i always wanted to play the new one (frontiers) because the boss fights look really cool but i wouldnt have got around to any of it if it wasnt them bringing me back
sonic frontiers is incredibly mediocre. it was embraced by the fanbase because the average sonic game is like a 2/10, so when a 6/10 comes along they all jizz their pants
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$54 flea market pickups!
Sonic Adventure has no game, paid a dollar for the case :3
i am shocked you found a haul that good at a flea market
>my bi/pan friend come out as trans recently
>her autism is peaking more than ever before
I know there's a weird correlation between transexuality and autism, but damn... Did this happen to you as well, lovely bigen trans? Once you got out of closet, you also let your autism flow outside as well? Is this related to a sense of freedom of accepting yourself?
(In a quick note: My friend rocked with a long skirt and a corset. I'm real happy for her)
>Did this happen to you as well, lovely bigen trans? Once you got out of closet, you also let your autism flow outside as well? Is this related to a sense of freedom of accepting yourself?
for me it was the opposite after a year or so on hrt i became obsessed with assimilating among other women but not wanting to impose myself on others to the point where i actively avoid using the womens restroom and fear for my life of being clocked to the point where i adopted hyperfemininity and constantly looking at my imperfections with a magnifying glass and see what surgery can or cant fix
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My perusal of yard sales yesterday was altogether a bust...
My partner introduced me to Warhammer.
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This is probably the last place to ask a serious question but what am I actually supposed to do about being bi. I wanna get fucked by a guy and have a girlfriend at the same time. please healp
Get into yaoi and meet a girl in that community. I got into it as a cis women who likes drag kings and some of the cosplayers but they would never be interested in me. They would be allover you.
Same. I’m tired of being used.
I’ve never seen a good and attractive bi porn actor
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doesnt it never work?
same with open relationships, I feel like you miss out on important parts of what makes a meaningful relationship
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I just wanna get a boyfriend already but I've never been with a girl romantically or sexually and wanna know what it's like. I like guys more romantically so I view dating a girl as moreso something to mark off a bucket list. That's kinda shitty though but I've never experienced it, I WANT to at least try to love a woman but I think my heart lies in guys. Idk what to do.
I was going to say Ian Cage, but I don't know if you like bodybuilders.
His personality is absolutely lovely as well.
Polyamorous relationships are like any other relationship: You need to talk things with everyone involved. The "problem" with poly is insecurities around abandonement issues and how people feel secure to share these with each other. Meanwhile, closed relationships pretend not having this problem by not talking about it, but we already saw the statistcs on domestic violence in closed relationships regarding jealousy.
What I can recommend you is finding a guy who accepts your bisexuality and see no problems in you having a female sidepiece. It's complicate 'cause of whole biphobia in our community, so I recommend you finding a bi dude.
You can date me to mark it off your list as long as you’re not expecting sex since it would be long distance. Just chat and play games or whatever. I prefer women but I’ve gotten used so many times I’m taking a step back and a break. I can’t afford to date women right now.
I’d have to agree. I think it could work in theory but I’ve never seen it irl and I’ve seen a lot of poly relationship.
>Ian Cage
Wow his enthusiasm is refreshing. Way too much gay porn where the guy has a nice body but looks like they want to die and it ruins the whole thing.
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indulging in hedonism is fun asf when u ignore the crippling guilt that eats away at u afterwards
do you guys want to watch Vomit Gore 4: Black Mass of the Nazi Sex Wizard next week
Disney channel 9/11 movie
Poly is a lot of work and you can find men to fuck super easy online. Since your goal was just to "get fucked by a guy and have a girlfriend at the same time" why not just date a fujo girl who is down for the occasional mmf? Much simpler.
Idk I feel like my level of autism has stayed consistent throughout my life
Do you have any ways to sidestep/ignore/remove the guilt? Asking for a friend of course
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Based /co/poster but honestly didn't like that show that much
You are a walking L
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i wouldnt wish playing as a healer in pvp on my worst enemy
I know, right!? We don't have this kind of porn actor anymore. People are so focused on dick, ass and moaning they forgot about doing some nice acting. However, on gay side, Leander is an actor with same enthusiastic vibes as Ian Cage.
I'm real surprise none of his videos were nominated to bisexual category on porn industries awards. There was a nomination on this category from same studio and from what I saw on the video it's terrible acting.
I also follow him on his non-porn social medias and he's incredibly cute and cheerful outside the porn scene. He got an OF as well but I don't sign it up.

Do you accept another boyfriend? Send me a google form for application.
The one he and Kenzie Love fucked Bettie White was real good, but him with Kenzie and Gio Giovanni is my favourite.
But I wish he was featured in more interesting videos. Biguysfuck and Gayhoopla are from same company and they do very basic amateurish video styles. Even men<dot>com videos aren't that interesting anymore. I feel it's all same-y.
Bi Empire has a porn actor I love a lot as well, his name is Nikol Monak. They try a bit to do some "different" stuff, but we don't have anymore things like nice soundtrack or interesting shots and editing.
I thought with all "ulterior motives" blowup, porn industry would see people are interesting in soundtracks again or an interesting story, but I guess they are trying to cut as much money as they can. I don't blame them: Anyone can do porn nowadays and piracy roaming around doesn't encourage spending your budget on things that would make your movie better.
My favourite movie is a straight softcore called "Embrace the Darkness" (first movie, didn't care for the whole trilogy). It was made by Playboy and at the time (late 90s) cost around 1 million dollars. Sure, you could do same thing with a lesser budget and trying to get more creative, but would it worth for real? Nowadays? Absolutely no.
tell me you didnt suck more grindr cock
no i didnt i have been chaste the past year or so <3
Get up, come on get down with the breast milk
Get up, come on get down with the breast milk
Get up, come on get down with the breast milk
Open up your mouth, and let it flow into you
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>Send me a google form for application.
I hate google no way
Says the namefag
a woman would never write this
I would never write something like that because I know other women would shame me for it, but it is hilarious. Other women don’t let you shoot the shit and I care too much about their opinion of me.
I am once again reminded I am glad I am not trans. I don't think I ckuld handle it or autism getting more unhinged.
>porn addiction does not alter your sexual orientation
It does alter though
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Get up, come on get down with the breast milk
You mother get up come on get down with the breast milk
You fucker get up come on get down with the breast milk
Booba is the gift, that has been given to me
Have you ever tricked yourself into a relationship?
I know you probably get these questions a lot, but:

I'm generally very straight and like women. However, sometimes I feel incredibly horny, and when seeing a good looking guy (usually in porn/hentai) I want to have sex with him. Is it just me being a horny coombrain, or does it mean I'm actually bi? I could see myself being in a sexual relationship with a guy sometimes, but I honestly feel more secure calling myself straight.
Time to ban everything that has some influence on you then, you weak-willed faggot.
Then let's do the old fashioned way:
Getting to know each other.
You are bisexual and you are still in the process of coming out of the closet. It's fine. Take your time, but don't repress yourself far too long or you may regret later. Talk to your most intimate friends about that (in case they're acceptant of lgbt people) and try to have a couple of hook-ups with some dudes to explore yourself a bit.
We are here for you, man.
Not the most descriptive thing in the world but it's a good base for understanding you can be bi but not 50/50
I kind of agree with >>36625992. It sounds like you're in the process of figuring yourself out. I'm still closeted for family reasons, but I went through a similar phase in high school. Except the "feel incredibly horny" reaction was to a guy I actually knew. I'd never felt that way before about anyone let alone another guy, so it caused a lot of shame, pain and confusion.
there's also the split attraction model for extra context. it's in the links of that article.

oh are you the wholesome and scary intense anon who has the controlling parents?
>oh are you the wholesome and scary intense anon who has the controlling parents?
Maybe? My parents are definitely controlling. In fact thanks to some people on here I've been reading a lot about emotional and psychological abuse.

I hope I'm not scary, though haha.
what's the chillest gen in this dumpsterfire up to today?
The one you like to hang out the most.
i think i'm a little too doped up on pain meds to be clear lmao

i was asking what y'all are up to today since this is the chillest gen on here (and also the one i like to hang out in most lmao)
Hello bigen which ones of you are just a potat

like chubby puppo, him just a potat
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hello /bigen/
I've put a plug in my bum and cum all over my balls
when's the last time you came all over your balls ?
I went to work, went on a nice long run, had a really good lunch, and have been texting with guy I really like. I guess I can call him my boyfriend? The subject came up this weekend and he agreed that we're "in a relationship".
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Anyone else find themselves going after people in messy situations? It's like I am drawn to people with fucked up lives and massive issues, maybe it's because I can reassure myself they're worse than me when the rejection comes. The older you get the more anyone remotely healthy is taken as well. I've been considering finding a couple looking to open up, if anything at least I can gain some self esteem and cure boredom by causing its inevitable end. I envy anyone who can be emotionally distant, it's like once I get feelings the object becomes a magnet, I fucking hate it and it's probably a result of a terrible emotionally unavailable family

>WOJ2K captcha
futachad roll call mmmfff
was it easily mutual from the start? I was texting someone, at first we seemed to be hitting it off but they went like completely cold but it could also be mutual awkwardness
>Anyone else find themselves going after people in messy situations? It's like I am drawn to people with fucked up lives and massive issues, maybe it's because I can reassure myself they're worse than me when the rejection comes.
yes bc i somehow convince myself that there is good in them regardless of how they are and i admit its gotten me into some regrettable/sketchy situations and gotten me involved with some less than ideal ppl rip
> it's probably a result of a terrible emotionally unavailable family
my family isnt rly emotionally unavailable )if anything the opposite, theyre v overbearing and volatile) so ig thats why i tend to persuade myself to see the good in bad ppl
>my family isnt rly emotionally unavailable )if anything the opposite, theyre v overbearing and volatile
honestly mine does try but they're tone deaf, stubborn, and I think they paint a rosy picture of what was a less than ideal childhood. It's been upsetting, I've had multiple family members who were closeted from family their whole lives and seeing how unhappy and stunted they get is just really sad. I at least embrace what I am and am open about it, it's felt better to stand firm in my beliefs and myself regardless of anything. I just feel like everyone I know has family they are close with, I'm the black sheep and I end up much closer to friends than any family I have. I feel like I want to build something I can consider a family in the sense of closeness, I can make friends somewhat easy but getting deeper has been an absolute mystery for me and the older I get the more I question if love can exist for me-at least with other people
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How did you manage to aim your dick at your own balls

wtf why didnt you log in as a potat

>my family isnt rly emotionally unavailable )if anything the opposite, theyre v overbearing and volatile)
i know that feel lol lmao
>was it easily mutual from the start?
Not exactly haha. The background is kind of complicated and I can't completely explain without writing more than anyone would want to read. I've known/liked him a long time but didn't tell him until around a year and a half ago. He thought I was acting on impulse and not realizing that I'd be blowing my life up if my family knew. I asked him to give me some time to prove that I was serious about him and he agreed.

It took a while, but we started being together at the start of the year. We basically acted like a couple from the start but I didn't want to move too fast since the best way to drive him off is to push him.

Ah, I really relate to a lot of what you've written. I've been piecing together just how messed up my family life is and how it's impacted me. I'm still in the closet for now, but by this time next year I'll be more stable and can cut them off for good if I have to. I'm glad that you're able to live according to your beliefs.

I'm realizing more and more that so much of the "closeness" that comes with family is built-in and culturally re-enforced throughout our lives. It might take a while to grow that kind of relationship with a chosen family, but hopefully one day you'll be able to find it.
I've been thinking about using grindr just to masturbate a random trans/cute guy. Never been with a man before tho. I'm kind of shy so I guess that's the only thing stopping me. PEople have told me that using Grindr is bad idea in general, specially if you have no experience fucking random people
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its so bewildering to see a guy u used to hook up with post his cis gf on social media like he didnt ask to suck ur dick and fuck him in the ass
>PEople have told me that using Grindr is bad idea in general, specially if you have no experience fucking random people
unfortunately grindr is filled with old fat trucker guys good luck finding someone who is actually attractive
It's only polite to offer a gob job, Electra...
my city is not that big there are interesting people, fit guys and trans dominatrix, but they are like 10%. The rest, are just weirdos or normal annoying gay dudes.
im a lady tf do i look like laying pipe or getting my dick sucked? the only instance where i will ever accept receiving head is when i get srs
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Bi ftm here... How do I find a bi cis guy who is actually bisexual? Not into femboys or trans women. Actually into men... I keep finding guys who claim to be "bisexual" but later realize their attraction is only towards women, femboys, trans women and some post T trans men (usually I am the exception when they find out I still have a vagina)... I feel hopeless. Why aren't cis bi guys more open about being fags? I understand why but... I just wish they'd have the balls to actually be themselves in the public.
this is like asking Why hetero cis women don't like certain men. It's just taste. Some people will not like you based on race, personality, etc. Don't vicitmize
I'm not trying to "victimize". I'm genuinely asking where I can find other bi guys who actually bi... I just want a bi guy to genuinely love me for me... Not just because I was born with a vagina...
>I just wish they'd have the balls to actually be themselves in the public
They are being themselves. You're trying to hook up with men who are gynophiles and that's your mistake. You're searching on the wrong bin, anon. This conversation was already done couple of threads ago.
>went to bank to solve some money issue
>researched some prices on lens for my glasses
>thinking on making an appointment with an ophthalmologist to get a lens recipe
>talked to an artist about a commission I wanna pay him
>went to my friend's birthday party at her apartment
>ate pizza together
>watched an old comedy tv series
>got back home
>asked my GM help with finishing touches on my character sheet
>now just chilling with some russian shoegaze music with friends on Discord
How was your day?
I'm into older men that look like normal men. I feel mostly like an outlier here though. Shame keeps me from being openly sexual irl yet im shameless online.
>Why aren't cis bi guys more open about being fags? I understand why but... I just wish they'd have the balls to actually be themselves in the public.
Attracts a lot more scrutiny and once you are seen as even a bit gay people just immediately assume super gay, bi not even being considered.
12hrs of work so I can wast 4 hours of my life at a dmv somewhere just to probably fail the motorcycle knowledge test or never get into the dmv because of the lines.
I know but even I try to be open about my sexuality as an ftm... I know what it feels like but try not to give a shit. Just wish other guys were like me.
I'm not trying to hook up with gynophiles btw. I'm ftm already on T and look *somewhat* male... Most people assume I'm a male teen... Most guys aren't into me until they find out I'm ftm and have a vagina. I just wish I was able to find a bi guy who was actually into me for me...
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Anyone else do the stare™
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I wouldn't say I'm especially drawn to them, although they certainly seem drawn to me, or at least be the only ones interested in dating me.
People my age (~30) are getting into serious relationships, starting families, and while that's all very boring and square, I feel like those left out often have something not quite right with them, me included.
Last woman I dated literally could not stop talking about being molested, which I'm not one to shame for, but it got to being way too much, especially when we are literally in the middle of fucking and a 2-minute breather is all it takes for her to go back to her talking about her childhood trauma.
Doesn't help that I instinctively act very caring and compassionate because I find it extremely satisfying to perform acts of kindness and service for people, without necessarily loving them as much as it seems. When I realize they've placed too much affection on me, I freak out and withdraw. So I tend to draw "broken" people looking for comfort, carelessly shower them with love and then take off into the night because I realize I don't like them that much, don't like needy partners, and frankly, it seems wrong that anyone would love me, especially since I'm such a lovebombing piece of shit.
>I can gain some self esteem and cure boredom by causing its inevitable end
I would advise against trying to ruin someone's couple out of boredom, but you do you
I feel like you'll only feel worse and emptier afterwards
>How did you manage to aim your dick at your own balls
Just shot up and let gravity do its thing, baby. it looks damn good on camera too.
Anon, where exactly are you meeting those guys ?
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Can I be honest? I don't know where to properly look. I try online but run into this problem... I try irl and I barely find any bisexual men... And if I do, most of the time they only have serious relationships with cis women. I feel hopeless.
WE EXIST but we're kind of rare sorry. Don't mean to try and blackpill you but... Most bi guys will end up with women because statistically it's that much easier to find someone you like but that's not actually the whole story. Bi men are some of the least likely to be out of any LGBT group and a very large portion of bi men, possibly even half, prefer the opposite sex still. Most bi people will settle into a straight life including a lack of participation with the LGBT community in any substantial way, so they become invisible. Some bi men don't feel a need at all to be out because they're just fine with women.

For those of us who are out and have history with men we get friction from both sides and there is a sense of not fitting in anywhere. Straight people will quickly treat you as gay which can hurt your chances with women or expose you to good old fashioned homophobia, then there's the sense of being the wrong block in a game of Tetris and trying to find somewhere to fit in LGBT spaces and we can be openly treated with suspicion by gays or lesbians at times. Bisexual male sounds like one of the best sexuality to be on paper but it comes with a ton of snags and red tape.
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I feel you, it sucks but bis are sadly a minority among the minority
I've become convinced bi4bi is the only way for me after many disappointments and it's extremely rare I meet guys my age who are openly bi
bi women are often more open about it, but usually they want nothing to do with me romantically
online is tricky and filled with closet cases, I don't like it so much but I don't know what other options there are, realistically, especially since bi men tend to be discreet, being aware of how it's usually received
I'd say try and meet people irl through LGBT groups and stuff like that, but I've failed to take my own advice for years now, so I won't blame you for not trying
sometimes it feels like hunting for a white elephant, but also you've got no map of the jungle, no gun and you're not sure what an elephant looks like
>Bisexual male sounds like one of the best sexuality to be on paper
if you're extremely conventionally attractive, it kind of is
if you look even a little bit off, you quickly get treated like the scum of the earth (kinda like trans people, actually)
source: ~30 years of being a short, chubby and very mid looking bi guy
>~30 years of being a short, chubby and very mid looking bi guy
I'm 28, scrawny and short mid face. It is a struggle especially with women.
Just as they instantly get interesting in you for your genitals, you are also interesting in them for their sexuality tag. You get what you want: Someone just as superficial as you.
Majority of people still consider pussy as a female characteristic. This includes people in LGBT spaces. You are being seen by them as someone on their gynophile attraction spectre.
That's what will happen to you: These types of men will not consider your identity for real. I advise you to not follow through with your quest.

You both are actually the kind of men gays on twitter would droll over.
27 and terminal skinny fat.
What even is your age range. If it is early 20s yeah it checks. Also people don't really meet much in general these days so it isn't great to fixate on that problem.
that kind of shit is my biggest fear, I get intimidated by guys because I feel like I have even less to offer than cis girls do. Fucking hookup culture as well has completely ruined the art of the trap, when sex is expected early of people it eliminates the actual relationship building process as well. I refuse to engage in it, it feels better to reject it all over squander what little self esteem I accumulated in the dating/hook up pool
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>27 and terminal skinny fat
I've seen pics of you and that does not begin to cover how cute and hot you are, motherfucker
keep talking shit like this and you'll get your dick sucked
(said with love and care)
broke ass take
however, it's possible you might be confusing some reactions
maybe some guys aren't into you until they learn you've got a pussy because, well... if you kinda look like a teen... they might not be trying to fuck teens (which is for the best, I'd say), and when they realize you're just a guy with a pussy who looks younger, they feel more comfortable pursuing you
not to negate shitty experiences you may have had with guys who just see you as a hole, because god knows there are a bunch of those, but maybe it's not always the case
then again, if the vibes are off, the vibes are off
as an effete chub who sees my own biness as being so gay I'm gay for every gender, I'd date you (you'll have to carry my bags tho)
>actually the kind of men gays on twitter would droll over
I don't care about men on twitter! I want flesh! blood! bone ;3 and to give head to someone after serving them a home cooked meal!
>I don't care about men on twitter!
You need to start somewhere, anon. Go on a place - even if virtual - and search for people who like your body type. It is undenieable that physical attraction plays a big role in our basic instincts and you get more chances to know someone if you are in a place where you are desireable.
>and to give head to someone after serving them a home cooked meal!
I miss cooking for other people. Lucky shall be the person who receives affection from you.
>few threads ago
>cis man venting about bi men only getting attract by feminine-like people
>gets shit
>this thread
>same venting, but from a ftm
>gets reassured
It's like poetry, it's rhymes.
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more seriously, dating apps and online spaces are a bit excruciating to me
I know it's gonna sound like whining/ranting but I'm just laying out my thoughts, hoping someone might relate or have insights

on one hand there's Grindr et al. that suck really bad and often make me more depressed than anything. not even that good for a quick fuck anymore with their extreme monetization push (plus it's literally all the same faces on every app because every guy's got 10 different ones on their phone), and I suck at this kind of chatting , never can judge what's too saucy, not saucy enough, how to move on to a date, and I'm just a bit stilted in general
on the other there's "open" online spaces like discord servers, forums... but it hardly feels appropriate to be hitting on people who are there to enjoy niche interests or some other kind of community and not looking for a creep to come and hump their leg
I also feel like this approaching people in public spaces, even clubs or bars; it always feels unwelcome, like you're gonna make a fool of yourself and make the other person feel unsafe (huge self esteem issues and dysphoria about being a man plays a large role in that, I'm aware)
so far, and despite their efforts to make the site worse every update, I've had the most luck and least unpleasant interactions over being bi and not conventionally attractive on OKCupid. hardly an endorsement, since they're also part of Match Group and their business is literally milking your despair with their algorithm
I'm actually seeing an nb transguy from there intermittently but he's ace, so nice home cooked meals are on the table, but nothing's going on under it
all that to say, I have no fucking idea what place I'd be considered desirable
plus, I'm in Europe, and a lot of online spaces aren't nearly as developed as in the US, or when I hit it off with someone in an english speaking forim, they turn out to be in the US
I wish to be pursued, and yet I must not look tasty enough
I can relate a bit with you in some aspects, anon. Here, a hug for you.
I'm hypersexual and hook-up apps and cruising was never a problem for me. Sure, I ain't the most desireable man, but I can get around easily having sex. What is difficult is when it comes to dating and this is just non-existent for me. Having chronic depression does not help at all: When I'm cheerful, caring and sexy, guys want to be around me. When I'm moppy, needy and difficult to cum, they disappear out of my sight.
>but it hardly feels appropriate to be hitting on people who are there to enjoy niche interests or some other kind of community and not looking for a creep to come and hump their leg
You should come to Movie Nights at Fridays. Everyone there is chill and a bit flirty. You can develop connections without a problem there.
>plus, I'm in Europe, and a lot of online spaces aren't nearly as developed as in the US
I'm someone who does not care at all about long-distance relationship. Being born at a seaside town filled with a repressive aura made be turn to computer at a younger age and there I could discover myself and even trying to date some people.
>I wish to be pursued, and yet I must not look tasty enough
Okay, which trap should I use to hunt you down with more efficiency?
I appreciate it, hugging you back.
honestly, if I was a little less autistic and anxious, I'd probably be cruising a lot more, but I doubt I'd feel anymore fulfilled. you sound like a nice person, and like you haven't had much luck with finding decent guys. it sucks when people only want to stick around for the good times
maybe I'll drop by movie night one of those days; I only frequent this thread intermittently and last time I was there, I always had shit planned at the same time it was happening
LDRs are kinda weird for me, I don't mind them in theory, but struggle to keep them going (partly because of being worried I'm just intruding whenever I message them) and I'm extremely tactile, so being in love with someone I can't touch quickly becomes torture
thanks for opening up, thanks for hearing me out, anon, it does lighten my load a bit
>which trap should I use to hunt you down
as long as you've got decent bait in the form of savory food, weed or trans people promising to pet me, I WILL fall for a cardboard box propped up by a stick (but I'd prefer a snare)
>and search for people who like your body type.
I just wanna chime in and emphasize how important this is. So many fuckers internalize that they're ugly while in reality they're absolutely not, all because no one told them otherwise
Depends. Some people have been made fun of for their looks here(me) and because the only positive irl comments are from family it all feels fake.
How do you trust people with opinions about you at all really after going through it up till living on your own.
Anyone else have anxious attachment styles that ruin any potential connections they might have? I fucking hate it, I end up stuck in self destructive loops and thought patterns trying to get the attention I crave, and as soon as I do I'm already fearing that it's the last I'll ever get
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>positive irl comments are from family it all feels fake.
holy fuck I hate this so much, I wish they'd shut the fuck up instead of giving insincere, milquetoast "compliments" that seem to be designed to make them feel better rather than reassure you. I find I get alot of compliments from unavailable people too, it has the same feeling as taunting animals at the zoo at times
I don't really know what my attachment style is since I've only started reading up on it. I've taken some quizzes and the results have been inconsistent, I think that's for a variety of reasons. I think I might have some tendencies to being anxious--especially when I was a kid. It's definitely my first impulse in lots of cases and I frequently worry about my own worth in my relationships and feel like I need to "earn" someone's love or affection. So I feel you there. I can usually rationalize myself out of those thought patterns, though.

Oddly enough, it was easier to recognize my boyfriends attachment style hahaha.
>it all feels fake
i feel these. when anyone tells me anything nice about me or gives me a compliment my guard is up. doesn't matter who they are.

what is it?
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Sorry but... Bisexual men are kind of my only option for dating... Most cis gays do not like pussy. And most straight men/women do not like dating trans people. Also I'm going after bisexual men because I myself am a bisexual (trans) man. I feel more comfortable with bi people...
I don't know to be honest. I just want to find a bi guy who is able to love me for me... Not my vagina...
If a guy loves you for you, he's gonna love your pussy anyway, no ? Not love you FOR it, but love it with the whole package, if that makes sense.
And I'm pretty sure there's a sizeable contingent of bi women who are into trans men as well. But I agree it's not easy finding people to love you for yourself. Sadly it's true in most cases.
Yeah, I get what ur saying but my problem is that cis bi men who ARE interested in me only start to get interested once I tell them that I am ftm and have a vagina. It basically feels like they only like me for my pussy... And wouldn't feel the same way about me if I was just a cis male...
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>tfw I realized that my bench press form has been garbage for the past half year and that's why I haven't progressed
Fixed it but goddamn I'm mad
>How do you trust people with opinions about you at all
you're forced to, if you don't trust people when they compliment you and only believe negative comments then your self image is gonna fucking tank. The best way to handle a compliment is to say "thank you" and try to believe them, like, really try to internalize what they're saying, not doing this leads to you living in a world where you see yourself as worth less than the dirt you step on
idk what the styles are called, which one do you have when you think that everyone is leaving you?
first of all
>I feel more comfortable with bi people...
based and true
secondly I'm just gonna agree with the post above me, finding someone who loves you for you is hard as fuck, at best I've found someone who loved the idea of me but not ME
Good luck, hope you find someone who loves you and doesn't care about your genitals
>basically feels like they only like me for my pussy
I don't know if that's really any comfort to you, but a large portion of cis gay and bi males will, lose all interest in a guy if he tells them he doesn't do anal (one way or another), or completely objectify guys with big cocks to a point that gets frankly dehumanizing
hell, both straights and gays are riddled with people with racial fetishes
I think there's obviously an element of fetishization and transphobia (philia I guess?) involved and I don't think those examples are really equivalent, but my point is most people are shallow shits that treat others as jacking-off accessories and it's really no fault of your own
but the process of wading through a sea of idiots to find someone good is painful (and sometimes it's fine suffering an idiot or two if they lay good pipe)
whatever, I'm stoned and ranting, but I hope you find someone, or at least learn to not let the cunts get to you so much
im so lonely :( I feel like a wilted bag of lettuce in the fridge.
When I was reading the description of avoidant attachment I was like "Oh wow. That's him." It fits him really well, right down to the description of his family.

>you're forced to
Not who you're responding to, but I agree. For me, I eventually realized that thinking that way meant I was assuming anyone being nice to me was secretly a bad person. Because people who are disingenuous for an ulterior motive aren't good people, right? I also realized if a sincere person knew that's what I thought about them, it'd hurt their feelings.

It took a while, but I eventually learned to just say thank you and try to believe them, like you said. Sometimes I still have a hard time doing that, but I understand why I do it a little better now and have taught myself not to make a negative assumption about them.
>bench press form has been garbage
Greetings, fellow benchlet.
>but I understand why I do it a little better now and have taught myself not to make a negative assumption about them.
took me a very long time to get to this place (not even completely there yet, first instinct when I get complimented is to get upset), good job. I usually frame it as simply as having 2 options, either I live in a world where everyone hates me (because I've convinced myself of it) or I live in a world where I choose to believe that not everyone hates me and that some people even appreciate me. Simple as
well now that I've corrected my form it's just a matter of time until I break my 2 plate plateau turns out that I should retract my scapula just as literally everyone has been telling me
Ok, hear me out, little guy. I'm a latino. Fucking latino. Brown skin, green eyes, black curly hair, nice lips, nice uncut dick, jokes around, likes to dance, to talk and so on. I play all the stereotypes of what gringos think of latin american boys. The only thing I don't have is a hunk body type. Aside from that, gringos love to meet with me and fuck and have their fun time.
And you know what? I know very well they fetishize me. They want that latino boy they see on different types of media or hear about from their friends. They think they can have a nice time with a hot-blooded latino while they are on vacation in my country.
And you know what I do? I accept that and go for the ride. I enjoy myself with them and their nice bodies. If they wanna go for a date, a second round or whatever, I don't mind and I go. A guy once payed me dinner in expensive places all over the city and drove me around like it was nothing for almost 3 days straight.
Let people get closer to you even though they're first interested in your body parts. Let them. Hell, lots of guys in apps go out with me because of my dick and I don't give a fuck. I got nice friends meeting up because of my physical qualities and even a boyfriend or two. If you block every attempt first time they say "oh you got a pussy so let's know each other better!", then you'll be alone.
If you don't fuck around, you won't find out. And by the way you're talking whole thread about this, feels like you shy away at first sign the dudes show interest in your vaggie.
It's not wrong starting relationships out of mutual interests because, hell, that's how it all starts. Even if it's a shallow interest, things can grow eventually.
And if they don't, then pack it up and go to another place. I ain't blind towards the struggle regarding transexual people and how it is hard as fuck trying to get someone that will take your hand in public and walk without a problem. But again, if you don't try, you won't know.
>I was reading the description of avoidant attachment I was like "Oh wow. That's him."
oof good luck. not saying it's bad but if you're at all anxious or insecure being with someone like that can be tough.
based latino boytoy
thank you for your service, sir
>break my 2 plate plateau
I believe in you. Feels like it took me forever to get past that.
I like nasty
how nasty ?
Reminds me I never knew what to do when I got complements in cosplay. Also never knew what to do with photos.
Thanks. The way you frame it is also really good. It took me years and I'm still not totally there yet haha. I'm starting to suspect I haven't unlearned as much of all this as I originally thought. I just got really good at talking myself through some of it.

It's still a kneejerk reaction for me sometimes but I realized it's because I feel/felt like I have to "earn" being liked/loved/treated well, which I almost never believe I have. So when someone's nice to me, it can feel undeserved or even unreal, which is why I sometimes get upset. Knowing that helps a lot, too.

Thankfully I think we understand each other pretty well. It's not always easy for him, either. I can tell when he's really trying and know that even things that seem small to someone else actually takes a lot of effort for him. The ways he opens up or shows he cares about people aren't always conventional, but they're there if you look for them.
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people of /bigen/ that go to clubs and hookups and stuff how do you do it
and does it leave you fulfilled?
i have nothing, i'm so miserable and bored out of my mind
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A reminder that tomorrow at 21 GMT we will vote for the next two movies for Movie Night! If you want you can also give your recommendation by replying to this post

>what the hell is "movie night"
its a special night where bigen comes together to watch on Discord two movies chosen by the community

>when will movie night take place?
its FRIDAY at 22 gmt

>where do we watch the movies?
on the Bigen Movie and Game Night Discord server:

>i don't usually post on bigen/never took part in movie night, can i join?
of course, movie night is open to anyone, just remember to be civil and have fun!

fyi: this is the list of every movie we watched so far:
Saudosa Maloca.
we've already watched buckaroo banzai anon...
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Bean (1997)
WHAT??? ok then i have nothing else its the brst movie of all time
harsh but true
>people of /bigen/ that go to clubs and hookups and stuff how do you do it
desu its pretty easy (altho i havent done either in a while) just throw on something cute get a couple of drinks in ya and ull be able to make friends easily
>and does it leave you fulfilled?
it depends desu i usually have a lot of fun when i go out clubbing but hookups can be a mixed bag
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Spite recommendation time for last week
Any final fantasy film. You have to choose wu. These are the worst i can do for japanese that might be semi watchable.
Watchable but horrible but not japanese shit then I have to rec last ounce of courage.
Pic your poison on what goes into the poll and I will keep reccing it
You were late bigbooty.
oh iuh uuuuuh

advent children.
You guys probably know better than anyone else; is there an "official" term for people who are into femininity in general?
As in, I'm a manly guy who's into women, but I am also a femboy enjoyer as long as they look feminine enough.
no shit >>36644697
why would you ever feel like posting something so redundant
Yes, it's gynophile. "A person who is sexually or romantically attracted to women or to people with feminine characteristics"
We were having this conversation threads ago and in this thread again.
I agree with this choice.
>is there an "official" term for people who are into femininity in general?
reddit bisexual
Thanks, anon!
The term "gynophile" sounds kinda weird though, so I think I'll just keep on calling myself "straight, but femboysexual".
I think "prison gay" would be more apt.
>I think I'll just keep on calling myself "straight, but femboysexual"
Or you can define yourself as "bisexual" and whenever a masculine man hits on you, you just act like a normal human being, ditch him in an educate manner and live your life.
>and whenever a masculine man hits on you
Bold of you to assume I'm attractive enough for people to hit on me.
But nah, sounds like too much work for my socially anxious ass.
Then why trying to find a new sub-definition for you within bisexual spectre if you not getting any pussy or bussy? Is this some sort of "muh special brand" or whatever?
It's good to know what you are, even if you don't plan on doing something with that information.
You could compare it like discovering you have a specific form of autism or learning about your ancestry.
It brings me some sort of inner peace, knowing that I am not unknowable.
I know people on some social media would find this outrageous, but this is peak cringe.
Well, my sexuality is true to the term.
Women and femboys are hot, non-femboy men are not.
Simple as.
jfc everything doesn't need a clinical label and analysis, you're into what you're into and if you see what you like try to make it work. Everyone is so worried about slapping these fucking labels, I'd take anyone who I felt I had chemistry with and attraction to. If you're into femininity go for feminine people, just avoid zero effort theyfabs and ftms who are girly and fem
>just avoid zero effort theyfabs
More for me...
Gynophile it is.
im not bi i just like feminine guys r-right?>
I think "prison gay" would be more apt.
i think it depends desu like the cis men who may or may not have a criminal record and/or went to trade school and/or are gym rats would be prison gay but out of shape guys who wear video game merchandise would be reddit bisexual
its not prison gay because in prison you a fucking a nasty guy not a feminine guy
I was just curious if there existed a term for my specific brainrot, lmao
It's not like I'll actively use the term outside of my mental self-reflection.
I thought the whole joke was that a lot of cis guys currently have no options available to them and thus have to "make do" with other guys?
Again, it's a joke. I don't mean to say that's actually what's happening.
>I thought the whole joke was that a lot of cis guys currently have no options available to them and thus have to "make do" with other guys?
if you're attracted to something how is that "make do"? i like feminine guys and girls i've had sex with both
It's okay to be straight bro lmao
You can become attracted to anything if you expose yourself to it for long enough.
This is mostly true for anyone's formative years, but especially for those on a certain side of the autistic spectrum who "suffer" from hypersexuality.
There are some pretty interesting papers on autism and sexuality.
With the state of the dating market at the moment? Nah, I'll take my deviancy.
that really doesnt change that you aren't coping by getting sexual with something youre attracted to
bigen always gets boring when people actually talk about bisexuality
What do you want to talk about instead? What'd you eat, or are planning to eat, for dinner?
Unrelated. I hate the dmv
Everyone fucking hates the dmv
Dmv is the only place sub 11$ an hour in the state and has no one working at it. No availability for scheduling and only 4hrs a day for walk ins. Beuracracy is stupid because it lacks checks for the people at the top.
Anyways talking to an old friend, apparently the ftm I knew in HS might have been into me in middle school and I was tok dense to notice. Damn. I wonder how they are now sonce I haven't seen or heard about them in years.
Change topic conversation, then.
>apparently the ftm I knew in HS might have been into me in middle school and I was tok dense to notice
Oof, that sucks. You're not alone, same thing happened to me. She was actually cute, too.
Managed to get (and lose) a gf eventually anyway, but it sure did suck to learn right after high school when I still was a complete virgin.
"She". lmao.
Scooby Doo and the Witch's Ghost
Oh, the girl I was talking about was actually a she, not a ftm.
>I haven't unlearned as much of all this as I originally thought. I just got really good at talking myself through some of it.
oof this shit hits.

it seems like yall understand eachother pretty well which is good. and you're right this shit can be hard for avoidant attachment peeps too. i stumbled on a forum post when i was first researching all this and a lot of people were talking about how they thought avoidant attachment people weren't even capable of real love. obviously that's not true and i'm glad you can see when he's making an effort. sorry if i sounded judgemental.

what's yall's third favorite dinosaur?
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Anatomy Of a Fall
>what's yall's third favorite dinosaur?
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Making my twice a year appearance in bigen to ask for an updated Discord link for movie night? My gf is asking for one. Also, hello all how y'all doin??
spiritually transcendental tranny vs once i transition i can live tranny
>Knowing that helps a lot, too.
Being more aware of your emotions in general helps a lot, I realized in group therapy that the knot in my stomach when someone compliments me is due to me projecting my own self hatred onto the person giving the compliment. Just knowing this is enough to make it easier to handle
Time to hunt
Been meaning to watch it for a while
what about "doesn't even know where to begin or if even trans but absolutely wracked with regret and sadness at not experiencing teenage years as a girl while also being completely hopeless that transition is an achievable goal at this point in time" tranny?
can you imagine that a super passing tranny who transitioned at 0 years old might have been in a similar situation but about being a baker, having missed out on baking experiences when she was young, but now she's content ?

>what, like she should give up the dream of being a baker?
>what, she got to be a baker?
I appreciate the sentiment, but one doesn't run the risk of being murdered for not being a very good baker, and generally there are no genetic predispositions to being a terrible baker (such as having the body of a broad shouldered, narrow hipped hog), neither is there an incredible amount of baker-specific socialization one might have missed on entirely, making one seem like a complete fucking creep within the baker and baker apprentice community, or really an age after which it becomes basically impossible to develop the body of a baker and be treated as such
basically, not just a skill issue, which baking is
samefagging, but a big strawman is also
>if i had my teenage years as a girl i wouldnt need spirituality
but i'm just doing the "i can fix her" meme rn
i wish you good luck, it took me ~2-3 years, try therapy
HOLY missed point

love you
bye now
please, ma'am
I am autistic
I dated one guy for 3 years, then 3 girls after that. Recently, I've talked to this girl and like her a lot. She's mtf, and I have never been with a transperson before so when we are in an official relationship, should I expect it to be much different compared to my other cis relationships?
This is such a missuse of strawman you have incidentally strawmaned anon into having an argument instead of a personal statement.
I'm pretty sure you both are on this one.
You will suffer prejudice from society and you'll get lot more girl dick than your cis friends, but that's it.
>the knot in my stomach when someone compliments me is due to me projecting my own self hatred onto the person giving the compliment. Just knowing this is enough to make it easier to handle
I know what you mean about knowing making things easier to handle. I've been thinking I might benefit from therapy lately, but it doesn't feel like my problems are "major" enough for it sometimes. I'm glad that it seems like it's helping you, though!
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I've always been rather averse to compliments, due to perceiving them either as irksome tautological declarations, or as expressions of unctuous condescension. I derive my satisfaction from my accomplishments per se. I've never found another individual who feels this way — it appears to be the precise opposite of how most compliment-avoidant people feel, in fact.
How do we fix our reputation problem in the community?
do not worry. i would never compliment you or even anyone like you.
do you have any idea what she meant, actually, because I'm still searching
I guess it's a nice distraction from the dread, though
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I haven't experienced any romantic attraction to anyone since I was 13, but there are certain people I find extremely attractive that I become fixated on. Not in a sexual way, but in a "this person is physically perfect" kind of way. Some people appear to be so perfect that they're superior to normal humans.

This is different to my usual sexual attraction. Sexually, I like big butts and big tits on women and big muscles on men, but these people typically have modest bodily features. They're slim and tall, elven in nature. I want them as a trophy partner, the way you'd want a luxury car or a mansion. Does anyone else relate to this?
Thanks. I can live with that
The link is right here: >>36644533
And since I quoted the MOVIE NIGHT post, let me already give my suggestion.

The Queen of Hearts. It's a Danish movie from 2019 and it's one of those heavy sex taboo movies that makes you think "The scandinavian are again doing this? Why?"
Sometimes I think Lars Von Trier is too much of a big influence there.
Yeah I don't have the brain for anything but exclusive relationships, which is a shame given the bi thing.
Then again I can always just dip into my depression and get some stark reality to alleviate any fantasies I might have. Most things people want out of relationships is rooted in fantasy. That's why porn is problematic aside from the short term dopamine shit, it builds false expectations. I had to accept this from the get go since most of the porn I liked was drawn, and most of that shit doesn't even exist. It's true for RL porn too, just fantasies imitating reality. Real relationships have very little of what we imagine them to have. It's ultimately a very mundane matter, and I say that having found my soulmate. A good relationship is more of a quiet calm than any kind of bacchanal.
Predator 2

no ironic nominations please. we dont want to sit through any more crap
Super Mario Bros. (1993)
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Invader Zim: Enter the Florpus
I think you might be talking about aesthetic appreciation or something? I've seen people who make me feel like that, but I've never wanted to have them as a trophy partner. For me it's more like admiring a sunset or seeing a deer leap across a field, I guess?

Then again, I'm very different from you when it comes to how I experience romantic and sexual attraction. I have a hard time sleeping with someone if I don't have romantic feelings for them. To the point where I had performance issues the few times I tried to date casually. My heart literally wasn't in it haha.
I love fucking my bf but holy shit why is it every time he gets hard
we were literally just cuddling in bed this morning, it was so nice and warm and comfy, but the second he got hard our cuddle time was over and now I'm drinking my coffee with a sore ass full of cum
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"Pinkwashing Exposed: Seattle Fights Back!" (2015)
I don't give a single solitary shit about either group of retarded backwards religious freaks in some sandblasted inimical to life shithole and I'm tired of overbearing busybodies like you trying to make me care
It could be worse, you could be drinking your cum with a sore ass full of coffee
Alien 3
Alien and Aliens were already seen, so let's go for the third movie! Would be good to prepare for the new movie.

Fuck him instead every morning. Let his ass get sore.
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Alien 3 is fucking awful, tokyo gore police is better

The new one is gonna be bad too, seeing as there hasnt been a good alien film since 1986
the whole time...
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A reminder that at 21 GMT we will choose the next 2 movies for movie night!
You can give your recommendation now by replying to this post

>what the hell is "movie night"
its a special night where bigen comes together to watch on Discord two movies chosen by the community

>when will movie night take place?
its FRIDAY at 22 gmt

>where do we watch the movies?
on the Bigen Movie and Game Night Discord server:

>i don't usually post on bigen/never took part in movie night, can i join?
of course, movie night is open to anyone, just remember to be civil and have fun!

fyi: this is the list of every movie we watched so far:
I don't want to watch any movies...
im so sorry anon,,,
I hope you all have email notifications turned ON for your steam and GOG wishlists. Thats how you get the sales, you sluts. Especially GOG as it is the far superior service
Videogames vc chat after where I grind in something.
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hanging out in wow discord servers/guilds has me unironically using XD from time to time
>Fuck him instead
I am a bottom
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The poll is now open, no further recommendations will be accepted.
The voting will stop tomorrow at around 4 PM GMT, so be sure to vote before then!

Here is the link to the server:
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I spurdo post unironically in mmos...
Cmon advent children. I wanna die of cringe.

youre living the dream anon
hit me up with your favorite white girl pop songs bigen, I need to expand my gym playlist
incredibly based
MF Diamond - Chincilla
Brand new bitch - Cobrah
Daryana, Juice
Anything Britney Spears.
Use a two-head dildo then.

How deep is your love - Calivn Harris (I know it's not a girl pop song, but the vocal is female, so that's enough I guess?)
NOLA - Asiahn
Call your name - Tora-i
Surround me - LÉON
> hit me up with your favorite white girl pop songs bigen, I need to expand my gym playlist
dadadadaaaaa have no fear electra rex is here!!!
rawr XD rawr XD rawr XD
I think I finally accepted this prolonged break up and it's left me feeling so fucking broken and empty. I hate feeling like a burden but sometimes it feels like burdensome people are the only ones with relationships, I really don't want to take hostages but sometimes it feels like it's the only way to truly ensure people don't just disappear on you. Therapy feels like a waste of time, I can barely summon energy to talk to people I like
>Therapy feels like a waste of time
As someone who believed the same thing for nearly two decades, I can assure you therapy is not a waste of time. It's hard and emotionally exhausting but worth it.
>I can barely summon energy to talk to people I like
Its easier for me to open up to a therapist than someone i'm close to. No worry about burdening them with your problems, no fear of ruining a friendship or being judged and therapists want to help you. It's can be painful working through your issues and it takes time but it's all worth it when you have that first moment of feeling normal again.

You need to ask yourself if you want to feel this way forever. I have hope for you, anon.
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good afternoon gang
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very based, I have broken many pb's to the sound of 'Gimme more'
Thank you all for your tributes, they will be used to make me stronger
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And we have the two winners!:

>Scooby Doo and the Witch's Ghost
>Invader Zim: Enter the Florpus

So see ya later at 22 GMT!
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bathroom cleaning bump
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A reminder that in 2 hours Movie Night is gonna start! Here is tonight selection:

>Scooby Doo and the Witch's Ghost
>Invader Zim: Enter the Florpus

>what the hell is "movie night"
its a special night where bigen comes together to watch on Discord two movies chosen by the community

>where do we watch the movies?
On the official Bigen Movie and Game Night Discord server:

>i don't usually post on bigen/never took part in movie night, can i join?
of course, movie night is open to anyone, just remember to be civil and have fun!

fyi this is the list of every movie we watched so far:
fuckin based
lol palestine keeps starting wars and taking Ls
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yooo another catrabro
Let's gooo, Invader Zim is second, I won't miss it <3
I really need to finish the show some day
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Good evening
Its finally time to start another Movie Night! Tonight selection is:

>Scooby Doo and the Witch's Ghost
>Invader Zim: Enter the Florpus

Here is the link of the stream, don't be shy and come join us! As always the film will start at 23:10 GMT


>what the hell is "movie night"
its a special night where bigen comes together to watch on Discord two movies chosen by the community

>i don't usually post on bigen/never took part in movie night, can i join?
of course, movie night is open to anyone, just remember to be civil and have fun!

fyi: this is the list of every movie we watched so far:
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it is one of my fav shows
wtf there's someone dressed as quan chi at this pride parade

The second film of the night Invader Zim: Enter the Florpuswill start in 10 minutes, feel free to join us!

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the fact that i perfectly envisioned myself to have a brat summer when so far all ive done was fall into a depressive episode get addicted to playing mmos go job hunting sleeping in and flicking the bean
did you play a good mmo at least
i am at this point of hypersexuality where i am just basically raping myself
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ive been playing wow bc i like to play as elves and dress em up
playing as a ranged dps is fun
i liked playing as a kul tiran moonkin and being a big silly chicken
woah my nelf is a balance druid but her moonkin form is an astral form so instead of transforming into an owlbear thing she just looks like her but blue n sparkly :D
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I am once again begging bigen to see this film
Femboys are hotter than women.
i hope you all enjoyed post movie goon sesh shows.
goon sesh film?
I can't wrap my head around being into hairy fat faceless old men with beards

I think I'm just straight
page 9 save
Please consider taking SSRIs, they’ve made my bisexuality completely disappear and they might help yours.
SSRIs did a number on my libido but didn't change my sexuality at all.
It's not a problem.
we lost another bisexual, /bigen/
amab here, I think I'm beginning to bald. If I go by the Norwood scale or whatever the fuck then I'm at stage 2 or the stage of 2. I'm kind of scared. I need to see a doctor or something. Maybe I should go on hrt and save myself

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