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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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/lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all lesbian and bisexual women, cis or trans, to discuss lesbian relationships and topics.

>QOTT: Biggest fuckup you’ve had in your love life or other areas in life such as work?

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
discord: https://discord.gg/4SSuWbr9Dd
old thread: >>36581745
Would lesbians have sex with a cis male like me?
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domestic life with the wife
lago plz respond
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what vibe does it give.
>QOTT: Biggest fuckup you’ve had in your love life or other areas in life such as work?
i'm normal
No, lesbians are not attracted to men. You might want to try bigen or gaygen, bud.
fear and hunger is a porn game tho or is that just the first one
Fear and hunger is arguably a porn game i got raped on screen twice before i could beat it.
Question. If I am ftm, basically butch he/him woman, who everyone including myself thought was a lesbian until age 16, but am actually mainly attracted to men, then I do still have some kind of kinship with lesbians, right?
Ask her out now.
jfc fear and hunger has like maybe 4 max instances of something sexual happening to you, its not a porn game shut up

is star wars porn??? they have sex in it once i think
i've owned chickens before and there aint no way i would be sitting right next to the coop where there'd be 8 metric tons of chicken poop on the ground
gooner vibes
why... i mean i am gonna go masturbate rn but why
Ugh is it really… cringe.
Marcille used her dark magic to vanish the poop away.
Those are men (I’m not gay)
lago its not a fucking porn game!! at all!!!
By that logic rance isnt a porn game too lol
the ship has sailed i'm just not over it yet because she's really ideal
i dont even know what that is, but like, just because a piece of media has certain themes in it, doesnt mean its *about* that, liek cmon be SMART
Anon, please familiarise yourself with the rpgmaker porn game scene and bad end fetishes before posting. Seriously naive...
lago please respond say yes or no or whatever just don't leave me hanging
babe i have atleast a hundred hours in both games, neither of which were EVER made to be viewed through a sexual lense, i've talked to the devs i've talked to people in the community liek SHUT UP

lago please ill be good ill post all day plz i beg you
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fine, here's mine
lago ignore this it isn't my post
messenger bags are embarrassing
Yeah, yeah, I'm sure the raped by dick monster ending was really artfully executed
why??? they are objectively the best bags

do you watch like, no country for old men and be like

Aren't you supposed to be masturbating?
Did u get all the endings? That must have taken a while.
all media is literal
ok fine wait give me a minute im gonna do it and report back
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tfw no toxic gamer gf
mine once called me a whore when I beat her at tetris, does that count?
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My girlfriend has some menthol caffiene dip packets and im using those to soothe my burns its comfy
lago i was busy with some stuff... it's normal to not post for a few hours. if i join again and am still inactive after like a week or smth ban me or whatever but a few hours is rlly unfair -_-
discord is only for bnuy and his asshole friends
wow I wonder why no one wants you in the server
that's not me
t. person trying to get into server
Can’t really change the server safety settings lower. Too many nigga/sigma pronouns kids joining the server. lol
wydag who worked as a diplomat and had to go on another assignment in two years?
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there's no way to make an exception for one person? temporarily lower the settings and then raise them again maybe?
Christ. Join now, but you’re gone again for good if you don’t participate. You joined suspiciously close to several trolls who spammed there server, so I’m distrustful of you and everyone else who has joined the past day.
tysm <3
It was kinda funny desu. Fucking gay porn.
What am I if I'm 90% into dudes and like maybe a lil bit into trans girls? I've kissed cis girls but didn't really get anything from it but I think boobs are cool and penis is nice. How do I find a trans girl tk experiment with?

wait lago can say the n word with no pushback but acorn receives hate for saying it once five years ago
not what I'm laughing at... lol
bnuy and his friends are transphobic and make trans women uncomfortable
>tfw no gf to write and worldbuild postapocalyptic politicosocioeconomic satire with
you suck!
she's latinx?
ok did it
down with the lagoarchy
I was saying someone joined with it in their profile and thought they were slick
>politicosocioeconomic satire

Thats so overdone.
don't care writing comedy scifi
ass to ass?
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the fartsnatch?
Based. Have you written any funny scenes in your head yet?
yeah i've written down a bunch but i'm feeling self conscious so they all suck now
Awww cmon, just post one? U can add me on disc if ur too shy to post it here.
shy autistic girls belong to obsessive bpd girls
subby bpd girls belong to dommy autistic girls
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No. Bpd DEMONS like us should stay from autistic angels.

We are evil. And deserve to locked up in asylums.

I say this as the most mentally ill bpd chick i know
what about shy yet obsessive autistic bpd trans girls

shy autistic bpd obsessive trans girl tops belong with normie successful extraverted mentally healthy cis bottoms
Youre a bi i suppose. My sexual feelings are the same and thats what i call myself. Probly if u wanna experiment just hook up online
scary... but need...
U guys r so gross about how you pull trans and cis women apart for ur weird romance fantasies. Like why point out someones defunct body every time you talk about them its just depressing.
Yea that was stated in the previous thread basically. Its just tongue in cheek transphobia.
Someone should make a maybe non transphobic version of this gen where cis people aren't allowed. It seems to be the only way to keep away those kinds tongue in cheek people, rapehons i guess?
existential anxiety has been getting me lately and i have no friends to take my mind off things (ok i have friends but they're not really there for me like that)
i feel called out
i'm such a predator
tfw no cis gf into japanese women's wrestling
let me reiterate: fragile mentally ill™ uwu softgirls belong to hyperstable autistic girlboss mommies
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transbian gen was a better thread for sure, but it had its weird cis woman hating freaks too.
What to do.
>>QOTT: Biggest fuckup you’ve had in your love life or other areas in life such as work?

Oh theres been a few, the time I moved in with a single parent with anger issues because "it's the pandemic" and "maybe it will be better when we are in the same house". There was the time I was in a love triangle with two of my classmates which almost derailed my career. But I feel like the big one was saying "yes" to my transbian flatmate. Turns out a year later she was diagnosed schizophrenic and I spent the next four years looking after her and wondering if I'm coming home to a dead body. Shit like that scars you and I'm still not over it. Not to mention this began in my mid 20s so by the time it was over I had to deal with the shit show of the 30s dating scene. If I met someone nice in my 20s I think I would be a much better place mental health wise. Even if I was single that whole time the loneliness would have been less damaging
I just want to say that you're not alone anon. I'm just now coming over a month long total mental collapse because of my existential anxiety. Did laundry for the first time today, cleaned off my desk a little. We're going to make it. Everything's going to be ok.
The problem isn’t the gen itself, the problem is the type of person who trolls this board.
link to specific examples
Life is sometimes a gamble. Sorry the chips are down. Theres always time to claw out your nook of happiness.
why do you want to be reddit so baf
Its kinda funny how the cis inclusive transbiangen gradually became a microcosm of what mtf x cis relationships always turn out to be, straight man and woman.
I always thought that it was a meme that cis women subtly make you fit into the male role through gentle manipulation, but this is on a whole different level, this place is a self "correcting" environment where the line, the gap, the difference between cis and trans women is repeatedly reinforced, gentle manipulation. The same way cis women subtly push their mtf partners back into their societal ordained role, except here its the environment itself that does that, well who knows who makes those awful posts, could be cissies for all we know to be fair. Its even more interesting when you factor in the most active one who does the most organizing is a cis women who has been caught mask off as a terf quite a lot of times already.

Fascinating, really. The council is watching on with absolute curiosity, lets push this social experiment to the max.
I love you
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>The council is watching on with absolute curiosity
i just want spontaneous penetrative sex it's not that complicated
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Am I reddit or am I a hateful terf?

I’m simultaneously the most transphobic person here while the same people calling me a terf constantly call my girlfriend, who doesn’t even post here, a man.

Almost as if the girl is just to drive a wedge between cis and trans lesbians. I implore you, make a hateful and exclusive transbiangen if that’s what you want. This isn’t the place for you if you only want t4t content and want to harass other women who love both cis and trans women.
>ce is a self "correcting" environment where the line, the gap, the difference between cis and trans women is repeatedly reinforced, gentle manipulation.
>gentle manipulation

Holy shit this would explain so much.
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>the girl
lol the goal*
I'm mostly just a casual observer, occasional agitator, but this place is becoming like /clg/ where everyone eyes each other with suspicion and starts tightening access or inclusivity to ensure only "the good ones" may participate because of the weird puritanical backlash to obnoxious lighthearted posting and genuine trolls
This literally sucks
>watch it’s always sunny
>first episode ends in a transphobic joke
>watch 30 rock because of this gen
>there’s a homophobic episode 3 episodes into the series
I hate tv
It’s office autist. She dislikes me simply for being cis and started harassing me simply because of that and refused others to do so. It’s actually insane. I never interacted with her before that and her pettiness extends to not even watching anime if I post about it. kek

She does it while constantly calling other trans women “men” (literally here >>36594293). Her goal is to drive cis women out of the thread. I don’t know why she and the others agreeing with her don’t just make a t4t thread for exclusive transbians who hate cis women. This thread ain’t it.
no idling allowed in the buncord everybun must post until your little paws fall off!
very weird and sad, but letting that impact your behavior towards others is going accomplish her goal for her one way or another
>not even watching anime if I post about it
that's funny, I'll only do that if things are popular... you or someone posted about the dwarf panty shot itt and I laughed so hard I started watching dungeon meshi
i forgot about always sunny that's another show i'd like to binge with my gf
lago as usual obsesses over everyone while claiming others are obsessed with her
Always sunny isnt really transphobic it was very very forward leaning with how the tranny is done for the time it was made
Real. She's starting to sound like a loonie. That post she referred to doesn't even read like a office autist one, not to me at least. And even if it were, so what. Broken clocks are right twice a day.
I mean yeah, I am distrustful of people who join the server just to lurk but I stand by that because too many are just doing it to harass its users. Drama kills gens, not doing bare minimum moderation. I’m obviously going to prefer contributing users feel comfortable in the server over lurkers and shitstirrers.

Dungeon Meshi was great, lol. I’m glad it’s getting another season and I get to talk to my coworkers about it.
Girl, she writes seething paragraphs about me all the time while calling me boring. I wishhhh I was boring enough for her to ignore me.
I just want a place where I can post about loving my gf without being called a rapehon all the time!!
t. office autist
My gf showed me always sunny and we watched it all together such epicness.
Good show to watch while playing world of warcraft together. We got our hardcpre players to 59 but havent tapped it in yet
Well the people calling you a rapehon and a straight man, wanting only t4t posters, are the same ones who are calling me a terf and spamming the thread with discord drama so YOU AND ME BOTH, sis.
literally your own discord pals are doing that so fuck you sis
the t4t bogeywomen scare me at night so I have to pee in a bottle by my bed
Hello i am office autisu!! I approve dah message that a transbian gen without cissies SHOULD be erected, and zwar soon! Mhm. But whaat exactly is soon? Well id say a year or a month, who knows eh? Aha anywah ill catch u sillyheads later.

And also, i dont hate cis women, i just think they go back to where they came from in this context. If you meat cissies in the wild, go for it, but cis f chasers, ehhh bad idea kiddos, always a bad idea.

And yes i love transbians.. m-my ex was a transbian, the most coolest person i know and still love, yet oh i know it cant be, hke gratei am to have met her. Thanks to her, i can only love transbians. Because they are DIVINE

Anywsh catch ya later (^_^)
Unique energies radiating from this post
transbian get over your ex challenge: impossible :(
I make out with my gf and come here to troll lesbophobic incels
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goddamnit i girlbossed too close to the sun with my job and now I've developed a wagie sleep schedule, and am currently in bed at 10:20 pm on a saturday bc i was just too sleepy to stay up anymore.
also lol @ the discord drama, why do ppl get so angry over this stuff. desu i'm glad that the things from my life I associate with that app are so unpleasant that I never want to use it, seems like every server just breeds weird drama no matter how you run them.
Been off hormones + blockers for 6 weeks now ._.
stop pretending you know german you dumbass
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I don’t have any discord pals and most people there are open to dating both trans and cis women. lol In fact, there are more t4t users than t4c users in the server. And you’re the ones calling my gf and other t4c lesbians rapehons/men/etc.
god i could go for some blueberries right about now
It's clear that trying to force community without love never works. Love is required. Love is what actually keeps people from raping and beating each other to death.
wish i had someone to talk with and get autistic with me
I had a blueberry matcha drink yesterday, shit was so cash.
apollonian passoid vs dionysian twinkhon
gf picked blueberries a while ago, was great until I found like 3 spiders in the jar
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>tfw been thinking about his all day at work
why is positive attention from older women so addictive
first tattoo done
it's because you're young and cute and innocent and just oh so adorable
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Do u guys get a little nervous holding hands with ur gf in public
show pls
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>it's because you're young
I'm 23 anon...
>cute (...) oh so adorable
too sleep deprived and weak for this
no its in a lewd location and im not a whore
you can see this tho
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she's got a radioactive pussy!!!!!
>23 isn't young
Then why are you on this board?
I get nervous if I dont hold her hand in public
I just dont want us to get hirt by anyone mean
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idk, i don't feel young anymore, I have to pay rent and stuff.
Or I guess I do still feel young cause I'm really bad at all the responsibilities I have to do now but it feels like because I'm actually around my mid 20's now that feeling young is bad because it's synonymous with shirking responsibility.
idk I had a stunted development and don't have any IRL friends, my perception of relativity towards other humans is entirely warped
If someone goes out of their way to hurt you you probably deserve it?
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She would never deserve to be hurt you idiot
then you have nothing to worry about :)))
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>tfwywn be taken advantage of by a girl you admire both emotionally and physically, having your own eager to please nature used against you to abuse you regularly for her entertainment
why live
No bc I don’t live in rural Ohio
I’m 25
Even if you’re just above college age you’re still pretty young, a lot of women are starting to look for serious relationships after they graduate and get a job
asking a trans to post hole
Hope so. Its nice to hold her
Skibidi ohio gyatt hunteer
Misread as host pole
i'm 36...
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>college age
I guess that’s probably why I feel so old and necessarily responsible, I never went to college I’ve just been bouncing around jobs since I was 16 lol
Lmk if you know job-having lady graduates looking for serious relationships with autistic losers tho
Hiiiiii!!!!!! Can you record a vocaroo scolding me for not cleaning my room and calling me cute names that are supposed to be mean but actually make me a little happy :3
i got bored whoops https://voca.ro/1oaQcW2HYulR
god I love puppy stelle art so much asghgdygfbgfd
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i got the trans bunny! :3 i named her trannybun or Tbun for short
why does it have a rinnegan??
shes a naruto
i feel like i need to go insane to force myself to either do something with my life or spiral and kill myself
Want a cis asian gf, etc.
Tfw i will never be dating a transbian for a few weeks who betrays my trust and and pushes me into a toilet stall and puts a knife to my throat threatening me to suck her off or she'll kill me so i hesitantly go on my knees and freeze up as she presses my face into her still clothed crotch telling me to inhale and then ordering me to free her girl penis by pulling her trousers down using my teeth
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killed my phone watching her play with her cat before work and charger doesn’t work so I have no ride home and my phone about to fucking die WAS IT WORTH IT
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I liked the music a lot until I heard my voice, that’s embarrassing :s
You and me both anon
>join discord
>goes to work
>back from work
>kicked from the discord
that place already turned into a clique? lol
lmao no chill
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if you're pathetic enough to beg here lago will let you back in
the fuck you mean kinship nigger, get off the internet for a while
>ftm, basically butch he/him woman
so im shamed for not using trans people's pronouns yet even you don't believe in your own gender?
>thought was a lesbian until age 16, but am actually mainly attracted to men
i guess it really was a phase after all. congratulations on coming out as a straight woman
everyone always cancels plans with me at the last minute
to join the server you have to pledge your life to the dear leader lago
you'll have to quit your job and cut contact with everyone in your life and dedicate every second to pleasing her

if you don't do this then you're obviously not a real woman and not worthy to be part of her pick me group
no one ever makes plans with me
better than getting the rug pulled out from under you at the last second by someone who wasn't going to go with you in the first place
grass is always greener i guess
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> Hiiiiii!!!!!! Can you record a vocaroo scolding me for not cleaning my room and calling me cute names that are supposed to be mean but actually make me a little happy :3
Still waiting on this one, 27 and under need not apply
how do i find someone to go see tlc with me in a month no one i know lives in my state nor are they willing to visit
holy shit that pic is nice
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i almost made a really bad financial decision today
once I picked my lungs up off the floor and recovered from my laughing fit I'd consider marrying a girl who actually wore these
i wouldnt marry you so
you wouldn't have a choice in the matter
Looks like monokuma
truth my sister
what about how everyone always makes vague plans with me but never concrete plans and when i try to push for fixed dates and actually doing things i get ghosted? what does that mean for my stock portfolio?
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Are you 27+
Okay, I’ll admit it, I’m gay. I wish sometimes that i was normal but being gay is cool (i think)
yeah but I'm here only for the tall woman x short woman yuri
>loving gf
>discover she hates my genitals
Is she even gay?
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I have a lot of that and can share it all in good time but I do need something in return from you anon
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anoooooonnnn! I'm not even past my first folder...
Total pooner death
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awww I never actually translated the captions on this one. So cute
wow you're desperate
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I save vocaroos and hold onto them, voices do a lot for me, so yes I'm very desperate lol
but also I like bumping the thread with cute girls in love with each other hoping it promotes a culture of doing that in the thread because I like collecting girls pictures from here and there's only a few people who contribute
>have really close friend who I fool around with
>fall in love with her
>she has to leave the state for unrelated reasons
She's got a lot going on in her life and is honestly so out of my league. I'm so happy for her, achieving her goals and dreams. At the same time I'm filled with sadness every time the weekend rolls around and I don't get to see her. I miss her so much sisters. Nobody else gets me like she does. Nobody else makes me feel the way that she makes me feel. I think about her a lot.
People are busy
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>tfw chased off the cool ladies by liking them too much again
oh well. another night in my stupid fucking femcel life
my ex once bought one of these for me and was going to give it to me the next time she saw me but then she cheated on me and i broke up with her and i dont know what she did with it. Lol.
If you don't care, why care so much to post about it?
Move tf on.
me as fuck
This what gurofags think is cool btw. Literal middle schooler notebook core
nuh uh, when I fapped to guro all the amateur stuff was cringe, I looked for the beautiful artsy stuff
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I’m going back to big girl small girl posting
Hopefully god will reward me with the vocaroo I’m seeking one day
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My gf is awake now atleast so I have a girl to call mommy nonstop, even if she’s 500 miles away
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This one is one of my personal favorites, the power dynamic of fully of modestly clothed vs naked and collared is sooooo hot I wish my gf wore suits…
Top being clothed and bottom being naked is just like, I don't even have the words for it. It's such a powerful symbol of submission, especially if you wear some little bits of decoration like a collar.
I am in love with her.
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I knowwwww
>tfw not collared up naked sleeping on the edge of my gf’s bed on my plus size dog bed rn
What’s the point
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Need mildly emotionally abusive gf who manipulates me constantly but gives me the best sex of my life that has me on knees crying and begging for more
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Miss my old oversized fuzzy hoody with a lil heart on it I’d wear while my gf corrupted me
Need to be this for someone but without the abuse
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Last one i got i think im getting annoying now, goodnight lesbinons
The abuse is non negotiable as it’s what makes the sex so addictive
Also I know I said the last one was the last one but I had to let you know that the abuse is necessary and the best part
What if the abuse is limited entirely to cnc in the bedroom and quiet asides in public pertaining to the bedroom and occasional dubiously-consensual public sex and oral and hand stuff
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I’m willing to compromise if you can promote the cnc to sometimes outside of the bedroom so I can experience being fondled entirely against my will and out of the blue before eventually submitting cause I always do anyway (it’s barely cnc)
Oral and hand stuff is a good idea thank you for contributing
Ahh well I consider "the bedroom" to be anywhere at home or with reasonable expectations of privacy anytime anything sexual begins, so I'd be feeling you up basically anytime I like and promoting it to sex arbitrarily (i.e. almost always at home but not every time to keep you guessing, maybe 30% of the time in public)
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> almost always at home but not every time to keep you guessing, maybe 30% of the time in public
Ugh need older taller girl to take advantage of me in public whenever she wants, flaunting me around like her toy and shuffling me off into corners to coax me into moaning out loud when she pinches my ass and nipples
Life’s not fair sisters… I should be getting groped in a Starbucks by my gf that’s a decade older than me that constantly teases me for being a dumb little zoomer
GOD I need a zoomer gf whose moans I am FORCED to muffle in public so she doesn't get me caught groping and abusing her and who I will certainly punish back home for making me do all that work to not get caught because she just can't control herself because she's just that much of an insatiable horny little slut
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Mommy <3
jordan doesnt deserve to be happy
i just want someone to actually kill me and not just make me wish for death
Slut <3
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i want a gir hoodie
it's never been more fucking joever
>I'm researching
>What is the Consensus
11 of 10 doctors think you're a fucking dumbass
My deadname was Joe
is ur new name joellene?
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Idk, I’ve been working all day so you must have done something like break the rules and one of the other 3 mods got you. The only user I banned before work was using hate speech.
I just checked and no one was banned or kicked after that. You might have been automatically kicked by discord if you didn’t check that you accept the rules for the server (it’s a built-in feature for community servers). That might’ve been the case if your username starts with L.
hello lesbians just another reminder that discord is gay lmao gottem
need to bury my face in her pussy
This thread isnt good for me it makes me want to get molested and raped by a fellow transbian
I'm back bitch and here to cock repulse you


chaser bitchbian
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Need a chaser bitchbian gf
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I can help if you want
Hello ladies, I'm here to hurt you but only if you like it ~
WYDAG that was lagoloaf
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A chaser bitchbian in my mind is a transbian who is a bitch and chases other transbians..
Exactly no cisbians can be chasers

This is why we must not betray our sisterhood and listen to any who may ask us on dates or propose to us, just like Samson got his hair cut off
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You dont seem to be listening...
nigga shut UP i hate your stupid annoying ass
I wish we had wild rabbits here! I’m excited to grow a garden full of veggies for them. My gf gets deer in her backyard and my friend gets bunnies. I’m so jealous.
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Oope, looks like that anon got banned.
i hope you get banned from breathing
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where I lived as a kid had loads of hares, they were cute but also kinda annoying bc they'd chew on the bark of apple trees damaging them, as well as just eat kale and lettuce from the garden. one would walk into our yard, not through the hedges like the others, but through the front gate like he owned the place. Sometimes they'd hold some kind of congregation and then there would be like 30 hares idly sitting around in the middle of the gravel lot the house was next to.

picrel is two of the creatures from last winter when I was visiting my parents.
Wowww, a congregation sounds amazing to witness. Thanks for sharing pic and story. It’s funny how destructive those little things can be. I have pet rabbits and they will chew everything - baseboard, MY BOOKS, anything paper/wood, cords, blankets, clothing. ugh lol
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Giwtwm on the right...
i hope they chew your gf and make her leave an abusive relationship
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These are the worst trousers iv even seen but it would be cute if you wore them..

I dodged a really bad financial decision too a week ago. Went to office store where they sell lots of cool stuff like paper and different pens and gadgets it was like a dream. They even had beautiful chairs which the salesperson tried to sell me.

Anyway sorry, there was a rucksack that cost 200 euros. I nearly got it. My body was stuck in front of it, i was looking at it, biting my thumb, weighing the pros and cons, i realized i dont need it but oh i WANTED it so much. I luckily had the willpower to stop myself, i stead i spent 50 euros on stuff i dont need that much, but its better than 200 euros.
Anyway the next day i was debating going back to the store and buying it.. luckily i didnt... god it was a gold rucksack... oof... finding the right rucksack is kinda like a a high tier quest, its arguably 100x more important than finding a wife or even a nice home. Since a rucksack is for LIFE.. so u want to buy the right one.

Ok anyway thanks for reading my blog ^^
U are basically a gay man stfu
tfw no cis gf who teases me about how her biological cis pussy is superior to my post op tranny imitation pussy while rubbing her pussy against mine
tfw no internalized transphobia gf to spank to tears and only then make her start counting for being mean to herself when she knows only i'm allowed to be mean to her.
i drive all my friends away...
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>plastic zip ties aren’t digging in my skin pinching it while she downs another bottle and continues laughing at me telling me about how I’ve got a whole lot more spit to swallow til she starts considering letting me free
Okay I guess I’ll just go back to bed because the waking world seems like shit anyways
Hahahaha. I really love you
i know this isn't directed at me because i just fucking drove her away last night like a fucking idiot and she probably has a gf anyway....
you suck.
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>tfw no gf that’s 10+ years older than and in a higher tax bracket who constantly “jokes” about you being a loser with no future and how you’re destined to just be her housewife forever so you should just give up on your dreams for her already
I wanna go back to bed, only slept for 6 hours and can’t fall back asleep
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>you didnt even max out your ira this year? What a stupid, worthless girl.
>I'm filing our dates as charitable donations to the mentally deficient to deduct them off my taxes, so you're sort of like a provider!
>just give up on trying to live without me
girl with a class difference fetish
what about a corpo girlboss gf that's a homeowner in her late 20s and on her way to being petit-rich but doesn't have a class/fin kink and will just dom you sexually like god intended? asking for a friend.
so glad my gf isn't a fetishist weirdo
suicidal loser gf x psychopathic gf who plots the perfect crime
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As a bpd. I understand why one would not want to date me.

My kind.. are kinda not really human...

Its just.. how should i say...
When you love someone, you want their love to be the way you love, no, rather you want it to be genuine love. But what is genuine love?
Something that goes black and white, wishy washy, extreme to none, flipping and flopping, doesnt seem like real love, it might not even be it.
Real love should be like a the indicator on a temperature gauge, it slowly rises, and slowly drops, thats rational. But bpd love is like the indicator on a pressure gauge, it rapidly goes to extreme bursting, to none at all, within minutes. I can understand why one wouldn't want that. Its natural to want stability.

Personally i too would not want to date bpd girls

I know this is controversial, but fickle love is not true love imho.

I know the teo cult bpd transbians will hate me for saying it. Its just my theory. I cant explain why yet
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gf that loves you and is nice to you
these fetishes are too unrealistic
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humblebrag friend haver
Me on the left
>friend haver
i don't have friends because i drove them all away cunt
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I deserve to be hated and abused!

I already got someone to be gay with but thanks for the offer. i bet you’re nice to hang around
you shouldn't blame yourself
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Dw, i didnt mean to reply to you. I meant to reply to the anon getting ghosted:
what the fuck is wrong with you why do you think me getting ghosted is funny
i wouldn't have made her hate me if i didn't fall asleep because i was sad and missed her call because of it
Oh god its a luz. Sorry nvm. I cant help you.
you were ghosted for missing one call?
two different people
You freaking lesbones
I'm literally Ari :(
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you all shit talk my misa pants but you're all dogs for a girl with that taste in fashion
hypocrites the lives you live
you're all doomed to fumble
I wouldn't say im a dog for the girl who wears misa pants. Id say she'd make a good dog tho
I really enjoy these throwing knives I bought didn't think id ever like this kinda stuff
im a wolf actually thank you
now im gonna go get monster and soap because i stink and im tired
Is throwing knives a valid form of combat? I tried it once and thought it was a meme since for the same amount of power you could penetrate someone using a throwing spear.
who are you fighting with a throwing spear or knives? wtf
Probably isn't a valid form of combat, I just throw it at a target. I can't imagine that if you miss they would just have your knife
i make one fucking friend that doesn't hate me and i fucking ruin it
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i keep hearing notification sounds :(
i tried turning off my phone and leaving it in another room but i still hear the notification sound coming from somewhere near me and i also feel a small vibration on my desk

all my efforts of getting hallucinations the past few months and all i get are imaginary spam notifications? wtf

i hope i'll be able to hear her soon...
can you post whiny vocaroos about it, those were always cute
vocaroo anon.... are you trying to datamine us
I need her.....
You wouldn't get it. I was born to lead battalions into combat, to fight at the vry front, encouraging my men to fight to their best. You wouldn't understand a warrior girl's heart..
5kg is too heavy for you
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H-how did u know its me.... grrrrr

Ok and iv moved up actually. I can curl 7-8 kg now with one arm. FEAR ME
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The first two are funny silly but that last one is actually insanely hot
That’s meeeeee :3
> but doesn't have a class/fin kink and will just dom you sexually like god intended?
I deserve to be dominated to the fullest extent of the definition, leave me with no room for myself to think I am greater in any category. Less than human :3
I save that for the IRL real life gf. I’m actually quite a softie, my gf tried spanking me once and I cried in her lap for twenty minutes saying sorry lol >>36602523
Yes anon, I agree, post vocaroos…
You are getting stronger like I knew you could. Good job and thank you for not giving up!!!
Why are u thanking me...? Do i know u..
>QOTT: Biggest fuckup you’ve had in your love life or other areas in life such as work?
How about the multiple times when I was lying in bed with a girl who wanted me but I didn’t make any moves sexually?
I dont know you, you're right. Thank you for reminding me.
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>cucked by the fear of being too forward or pushy
many such cases
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When I pushed my ex towards someone else, who she was admittedly interested in and probably more than me
Whoever u are i hope you're doing ok... plz dont send cryptic messages tho its schizo
you got the wrong anon i never posted vocaroos
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ah I thought it was luz/schizo
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Darn, well, you can always start now!
gf came out to me as a "bi lesbian"...
no that is me but i never posted whiny vocaroos just drunk/high karaoke
tfw no gf to go art supply clearance shopping with
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>tfw nobody ever asks me to post drunk karaoke
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New thread!!!!!
yeah, it was totally someone else crying about normal with your trip
Like how was I supposed to know what to do in a girl.

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