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previous: >>36584246
QOTT: What is your profession?

>Reminder: This gen is for estrogenized, male-presenting male-to-females (manmoders). All repressor-related or honmoder posts are considered off-topic and should be directed to other generals or threads.
professional bottom
sorry, ur being replaced :3
door to door canvassing. shit fucking sucks ppl r mean and i cry often.
Professional neet
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NEET, formerly
>IT nerd and developer/accountant
>weed seller
>video game tester
want to make my own game or go back to working in the vidya industry again but also
>the vidya industry
>especially right now
it was just my favorite job and I was really good at it and I like video games and being able to work from home and more or less pass off as a normal man unless I have to go on camera
neets beat my meat
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>QOTT: What is your profession?
im a software engineer

manmoder life is treating me rough.
i only leave the house to go to my doctors.
i fucking hate it iwnbaw i look so masculine it feels like i even masculinized on hrt and i look 10 years older than i am.
do you smoke or drink? that could be why
>What is your profession?
retail worker, loser, leech
i don't want to manmode anymore
honmoding is VALID
it's not safe
Well work hard and one day you can be a cute 40 yo woman!
okay just 20 more years of this hell to go!!!
Are you in africa or the usa
If you are in the usa shut up
thats tje spirit!
eastern europe
Valid excuse stay safe man
i'm going to kill myself
my gf is high key gonna leave me after she gets ffs
malefailed again today. jesus i need to honmode better
i need to stop manmoding
but my voice is bad, still bad facial hair shadow, bad figure/waist, face too mask, midface, etc

like my shadow make me want to kms ;_; i even try makeup (tbf, not great at it rn) but i seemingly cannot cover it up fully, the only way is making it way too thick/caked on...
Canada lets in like ten thousand million refugees every year just come to toronto buddy you can stay with me
color corrector?
they don't want eastern europeans, i'm not a refugee
i also don't wanna leave my mom in this hellhole, she is maybe the one person who i really care about
ive tried but i can still see it a bit...
i will never be socially female, at best i will be a man who claims to be a woman
better to be a feminine man with boobas
i want to stop manmoding but i am a 6'3" chad
The hottest tranny i ever met is 6’4
You won’t pass but if you are hot people will be really into you potentially
>you wont pass, but
stopped reading right there
whenever try on a dress, im reminded by how bad my body actually is
i can kinda look decent w/ pants & stuff. but once i try a dress... omg...
it kinda makes me want to cry
I own one dress and a couple of amazon skirts I bought when I was babytrans, or even pre-hrt... gigacringe
i got some kinda nice-ish dresses. but even still. i look... not good
I used to resell vintage clothes i have a whole rack of dresses some of them are very expensive
the one I own is a cheap halloween thing lmao the irony being I spent countless hours and idk how many thousands of dollars on finding and buying dresses and accessories and stuff for my ex forever ago, like days spent together would go into poring over and selecting one or finding the right place to import a certain ring or whatever from
omg try it on and post ass naow
it's too hot and I'm too cringe
My favorite sports bra is getting too tight and hurts should i commit suicide
time to start wearing normal bras
Time for binding tape desu i’m nervous
dont be silly
binding can hurt growth
i want to womanmode
not honmode
then do it faggot
I am bigger than size d and don’t pass so i have no choice
I literally have DD/E's
stop being silly
i wouldn't even count as a honmoder
i would count as a crossdresser
i do not look even like a trans woman
Is it really manmoding if i’m not concealing my breasts at all
yes? who cares
yes... im a manmoder
apparently everyone lol
it's so normal for real women to he addicted to animated porn
it's so normal for real women to jerk their dicks to femboy hentai
wait no im just a male that wants to he a woman cuz he finds them attractive
im just a gooner coomer AGP trooner on that weed, man
you should have a timer where ur blocked after a certain time when u become schizo
she/her pronouns for my dick, please. bitch, don't make say it again *sticks 9mm up your asshole*
Hello real women. Let my dick into your locker room. I'm a lesbian. Don't be a homophobe. No I'm not staring at you're titties.
i should have a timer where my head is exploded after a certain time when i become schizo
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everyone gather 'round. it's time for the rape circle. today, we punish the cisgender for what they did to as. transphobe: i sentence you to anal rape
I resent all of you
but most of all i regret all my previous posts
goodbye forever
kill yourself you fucking faggot you can't impersonate me. i never suibait. when i say something like "hopefully this post is my last" i just mean "hopefully i stop posting here and my future employer doesn't uncover my nudes and me saying nigger nigger nigger and threatening to rape and kill people while cumming everywhere" and you're just imitation me
faggot faggot faggot dsfgot
I WOULD NEVER HONMODE!!!!!!!!!!!?!! delete those pictures immediately or you'll be receiving anal rape and an emailed from my daddy's lawyer plus i fucked your bitch I AM NOT A HON I AM A CISGENDER MAN ON ESTROGEN RAPING AND PILLAGING VILLAGES BECAUSE I LOVE ASIANS I LOVE CURRY PUSSY I EAT RICE OUT DA YELLO PUSSI
im racist im racist i eacit im eacit im eacit im racit im racit im racist im racist im racitd im racistim racist im eacist im eacist im a racist colored a
who the fuck are you?? there's already 3 impersonators on this fucking thread i HATE YOU ALL STOP OR ILL SPAM GORE YOU FUCKING NIGGERS
kill yourself you can't pretend to be me no one beliefes you oe your onfuounded accusations YOU ARE FAT AND GAY
there is only you the inpersonatir and me the real raper
it's gore AND PORN you self-hating Jew
I drink from the goblet of gore, vomit AND PORN
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maybe this one isn't blue board friendly
im gonna go shower and wash all this cum off of me. im not spamming gore and porn for you. im not falling for the black male. that's illegal
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Library part time wage slave book shelver
>father got very drunk
>barely even walking
>walked in my room at 3:30, i asked him what's wrong, several times, he was quiet
is he going to kill me? wtfff
idk which of the many fake manmoders you are but if you are a small vulnerable person in a vulnerable position with someone you believe is prone to violence you should take steps to remove yourself from that situation

I got enough direct "orders" to leave the house and repeated escalating threats of and minor initiations of physical violence from both my parents that I freaked out and left - I'm quite certain that my father was going to swing on me, and then I'd have had to kill them both because I would not take that standing down and my mother (feral subhuman sack of shit and pus she is) would certainly attack me for defending myself and then things would quickly escalate out of control (she does not back down and I've watched the spineless slime I have the misfortune of calling my father physically RUN from her when she was in a rage)
Desu i would he/him honmode with plastic surgery but i am too ashamed
I hope he just falls asleep desu, I was helping him when he was puking up his guts
my parents won't really let me leave
especially if substances are involved you need to understand they can and will turn on you just for being what you are
they don't know I'm a tranny
well, are you sure? I mean maybe that's what it was about, and he just wanted to ask you or have a conversation but couldn't work up the nerve or is nervous about "losing you"
I am pretty sure, we had a big fight a few weeks back and he is still bitter at me
ok then why did you ask
>is he going to kill me? wtfff
I do not understand what you're saying
he walked into my room in the middle of the night and stood there for a minute in the dark
. . .
>a woman taking a picture of herself in a mirror, inspired by Cindy Sherman, reddit contest winner, succubus in sundress portrait, 8k selfie photograph, rebecca sugar, full - body - front - shot
aight anyway, gorespammer do your thing, let's just forget this all happened
Need a manmoder with a gun to hang out with
We can get drunk and then I’ll kill both of us <3
i want chudette to hit me
I talk mad shit and have a tendency toward expressing impulsively violent reactions but I am so absurdly averse to even the idea of actually hitting or otherwise physically hurting someone
just hold a blunt knife to my throat
I'm an engineer of sorts. I'm also high asf rn. I also have the most comfortable robe ever in the world it's fucking amaz I had cookies
i don’t think youre supposed to see bone right
go to a hospital
the moon is really pretty and I want to go for a walk to take a better look but it's so hot out still
so am i
I'm an ugly loner creep and I'll never be a woman but I'm in love with my body and the ways I've changed and I think that's all that matters
damn i still hate everything, could take or leave the gyno ig
i'm also in love with your body, please come closer :3
Should I jerk off to gay furry porn?
:/ not looking good
cried for 8 hours today, looks like a bruise under my eye. to cut or not to cut?
im about to crash out fr
I will starve today
I dont deserve food
I dontdeserve anything
I dont deserve to annoy everyone aroudn me with ym existance
Everyone wants to hurt me but they act kind but really they just hate me or are just pitying me
I dont NEED your pity
Fuck off
All of you
Why is everyone so kind to me when I talk to them but they never ever ever really care to talk to me or ask for my help or just say hi sometimes?
Abd when someone dies or is always do hollow and empty
I can’t connect
The people who like me I dint like back
And the people who I like hate me
Why am I like this
Everything sucks
I hate it
I hate ruining everything
I hate how the people I care about look up to others not me. I am so jealous. Abd I hate it. I hope she is ok. But I think she won’t be. And I hate myself for even being there. This is hell
Fuck you
Nothing matters
Kill yourself
If you are so stupid to want to cut keep it to yourself
Stupid attention whore
If you do however post unsee so i can laugh at you and possibly coom
>a young man wearing glasses and a denim jacket, low angle 8k hd nature photo, vitalik buterin, man in black suit, zdzisław, front facing camera, 1 6 years old, summer day, uncropped, without glasses, full body-n 9, looking to the right, black leather, shaved head, uniform, very handsome
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Im considering doing sex work as a transvestite, im unemployed, stupid and living in a transphobic shithole...
im turning 30 soon and want to kill myself
every once in a while i look at the reddit r/translater and it pretty much confirms that i should just do it
it's so over
has anyone ever passed or been even remotely good looking transitioning after 30? genuine q
i'm 20 and i don't pass even though i staryed hrt at 19
if i were attention whoring i would include my face or my scars, i'm just venting bc everything sucks. i'll post my bloodied thighs for you next time weirdo. i'm sure you're sm better than me with no issues or destructive behavior of your own so enjoy the laugh
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Mfw the early 20s youndshit passoid fren with an it career and life experience tells my old khhv neanderthal brainrotted ass not to kms and to just get ffs
Kill yourself diseased rat
>be manmoder
>get dress
>cant wear outside
... c'est la vie
Some ppl do. I used to use the 'just too old' cope until I saw tons of 40+ mogged me
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It's manmode because I don't pass
>Reminder: This gen is for estrogenized, male-presenting male-to-females (manmoders). All repressor-related or honmoder posts are considered off-topic and should be directed to other generals or threads.
You first
Sorry that things suck but posting about self harm can trigger other people
repgen is such a shithole, can i just rep here instead (i mean this thread is a shithole too, but still)
i'll buy my pills, i promise
(and then i'll just hide it in my drawer and let it rot there for 2 years, like last time)
go away
i manmode because i dont pass... :(
https://unsee cc/album#4IYLomOyMFa0
don't leave me alone with that christcuck, please
seriously just start hrt
you know ur regretting repping. i regretted it too
just make the change you know you need to
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take your pills, and report the christcuck for offtopic
this obviously isn't the manmode general anyway it's whoever wants to post I guess, honmoders passoids and reppers, just anyone who isn't actually a manmoder which is why I'm leaving forever
just troon out and manmode
as long as you manmode while out, ur a manmoder...
Nobody wants to see your hon pictures
Being ugly doesn’t qualify you for Manmoder Status it’s offensive that ugly people come here and think its where they belong because they are ugly
clip interrogator called me handsome
should mmg just be repgen 2.0? is it already? or should mmg be a waiting room for people planning to girlmode/honmode or other anyway?

it doesn't seem like there's terrible negativity toward femininity in general here but then you get passoids in dresses with voices they trained for years and babytrans living their best lives as women with a supportive environment telling you they're the exact same as you, a six foot tall man with a man's voice and a male demeanor and presentation and no inclination or plan to transition more than medically/hormonally

I hate this, it seems like on this board at least people have just integrated the word as an insult like hon and used it for ANY kind of mtf (even never-HRT reppers) who are unattractive and then BDD attentionseeking retards thrive on the resulting friction and available surface area to generate more attention while also squeezing out and putting down the people who started the space or terminology to begin with

I don't know anymore
I don't know what I am, I just know that I like being a dude on hormones and I really don't relate to pretty much any of you
It’s so fucking over bros

Quality Control in manufacturing
i mean it's not gonna change anything, i'll just turn from a repping man to a repping man with cone tits
but oh well
yeah, back in the days when i was in my "im tired of being a repper and i want to do something" episode and i was sitting here mostly, it was kinda the same lol
if it doesnt change anything, then might as well try
cause if youre wrong, youll beat yourself up later
i'm only manmoding temporarily
where is hrtgen when you want to ask a question
but oh well
not today satan, i guess, gonna live to rep another day
Being a hon isn’t a good time would not recommend
Post ass baby
describe it
Its cringe when people try to gender you female out of politeness you can tell it is awkward for everyone involved
Getting clocked in girlmode is the most embarrassing thing ever it makes you feel like a dummy
The stares are a lot to deal with too regardless of how good or bad you look
i mean, most manmoders eventually just either repress or honmode, that's just how it is
also why i guess you see simillar people both in mmg and repgen
you again
make the thread retard
tfw no one to hold onto when thunder shakes everything and the power goes out
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Do I pass
i hate being 6'1
hairline tattoos seem really dangerous desu it would be very depressing to get balder but having a reminder of what once was
mogs me
sex with lari
Sex with Larry
sex with larissa
>buy a year pass for a place
>10 months later still haven't gone even once
I need to do something differently
should I save for SRS or FFS first?
non-op rapehons need not reply
Say no to genital mutilation don't fall for the meme
save for legal euthanasia instead
How strong is your bottom dysphoria? If it's strong to the point of making you want to kys, then SRS, otherwise FFS. FFS is just better all around unless your bottom dysphoria is actually through the roof.
it's pretty strong, maybe even stronger than for my face really, there is nothing I can do about it but I can do things about my face
Are you willingly manmoding? Or just a Boymoder?
nty I like my cock therefore you called me a rapehon therefore no u kys
I'm 30, I'm a grown ass man, there's no "boymoding" for me.
willfully committed manmoder from the time I started HRT at 30
boymoder if my posture was better
These are all stupid terms who cares
I take hrt and don't ask people to call me she
>you want to be a woman
>want to be feminine
>yet like the ONE part that is inherently masculine and meant for a specific purpose
Idiot cutting off your penis will not make you any closer to being female
>it's pretty strong, maybe even stronger than for my face really, there is nothing I can do about it but I can do things about my face
Well if it's stronger than for your face, I guess go for SRS. My face made me totally spiral so I got FFS first (well, I got an orchi before then but that's mostly because I felt like my balls were poisoning me with T and wanted them gone).
it will make me not have a penis, which makes me less masculine and I will feel more comfortable
Maybe if i have the doctor reshape my penis into a massive gash i will feel more feminine uwu
Trans women with penises are MEN
you are retarded
Desu the srussy looks like a Cronenberg horror
And you have no uterus or anything it's just a dead end
Idk that would make me even more dysphoric
stop browsing /pol/
Never been to pol, formed this opinion over years of contemplating SRS and realizing how ludicrous the surgery is in actuality
you're just retarded
There is nobody like me here desu
People like me either honmode or kill themselves
Maybe i should have just became a drag queen instead
>everyone's gender dysphoria has the same
>you shouldn't even try if you don't do it the way I want you to
kill yourself now, gatekeeping pickme trash
manmode is about defying norms and refusing to conform for its own sake
you kill yourself too, FAGGOT, take your garbage back to repgen you worthless sack of shit
Trooning at 30 is a death sentence
trooning at 30 is the only reason I'm not dead right now
>take your garbage back to repgen you worthless sack of shit
Was literally making fun of the person who implied you're faketrans but whatever.
it's not logical
yeah by engaging in the exact same shit he did and saying no actually it's the other ones who are the bad ones

How? Been on hrt for a year now and all I have to show for it is some mild gyno. There is no way I will ever be anything but a man. While repping I was numb. Being on hrt has made me more dysphoric than ever
>the other ones who are the bad ones
You stupid idiotic retard there are no "good" or "bad" sides. Anyone can get the surgery if they want just don't shame others for not getting it................
what makes that not logical? you were safely separated from reality and your emotions by dissociating, and now you're not, because you're facing and dealing with reality

welcome to hell, shit sucks, do something to try and make it better if you care (just like you did with HRT)
for me it's been a way to go on living as a man, and even in my 5th year things are still changing and the way I feel about myself and my body continues to change
>just don't shame others for not getting it
ok fine then I agree with you but it seems like you were going the polar opposite angle to what he said and saying if you do get it you're faketrans or it's a scam or whatever

if I live long enough and have my life together enough I want to keep my gock but get a srussy
I just don't like some hon telling me i am less feminine for not wanting my genitals operated on; is nothing i'd like more than a family and to be a mom It's so cringe
how can i improve my dissociation technique?
i want to make my dissociation last indefinitely
you like having a cock
and you don't get to decide that makes someone more or less "valid" as a tranny, dumbass
why not? I am using logical reasoning.
If you hate masculinity, you will hate your penis. Because it is the most masculine part of you!
>I am using logical reasoning.
no, you're not, and having to state that before your argument is a sure sign of that

>If you hate masculinity
what does that have to do with being trans? people have all kinds of different tastes and preferences for themselves and toward others
>you will hate your penis
and if someone does hate masculinity, why would they?
>Because it is the most masculine part of you!
by whose definition?

you're just piling a bunch of assumptions into a preloaded "interrogative" statement that implicitly assert a reality and context with no backing for the purpose of an argument or agenda
i'm a lazy moid neet with bitch-tits. the only feminine thing about me is my diseased femcel brain.
>what does that have to do with being trans?
If you like masculinity, how can you be a trans woman?
>people have all kinds of different tastes and preferences for themselves and toward others
Yes! Not everyone is trans!
>and if someone does hate masculinity, why would they?
The penis is a trait which is associated with men. The average man has a penis. The average woman has a vagina. Men tend to naturally develop masculine features. Women tend to naturally develop feminine features. Thus, masculinity is associated with men and feminity is associated with women. And then penises are associated with masculinity and vaginas associated with femininity.
As we are socialized to understand penises as masculine, any person who hates masculinity will hate masculine things on themselves, like penises!
>you're just piling a bunch of assumptions into a preloaded "interrogative" statement that implicitly assert a reality and context with no backing for the purpose of an argument or agenda
This is just your opinion.
My penis is very feminine, skill issue
why are you here?
same, my throbbing 7" manmoder ladydonger is the epitome of femininity idk what this guy's issue is
oh yes
my childhood friend talked to me like i was stupid
she asked me if i have friends
do i really look artistic? i just look strangely youthful for my age
I’m a fine autist
i think i'm going to wander off into the woods carrying nothing but a gun with one bullet
it seems like kind of a nice way to go I guess, but personally I've just got a lot more stuff I could potentially want to see or do despite everything and I'm also a huge coward
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>i just look strangely youthful for my age
I may never pass as a woman but at least I can look like an emaciated arrested development teenage eboy forever
well not forever you'll eventually start developing chudlines with age
I had my chudlines as a little kid... it was always over
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>Literally already me
mine come out when my face dries up, if i stay moisturized and drink a lot of water they disappear. i'm probably fucked in a few years
I swear people treat me like I'm stupid or something now too. They already treated me sort of that way before transitioning because I look young for my age and sorta faggy and I didn't really act like a man but it's even more of a thing now I think. I'm guessing it's just because I look younger and more effeminate, especially because gendered interactions are different now, like men include me in groups less and women include me more
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too real
noticed the same as well, people i haven't met in a long time don't see how old i really am haha
woman at a restaurant a year ago
>could you stop just standing there? use the kiosk to order and sit down *glares and walks away*
woman at same restaurant last week after hrt and andro clothing
>omg hi do you need help with the kiosk? come here i'll show you how to use it! yeah don't worry people get confused all the time. you can choose drinks here for everyone blah blah blah okay choose a table anywhere and enjoy your meal!
men are standoffish though yeah. i was like you and very faggy pre hrt but in a way that icked women more i guess. i haven't had a rude interaction since
i look like this and say this
oh they found dale's voice actor face-down in a bathtub a year ago under somewhat unusual circumstances... now I feel kind of bad but isn't that like the perfectly suspicious way to go?
>noticed the same as well, people i haven't met in a long time don't see how old i really am haha
I've had people comment stuff like, "wow, I didn't recognize you!"
Yeah, people are nicer to me now for sure. More polite to me and more forgiving and willing to help and stuff. It's so weird being in this state where I'm like a youthful looking man-woman thing, like people call me male words but don't treat me like a man at all. There are guys younger than me that get treated more like men and men will call me stuff like "buddy" it feels weird as hell.
what do they mean when they call me buddy, this happens a lot
don't worry about it, buddy (I get this a lot too it kills me)
they want to call you faggot but can't hence buddy. i mostly get it from middle age men.
>what do they mean when they call me buddy, this happens a lot
I think it would be funny to leave you wondering and fuck with you but I'll be nice... But >>36609609 best me to it. Yeah they're calling you a faggot. It's a diminutive, like what a father would call his 6 year old son. They can't get away with actually calling you a faggot but they can say buddy.
damn my depression must not be that bad huh
i should just get over it
happy birthday s
Ahhh, another night of staying up too late staring in the mirror wanting to cry about how I look like a creepy crossdressing gay vampire with long hair and boobs
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it doesn’t really matter anymore because weight loss is so easy if youre punishing yourself. if i couldn’t enjoy my best years at a healthy weight i can at least be skinny when i kill myself. goal weight really isn’t enough anymore i need to make up for all the years i was sedentary and fat. GOD THIS IS SO EASY AND FEELS SO GOOD
i can literally sh all day under the guise of productivity and still feel results because what? im getting skinnier? LMFAOOO WHAT ARE U GONNA DO ABOUT IT
being hungry feels soo good when you know you’re actively eating away at muscle
i love doing errands on an empty stomach i love drinking water and feel it hit my bowels
i love going to sleep hungry because i feel like it’s a justified punishment
i love watching ocky way videos and pretending that food is going into my stomach while i don’t get a single calorie
no one will ever know god why didn’t i do this earlier this is better than meth
how do i tell if i'm a madmoder or a boymoder? I look in the mirror and see a man but other people tend to describe me as boyish rather than manly
you don’t get to choose
but anyways >25 is manmoder
it's based on age? how old you are or when you started hrt?
This mindset is how I can quit drug addictions, I like the suffering of withdrawals, I feel like I deserve it. Sometimes I want to cut but I don't do it.
I don't know either, I'm almost 30 and I present male so boymoder feels wrong to say since I'm old but people told me I can't call myself a manmoder because I do malefail decently often. I think I see a man in the mirror too so it feels weird every time someone looks at my face and then calls me miss or whatever.
both? i was being kinda facetious
i mean if youre being treated like a boy then youre a boymoder but if you actually look like(taller than 5’8, huge shoulders, linebacker build, heavy beard) a man and are treated as such by other people then thats the real difference
sorry i had some beer
>taller than 5'8
>huge shoulders
they sure seem huge but i've never measured them
>linebacker build
I'm an ectomorph I think
>heavy beard
I shave everyday
idk it still sounds like a boymoder anyways
you said people treated you like a boy
For me, it seems like people either treat me like a gay boy and handle me with kids gloves or act sort of dismissive or whatever or see overly polite and sweet to me or sometimes they'll think I'm a woman but I know I'm not really passing and I present male and I'm old so boymoder is too weird of a thing to call myself
I see. thank you anon. maybe it's not over yet
>shoulders look big even with my height
>auschwitz build
>could never grow a beard but the hair leaves a very dark shadow
>i can at least be skinny when i kill myself
my line was "my entire life has been a joke so i want to at least look good in a coffin" and i feel it worked for me most days
that is so julia
don't do this (especially if you're an alcoholic like me) it fucks with your guts if you starve too often or long
i know ive already fucked my biome i think though. am also an alcoholic but mostly to sleep
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>traveling to see my dad in a few days
>still haven't bought a bra or binder
It's over I'm gonna get found out kms
i don’t think i can trust anyone
so masculine even other trans women can't tell i'm on E
Literally kicked out for being fake trans
Literally faked out for even attempting to be friendly with other trannies
i wish i could regenerate upon death so i could brutally kill myself in front of random people
trans women are real women. that's why i spent four hours mastubator to rainbow dash rule 34 and came twice. my favorite tags are dickgirl, cunnilingus, full color, rape, yuri, and lolicon. just like a real lesbian, i jack off my smelly dick and hairy balls up to five times a day. i enjoy licking my own salty precum and i especially find pleasure in its sticky and gel-like texture
hello i am one third the way through my entire life and I've never gotten a degree or a job. I've never sustained a real romantic romance for a year or more. I've never been engaged, or owned any type of vehicle. I've never had a driver's license. i never learned a second language. i just sit around fingering my ass and then licking my own fingers while fantasizing about raping my one and only friend, an innocent cisgender lesbian who doesn't know that im a sex criminal on drugs that mastubates in public and doesn't care because im so fucking high right now. fuck all of you faggots im raping you in the ass for humiliating me by forcing me to grow breasts. and it wouldn't be gay because im just pretending to be gay for attention since im mentally ill. also raping is manly and heterosexual and you're the faggot for being so cute and submissive that i just had to anally rape you and give you aids. i hope you die a painful death from anal bleeding because you deserve it for hugboxing me and telling me im a girl on the inside when in reality i am the ultimate male rapist, sexual predator, rampant misogynist, and stinky butt (because i am heterosexuality i do not shave my hairy manly male anus, so poop gets stuck to the hairs and it stinks)
wipe your ass after you shit methschizo
i fucking love watching rainbowdash molest derpy's innocent little retarded pussy. she's such a cute lesbian with a horsecock especially when she sexually abuses an individual clearly affected by a disability
dissociation is good
i actually prefer to shower after i shit so instead of killing trees i can just finger my disgusting asshole clean in the shower. what im saying is i do wipe my ass, but only on my fingers which i then place director into my mouth. also that cis lesbian friend of mine? i just rememebered she isn't real and is just another of my misogynist sexual fantasies that epitomizes make rape culture. im sorry women. and im sorry disabled people for calling you retarded and fantasizing about touching your tight little pussies and how cute it would be that you'd be too scared and confused to understand or fight what's happening. i don't really have schizophrenia. i was just pretending to have schizophrenia because im mentally ill. you have schizophrenia for assumptions i have schizophrenia, plus you are fat and gay, and im raping you
i am so masculine that i have sex with trans women and then beat them up. the police never arrive fast enough. and by the time they do arrive the bitch is always long gone.
well you do literally dress like a man you retarded faggot. you know what trans is short for? transvestite. so put on the sissy panties and bend over bitch. im spanking your cute little butt for being a silly naughty little girl
i want to cut myself open in front of my father so he gets to watch all my organs fall out. i fantasy about him mindbreaking and trying to put them back in and fix me as if there were any hope..him holding me and maybe even holding my wound to keep my guts from slipping out. i love attention
most of them were dressed in manmode/boymode
i look like steven universe's dad
and they still rejected you? why me? why always me? is it my big nose? or is it because they can tell i secretly want to suck their cute boymoder foreskins? or is it that i don't voicetrain and don't shave my legs and don't shave my armpits and never finished laser and still have beard shadow and have male interests like porn and computers and racism. even other manmoders hate me you're right everyone rejects me
>i don't voicetrain
>don't shave my armpits
>and never finished laser and still have beard shadow
This desu
kill yourself
now lie down and rot like the rest of us you not-like-other-manmoders attention seeker. the only attention seeking should be done by me. everyone look at me right now. watch me spread my cheeks and stare directly at my hairy asshole because it turns me on
I said I dont do those things
Effort into not looking like shit isnt honmoding thats when you dres in girly clothes put on makeup and do nothing else
effort=escape from honmoding
why aren't rangebans a thing. all these years and they still can't ban me? it's because they want me to keep posting. this shit evidence up in the court. the FBI is after me from all that can't be seen. black guns black helicopters big black dicks
you are not that important
i am that annoying though, right?
*grabs u by the pussy*
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i want to suck your tits and break your neck and drink your blood
if a man can identify as a woman why can't i identify as lesbian rainbowdash with a horsecock? sorry, i didn't mean identify. i meant legally, socially, and metaphysically be rainbowdash simply by virtue of wanting to. because that's the logic of transgenderism. i, mean, fuck. i can just identify as a 16-year-old black girl. i can fuck cats. i can do whatever the fuck i want. according to radical transgender ideologies i can just use meowself neopronouns and shit in a litterbox like a cat
if another teenage lesbian refuses fo be raped by my veiny thriving penis, im shooting up an elementary school because transphobia is literally worse than racism
i spammed gore and porn in /lesgen/, /mtfg/, /mmg/
even the cis gay and chaser thread
please rangeban my whole fucking zipcode or im hitting another gay bisexual bitch right in her fucking face and telling her she's a gay fat slut
i have multiple HOSTAGES they're all fatass bi girls who were abused and children
eat da poo poo like ice cream
Take Your Schizo Meds, Faggot. Take Your Schizo Meds, Faggot. Take Your Schizo Meds, Faggot. Take Your Schizo Meds, Faggot. Take Your Schizo Meds, Faggot. Take Your Schizo Meds, Faggot.
I'm ittle and short
>newfriend doesn't know the auto-permaban words
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child pornography
moot is a newfag
the surgeon
i feel so good. i cry every 15 minutes
the normal amount of suicidal thoughts per day is >50
clocked a tranny
wonder if she clocked me, i think she was a boymoder
fantastic! surgeon is inspired
I am deliberately and painfully, almost cripplingly, grounded and bluntly straightforward in my rational process and assessment of things, yet I read my horoscope every day and regularly get tripped up into a sobbing mess or ball of nerves lashing out at people

emotions are weird
hormones are weird
people are weird
i love horoscopes too desu i just pretend not to
I bumped into a cute tall twinkhon in public yesterday and I was so embarassed, I kind of wanted to say something but I have short hair and look like a teenage man so I just looked away and stammered sorry in my man voice

I was wearing the boymoder hoodie too, they almost definitely clocked me
same worstie
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my face belongs on a mugshot not on a person who takes estrogen
same, I unironically look like a war criminal
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I look like this
Tfw no nosferatu bf
im gonna get 5150d in the next few weeks aren’t i
looking cute today, chudette
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thanks bro
i don't want to be 40 by the time i can afford ffs
my name is methschizo and i'm here to say
i want to rape lesbians in a major way
so i went to passgen...
i realized i will never be like any of them ever
not even with all of the surgeries possible
that's about the timeframe I'm looking at for realistically being able to get ffs or srs if I even want either, and if I don't die on the streets or get hatecrimed or an hero first
i am going to explode.
the norwood reaper came for me.
i can relate to the an hero thing but at the same time i do want to live, i am scared of death, i just don't want to live as a manmoder (or a honmoder)
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I think I'm just sticking around because there are still things to laugh at
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this does not inspire laughter
i can’t make it until my birthday the solution is too easy to access so that’s keeping me sane until then but i need to clear everything up before i go
what happened to ioonix and durian?
suppressing feelings for someone for 6 months is unsustainable how the fuck am i supposed to do this for the rest of my life
I had a mental breakdown and ruined everything around me before removing myself from the equation entirely and self-isolating indefinitely, I don't recommend that approach it sucks
got it i just have to remove myself then
not necessarily, but I would say sustaining that kind of constant emotional damage is not good or easy either way, and you should take care toward the feelings of the people around you as well as your own in trying to handle it in a mature way that doesn't rely on assumptions or emotional reactions
getting an AIDS tattoo so they know not to rape me in prison
and i have to remind myself
that i can't go outside and touch myself
cuz "that's bad" and the cops'll prolly come get me. u kno y? cuz we-
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>im a software engineer
Omg i thought it was hilarious
i want to kiss chudette on her shiny bald head
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it would be extremely painful
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it was only ever very slow recovery on E to begin with (plus diffuse thinning over time) and fin made it all all out, but I do think it's getting noticeably better now
cute butch alert
im moaning the nigger word while goooning to sonic, rainbowdash, & pikachu
my dick under the park bench in a tranny's mouth spurting AIDS down her tight throatussy like a real cute lesbian
and while she's sucking on my dick, y'all kno im sucking on that crack pipe
only stimulants make my shenis blast right
cum so hard it squirts out her nose
and she's only 14 you already kno
don't get jealous i get good trans pussy from homeless trans kids who were abused and rejected by xyr parents and
i wish a pedophile was there for me to improve my childhood with drugs and sex
where were the tranny pedos when i needed them? age 13 i was looking for the cocaine and the girlcock
i need a 31 year old with a girly pink glock to stick it up my ass and rape me while i cry and puke
only rape and child love puts me in a good mood

hate how faggy i look now
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>a close up of a person sitting on a couch, very long and unkempt hair, non-binary, wide angle photo, slender boy with a pale, tired and haunted expression, messy bedroom, heavy brow, craigslist photo, f22, somewhat androgenic, please do your best, scowling, light source on left
can i tell u something
u look like a woman
don't you EVER click on any of these links for free loli shota furry guro and shock images
don't you EVER click on any of these links and goon to loli shota furry guro and shock images online free
hollow out that penis with a corkscrew
blood everywhere
rape little kittens
behead that jewish rat
don't you EVER click that link. those images aren't shocking enough to be worth your time. real niggers goon to videos of babies being dropped on their heads by clumsy priests <3
i want to give methschizo a smegma cleaning blowjob
I want him to kill himself
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>please do your best
you have to keep on going anon
me every hot day this summer
also just in general
why is it all furry? this is so basic
it's back to leftover taco bell
it's back to the barnyard
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I have no choice, for my situation it's such an optimal option by too many metrics
just buy a rice cooker you fat bitch

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