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last thread >>36594571
qott what is your favourite non alcoholic drink when you're feeling down
Do you have a female soul?
Coke Zero

Paige heart to heart here how do I get over Matt?
o hey mtfrens
do u think it makes sense to kys if the world would be better without u
not me :(
The world doesnt give the remotest shit whether you are in it or not. It is not made any better or any worse. Hope this helps.
Life goes on with or without you.
probably coffee
if the person looking for the peggle playing white woman a few days ago is here I wanted to say sorry because I intentionally said something weird to try to end the conversation. something you said reminded me of stuff and it upset me (and that's not your fault) and the way I went about it was incredibly rude and childish. so I would like to apologize
maybe the world doesn't care, but also maybe it's selfish for me to continue to be alive knowing the trouble it causes others
The concept of a soul is essentially the same as dualism so nah I don’t even think I have a soul at all tbqdesu
you're too young and pretty to be so dark, it doesn't suit you
I'm neither young nor pretty
maybe if i had figured everything out idk 10 years earlier
>Paige heart to heart here how do I get over Matt?
you are asking the absolute worst person in the world, im obsessively in love with a man who hasn't spoken to me or communicated with me in years

probably but gl actually doing it
I just feel sad about it. I just want a man in my life
>3 mtfg threads
get it together
Try watching War Wagon featuring John Wayne and Kirk Douglas
what is sex appearance?
>my current plan to ask Endo Abt science and do more anti trans events?
what? is this google translated?
fake laf
What's that about?
you need to post a pic if you want to know if you pass
>I don't wanna spend time here anymore
why not? its great here!
i'm pretty close to giving up. i'm blasian, so every discussion with any trans circle is very subtle-y or (sometimes directly) racist, which is compounded by the fact i don't have any genuine friends - all of the people i considered Friends only value me for entertainment and the art i make and will outright mock or dismiss me if I address any sort of problem at all - and all of the people i can have genuine conversations with either don't share my interests or are chasers and will stop talking to me with any sort of respect as soon as they find out that they can't use my body for their needs.
i feel like i have literally no one, and it's getting harder to not just break down and cut everyone off and make it worse for myself. i really feel like even One real, genuine friend I share interests with would fix me and give me the support i need to become my ultimate self, but any attempt to make new ones ends inevitably in them not taking interest in me
they're transporting an iron wagon full of gold across the wild west and everyone is trying to hijack it
I think you might be spending too much time on 4chan if you see this much racism everywhere.

This place is not exactly a great place to make non-racist friends i'm gonna be real with you.
i can be ur friend but im white so idk if ur cool with that
video then
Throwing knives is really fun makes me wanna play a war game or something but I don't have any war games
I have no soul.
for me, it's a chocolate malt
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I have the soul of a klingon.
You're good. I know it's hard to apologize (it is for me at least).
I wish you the best.
there's no way to tell absolutely because you can't mind read, you can only live your life and guess if the people gendering you correctly are doing it out of pity or not
yeah iktf
maybe stop dating transmen, that should help at least

that sounds nice
i just got some sparkling grape juice since it's too hot out for hot chocolate, but in the right weather it's definitely great

are you good at throwing knives?
absolute worst character in the series, worse than neelix even
no i just bought them today lol
as long as you're enjoying it, that's what matters
>very honest feedback
> anti trans people, or blackpiller MTF raters
seeing bellana get romanced my and start a family w Tom awakened smth in 9 yo me :/
her and seven of nine, i wanted to be a space girl so bad
wish you the best too, thank you.
fruity cocktails they let the anxiety go down softly
Yeah itz really fun
anti trans people that are actively anti trans regularly label cis people as being trans
blackpilled mtfs say no mtfs pass

Yus. We shall become the klingon ladies! (though my fav would be to become a cardassian lady)
>blackpilled mtfs say no mtfs pass
this is true though
even the best passers still just look like men who look like women, like laf for example who looks like a passing transwoman
idk if i ever saw a female cardassian actually desu
were there any in ds9??
a chocolate malt is a milkshake where they add malted milk powder
I'm an antitrans person

Yes. DS9 was where most of the cardassians are.
well, yeah, but it's not really just a 4chan thing. i've tried joining twitter circles, the scarce irl circles in my really homophobic southern state, even a hugbox at one point, all of them i've had really awkward experiences which made me not want to return or when talked to about it they'd either immediately concede which didn't help me gather their mindset on why they did the thing or they'd just double down and keep saying 'it's just a joke' after they randomly referenced said they'd agent orange me or something

true! but i'm really awkward and i find this a better place to vent to a lot of other queer folk

sure, i don't know why i wouldn't be?
oh i had no idea then

just accept that you look like a plasticy passing transwoman
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I think you're full of shit, but i aint your momma. Enjoy hell.
honestly whenever i see star trek nowadays i just think of he who shall not be named

When i think of voldemort i feel like the he who shall not be named thing was lame from the jump.
r u mira?????
anya what does it concern you?
lol well ik that much
controversial opinion but i quite liked Star Trek Enterprise, for the first one or two seasons anyways
tho my fav will always be tng, with tos following close second

As long as nobody says picard is their favorite. Whoever says picard, i say we vaporize them and pretend they retired in risa.
picard was whatever, i feel bad for all the boomer og star trek fans who like the reboot slop
they're too innocent for the likes of paramount :/
my mum liked star trek a lot, mainly bc of shatner
I swear to God if i see one more shit trek post
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do not reply to me


lol who could blame her
what i want to know is why did kirk's shirt rip so damn much
did they know what they were doing
sure they made some chicks have a nerd fetish, but at what cost? countless gays lusting after a space captain of their very own....
Another one blocked
ascendance of the bookworm is a good anime but i feel like the author has never read a history book and doesn't understand how technology actually evolved at all and it kills my suspension of disbelief
Oh wow. Does anyone else love star trek?
Blocked also
did you ever watch the show Connections?
it's absolutely fantastic if you like hearing about that sort of stuff
My cock is getting sore from cumming so much.
What did you cum to so much that it hurts?
star trek used to be peak cosy when i was a kid :33
i liked how ever ep was smth different, a new planet, a different settlement etc
even w the limited special effects they had access to, they did so much
think of a modern show that does a different setting and side characters every ep
there's none
80s TV did it better and there's just no comparison
I should watch it
ok scratch that I'll admit the dr who reboot came close
kefir if I'm being so real

Am I a freak for buzzing my hair and finding it incredibly hot when whomever I'm sleeping with runs their hands over my head while we have sex. It's just so good.

I did shave it again recently and I think the difference between a 3 and a 2 made me look a lot worse tbqh. I still kinda love it.
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time for sleep
hoping for no nightmares
I like Star Trek but I don't like doctor who
I'll personally haunt you in your dreams
>still debating if I should transition
>constant thoughts of suicide

is it to late?
better than my dad honestly

no u can always commit suicide
Things like "poor people don't have paint" is just such an ahistorical detail i was immediately taken out of the show for like the next two episodes
It's never too late. Like some people get on hrt and look good in their 50s—they just look like 50 y/os. 26 ain't bad
Impregnating milfs.
stop killing people
im not
you need to think of it as a live action children's cartoon
I just wanna be happy honestly and constantly debating getting on hrt isn’t helping…
I hope you're doing well. I love you. I wish we were together.
get on it if it'll make you happy. Life will be harder in a lot of ways, but it's worth it. I've been on hrt for 2 years and wouldn't dream of going back
i want to be impregnated :/
you killed mira
why were the daleks running a secret society on earth? who cares! ahh! it's the daleks! now the plot is doctor vs daleks.
how many times will paige confuse nomi for mira
Is it ok to get on hrt while being underweight?
i liked dr who
don't u think the idea of an alien who loves humans and takes humans down on their luck as his traveling companions to go on adventures through space and time is fun...
i wish the doctor would show up in my life and take me to a time when things weren't so stressful
no its illegal. eat a donut twigy
time for sleep for real
said good night to my dog
he's so cute he decided to sleep on the couch tonight so i got to go say goodnight and give him a belly rub
plot twist. nomi is a time lord stranded here
But won’t it affect your breast growth etc
more like a gay lord
lol of course it will. your body needs new fat to put in the girl places
more like a child rapist
paige isnt a child
:3 doggies r so sweet and precious
we're so lucky that creatures as evil as ourselves get to have such loyal companions
post that foot pic and I'll tell you. im feeling loosy goosy right about now
The only problem is if I start hrt people around me would notice if I start growing breasts…
>Do you have a female soul?
I'm really not sure I do, I feel like I'm just a faggy effeminate autistic dork on hormones. I don't think I pass either but I don't really know. I'm so tired...
omg ur literally me
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good night for real this time im not anxious about sleeping im just uhhh uhhhhhhh uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I think you're just doubting yourself mid journey.
wow you actually have really big feet for your height
>omg ur literally me
Agony :(
My anxiety and self image problems have been really bad recently, stressing myself sick and I keep wondering how much I look like a man or how ugly I look
>I think you're just doubting yourself mid journey.
It could be that, I don't know, it's just driving me crazy. I'm about a year and a half in and I do malefail often without blatantly girlmoding (I do boymode but I push the envelope kinda hard) but I feel grossssss
I wear like a women's 12-13 and finding shoes is annoying as hell
I think it's time for you to transition
those fred flintstone feet looked bigger than sz 8.5 to me
I wear size 12
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SMT V Vengeance is really fun so far !
is it true? has our queen returned?!
nobody passes, endos are dumb, and you're asexual.
I'm telling you what you already know and what you cannot be convinced otherwise of.
when i lay my camera on my balls do you think my fbi agent imagines the smell?

"Endocrinologists are often key healthcare providers for people who are transgender. But about a third of endocrinologists are unwilling to care for patients who are transgender, and less than half say they feel at least somewhat competent in providing that care, said Dr. Michael Irwig, who surveyed the doctors at an endocrinology meeting last year."

I do

whos ur favorite doctor

limited experience. theres probably not a lot of money in just providing hrt either
I hope you're doing good, I heard you have a boyfriend. I'm so happy for you.
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It's good you're away from here.
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>He told Reuters Health there could be a number of reasons for doctors refusing to see transgender patients, including prejudice, lack of understanding and not feeling competent in providing the needed care.
>More training and experience may help improve healthcare access, said Irwig.
that was 8 years ago talking about updating then 7 year old 2009 guidelines. things r probably quite different now yeh.
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i think i have to kms soon im so gucking ugly i got a new phone with a super good camera and im an actual fucking ogre and im only getting older im really going to do it im not okay i wish i can be happy with being ugly but i fant im vain and i shouldn't be
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they got a special way of making us feel so damn ugly sometimes.
wish i had tarkov tbdesu
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yeah this is basically my life too. i was gonna do it when i turned 30 but snew keeps telling me ffs cud fix me so i'm still alive somehow even tho i'm never gonna afford ffs lol.
only reason im still alive. my insurance pays for it but the waitlist is two years from now
ill be 33 fuck that they can't fix me
i legitimately wish someone would quickly end my life just fucking shoot me in the back of my head let me go please im done
No I'm an anon from a long time ago who just happened to pop back in here. Where are working now?
I always tried to be nice to you when you were at Starbucks, I know you hated it.
i started saving for ffs when i graduated 5 years ago and i got to 90% of my goal but sadly the prices have nearly doubled since i set my original goal. kinda hard to see the point in going on + now i'm also unemployed.
would be merciful if someone could just drop like a heavy object from a construction site to obliterate my head or something.
Girl you're asking for some looney toons shit
same that'd be nice just a quick end without the fear
i hope you can get your funds in order
i say push on as im literally crying to be killed lol
That sounds good. I'm sure you have a place to yourself and are living life.
You worked so hard to get where you are. You were stuck in like a living room with no privacy. I know you worked super hard. I want good things for you.
i saw it in a liveleak once. would settle for a big truck falling over on me.

thabk u. i think you should go on too, you have no idea what i would do to be on a waitlist :')
Yeah you're onto your latest fixation. I love you laf. Goodnight.
i love slapping my butt
Show me.
what's your opinion on pio and how do you guys go about getting it? I've been considering it for awhile now but no idea where to start
My former BPD transbian roommate is apparently trash talking me, according to a friend who knows someone close to her. I put her on my phone plan because she couldn't afford her phone bill. Should I cancel her line? I also fucking fed her for nearly a year.
Confront them first and then absolutely. Also maybe just work on getting them off of your financial support.
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what she sayin oomfie
According to my friend she's calling me like, needy, and that I don't listen, and that my groceries took up too much space. For context, as I mentioned I fed her for almost a year, I buy these protein shakes once a month, cause they help fill me up. I was buying two when I lived with her, one box for her, as well as a lot of Pasta, and as she's a Vegetarian, I bought her Impossible Burgers a lot cause she used them for making essentially meatballs. But MY groceries took up too much room. Okay.
You are needy and you don't listen
How? To both.
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>According to my friend she's calling me like, needy, and that I don't listen
ok yeh tht bit checks out lol
soz she wasn't grateful for the food
>ok yeh tht bit checks out lol
How so?
Just cried because I had my last lecture with my Biology professor,
All he said was "Thank you so much for attending my class, and I wish you luck in everything you do"
I really enjoyed his class.
i never had a gay bottom phase do u think that means I'm faketrans
i was scared of gay stuff so i was just kinda sheltered p much right up till i learned abt transitioning
i get sad sometimes thinking that i was never rly a regular gay (bottom) guy
:( is ok anon, u will have other special professors
and if u rly like them u can even ask them about their research, maybe it's smth ur interested in and u can do some work for them
You're not gay you're trans
Why would you want to be something you're not?
Mountain Dew or hot choclate, depending on the tempreture ^-^
being gay seems more normal desu
will never get dream
shud kms prbbly
I'll shoot him an email about research, it would be nice to get started on that.
He was a really good teacher, for some reason I had a super easy time even though the content was super condensed and a lot to take it.
:( if u can't make it i sure as heck can't
i want so much to see u win
c: sounds like u found smth ur good at anon! just keep up the good work and let that curiosity take u wherever it ends up taking u
"robotuskin" is a new brand of dxm flavord walrus themed soda im boutta drop when im forcabley detrooned by the new regime.
wut r ur guys plans?
>I think it's time for you to transition
It's probably about time to socially transition but I keep feeling like I'm not good enough to pull it off. I kinda hate presenting male and I keep wanting to present more feminine and people I know keep looking at me weird and asking me questions and stuff. Strangers will think I'm a girl sometimes too which is a really trippy experience because it feels like I just saw a man in the mirror. I'm just like worried it's too soon and won't be good enough? I don't want to be a weird joke I want people to take me seriously. I don't know if I exactly look like a woman or anything but I really don't think I look like much of a man anymore
>I'm just like worried it's too soon and won't be good enough?
will never be the right time with this mindset. Have to just do it
drank a 12 pack of coors light today
anyacels r u proud of me
i wish anya was my fren she is qt and nice 2 me
nah. a whole lot of the sexual implications were a surprise to me. i joke about being agp but it never even occurred to me that becoming a girl would automatically make me a lesbian and i felt a little unworthy because a deep down belief of mine was basically that lesbian was best kind of person and suddenly i was worried i would make them look bad or that i had like stolen lesbian valor.
lol wait this sounds so familiar
r we not just bad ppl for encroaching on real queer women's spaces...
I wore like a whole outfit of exclusively women's clothing (albeit more unisex looking women's clothing) and like a full face of natural makeup with some light pencil liner to hang out with friends and nobody even mentioned anything about it. I don't want to present over the top feminine because I feel like it could look bad but like, come on. I guess I did get told I look like I came out of a fashion magazine but that was about it. It's crazy like I can't tell what people are thinking. I don't know if they could tell and didn't want to say anything, if people think I look like a woman or not, whatever you know? I can't even tell, I've just been going off how other people treat me. But yeah like I do present kinda fem sometimes but it still hasn't made anyone straight up ask if I was trans or say I look like a woman even though I'll get strangers calling me a girl
GOD I wish I was chilchuck
No I have nothing femal eon my person
thats the issue
Trying out this thrones and liberty game and idk if I like it.
The controls are kinda jank as fuck
Does anyone have a website to pirate books? I have a tough time reading a physical book if I'm beinghonest, I prefer to read on my hacked Switch. Currently wanting to read I'm Thinking of Ending Things.
god bless cocaine
yeh because its an awkward question to ask lol
expecting friends u haven't come out to ask u if ur trans is an awful barometer to use
dont do it pring u have so much to live for
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I've seen the film lol and I loved it, besides, therapy is helping me keep my suicidal ideation at bay. I appreciate the concern though.
google libgen
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i would buy just to experience the inverted binocular vision again that was so weird.

people don't comment on that stuff unless they're being rude on purpose or maybe drunk/high af.
it's agonising not knowing how other ppl see you yeh but also probably a good thing. as nice as it would be to be validated sometimes being reminded of every time you fail to pass wouldn't wouldn't be nice either.
guys i got a gf now :0
Should I jerk off?
can i jerk u off
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I think my eyesight is getting worse...I'm gonna go blind...
No its a sin and you're already on God's watch list for being a tranny
uuuhhhh I am a virgin so i ill be extremely self conscious and the guilt form using my penis afterwards will be just sad
Are you sure?
fuck that anon jerk me off instead
>fuck that anon
well this has escalated...
she can jerk us both off same time, she'll look like she skiing
its ok im a virgo too
Stop making me fantasize about a tranny jerking me off...its over
Why did I even ask...
chasers arent sending their best
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prove me wrong
boutta spit polish that shit fr
I am not a chaser I just asked if I should jerk me shenis
I bet Ill dribble some real cum
usually I dont
but who knows this is new and all..
o r u a tranny
that shit boutta hurt senpai sry
like idgaf
ok coke makes me 2 horny this is not ok
Whats your favorite deltarune and hollow knight character?
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codeine or robitussin
i wish ppl liked meeeeeee
my dude you’re extremely tolerated here dw about it
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robitussin. codeine is like bottom
tier for opioids.

my hips are narrow.
i like u fren,,,,,,,,,
>anxious about nightmares
>wake up early with reflux throat pain
how the turntables...
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Everyone loves me because I am the best.
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everyone loves (to hate) me
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>work out
>nothing sore during rest day
>hit the gym the day after
>all the moves feel achey
every day i find new ways for my body to disappoint me.
it's called DOMS
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness
got escorted out of the screamo show by police after accidentally hitting a guy with my crutches while moshing i think im a legend now
he grabbed at my crutches and pushed me to the ground after i hit him and he also wanted to fight me
and then police escort me to a car and have me wait outside it for 5 minutes while the officer goes to see if anyone wants to press charges but yeh i ended up being free to go
the guy who freaked out on me was wearing a hat that said serial killer on it and his shirt said born and bred to kill lmfao
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As a bottom me personally I'd peg the shit outta that thing
Well when you actually exercise the muscles properly that's when you feel the soreness if it isn't that big
Really should do some leg exercises I'm reminded..
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>As a bottom me personally I'd peg the shit outta that thing
grossu nobody asked

>hitting a guy with my crutches while moshing
>being so fucked retarded that you go to a mosh pit with crutches
>literally assault someone
>wow i m legend :)
i should sleep
the bands at the show supported me and literally gave me free merch lol sneed hsrder
no shit they supported you who tf is gonna throw a cripple out on his ass lol
Jerking off alone is so boring actually :/
Wish my dick would stop existing already so I dint have to compulsively touch myself. Sigh…
>gross nobody asked
>guys i miss my exbff so much!!!!
>got told im gross for semi-dating someone 33 years older than me
this is discrimination
it's not gross, we're both adults

that's not talking about wanting to "peg" someone
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It looks like we're doom posting this late

I'm gonna doom post about watching other people make life long bonds while I bedrot
sry im autistic and cant identify anons and thought paige was still awake & wanted to anti-paige post
carry on,,,
i have an irl social life and am friends with ppl irl who all supported me through this and say i wasn't the one in the wrong but yeah maybe I'll take the internet faggot's opinion into account xd
i AM paige tho ...
oh ok
what's wrong with missing someone you love
it's not gross
esp when compared to someone talking about wanting to "peg" a computer game character, which is even more bizarre bc it's not called pegging if you have a penis
bc ur obsessive and havent talked 2 him in years
also u unpromptedly talk abt him daily
which goes back 2 the
nobody asked thing that u tell ppl all the time
i do miss him lots though, i hope he's sleeping ok rn if he's still asleep and not getting up early to get ready for work

it's not quite obsessive
>havent talked 2 him in years
yea that really hurts

i guess that's fair
but i do miss him a lot and it's hard to have those feelings with nowhere to put them
i can't talk about it with my mother bc she is not supportive, so i just vent it into the void
good night
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Waking up to 2 peanut cookie and white chocolate filled with peanut cream donuts and some fancy swiss coffee truly reminds me sometimes life has a point
>but i do miss him a lot
>grossu nobody asked
if it were obsessive i would be calling him and constantly emailing him and sending irl letters and showing up at his job and talking to his parents and all that stuff, and i'm doing none of that

how is it gross though
ur literally in denial this is top 1 cope of all time
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Also my comment wasn't unprompted that little nb twink is CLEARLY asking for it
imnot old enough to drink but ilike dr pepper alot
okay thankyou
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Can God make me STP b eaing fat
you have an eating disorder
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but i didn't feel it at all before or after the workout only during it. pretty sure that's exactly the opposite to doms?
>tfw no doms to dom me
No I actually have an eating order I eat once every morning thank you
i hate cis women who call themselves ugly they will never know the unbearable pain of being trans. i'm so fucking clocky i should just end it all. i have a boyfriend but he never calls my face cute because i look like a fucking man, he just compliments my body. i dont even have a good body either i have AA cup tits. Help Me
i would fucking kill myself to have your thighs you are beautiful please dont starve yourself you dont know the pain of having a rectangular body i look like fucking slenderman
cant sleep
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So I must follow the path of thw hamburger?
Why the long face
im not falling for you fishing for compliments. its not happening
hyperbole lol
i intended on missing i didn't actually intend 2 hit anyone u autist
please...please do...please
you have beautiful thighs i mean it
yeah u look good
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I was at the club tonight. I found out people still think I "look mean" :(

I was sharing a joint with an acquaintance I see there often said she was "surprised" over how nice i am :(

>qott what is your favourite non alcoholic drink when you're feeling down
Key Lime Lacroix!
I'm jist like a horse
I'm fishing 4 gf
Okay anons I won't lose too much weight then I only prevent gaining more than kyou
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relatable desu. ppl say i got a cold and standoffish aura and i honestly don't mind that as i don't rly wanna interact with most ppl.
if someone is willing to push past that exterior they're probably more worth spending time with than the rest anyways.
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People sau I. look autistic and spaced out
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>relatable desu. ppl say i got a cold and standoffish aura and i honestly don't mind that as i don't rly wanna interact with most ppl.
I kinda get this. Ironically when I go to the club, sometimes I go alone on purpose so I can just find some corner and bob my head for a few hours. Maybe dance a lil extra if the DJ is really good so when someone walking up to me to have an awkward yelling-over-music conversation is kind of a bummer
>if someone is willing to push past that exterior they're probably more worth spending time with than the rest anyways.
Yes, very much so. It's why I like the few people I look forward to seeing regularly. They don't mind my hard exterior, even helped me get out of that "mess" I always talk about.
God I hope some chud murders me
Me personally I don't
I've always wanted to go to a show like that. Would be an nice change of pace from my raves.
>"I have never had fun at a show"
Wait until you hear about wheelchair crowd surfers
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screamo is ultra dog shit cringe music
raves, esp underground ones, are based

shrimple as
Who wants tp be my mom
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>I found out people still think I "look mean"
lol I know what you mean. Both me and my sister seem to have this aura of "I dislike you, don't approach me". Makes me scared that I've missed out on people just because they were hesitant to approach me.
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>screamo is ultra dog shit cringe music
I dunno, I still like to explore scenes I'm not used to. I dipped my toes into local ska. It was interesting, not my speed but interesting.
>raves, esp underground ones, are based
Yeah, underground's where its at lol I dont even go to "raves" imo I go to underground shows. although it's kinda wild seeing guys I smoke weed on the regular with going on to play at festivals and stuff (small stages obv)
>Makes me scared that I've missed out on people just because they were hesitant to approach me.
lol saaame
>feel like death after workout again
>know im not going to be able to walk tomorrow and will be sore all week
when does it get better ;_;
I still gotta listen to that set you recommended
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Cold water is akin to fuel in this arid landscape
Me personally I just don't do enough to die
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>working out in this weather
absolute madlass
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I try to do 1 h9ur of cardio daily but it's hard to pull more than 30 minutes without dying
I'm already sweating and I'm sitting naked besides an open window drinking cold water
I just wannt to move a little why must things be like this
need an ass even if i get heatstroke getting there
Would I not get hot while working out if I ate ice cubes.
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yeah I wouldn't wanna b in a country like that during summer I got a dose of it two years ago and that was enough for the rest of my life in too white for that

i just eat more for it desu
tho I rly shud start working out n such just for my shitty failing heart but naaaaahhh not in this weather :skull_emoji:
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I should start planning to spend my summers somewhere cold it rlly is unbearable here
Or buy a swimsuit or smth and go to the beach
Rlly wanna do it but it's going to be terrifying if I go alone
my computer fan is really noisy and its not designed to be opened so it can be fixed
hate the chinese engineer
tried tht and iunno it does help but think muscle would make it more shapely, hoping at least lol
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Erm buy a new one?
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It does do that but eating also helps with size so the ideal is both at the same time and then you balance around until you find your ideal in that regard
im mad that i cant stimulate my male brain and fix it myself
Ok then. Make ur own fan.
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Can't believe I'll never ever be able to go swimming in public again because I trooned and can't wear trunks only cuz I have tits but can't wear a swimsuit because I look like a man.
Wut? You mean you can't even clean it?
cause i miss her all the time
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I'm waiting on a very cool swimsuit to arrive me personally it makes the waist area a little tighter and has a skirt that's longer in the front to hide special parts plus is black so even less chances of anything being seen berry cool
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i can spray it with compressed air but the noise is caused by the grease drying up inside the bearing
+22% critrate and constant +10% attack or +60% damage of her damage type + 30% of that type but conditionally. Seriousy question
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after the first time i murdered my legs so i couldn't walk normal for days they seem to refuse to be sore.

wear short shorts + women's top. looks like a sporty fit and covers all the necessary bits.
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need to rewatch edgerunners but it gives me second hand dysphoria
>after the first time i murdered my legs so i couldn't walk normal for days they seem to refuse to be sore.
mmm okki, this is my 2nd time recently doing it so hope this'll be the case 4 me. i know its temporary but beginner recovery sucks fucking ass and it makes me not wanna work out lol
I want cold water.
its ok to not be a woman anon
people who manage to accept themselves
from reppers to passoids detransers

self acceptance would solve the vast majority of transpeople issues
Why are all the hot ones retarded or insane / insane and retarded
whatever floats your boat anon, i wish you peace w/e its form
Peace is having her fully built the moment she drops
>self acceptance would solve the vast majority of transpeople issues
True I only started loving myself and accepting myself once I started transitioning. Life has become infinitely better. Still get hate crimed tho sadly
me too somehow, it started there, i couldn't start to accept, love or care for myself before transitionning
It gave me the chance to start as someone new
and this later gave me the chance to accept who i am as a whole, the person i've become and the person i was
and it was intimately link to gender topics but it wasn't about this in the end

it was simply and literally about accepting myself
and many other lgbt people went through the same
I fully and truly accept myself as a gay loser
and that's why I don't think people should be banned for transitionning
but we shouldn't push narrative like "we're just women" neither, bc it won't solve anyones problem
if it was this simple you wouldn't still hate yourself when you pass and are accepted by people
aren't you the same val that bullies sheen
>if it was this simple you wouldn't still hate yourself when you pass and are accepted by people
But I don't hate myself and I pass and am accepted by people
I fear this is just a skill issue coming from 4chan cockroaches
you don't have to be a loser anon

from* transitionning

you probably think you're smart and just made a great point but it's quite the opposite
leave me alone ty
i'm happy for you anon but you're not the center of everything
I feel like a loser even though I'm obviously perfect. I think it's more about me not doing enough rather than anything else
I am actually
make sure u get all the protein and nutrients n stuff that ur body needs to rebuild muscles and the carbs to replenish ur energy.
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but I am one
doesn't change the fact I would kill to look like Lucy or Rebecca yap
need those augments ugh
Anyone wanna chew a lemon with me
How do I get over rejection from [spoiler]cis women[/spoiler] who aren't interested in me? I understand that not everyone is interested in dating a trans woman but I take it to hear way too much that there must be something else about me that is so repulsive.
Alright then more for me ig
Hon of the rape
male socialization & male soul + woman appearence = best of both world

don't be down my friend
don't do your wrist any harm
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I have a female soul and female socialization. This would be because I'm only trans on the internet because I am a chaser
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I feel like it's too late and I'm too ugly and too old and hairy to do thi

Why shouldn't I kms? America is fucked anyway
Since when are you a nerd
always been
For me it was different, it was intimately linked to my gender presentation. I achieved some big things in life and knew my interests, hobbies, skills, degrees, etc but never accepted myself as a woman for a long time. Burnout spirals were crazy from bdd but I had money from working to keep myself alive for those stints of serious depression.
Other things in my life felt in place but I still felt like a freak trapped inside an immutable flesh prison but kept lying to myself that I didn’t need to get help.

I don’t think it’s a narrative. Looking like and being socially accepted as a woman was something I never thought possible. Being othered was such a huge fear for me prior to transitioning, I thought I’d lose my career, change how I thought about the world, my hobbies and interests would be “too male” to be able to continue as a woman. But it wasn’t like that at all.
Self acceptance is of extreme immediate importance to your day to day but if social acceptance was better and social accommodations were made to allow trans people to exist, I would have been a gigapassoid and been able to better contribute than I already have in my space. I am now that I have transitioned socially and pass, but there are many lost months to bedrotting, self loathing and fear that I would have liked to put into something more productive.
According to section 4 part 287 of the lore book there's been heavy breaks with such activities but if you say so I guess it's true
I'm bored
Buying these throwing knives really gave me purpose in life lol
Do they look cool
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>> I've been enjoying orange soda a lot recently like crush and fanta.

Also Chilchuck in feminine outfits is awesome.

Btw does anyone have some good shows I can turn my brain off to a be a happy? I'm so fucking sad back home to the point of crying daily with my plushies. I need a comfort show to watch so so bad.
Should I work out
But really I already chipped one because I think the wood I was throwing it on is too hard but they are amazing. Actually I take it back they look cool but aren't very good I think. They are made of stainless steel
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I like sonic x and solo leveling very fun shows
Well you know what they say what matters most.is the imside not the outside so they're kinda lame
don't call my knives lame that hurts...
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They must be beautiful if they're worthy of your touch......
that's true but lately I've been playing games again yeh....
Lol thank you
I didn't need that but still lol
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I think you'd love crosscode it looks like something you'd like
I am a professional at tasks of this nature.
Yeh I did so so do u
If this helped u find peace then Im happy 4u. I think everyone has to come to terms and accept their transexuality in some way but I don't think it has to include not seeing urself as a woman
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Time to try and fail to do an hour of cardio again I suppose
thank uuu ill check them out when i have the energy rn my chest hurts like a mother fucker
good morning tim frens
weird night of dreams
unsure what to do now that im awake
Yesterday I had a weird thing that felt like a heart attack and my whole body was half dead and paralyzed for like an hour but I just tanked it
Conclusion just gaslight yourself into feeling normal
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im pretty sure im getting stressed induced chest pain but idk. Homelife has sucked and i hate my family and I wish hormones didnt make me a baby all the damn time and make me want to cry into a plushie T-T
You need 5 reps of "it is what it is" and at least 2 reps of "I'm better than this"
Alternatively get a mommy gf
mmmm I used to be able to do that before hrt now if I try and do that I cry. Also I don't know if I like woman more ive been really liking men recently and I miss the dude I was cuddling with
You had physical contact with a human being recently and you're complaining? Truly the blessed only understand their position when it is taken from them.
>mother comments that i didn't eat dinner last night
>ask her to please not say stuff like that or scrutinize what im eating bc it makes the ED louder
>she says she can't help it because she's not stupid
>tell her she doesn't have to say anything
>she says she's damned either way
>if she says something i get upset
>if she doesn't, she's worried i'll relapse and it'll be her fault
>ask her to have faith in me and trust that i'm an adult who can manage things
>she doesn't seem convinced
is it possible to cure someone else's ocd
incel incel incel incel incel
Someone as beautiful as me couldn't possibly be anything else than a volcel
it was like a month ago... the guy is gone and now im alone again I miss being held in a man's arms...
how's the weather in delululand
idno I had both forms of socialization and I sold my soul to the devil when I started hrt so I thnk I'm gonna b fine
I don't rly have any desire for anything male desu

looks a bit like the Y's games or golden sun might check it out

check out precordial catch syndrome also chest pain is almost always caused by ur back nerves
Ok it's valid then. Why don't you contact him again? Or if that's not possible someone else
Absolutely P.E.A.K.
Y's? You mean Ys? From nihon falcom?
if someone can find happiness by living or seeing themself as a woman it's totally fine to me

what I have an issue with is the denial of something more complicated than just being born "wrong"
if people were honest and clear, that a lot of transwomen are transwomen because of things like,
mental illnesses and traumas
dysfunctionnal childhood/family
rejection by women
physical and or hormonal disorders

it would help a lot lot more transpeople than just telling them "take your girl pills you woman and you will be happy"
well no, doesn't work like that, we see it all the time here, people aren't just happy by transitionning for the most part
and it's mostly because they still don't live themselves, that is what we read all day, everyday
not because of society even if it sometimes makes it harder, people on here aren't sad because of society treats them but because of how they see themselves
and for this there is only understanding and acceptance
cause i miss her all the time

love* themselves
by how* society treats them
yah Ys chronicles n such
I played a couple of them a few years ago
>> check out precordial catch syndrome also chest pain
It says online it doesn't last long and its affect by breating but mine isn't like that. Mine persits for like a half an hour

>> Why don't you contact him again?
He broke it off with me cause he didn't have a place to cuddle
>> Or if that's not possible someone else
just to be clear ive kind of given up on finding someone else cause im a boymoder and it so embrassing explaining shit
I only played the 3d ones but I absolutely loved them, I hate that ppl think 9 is a downgrade from 8 cuz it's 100% not. And the story on 8 was fucking stupid specially at the end. Literally everything you work towards just flips on it's head and everyone acts like it's what they wanted all along. I hate it. Monstrum nox also has way better vibes and combat.
Can't wait for ys 10 to get translated and ported already
Boymoders.. hate those. But you could find someone else if you looked for them
Ive only been on hrt for 3 months and im poor so I really don't want to socially transition until I at least have some makeup and a feminine hair cut...
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I grant you.. a year of time to prepare. Use it well.
thank you... I weirdly enough think Im gonna have an easy time in a year, I have really pretty red hair and used to male fail when my hair was long.

I think literally I could pass with clothes, makeup, and haircut. But maybe im delusional
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I'm sure you'll be able to pass well if you try. Just a question of willpower more than anything else
ppl are just homophobic and think long hair = woman
Shat ap
should i play osrs or elden ring or starsnew valley or just ldar
Cool helpful, I'll just kill myself then thanks
idk how to explain it but I have like really really feminine hair. Like I don't think it's just long hair = woman cause I've even male failed when its like mid length.

it makes me so mad when people say that my hair is wasted on a boys body. it just makes me more dysporic T_T god sorry im rambline loool
nice larp
Newfag no don't! Not paige! Dont argue it! NEWFAAAAGGG
>lasagna general
ait im out 4 now
i have no idea what either of these replys mean lol
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Paige is a weirdo with incel views spreading misery and sorrow to every poor happy person they see
You must discard their words and ignore their existence
oooh ok. will do :3
whens the hrtgen usually up? i cant find one rn and i wana learn about pioglitazone but cant find anything

I luuuuuuurv that sore feeling. I like it how i imagine cutters enjoy cutting. But much less intense. Like the smoking of self-harm.

But anyway. That sore feeling is called DOMS. It sets in 24 to 72 hours after intense exercise. In my opinion it isn't really soreness, it's fuel build up. Your body is anticipating you to continue the intense exercise so your muscles are producing more lactic acid to be turned into glucose in your liver to fuel your hard work.

If you work out every day doms doesn't happen.

Between the options, stardew. Make me a red head pls.
Honestly she must be posting on cooldown and it's always about such insane stuff. This general is so dull when she is trying to make herself main character. She wasn't even in thread this time last year. But go figure when janny bans all the other frequent posters.
I meant inane not insane. It's not insane, it's boring and most of it is just posting for the sake of it.

I feel seen by this pic. Especially the snuggling the blahaj part.
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I'm just talking like everyone else does
agreed when I saw that i was like oh its me rn as I rot in my bed with chest pain
Starfew valley is boring I couldn't ever get a good farm going past winter. I have it on steam tho...would be based to make a community farm but it never works out

Take choline.

*hog ties you and hangs you from a tree and does all the farming tasks while you watch*
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I don't very much enjoy the state of this general
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hi there mtfg
But I'd say the same of anyone else. You joined thread them obnoxiously inserted yourself into everything without getting the know anyone. I think it's a shame you got hurt by that to be clear but you have zero chill and your presence here feels forced and artificial. I wish you'd just slow down and slowly get to know people but you seem anxious to not be a newfag and so feel a need to dominate mtfg. It sometimes feels like you post replies just for the sake of it as soon as the timer expires.
hell that image is very based I wish I looked like that

>You joined thread them obnoxiously inserted yourself into everything without getting the know anyone.

Just keep doing what you're doing, that's what this bit means.
cumming with a magic wand feels so nice
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Oh hey it's the druggie how are you doing today
I'm just replying to anons when I can say something anon I talk here often because I don't have anything else to do anon
Starve yourself and get implants then
hi frens it's me, anon
haven't been around in a while
long enough to have been forgotten
has mado overdosed yet?
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Are you a wizard? Why would you use wands like that
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Nope implants look bad without enough fat we talked about this anon
im poor and cant afford implants and I starve myslelf pretty often but im trying to eat more since id started hrt 3 months agooo
Hover your mouse over the clover.

I am *always* like this.
You can't have huge fat tits and be hungry skeletoh
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yes my life sucks. im addicted to drugs. i have small boobs and im tall. its not okay. im planning to die in the next 8 months. going to overdose.
good morning
hi laguna im surprised anyone remembers me. i snorted a bag last night im just really sleepy today. everyone hates me. i want to kill myself
my second to last elden ring character is a pure caster named frieren I think I'm qualified to use a wand however I want

>everyone hates me. i want to kill myself

*curls up on your shoulders like a scarf and purrs*
thats why im trying to eat more anon but its hard cause im poor and feel bad.... rn i got a bmi of 22 tho so im getting there
good luck. i hope its quick and painless if you choose to go that way. even you dont deserve the pain youre suffering through.
>wanting to kill yourself and taking any of the thread harpies telling you to seriously
Necro, be smarter
Gooner and the other monsters aren't even people
You've been posting here for 4 years compulsuvely

I didn't start using the internet in 2012. That's just as far back as the pass goes. I've been posting here since 2005.
damn im sorry to hear you are killing yourself. The whole reason i joined this bored is my egg cracked a week after I left the pyschward from trying to kill myself lol
In a year, i will officially have been posting on 4chan for 20 years.
I wasn't even talking about you

Yeah but anybody bitches about terminally online people, i gotta defend myself, because i'm the termest.
If anyone tells you you're terminally online say, "Terminal? WHEN DOES IT END?"
I’m sorry but much of it is literally down to take your girl pills and be happy. Sure it’s not perfect by any means but it is something that (over a long enough period of time) alleviates our suffering to a certain degree, especially in the context of ipseity. People from any orientation or background suffer from most of the same issues you listed.
What you’re implying is that transness is a disease and is the exact rhetoric that shuns trans people to otherhood as perceived by society. Which in turn gets trans people killed or hurt, simply for transitioning.

People on here are extremely upset with how society treats them very often, especially those in early stage transition or those who have transitioned later in life. You see it here every day multiple times a day and denying that or saying it’s simply all associated to self love is a straight up lie or deceitful at best.

Yes self love is important but so is social acceptance. One is alleviated through medical means and the other requires social change.
thanks. its too late for me. surgery wont fix me. im fucked in the head. can't fix that.
i dont care what anyone says about me anymore. this is my decision
maybe i should be in the ward. but ive never heard anyone say it really helped them much. so. waste of time i guess.im going to die. i dont want to die i want to live i want to get married i want to host parties for all of my friends i want to adopt children. even if i got all of that i'd still be sick inside of me. i would only hurt more people. its all a joke.
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Crazy to think that the internet has been around that long, let alone 4chan. This fucking place is only three years younger than me wth
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I remember you because you're pretty cool anon
I was around before Internet and mobile phones were commonplace
Doesn't even feel that long ago
I def recommend it anon. Im a workaholic personally and was spiralling out of control and the ward gave me time to reflect. It wasn't a cure all solution but it helped to be in a calm area and be seen as ill. That is my personal take at least.

Id say at least give it a try at least. If it dosen't work out you can still kill youself lol it's not like that option is going anywere.
I was there when jesus died.
Why does nobody want to be my mom
I would go further back but i can't think of anything before then that people would have a good conception of when was. Like, do you know when the fucking pyramids were built?

World is too demanding for extra work to be fun.

We need to turn this into the jetsons so that people find work exotic.
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thanks anon.
im not a workaholic i am the exact opposite. i am completely dysfunctional. i only am good as a drug addict, and sex object and ranting about random shit like a crazy person. i am meant to die young. my friends are better than me. they will remember me i guess.
i will be your mom but the kind of mentally ill mom that drinks too much and kills herself in the garage one day leaving you all alone in this world

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That is a pretty horrid mother phenotype but it could work if you carry the vibes hard enough and are pretty enough
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they all tell me i am hot. i think i could wear a fur coat well. and drink vodka martinis. im very fucking stupid though. you would hate me.


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There is potential in there I think I could work with this
Go back in time
Get impregnated by your dar
Become your own mom
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don't fuck with me
ok i cant wait to abandon you

*rolls around you*
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I like the last line but not everything else attached to it
Can't wait for it either
what are you doing to me
oh man
cursed morning

I picture myself turn into a sonic ball and then rolling around you in a circle.

Because it is fun. Genki.
im so sorry im fucking stupid im so fucking stupid
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too much nomi cancer for me cya
Can you be my mom though
im going to fucking kill myself
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*rolls around you happily*
what is wrong withyou

I know how to make myself happy.
you don't know what an incel is

Actually you can have incel views without being an incel. And now that you're thinking about that. You realize incels aren't even the fucking problem. They are just the pathetic result of that view being held by people who are too ugly and uncharismatic to still get laid while having it.

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