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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Cisgender gay men only. No bisexuals, FtMs, or MtFs, heterosexuals or men on HRT.
>foot lovers of gaygen
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i need a brown twink gun guy bf though
aint that some real shit? worship feet or die

That's incredibly stupid. brown guys and guns don't mix. They can't be trusted. Furthermore, they don't even count as "twinks" since part of that word (thin, white) refers to whites.
Hellow how are “the gays” this evening?
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1) depends purely on the person
2) see picrel. nowhere does it mention that a twink must be white
thin white irritable nigga komplex
How to cope
i feel sorry for people with that miswiring of their brain
kill yourself. all non foot fetishists in gaygen must perish
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"No men on hrt"
So no hrt femboys?... <'3
whose feet will you worship then
>No bisexuals
*assume the fetal position, begins shaking violently, bones cracking and shifting, limbs moving in distorted patterns, skin shedding as I shift my grotesque bisexual form*
Sup sisters! This has the makings of a great thread. Tonight I hope you're ready to hit the slay button and CLOG the mother toilACHOOO
*spider legs burst from my back*
Oh fuck
*skitters away*
Total white boi victory
Do gay have physiological processes?
saw this pic and immediately thought it was another drawing of andras before I could process it
i really hope that it's a self insert, so i can be 36597864's bf
so which mental illnesses do you have?
does this thread have any himbo posters?
no, you'll be the first
i forgot to put my trip on
post hole
I don't think sharia bloody allows that
(I'm delta)
>I'm delta
be more believable
I just stood on Lego. Ouch!
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I'm starting to feel like it was a bad idea to let kids think being gay is cool.
>as if delta takes them out of the box
know your lore
i guess i can't pretend to be someone I'm not
why not be yourself
how's that done
Looks disgusting. Looks like an animal.
I'd own this animal as a pet if you catch my drift
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Ego death. Break down and understand what is your learned behaviors and response behavior; Then choose who you want to be.
Feet feet feet
>tfw no medieval ministrel bf
nice bulge
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guten morgen bros
let us assault the day
>Gays are so cumbrained they can't distinguish a bulge from padded codpiece
You deserve a bolt to your head
what will you be doing today? painting dolls or fantasizing about massacring middle eastern children?
is anyone else here mascfem
no im femfem
Maybe today is the day she finally troons out
that's a respectable position
I'm blackpink
nah he needs some mental break for that
maybe when he gets denied entry to the army
Does anyone know any ai chatbots that are good for gay smut roleplay
ugh im surrounded by fems
not a fellow mascfem femmasc in sight
who is he?
My husband
Haribo got stinky feetsies
wearing my apu blanket as i read my morning correspondence
Nobody cares about your down syndrome escapades
reminder that when you post (you)s at me this is who you are (you)ing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qy1pSw62pDs
Attention, everyone. The following posters should report immediately to the dungeon for corrective cock and ball torture.
That is all.
>be a tripfag
>Posts offtrip posts talking about yourself
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My syndrome may be down, but my hopes are up.
Attention, everyone. The following posters should report immediately to the dungeon for corrective cock and ball torture.
That is all.
I fully expect you to start posting ai slop at some point since your standards are so incredibly low
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But not low enough for you.
my chest is a bit sore after yesterday's workout
if only it was licked & sucked & massaged better
post chest
too much beer and cigarettes and chili makes haribo fat
i know a faggot when i see one
sorry, not lickable
>have bf
>have to jack off anyways
It’s like he doesn’t know that sex is the only thing he can offer me.
just wait till I've consistently trained chest
Love chest hair
come back in 5 years
if i started pinning test it would take less time
Come back in 182848291913939 minutes
yes queen
i wouldn't though its not good for your skin
or balls
that too
and what am i without my balls
a woman
no balls = female
post balls
what do you even do with the pictures people post
i just got a nuke in warthunder :)
My british high school friend who played warthunder ended up transitioning. Food for thought.
I just nuked my toilet if you know what I mean
coat them in the blood of a lamb under the october blood moon while chanting and praying to lords ballsamon, like wtf do you think people with pictures
im feeding my thoughts with your post
i dunno maybe glance & then move on
that anon was cute
can that anon be my bf
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heh heh heh
wonder if i should shave the chest hair
crack that egg, queen
Love that album
le sigh
going to go have a cry at all these insinuendos of latent femness
it's overt femness chica
rip freshienon
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lol come on
well i don't think so
trip on
of course you're a /pol/ user
Nooooooo agh I beg of you please
I sometimes go there if i'm bored
crazy how being bi is questioned
crazy how being vers is doubted
crazy how being mascfem is scoffed at
Wtf is mascfem? *scoffs*
masculinity with fem characteristics
Like a steroid bros gyno?
its like guts-core with griffith characteristics
Oh…that sounds hot when you put it that way.
see its based & legitimate
like versatility
>see its based & legitimate
pray tell your objections
you've heard them all before so it doesn't matter, it will never be legit
can't remember them so they surely weren't of particular weight
or you have early onset dementia?
pow haha
no i just filter out irrelevance
are bish is a good lad
I have alzheimers
i think there's more to it than that
bish is so masc he's the mascest ever
My pussy is on fire, now kiss the flame
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I don't care if being underweight is "bad for me" unless I start having noticeable health problems I'm not gaining weight.
Like what
Wish I could do this. I'm just too fat.
my furthest known ancestors were from Germany, France, Ireland, and England
your a healthy skinny lad
i'm no expert but you seem to have other mental issues
replace two meals a day with bubble gum
its so easy to lose weight
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Most people would probably wonder why he's steering with his foot. I'm imagining sniffing the wheel afterwards.
really excited to get back into baking
hm i was supposed to leave this place
>fem twink is begging for my attention
>I tell him off and tell him I like masc bottoms
>he's actually considering changing his looks and behavior just for me
I think I might actually try saving him from his sinful lifestyle of femininity
his engine's not even on
Based mascinizer.
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up to 123°F in Death Valley today
Be more specific or you lie
Does this really work
odds shave chest & belly hair
evens stay masc
I refuse to be Masc
works for me, whenever i chew on gum it suppresses my hunger, granted i've never been fat, but I imagine one can easily lose weight doing that
i just saw a white butterfly in my parents garden
it was very enjoyable
lol you know i'm not lying
I just murdered a white moth in cold blood.
My big problem is when I get depressed angry or upset I make impulse buys and eat bad food that makes me fat. I tell myself I don't care. But I do care.
cabbage whites are the most common kind of butterfly
this is like effusing about seeing an ants nest
you really are a woman in the brain
Antibiotic resistant gaygen
butterfly mentioned
i love looking at ants nests and things
also watching woodlice and stuff
I like watching the zebra spiders in my garden :) But I haven't seen any this year :(
yeah so do i, my dream job as a kid was entomology, but i wouldn't blog about it
i really think haribo is an egg
he's also just really annoying so any excuse to get him out of here and into another general
i mean i blogpost too much too & shouldn't really be in this thread either
i should watch an insect documentary
Then what's wrong with me doctor
Answer me you fucking cuck
>life changes
Lmfao tranibo confirmed
ill try getting the drawing to u when i finish it then, sadly it is not a self insert but i do like guns
why can't you just let him enjoy his butterfly experience?
he's a bird ass bitch
too much to fix
i just posted that because i knew it would upset you
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to be a cute little butterfly going around sucking up the sweet nectar of everyone's flowers
Update: it seems like he'll actually do it
Maybe I'll convince him to start taking minox

Some plants are hermaphroditic, meaning they're both male and female. These plants tend to produce nectar every day. Other plants will open as male first, then become female. The flowers will change gender over time, and the amount of nectar produced every day could change because of that.

plants are so interesting, it must really bother the status quo that they can change gender, God made them that way
>it must really bother the status quo
It bothers no one, and "the status quo" is not a person or group or people that can be bothered.
I wonder if I could write really scary horror. My only issue is I don't have any good premises in mind. They're all taken.
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The status quo can mean "groupthink". It can mean whatever I want it mean, that's the beauty of language, there is no definities.
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There's other unique ideas. But sometimes you do something that's been done before but you give it a twist. We all know monster movies, but they're still getting made today.
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we hebben een serieus probleem
>It can mean whatever I want it mean
If you don't care if anyone understands you, sure.
>there is no definities.
You're just an ESL.
Plants can change their sex in order to increase productivity relating to their nature. Gender doesn't exist.
feeling a bit tarded today
Post aimless hole
You covet this penis. You want this penis.
But you can not have this penis. No you can't.
This penis is for women. You can not have it.
No. No. No.
You can look at it. You can smell it.
But donnnn't touch it.
why's it always hole
Human categorization engines are always in error and can never understand the complications of reality.

Sex is as much a construct as gender is.
evolved sex repro to specialize to save energy, its physics
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Haribo fanart OWO
Don't worry scro. Theres plenty of tards out there living really kickass lives. My first wife was tarded. She's a pilot now.
Thinking about how I used to name fag in /gaygen/ years ago and like two years ago some faggot I ran into recognized me irl… I should’ve killed myself
Because every hole's a goal.

It looks the right temperature ;)
autism with neat words
not mine
im a mascfem top
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>some plants and animals can produce both types of gametes or change which type of gametes they produce therefore my transona(which can't do these things) is canon
>its physics

It's all just made-up languages to try to describe a perception someone holds about reality.
new year new me plan:
stop versing
i want to suck dick but all i have is a dildo and i feel embarrassed after i cum while gagging on plastic
Living inside a zoomer's sock
many naturally born human females can't reproduce
some human females never have a period
some humans are hermaphrodites
some humans have an extra set of chromosomes
some humans have a dick and a pussy
the way you want to define reality isn't canon or based in truth
sweaty YOUNG zoomer feet
get a live in cock
sorry i didn't mean for young to be in caps
now my post looks sussy frfr
>some humans are hermaphrodites
>some humans have an extra set of chromosomes
>some humans have a dick and a pussy
Say Tex's name.
need korean BAC dom top
i'm trying but they're hard to find and desu the feelings aspects of it can be an issue
Ripe zoomer hole.
Athlete's foot harvested from a sweaty YOUNG zoomer fresh out of the gym
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I've been doing the same route on my bike for exercise and frequently stepping off to walk the bike up some of the hills. There's one very big long hill right near my house and every ride I try to save energy to get all the way up it without stopping. I never make it and always tire out around the same spot. I did the entire route today without stepping off once, so much progress out of nowhere.
And yes my feet stink now and no you may not sniiiiiif I will shower now and throw the socks in the wash none for you muahahahaha
gays who have butt sex complaining about trannies who want to look like the opposite sex and get a sex change because they find gay butt sex gross and rather have sex in their neo-vaginas with straight men

At least trannies are trying to look like females and be decent members of society. I can't say the same for most gay men..
>go shopping
>can hear people's conversations about me
>i bet they're european
>not european, just gay
>my feet stink now
i've never had stinky feet in my life, why is your hygiene so poor
>>36602112 (so close, yet so far)
thanks man. even if it's not a self insert, i really love the drawing. how casual they both are, and how nicely hand drawn it all is...
anyways, it's almost 2morrow in my neck of the woods, so if this thread dies before i wake up, pls drop your disc so i can find it easier
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Executive dysfunction from long term NEET rotting
haribo btfo:
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my bad
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my socks smell like vinegar when i come home from a run
No harm done you're fine
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second one is kind of a choon anon
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dont listen to them i was in that thread and frogposters won

also, i hope you're nude, it's sunday
i just lawned my mow and grassed the strim so i am very not naked that might have made me go to prison if i did that
thats not a metaphor for my balls either
are you nude right now?
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i am nude right now because it's sunday
can you get nude too? it's sunday
Sniffing zoomer butt
i was going to call you a hypocrite bavbav.
what if i take off only my shorts is that nude enough i dont want anyone to come in my room while im naked
in my drug-induced mind they belong together
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ok but only if you promise to at least expose half a butt cheek
i choose the left one
(it's sunday)
haribo isnt sorry because hes done something bad, hes sorry because he got caught
airing out my left buttcheek
(its sunday)
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this is how i sleep knowing that haribo exists
(yes, it's to scale)
wait my left or your left
remember when flanders wife got killed by a fucking t-shirt launcher?
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me looking for haribo in the last place i saw him
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It's five and I'm driving home again
It's hard to believe that it's my last time
The man on the wireless cries again
It's over, it's over

Dancing with tears in my eyes
Weeping for the memory of a life gone by
Dancing with tears in my eyes
Living out a memory of a love that died
do you think flanders wife would be very happy with you using that kind of language mister?
shes fucking dead haribo, she can judge me no longer
A thread that was needed desu.
>No bisexuals
omg woops
sorry ive only just noticed this
omg i might cry im so sorry
honour her memory
Burroughs' basic argument is that language is a physical, viral infection which has developed a parasitic or symbiotic relationship with the human body.

"what we have come to understand as the human is in fact
a symbiotic relationship of body and word-virus (language)"

"narrative forms of communication are themselves implicated in a specific mode of human subjectification"

"within this mode of language production docile, neurotic, human subjects are produced that serve well the interests of capital and social control but constrain and limit the potentialities of more inhuman becomings"

I agree. Become a painter and less of a talker.
I got invited to a circuit party and I'm nervous I'm going to be the only man there without abs and a $150 speedo.
what happens at these parties?
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i will lend you my abs for free
because this is what friends do
i'll also lend you my speedos if you don't mind cum stains
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post abs
>Become a painter and less of a talker.
It's very compelling. There's a consistent theme in Taoist and Sufi literature about being able to speak without words and grasp a concept without touching it. They use very similar metaphors too at times like a handle attached to nothing or the usefulness of a cup being the part that is empty. I constantly subvocalize when I think I wish I could throw off words maybe creating art is the answer.
are all the trips mentally ill
Nothing really different from your average college party or spring beak stuff. Drinking, people hook-up, etc etc.
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oh, sounds lame
I remember how hard Tumblr/Twitter girlies tried to demonize circuit parties because of how brutally looks-based and elitist some of them where, and got absolutely 0 response lol
how do i get a 4chan bf
Happy ZeroHivStigmaDay!
No, they're great fun if you like pool parties and stuff. They have a festival sort of vibe so people are a lot friendlier and willing to socialize and mix than just a regular club night or something.
date yourself tehehe
is it masc to procrastinate on things for an hour
i was supposed to go buy milk a while ago
Zoomer boypussy is like a fresh, ripe berry.
apparently, /int/
fem sub bottom behaviour
le sigh
not even mascfem
I got work out leggings but I feel like wearing them (with shorts) makes me look like I have an OF.
Why wait? Fuck a zoomer before he gets too old. Meat has an expiry date you know
Sniffies.com lol
and that's bad because...
Not attracted to men under 30
You're a zoophile. Kill yourself dog fucking freak
bzzt that would be a discord bf
because you're fat and ugly and old
if im a fem then how come I'm pissing in the sink huh
dirty subhumans can be fem
Pink pristene zoomer anus
I don't know who would be attracted to zoomers other than other zoomers, like, what are you going to talk about or do together, he can't even afford membership at your gym.
what even makes one fem
look in the mirror
some guys get off on taking care of others, babying them, teaching them things, being a father-figure, it's all about power..
no I'm outside
also if it's just a visual thing then I just need to grow more hair
I'm tryna buy some dick
Who selling
Hairy too
you're just fem brained dude
im a zoomer and i'm mid 20s with a mortgage and international vacation plans what are you talking about
That's just losers though. Wanting a partner who you have control over through finances and stuff is a creeper move, and trust they WILL be traded in soon enough if they get uppity.
no one asked
Ridin round town, with that goddamn bitch
Bitch, why you liking that nigga pictures on Instagram, bitch?
Bae, who you hanging out with? (who you hanging with?)
Bae, who is that nigga in them pictures with you? (who is that?)
Bae, imma beat you up, cause I'm fucking jealous (Maury Povich!)
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tranny animal reaction image
Seek treatment cooper
no fuck yall trannies using cats and dog pictures and acting all cutesy and fru fru. stupid fucking bitches
There are so many losers who are still putting themselves out there and having fun while I also a loser feel like I need to fulfill 10 prerequisite steps before I am allowed to approach anyone. I will violently bury this sentiment and get it out of my mind.
my interests are pretty masc
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i'm a piece of bread
why did cat react pics take off so much, but not dog react pics
you mental illnesses are fem brained
well if I work on them a bit more again I'll be left 100% alpha masc
kill yourself annoying frog posting bitch acting like a woman 24/7. you want to murder muslim children for a living but you're too scared and bitch brained to even talk to the cashier at the shop. just post frogs all day and paint your little dollies. kys for real
Wanting to date someone 'you can provide for' always sounds predatory, it's like a male feminist or a porn producer who wants to 'empower people in their sexuality'. Just stinks of creepy.
Cooper ate ngl
lmao snatched his chaos space marine wig and blew off his leg
Has a frogposter ever been genuinely cis?
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me :)
to be fair i was joking with that statement
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I like men with strong eyebrows.
if his eyebrows is so strong why is there a hole in it
gagged a bit
if I'm so fem then why is link so hot
Because like a well designed sturdy building, it can have odd aesthetic design choices and still be strong.
post hole
He looks like Jason Momoa's gay cousin, in a good way.
post hole
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cooper thoughts on my forgefiend?
i call it cooper :)
cooper the forgefiend
i havent finished painting him yet
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I've seen him before in clothing ads for crossdressers lol
>clothing ads for crossdressers lol
Men's leotards and ironic lace/floral are In right now, anon. The damage it's done to sissy fetishists is hilarious, too.
lmao just admit your man is a sissy
>ironic lace/floral

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