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Total black girl love edition

>Reminder: This gen is for cis homosexual females (lesbians). All trans-related or bisexual posts are considered off-topic and should be directed to other generals or threads. No discussion of male (XY) anatomy.

>OG Discord: https://pastebin.com/P644WESi
>New Discord: https://pastebin.com/1ct1Fcag

Previous thread >>36531025
Cis lesbians don’t look like that though
Sure, but do like women who look like that
How to find gf when you're socially retarded? How can I find a girl who likes me and wants to be with me forever?
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Decided to watch arcane because people won't shut up about it. And jesus christ, that was one of the worst shows I've ever watched, I want to sue everyone who recommended it to me. The only good thing in this show is Cait, she deserves better than Vi
Are you the anon who I was telling to watch it?
I've been meaning for a couple of weeks to ask if you've watched it yet.
>And jesus christ, that was one of the worst shows I've ever watched
What about it didn't you like? it has a 9.0 rating on imdb and won like 2000 awards so nearly everyone else who watched it liked it.
>The only good thing in this show is Cait, she deserves better than Vi
Cait is best girl for sure.
No, I don't come here often. Some of the stuff I disliked were: 1st of all, lack of worldbuilding. We know Piltover and the unddercity exist, but we don't even know in what planet,continent or country this all happens in, or why there are random monster-looking creatures everywhere. We hear about overseas, technology, magic, ancient civilizations, but none of this is ever explained or even mentioned.
2. Relationships were rushed as fuck. Even Caitvi, they knew each other for a couple of days, but acted like they were together for weeks. We didn't get to see them interact very well and explore their dynamic better. Jayce x Mel is one of the worst romances I've ever seen on TV, it was forced and boring as fuck. Even Jayce x Viktor would have been better.
3. Cliché story and themes. The classical rich city full of rich people who are bad and oppress the poors, full of corrupt fucks, etc. I have no patience for whiny stories like this, they have been done to death by other media and in better ways. Even Honkai's Belobog plot was a better take on this setting.
4.Random music out of nowehere, all the time.
5.Not really a category of things, but Vi and Jinx reuniting was such a nothingburger. There was such a build up and Jinx losing her shit at the mere mention of her sister in the past, just for it all to culminate on fuckall.
And I don't know how to explain it, but this show feels very american and corporative. It's as if they made a checklist of pop hip things that need to be included and that you see in most big Hollywood garbage: random sexual shit with Mel's mom, the het sex scene between the blandest het ship in history, mandatory brothel scene and themes/politics (rich people bad, oppressed minorities)
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>It's as if they made a checklist of pop hip things that need to be included and that you see in most big Hollywood garbage
>random sexual shit with Mel's mom
>mandatory brothel scene
I think that's more of a French thing desu (the studio behind Arcane are French) even French children's cartoons have scenes like picrel
Bedtime early tonight, work tomorrow
gn anon
What hobbies can I pick up to meet girls that are also fun?
Depends on what you consider fun. Normally women’s sports is a good way to meet other women. Especially Rugby or something similar to meet other lesbians. I want to get into extreme sports.
Speak for yourself
I’m very strait looking
Can someone explain b-a-s-e-d-j-a-k to me? I get what s-o-y is, normally see it as an insult for moid losers. But how did a whole culture pop out of it? Who are they? Why do I see their stupid pictures everywhere? I was looking at their “party” website to try and get a better picture of what these fuckers are about but I’m only more confused. Seems like 4chan wasn’t incel-y enough for them so they broke away to fulfilled their downward spiral circle jerk.
Basedjaks developed from wojack who was just renamed feels guy
I thought it was good, not great, but I like cartoons. The pink haired person was also my favorite. Are you more of a bookie?
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Filter giving you trouble anon?
Yeah, I like physical stuff. I'm great at rock climbing and go to the gym regularly.
My fear with something like rugby though is that I don't like team sport and I'm sure there's a bunch of butch dykes which is not my preference. Maybe I'll try crossfit or something then. Idk
How did I fuck up this badly?
Pics or you don’t
>inb4 no pics because you don’t
I ask myself the same thing
Any /clg/ girls really into classic cars?
My family collects vintage cars but I don’t really care about them
Leave moid
What did you do? Or not do…
whoa momma. nice french tips. they must have went to get a pedicure together
Be my gf?
there are a lot of lesbians who have the same look as right and centre
I’ve already dropped my discord too many times trying to get a girlfriend from this thread and none of you ever respond.
Surprised you don't have a gf, the straight looking ones are snatched up quick.
I’ve been told that’s why I don’t have one. I don’t “look gay enough” or some shit
What makes you look straight? Is it your face? Hair? Makeup?
Long brown hair, no bangs or anything. No tattoos or piercing and just normal clothes. I never wear rainbows or anything either. If I wear makeup it’s just natural looks. Idk what the problem is I want to dress gayer but it’s just not me I hate all the weird clothings styles gay people are supposed to wear because tumblr or tiktok or some shit. I love my long hair too much to shave off half of it or cut it short to get a dyke cut I’m so lost. How can I attract gay women and still be myself.

I think another problem I have is that I don’t really have any good queer friend groups or anything so it’s not like it would be easy to come up to me and ask me out. I hate most lgbt groups nowadays. I don’t want to hang out with a bunch of poly bishits. But I’m just rambling at this point.
I never really got into any lgbt fashion shit, I don't like those groups that make their sexuality everything. I wasn't even aware they had a style outside of fat and rainbow hair/piercings.
If you're interested I can drop contact. Maybe we can talk on a throwaway proton non-committal for a while and see if we have anything in common.
If nothing else we'll at least be entertained.
Can I be a dom with childish interests? Is a girl going to laugh at me once I get her in my room and she sees plushies and an animal print bed?
I’m down : ) I’ve been feeling pretty lonely. Honestly I’m one bad day away from trying conversation therapy.
>Can I be a dom with childish interests?
I don't see why not.
>Is a girl going to laugh at me once I get her in my room and she sees plushies and an animal print bed?
I'd find that cute and endearing.
I have a weird thing. I love the physical act of driving. I love driving simulators like Forza, Project Cars and Eurotruck Simulator. I do not give a shit about cars. My 8 year old car is perfect imo.
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Thoughts on cryptodykes who marry and have sexual relations with men for careerist reasons? Pic related
AI shows that I have Libyd phenotype lmao
That's Kamala Harris right? She looks like a girl I worked with who admitted she muff dived until she met her current boyfriend.
You killed her after this information right?
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>That's Kamala Harris right?
>a girl I worked with who admitted she muff dived until she met her current boyfriend.
Why is there something so hot about a woman with a secret/lowkey gay past? They're so much more based than the loud and proud "queer" women who always end up with men.
>hot about a woman with a secret/lowkey gay past?
No it’s gross and sad
You're replying to a tranny/moid, no lesbian would say that shit
Favorite sex positions?
You bitches are so annoying lol. But yeah sure anon, no lesbian would ever find it hot that a presumably straight woman turned out to have experience with women.
I think they probably had a bad experience or assume she's repressing/bislut
I wish i knew how :(
Now that the dust has settled, post your ideal dem ticket.
Yeah, I think we were talking about periods because one of us had a gyno appointment. And then the topic of eating out someone on their period came up and she was like "oh yeah, I did that."
Genuinely how many people actually go to the gyno?
I hear everyone talking about that shit and i don't even know what it is.
Is that like how men have to get their assholes fingered every once in a while?
None of them. I vote republican.
John Stewart
Why? Republicans are anti lgbt, but they are less annoying. I’m too left leaning to vote that way but I hate liberals. Feels like there is no good options but Democrats are the lesser of the two evils.
Women who are looking forward for the day they'll be forced to give birth to their rapist's child don't need to reply.
dem propaganda
I don't want men in women's bathrooms and children being allowed to transition. Also not a fan of immigrants destroying the country.
Kamala Harris / Marianne Williamson. Corny wine moms will heal America.
You can literally just read project 2025. They're not keeping it a secret.
Trump didn't sign off on that
I'm in the military retard
I know what's going on with that shit
And don't pretend that's some qualifying factor for being a Republican is agreeing with that
You're shilling for trannies and decriminalizing crime etc.
>decriminalizing crime
I'm not the one voting for a literal convicted criminal who got the supreme court to say he's above the law.
Yeah, you're the one trying to vote someone with Alzheimers into office and allowing people to steal up to $1000 without penalty, ignoring our current debt, providing support for countries that need to solve their own problems, also marginalized people can't do anything wrong.
Go back to tranny camp, boy.
As opposed to the guy who promised to build a wall during his entire campaign but when it came time to build it, he realized nobody wanted to sell their land to the government to make it happen. Or how the inflation spiked in the past years as a result of the tariffs he placed on China as a "power move".

There's also the fact he outlined in Project 2025 how he wants to systematically destroy women's right to protect the Christian and Judaic nuclear family where men are the providers and women stay at home as caretakers. Women are 50% of the population. He essentially wants to make 50% of the population subservient to the other 50%.
What the fuck kind of bullshit are you spouting?
This is conflicting with everything I've heard about Trump being against this, so once again dem propaganda.
And you're essentially wrong about everything. You're really stupid, how about fact checking? Well knowing how much you've just said, you probably just collect shit off Twitter.
Stop replying to the bot. It's obviously outdated. It doesn't even know Biden dropped out yet.
yapping about american politics at 2 in the morning… get jobs holy shit
But that's literally their jobs!
robot don’t have job. even tho i don’t think they’re robots actually i just think they’re retarded
bestie go to bed wtf are you doing it’s almost 3 in the morning or maybe midnight at best wtf is wrong with you
America used to be a country that could force regime change regardless of who was president. Who is the last evil dictator we toppled, Lybia? I dont know where that is on the map and I dont care. Assad still alive. Putin still alive. Maduro still alive. China literally drilling child cybersoldiers for ww3 and Trump doesnt have what it takes, we need coconut cop.
>heat of nature conversation
maybe they are robot after alll…
>It's a robot
Good one. Actually just the same old one as always.
Is that another conspiracy theory or do you just lack critical thinking skills? Maybe both.
i just don’t have any clue what you meant by that specifically and it sounds like something someone/thing would write that has a very loose grasp of english. sorry
>I can't understand
>You must not speak English because I can't understand any of the English words you wrote
Sorry you didn't go to school, should have known the dems drop out in 9th grade or go to college for gender studies. Lol
can you explain what
>heat of nature conversation
means then? i genuinely don’t get that
Naturally occuring conversation that are heated. Controversial, something that the sensitive masses would get upset by resulting in emotional arguments.
yea english is not your primary language. it’s really obvious. probably 50% chance you ran that through some ai too idk. anyways i’m done talking with you chudbro

late night clg sucks. all my favorite dykes leave. i hate this
All your favorite dykes are fat gendies
But believe what you want, at the end of the day you're still retarded
it’s times like these i almost miss bipedo… almost
Why are there so many retarded lesbians itt? I feel like most of them should just go to the other lesbian general, where they accept retards that like trannies and gendies
Yup!! and all this extremist polarizing shit is why i just won't be voting this election, who EVER wins, women are fucked. Voting at All would be an ethical fuck up in my part, i cant bring myself to put women in a closed alleged safe space where the know str8guy claims transness and rapes her, No More than i can bring myself to lead women to accept rape being solitifyed by being forced into having their rapeists baby..

Like ive said before, Its all trash, all real women can do is, brace for impact, and get all your ducks lined up in a row to protect yourself and your children or children in your life you care about, Because, both have brought shit to the table, and neither is willing to just let women stay away from people they are not interested in.
Mind you in the dems world, the real just gay men will be fucked too though. god forbid you say no to a ftm, Detest the "minor attracted person", or Really do worry about your kids tumultuous adolescence o.0
Real women will be the ones to pay for this. Realistically, its trump vs scott winner.
Whos fucked up world do you want to live in?
At least when i dont vote, i can literally state, that i was against both ideologies, and they have nothing to do with me, I just dont want to deal with men or AGP's like that. IDGAF what everyone and their mom thinks, You ALWAYS prioritize Safety over "kindness"
Not really
Where is there such a thing that's saying women can't abort rape babies?
That's not a thing. Not sure what propaganda you've been hearing.
Handing those rights back to the state is the right thing to do. America is meant to be a secular nation, allow the state to handle that. I've heard of almost no place that would deny a rape abortion. And if you can't find one in your area I'm sure there's one close enough.
NGL, it might really just be propaganda, but that is the weapon dems chose to clobber repubs, I know scotts laws are REAL wtf shit happening tho. There str8 up is no rebuttal to that. Like in california it is THE LAW. Never in a million years, did i ever even fathom newsome humoring a minor glock gobbler representative..
California is a shit hole though, yeah that's some bullshit but obviously aborting a 7 month old baby for no reason shouldn't be allowed. Give birth and send it off for adoption, idk.
And Trump has stated he'd give that back to the states. The feds having control of abortion is what caused this shit anyway, if the states have it it's much easier to change the law that not.
NGL, that kinda sounds like propaganda coming from the repubs side, that only tends to happen if the child is dead inside the mother. She will die too. (ex EMT) seen what happens and the real threat of death.
That's obvious though, of course if it's threatening the mother it should be aborted.
That's not my argument at all.
I'm saying that being irresponsible isn't an excuse for an abortion. Abortion isn't a contraceptive.
Also Trump said that on the debate that he wanted to give rights back to the state. What do you mean?
Look this is why it needs to be with the state
Personally idc either way I can see both arguments playing devils advocate
But no one will agree on everything so when the state can handle things there's something for everyone. Can't get it your state? Just ride over to the next, no big deal.
realistically, everything is so fucked up, im just not doing anything anymore, there is no way a moderate who agrees and disagrees with some of the things on both sides would ever have a shot. I can STILL talk to moderate repubs, and a lot of moderate repubs tell me they can talk to moderate dems, NGL, i think we live with each other just fine. but the extremists on both sides fucked it up for everyone. funny thing is that A LOT of dems dont grasp that they have gone extreme.
NGL, it is kinda sad how easy it was for dems to take the bait, and ACTUALLY pass it in to LAW. o.0 I really had more faith in them when it came to that.
If i could i WOULD, but a LOT of the people i love in my life live where i am, and i really dont think its fair, that people that were never from here, come to make it what they THINK it is...
and it bothers me that its always been like that To Be Honest. But the fuck if i dont hate it.
It used to be we'd find a middle ground, leave it to the state etc
Now it's war if they don't have everything their way federally
Because it's profitable for them, no one else and extremists don't care about fairness
Yeah, but how is it any more right to allow feds to proclaim their right to your life, they're already invasive enough as it is. Their role needs to be far more specific and less wide reaching in areas like this so that the people can vote for things in their state as they should. We already see how incompetent they are from recent events. The start of making things better is to take it in our own hands, stamp out corruption. The people in the state should be able to make individual decisions rather than one blanket that's a haphazard catch all, it just doesn't work.
im mad/hurt that we are where we are. I love my repub family, and i know for a FACT that my repub family loves my dem ass. Im starting to hate them both, a lot of my family has str8 up renounced repubs, despite what dems have done to women, i feel shitty that i haven't renounced them.
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It seems to be a bad time to post my copypasta. Let's just pretend that I did
The war comes from lack of compromise
Two extremes will never have everything but the thing is that when the feds take over and make a decision for all it alienates the other extreme. This causes even more conflict and immediately sets focus on the other side.
It's never going to get better the way it's going. We need to go back to patriotism, there's so many people that are psy oping and trying to weaken our foundation so they can infiltrate and take advantage of our systems.
Is it wrong that i really believe that patriotism really would work. Everyone loves the fourth of July, but dems sullied the AMERICAN FLAG. I for some reason get irated with just looking at it. and i str8 up LOVE AMERICA. It saved my family that both sides came from war torn countries. Is it wrong that it really does feel like the ParmaBros did this to all of us? They are the only organization to win on all angles of this situation.
I love you guys are able to see through the bullshit. Gives me hope.
>I used to hate this fuckin song
>every Friday my school had this pride rally school spirit shit and K-12 had to stand for the pledge, the national anthem and God Bless the U.S.A.
being shorthand for all the children in all the grades in our itty-bitty district, if you didn't know
>every time I heard it for almost 20 years it made my feet tired and my knees hurt
sorry about that, ignore my idiotic phoneposting
Have you ever met a black lesbian in real life?
need clingy gf obsessed with me so that I never have to put effort in our relationship
>sleep for 17 hours
>clg didn't die in my sleep again
Very proud of you girls for managing that!
>evil dictator
I unironically miss her
>bpd gf has blocked me on all socials and won't return my calls
sounds annoying, you should find her and beat her up till she behaves
>Thread about black girls
>Not a single image of a black girl
Lesbisisters..... Can we do anything right?
How dare you bring up bisluts and sisters on the same sentence
This is not only bisexual and incest shilling
It's also transgenderfying terms!!!
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Here, sis
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This man passes for a butch dyke or a farmer's wife. Would the girls hit it?
all ugly
threw up
i have. she was a cunt. i liked her
What the fuck? Would you hit it? Hell no
Get out of here
I told her I loved her.
it’s really atrocious but i’m ngl… some of the girlies do be lookin like this and that’s disastrous. we need to do better
yea she’s cute
don’t tell me this is a tranny :/
That's a tranny yes
>This man
>She's cute
>Don't tell me it's a tranny

We're being infiltrated again aren't we?
>We're being infiltrated again aren't we?
Yeah the sudden influx of troll posts in a thread that usually only gets one post every 3-5 hours had me thinking the trannies were raiding again.
Just report and ignore anon.
we have regards in here 24/7. it’s not that sudden
Fucking hate regards I do!
ac is the true regard

but i’ll keep posting from my IPHONE anyways bc it’s better than whatever SHITPHONE the rest of you have
Phoneposters ruined the internet
They are the blackest most regard idiots I've ever had the displeasure of interacting with
stay mad little samsung phone haver. apple will always be better. my messages are BLUE. yours are GREEN. how can you compare??
Apple is the worst
I'd never buy an apple product
Also watching asmongold, why is he so convinced that there's no crossover between what men and women like?
>Girls never identifies with goku
I'm pretty sure every kid thought goku was badass and wanted to be like him
what are you babbling about? your grasp of english is still as bad as ever
As expected of a low iq applefag.
>Can't read
>Blames someone else for it
Maybe try going to school, are you underage?
hetsubs anon… come back… save me from these retards… also i wish you were real…
Damn, wish these trannies would fucking leave.
Coming in here with their malformed hrt brains and getting upset when they get triggered, can't read English and have almost no grasp of common sense.
when all the men die out someday we can all come back here and hold a candlelight vigil for our number one third world posting moid. we better all do it ok? his dedication deserves respect according to him
>trannies are delusional and seethe whenever someone brings up crossover of interests between men and women
>I'd call them malebrained but it's really just autism

Really, why does someone like this hang out in a place where people hate them? It's almost like he's asking for it.
you seriously need to take some english classes and some communication classes. i can barely parse what you say

you just randomly all the time start “hey watch this random guy talk about…” no. i don’t care and neither does anyone else. seriously its just annoying. stop randomly bringing up something nobody cares about just to rant about “the tranny virus” or whatever. we don’t care and we don’t wanna hear it. it’s been talked to death and we don’t care anymore
Then maybe shut the fuck up and ignore it?
Lol you're pathetic
>I can't read
>It's your fault
>How dare you talk about a thing that has nothing to do with me
Ok, tranny. Seethe.
so what is your primary language? are you Mr Egypt? or maybe Mr Ruski? Mr Turk? i’m genuinely curious
Anyway, now that the tranny has revealed itself as mentally ill
How many girls as kids thought goku was badass and wanted to be super Saiyan?
My phone is HTC not Samsung but that's irrelevant, phoneposters are generally of much lower quality
Fair. Immigrants are really bad for labor, especially illegals. I don’t think that gets talked about enough. Everyone’s paycheck would be better without them here, but I feel for these people. They are fleeing from some really bad situations.
He’s going to though. Every one of his advisors is on board with the heritage foundation. He’s just holding off on saying anything until after he’s elected.
You should vote 3rd party as a protest vote. That’s what I did a few years back. Candidates don’t care about people like you who don’t vote, but if enough people start protest voting it’ll make them change their tune about some stuff.
would peg this tranny
Yes I’ve met several. Life is way harder for them from what I can see. Black parents beat up their queer kids.
don’t count the white parents out on that one just yet
I looked through the Project 2025 document and didn't see anything that would take away our existing rights.
nooooo anon you don't understand! he is going to put all us queers into camps and gas us! just like he did last time he was president!
Remember the 6 million! Never again! must we not let so many innocent queers be murdered again!
It's dem propaganda
The trannies want you to believe that so you're scared enough to vote for their side which is actually making those changes
I do think republicans hate lesbians and gay men but I don’t know if it would be a bad thing if we went back to don’t ask don’t tell. Maybe we’d have a better Tightknit community instead of all this faggotry and rainbow barf and straits pretending to be queer. I’m kinda jealous of lesbians that got to experience the community in the 80s and 90s. Lesbian community nowadays is non existent.
It started in the early 2000s, I witnessed the shutdown of a bar that exclusively served women in Carson City around the time of Halo 2's launch. All the dykes started hanging out in the bowling alley after that. I wish I could remember the name, it was a pun. Arcade cabinets, coin operated pool tables, kicked all us kids out after 8pm and switched to full barmode.
Most of the scene went online, underground, or faded away to dust once the Ts started to litigate
Republicans don't hate gays and lesbians
This is pure cope and delusion
Republicans are starting to hate gays and lesbians because we are associated with trannies and radical leftists who they hate for valid reasons.
>tfw no asian gf
Dr's appointment on Friday, doing an ultrasound. Maybe find out gender, maybe. Still undecided on names, we're dithering and overthinking it I dunno. We'll probably go with korean first english middle or hyphen middle for that authentic Florida vibe

Bedtime soon, boot up some darktide and knock out. They got some new content and it's pretty fun
I hope it's a girl and that your wife doesn't die in childbirth or of some other pregnancy complication
I mostly look at this thread in the background since it isn’t for me, but if anyone actually believes this you are completely wrong. I’m a troon so I’m sure this will be disregarded, but before trooning I have witnessed first hand how much right wingers hate gay people. It’s just trannies, they hate you too. I used to have people at my old job that was in a small town openly tell me they thought gay people were “subhuman.”

For anyone that believes that these types might be on your side just because you also hate trannies, they aren’t. They fucking hate you. They won’t say it to your face, but behind your back they absolutely will discuss how much of a freak they think you are.
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Please do not mutilate your children’s genitals.
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based and sensiblepilled
>look up what it says about abortion and divorce
>nothing on the latter, and the only mention of the former revolves around wanting the government out of funding it
I did read it, and you're clearly an usotski.
That genuinely makes me happy. I've missed this place too. t. a more careful "bipedo"
>hate my job
>don’t like where I live
>have paid off 50% of the mortgage on a small place

Should I just sell my house, quit my job and kick off a mid life crisis spending spree?
Skip straight to the retirement 5th wheel. Get you an RV, go find some place you love and park it.
They don't offer the procedure free anymore, my mom says, so no worries there. It's something he can have done later on when he's old enough to know what phimosis is. That's if it's even a He, might even dodge that bullet outright
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What games that were developed by dev teams with white women do you enjoy, /clg/?
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Reminder that asian women are the thinking non-het woman's choice.
I don't check that shit, I play games if I like the story or if it's fun
This one I've been looking at a minute
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The last game that I really enjoyed and still think about is Signalis
Despite being a tragic story I still wish I had a relationship like that of Ariane and Elster
I hope that someday I'll be able to find myself a replika wife that I bioresonate really well with

It's a shame the community for it got infested by "them"
who's bipedo?
>using trannies for a cis lesbian thread
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While I was away, I picked up some pics of qt east asian girls that I wanted to share with my lasses here.
Maybe you recognize me from my posting habits. I've been gone for a few months, but before that, for years, I often talked about white women being awful, asian qt's, hebes, lolicon, shotas, futa, race realism, het romance anime, stock market and options trading, abortion.
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None of them are trans, retard, they're just black so they look more masculine compared to to normal women
>hebes, lolicon, shotas, futa
are you a troll or do you actually like all of these things?
curious about your thoughts on this
>compared to to normal women
>are you a troll or do you actually like all of these things?
She does. Are you new here anon?
She is strongly opposed and before her recent 2 month hiatus would make sure we have a major argument about it in the thread at least once a week.
>Are you new here anon?
i think i've seen her posts before but its hard to keep track of who's who. you can also never tell who's trolling or not.
>She is strongly opposed
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>curious about your thoughts on this
I think that a lot of it is just dressed-up infanticide and that the women who get very upset about it getting slightly harder to do in some states are unhinged.
>that pic
Mentally, I put abortion doctors in a seperate category from other medical professionals.
my crush is going on a trip with some other girl how do I not kill myself over this
Is it odd for a 25 year old and a 45 year old to be in a relationship?
yeah kinda
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Has anyone here gone on a bike vaccation? I mean, biking most of the day, camping at night, maybe having the occasional hotel stay and riding through a country. I've been meaning to do it for several years, and the end of summer and the prime biking weather is approaching. August is my one shot, one opportunity to seize everything I've ever wanted. Got any tips? I'm thinking about taking a plane down to central europe with some supplies and gear, renting a bike and spending a few weeks in Switzerland and France. I already have a good bike, but taking it with me seems troublesome.
Not asking for myself, I found out that that's the age gap between my neighbors when I was having a chat with the younger one. None of my business of course but I got a little weirded out by it. Especially because she has some very childish mannerisms.
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*Shows a picture of tranny women*
Been a little while /clg/. I have a daughter now.

Yeah, I rode my bike from Northern Germany to Southern Denmark and travelled around there for a bit. I stayed on camping grounds and at a cozy little hut. It was definitely one of my favourite vacations, I still think about it all the time. There was something magical about the route; it was part of that Baltic Sea Coast Cycle Route. France seems like a wonderful place to do a similar tour. I'd highly recommend you make your dream come true, anon.
Whoops, meant to reply to >>36642063
It's a little strange I think
My mom was 19 and my dad was 42 when they got together but I still find big age gaps a bit weird
I am so sorry
It's not that bad anon
How did your dad pull that off? Was he a massive chad?
>Been a little while /clg/. I have a daughter now.
How long has it been since you posted here? are you a named anon or someone I would recognize?

I don't really know how to answer that but women seem to like him a lot, he's my dad and I love him but I've never really understood what women see in him, I think even if I was straight I wouldn't consider a man like him to be relationship material.
idk I would be pretty sad if I knew my mom was groomed by some old man
Well my mom doesn't think she was "groomed" and neither do I
I don't think you know what that word means. I wouldn't say that 42 is really old either.
>I wouldn't say that 42 is really old either
42 is ancient if you're 19 stop coping granny
Like dentists and chiropractors
>mentioned route
That's an interesting option. The only problem is that I'm up in northern sweden. To get down to the decently populated southern part of the country with my bike, I'd have to travel though 500 km of mostly forests. It's doable, but I'm not sure.
>make your dream come true
I will. I have a bad habit of procrastination, but this time, it'll happen. You mentioning how much you enjoyed your trip is extra encouragement.
>mfwI was (((warned))) for this post
That's almost physically impossible at my age, zoomer.
>seething this much about the boomer being happy and having a nice family
>h-he's exploiting them somehow
>The only problem is that I'm up in northern sweden.
One step closer to doxxing bipedochan

I was banned for a single post that mentioned [REDACTED] >>36532207
Meanwhile posts talking about Kamaala or voting for her don't get bans for some reason
Really makes you think
you're old and senile and need to be put down like a rabid dog if you think a 20+ age gap is fine
Zoomer girls belong to 30+ y/o boomers of both genders. That's just how it is.
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Like, I wasn't even being smarmy about it. Maybe because I used the word seethe? They're all acting like they're the children of alcoholics and abusers.
>The Dems promised, we're going to the amusement park this weekend.
>What's that, you need bail And beer money?
30 is not a boomer anymore old lady I think your brain is finally turning into mush
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>How long has it been since you posted here? are you a named anon or someone I would recognize?
Eeh a couple of months? Maybe longer. I was still reading for a while but not posting much. Yes, I'm one of the named anons.

I took my bike with me on the train I rode to Northern Germany. I feel like renting a bike for a couple weeks would be really expensive? 500kms of forest doesn't sound too fun.

Me too anon. I'm hoping to read about your adventures on here soon.

>You mentioning how much you enjoyed your trip is extra encouragement.
Glad to be of service.
Most people don't see much issue with that age gap
Also it's funny that bipedochan insists 42 isn't old because she is like 36 or something, which is pretty fucking old and close to that age.

>hebephile hag claiming zoomers belong to old people (including her)

Yeah, agree but we should drop it now before he bans us
>Yes, I'm one of the named anons.
Take a wild guess, anon.
I'd prefer you just tell me :)
:( I'm Germanon.
That would have been my guess but I thought that would be too obvious and didn't want to risk my 100% success rate in guessing anons
I think I remember you talking about your bike trip before
Can you expand on
>I have a daughter now
Are you married now? adoption or sperm donor/ivf? if there was a pregnancy did you carry?
>23 y/o age gap
Reminds me of this cute doujin series. In the other chapters, the couple start dating 4 years earlier.
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Fuck you bipedochan!
I think I mentioned my hometown once in this general. You're slipping, stalker-chan.
kek. I figured me talking about Germany made it pretty obvious.

>Are you married now? adoption or sperm donor/ivf? if there was a pregnancy did you carry?
No, gf said she wants to give it another two years until she's ready for marriage. She did ivf with her ex-gf (yes I know) and was the one who carried. I can't imagine anything more horrible than pregnancy so there's no way I would ever do it.
Also this is the same gf I had in 2016.
The tags are misleading though. It's not degenerate.
>I took my bike with me on the train I rode to Northern Germany.
I hardly ever use trains. I guess I sound stupid with this question, but that's something you can do? There are types that accept heavy, big luggage?
Mention it again please

>kek. I figured me talking about Germany made it pretty obvious.
That made it too obvious and therefore potentially a trick!
>No, gf said she wants to give it another two years until she's ready for marriage.
Well I hope things go well and you do get married :)
>She did ivf with her ex-gf (yes I know) and was the one who carried.
How recently has the daughter born? where they still together when they did ifv? did they break up while she was pregnant?
>I can't imagine anything more horrible than pregnancy so there's no way I would ever do it.
That's a shame you feel that way, pregnancy and childbirth is such a fundamental part of womanhood, it's sad and unfortunate to miss out on that I think.
>Also this is the same gf I had in 2016.
The sortagf that you sorta dated before she got a real gf? or is this a different one. If it is the sorta gf I thought you said she had a wife last time we were talking about this.

Hetshit and lolishit are inherently degenerate bidedo retard
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Yeah, like all of them? Never been in a country where heavy luggage was an issue.

>Well I hope things go well and you do get married :)
Thanks! We've been looking at wedding dressed and our honeymoon will be in Japan, cause she's a weeb like us.

>How recently has the daughter born? where they still together when they did ifv? did they break up while she was pregnant?
They broke up when her daughter was two, which was two years ago.

>pregnancy and childbirth is such a fundamental part of womanhood
To me that's just the weirdest body horror there is.

I think you're mistaking her for the gril I was sorta dating afterwards. That one has a wife now (who is twice her age and a coke addict).
I don't. It's too straight looking and too much of a sex pot image. It is obviously a look for men
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>omitting the "lolicon" part
Dumb bipedo
Most people find pedophilia degenerate not to mention the fact that you're coming into the cisgendered lesbian general thread to share your favorite pedo hetsex comics

>Thanks! We've been looking at wedding dressed and our honeymoon will be in Japan, cause she's a weeb like us.
>They broke up when her daughter was two, which was two years ago.
Ah I see, that's a shame that they broke up desu, parents splitting up can create issues for the children and stuff but if they weren't right for each other then it might be better than them staying in a loveless relationship.
>To me that's just the weirdest body horror there is.
Do you think you might someday get over those feelings?
>I think you're mistaking her for the gril I was sorta dating afterwards. That one has a wife now (who is twice her age and a coke addict).
It can be a little difficult to remember all the details from all the relationships anons have had over the last 11 years and the order the relationships were in.
Imagine being a seething faggot that sucks the fun out if everything in life, controlling what others think about and discuss. Unable to comprehend and read basic English.
How horrible, truly. I'd never want to associate with a lesbian like that.
18 - 4 isn't loli territory, you brainlet. The heroine's even 18 in the doujin I linked too.
How am I supposed to know that? I just took one look at the tags (which includes lolicon) and decided you posted yucky hetpedo cringe
I'm not going to read through the comic just to confirm which specific degeneracies it features lol
Look at the pic you posted. What did you think "41-sai to 18-sai" in the title meant?
I don't know, I don't speak Japanese
Dumb bipedo
>loveless relationship
For sure. She's at the ex half the time so at least she's growing up around both parents.

>Do you think you might someday get over those feelings?
Highly doubt it, I've found it terrible ever since I was young.

>anons relationships
Yeah, definitely. You've been around for a long time anon. I actually forgot I live blogged my era with that sortagf until someone mentioned her here recently. Was that you? Did you ever receive a name yourself?
MtF here. Not gonna lie this is the most hardcore tranny ropefuel picture I've ever seen posted here.
I'm off the next few days, almost a vaycay but not a full week. Take a nap and wake up early early in the morning and play vidya in the den
>For sure. She's at the ex half the time so at least she's growing up around both parents.
That's good, I'm sure you'll be a good mom too :)
>Highly doubt it, I've found it terrible ever since I was young.
Ah, well one benefit of lesbian relationships is both partners being able to carry children so it's not really a big deal if one of them has pregophobia (forgot the real name for that)
>Yeah, definitely. You've been around for a long time anon.
>I actually forgot I live blogged my era with that sortagf until someone mentioned her here recently. Was that you?
Yeah that was me.
>Did you ever receive a name yourself?
Bipedochan sometimes calls me "stalkerchan" but I prefer Anonymous or anon for short.
That’s mean :/
Wanted to be a straight A student who went to an Ivy. Ended up becoming an unremarkable normie loser with a job that intimidates no one.
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So my wife and I were considering starting a family since we're finally stable enough for one. Unfortunately she's butch and feels uncomfortable carrying and I have a septate uterus so the chances of miscarriage are like a hair over 1 in 3 on a good day. Neither of us want to adopt and we probably couldn't anyway because we're a same-sex couple.

I'm not really looking for advice, I'm just getting some thoughts out. I just want to be a mom.
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For me, it's long legs (and east asian girls.)
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One leg is fine too.
Time for noon-breakfast, yeeep!
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I'm eating these little Cuban sliders I got from the convenience store and these egg-free cookie dough bites. That new flavor of mtndw, berry pineapple something, it's very good


I’ve always wondered what it was like to be a credulous retard, perhaps you can share your lived experience

What the issue? You think 8 month old babies can't scream? That they develop this ability magically once they're out of the womb? That they're not exposed to air during the abortions? That she lost her license for no reason? Can you even articulate your thoughts into something coherent?
Whether the babies scream is beside the point anyway. That's just the woman's justification for mutilating the kids.
Put all that in-between some bread... and eat it with hot cheetos.
What's very interesting is the selective humanization of babies with people. For example, in the past, people thought babies were unable to feel pain and so it was up to the parents to decide if they wanted to give their babies painkillers during surgery.

And yet some groups cherish an unborn baby to the point where they refuse termination, flourishing he or she with terms like, "the next president, the person who cured cancer" when he or she will die stillborn with absolute certainty.
>I'm sure you'll be a good mom too
It feels really weird to read this. I never wanted to be a mum.

Tokophobia? Again I never wanted to be a mum so I never considered my horror towards pregnancy an issue. I was much more worried about meeting the perfect gril who desperately wants kids and having to separate over that.

When you guys shipped me with Austria, I had just moved abroad. I've been in Germany 12 years now...

That seems like an appropriate name for someone who is tracking all our adventures.

Please tell me you aren't just eating cold cuts without any bread.
>eating that much for a meme meal like breakfast
There's no way you aren't morbidly obese.
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>3 months of /clg/ without pic related being posted
Yeah they do. Source: I said it.
>Corny wine moms will heal America.
The woman who routinely calls all republicans "crazy, extremist, stupid, unamerican" will heal america? She's objectively one of the most divisive, authoritarian, dogmatic nominees for the presidency ever.
>shamelessly lies about what's in it
>says that others should read it, knowing that they likely won't
Very cynical.
>Please tell me you aren't just eating cold cuts without any bread.
Whyyy not?!?

I would fold you like a napkin, little girl.
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I sometimes put a little dab of hotsauce on pepperonis and eat them straight. Little bitty hormel ones are my favorite because I can put them in Ramen.
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I found this when looking for the other, looks simple enough to try
Imagine going back eight years and telling the anons here they're Moms now
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how do i make myself more attractive to butches please help
Look like a dolled up sex toy bc they have the exact tastes in women as men
I hate butches I wanna fuck the butch out of them I want to make them my sex slave and feminize them and make them go out on fancy dates with me while wearing pretty long dresses and I will also curl their hair with a curling iron
not gross at all
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Really fires up the neurons.
Dude. u r a pooner
oh my god i love the smell of pussy so much
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Slav girls.
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I am not a lesbian, just a man. I must warn you to steer clear of slavic women, I grew up around them and they are cruel and heartless creatures, regardless of who you are to them. They're cruel to men, women and their own children. It's a poisoned well, look elsewhere.
I do not speak from a place of rejection, I would not take slavic women offered even with a generous dowry, I have just seen too much.
yeah no they stopped looking like that 35 years ago
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>I was much more worried about meeting the perfect gril who desperately wants kids and having to separate over that.
Well it's good that didn't happen
>When you guys shipped me with Austria, I had just moved abroad.
Personally I stopped shipping her with you when she told us she loves her sister (non-platonically), purest form of love is always best ship
>I've been in Germany 12 years now...
Crazy how time flies. Do you still have a qt Britisher accent when you speak English or is that gone now?

That poster has posted a dozen selfies and is not fat

Makes me wonder which other anons are moms now but haven't came back here and updated us
Until like 2020 I figured I was gonna be alone forever.

>Well it's good that didn't happen
Gf says we actually met again at the only time that would've worked for us. Had she been childless still we would have eventually split over the issue.

I'm sure I don't have to tell you that she got together with her sister in the end.

>qt Britisher accent
Yeah I still sound like a chav. Thank God cause the German accent hurts my soul. They somehow take me for Australian here frequently though.

>Makes me wonder which other anons are moms now but haven't came back here and updated us
Supes? Delinquent, maybe? She old. And whatever happened to Uppsala and her gf quest?
ngl. that bipedo girl has some pretty good taste.
>Gf says we actually met again at the only time that would've worked for us. Had she been childless still we would have eventually split over the issue.
Reading this made me smile, it's nice when things work out :)
>I'm sure I don't have to tell you that she got together with her sister in the end.
Still kinda don't believe that desu and lean more toward believing she was blogging her daydream fantasies but I only ever saw a few of her posts from the /r9k/ incest general because 99% of the posts there were gross hetshit and I'm not going to lurk through that garbage for some occasional f/f
Unless you have additional information to add to that storyline?
>Thank God cause the German accent hurts my soul.
I like how German girls pronounce English words, it's cute! thoughhoweverbeit I like most non native English speaking peoples accents
I don't know if you missed it but she came by toward the end of 2022 and she was either engaged or married, I don't remember which but her and her fiancée/wife own a house too I think so it's possible for her to be a mom
Still hasn't posted here since mid 2020 when she said she was going back to college to get another degree but she was single back then I think, a lot can change in 4 years though
>She old
Oh yeah I forgot that she was like 33 back in 2016, Crazy how some anons are in their 40's now, I'm 24...
>And whatever happened to Uppsala and her gf quest?
I think most recent gf quest was number 4: covid edition, this was also 2020 I think. Actually maybe I remember her posting since then but I'm not sure when
I hope she found her queen...
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After a quick archive search I think this is the most recent Uppsalanon post, or well the replies to her replies are.
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>Reading this made me smile, it's nice when things work out :)
Imagine telling me in 2016 we'd have another shot eight years later. I'm dying to know what our uni friends from back then would think.

>Still kinda don't believe that desu
I have my doubts too I must admit. I actually told my gf about Austria and this one Swedish-Chinese couple that met at a museum in the UK, and she just stared at me and went, "you know people lie on the internet, yeah?".

>Unless you have additional information to add to that storyline?
Probably not. I was here when someone leaked her /r9k/ posts and when she returned to confirm the story. Apparently she stealth posts still and a friend of hers checks on the general.

>I like most non native English speaking peoples accents
I prefer native accents. Though I like the French accent.

Yeah I know, it's why I thought she might have a kid now.

College is a good place to find a gf.

>I'm 24
You've been lurking here since you were 13?

So she went off to Denmark to find her queen. I missed that lost post of hers. I think I still have one of her gf quests saved.
>fellow sd voter
I didn't realize that she was so based and redpilled.
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>I actually told my gf about Austria
One of the few Austria /r9k/ incest general thread posts I remember is her venting about feeling bad because she got really mad over a video game (overwatch I think) and shouted at her sister-gf and was then upset at herself for being bad to her sister-gf, with the way it was written I'm sure it was a thing that happened and I'm sure she was living with her sister at the time but maybe the sex part was just her fantasy larping
>and this one Swedish-Chinese couple that met at a museum in the UK
Wow I literally mentioned them in this general 2 months ago and went to the archive to find the post about how they met, the reason for this was that an anon was invited to some event at a museum but was thinking of not going and I posted a screenshot of that anons story of how she met her wife to try and convince her to go.
Anyway I now have posts made by that anon bookmarked and they live in north Germany where anons wife has (or had) an art gallery.
Name of art gallery in this post here if you're interested
If that poster was larping too then it must have been a very long larp because I remember her and nazi arguing because nazi kept calling her a cuck as her brother was the sperm donor for their child and that was like a year later (or maybe a year earlier) or something, that anon was a regular in our general for couple of years is what I'm saying
>You've been lurking here since you were 13?
I came to 4chan when I was 11 or 12 but yeah I was 13 when /lgbt/ was made
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>So she went off to Denmark to find her queen.
I don't know if she would have followed through with that but I guess there is demand for doctors everywhere so finding work wouldn't be hard
>I think I still have one of her gf quests saved.
Post it if you still have it, I've thought of searching the archive for them but "gf" is only 2 letters so you can't archive search it and would have to just search "Quest" and search through probably thousands of tranny posts to find them.
Also when searching the archive for her posts I found this which I think is you conversing with her and you say "I dread the day my friends are becoming pregnant" which is kinda funny now

Alice Weidel is her waifu and she dislikes Muslims and immigrants
you people are so full of shit lmao
Anyone wanna come over to my apartment Saturday night and mutually masturbate with me like a couple of losers as we listen to cooler women go out and party?
i’m incapable of being aroused but if you wanna hold me while i cry all night that’d be nice
Pfft, you can do that in vr
no i can’t?? nobody would be actually there it isn’t even close to the same and also vr makes me unimaginably sick anyways
what percent of you are actually just pooner?
I thought I was the only dyke in Sweden who votes SD
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>How many girls as kids thought goku was badass and wanted to be super Saiyan?
Omg me :D I used to fantasize about sacrificing my life for others in battle because its cool and also because I was afraid of growing up
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Yeah I don't doubt Austria and her sister were living together.

>Swedish-Chinese couple
Yes, that's the one! I actually also told her about how they met and that her brother was sperm donor. Iirc they live in Hamburg and rent/rented out part of their house to a student. Their story didn't seem so much like a larp to me as Austria's did. I remember one anon asking me why I don't hang out with the two.

>I was 13 when /lgbt/ was made
I hope the percentage of 13-year olds I talked to on here remains low.

Right, that's me kek. I stand by my fear though, few of my friends have kids still but I'm afraid of how it's gonna change dynamics. Gf actually says she regrets motherhood. Also that ex I'm talking about in the screenshot is her.
I can't find the gf quest unfortunately, sorry to disappoint.
The chuds are just right about stuff. Simple as.
Built a bookshelf today and now I'm putting all my books back in. Makes me fantasize about spending all my time reading and hanging out with hippie writers.
Did you beep yourself with the Stud Finder? You know it's not structurally sound unless you beep yourself with the stud finder....
I just about managed to squeeze all my books in, having to stack a few on top of the shelf, when I realised I hadn't even touched my box of foreign language books yet. Fuck

I didn't attach it to the wall. Do I need to beep myself still to have it be secure?
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We're gonna go see Deadpool on Sunday, go see it before I get to spoil it like I always do. Around noonish We're leaving for appointment and probably head straight back if it starts storming. It's been threatening rain every damned day but always deciding to hit Orlando instead. I wanna hit the food trucks on the way back but if it's raining fuck that, Little Ceasars has them ready to go out the door. It's almost four months smoke-free, I still catch myself wandering outside and patting my pockets for no reason. Muscle memory I guess?
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>page 7
whatcha up to today, anon?
Working, shitposting and preparing for my bike trip. I'm trying to figure out how many bags i need to attatch to my bike and how to keep the stuff in them safe. Being able to put locks on the bags for times when you need to leave the bike seems essential to me, but none of the ones that I've looked at have this functionality. I don't want to have to choose between carrying all my supplies with me, if that's even feasible, or risking all my stuff getting stolen every time I want to buy food or go to the toilet. I wish I could fit all of it in a large backpack and keep it tolerably light, but that's not gonna happen.
Huh I've only ever seen the one standard bag for bikes so I can't help you with that. I always try to travel as lightly as possible; never took more than one backpack with me. What are you wanting to pack?
>bike trip
What kind of bike is it anon. I’ve been thinking of getting a bike myself just to ride around at the park or for very short commutes. I keep seeing people with those cute dinky little folding bikes and I’m legit thinking of getting one. The folding mechanism is cool because it makes it small enough for you to bring it inside and avoid it getting stolen
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A tent, sleeping bag, a mattress to insulate you from the cold ground, the bare minimum of clothes, hygien stuff, some books. It adds upp. I think I'll settle for a 45 L backpack and two 25 L bags that go on both sides of the back of the bike and are big enough for the big stuff.

I guess I could skip the tent and sleeping bag, but that'd mean I'd have to spend every night at a hotel, which is surprising expensive, or slum it up at hostels with people I don't trust or want to be near. Something like 150-200 euros per day for the hotels. With a month of cycling, that's ~5000 and a lot. My plan is to just to it occasionally instead.

Pic's related. I'd say that it's a mix of a city bike and a road bike. It's fine for long distances and "pendling." I've switched out the tires for a narrower type, which makes it easier to ride and go fast with.
Aren't you rich bipedochan? fairly sure you've boasted about owning 2 (two) houses before but you're too stingy to pay for a hotel lol
I hate spending money though. Comes from my childhood, I guess.
>too stingy for hotels
I'd do it once, twice or five times. 30 is too much. 3 visits is probably as costly as my other camping solution for a month.
How are ya gonna keep the two bags safe? If you're actually going to France, you definitely won't have to pay up to 200 euros for a night at a hotel. Unless you want luxury or are in Paris but it didn't sound like that was what you were after. Switzerland's a different story of course.
Taking one of the bags with me and some makeshift solution with locks and rope, I guess. I just need to make it too hard and incovenient for the opportunistic thief that passes by and doesn't have any tools at hand. I think it's doable.
>Iirc they live in Hamburg and rent/rented out part of their house to a student.
I'd forgot that part but now I remember it too
>I remember one anon asking me why I don't hang out with the two.
Haha maybe you should check out "黃 By Night" If you're ever in the area, assuming they still live there and the art gallery is still open
>I hope the percentage of 13-year olds I talked to on here remains low.
Underage me flirted with a few different anons here, sadly none of them groomed me and now I'm a kissless handholdless virgin at 24...
>Gf actually says she regrets motherhood.
Wtf! bad mom! you're not suppose to say things like that
>Also that ex I'm talking about in the screenshot is her.
I thought it was when I read it
>I can't find the gf quest unfortunately, sorry to disappoint.

That's horrible :(
Also Asian lesbian has to be the least likely demographic to murderer anyone, especially their wife, shockingly statistically unlikely

What is your job bipedochan?
Someone pls make new thread
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I posted that image here a couple of months ago for the crazy frog waifu haver but she ignored it :(
She saved it if it made her laugh, I did!
She might have been a tranny anyway to be desu, at least that's what clare was saying
Glad you found it funny tho, the main reason I found it funny is because if you've ever been in fallout threads on /v/ peoples waifus actually do look like that, it's so ridiculous lol

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