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malevolent treacherous femcel general
last >>36608057
qott: have you given up yet
>sample sample
i need to cuddle with somebody so fucking badly
keep telling myself i haven't but my actions say otherwise
i think i'm just waiting to die and haven't admitted it to myself
homeless soon and can't even lift a finger about it
i swear i have been on the edge for years now, I just wish it was over
pls let it be over
Fuck you what kind of question is that. Yes
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yeah at least for now i'm done.
had nightmares, got up, had a coffee, tried to get diy only to find out i can't, despaired for a few hours and now i'm back in bed.
should sh to rid brain of this malaise but i don't think i deserve the relief.
hang in there
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I'm so absolutely fucking disgusting
That's all I want.
come over
i wish i'd made friends before i became disgusting and unlovable
nobody tells you that being a lone wolf stops being cool and fun the instant you need actual help and all your ephemeral friends melt back into strangers
how do i cure the bdd
very carefully make or collect from others true observations, repeat them to yourself even if they feel like lies and lean on the underlying logic. just do it over and over. eventually truth sets back in
how do i determine whats a true observation and a lie though
back from final fantasy fourteen hows it goin yall
>the instant you need actual help and all your ephemeral friends melt back into strangers
a healthy support network is so hard to find and keep.....
how am I not banned lol
bans you
jenny thinks you're cute
Ill be a cute girl one day
I went to a club for the first time tonight. It was too much for me, how do y'all do it? I got overstimulated and sent into fight or flight almost instantly.
good luck anon
you're supposed to get kinda fucked up before you enter the club, if you go in sober it's jarring
>a healthy support network is so hard to find and keep
ditto, felt
never really had one of these or good parents, just the occasional codependent relationship
god i feel sick to my stomach
i wish i liked star trek and math so i could convince you to ride my weener
I'll let myself out
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>meet up with local trannies form discord
>they dont care about my presence barely interact with me after the first time
>make casual small talk and discuss a few stuff, I usually stay silent or have to make questions that receive swift answer then move on
>eventually enter a call and before I live for the night get called I look like shit and dont even try to look feminine(I have said many times im in manmode)
>just say goodnight and never interact again
>the team leader os to speak still invites me from time to time but I deny it every time
>they have all bonded at this point and dont even really talk outside what i assume is irl or dms since they leave close bya nd I live in the suburbs
I guess Im the reddit manhonmoder
It was my last hope to have a place to be with other trannies. but I suppose I should have stayed in my lane. I pretty much gave up on making new friends. It made me feel like I am such a fake person and not even trans cause I just dont have the will and lets be honest money to "get pretty". Sorry for being a loser!!!!
I guess I just cant belong anywhere then. I am just fucked
sad and lonely and low key need a pp appointment
i drink hard seltzie and watch scary movie to cope..
is this that portland server with regular meetups?
What movie are we watching?
horror in the high desert 3
i really hate u
this gen is so fucked lol
sorry ily <3
is it true that circumcision ruins srs or makes it harder?
How are ya
;~; </3
i'm ok c: up late watching bodycam slop and worrying abt my life prospects
it doesnt really affect much iirc, its just more skin to work with for the labia from everything ive read
Body cam slop?
who are you
i feel like every girl I've met who was more than a couple years post op says she lost most of her depth
sometimes i wonder abt just getting zero/low depth
getting fucked in the pussy sounds nice but idk abt srsussy y'know
all i rly want is for the dick to be gone and vag just looks better aesthetically imo so maybe it would make sense for me
ya body cam footage of cops like dealing w druggies and crazy ppl and dumb teens on YouTube
also to add to this- stories of girls getting line a uti or some other run of the mill things in that area and having to go without care bc all the gynecologists they go to refuse to look at them
meeeeeeeeeeeeeee :3
and my ex
not to be dramatic but im horrifically ugly and nothing will ever make me happy again
omg same :D
such is the plight of anything with a y chromosome
i will never be a real girl :/
nite /mtfg/
I hope tomorrow isn't as bad as I think it will be
which one r u again
Idk i just felt like focusing on you
always focus on the hottest girl in thread, and ignore the rest. That's what i do
based predators
sry i can't interact. waiting for marie to post again
How do you deal with the overwhelming feeling of knowing it's unlikely you'll ever be loved by another human that isn't parental love? I feel like every relationship I start, it just ends, either a few weeks, or few days after it begins. It's demoralizing.
ok wait this is actually fucking me up. I've been staring at this for like 5 minutes because this is like exactly what happened with my ex until I met my gf when he wasn't talking to me. what the hell
many such cases
Sorry. I wasn't thinking when typing that part. I know plenty of trans people (and Queer people in general) are disowned, or unloved by their parents.
Lol ive never even seen her
Typing styles determined my interest
how can you post on this board and not know what Marie looks like? she starts her own hate threads dedicated to herself
You're such a normie by your own description, and your parents are like movie parents wearing matching Hawaiian shirts and your mom's name is Dolly and your dad's name is Biff.
Lmao i like her already
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mornin boos
>he doesn't know
it was nice while it lasted ;_;
gm elden queen,,
one word brother....
Fucking what?
Splain plz
me and jellyfriend beat rennala
he kept poopin on her and staggering her i love him so much hes my bestie
I am becoming a bit of a normie, I agree, but it doesn't change that I am trans, and it unfortunately means, my chances of a relationship are much slimmer than a cis person's. Especially since I'm Hetero leaning. I believe 3/4 of cis men said they would not be with a trans woman.
you're slow on the uptake
I'm uggo
is okie pringle ur good <3
jellyfriend is precious and must be protected at all costs
he will take u to the ends of the earth..
I am an iq of 79 would do that to normal peopl3
But im not normal people
You had the whole thread saying your hot XD
i don't think anyone said that...
you're the most normie person here sometimes, i used to think you were a sockpuppet doing a bit.
> I believe 3/4 of cis men said they would not be with a trans woman.
You have more dates with men than any of the lil hussies itt pring. Idk how you do it.
poundcake you savvy?
i want hot chip
but hot chip makes tummy hurt :/
they weren't calling me hot
this thread is full of prettier/better liked girls than me, to say nothing of the extended roster of trips including those not here atm
I dont think im savvy
Well this is th3 point in which i ask to see a pic for proof
someone post it. you know the one ;7
Luck more than anything. Some have gone well, some haven't. I had a coffee date back in April that was going okay, until I noticed he was wearing an NRA hat. I asked about it of course, and he described himself as a gun loving Democrat. Despite the fact he was wearing an NRA hat. A group that has notoriously given into Republicans, and have sponsors in the Republican party.

I've also been stood up a few times. Or I've gone on dates, only to not really have interest in who I'm seeing. It happens. It's not always easy.
earlier today
How do you even stumble across a chaser who wears an NRA hat to a date? Most chasers have long hair and wear a My Bloody Valentine t shirt on first dates

>I've also been stood up a few times. Or I've gone on dates, only to not really have interest in who I'm seeing. It happens. It's not always easy.
Proud of ya. You're trying to find the right one for you, which takes time and patience.
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Put the legoman in your shirt pocket
Mtherfcker you hot as hell
tf is this hugbox
nobody likes me
Uhm not an argument just facts
I'm really not sure frankly. He also really didn't dress appropriately, even disregarding the hat. I'm not asking for guys to show up in tuxedos for a coffee date, but he was wearing a Godzilla shirt, and cargo shorts. I wore a sundress I like.

I'm 30 now. My days of pretending to be interested in a prospective partner are over. I will tell them during the date if I don't think it's working sometimes.
still alive?
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>but he was wearing a Godzilla shirt, and cargo shorts
Yeah, thats bad.
>I wore a sundress I like
guys every day is a stuggle back home. I need summer to end. Is there anything I could do to take up my time for 30 days to stop my from killing myself like a fucking idiot so I can reach better days by numbing the pain.
fine with me
id lose out on free entertainment if you were to die
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so tired but can't sleep until on plane
1h40 until departure...
fuck it's cold in here
at least that will keep me awake and such
are you feeling any better after getting some sleep
why did hrt make it so i cant clear all the pee out of my body? i squeeze it and shake it and when i stand up its like a teaspoon or two just flows out down my leg or soaking my undies
dead cope thread
>crutches and bobblehead general

use your finger to press on your prostate from the outside, that should push the pee out
i do this or what i think u mean. i press starting on my taint and like squeeze it out. but i never get it all out. i think my bladder was destroyed by hrt in a non sexual way
See what I mean? I unfortunately don't have a lot of great chances.
yeh that's what i meant
that sucks desu, maybe you could hold some toilet paper to your urethra so that the pee goes into that rather than your clothing?
Same-ish boat. But i have even worse chances. And im 34.
where are you going now lady
its not ur bladder its ur prostate shrinking, the uretha passes thru ur prostate gland so when its smaller than it is usually, pee tht would have been held by the gland b4 has an easier time flowing out, especially when ur moving
i do this sometimes. or i pinch it and stand up and like let it flow out controlled.
that would explain a lot. tiny little worthless prostate.
it's really not worth it
need to hold a gun to her head and make her beg for her life
how is it already almost august
this month went by so fast
no one in particular.
no women think like this
this is just a man's fantasy
if im a man im a more feminine one than you
who cares? your fantasies are still super masculine
getting off on subjecting women to pain is very male brained
ok bro
do me a favor and cut deeper for me
question for the group. is it possible to be straight and goth? bc so far i've found that people universally interpret it as a "this woman is gay" signal, like to the point that shitty pick up artists don't bother with talking to me. like, i've been goth for like more than a decade, and I'm about to completely reverse all that for my fucking *dating life*. idk, what experiences do y'all have?
what is with the low tier male obsession with goth stuff
bro woke up early to sneed extra hard
i woke up early bc i have migraine :(
flight boarding now yayy
Literally no one cares
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is this ur new gimmick
whats your flight number so we can follow u
...i care
same so do i. idk who that weirdo is but she needs to leave
do u rly
hang in there little angel
tyty am excited
oo seattle. are you the only tranny? theres gotta be like 2-3 more
Kill yourself
i mean, we're both anon, so like, 5%? would feel shit if ur plane crashed, so def hoping that doesn't happen
sob idk not on plane yet
no sorry im just irritable due to migraine and anxious due to an important appointment this morning and am not handling either well

thought the cat was wearing a sonichu medallion
not anytime soon sorry
End it
scary movie was good..
do it yourself if you want me dead so bad
You disgust me
my ex takes that flight a lot. are you my ex?
which movie
half the country takes that flight, why tf r u thinking about ur ex??
>claims to be poor
>flies across the country
half the country flys with delta between boston and seattle?
Jade is rich
you mean grooby's parents?
one and the same
Tfw catfished
no shes not lol
not groovy jade
get real <3
literally a different jade but ok
i already told you do it yourself
best i can offer is cutting pics in exchange for attention
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no entertainment to get from me anymore.
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youre already getting attention without that
what's up with u anyway u seem to have done a 180
you'll be over it in a few days
true but i could get even more attention.. ufufufufufu...
I'm just miffed over falling for bait again
i didn't bait you i was extremely clear what my situation is
you're mistaken if you think I don't hate these circumstances as well in some ways
the universe is cruel but i didn't bait you, you knew what you were getting yourself into.
this is kinda what it's like when marina is gacha info dumping
You waste my time sperging out at me for daring to want to be alone while trying to reel me back in by self harming and lovebombing me and then 2 days after you're on a flight to your actual girlfriend
im mentally ill
as are you
the feelings i have for you are real
everything happening right now was already planned before i met you
why did you have to fall for me
is your gf hot?
dont do that again smfh.....
it's fun
no its not smfh
nice digits
also u keep saying that but like
things take time if i were to ever be able to see you irl it would likely take at least 6-8 months im sorry im not rich
it's fun 2 me
Yeah you only have money for your actual partner sorry
this is creepy
holy shit ur retarded
i only covered $100 of the flight cost because that's all i could afford to cover
keep on assuming the worst of me thought
yeah fuck this
you knew this was planned you've known my situation since we started talking
you also know where you stand with me and how i feel about you
youll always have a place in my heart if it's a position you'd like to hold
I'm good

Wait, i wanna do a line too.

*puts on reading glasses and clears throat*

Don't hate the playa. Hate the game.
get away

Hey val.

*picks you up, puts you in her lap and pets you*
this is why u dont e-date on here. i hope u enjoy your trip to seattle and this little cunt doesnt ruin it
I hope your dick isn't only wet on discord.
i bet youre insanely jealous that shes going to visit some other girl and probably have tons of cute moments and gay sex. seattle is a really nice city for little dates and being cozy
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How could I be jealous of someone else when I'm literally me?
o im ssorry im retarded. anyways youre gonna hev good weather. its been so hot here but its finally cooling off.

*puts a kitty in your lap that only likes girls*
*she headbutts you*
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everyone talking about how it's so hot and tropical outside but i didn't even notice. acclimatized ig.
hey guys what's the best way to bait a transbian? I've been leaving vintage Gameboys modded to have backlights and clear cases in those cage traps but I haven't seen any around? Should I just switch to dissociatives/alcohol? I tried putting musky wallets but those just attracted rats.
To the anon that was being kind of raunchy about it, thank you for talking about how to treat down there on trans girls without bottom surgery. Understanding that the hormone changes make it respond more like a clit with stimulation specifically focused on the head made things a lot better for me
Modded switches and lesbian romcoms
week 2 of interviewing and have an interview in less than 1 hour but it's online. I really want to get a decent new webcam and a ring light so I look better on cam but monies.. :<
benzos/weed and alcohol with a side of razors.
Just use your phone
I dont think i pass i think i just reached a point where i'm palatable enough to cis ppl tht i don get misgendered
>Modded switches
that's how I met my gf....
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switch wasn't even out when i met mine.

is such a thing even possible?
Phone seems scuffed and less professional imo for my role (i literally sit at a computer all day and wfh) so idk.
im not sure, i think there is like a valley between hon and being a passoid which is like , doesn't pass but looks put together, making an effort and normal enough tht makes cis ppl see u as a women albeit a trans woman and i feel like im right in the middle of tht valley

Talk about how much you wanna boing your father.
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Put it on the same position as ur webcam
You are retarded
You pass
Nobody ever thinks shit like this irl not even trans people outside of brainrotten cockroaches
Get your mind on something worth pondering
QotSA: fuck no, gonna fix my funnel chest, thicken my thighs, do corset training/rib removal, get BA/ffs alongside midface shortening/shoulder narrowing surgery, invest into anti aging

Saving shit-tons of money for that rn
does smoking ciggies really affect hrt?

Normal people want to minimize the chance of trouble. Those right wingers who "can clock a tranny from a mile away" are obsessed losers and regarded as assholes even by other transphobic people. Normal people are like, "dressed like a chick, prolly a chick"
Yes, it's not worth having to quit constantly
oh well
I'm not saying they're like doing some tranny calculus in their heads when they see me. It's a subconscious thing
Yes, it spikes dht by a lot, which is really bad for hair, breast development, etc
If you changed your hormone protocol and you managed to lower your test by 100, but your dht increased by 30, it's basically a wash
My kitty has moved to occupy my sleeping spot preventing me from going back to sleep.

*cis person sees you*
*wopr noises*
And I'm saying there's nothing subconscious going on and nobody even considers the existence of what you're thinking over right now
relatable desu. think ffs cud fix?

don't think so. my levels were the same before and after i started smoking and the only thing that's made any difference in outcomes is having a higher dose of e.
plenty of other reasons to quit smonks tho.
At least someone gets it
>Think ffs cud fix?
It's what I'm banking on rn lol
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I sometimes forget there's a reason why you people are on 4chan

turn away

I am not getting it.

*rolls around you*
my therapist wants me to stop thinking about the past and look at what I can do for the future
but how can I
how will I ever forgive myself for not starting hrt as a teen
I had all the info at my disposal, I knew about hrt, I just thought I'd be better off trying to repress than being a tranny
I could have started at 13
will I ever be able to live a normal life
I'm here to quietly yearn to be in a room where I can talk about Internet jokes all day and make friends doing it. Internet isn't funny for being itself anymore. People always wanna spout some bullshit about walls and roads when I'm flooding a chat channel with pictures of cats or they wanna act tough when I innocently ask them what they ate that day. It's stupid as fuck and no one understands it enough for it to be fun and inclusive anymore. Black weebs got segregated.
26 is eons too late right
Take the pills and shut up
whats the point
just tell me no already
Take the pills alysa
i wana bbaby
It's harder to like trans people than to be trans 2bh
wdym lol? ofc i'm gonna complain about life on 4chan instead of pestering ppl irl.
At least complain about actual things and not psychological assumptions of why everyone around you sees you as something you're not
I'm going to put one inside you.
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No more hon dosing, I’m injecting straight lavender oil
Laguna how are you still awake, how long have you been up for?
am worse. i wan have bbaby in self and make babby n other :( same time
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I still haven't grinded enough.
Thts when I trooned
Age doesn't mean as much as like what u look like individually. I've seen 18 year olds with less passing potential as people on their 30s

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i can't know how other ppl see me so i have to assume that's kind of the problem. and my assumptions are done by the retard who lives in my head rent free (me).
People like you.
for example, paige is manly and despite being a mid-late transitioner starting at 19 he was always doomed
Is HRT supposed to make your beard hairs soft? Haven’t shaved for a few days after about two years on HRT, and it’s growing in really soft.
no bc this is crazy
sex with the person you love...
yeah :(
all im saying is if you're threatening to kill yourself, and you specify you aren't just venting but that you're seriously going to do it, and talking to someone who cares about you and you get mad because they want to call a wellness check on you you're a fucking jogger. what are they supposed to do?
say "damn rip, you gonna stream it?"
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what's love?
A scam
gods greatest gift
baby don't hurt me

Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me,
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tfw when you meet the person youre going to grow old with
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tfw when you will never grow "old"
I should just kill myself
You shalln't
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>late transition
just turn on your trip I can't stand you anymore
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I shall
lol imagine a japanese spelling bee

who am i supposed to be?
boobs hurt btw
a school, bala! conphas has brought a school!
Are you still playing gacha?
and let yourself go
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I got what I wanted for today now. On one game. Will go grind on the other once I'm done eating and maybe working out
How, also what are you eating
don't care just trip
the misgendering is so unnecessary
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How? I got all the equipment I needed and optimized the characters enough to be usable by my standards, I'll max them out and get the best possible gear later
And I'm eating ham with eggs and tuna

*curls up on you and naps*
i've been too nice with you, you got way too much comfortable with me
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gonna bake a pizza.
should probably cook something else at some point but the shops here are woeful so idk what i could even make when i can't even buy basic stuff like onions.

i thought paige since she seems self hating and transphobic enough to misgender herself.

I had a really nice nap.
am i really delulu or is this an accurate descriptor of where im at?
implying nomi will stop if u tell them ur uncomfortable
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I'm going to need you to K.Y.S.R.N.
when i get nervous my voice drops and I HATE It
ur delulu
Lotta protein, are you trying to buils muscle cuz?
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Has kitty.
>did the first vocational evaluation thing
>now need to wait for the person to go over everything

>i thought paige since she seems self hating and transphobic enough to misgender herself.
this is true desu

>implying nomi will stop if u tell them ur uncomfortable
he will 1000% double down and be even worse and make you more uncomfortable
>is this an accurate descriptor of where im at?
i would say so
you look nice/well groomed

why are you dropping your voice
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passing doesn't apply to be because im so unbelievably unique and authentic and sincere that no one sees me as anything but myself
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I pinged the wrong one. You end it not whoever else it was
it's not on purpose but I think its a mix of being more sure of my deeper voice and also societal pressure such as deeper voices get taken more seriously n that stuff
that's not what I said though
i'm not mentally ill enough to feel uncomfortable bc of nomi
See this is the kind of person that plays gacha games, literally skips sleeping, eats trash, posts anime girls on 4chan all day all while gambling on these p2w mobile trash games, can't you see how much life sucking these games are? You could be playing an actual real game that would provide you entertainment not just frying your dopamine receptors but okay, keep gambling for your anime waifus that are just pixels on a screen
I thought valentine was sad recently and that was the source of the strange cryptic somewhat melancholy song lyrics and my brain told me to be affectionate. Sorry.
just stop doing it then if you don't like it

>i'm not mentally ill enough to feel uncomfortable bc of nomi
nobody is
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Please not the ff14 gooner again
i can't control how my voice sounds when i get nervous though that's the problem
you were 50% right! it's not so bad
So telling you the truth of how it is and being real is not enough
lol fair. i guess i meant more u can literally have no influence on if nomi does those replies to u or not
feel like if ur the only 1 agreeing with me is a point towards the delulu camp
just do it
oh u were a pretty passoid rip. no longer relatable.

need kms.
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it's baffling to me that after this many years of hrt and transitioning you still have a gay twang AND you still can't do a girl voice

I literally lost the ability to use my old voice after just a year of transition

literally anyone who genuinely puts effort into voicetraining gets it right after 7-8 months and most can't go back to their old voice after using their new one for a few months on a daily basis
You look fine, aside from not finishing your eye makeup
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You're literally a erping coomer man
That's hardly true
We can switch back and forth like a fun party trick
you try having a job and speaking under that high pressure environment then
i can't do an actual male voice even tho my voice isn't even passing lol. the best i can party trick is a croaky faggot.
don't do tht fren, mebbe ur the same
yeh the eyes are scuffed lol. was playing with some new products and techniques
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Tfw never voice trained because I always passed regardless of my voice
Never got "clocked" by it even while boymoding
Maybe it's just spanish making people sound fem or smth
lol no i burst into tears today because i had to take a selfie to id myself to a bank.
i wish i could take photos without them being suifuel. could never post myself here.
I literally did
I had to go to small court hearings and such on a weekly basis for a couple of months

I genuinely can't do that anymore
Goddam if I feel like shit
Post vocaroo
yea no
I was adviced by someone smarter than me to not do that before
not the same
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dont know wht to tell u i often do the same
aight sure whatever helps you cope
Just learned my biacromial is in the middle of average fem range as a gymrepper lateshit luckhon. We're so fuckign back.
Now how do I lose like 8 inches off my height.
u might be delulu then yeh :{
What's yours?
does it mean I'm agp if I took a picture of myself and it arouses me?
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Anyone got any ideas on what to do to not feel bad
a billion percent
lose consciousness
nothing wrong with being a tall woman imo
~34cm, but it could be up to 35 or so because it's awkward to measure
And how would I go about this?
hurt someone else is a popular choice
the misogyny conmon here is fucked
could I just be bisexual?
Is it better to start gymmaxxing again as a tall woman or do I just try end up like >pic
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I don't even have motivation for that anymore
And I'm me so you know things are not going too well
>the average shoulder width for American women was 14.4 inches (36.7 cm)
>the average shoulder width of men in the United States was 16.1 inches (41.1 cm)
ur on the small side desu.
you could expose your vulnerabilities to a group of fickle online twenty somethings and hope they kill you
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My doxx is already out there and this is full of that they should've come kill me ages ago
gym is always a good idea
I've managed to use muscle to make my body less rectangular/stickfigure-esque
it's slow going but as a gangly 6 foot goblin, I'm somewhat happy with how it's going
Can someone draw a line of how to measure this on myself?
I mean, I knew my shoulders were small for a guy but honestly thought they were massive for a woman and was too afraid to check until now because I knew it'd send me into a bdd spiral but now I'm elated. I just bought myself some weed as a lil treat for nothing other than existing
bicromial goes to the knobby bit of bone before your deltoid
Okay but I am skinny so the whole damned area is knobbly, hence draw a line on a picture of a person?
I was going hard at squats and deadlifts a lil bit before starting HRT but I haven't been to the gym since desuu and kinda been getting a bit too thin. Definitely need to get back into it once I'm comfortable with going again
google how to measure it they got pictures.
What was the point again
i was gonna say i'm just happy to be below male average but who am i kidding there's nothing to happy about lol.
Objective ranking
Road Warrior > Furiosa >Fury Road > Original > Beyond Thunderdome
I used my scuffed webcam and got offered the job an hour later :>
Ja pierdole
>going hard at squats and deadlifts
I've been doing something more akin to calisthenics than powerlifting
but I also don't have access to weights rn
>Definitely need to get back into it once I'm comfortable with going again
I'm sorry... iktf... ;-;
I'm above the guy average in a few measurements and stopped checking after some bad bdd spouts tbhon so I'm still there with you.
I got this win under my belt for today though and I ain't letting it go.
Today was weighted walking lunges, b-stance rdl, leg curls, crunches and reverse crunches
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Today is my conscience being crushed under the weight of my failures and incapability of action in the ever flowing river of time
Calisthenics is really good for functional strength I've heard. Might have to just try to go full muscle mommy mode when I start going back. Gotta see how much I can grow just my butt and legs first tho

nice, never learned about b-stance for rdl until now. you have blessened me with knowleg today ty
w-when does it get fun
It does a really nice job adding a liiiiittle more stretch across the glute with that bit of rotation
Love them to death, even though they kill my ass
It don't
When you were in middle school 20 years ago
sheeyit wtf why do ppl like it

i was in elementary school 20 years ago
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If you're not having fun now I advice you quit and run away
If the osrs grind is like a marathon imagine the first dozen of hours are on a downwards incline with people giving you 4 donuts every 1km and giving you time to take a shower and a nap
That's how the first dozen hours are on osrs thanks to questing and how fast you progress at the start
If you're not having fun already, just quit before the sunk cost starts hitting

t. knower
13.75 inch biacromial
Eat shit, kayla
Yeah I will definitely be adding them to my routine. Do you have a specific routine you follow or do you just build it as you go/based on your goals?
get away
another way
turn away
They like it because they played it in the library in middle school 20 years ago
I pirated a bunch of renaissance per ionization women's physique templates and slot in movements by the same relevant muscle groups
wins r good i'm happy some of us can at least get some dubs yeh.
Got this in around a week or week and a half and had almost all quests done
I quit even though I had a year of sub purchased cuz I literally did nothing but sit there and play it and my life was going to shit because of it
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woah sick
how many quest points?
I only have 4 since I've been mostly fucking around for fun
runestone mining is so fun f2p :>
ok I've been told my new job can actually be fully remote, they don't care if I don't go into office they said!
Soooo... my city's rent is like 2k euro for a small 1 bed apt. Please give me recommendations for cities in Europe have good nightlife, are safe and where I can spend like half that cost on rent, I don't wanna house share anymore
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>Good nightlife
Cheap places aren't as populated which is why they're cheap
Less population less nightlife
you should sleep at night
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>qott: have you given up yet
No. Never. I refuse. I had happiness in my grasp once. You don't lose that and think "oh well, shit happens." No, I will keep moving forward until things get good again.

They were good once, they can be good again.
Your best option is to live in an affordable city near a city with a nightlife if you're trying to keep costs down.
ok, but I only mean cheap in terms of rent wise for a 1 bed apt.
I just spend too much on rent at the moment for what I'm getting and I'm sick of it.
gm mtfrens it's a new day
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Cowmoding is making my hips seem smaller by making my waist bigger I think
I really need to start losing some pounds
What she said
there's quite a few cities in Europe that only cost a fraction of that
like most cities(500k+ pop) here in Germany are less than 800 for a small apartment
the problem is availability tho
why is your pussy crying
This is eating disorder
Have u seen the mirror?? I'd be crying too
Okay maybe it did start with that but maybe I kept going because I wanted my hips to not be small
listening to 2000s techno/trance and wishing i could escape into the wired
yeea I literally just stumbled across how cheap Leipzig is. It looks big and nice but kind of old fashioned? Berlin's rent is like half the cost of here too it seems but big variability in quality.
How tf is Germany's rent so well under control???
You make your hips bigger by building muscle there, not just eating
You're already basically a rail, build some muscle and stop falling for anamoder bullshit
Yeah I need to go back to my normal diet and get back to the gym or at least do some leg workouts at home but I've been doing nothing at all other than overeating lately
>basically a rail
Starrail reference?
And my stomach is big now I don't like it
Wrong. Lol. You cant really train gluteus medius for size. Just cope w ur skeleton and stop prenending you can change it to something its not
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>How tf is Germany's rent so well under control???
oh it is absolutely not
some cities are completely out of control and there's dozens of people applying for every single available apartment
housing crisis in mid-europe is extreme
Calm down hon
There's more to hip than glute medium
And you can absolutely increase mass there. But also quads, hams, etc contribute too
Says the assless ging
Laguna is a rol3 model, a p3rson to be emulated
hello steven this is clem fanfango can you hear me
I have nice enough hips im chillin
None change the distance of hips across meaningfully. Most hip circumference increase is in gluteus maximus
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If you want to take that loser as ur role model be my guest lol see where it takes you. My advice is only for people with brains in their skulls
Alright champ settle down a little
Dont bring heat and expect me to just take it
How'd you get chubby though, what have you been eating, are you still doing cardio?
plop plop plop plop plop
Id bring penus and youd yake it kindly
Ok, well it's definitely better than here by the looks of things.
where t f in the world is there not a housing crisis in a city. Maybe it's time to move to the other side of the world like Indonesia or something
Eating 2-3 times more than usual plus not going to gym plus not going outside at all
mom thinks making me go grocery shopping with her will make me stop being suicidal
the raven has landed..
not the correct response
Literally nobody cares

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