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Florida is so based
Trump will carry it when he wins
I hope he didn't make it
victim and attacker both homeless and both living at the airport
holy fuck
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please don't be a hon please don't be a hon please don't be a hon
why are americans so violent
wonder what she looked like to get stabbed up
wow can't believe shes alive
booth were >>36617325
literally what you all want to happen to each other lol
siri, what are the races of the "people" involved in this altercation?
>Actually just standard lumpenprole drug-induced violent crime
Once again tranners have 3 choices:
>redditcuck future transbian bottom chaser
>prisongay chud polcel top chaser
>passed around antifa/black circles as a drug whore (WARNING: high danger mode)
This was a common ending of path 3, not the beginning of glassdildonacht.
The Stabber is white, the trans girl hasn't been named maybe since she is a minor
>miami airport homeless freaks
its a fucking cuban, siri, a mutt. but thank you nonetheless.
You were certain the perp was black and now you're backpedaling. Sad.
Damn, I was just at miami international airport yesterday
Do you pass?
I'm amazed they gendered her correctly. Isn't Florida Uganda-tier transphobic?
>prisongay chud polcel top chaser
me minus the prisongay part (I have an easier time rizzing up cissies than trannies)
fuck me, airport's in a shitty part of town, but i got the feeling this was deliberate
why are you people so violent and hateful?
Even if you think trannies are le pedo groomers a 17 year old was horrifically assaulted have some sympathy
she was only just a lil one
Trans people deserve to be stabbed.
This is only going to keep happening
Good. It needs to happen much more often. Trans people aren't human and don't feel pain. They only know how to cause others pain, and their whole lives are devoted to doing so.

Accept being cis, or die.
this is why i wear a baseball cap most of the time and i only dress like a boy. no one can say shit and i just look like a tomboy. it’s also why voice training is so important cause relying on makeup/clothes to pass is too dangerous.
We need to use forensic teams to assess boymoder probability and there's still clues like how you are totally shaved and groom your eyebrows and when you say "dress like a boy" you mean an adult pedophile, trannies don't dress like normal men do. It is still possible to suss out boymoders and stab them to death too to defeat transgender ideology.

Trans people want you all dead. Don't let them live.
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They got their laws invalidated by some judge. Florida now has ultra youngshits
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I boymode at the airport and I still malefail at the scanners they always scan me as a female and then come up to me and try to grope all over my dick as if it's a weapon

The last time I got fed up and told the lady i'm trans before they started groping me and to rescan me

> homeless at 17yo
Land of the free or something
>stabbed 20 gorillion times
Kek why does it happen every time? Can human beings even die to knives?
yeah if you hit an artery you die in a few minutes
hope he recovers tho.
illegals? if so, disregard my previous statement.
Why are modern trannies so violent?
No, I don’t think I will lol
The last name is love retard. He's black
we need tcd right fucking now
/tttt/ unrelated has there ever been a terror attack at a security check? They always make me think, idk why anyone would bother bringing a gun on the plane when pulling it at the checkpoint would yield more victims.
It's always like a 100 people waiting in line, cramped af, anyone trying to escape will trip over those fucking tapes and the whole layout seems intentionally designed so that it''s hard to get out.
(Hello to the FBI agent reading this btw, I'm harmless, just here to jack off (not to the specific thread ofc that would be weird))
>Hello to the FBI agent reading this btw
You're the fbi agent trying to spread ideas.
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did you even bother looking at hid mugshot before you wrote this shit?
Every trans person I know gets violently mad when you imply homeless people are dangerous, hopefully this will change that delusion.
unfathomably basado
here's hoping for sepsis
least obvious fed
It's unhoused people, chud.
>cheers on violence
>other people do the same towards you
>"why you people so violent"
actual retard
i have this thought every time i spend an hour in retarded globohomo “security” theater
i avoid homeless people like the plague, and they rarely assume im on the streets because i dont look like a junkie
i was attacked three times in one year, and they were always black. if youre trans, avoid the homeless... its more than likely theyre mentally ill, possibly violent, and fucked up on whatever shit street drugs they buy after stealing anything not nailed down
esp avoid them if theyre black, they hate queer people, and some will go out of their way to harass you. dont like the truth, liberal? keep your head in the sand and keep playing wow while your sisters on the streets continue to be the victims of black hate crimes
t. homeless portland tranny
so? what does she look like?
>kill trannies kill trannies NOO NOOOO DON'T KILL ME KILL THE TRANNIES
They must all die. Liars and murderers. They're lucky the average queer isn't nearly as violent as they are
>inb4 muh random once in a 1000 years schizo school shooter
They are a minor so no identity has been disclosed, and she's currently unable to speak because of the injuries but
>According to police, the victim is a trans woman and is in the process of transitioning. They have not confirmed whether Love attacked the victim due to their gender identity.
>“He attacked the victim, who’s 17 years old, with a long butcher knife, 18 times on [her] arms, shoulder, neck, face and head and legs, while the victim was sitting on the floor eating a meal,” the judge said.
Is he going to dilate those too?
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>so based i hope that tranny is dead
>woah WOAH why are you telling me to die?? why are you so violent and hateful??
kek the jokes write themselves
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>what does she look like?
a man probably. Pic is stabber whose last name is ironically Love
Less pedophile = good.
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>t. troonchudcel
Total C_____ Death
Fill it up for me
so he's a spic of whatever kind? that's just black+
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If he has to...

>my vagina is going to fucking collapse
god save us from the 17 yo pedo
Fuck, I've actualy flown from there not long ago
You need to get better at tucking, so the scanner doesn't pick it up.
A decent tape-job usualy works well enough

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