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many terrific friendly girls
last >>36615747
qott: do you think you'd be a good mech pilot
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focus on the mission (1986 starring robert de niro)

no, it's protected under the constitution

for instance a popular example of stochastic terrorism is when a republican state representative stated “we must destroy the fbi" following this statement a man attacked an fbi field office and died in a shootout.

this is analogous to hess v indiana, in which an anti war demonstrator was arrested for stating "we'll take the fucking street later" the supreme court ruled that the statement is not a clear and present danger to society (the test for whether a statement is an incitement to violence or free speech) because there was no evidence that the statement posed an imminent danger to the society. if the streets were taken it wouldn't have had an effect on the decision. the representative had the right to say that we should abolish the fbi. there's no evidence that it was a call to violence.


because they turn their sexuality into their identity
O sorrow..
i would be an AMAZING mech pilot.
well, i can't say nothing to stop you, gl i guess
why are you sad exactly?
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Because I'm lonely.
no. unless its like a city bus and not for fighting.
i would b a gud mechbus driver
I’m a programmer, an ex-surfer and skater and I drive fast pretty well so I’m gonna say yes
i wish pooge wus my bestie irl i h8 i let a parasocial whatever its called happen...id go 2 museums n do wutever dum shit with her 2 pass the time and distract from the big sad. we'd b like two retarded ass nuns or someshit.
Has never been
i also spent alot of time at hairschool and how to give a decent womans haircut was one of the few usless things i learned there so i could help her out on that issue
if it's one of those ones where you mind sync with it then hell yeah
if it requires any kind of physical prowess i'm tripping over a building and crushing half the city
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Back in full. Good evening thread.
i would definitely be a good mech pilot i think based off of my ac6 skills
Welcome back my Queen, hope you're doing well
Welsh woman
no offence bc it is not really your fault, god knows what trauma you had that made you this way, but you are way too narcissistic or maybe histrionic??, i do not think that you are a bad person though, you just need to learn to let your ego aside and stop attention whoring so much, you are too annoying being this way, you need to learn to genuinely care about others, let them have the spotlight and genuinely not fear them anymore, they are not a threat to your ego or self esteem, no one is, you are the only one dictating your own self esteem, if you keep valuing your worth based on what others think, you will never be happy, no one wants to steal your crown, you do not require others to admire you or love you or shit, you dictate your own worth and you can have high self esteem while others around you also have high self esteem, those things can co-exist, anyway, you are in Spain, that is a progressive place, try to connect irl and be nice to people, no drama, no bs..
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u kno wut.
i bet ex bf saw a really bleak future for trans rights and was quitting while he was ahead.
dipped out just before the troonpocalypse.
Hello, anon-sama.
Who is this?
A strangely not ghoulish response from Larry-shi. Odd.
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I act like an utter retard on the internet because vulnerability around here is like bleeding in an ocean full of sharks, I'm not like this at all irl
I really do need to just go outside and meet people
Ego fiending on people is pretty fun though turns out everyone basically has absurd insecurities they're masking and I seem to be pretty good at exploiting them
Only one person compares to me in that. Not as good in my opinion but not bad either
Just need to touch grass yeah. My ass is not zamasu
You piss me off.
>because vulnerability around here is like bleeding in an ocean full of sharks, I'm not like this at all irl
Makes sense. It can be very unpleasant at times here.
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i would be a good a mech
could i pilot u
Caroline may i ask how old are you
Give me her keys
24, anon-sama. Why?
You intrigue me, say have you had a neet period and eventually got better and went to university/ got a job?
um i asked first
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The other way around, a stint at university that went poorly because of.. the domestic situation at the time. Then a continuous neet period, interspersed with attempts at working that went poorly and purely harmed my mental health rather than contributed meaningfully to society.
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its fucked
idk why
but it always feels like you should be younger than me kek
yea touch grass, you are young and pretty cute and wasting your time here, stop being so edgy and annoying though, you are not a fucking criminal mastermind, no one is, if anything you should pretend to be dumber than you actually are to take your enemies by surprise, not fucking smarter than you actually are.. you get a pass for your behaviour now bc you are still young but after like 21, if you keep acting immature like this, people will no longer give you that pass.. better to become more mature faster than later.. unless you are happy to end up like kat, a fricking immature 35 year old that acts like a teenager and has no achievements besidea 4chan infamy whatsoever.. do you really want that life??
I see, that kinda sucks. Has your domestic situation improved since?
Do you have any interest in going back to uni?
dwelling is sadness is p narcysisstic yeh. need 2 be shaken outta this manic bs. shake me papi
It's my youthful vigor, Pilot-sama.
I live alone nowadays, so yes, anon-sama.
What is your dream?
How do I get over thinking about past me coping? Like I literally can’t stop cringing about the ways I used to cope.
I got a testosterone test to prove I was actually a guy and that I didn’t have some kind of hormone imbalance that was making me have the thoughts I was having. Then when it came back with high t levels (kill me I know) I just thought ok that settles it, guess I just have to hit the gym and my bdd will magically go away when I was no longer andro looking.
Like did I think my fucking dick was going to fall off? Did I think I wouldn’t still hate the hair? Did I think I wouldn’t lose my hair?
Now surgeries are costing me happiness and security money that could have been avoided if I was just a youngshit
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become a multi triple billionare
maybe the mech from future cop lapd
>fried chicken tacos
you are doing something totally wrong

idk depends on the mech/mecha
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Image of that one horse saying "man"
ok good idea
how do
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Girls any chance with this body and hrt?

I'm tall but don't mind that so much, just worried about my ribcage and shoulders

Face could likely pass long term with ffs
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What's with the pose
Your window is open behind you, idiot
>force kids like you into a conversion camp and torture them
that's a funny way to say "not groom kids into getting life altering medical treatment they're not old enough to consent to"
Side profile?
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literally me
Hey Dipshit, kids aren't getting surgeries. At BEST they can get puberty blockers, which are reversible
Cba to take my clothes of again lol but side angle is definitely better, main concern is just having a wide torso

Also no idea wtf the pose was
>kids aren't getting surgeries
there are a LOT of bilateral mastectomies being handed out
>puberty blockers
total lie
no me desu
There's high school girls getting boob jobs
Try harder
Tbh I’d say you’d be fine ymmv on e but there’s a bunch of little things you can do and you definitely have a fine starting point.
Who has the luxury for dreams, anon-sama?
>There's high school girls getting boob jobs
that's fucked up too tho
We have studies on the effects of stopping puberty blockers
They are reversible
Now please go back to >>/pol/
now i got a dick like liverwurst
should i intercept the redguns or ambush the vespers
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Should I take another xanny so I can actually sleep
oh god carole is back in autism mode wtf

totally not biased studies that don't consider osteopenia to be a bad thing
also just listen to yourself
"puberty blockers" is pedo as fuck
let kids experience a natural puberty, instead of letting them be coerced into choosing to be lifelong patients when they can't consent
human development can't just be toggled on and off like a computer game, and letting kids make decisions like this based on gut feelings without stopping to analyze the feelings and motivations behind it is extremely damaging
inb4 rationalizations about w-well if they don't start early they won't pass
they won't pass no matter what age they start, sorry hon
stop trying to make it easier for vulnerable gnc kids to be conversion camped into thinking they should be the opposite sex, or sexually abused kids being led down the path of mutilation by the medical pied piper telling them it will help them feel comfortable in their body if they just give them more money and get just one more surgery
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how do i get a gf? as a man i seem to ne mostly into women but i am ugly as sin and have no job, also i am mentally ill unstable and idk if i even want one
Is this laguna
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gross pic, that's a child character they are not "fuckable"
You shouldn't. Benzos are a very nasty habit. Assuming its prescribed medication, due to the addictiveness of those you should take only as directed.
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I wanna get my eyebrows fixed but what the fuck do I say to the person? What kind of shop even does this?
in your situation you should aim for a femcel. she's also lonely and wants the basic companionship that you want. she's not going to care about how much money you got, or what your abs look like.
yea, you'll be fine
that is not a real thing lmao, even fat whales have chads in their dms, men would fuck literally anything, if i get my shit together and become stable somehow, i would probably mess with fags, i would try troon and troon on them like the good repgod that i am but they are too few here and are too fuking mental
Don't do drugs kid
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i wish i could have drugs... please... or a loving boyfriend or something to alleviate the depression and anxiety and sneedtsd...
there's loads of femcels man. You don't notice them because no one notices them, they're shy and off in a corner reading a book instead of standing out. I'm still getting high school girls that smile at me and give hints, which ofc i wouldn't act on but it's nice to know girls find you attractive. So try to make yourself attractive to whichever demographic you're interested in dating, whether it's guys or girls. Improving your look is the one thing you can do as a neet, and you have the time to do it.
lol band is crazy
go 2 a meeting...sneedtsd is p funny tho. im diagnosing myself with that rn ty.
you can have loving kindness
a meeting with whomst

idk what that is
na or aa meetings, they got them virtual now. running at all times all over the place. just join one a few mins before the start time.
basically omegle but with only crackheads.
well if you live in north america there's probably a threading booth in a nearby mall
that's what my mom does
pretty sure beaty salons do them too
probably more expensive
idk I've only ever entered a salon once in my life
ur actually beautiful dw ygmi etc etc
Oi lass, what are you weeping about, you know that it won't do ya any good
you look like an autistic horse girl
there's so much smog :(
probably not good for my asthma
>would you like to burn your meat into inedible char today, sir? No? very good choice

scary, used to use omegele in HS

couldn't hurt tho
You just have the shitty tranny bangs, fix your fucking haircut I BEG it just looks shit. You can keep bangs but just not like this
si no meanness is required
Alright thanks, seems reasonable. I found something like that nearby, just felt so lost.
ya p much errybody did.
im so glad they started comming out with hardstyle for the sleepy ones.
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Think the problem is that it’s just way too straight. You should make it wavier, with both a cut and light curling or just messy drying etc. picrel is an example of a similar style but not looking so fucking flat
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isn't anya just adorable
Be honest
not the word i would use
he's attractive, but not really adorable
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Anyway, today is sucky. I am e-begging for beer money.
don't drink
damn, why are you missgendering anya
youre asking for pounds?
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I'm an alcoholic, jah, lets arrange an arrangement.
typo idk
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dont drink homie
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I had a consultation for SRS revision today. She said that I was in really good shape compared to the other patients who come in for revison (I'm 6 years post op suporn for context)
the concerns I had aren't big issues, my insurance will cover the whole thing, and it would be an outpatient surgery with a fraction of the heal time compared to the primary operation. I just have to decide if I want to do it, so I'm gonna sleep on it. They're all pretty minor exterior aesthetic adjustments, but I'm scared of surgery
also that pic doesn't look "she" too me, it just looks like a metalhead guy with long hair and good facial symmetry
Oi lass, innit late ova der? You's spossed to be sleeping right now eh, what's you doing ups and about at this time
fair enough, i would assume it's a metalbro and asked them to do a metal scream
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So I stand, a woman and defender of this forum. A Cato of this late place.
I have decided I'm going back into the closet. Can't stealth but I can manmode. Anything is better than being visible
Whatever helps you cope with life is good hon
Thank u anon. It is over but it doesn't mean I have to die or give up on my dreams or detransition. People know already and it's humiliating. But I can keep going and just go back in the closet like it never happened.
but you need to move yourself to /mmg/ please
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Think it means you just moved too quickly at a pace you weren’t comfortable. You don’t owe anyone else anything, as much as other trannies want to guilt trip you into acting certain ways. You’ll get through it, I believe in you
So youre over your sama thing?
I haven't gone back in the closet yet. And I probably mog half the girls here. I just think it'd be better to be a beautiful "man" and not deal with the bigotry than being a tranny.
Ha you're here forever
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i hope u all get dreem
No, Paige-sama.
Maybe, anon-sama.
that's not me
You mog all the girls here. You're time to shine is coming, don't give up the faith.
paige are you a virgin
need father figure boyfriend that hits me sometimes but not in an abusive way
Oh for - use names. You have that ability. AmeriKKKans I swear.
No I don't, I probably don't. Idk. I don't want to shine too hard though. I want to keep a low profile and blend in so my life remains simple but still fun. It's scary and I'd rather people just treat me like a man cause they treat women weird. In private to friends or to my boyfriend I'll be how I wanna be. But I just don't think it's a good idea for me to be out out. I'm absolutely going back in the closet.
u don't have to live as ape in box. possible to live as ape in van, ape in hammock, ape in yurt.
Better start flapping anon.
Can't wait til I get "The surgery"
>Hollow out my bones
>Gizzard and cloeca pasty
>Facial Avianisation surgery
>BIG ass wings grafted to my back
I'll be flying south soon I know it.
lol you're not hairy or ugly. but stinky, I cannot say.
no lmao

no i don't i get banned whenever i do
The thing I found refreshing about you personally was the fact that you were just yourself and weren't trying to be anyone else. Everyone on this board seems like they want to be someone else, but you've always been you and you stand out because of it. Do you realize how many girls try to cop your vibe to get ppl to like them? I've noticed at least 3-4.
So just be you, i don't think you can pull off being fake if you tried.
Oh no you know exactly the poster I am :s
I think this is a sign I should stop posting and try really hard to live my life again.
Hope you have a wonderful day anon. Sorry
Lol ur a virgin
Lol u should play hl2
fk u
:/ its always a good play through
thanks you too. go fw life outside of here, you have what it takes to make it out there
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you know I'm acetone when the depressed girl runs away as soon as she knows who it is lmao
i cant tell who any1 is.
how u guys do that shit.
im not gud at riddles
ion kno cuz i just assume
I will do anon. Henceforth if you see anyone posting like me ever again. Know that it's not me. Bye!! c:
i honestly wish i was but no unless you define being a virgin solely as penetrating someone, i am not a virgin
if that is what you think then yea i guess i'm a dick riding cum swallowing faggot, but a virgin lol
cis friend says that there’s some trans-people who don’t want to medically transition because there’s no linear path to happiness. I’m too drunk to refute this properly
Please help
r u calling me assumable?
you're starved of that dick tho, you've been here whining about not getting any
hey tranners, if a girl was genuinely considering begging for money on the internet out of need where would she go to do that, hypothetically?
loudly state “i can hear you” and observe the awkwardness that follows
>no linear path
well the steps ive taken are helping.
its just the process isnt standardized and treatment is kinda janky still.
better that it was ig, but not quite easy af ig is wut im tryna say.
go in there and stand ur ground, tell em to give you some goddamn respect, stop being a coward for once
yes and? that's not something virgins do, it's something lonely fags do
how are they not respecting anon? they're noting using exclusively male pronouns, even in their absence. that's a great effort and they should be commended for being so supportive of their kid
satanic trips
then go get dick dumbass
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ill try not to (You) you. was trying to make u feel better, but it is what it is
nta but it's not rude if you are nice about it and if like, you actually have some good reason for not having a job. it's important to stand up for yourself. if there's no good reason though yeah let it be and get a job.
either way don't press on the misgendering stuff unless they do it to your face, going out of your way or making a scene only makes it worse even if they'll hide it from you more carefully
im too anxious
i set up a date with a guy a month ago and i had to cancel bc i was having a panic attack the night before and knew i wouldn't show up, so i decided to just call it off rather than make him feel shittier by getting stood up
unless i find a top who can host at his place and who is actually attractive to me and not just some sleezy looking LVM looking for easy bussy, i probably won't be having sex for a good while. last time i had sex was with that rigger a couple of years ago at this point
you sound like a cult member trying to recruit new people
as "the horror girl" of my circles I still haven't taken the time to watch I saw the TV glow is it actually a body horror movie about being trans or is that just how people interpret it

altho I haven't even seen a trailer. I like going in blind
they're not misgendering you because they think you're some hideous monster. your parents are trying and messing up a bit, your uncle respects that you're not a guy anymore but probably has some thing about trannies not being women that'll go away when he sees you come out of your shell and become a normie women.
they're not talking about you being a disappointing tranny ya? they're talking about you being a layabout. that's what worries them. and that's a sign they love you but want to see you get to building your own life
is there any value in watching that movie as a tranny or will it just make me go "wow reppers are dumb"
respect his choice to not transition and don't misgender him just bc you think you know better than he does, otherwise you're doing the thing transphobic people are accused of doing
I want to daddy issues max and be a slut but I don't think my girlfriend would like that. Does this desire go away over time? Am I always going to be a slut?
i have daddy issues and im not a slut
only some ppl exhibit hypersexuality
*stretches and yawns and curls up by the thread fireplace and purrs*
it's 100 degrees bitch tits why is the thread fireplace still going
just ignore him please
nomi when radio looks deep into your eyes, which one meets your gaze?



We're both autistic.

I think of myself as a cat so gimme dat furnace.
why haven't I killed myself yet

Would make me very sad?
but living makes me sad
there is nothing but suffering and inevitable death

I don't think so. I think happiness and immortality await us.
ur supposed to give her a reason to live not give her a reason to actually go through with it
kek was wondering if i was the only one who interpreted it that way
the year is 2054
paige and nomi are the only 2 humans still posting in /mtfg/ (the rest are bots)

I'm still trying to get her to play factorio with me.
I hate trips and I hate myself. I wish I could get them in a place and suicidebomb myself with them.
[they aren’t aware]
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is being incredibly suicidal a babytrans thing for post puberty transitioners or does it really never get better
t. coming up on 1 year hrt, 21 y/o
>1 year hrt, 21 years old
well now i’m depressed. it might get better, none of us can tell you
I've been depressed and severely anxious for several years now
ontop of my failed transition and failure of all my life goals
loss of almost everything I held dear
life is just
serves you right for being a fucking trip
serves me right for being a piece of shit in general
Any DiY tranners here? Which website do you use to get your troonshine from?
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fuck if i care bitch
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i don't give a fuck hoe
i don't remember ever giving a fuck bitch
fuck off hoe I don't care i don't give a fuck I don't wanna hear it
aint no way u actually just wrote this
>what no /hrtgen/ does to a mf
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fuck makes you think i care hoe
fuck this shit, im going to sleep hoe
Hey Grace how was the movie last night?
fuck makes you think grace gives a fuck bitch
this thread and site isn’t a bad sample due to people mostly posting here when they’re depressed
fat little goblin
alright my bad now im actually going to sleep
i liked it v spoop
You a big fan of horror movies?
uhm i wouldnt say big fan but i do rly like horror
hi frens?
hi grace
erm wat da
who u
Gross it’s beanboy the rapist bugspreader
What's your favorite movie?
they a chaser who's been here some time
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hmm yes today i will gym and eat my pizza without cheese because i am out of cheese.

probably not. i have never tried to drive a car so idk if i'm good at operating vehicles but i would guess not.

it gets better for most especially if they receive adequate care but i wouldn't call it a babytrans thing since it's so dependent on outcomes.
favorites are hard for me
either southbound or vivarium or butterfly kisses
You don't like to pick a favorite anything?
not rly, picking favorites stresses me out
i like too many different things and my preferences of what i enjoy more change over time or depending on what im in the mood for
>butterfly kisses
nta but asking u to explain these, not cuz i wanna make fun of you but bc ive seen these and wonder what im missing.
Yeah I'm the same way I don't really believe in favorites. Depending on your mood it could change drastically.
i really like found footage and anthologies and it was really enjoyable for me
>butterfly kisses
i also really like mockumentaries and thought it was really creepy and i loved the premise of it
ic. hope u continue to explore both genres
nite /mtfg/
hopefully I perish at rest
Now why cant you have multiple favorites? Like matcha taro and malk
Dream of mef moder
ive seen a lot of films in both genres theyre just the ones i enjoyed watching the most
marina wake up and talk to me
Will I ever have a boyfriend who I can call daddy
That's everyone of them
I've never had a boyfriend though
It's very easy for you to find one.
the fuck are you linking me bruh
No it's not I have basically given up after years of searching.
wtf duolingo teaching the essential stuff...

where have you searched?
Is that mongolian?
Well you shouldn't give up. You seem really sweet and I'm sure there are tons of guys who would be interested in you. Maybe you're looking in the wrong spaces. Maybe you're unwilling to comprise certain standards.
Either way it's basically impossible to keep a relationship if you're not taking care of yourself. So keep working on self improvement anon it'll pay off.
In fact every serious relationship I've had I didn't look for. Things were just doing better in my life and they just kind of happened.
kms, it's fucking midnight and this kid is still literally screeching out loud :(
have to be up tomorrow to take care of this rascal ugh
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well I came across namaah again, this time w glasya labolas in tow
knowing she’s weak to physical damage, I beat the ever loving shit out of her and killed her on like three turns
but then glasya labolas spammed (3x) some kinda mazanma bullshit and it’s tpk lmao
that’s Korean
I left the apartment
and I can still here the kid yelling out here
my dad would have beat me for shit like this frfr
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no it's korean lol, 한국어.

>every serious relationship I've had I didn't look for
same. when you're focused on not being alone i think that warps ur perception somewhat so u end up not rly meeting the right kinda people. at least ime.
why are you learning korean
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the smog is so bad there's nary a star in the sky
looks kinda spoopy out here
It's bed time
a bop
just found it funni u said the same name as the artist i was listening too iunno
ik ben een appel
I want to sleep
am exhausted and sad and I just want to collapse on the floor and enter a coma
but it's way to hot inside, kid yelling,
bad thoughts in stillness
it's nice out here
the breeze is calming
watch out for demons but if you run into some i can help you identify them
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been consuming korean media for years and i feel like i've been missing out due to the language barrier but it's not been enough to get me motivated.
then i had a layover in korea recently and it seemed rly interesting so i do wanna go there some day on a holiday.

jag heter homo peter.
I spent quite a bit pf time in South Korea and r4ally loved it
a coworker went there as an exchange student and she said it was great too. idk if i'll actually be able to go but being able to understand more has already been nice for youtube n stuff.
i have a strange form of anxiety tonight
i feel afraid of something and i dont know what. ive just been in this constant state of being scared for a few hours now
loved the people dated two korean girls as well (not in korea tho)
I'm always surrounded by demons
around me nightnares come true and electromagnetic devices exhibit strange behaviors
the faces, my "hallucinations"
demonic oppression
It's going to be alright. It's just in your head. Maybe you're watching too many horror movies.
Marie and i are getting married in april 1 2027
>It's going to be alright. It's just in your head.
thank u :(
>Maybe you're watching too many horror movies.
not enough :3
Do a vocaroo
feeling like shit today
9am, just fed up
maybe I should make smudge sticks or something
but I can't remember the spot where sage grows here
I've only done so once before
but last highschool I went to we did smudging rituals often
i am so fucking angry
my stomach also kinda hurts cause i drank beer yesterday, drinking is for retards, ugh ugh
>like my worst fears have become reality; everyone has realized what i am and they are righteously disgusted by me
always a horrible feeling
I'm sorry mariefren
April Fools
don’t worry none of that is real
Hey stop our marraige isnt a joke
I wouldnt know what that sounds like mare bear
Stop with the self loathing
I know its hard
As laguna says, have an orange
did you have fun drinking beer yesterday?
you define your own value, who gives a shit what your dumb uncle thinks about you, now shut up
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>claiming to be ugly
>able to take and post selfies
pick one desu. assuming you're self aware and put in effort ofc but most of you are.
How about we focus on something else
Like what the fuck have you been doing today
>addicted to posting selfies
good looking people woes desu.
Maybe if you leave for a bit there would be scarcity and therefore a higher value
But fr would
you know it will keep going as long as your reply
hhhhhhhhhhhhh i feel so uncomfy and unsafe rn
i hate anxiety
chugging a celsius before i left work was not the play
no, drinking is just dumb
ok, maybe the world decided that you are worthless but who cares anyway, why even be sad about that thing, plenty of worthless happy people walking around
i can't even take selfies because they're pure suifuel and result in a mental breakdown, depressive spiral, self harm etc.
I think I might be genuinely incapable of not worrying
Paige hasnt posted in a while what happened to herrhxn
>none of that is real
I can never tell anymore
paige was literally here today(yesterday)
she's like perma'd tho or something
been anon for a bit
What do you think of when i say water
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Mother dearest..
stop being overdramatic
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Dead thread
I like short dresses but I feel like at this point she's just naked in a fancier way
mommy dearest
i say this most sincerest,
why do you have a penis?
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She has it 4 this
why can't you cum to normal people things
i wish i was but dysphoria is kinda intense these days.
That's normal by my standards
I can't delete the image for some reason. Janny b nice and don't ban 4 it ty
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you wouldn't rather have this instead of some japanese drawings?
Very pretty lady but it's all about the story and hypothetical situation for me. I haven't wrinkled my wrimbling to anything real in many many years, most I've done is imagine something real
your hips are better than hers, it's time you got into something real. sheesh, it'd be a waste if you didn't.
Into as in.
something real, where your hips are being appreciated irl, sex
That'll happen one day for sure
God I wish I looked like that.
you do
i wish was gir
I wish I was a gamer
this isn't the real val
faites de votre mieux aujourd'hui nigger
it is only intense and real bc you focus on it too much, dysphoria is not really a real thing. you only feel dysphoria bc you perceive yourself as a man, if you were to perceive yourself as a woman even though you look male like, you wouldn't feel it.. you need to find yourself internally and pull that person to the surface anf only feel like her despite your body not being perfect, you won't be able to feel dysphoria anymore bc you separated yourself mentally if it makes sense, there are bdd passoids dysphoric asf bc they self perceive as men and there are autistic farts like nomi that look like men but still self perceive themselves as women and feel no dysphoria, after you manage to do that, you will still feel probably depressed about your body and the fact that you are not fully a woman but that could be manageable and not that bad than depression + full dysphoria is.. some level of delusions and dissociation is required if you want a tolerable existence while have such an awful incurable condition like being trans is..
>be me
>date a guy for a couple months
>get bored and wanna find a new guy
Fuck y'know maybe I am a real woman after all
goodmorning radiochan, val, and larry
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how else am I supposed to put a baby in her
morning hon
the biggest thing i miss about prog is the sleep
for me it's the booba desu
rly need to order more but cba to deal with crypto cancer rn
je ne vouvoierais pas radiochan si on était en français mais sinon c'était plutôt pas mal
(fais de ton mieux aujourd'hui, donc)
I don't like prog because I'm too lazy to take it before napping
on dirait qu'elle sent la pisse de chat rassis et la naphtaline.
Bonne chance aujourd'hui!
i feel like i didnt get much booba effects but i only took it for like 2 months so not enough to rly see real progress ig
felt on crypto bs tho i transferred money to coinbase and it took like a week to process and i decided to just cash it out bc ill have an official prescription by the time it would have arrived sghiosfdhgiudhsg
stop eating frogs, you weirdo, that is not tres bon
Why struggle with crypto when you could give money to me and never have enough to struggle with it in the first place
daughter dearest...
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you've been a bad, bad daughter haven't you? your mom is not at home now, so daddy has to discipline you instead
you don't belong on a funny farm
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no dad cock for you val
i'll survive thank you
prog does nothing for me tbhon
i didnt see any of the stuff tht ppl mention
Prog is entirely placebo and you can simply manifest enough big boob energy to make your tits grow.
i can't believe big soph got ffs, i am so so proud of her, i hope passoid mogger big soph era begins after it heals
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hrt is placebo
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skill issue b8 post
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i may perceive myself as a woman mentally but i know that's not the reality of my situation physically and that i'm perceived by myself and others in ways that make me uncomfortable/dysphoric.
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got a pair of placebos on my chest
>perceive myself as a woman

how do you explain your situation to yourself? born in the wrong body?
that stinks lily, hope shit gets better for ya
pair of gynocomastia*
you can actually separate your female mind from your body, and feel like yourself mentally, this happens naturally for passoids when they get the body they want, but you can also do it manually through disasociating though doing it manually will come with side effects, i kinda broke my own brain and now i am stuck like this..
you sound like chris chan lol
isnt tht what u gave urself by going on e for 3 months? lol
went through a puberty that destroyed my face, voice and body and made me miserable and dysphoric as fuck?
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is it unusual to orgasm from giving head
im not gay or anything but i've had that happen when sucking a guy's dick
i am chris chan, i am just mansplaining my mental retardation over here, i might send you a cum soaked sonichu medallion later also if i am feeling generous
that is right, very funny
but where this puberty came from if not from what you are?
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There are cis women that look like 4/10 men living their life happily and I've no reason to put myself down for looking like a 7/10 woman if they can manage that
so true we live in a society
>I've no reason to put myself down for looking like a 7/10 woman
i hate happy people
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That's true I'm more of a 8. I need to start loving myself more
why do i sound like chris chan though? do i sound autistic or creepy or both?
lmao that was a bobblehead post? pure honfidence
both, like a man that couldn't lose it more than this
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You'd understand how confidence feels too if you didn't look like a literal alien
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oh i'm biologically male ofc it came from the T my body produces. that's why i don't consider myself biologically female duh i'm not delusional. idk why you cut the 'mentally' part out from the quote earlier.
always wanted to be one of the girls and i got to fit in with them growing up and that was nice. puberty ruined that for me.
Someone needs to get me pregnant so I don't have to take prog anymore
desu, i lost it completely in the last two weeks, i feel extremely 'weird' mentally, like unironically my brain feels extremely weird, yep, i am basically severely mentally ill, i will probably end up in a psych ward or prison, i am not going to also fuck my mom though haha, well, it is what it is..
i was wondering how do you dissociate your mind from your body
do you mean your personnality is too feminine to suit a man (biologically)? on top of envy for women?
this sounds gay
you're gay
I'm an 11/10 y'all bitches ain't shit
i don't think minds are even that gendered desu met plenty of guys and gals of all sorts, conforming with stereotypes and otherwise. i'm just really unhappy inhabiting male body and don't want to be perceived as one so surely that's not a male mentality or self image?
people still don't believe me to be trans and still believe that i am some crazy cis dude lmao
so you think every man like to be seen as a man and feel good being one?
And what if they don't? Are they transgenders?
>biological personality
U wot?
plenty of guys got self image issues but if they go through the steps of trying to change their body to look more like that of a female to be perceived as a female then yeh they're probably trans.
you are literally paige 2.0, shut up with that bs, they are just trans
Easy: like many people in my family, I have a hormonal disorder which caused birth defects, and my family had been too poor to deal with that shit until a few years ago
We have a bunch of girls with pcos, and other shit in my cursed bloodline
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I'm smarter than everyone else because I doubt everything they say regardless of their arguments nor how many times I've heard it.

I think you're a mod. 4chan has had this track record of putting an unbearable asshole that everyone already hates in threads to be the mod so that there is no incentive to use mod powers to defend themselves in bullshit drama games.
>unbearable asshole

I think you're a mod.
what about you? you didn't say your perceive yourself as transgender but as a woman mentally
and as a man biologically

i miss the step where you become a woman to your eyes? i'm genuinely curious

i'm sorry anon, health issues are terrible

I keep telling them there would be no harm in modding me. It would just be free moderation for them.
Your opinion on that doesn't matter to them.
no lol
>unbearable asshole
i am objectively probably the nicest and most morally right person besides Lily itt rn
Most dudes who are cis go something to the effect of "what am I? I'm a dude, I guess?"
Rather than spending years spiraling and questioning weird feelings, having recurring dreams of being a mother, attaching to female characters in fiction, being drawn towards stories with magical transformation, having an easier time relating to girls both real and fictional...

You spammed your dick on purpose to make everyone hate you. You note i am NOT one of the people who fell for that act.

*curls up on your face and purrs*


If mods think their time is worth less than mine, i understand.
and how do you differentiate this from a psychosis for example?
Because it doesn't meet the clinical definitions of one?
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chat ur being weird
depend of the case, it totally could
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>I like cheesecake
>Are you sure of it? Do you think it was you being groomed by society into taking dairy products that caused this? You know that you can develop lactose intolerance if you don't consume those products for long enough right? Have you considered liking it isn't natural. When did you start liking it and why. Do you think everyone should be forced to be lactose tolerant or is this a mass scale grooming act? Is everyone truly a dairy enjoyer? Is this not delusion.
Sure, and if my grandmother had wheels she'd be a bicycle.
i don't personally think there's much of a gender mentally as i said earlier but we're working with laris definitions as that was what i was replying to originally.
>to your eyes
definitely not to my eyes lol. if there is such a thing as a female mentally tho then yeah sure i'll say that it can be defined as an amab who goes through the effort of transition or as a cisf who doesn't feel dysphoric about their sex/gender.
it would be more like "i feel like a cheesecake" in this situation
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how dare you like cheesecake we should ban cheesecake because i don't want cheesecake enjoyers to be happy because cheesecake to me is immoral even though it has no meaningful impact on my life whatsoever and no one can actually really want cheesecake.
cheesecake can be made in many ways with a lot of people substituting ingredients that don't work for them

fuck this reminds me, I want to get that fucking peach milkshakeeeeeeee. I will search again today
Home alone rn who wanna come kidnap me
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did not read
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> i am genuinely not crazy
u sure about that?
> i am in therapy with her for two years.. way before the trans stuff..
u only started feeling dysphoric in the past 2 years?
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Poor duck
last year consciously but i have been dysphoric since hs, i just didn't know why i was feeling like shit all the time but it was just dysphoria, i asked my therapist if i might be schizo or crazy or is just my ocd and she said that i am not crazy or schizo at all
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shudnt have quacked so much

A whole lot of trans people make themselves miserable expecting that their entire life will be girl themed and feeling like fake trans or not gonna make it when they don't "think like a girl" or "shit like a girl" or such dumb shit.

Meanwhile, i'm over here intentionally hamming up the girl and feeling magnificent.

*soars over you in a flying car*
"Fuck you, true trans."
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He just got thr shovel claws waow
how could i get my shit together? please just help me, you are helping a poor mentally ill person, may god bless your soul

Eat eggs.
sexo... sucking cock is so fucking hot i swear i just love it....

*puts a smol ket on your head*
It's so unfair I don't have a gf to watch sonic with
What are u guys gonna gift me for my birthday
I will come over, wrap you up like a burrito with a blanket, force you to girlrot on the couch and feed you fresh healthy snacks >:(

Did you meant to say "girlfrot"? Because that sounds fun.
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I'm watching it with my cat
Well that's relatively lame
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>most passing transwoman
A banana
That's it?
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ur a male just get a job u got male privilege for a reason
Hmm how about a slice of banana bread?
whens ur birthday, is this lagooner
It's a kidnapping, it's not meant to be fun...
Also your cat is cute

no, mi. why did you do this? I don't wanna say girlrot anymore now ;-;
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Meh I can live with that
Yes it is laguna and my birthday is in the 23rd of august
That's the least evil kidnap I've ever heard of
filter him and the thread quality improves quite a bit, even though it's plagued by Those Who Live In Spain and crutches
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I am inevitable.
Daaaamn you won't be a teen anymore, how does that feel?
probably depressing since it's the only reason chasers are going after him
male privilege ain't real, there is something broken in my brain that prevents me from working, i wonder if i would work if they would whip me

Why did you wanna say girlrot in the first place?

It sounds like an infection.

"I wanted to go jet skiing but i had a bad case of girlrot."
>male privilege ain't real
>i wonder if i would work if they would whip me
that wouldn't make anyone work it would make them cum
working is a lot of fun. all you do all day is make other people happy. its great.
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stop misgendering people

male privilege is extremely real you are just a failed beta incel

I believe in cat privilege.
i am not arguing about the male privilege thing, ik that i am right and is all that matters
cuck mindset

Anon. Anon. Whipping doesn't make EVERYONE cum. In fact, to most people it just hurts. Do you remember the part in the bible where they whipped jesus and then segued into a rendition of sweet transvestite? That's why it's a best seller.
Sonic x is too much of a vibe if I'm being fully honest
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I'm sorry it's my first day on the job. I'm doing my best...
m-maybe I also steal your cat so mine has someone to chill with. Yeah. That'll teach ya.
autistic men be like

All it took to make idiots embrace intentionally acting like chris chan was for me to complain about it.
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You can't take my cat away. It hates other cats and beats them always. Only the ones that endure the beatings for a few hours become friends
But it's true have you heard the endings on this thing
Stop attacking marina

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