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>parents found my hrt and disowned me
>in russia
>turned 18 this year so i can't contact child protection government services

I bought 12 energy drinks and started walking towards the latvian border, but it's been over 30 hours and I'm still nowhere close. And even if I made it there they wouldn't let me out. There's nowhere I can go, I'm a autist so I have no friends and the people I know would not want to help a tranny.

I have the equivelant to 300 dollars left on my bank card. What should I do now? I'm too tired to continue walking, but I can't sleep anywhere either.

I've never been too afriad of death, but I'm really sad and scared right now. I have sobbed a lot and my stomach hurts now, Is there some movie or book I could read before dying that shows how life is beautiful and that death is just like falling asleep? I really liked Persona 3, I want to be reminded of that when I die.

Also, is there any way for me to legally prevent my parents from giving me a grave stone with my dead name? I want to be cremated and then turned into a tree (search "the living urn"). Since I'm an adult I want to prevent my parents from choosing what happens to me legally. Can I write it on a paper and write a signature?
Contact Rainbow Railroad.
Your first mistake was being Russian
go buy a tent and some good hiking boots. also call ahead to the embassy and let them know you're requesting political asylum for expressing anti war views. do you have ID on you?
>Also, is there any way for me to legally prevent my parents from giving me a grave stone with my dead name? I want to be cremated and then turned into a tree (search "the living urn"). Since I'm an adult I want to prevent my parents from choosing what happens to me legally. Can I write it on a paper and write a signature?
Why care? You're gonna be dead anyway, right?
If true, please don't give up, op. Reach out to the embassies for different countries, like US, Canada or UK or something, and apply for refugee status. Research online for LGBT organizations who might be able to help. Try to stay alive till then. There are people who can help you, just don't let yourself be take advantage of. Stay safe.
You have to rest eventually. Maybe you could hitchhike off people too?
1. Иcкpa Foundation, ecть в Tвиттepe, мoжнo им нaпиcaть тaм или мoгy cкинyть пpиглoc в их чaт.
2. Queer Svit, пoмoгли кyчe людeй пoлyчить гyмaнитapныe визы.

Aлco пытaтьcя пepeceчь гpaницy нeлeгaльнo плoхaя идeя, пpибaлты - пидapacы.
Reppers from western countries have nothing to complain about when other's literally end up dying completely alone after living for only 18 years.

You guys have no one to blame but yourself when you turn into a hon at age 30.
God be with you, anon. You can make it to the border.
unironically contact trans rescue. they get people out of situations like this. theyve literally charted sailboats and helicopters to help people escape
fren, if this is real, you need to be staying hydrated. you want water, not energy drinks. this is a marathon not a sprint. as others have said you are going to want to be requesting asylum from a friendly country.

I hope you make it and this becomes a story you tell people
>I could have saved her
Why couldn't you just be gay
>>in russia
could have ended the post there
Do not drink energy drinks drink water
try lying to the border guards and say that you're taking a quick vacation and then just stay in latvia and try to find a homeless shelter or something
if this isn't bait anon
>remember that survival is your number one goal, stay hydrated, stay warm, and stay alert. energy drinks are going to dehydrate you quickly, clean water is best.
>if you're still in russia there's a possibility of the police being on the lookout for you, so you should change your appearance if possible.
>draw out as much money as you can in cash as soon as possible, if it's in an account it's likely to be taken either by your parents or by the police.
>trying to get over the border probably won't end well, you're generally better off seeking asylum or support from the agencies listed in the thread.
>it might be easier for you to get to an embassy than over a border, but DON'T go to a UK embassy, they won't help you.
survival is your number one priority.
you have to be brave.
the very best of luck to you, and godspeed. <3
I think going to the border isn’t the worst idea. Try it and hopefully run into some Latvian guards.
Alternatively you can always go to places that welcome Russians. Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Georgia, etc. those are options.

A plane ticket to Mexico and then illegally immigrating to California is the chad move but most Russians are too afraid to do it
Fags are spiteful.
>Fly to America
>Become my Wife
Simple Solution.
Imagine your life being saved thanks to /tttt/ lol
Aren't embassies meant for politically prosecuted people and journalists? I don't think they're going to let homeless lgbt people sleep in their embassy just because they live in a transphobic country,
embassies serve various functions, including allowing people to seek the process of claiming asylum on the basis of their country persecuting them for political reasons, which the russian government is actively doing to the "lgbt community" by deeming it an extremist ideology
at least one good thing will come out of this board I guess
god i hope shes okay. please come back and tell us youre alright
Are you okay now? Did you find somewhere to sleep?
Give us an update
she ded :(

i hope ur doing ok :) please post updates

if ur not okay: im sorry that life turned out like this and i hope that youre in a better place now. I'm sorry i dont know your name but i will make a small memorial for u and light a candle when this thread dies if no updates.
U should post ur face and name if this isnt a larp. Decentralize the power ur parents have of your memory among anons
Stop playing
I'm a faggot mixed up TRANNY.
Forgive me but you’re young & idiotic.
The tranny nonsense only creates more chaos in young lives. It's obviously not working out.
Pay attention.
Give Up this dead end stupidity. Fix things with your family.
You can make it! My grandparents left Trinidad to avoid shitty family, you can walk West until somebody cares!
You should watch Sans Soleil.
I'm alive.

I went to a library computer and transported my life savings to my normal bank account. Money is not an issue anymore. I bought a tent and sleeping bad so I'm going to survive for now.

I think the services from this thread can help me. but I don't know yet. I want to leave this country forever and just live a peaceful life. I'm so sad.
Stay smart, stay safe. If You play your cards well you can get the life you have always wanted. Try to contact the organisations as soon as possible, if you have friends/bf/gf abroad contact them and ask for help to organise transport and immediate necessities. If You have enough money try to rent a room for month or two and find a temporary job then get a passport and get out of there. It always easier to get asylum status if you are already abroad
depends on the state. this shit happens in parts of america as well
unless you're specifically talking about middle class reppers with careers living in liberal cities (but rich enough not to be part of the homeless problem)

>I'm a faggot
also not a good thing to be in russia
where are you

do you know anyone in latvia? do you have any relatives here?

im from daugavpils in the east, you can contact if needed

discord : ritasuma
good luck anon
hi please add me on discord sai_ai09, I want to keep in touch and help u however I can
>in russia
Aren't all males above the age of 18 drafted to the war?
not in the largest and most western-minded cities. at least not yet.

you can also avoid the draft by intentionally breaking your arm so it's alright.
Not all, Putin don't want to start a massive panic, so they drafting people in series. They cycling which region, ethnicity and employment statuses are drafted each month/season
like families in the west don't disown you for being a tranny , we don't all live in fucking california with liberalparents. i live in a nordic country and my father told me he'd kill me if i ever turned out to be a tranny (he's not even religious)
Good luck anon, I hope you find a way to escape and live a better life. Never give up.
the amount of effort this must take is astounding. keep your head up op you have us praying for your safety,
Latvia will suck for trannies (saying as a Balt), once you get inside EU move to the west
thank god. i do not know much about russia and the options you have, but please stay safe. situations like this are terrible and i am praying for you.
I'm sorry to hear this is happening to you. This probably doesn't mean much, but I wish you the life you want and more. You are strong simply by surviving this much, you will make it

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