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Back during the "worst intros on youtube" days in 2016-2017, MrBeast was an edgy LeafyIsHere-esque YouTuber that did anything to get attention. One time he made a video where he and Chris played rock paper scissors (or some sort of bottle-flipping game, i can't really remember) where the winner in each round would be allowed to use the other's computer for 30 seconds. MrBeast won most of the time, and one of the times he won he immidietly went to Chris's Twitter and started writing horrible edgy shit.

The idea was that people would get the context behind the tweets once the video went up, but now it has been deleted since MrBeast's old edgy content could damage his brand.

Other early 20s zoomers here that rememer MrBeast's old contant can back me up on this. He even had a series called "Replying to comments like a retard" where he just wrote the stupidest things he could come up with in the comments of different videos to get attention.
link to the video?
its been scrubbed is what theyre saying
they let ava take the hit so it wouldnt damage mr beast's career in any way once his brand took off
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From the "victim" himself
That's really sad if true :(
any sort of source for this whatsoever? Liars and fibbers should all be killed
i have heard about mr beast having an edgy youtube channel before. if what youre saying is true then that must suck for kris and mr beast. the only way forward is either ignore this and have kris be seen as a pedophile by the internet, or admitting to your edgy past to the entire internet
nta, but most of that content was deleted by mrbeast himself and is currently lost media. there are some small reuploads though hidden throught the internet here and there if you know were to look. heres some examples

i was never a fan of his during this time but i knew of him and his content, and even though i never saw what op is describing it doesnt surprise me
mr beast himself said racist and homophobic shit on twitter at about the same time
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Mr Beast pretends to be a pedophile rapist offering free candy to Chris is in this deleted video

If you search through beast lost media https://lostmediawiki.com/MrBeast_(partially_lost_deleted_videos_from_YouTube_channel;_2014-2018)
It's possible chris could be exonerated
its weird how people are saying kris is horrible bcuz she used to say racist, transphobic and homophobic shit. it was 2016, literally everyone on the internet was an edgy piece of shit, including mr beast himself. ava having old shitty tweets from that era isnt surprising at all, its the norm for e-celebs who had an audience back then
she could only be exonerated if mrbeast exposes himself on and his old content to give context to ava's tweets. sadly, if he does this he would then in turn get cancelled himself. mrbeast cares a lot about his image, so it depends on how much of a good friend he and ava is
People only care because ava is trans, all of this content is from before she transitioned. If it comes out mr.beast said that instead of ava, almost everyone will drop it
nigga things were not that different in 2016. like i get it every1 makes mistakes but u don't need to run inference for sum bullshit that wass said less than 1 decade ago. just accept that he did the wrong thing n move on
Maybe true but truth isn't what goes in the history books unfortunately. This serves as an important lesson to not write every disgusting thought that pops into your brain onto social media next to your name and face, and to not let other people use your accounts. Remember, tripfaggotry is cancerous. People with fem brains usually have some level of social awareness to be cognizant of this.
Not really, if there were youtube videos posted around the same time where they're tweeting for each other and stuff I think that would be enough to create a sizeable doubt
this was debunked quickly
>literally everyone on the internet was an edgy piece of shit
yeah now theyre rapist trannies
well this aged like shit
12 kris threads. jannies please save us
Kys chudcel, you will never be happy
Average repper 5 years before turning into a hon lmao
Things were better. Zoomers need to be forced into a 24 hr MW2 lobby to gain edge immunity
punished for her past transgression by the manhon curse
Idk why people say this. I was never edgy on the internet in 2016.
you mean this video op https://web.archive.org/web/20161126012937/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0flQvt7e9xw
if so, i never saw him making that tweet. if it isnt that vid pls look through https://lostmediawiki.com/MrBeast_(partially_lost_deleted_videos_from_YouTube_channel;_2014-2018) to see if you remember the vids title
should also be a reminder not to permanently archive every fucking thing you say ever
zoomers are fucked growing up and living in this world
I watched him back in the day. I don't remember the video you're describing, but regardless of whether it was Jimmy or Ava that wrote the tweet, it definitely feels like their style of edgy humour at the time rather than anything serious.
yes, but in cis people heads youre always 2nd tier human at best
he has a big brand, makes tons of money, i really hope they dont force kris to take the blame and pedo label just for some guys career, ofc if its all true, who knows.
but in cis people throwing any trans person under the bus because its inconvenient to have a trans friend in current climate i can fully believe sadly...
How is this a Nothingburger?

The "Patties" (pedo behavior) are in full display
Why do any of you retards care about this, let pedos deal with the consequences of their actions.
trannies are the real chuds and thats a fact
Why did the internet become so pussified after 2016?
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DrDisrespect got cancelled and pitchforked for the same thing
And we still we dont know what the messages look like.

And now when trannies do the same shit
"Its a nothing burger"

yeah its inconsistent
breadtubers fearmongering the kids
This is not an edgy joke

this is direct pedophilia
>Groomer damage control
Just take the L troons
>a person groomed at 13 says he wasn't groomed
Okay groomers
How was it debunked? That's literally the "victim" saying it??
holy damage control lmao

He literally had sh4ds drawing in his living room
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They're the same
"Same shit"

MF Dr.disrespect went after a real child
why do you say person? say boy. when you say person it's an attempt to make people assume the victim was a girl.
we know the dms between dr disrespect and the girl were explicitly about hooking up at twitchcon. maybe we don't have the exact messages, but we know the exact content and their exact ramifications.
The difference is the girl who DrDisrespect wanted to fuck isn't defending him

He was actively looking to have sex with her, VASTLY different than edgy jokes in a group Discord with tons of other people
Also Kris was 19 and Dr Disrespect was in his late 30s. Not saying either is right though
It couldn't have been that video (or even a deleted scene from that video) because it was posted before the tweet. However it's only a few months before the tweet in question and shows that juvenile "post offensive shit on a friend's account" behavior was common between them at the time
>I was never edgy on the internet in 2016.
that's because you were like 12 years old
Might be on Wayback Machine if OP is telling the truth
this pic is super sweet omgg djshabfjasdfasd

sadly the troon and chud alliance will never happen
look at that tweet
edgy is an excuse for pedophilia now?
So did chirs
Kris actually met with the kid in person
Dr Disrespect didn't
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"Met with" is people simplifying it so they can use it to fit the narrative
I’m like 90% certain that drawing was supposed to be Belle Delphine, her and shad “collaborated” multiple times and went public with it
They have a picture of him and kris together with karl jacobs
In one of tthe expose vidoes

Thats enough time for some diddling to occur.
its clearly not even meant to be taken remotely seriously, also people are like saying kris groomed an underage boy but.. she's straight? she's literally a transbian now??
This is like a witch hunt over a shadman poster, and to be honest who gives a shit. if youre gonna display shadman's loli art in your house you probably bought it as a joke like the npc guy who bought a person sized dildo, youre not going to jerk off to a poster and youre not going to use a 5 ft dildo, it's just retarded
Belle Delphine is pro-pedophilia
Wow total internalized grooming. Doesnt even realize he was raped
Dude was absolutely raped and is trying to cover for his abuser. Stockholm syndrome
Kris was 21 and Lava was 14 lol
Why was Kris snapchatting a 14 year old kid
he has the humor of a 14 year old so its fine desu
what kind of joke is "cumming for america" even
you cant even interpret it sexually because it's too retarded
>he has the humor of a 14 year old so its fine desu
So that's your defence? If Kris is mentally retarded he can send inappropriate messages to literal 14 year olds?
Adding to that, if you were a parent of a 14 year old boy, would you be fine opening their snapchat and seeing they got a message from a 21 year old grown up man saying "cumming for America"?
Would you be fine with the 21 year old man joking about sending your 14 year old boy nudes?
they were teenagers having fun now their viewers are making culture war with their old content lol
People suck and they seem to get shittier with age not better.
Poor kid. Brutally raped by a predatory tranny and forced to suck his own shit off the rapists girlcock, causing so much mental anguish he can’t even come to terms with it happening at all
you can type twice as fast if you use both hands
Did you find my post describing the sexual abuse of children arousing? Or is there another reason you assume people reading it will have their hands elsewhere
this is just a wordier version of the playground phrase "I know you are but what am I"
you have graphically described a sexual scenario with a child unprompted
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>lost media
like DrDisrespect message that 17yrold girl "Edgy Jokes" right?

he basically confirmed the Nasty "Knob Cranking" Pedo Inappropriate tier messages that kris has been sending a 13yrold minor

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Body language says it all
look how kris was holding his hands when they hooked up...... I mean meet up
it seems like mr beast has two options then
>say it was him doing edgy stuff and, if he still has the video, posting that as proof
>dont say it was him and let his friend take the hit instead
Nobody cares faggot
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This is the "grooming"? Lmao.
Hey /pol/tard, here's your favorite Nazi comedian openly talking about fucking middle schoolers.
uh oh another 14 year old
wait, pls dont tell me this is it lmao. is this really it? does someone have other more incriminating screenshots? this i just autistic manchild behavior, not pedo behavior
why are you imagining a child sucking shit out of their rapists dick?
Kris is a pedo gooner at best
This is hard evidence of pedo grooming.
Why the fuck are you even messaging a minor
We all know what happens in snapchats
wheres the joke about sending nudes. I wouldn't be ok w my kids because they are associtating themselves with ppl that are older yet acting like them its wierd and makes me think they got nothing going on. not that they are grooming

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