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This is a voice rating thread.
Post your voice.
Rate like, at least two other voices.
Good job!
already a thread here:
That ones kinda fucked though, expectations, script, yknow
Anyway I suppose I will start with myself:
https://voca.ro/12NrhWEJOQhr (ignore after 0:15, it just loops for some reason idk why)

i think it sounds pretty good and that it passes!
the a's sound a bit off tho? like in "say" or "that"
(sry idrk what the terms are im kinda new to this voice training thing)
but overall i think it sounds very good and i wouldnt clock u :D
Say I don’t usually do this mister ceo. But I really need the money to pay for my blahaj’s sewing operation. Wait why are you unzipping your? Isn’t oral sex just talking about it. Oh my!
Im sorry I cant say that in woman voice because no horny :( https://voca.ro/1aXFwP09eMbp

If you want horny here is a snippet of vocals from a song I made: https://vocaroo.com/1bmFDF1ZjfgW

I'm sorry, I'm gonna be honest and say that I don't really understand you very well from this...
its already gonna die! no!
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Can someone PLEASE record this greentext? This is the worst thing ever and it needs to be vocalized.
here ya go, i even added music like a shitty youtuber

french passes
I like your voice, it sounds nice and gentle
It kinda sounds like you are speaking like one of those tiktok people who tell you fast facts or whatever. Anyway, I think its pretty important to get into female types of like pronunciation, like intonation and whatever, because it does sound androgynous but is presented like a guy giving an informative speech or something. I mean, other than the obvious raise pitch and resonance eve further beyond.

(Also just one more, rate the crying voice:)
This is kind of beautiful
Really clocky, but way better than a male voice. I think your voice could pass after more voice training.

It's kind of soothing in a weird way, it sounds so pathetic it's cute. You should do ASMR and let me peg you.
Slightly clocky but nice voice
can barely understand what youre saying lol but clocky voice
fem-leaning androgynous. how long have you been voice training?
read the c4t impregnation copypasta

nice ftm / boymoder voice btw

No pass
No pass
oh hell yeah dissociation sisters dap it up dude (blowing smoke emoji)(fist emoji)
i think you pass but also sound like the absolute most stereotypical femcel alive
yeah I totally get that. paying attention to my pronunciation has been a challenge when im putting mental energy on trying to get resonance and a raised larynx right
off and on since november but really starting going at it since april
manmoder here

i'm really bored and stupid so please write whatever you want me to say and i'll say it

i speak english and swedish
I have no idea how long mtf voice training usually takes to get a passing voice but for only a few months of consistent practice I think you sound great :)
sing brain stew by green day
I'm a terrible singer but sure lol
hope my voice isnt shit. im ftm, but i feel like my voice is clocky/sounds off


almost pass

pass + you sound cool

sounds soft, maybe doesnt pass but i can picture a girl having a voice like this
Doesn’t really sound trained yet, keep working on it
You don’t sound hairy or fat lol, if anything if I heard your voice out of context I would instantly guess you’re some kind of effete troon

Sorry about the creepy noises at the beginning lol, I was trying to warm up lol
pass. how even
There is a bit of frog but that isn't like a negative towards passing, you clearly pass just fine. Just with a touch of Jordan Peterson!
You sound just like an average esl guy. There is nothing more to say, you have completely nailed it. If you think that sounds cool and passes, tell me if I sound tran-ish in my trannycore tranny music, like its a woman who pitched her voice up not a man who pitched his voice up. https://voca.ro/1e2bllRRJXTX

Hopefully this is so bad it's funny. If the way I pronounce things sounds weird that's just my Swedish accent.
haha thanks. and also i dont think you sound like a guy who pitched up his voice, it sounds slightly androgynous but mostly girly.
0% clocky, you pass
Sorry bro i >>36628939 forgor how 2 read, you sound like a male man 100%!!
Any other suggestions?
yeah the last one was hilarious, do i will always love you
I just had ffs. It's day 4 and hard to talk. How do I sound? https://voca.ro/16dnZKl7KP9F

I think you sound good. Kind of young andro vibes.

100% pass

I think you pass desu. No real complaint besides overly self-deprecating

If ftm it's a pass.

I agree with other anons. Fem leaning andro. That said I don't think I'd clock it outside of here.
yup too! but being ftm is kind of cheating. your voice is guaranteed to pass.

what's this accent?
very cute
pass + cute accent
im a manmoder & know i have to put in more time
but if you dont mind. what are some of the main issues & practices i can do (or muscle feelings to look out for?)

Im not really great at this but ill give thoughts :3
its harder for me to tell with accents, but i would def say it totally passes
passes but yea, sounds like you are in the process of recovering.
but i hope it heals up quickly and you feel better soon ^-^
im sorry you feel that way though :( i hope you can gain confidence in yourself and thrive
same manmoder here
i tried adding a little vocal fry (maybe overdid it)
but just another practice thing i tried for thoughts
sorry it's taking so long, i was buying groceries. i'm working on it right now.
still waiting...
been posting a lot in these type of threads... got a little bit of hayfever rn
clocky, but still pass. bit weak-sounding in some spots you're probably pushing your voice further than it can go.
no pass but i think it literally might just be the loudness. probably impacting vocal weight.
pass but theres not much to go on lol
pass slightly clocky
pass. definitely androgynous like u said but it would be weird to hear this voice come out of a man's mouth
clocky but also this is really similar to how my cisf friends sound when theyre really drunk and crying a lot sooooo. idk
assuming ftm. passes
pass. not much to say
pass. not that you sound 'froggy' but i feel like it doesnt really matter too much if you do. plenty of cis guys with that same sort of vocal quality.
pass. really good
on the right track, i think. maybe focus on stuff like false vocal chords to get rid of breathiness??? thats the main thing that sticks out to me
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>than a gray guy that's boring and looks like he has a liver disease
i would rather be green and beautiful
fuckkk did i miss someone i double checked to make sure i didnt. my bad
>i would rather be green and beautiful
oh yeah? well.. your voice sucks >:{
for the false vocal folds, is zheanna's vid 'CLEAN UP THE VOICE & AVOID STRAIN' a good one to work on that? or is there other stuff i should consider/do thats better practice
and still waiting......
You pass insanely well for a manmoder
Same with you, I don't think you need to improve
You pass in terms of female inflection and resonance, but your pitch is a little lower than average

https://voca.ro/1iyOV3DyIF2d funny aphex twin song
This is mine
can someone do a recording basically just saying how much they love their boyfriend, named ethan, and how they want to spend their life with them and love everything about them, etc...

The script could be along the lines of:
"Ethan.... I love you so much..... I'm so happy we get to spend this time together... You are my one true love in this world, the thing that makes me happiest, and I am just so happy I have you... Please, don't ever leave me, don't ever leave my side because I need you, I need you with me every day of my life... I love you, Ethan..."
How do you even voice train
what i did was i just read books aloud and eventually girlmoded even before hrt trying to use the voice, 1, maybe 1.5 painful years later it was good

terveisin: >>36630233
>what i did was i just read books aloud
Reading out loud doesn't change anything about my voice. Are you really saying you just spoke out loud raising pitch / changing shit until it eventually sounded female passing on its own?
yeah :DDDDDDDDDDDDD maybe there´s a better way, but i for one have no better advice than to go through hell for a long time :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
That's a basic way to look at it, but yeah. Think of it like working out your body in general. You don't become bulked out overnight. You work on one thing at a time and discover new things to work on and go from there. It's legitimately working out since it's a muscle. It's just hard to "see" progress because it's a voice.
Someone who has never worked out can ask someone in shape how to get in shape and the person in shape can easily give them structured exercise routines, show them how to do the exercises, and tell them the things they learned along the way that they wish they knew to begin with. With voice training it's always

>i went in not knowing how, i made shit up, now my voice passes, good luck!
Rate the damn voice!

i wont rate you because you didnt rate either. the OP even tells you to.
manmoder here


i cant really hear it because of all the vocaroo filters but it sounds like you are straining

pitch is low and resonance is a little dark

it passes as male but the pitch is high
Sorry bud I didn't read that shit
its fine, your voice is shit lol
Your face is shit you stupid cunt
her face isn't shit! dont say that! fuck you!!! Though desu both the voices they referenced were pretty bad.
cute girl voice
sounds like a 14yo boy

okie this is my first time doing a voice training thread so i’m hoping this will give me some direction with my training

You kinda have the stereotypical tranny voice
>manmoder here
Not the voice I expected, you sound quite feminine actually, your voice sounds soft and sweet

Forgive the accent, I'm a slav and I basically never speak out loud in english
If you're going to bump why not rate some voices
Just started voice training tonight, heres the result
masculine but has potential. best to start since its only possible for it to get better
cute voice
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I think it passes very well! The front of your voice passes very well, but it sounds like there an airy, hollow quality with your voice. Maybe focus more on it's fullness?
The pitch sounds good, there's just a... uncanny quality with it? I think it passes for anyone who isn't picking it apart. It sounds very cute though!
Your voice sound really cute! Solid pass, but like another anon said, it's not a lot to go off on. From the snippet, your voice passes
Beautiful video, thank you for the addition of music! It doesn't quite pass, unfortunately. I think it's something about the pitch and softness of it? Still, thank you for your work anon!
Woah your voice is really cute! I agree it sounds very androgynous, but I wouldn't read it as female either. Maybe you just need to pitch up your voice? Your resonance sounds good, but I'm not 100% sure. It could sound different with higher pitches.

I'm told my voice is close to passing. Can someone knock down my confidence a little bit? Thank you!
you are british... its okay, just practice more and sound more american. specifically californian, not new york, texas, midwest, etc. androgynous, but very good at parts.
i think you pass, but as an autistic latino woman
https://voca.ro/1of9zPAFefNT Hey guys do i pass as an australian
yeah you could easily pass as an australian, you sound just like one. you also pass easily as a woman, if you weren't born as one.
thank you anon https://voca.ro/1cD8jWJiUGpa
Do you mean like my voice sounds weird? Or bad? Or autistically monotone? I'm trying to add more variety to my voice, but I'm not sure how to add the inflection or other distinguishing properties. I don't have the same problem with my manvoice. It's just hard piloting it... thanks for saying it passes tho
im just saying that your voice is good.
>sound more american.
cant tell if this is actual advice or memes
also im not british :(((
oh you sound british, try sounding more american

listen to various females on NPR or like podcasts or something and repeat the words they're saying in their voice every day while driving to work or something. working for me so far. the reading thing is also very useful
I do the same thing too! I also sing a lot in the car to androgynous-sounding female musicians, and try to match their intonation and pitch. I like that, it's really fun. I feel it's important to get a feel for what a good voice sounds like, and tune your own voice from there.
I do that with Paramore and stuff, though I mostly listen to instrumental music.. any artists you'd recommend or ones that you listen to? I'm open to pretty much any kind of music and I have noticed that singing along helps.
Enya is pretty good for a nice androgynous range to practice in I've found.
nta but i do the same thing to like SOPHIE, charli xcx, devi mccallion, ayesha erotica, and bassvictim

looked all those up and that is definitely some unique music. partial to charli xcx, didn't realize they made the green brat album, or that that picture was in fact an album cover, so that's neat. (i thought it was just the word brat on a green background that people kept posting for some reason)
it might be kinda weird but all of them make songs that get me excited and it just makes practicing easier to where i don’t even really feel like i’m voice training just stretching my voice out and getting more comfortable in it
>i thought it was just the word brat on a green background
i don’t know what you mean? that’s what it is is it not?
anyways brat summer is over because charli made me cringe by endorsing kamala harris picrel is vomit fuel
I like >>36659622's suggestions. I've listened to all of them, and they're solid. I also like Desire. Ive sung to their rendition of Bizarre Love Triangle so many times, but anything from their discography is low and moody and easy for transfems to practice from. I also live Sasha Alex Sloan, her last album is soooo much fun! Ethel Cain is solid too, and she's transfem herself. My personal recommendation is NINA or CHVRCHES, I love their music. In the end, I think it's about finding music you like listening to, and something that fits within your ranges.

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