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Previous Thread: >>36600244

• Help, advice, guidance on meds and dosages
• HRT related medical experiences and research
• Availability and pricing of medications
• Rational and scientific discussion

See following post for a pharmacy list.

Survey: https://1drv.ms/xs/s!AudRJceTA5C9c2G5lCV2Avq0kQ0
▶ Survey data: https://1drv.ms/x/s!AudRJceTA5C9cyIWo6_X14AvHyM
▶ HRTGen Data Analysis: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AudRJceTA5C9gRLLWnbpdzlIxe4r
▶ HRT Info Sheets: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AudRJceTA5C9gQnyM7wxZcBGWRzW
▶ Pill ID: https://www.drugs.com/imprints.php
▶ DrugBank: https://www.drugbank.com/
▶ Basic HRT: https://apps.carleton.edu/campus/gsc/assets/hormones_MTF.pdf
▶ HRT ranges: https://www.hemingways.org/GIDinfo/hrt_ref.htm
▶ Powers Method: https://powersfamilymedicine.com/s/Healthcare-of-the-Transgender-Patient-V60.pptx
▶ Endocrine Society Guidelines: https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/102/11/3869/4157558
▶ Transline Guidelines (with bicalutamide): https://transline.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/article_attachments/360047702053/TransLine_HRT_Guidelines_FINAL.pdf
▶ WPATH SOC: https://www.wpath.org/publications/soc
▶ TransDIY: https://www.reddit.com/r/transDIY
▶ Blood tests (US): https://www.privatemdlabs.com/, https://www.labsmd.com/
▶ Blood tests (UK, Ireland): https://www.medichecks.com/
▶ Blood tests (Canada Only): https://bloodtestscanada.com/
▶ Blood tests (Sweden): https://werlabs.se/
▶ Blood tests by mail: https://www.letsgetchecked.com/ DIY capillary blood samples. Expensive.
▶ Lab test guide: https://www.healthcare.uiowa.edu
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▶ https://www.inhousepharmacy.vu/t-shipping.aspx - Has been popular in the US. Ships from Vanuatu to some countries.
▶ euaibolitatgmaildotcom - Ships from EU to Worldwide.
▶ https://unitedpharmacies-uk.md (UK only) - Ships from HK.
▶ https://unitedpharmacies.md (US only) - Ships from HK.
▶ https://alldaychemist.com - Ships from India to some countries.
▶ https://shape-shifter.webnode.page/ - Ships from Turkey to Worldwide.
▶ https://stayhealthynow.co - Ships from Turkey to Worldwide
▶ https://amazing4health.com - Ships from Thailand to Worldwide.
▶ https://favskinhouse.com - Ships from Thailand to Worldwide.
▶ https://goodstuffstore.net - Ships from Thailand to Worldwide.
▶ https://otc-online-store.com - Ships from Russia to Worldwide.
▶ https://www.weborderpharmacy.md (US only) - Ships from India.
▶ https://www.weborderpharmacy-uk.md (UK only) - Ships from India.
really, can't nobody fucking tell me what are their estrogen levels on Felicitas' EEn 50 mg/mL vials? I went from having twice the simulated troughs on previous EV vials to barely 2/3 of the simulated troughs. i suspected it might be due to injecting in belly but it's my third injection on a more frequent and higher dose in ass (almost the same mg per injection + higher simulated trough; 8.75 mg/7 days) and my body odor not only didn't return to the one on old vials but simply didn't change at all. are these vials underdosed or what? it's physically not possible for EV+MCT+BB+BA vials to have a concentration of 80 mg/mL and I saw a lot of people who had the same trough. something is wrong.
Does applying estrogen gel around/inbetween the breasts aid in breast development or was i told honscience
where are you getting 80mg/ml from? I have three felicitas vials but I havent tested them yet, still have some lena juice left
>where are you getting 80mg/ml from?
assuming older vials were overdosed, it would take 80 mg/mL to deliver twice the simulated levels (btw peak was also twice the simulated value). they were marketed as 40 mg/mL
as for potential incorrect measurement of the dose on my side: i use U-40 1 mL insulin syringes as always, where one unit = 0.025 mL
0.025 * 7 = 0.175 mL
40 * 0.175 mL = 7 mg
50 * 0.175 mL = 8.75 mg
jesus christ someone's trying to kill you
What is the most reliable homebrewer within EU? Heard some scary things about AstroVials
one way ticket to cancer town
0-0 better stop that then lmao
Hi guys. I started doing otk vials last year and a half ago.. Since then I have been following the instruction s exactly on the box,. am i retarded? .28ml every 10 days. I haven't experienced any side effects I can think of. But I'm an idiot and never got my blood checked or anything, doing that next week.
Looking into moving to Enanthate injections, from Cypro 12.5mg and Estrodiol gel, Is Astrovials okay to use? A woman I was talking to uses them and I am a bit skeptical on homebrew'd sources because it really is just gamba
No that's stupid. It's more likely to hurt than help with breast development. Too high estrogen levels actually hurt breast development (If you don't want breasts you should take a higher dose overall), so spiking the levels there locally doesn't seem like a good idea. Also it increases your risk of developing breast cancer
transmasc trying to get dht for dick growth, how the fuck its so difficult to find
whats considered high levels of estrogen?
What are some tips for improving breast growth? My current dosage

>100mg cypro
>4mg beta estradiol

Would taking prog help? I went up like 30kg during the pandemic (not on purpose , not being able to go out just made me a slob) and I'm working on getting it back down but even tho my fat distribution had been nice at healthy weight, my tits and ass do not seem to have received the bulk of the fat I gained, and my belly isn't flabby like the chubby tranners on Twitter and discord...
>100mg cypro
brain cancer speedrun
so much of this is overwhelming i don't know where to start. is beginning with pills good or should i do injections? and if i ever decide i want to go down the "normal" route by going to a doctor will there be any kind of complications?
ableist edge lords like you will never go on lupron and never get rid of the t
im 8m on hrt rn. my breasts are DD/E rn. they feel sore still some times, but less than before
should i start prog now?
can anyone speak to their experience going from taking Estradiol orally vs under the tongue? did it change anything meaningfully?
Hoe long does it take before visible effects of progesteron become visible if at all?
100mg every 4 days or something right?
Is bonefusing completely finished at 20 years and 1,5 months?
It's theorised that estrone which results from swallowing estradiol orally and it passing through the liver leads to better breast development, since estrone is high in early female puberty. Lower levels early on are also believed to be better for breast development. The hrtgen guide method of doing 2mg oral for 3 months, 4mg for the next 3, 6mg for the next 3 and then injections is probably good if you care about that. If you don't, you can just start on injection monotherapy for simplicity's sake and also because it's way cheaper. The only problem you'll probably encounter with a doctor later on is getting hondosed
Probably, but hey pio goes crazy for hips. Don't despair over it
what happened to vannapharma? I cant access the site anymore, I bought a vial from them last year, and wanted to do it again, have they stopped selling?
is 50mg spironolactone and 1mg estradiol (both twice a day) a good starting dose or is it a hondose?
Do I need to take an anti androgen if I want to take dutasteride?
I'm only on monotherapy e en injections rn
i take 200mg spiro and 6mg e a day, never done bloodwork, i could be retarded, and just guess that its working because its a high dose. thoughts?
for starting prog
should i be waiting like 1.5yrs or something?
or how long?
im at 8 months and i think like stage 3 (at DD/E)
50 mg spironolactone is too weak to treat acne in cis women, let alone block male levels of testosterone you'll have with only 1 mg of oral estrogen. change to cypro and at least 2 mg of oral estrogen.
i've been thinking about starting finasteride again and i just realised i have no actual idea now
i remember back in the days i heard that 2.5mg every other day is perfect
but now i've been googling for like 2 hours, both through reddit and not reddit and i just can't find it
it goes from "just do 3mg a week" to "do 1mg a day" to "do 1.25mg a day by splitting 5mg in quarters" (which is what i was doing but just 2.5 every 2 days, since there was like some statistics, that i can't find anymore, about how it collects in your body or something)
Is there any place to get diy hrt for australians?
The fear of sexual side effects leads cis guys to try to find ways to take as little of the drug as possible, especially on places like reddit. I even saw one study that tested 1mg once, every other month, as maintenance after a year of daily use.
if i wasn't getting ffs in a little over a month i'd probably kms tonight
how badlyy do i need to avoid bananas and stuff if im on spiro? i fucking love banana bread...
can i just go straight from 8mg e and bica pills daily to monotherapy injections? or do i have to stay on bica for longer? should i slowly increase my inj amounts? ive tried to google this and idk if im tarded or what but i cant find any answers
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I'm futamaxxing
Is 2.5mg Cialis daily sufficient to help with regrowth or do I need a higher dose? I read that it's got a 38h metabolic half-life so I hope it'll just inevitably build up in my system over time, and it's already expensive enough at this baby dose.

It might be 50mg a day, I've been out for a couple of months and struggling to remember. It's the full pill instead of the half pill.
Been seein Pio get mentioned aot lately. Where can I read about it and where do I get it
Should i start with EE injection monotherapty or should i ramp up for a few months with an anti-androgen?
CAN SOMEONE HELP ME WITH RELAXIN-2 INFO? im retarded and cant find a whole lot of info abt this stuff and im abt to buy some from geopeptides and i have need to have an idea abt dosing and roa before its here. can i inject it subq? has anyone else tried this?
theres a section for it on hrt.coffee :p
the risk is entirely negligible. at the dose you’re taking as long as you aren’t downing like several potassium supplements per day ur gonna be fine
just do mono
please? :)
im gonna keep bumping this i need some direction :,)
killing myself :(
i mean, i understand the concerns about side effects like low energy and depression worsening, but sexual... lmao i don't give a fuck
anyways i think i will just keep on doing what i was doing before, too much work to cut this small ass pill in 4 parts
still can't find that study though, but whatever
holy quads
hope today is a lucky day
hey uhh real quick

I did my injection last week, subq on my right thigh, all went well whatever usual injection.

but now, its been a week, im due another injection and, for the past week i've had this, big bruise? i guess, on the back of my thigh, like around where the subq spot would be on the front, but on the back y'know.

and uhh its the width and length of my thumb plus half of my thumb, its black and blue with some red like in the middle, uhh i dont really think anything happened to me that would give me such a big bruise, i guess my big dog kinda hit into me around there? but it didnt hurt that much, the 'bruise' hurt for a few days and not it doesnt hurt, and it has a slight lump

please help.
tf is that bullshit study
tl;dr WHR is lowest when both estradiol and testosterone are high

>Only in the fertile phase of the menstrual cycle we found a significant interaction between testosterone and estradiol affecting WHR (b ± s.e. = −0.000003 ± 0.000001; t94 = −2.12, adjusted R2 = −0.008, P = 0.03). Women with the highest levels of both hormones had the lowest WHRs, while women with low estradiol and high testosterone showed the highest WHRs. BMI significantly increased as testosterone increased in female in their nonfertile days.
>Since testosterone is the precursor of estradiol, our finding could suggest these women might have a higher turnover of estradiol, which, in turn, favors fat deposition in hips and buttocks. However, using the estradiol/testosterone ratio as a proxy of testosterone-to-estradiol conversion did not yield significant results.
>Our findings show that it is the conjoint action of both estradiol and testosterone (or its metabolites) that results in the “attractive” ca. 0.7 WHR [8].

is it real that having an estradiol level that's too high can slow you down
I feel the urge to start HRT for a while now but I dont want to grow breasts and I want to keep my penis big and working. Is there any solution besides microdosing ?
yes, i can't sprint as fast, it's because of decreased muscle mass
you can still run pretty fast if you train hard
Did you grow boobs?
>my breasts are DD/E
Sounds like you don't need it Anon. Could you pls share your bmi tho?
its 25
i am overweight (currently working on losing it, planning to go to like 19.5/20)
but, i think i would still like it for a little more size but also, they arent too bad in terms of shape, but i do want them a little better shaped (its like in between cone/normal breast)

but, anyway, should i start prog? i have a followup next week
or should i wait a little more
>6mg e a day
Oral or injections? Because I only inject 5mg/week, so 6mg/day would be extremely high
Your body would be running without a primary sex hormone during that time
It's bad to go without some form of sex hormone, if you take injection it'll do the work of an AA anyways by supressing your T
The rule of thumb was always to wait at least 12 months, and it might be wise to burn off more of the old male fat to see how much breast tissue you're working with.. You could get some at your followup and then save it for when you're ready to take it ig
How do I into estrogen gel application?
I've been applying 1mg sandrena gel to scrotum and another 1mg satchel on buttocks every 12 hours but i don't feel like it's doing anything ?
where am i going wrong,, am i just not absorbing it somehow?
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is there any difference between a men's hormone panel and women's hormone panel if both test for testosterone and estradiol? the phlebotomist last time gave me a strange look and if possible i'd like to not draw suspicion to myself when i go for another blood test. this is ordering through private MD, if it matters, and picrel is the description for the two tests
I've had decent results starting it at 12 months and looking well into tanner stage 3/early stage 4, definitely rounded me out and pushed me further into stage 4 but things have kind of slowed down for the past year or two since
bumping this because i really need advice :(
oke, ill prob get them & figure out if i want to start them or not after. having extras of meds is always nice if i dont start right away
There isn’t a good solution. Some people try bica monotherapy, e and ralox, microdosing e, keyhole surgery, but all of those are really pushing how much you can safely “customize” the body.

Just decide if you want to be on regular hrt or not.
reference ranges, but you can check them online.
i see that your male panel tests T with immunoassay while female uses LC-MS/MS. always use LC-MS/MS, immunoassay overestimates testosterone levels, sometimes making a normal woman seem to have high testosterone.
it slows down feminization due to high shbg
it also makes you feel like shit
SHBG does not slow down feminization
free estradiol always increases with increasing estrogen doses, with higher SHBG the increase simply becomes less proportional to the dose
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please respond i really really need to get this right i NEED to dickmaxx
>6.4mg EEN every week, 362pg/ml at Trough
>sometimes mess up and does is slightly higher, between 6.5-6.8, levels shoot up to almost 900pg/ml at trough
so how does that happen exactly? it doesnt make any sense so far to anyone ive asked even my endo is confused
i try not to make posts this vague but im desperate. im 5 months into my 4th year of hrt. ive had good levels in the 200-300’s for most of it but ive had extremely minimal changes. i know its gonna sound like dooming but i have had no loss of muscle mass, poor redist, hips have either not widened at all or so little i cannot tell, whr of .8, my hairline is still very receded and my chest is very little more than breast buds with those weird puffy tranny nips. my test is almost undetectable, my dht is well within female range, ive been weight cycling since year 2 (ranging from a bmi of max 22 to min 18) , but i am at genetic risk for hyperthyroidism and my SHBG has been extremely high (partially because of diet, im weight cycling so low this time that its brought my SHBG even higher). i took prog at the end of year 1 and again at the beginning of year 3 to very little result. what can i do moving forward? should i supplement boron and tongkat ali? try relaxin? domp? something besides “gain weight” please im working on it and cannot atm as all weight i put on makes me look more male.
wonders of immunoassays
i had 700 pg/ml at trough on ev 7 mg/5 days. decreased the dose to 5 mg/5 days and a month later it was still 700 pg/ml
Currently injecting myself with medication that consists of 5 mg estradiol cypionate, 25mg medroxyprogesterone acetate every 2 weeks, is that too low of a dosage?

...It's too low of a dosage, isn't it?
once a week and you're fine
gotcha, thank you
so when drawing medication from a vial, can i insert the needle from the same point multiple times? i've been trying to find a new spot every time but i'm running out of spots to draw from on my vial and i still have a few doses left. is it okay to draw from an old spot?
still here and still looking for answers
any advice for taking progesterone when you have a peanut allergy?

i took endogest for a while but i'm getting an official prescription and most of them have peanut oil as an ingredient in it. i used to take endogest but i can't see if it had peanut oil in it or not because they dont list their ingredients
yea, i do tend to inject in the same spot multiple times just because i don't know where are the spots
i don't think it matters with something like high gauge needles
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thanks anon. as far as breast development goes, is it in regards to size/shape (or both)? see, ive heard before that the size of your breasts will often be similar to how your mother's were - my mom has a massive pair and if possible i would really like to keep mine small. i want to be able to hide them easily if needed.

also probably an absolutely retarded question but if i start monotherapy i only need the one injection (starting out, at least) as opposed to taking oral estradiol and an aa, correct? i also already take finasteride for my hair. will there be complications i should worry about?
could i go from 4mg estradiol oral to 3mg sublingual? that should be an increase, right? Or maybe should i just buy more estradiol and start taking 6mg oral? idk what to do
My current levels are
>estradiol 79.9 pg/ml
>t 26 ng/dl
My current dose is
>4mg Estradiol daily
>50mg CPA daily

i’m already 6 months on this and they refuse to increase my dose so i ask here
>that should be an increase, right
if in multiple doses
your estrogen levels are sufficient, why torture yourself with sublingual
lower CPA to 12.5 mg (you can divide the 50 mg pills twice and take one every two days)
yeah i was thinking going 1mg every 8hs, to a total of 3mg per day.
I was thinking about lowering cpa too, so thank you for the advice

brong your SHBG down lower

plus pioglitazone, it helps many people
Can someone link me a video that shows the best way to do injections for E En?
I have read some stuff but I have bad orthogonal representation and I kinda need to see it to understand it better
pio has ruined my injection technique by making my thighs too fat. I used to get a perfect injection every time, but now I constantly leak or hit veins and bleed. It's actually a nightmare.
tfw my thighs feel so hard that i doubt intramuscular injections really require such long needles
is it bad if I get a lump where I inject
of course, where do you think the oil goes you drooling imbecile
why are you being mean
what happens if my package with this stuff gets seized (im in the us)? just ordered from otokonoko and im paranoid it's not gonna arrive, i'm going to get fined, or worse.
at worst you will receive a nasty letter saying that your package was destroyed

tell your supplier and they typically ship you a replacement free of charge
it's an allergic reaction to oil/solvents, can locally cause death of fat cells, i wouldn't inject it in thighs/ass in that case. a few injections in with vials without benzyl benzoate seem to have fixed this problem for me, at least largely
makes me feel a lot better, thanks.
thanks, I thought it might be a benzyl reaction but unfortunately the supplier I use doesn't sell vials without benzyl benzoate
at the moment I inject in my tummy
what's weird for me is that I'd get these rashes and bumps, until I kept doing the injections and after a few months nothing happens anymore lol
this healthyareastore bitch stole my crypto didn't she.....
would it be better to inject weekly rather than every ten days on EEn? I've been injecting 8mg EEn every 10 days for six months now and my levels at trough are perfect but I think my E2 being higher at peaks is bad for my transition, could I get some input on this?
If your peak gives you pms symptoms i would try to make it more stable yeah. If you feel fine i wouldnt worry, een has a long half life so youre really not gonna spike like you would on ev. Im a retard and dont know anything tho, i just dont believe in the whole “mimicking cis endocrine” thing
how fucked am i if i use a 22 gauge needle for injecting? i ran out of my regular 25 gauge ones, and went to the pharmacy today and was only able to get 22 gauge ones. looking online for more i can only easily get needles that are 1 inch long, is that fine for intramuscular? my old ones were 1.5 in for reference.
in UK, thinking of ordering estradiol undecylate from Voix Celeste
anything i should know?
I feel fine I think, though I do feel my chest is more sore near my injection date which is when my levels should be lower. I'm not sure about moodiness... I might just be like that. I'll try and keep an eye on how I feel and write it down for a month or something and see if I can determine anything from that
lab is closed on weekend holy shit
i have to wait two more weeks because of change in schedule
i sure do love injecting more often
Due to way too much reluctance for no actual reason I did yesterdays injection today at 1am. Should I do my next injection 5 days from today or is the time close enough to do it 5 days from yesterday (also If I can do it 5 days from yesterday should I do it in the afternoon or something?)
is weborderpharmacy md a good place to order pio and fin from?? I’m in the US and have never ordered from an online pharmacy before. are there better alternatives that don’t require bitcoin? I also don’t want to sacrifice shipping time either because according to the site it’s pretty fast
You won’t notice any difference either is fine
is injecting pio or using prog suppositories better?
Its fine, its a bigger needle so its gonna hurt more and all that. I use 1” 25 ga they should be fine unless youre like obese
i accidentally ordered syringes that aren't individually wrapped, how bad is that?
ok ty, where do you inject btw? im very thin and inject into my ventro glute and stick my 1.5 in needle practically all the way in, though i'm not sure what the minimum depth would be there
Theres no guarantee they’ll be sterile once opened. I wouldnt risk it, syringes are not expensive. If you have a uv sterilizer you can sterilize them before use but then you might degrade the plastic or something just get new ones
its fine for subq, just wipe em with alcohol and you're good to go
if you go im then i wouldn't risk it
i got moobs from being a fatass most of my life, does this improve or hurt my chances?
is there no lena and otokonoko anymore?? i'd like to buy the bathtub hrt, can't afford the normal stuff.
NVM I FOUND THE https://diyhrt.market/ site. i almost pissed my pants, thought that lena being gone there was nobody to order from.
godspeed troons.
I am tempted to buy from them too, but it's unclear waters.
what have you heard? was just about to order from them
ok just looked it up on reddit, where the fuck am I supposed to get injections in europe then since tea doesn't ship internationally now
lena ships everywhere, you can buy filtered too if you want (just ask her for it)
im concerned it sounds like theres hardly any substitutions that dont have peanut oi :{
What's the word on felicitas, their stuff any good?
voix celeste and girlpotion
levels at trough dropped from being twice the statistical value to being 2/3 of the statistical value. i don't know if it's due to the inferior estrogen concentration or injecting in a different site
how do i dickmaxx and restore lost growth
you don't need that
i'm a top so i absolutely do need it
How fucked am I starting at 27
don't bother, unless you are a massive luckshit
Is 1ml/20mg of ev a good dose for biweekly intramuscular injections? Just started injections and Im a bit worried my dosage is low
I don't get why age is ever a factor in discussing passability. The way people look is so different from person to person. If you have no chance of passing at 27, you almost certainly didn't have a chance of passing at 16-18 either unless you've got a crazy late puberty or are like completely bald already.
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injecting EV biweekly is a very bad idea.
Pic related: your 20mg EV/14 day dose, my 6mg EV/7 day dose, and a theoretical 10mg EC/14 day dose.
You can see how the 20mg EV/14 day injections spike you up like crazy and then drop you extremely low.
The insane spikes at injection time will greatly increase risk of blood clots / liver problems, and the low levels leading up to injection day may fail to sufficiently suppress testosterone levels.

if you really want to do biweekly, use an ester with a longer duration of action.
is otokonoko's stuff estradiol cypionate?
is 4mg sub a day (as 4×1mg) okay as a starting dose or too high? i'm worried that i might risk slowing breast growth in the future? it's valorate instead of hemihydrate if that matters too
What's the best place to inject?
Currently on injectable estrogen and 5 mg finasteride. Thinking on stopping estrogen to increase sensitivity during anal sex. I am a bottom straight mtf and that’s my primary pleasure. I’ve been on her for three years now so I doubt I will have more breast tissues. Could anything go wrong with this plan?
>detransitioning for buttsex
husstussy = faketranny gayfag

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