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How do we solve the pooner problem?
Do trannies think they are any different from pooners, just in the opp direction?
Diapers into second childhood as a boy.
mass impregnation
if a woman claims to be a man, she gets tied up in public and men are allowed to enter her and cum as they please, she remains chained up until she gives birth, in public, then is set free
this would discourage poonery enough to render it nonexistent
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Tanks and T-injections, obviously.
Give me a thousand pooners and five years and I'll give you the greatest armoured battalion in history.
That's a big subject.
The disease is the same.
Trannies are completely different from pooners and anyone who says otherwise is lobotomized.
Seems the delusion is too
It's not a delusion.
It's a compulsion.

I don't believe I am a woman. I am compelled to feminize myself until I am a woman. Not doing this puts me in a waking nightmare.
In this respect pooners and trannies are the same, excepting that pooners have to masculinize themselves as much as possible.

HOWEVER, being born male and being born female carries a lot of baggage, and masculinization and feminization are very different things. So are we "the same but going the opposite direction", no. It's the same disease. But that's where the similarities end.
True, ftms are transsexuals and mtts are psychotic men
I think pooners are cool leave the lil guys alone!
This is hot, I would pay you to let me do this

Side note, sexual trauma only makes pooners wanna poon harder, might backfire
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One of the ftms in the top pic wrote this, take that how you will
Holy based
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yea as a pooner that’d definitely get me to shut up
nigga look like white gandhi
>are people with gender dysphoria different than white girls chopping their tits off because tiktok said they could earn victim points?
I want an FtM boyfriend but I feel like they’d just treat me like the boyfriend because I’m taller
>>are people with gender dysphoria different than white girls chopping their tits off because tiktok said they could earn victim points?

Mtfs dont experience dysphoria, they're men with a crossdressing fetish who gooned themselves into transitioning

Only ftms are trans
how tall are you? asking out of interest
I'm 182cm as a poonie
chop your tits off
there you go, some material for your terf blog where you can whine about being brainwashed by the woke mind virus
This lol
>How do we solve the actual transsexual problem?
This is clearly written sarcastically
there is no problem to solve here, the only thing that needs done is to make them manlier and bulkier no matter the height
I know its written sarcastically, that was the point of me posting that
Why dont you do that instead
its inevitable that you'll realise that the anons who told you that taking estrogen will make you a "elf twink gender fuck thing" were lying and now you're just a fat woman with a cups
woah how did you get so tall as an ftm lol wtf
i have DDs and I didn't visit a single tranny community until after i trooned, because im not a cisfoid with no mind of my own and an rogd superspreader
don't forget to post to your blog today about how you wouldn't trade growing up a girl for anything, and be sure to remind us how heccin valid ftfemboys are. Boy, i sure hope testosterone doesn't make you all gross and hairy! cuz you just wanna be cute and feminine - but in a boy way, right?
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those are some big traffic cones damn.
>didn't visit a single tranny community until after i trooned
well wadaya know i only visited tranny communities because i viewed trannyism as an easy way to speed run getting testosterone

either way YWNBAW
maybe, but at least i actually want to be. im guessing you're 16 and getting top surgery in a week? i give it a month before you're crying about your lost womanhood
>maybe, but at least i actually want to be. im guessing you're 16 and getting top surgery in a week? i give it a month before you're crying about your lost womanhood

You're years off anon
i reckon you have a year left till you start bugging ftms for top surgery advice
A final solution to the pooner problem.
>years off
what, like two? lmao
seriously, get out now. bottom growth is not a functional equivalent to a dick, pretending to be a man every day is going to eat you from the inside. Just go back to being a butch lesbian, get therapy for that time someone raped you, and move on
>pretending to be a man every day is going to eat you from the inside.
pretty funny coming from you, go back to being a man and hit the gym. choosing an objectively inferior form is going to get you nowhere when it comes to getting a real girlfriend (your transbian gf doesnt count)
>an objectively inferior form
pooner poons out because she hates women, shocker. also hilarious that you never addressed the ftfemboy or trauma-induced rogd accusations. guess i hit that nail on the head, huh?
just because you got bad touched doesn't mean women are victims. stop projecting your self hatred onto half the population and
>transbian gf
she's cis, and even if she wasn't she'd be far cuter than a titless femoid on t could ever be. you will never be a femboy - and for the record that's a retarded goal in the first place
>ftfemboy or trauma-induced rogd accusations.
because they're baseless and you made up an ftm femboy behind the screen to get mad at dumbass. i'm a roider to ftm who's goal is to look as masculine as possible

>she's cis
oh so shes the type that just wants a non threatening boyfriend, got it
This person is a chaser pretending to be MTF to sow mistrust between trans people. take notes everyone
>This person is a chaser pretending to be MTF to sow mistrust between trans people. take notes everyone

50/50 chance you're right, but at the same time I've met mtfs with identical views so either way it wouldn't surprise me
theres no way to grow as a ftm anon, he just was born tall
you truly deserve your imminent detransition
im so happy to be validated in my pooner hate. truly i was right to think youre all terrible "people"
the feeling is mutual, i hope your estrogen gets taken away
and i hope you get raped again
I've never been raped, but i hope you get what you deserve anon
Now kiss
shot out of the womb at 182cm. destroyed his mother in the process
>are these different things actually different, when ignoring this big difference?
sure, i like kissing girls
4-7 and 9 are unironically true though
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Do you like hairy beards?
no. you'd need to shave first
No thanks anon i'm not into low T men, i like girls
that's a shame. Getting hate fucked by a butch lesbian pretending her strap is a dick actually sounds like a good time.
Least transphobic mtt
>Getting hate fucked by a butch lesbian pretending her strap is a dick actually sounds like a good time.
In your dreams honster
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Obfuscation, consensus cracking..
>calling other people transphobic
end your life.
in my dreams self-hating women like you don't exist
>transphobe shits on other transphobes
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>in my dreams self-hating women like you don't exist
Does that make me your nightmare anon?
poonphobe shits on troonphobe
many such cases. and the reverse
don't you dare hit me with the rapeson.png after refusing to rape me
Good boy!
Trannies are way more narcissistic and annoying. They can’t live in peace, they have to push their bullshit in everyone else’s faces. MTFs have single-handedly ruined trans acceptance. Just look at Kris Tyson, the bud light faggot, the “it’s ma’am” creature, Lia Thomas and the many more examples of degenerate hon behavior causing an uproar. There is no FTM equivalent.
MTF celeb groomers are chosen patsies whose rise and fall are orchestrated by demonic, pedophilic, psychopathic wealthy elite cisgays/reppers thoughbeit
holy shit, you are both idiots, poons hate women and only want to transition cause they view themselfs as inferior, they want to be men but still avoid hard work, and tranny faggots hate having to do hard work and would rather be treated like princesses and be cuddled, both of you are lazy bums
You are retarded, gtfo
in what way idiot? everything i said is true, you trans faggots ruined lgbt, honestly jump of a bridge
based true homosexval
You ruined being lgbt yourselves, no need for trannies. all gay men are known for is fucking teenagers on Grindr and going to 30 man piss orgys
jokes on you, i am only in twinks and femboys
You’re still associated with the 30 man piss orgys by being a faggot. Sorry anon
>tfw no amazonian stacked trans gf that will smother me with her tits and tickle my dainty little pooner feet until I beg for mercy
dont care, i am 6'3 jacked roman warrior twink breeder, total tranny death now, chop you all in half like elagabalus, i will make handrian proud
it’s a self-solving problem since so many of them either dont take T or detransition kek
Cope. Classic troon technique of deflecting and trying to avoid accountability for your own behavior.
You are malding
End women's suffrage?
Could work.
i would like this to happen to me but i am mtf
>bossmanjack if he poon
kissing and cuddling
This would fix me
The flag bearers are like the two high points of male fashion
Yeah only cause you haven’t met me yet
I love MTF troons on 4chan. They still have that little fascist nazi inside of them from when they browsed /pol/. Seriously though, fuck pooners. My favorite example of a pooner moment is when one of them made a tiktok of a wall decoration where each shot of testosterone they would put inside of the piece of shitty wall art. That's some serious fem brained shit. Men don't like knick knacks that take up pointless fucking space. Pooners literally got black pilled by some fucking radical childless grifter feminist on the female experience and bought the meme that being a man is better. Lol, it's not better. One instance of a pooner I saw on plebbit made me wanna go full rage at the sight of a drop dead gorgeous girl becoming a mid tier pooner with a homosexual man's fashion sense. It was their only post in which they titled it from party queen to loner scene or something like that. They had a very depressing post detailing just how little attention they got now as is if they don't even exist. From my own experience as well I knew of an MTF troon and my friend who was a 6 foot tall Chad that had chubby face cheeks like a chipmunk lived across the street from the MTF troon. He told me that almost every day a new man was coming into their house to smash. The MTF troon was passing in every aspect except their Adam's apple. Men have literally no standards for fucking.
Teach foids that being a prey item and being kind of upsetti spaghetti about it is normal, and that they're not really prey items due to modern feminism.
Being upset about this circumstance isn't trans
Aren't pooners a type of tranny? As a pooner myself, I thought "tranny" referred to everyone with GD.
Board culture is lost
keked irl
see, now, this guy fucking gets it

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