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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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What, exactly, is stopping you from following your dreams?
Lack of money, severe mental illness to the point of periodic psychotic episodes.
not being born into wealth and having the right connections for nepotistic positions of power
Aren't you a high class prostitute?
>What, exactly, is stopping you from following your dreams?
i do not have a penis
My parents are Gen Xers so they utterly failed at raising me
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not really? i mean my dating history is mostly wealthier older men but relationships lasted for years on average, i never been a prostitute , my body count is actually pretty low, only around 10 or so
No money
Mental illness and lack of hope and lack of energy and lack of support network and debilitating learned helplessness because of severe neglect because of >>36626331
My dream is domestic bliss.
I’m a tranny.
Probably being constant with how much effort I put into my interest, if I have enough will and not get randomly lazy I will achieve my dreams
Every time I get a bpd4bpd gf she leaves me
Me. Duh.
when did the goal of this board change to instilling honfidence in every transer
Ewww. Imagine the smells
>Lack of money, severe mental illness to the point of periodic psychotic episodes.
my brain and my body
modern "women" KEK
My uggo face and non-existent career to fix said face and give me purpose
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I was born a male in a backwards conservative area with parents who *would* have supported me if they knew anything about trans stuff in the slightest, but not a single real life trans person actually existed outside of the porn industry as far as anyone I ever knew was aware.

So instead I grew up being a repper without even realizing, accepting the medical scientific reality that I was born as a male, and just assumed that it was an open secret that women just had it better in life, and men only pretended to be all macho and whatever as a cope to feel better about being the disposable peon gender.
The only real purpose one could achieve as a man was to find a good job, be able to afford a house and then be able to provide a happy life and children for the woman who was kind enough to choose you out of the rest of the sea of disposable labor slaves.

I had a mental breakdown attempting to force myself through college when my sole motivation to complete my degree was so my parents could come to my graduation because I knew they would be proud of me and would want to see me receive my diploma even though I didn't actually care about finishing it at all and had absolutely no plans with what the fuck I was going to do once college was over.

A year after coming out as trans I'm still trying to figure out what exactly my goals and dreams I want to follow are, because the only thing I really know as a fact is that I've always been a girl in my dreams.
Pretty much this. Also didn't really know what trans people were until I started seeing those videos and images of ugly ass hons in their 40s embarassing themselves and at that point I was repping big time. Also thought I was asexual because I wasn't attracted to women and refused to believe I was a homo. I feel like my life could've been so different if I hadn't been such a self hating christian and also had been more informed on lgbt shit.
Personally for me, the only thing I was ever truly confident in was my attraction to women.
Everyone thought I was gay for some reason, and I even attempted to try giving men a chance and just found no romance or attraction, so I was always struggling to figure out how the fuck people thought I was gay and tried my best to not do whatever mysterious things those were so women would be able to tell I'm straight and consider me as a choice of partner.

The only people who were attracted to trans women (as far as I was aware from porn) was straight guys, because gay guys were disgusted by them, straight women like men, and why the FUCK would a gay woman be interested in a trans woman when she could just find a real woman?
So attempting to make myself attractive to straight women and make sure people knew I was straight was the only possible way for me to not die alone, obviously.
No money, being from the middle east, it's too late for me to change my biology, mental illness and etc..
My shoulders and ribs and hips and height
Almost exactly me except my parents didn't allow me to be on the internet until I reached 16 and before that I didn't know you were allowed to be feminine as a boy

Now I'm 22 and still repping cause I'm too much of a gorlia male
I think I will set back the trans community 1p years if I transition lol
I become fixated with fixing stuff out of my control instead of just living my life and trying to enjoy it, I just have really fucking bad brainworms, can't have normal relationships as I feel paranoid, I'm not good enough and then self sabotage every relationship I've ever had

Get told I might have BPD from therapist but refuse to get checked incase It's true as the one time I dated a BPD person it felt like it ruined my life as they didn't help themselves, I don't wanna be like that, if I couldn't tolerate that type of thing I wouldn't imagine others would tolerate me

Constantly questioning my bi sexuality on top of it too, as a t.femme, i probably want to be with men for affirmation, but then other times women are plesant and lovely to be around

Basically, brainworms really
OMG you are literally me fr fr!!!

I saw my life as a meaningless death march, thought it would be better as a woman, didn't think that was an actual option though because I didn't have exposure to actual trans people. The only "trans" adjacent stuff I saw was stuff like Buffalo Bill or the sort of crossdressing gay panic gross out jokes.

Since I wasn't into men and wasn't a murderer I figured I wasn't one of "those people." Now I have to deal with the effects of male puberty :D
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>my body count is actually pretty low, only around 10 or so
Its completely fucking over for my generation holy fuck
i have the same bodycount and i think mine is low
I am… but i still have mustache shadow and tiny boobs. and no makeup skills. so really fatigue rn cuz i could have done makeup yesterday for the first time. blew paycheck on a Vans rib top and cute necklass and now i will likely have to walk across town with my speakers to try to sell them so i can reup on cope leaves
Fear, age, and genetics mostly. I have severe anxiety to the point where I can't get on a plane without having a panic attack.
The only thing stopping me from moving out my parents house is fear that some weird freak accident is going to happen the moment I try to take control of my own life.
I just need to put a down payment on a house far away, get on hormones, and troon out. I am a literal millionaire thanks to careermaxxing and lucky investments, so it's not the money stopping me. I just am too much of a pussy to take risks in life.

You could still get that, it's possible to attain those connections later in life but nobody really cares about spending decades of their life to get power or wealth when they're 40, outside of people conditioned into that life from birth or sociopaths.
I think you're conflating the inherent meaninglessness of life with being male, even though life as a female is just as meaningless (which you cant have btw seeing as you're just a man on E)
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>double digit body count is low
Ok whore
>The only real purpose one could achieve as a man was to find a good job, be able to afford a house and then be able to provide a happy life and children for the woman who was kind enough to choose you out of the rest of the sea of disposable labor slaves
I'm not trying to invalidate your feelings or anything, but what "purpose" can you achieve as a woman, especially in this sort of family-oriented worldview?
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I've sucked over a hundred dicks, topped 18 women, and bottomed for 4 guys.
i have had sex with 0 people in my entire life
t. 29 year old repper
This is so fucking cute omg
i feel like you didnt really miss out on much if you manage to end up with someone who's physically compatible with you
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Stop repping then and get some dick

I know, I will not defend my morality on this one. But I've never had an STI. And to be fair, sucking dick is really easy to find someone for, and about half of those came from different visits to a sex shop
no lol i'm just emotionally stunted and realizing at 30 that i don't get a redo on my life
i'd kill myself if i believed in an afterlife, but i don't so i gotta cope
idc about sex but i mean i missed out on my entire youth
>Stop repping then
yeah i've been telling myself that for years
i caved and got some diy but i still live with my parents at 29 lol
pale pajeet on god
becoming a cow you mean? I did grow boobs that’s the first step
>I think you're conflating the inherent meaninglessness of life with being male
>even though life as a female is just as meaningless
>(which you cant have btw seeing as you're just a man on E)
I already am having it.

>what "purpose" can you achieve as a woman, especially in this sort of family-oriented worldview?
Literally whatever the fuck you want?
You get your sperm donation and bank account access from your husband and then you're free to do whatever you want after that as long as he's able to afford it for you, and if you don't like him you can just go to court and take the kids and like 40% of his income with basically no questions asked.
severe mental illness. I cannot function in any capacity
i feel gross thinking about sex and it weirds me out to imagine myself doing it in any capacity
i'm gynephillic sadly but i would genuinely be happy if my attraction to women got replaced with an attraction to men since i do not ever want to take the masculine role in a relationship
me except it turns out that 90% of employees at any job can't either
anyone can get money because the bar for competency at any job is hilariously low
>Literally whatever the fuck you want?
But if you're living in this world where the man's job is to work, then the woman's job is taking care of the kids, right? So yeah you get knocked up and then assuming he makes enough that you don't also have to work, you're taking care of the kids, keeping the house in order, all that shit. That's the deal unless you're so rich that you can just hire people to do all that stuff, and in my experience women like that just kinda drift from brunch to brunch without much "meaning" in their lives and are usually all pilled up all the time. And if you just wanna do drugs then that's fine, anybody can do that
You should move out of your parents house then. Get a job that can support you living on your own with a roommate or two and live your best life
Housework and cleaning is barely actually work as long as you keep up on, I very much like straightening up a place and keeping it looking nice, the task is inherently meaningful in itself.

It also barely takes any time and you have the remainder of the day to just laze around the house doing whatever you feel like as long as you do the bare minimum of custodial work and cook the meals on time.

It's basically a permanent vacation.
And if you don't want kids then you don't need to have them, find a man who's cool with just getting dogs or somethings, there's plenty of them out there.
competency isn't a problem, i was being courted by ivy leagues before i went insane. i can't even go outside anymore let alone talk to someone to get or maintain a job
Incels should have internet access revoked
whores (you) should have sex access revoked
>the task is inherently meaningful in itself
It really isn't, you might as well say that stocking grocery store shelves is inherently meaningful
>I already am having it.
Oh so you're just insane then?
Carry on

I WILL slut shame and you cant stop me
is your gross feeling because you are a woman who sadly has a penis? (Mine was)
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>he thinks being a housewife is a permanent vacation
She's hot and I would destroy her
Yeah, I live alone and I still have to clean my house and cook when I'm not working too.

I just also have to have a job in addition to doing these things.
I'm kinda living the "male housewife" life right now and it's basically like having a job. I actually felt a lot more comfortable slacking off when I worked because I had this attitude like, "They don't pay me enough for this shit, so fuck em." But when it's your family it's different, you want to make sure everything is as good as it can be. Or at least I do. I have a couple hours to do whatever when the kids are napping but often that gets eaten up by random chores as well
>You should move out of your parents house then.
i keep putting trooning out off until i do that. i'm just ashamed of being so old while doing it
>Get a job that can support you living on your own
i can support myself financially it's everything else that i find difficult
>with a roommate
i'd rather pay more in rent than have to live with someone if i'm gonna troon out
i worked in big tech for a few years until i fell apart and now am a 29 year old neet living with his parents
no it's because i'm a gynephilic man and i've always been a weak twink so i feel like my sexual urges don't fit my body but i don't want to embrace my masculinity and get swole
If you're financially stable you don't have an excuse. Time to grow up and learn how to take care of yourself. Once you do that, you'll have the confidence to troon properly
>If you're financially stable you don't have an excuse.
i'm set financially. over $300k in the bank and made six figures before i broke down and quit my job
>Time to grow up and learn how to take care of yourself.
i've been trying to do that for my entire 20s and failing miserably
>Once you do that, you'll have the confidence to troon properly
i moved out before and did so poorly i moved back in lol
>300k in the bank
>still can't live on your own

Idk anon its a just do it thing. What caused you to fail and move back in?
im poor :( if i had money then i would have all my surgeries and be gorgeous but im broke
>>still can't live on your own
yeah i'm incompetent lol. i can actually say everything wrong with my life is a result of almost 30 years of poor decision making lol. i don't think i've done anything correctly in my life except getting lucky enough to work in big tech
>Idk anon its a just do it thing.
i just don't know where to go. it's either move back to my old place and hope i could get a job there again or try to find an apartment in my area but i just can't find anything good
>What caused you to fail and move back in?
covid happened so the job i moved out for became remote and i felt super lonely and homesick so i asked my parents if i could move back in and they said yes
i wish i stayed so much you don't know how much i regret that decision
If you have 300k in the bank you can afford somewhere that isn't absolute trash, seriously. You're refusing to change because change is scary and you've adopted the "I'm a failure" mindset. Change your mindset and you'll learn to embrace change. It's whats also keeping you from trooning.
mogs me
>What, exactly, is stopping you from following your dreams?
being ugly and weird and emotionally damaged and isolated
>If you have 300k in the bank you can afford somewhere that isn't absolute trash, seriously.
i need to know where to go first. i can afford a good neighborhood here but i would be surrounded by people i know, or i could take a risk and move far away
like if i knew what to spend my money on i'd do it ofc
i also can't drive lol
>you've adopted the "I'm a failure" mindset.
i literally did fail by moving back home. ever since then i've just been
>It's whats also keeping you from trooning.
there's a vial of hrt on my desk rn and i haven't even opened it. i'm more afraid than you think i am
Ew bro! I bet the milk in that cow is rotten by now. What is she 15-16? Nasty
With 300k you could just buy a house cash and still have some left over
where can you get a house for 300k that's also safe for trannies to live in
the leftover is going to go to the house upkeep as well tho
This troon looks so similar to my former best friend that I'm not sure if its him cause I haven't talked to him in years.
To make the troll more believable don't fucking add their deadname or family name lol. Just write "Ava".
my lack of ability to plan or commit to anything
people should be more ashamed of themselves
>Verification not required.
lack of wealth, courage, faith in myself, and a surprisingly strong belief that nothing good will come of my efforts. oh also i hate everything about doing things for money
nothing im following them right now it just turns out im quite bad at what i dreamed of being
clavicle size
I need money for a house and collage.
I want to be a doctor but I'm 20 already.
Never too late but I wish I could go in the next 2 years.
I can't get a loan for collage in my country, so... :p
Her ex is so much hotter
Hope she's doing well
Mortal coil.
omg same sis.
t. 27yo repper
the nuts on this dude is insane
i hope we can stop repping soon

i don't want to end up like this dude
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Fear of how my family would react, mainly my parents. I want nothing more than to get ridiculously huge implants and maybe become a porn star because I'm hypersexual so why not get paid for it? Unfortunately I'm too timid to go for it and I'm stuck manmoding and hiding my real self from everyone. :(
Based doomer tranny
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i have no money and i'm ugly so i can't make other people give me money without threat of violence which would probably get me imprisoned
i have a fear that i repped for too long. my gender dysphoria was the least of my worries when i was 14 but it really came back and bit my spergy ass
rayray sugarbutt

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