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Spiritual Armour Edition

A General for those who wish to stand firm against Gender Dysphoria.

To take the road less traveled.


>Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

>“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

>“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

>“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.

>“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.

>“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

>“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.

>“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

>“Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.
>”Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”

>”Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?
>Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than them?”
if you were really against dysphoria you would let yourself just be gay and effeminate
Sodomy is a Sin.
religion is psychological slavery
break free
Hello fellow reppers! I sure do love being a manly male man.
If a repper were to, hypothetically speaking, take HRT, that would be fine, right? He could still be one of you?
There is always a choice, and there is always hope. Brothers.
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he died for us
you don't have to be a manly male man
you can be a very feminine man but not take hrt
the worst prison of my life and soul was when i was allied with your kind, when i was ignorant and naive.

You would have lead me to ruin had i let you. It is only by the grace of God i found another path. His path.

Begone from here, you have no place among the afflicted who seek to be free of their illness. Leave them be.
No. Thats an open door to sin, a defiance of what God designed you to be.
God is okay with you transitioning if that's what you have to do to live in righteousness. If it were bad, it wouldn't be so effective. As well, God allows people with intersex conditions to exist, so surely we aren't slaves to our biology. Live wilfully miserable if you want, but don't act like you're doing some divine act of self-sacrifice. You're living in cowardice, because you want to believe doing nothing is better for you than taking action to better your life.
Quiet gincel, you're sexless for a reason. If every repper started taking cock, you would still be alone, because it's what you deserve.
We will welcome you over on mmg :)
>Guy doesn't transition, kills himself
Should have transitioned
>Guy does transition, kills himself
It was the evil transphobia invading his mind

It's probably the case that transitioning doesn't do anything
>be the dark that consumes the light
>whether it disapears in a snap or dusk encroaches on night
>Guy doesent Transition, Lives a happy and fulfilling life instead.

It was Eve who led Man to sin.

Do not listen to a demonic female apparition that masquerades as your “self”
Turn off the autism for a second and stop looking at it in black/white. It can be true that someone could rep until they die naturally having lived a decent life, but there will always be the question if they could have had a more meaningful life had they transitioned. It's also true that someone could be happiER from transitioning, but still miserable due to other aspects of their life. Either way, the science bears out that transition is an effective treatment for gender dysphoria, regardless of any single anecdotal case. If it did nothing, there would be a far higher desistance rate.
Hatred of women is uncharitable and a sin. You are committing the same error as Adam, casting your failing onto others. Remember: The only sinless humans were Christ (who is God) and his mother Mary.
a demonic apparition that appears female is not a woman.
You are not a woman.

The Devil quotes scripture for his own ends too.

the same science that state a man can be a woman? dont make me laugh.
Demon detected
supreme repper here.
what do i do about my dick?
let me suck it
save it for your wife

Okay, but I'm a devout Christian and God told me in his presence that he'd accept me as his daughter sooo
You've quoted no scripture to back up your self-denial, you just autistically spam AI images. There is nothing in scripture that says he makes every single person a specific way. You have Jeremiah 1:5, which is specifically referring to Jeremiah himself. If you want to talk about sex, Genesis 1:27 makes the distinction between God creating "him (mankind)" in his image, and creating "them (Adam and Eve)" male and female. No where is there anything about God using his perfect will to create every single person.
Again, you are just making a choice built on cowardice.
An image that appears to be made by anabaptists is self-refuting. And I can't help but feel that hurling the insult of demon at a sibling in the faith is at least woefully uncharitable, and at most constitutes a 9th commandment violation.
god's number is 52
holy moly mental illness
i do not cast pearls before swine.
You are bastardising scripture to justify your trans ideology.
God loves you and he does not want to watch you suffer. Doing it to yourself is no different than ritual suicide. I pray you find joy in this life and in the next.
Does anyone want my repper meme folder. feel like there's no memes in this gen.
only if they empower repressors, none of this self hate weakness
take your pills retards, and remember to report christfaggotry spam for being off-topic
This message is just as equally off topic, not to mention misleading
not at all, this is the LGBT board and this thread is exploited to spread hateful anti-trans rhetoric
It's only off-topic when it's critical of transition. When it's pro-tranny it's always mysteriously on topic...
behold the tranner sin of wrath, they who wish to strike down all who are critical of their depraved suicide cult
>eat all day
>cease having the right to a gender via fatness
>food tastes better than sex or anything else feels
Bonus: early death
you should take up lifting. stop hating yourself.
No, fit people are allowed to have gender and sex
why do you feel like you are undeserving of manhood and happiness?
Because I’m fat
>jerking off to the idea of having boobs

repper momento
what happened to crystal??
tragic rolls royce accident
after that she got isekai'd into a mahou shoujo realm
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Shaving, removing hair from my scrotum and my damn overweight belly and thinking: HOW DOES ANYONE CHOOSE TO HAVE THIS?

It seems like people's lives are so empty that they think even eating shit would be a great achievement if they were influenced to do so.

I thought that the function of human beings on earth was to distance themselves from animals. But this is overlooked in men because they produce a lot of testosterone. Now AFAB's wanting to have body hair, it can only be dissimulation and a mental problem. I say PROBLEM, not disorder. A disorder, if encouraged, can bring benefits, now ftm transsexualism is like burning money.
shaving every day is a Pain in the ass fuck shaving.
I don't shave every day, I'm just doing it now because life is getting more and more painful and I need some relief.
Full retard
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Yeah that's life for you. But if I don't shave every day my beard grows back.
I think these are the only OKAY attributes I have to troon out:

>big eyes
>small foot
>I don't have a beard
>I don't have a jawline

(Yes, I'm incel)

But my mustache already leaves a shadow on my face even when I shave it, so whatever.
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I could never troon out. I would never ever pass. I don't have any "good" attributes. Everything is in the male range or above average. Not saying I'm some super masc guy (I'm not) but there's nothing feminine about me.
I would never pass either because of my height and body proportions.

How are you dealing with life, anon?
I have a little journal where I write fiction and stories. I do drugs. I jerk off. That's about it. The days pass by but if my parents stop taking care of me i'm on the streets
I liked you a lot. I wanted to be a writer too but I'm addicted to dopamine and recognition, as I know that no one would ever appreciate my work, I have no motivation.

Otherwise, I'm just like you.
I have no intention of showing my writing to anyone. I don't want some fag tearing it apart. It's just for me. If I like it that's enough.
I understand, it's the other problem: I'm afraid I'm not creative enough to satisfy myself. Well, I'll try.
you dont have to do anything. Like I only do it for fun if it's not fun I don't force myself to do it.
I am really enjoying this schizo aesthetic OP, keel it up!
i wasted my life
its over
Can any of you pinpoint when exactly it was over for you? I was looking through old family photos and I don't think I can tell. There's comfort in realizing the fact that it wouldn't have mattered even if I had known about hrt before I was already a man.
Reading repgen while in a cute sun dress and sandals, makeup, cute earrings, hat and backpack while waiting at the DMV, my boyfriend texted me and said he'll take me to do something fun while he's at the gym.

My comment on all these christian stoic posts is that I feel closest to a traditional, godly way of life when I am with my boyfriend as a woman. Not to get religious for a second but, when he holds me and kisses me I feel true love filling my body and I recognize that this pure true authentic love comes from God. I can feel that transitioning was part of what helped me attain this.

Nothing about my life is miserable, I'm happier than I ever could have imagined as a repper, I'm free and each day and month brings new wonders. I feel invincible with the power of my realizations.

And before you say it's impossible: I transitioned at 30, and I think I pass. I get lots of compliments on my looks and never misgendered.
long time no see, take it from me. This is a Reminder that Repression doesent have to be a brutal depressed lonely affair. It can be a beautiful happy ending if you truly succeed. To have someone who shares your pain and knows ALL of you, together you vanquish Gender Dysphoria and are able create Life together.
Repressor couples mog Tranner couples everytime.

>Repressor Husband & Wife song (The TRUE purest form of Love)


>When I was a child, I was frozen as a stone
>Scared to take a risk and fail, even in my home
>I didn't know what to do with my sensitivity
>So I just buried it down six feet deep
>And the worst kinda hurt is to fail but not understand
>Yeah, the worst kinda hurt is to think it's out of your hands
>Baby, we got bigger plans
>Let it hurt, let it bleed
>Let it be the fuel you need
>To tell the truth, I know it's hard
>But it's harder to cover up your heart
>With one million little bandaids
>Honesty is as oxygen to a seeking soul
>Freedom that I'm craving is at war with my control
>And every judgement builds an arsenal around my heart
>And now where I sleep, it's cold and dark
>And the worst kinda hurt is to feel but not understand
>Yeah, the worst kinda hurt is to think it's out of your hands
>Baby, we got bigger plans
>Let it hurt, let it bleed
>Let it be the fuel you need
>Let the sunlight see your scars
>Who told you that it was brave to live
>With a lonely heart

>Let it hurt, let it bleed
>Let it be the fuel you need
>Let the sunlight see your scars
>You ain't gotta live with a lonely heart
>Let it go, let it fly
>Can't be worse than what you've tried
>Let the sunlight see your scars
>You ain't gotta live with a lonely heart
>Let it hurt, let it bleed
>Let it be the fuel you need
>Let the sunlight see your scars
>You ain't gotta live with a lonely heart
>So tell the truth, I know it's hard
>But it's harder to cover up your heart…

>…With one million little bandaids
retarded luckshit who thinks everyone else can pass as well as them or delusional honbeast, call it
congrats, what a lovely post in such a toxic place!! i'm just starting my transition at 28, i hope to reach where you are.
beautiful sentiment, i wish you well xx
9/10 trannies I talk to say they pass flawlessly while adding on that they're 6'2, or 230 lbs, or whatever. I'm not buying it.
>and then he woke up.
I see what you are doing. You have no effect on me. But what you are doing is simply torturing the repressors who are yet to cure their Gender Dysphoria and achieve heterosexuality.

a pitiful and cruel action, trans demon.

what a beautiful idea. two broken halves to make a complete whole.
Aspire to this Repgen. Aspire to Love.
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I mean, I'm not gonna face reveal since I have been on this board so long and am friends with so many people here that I would get ridiculed If I was seen posting in repgen, but I will post me sitting at the dmv as proof that I'm at least not a total sock puppet.

The thing is, it's not really about looks, it's about self acceptance. It's not about passing 100% of the time, it's about finding friends and lovers who like the way you look regardless. It's about freeing your mind from the prison of shame, social obligations and self punishment and enjoying creation for the majesty that it is without any reservations.
>stick figure
>weird poop stained dress
Look anon if you want to be a man wearing a dress that's fine. It does nothing for me. I've tried cross dressing it feels weird and unnatural.
>it's not really about looks
The fuck are you talking about?
>It's about freeing your mind from the prison of shame, social obligations and self punishment
No, I will never look like a woman or even approach looking like one. So there is zero point in transitioning.
>verification not required

I'm not a demon, I'm a demi-fiend and I'm here to destroy your false religion of lies and illusions and cast down the idols you hold as sacred. I am a true angel sent to this thread by God himself to cast light into this haven of darkness and I have no fear because all who are endowed with the divine spark of their creator will hear God speaking through my posts, humble themselves, and rejoice in his eternal salvation. HARK, FOUL DEMON, JUDGMENT IS UPON YE!

Omg I'm not gonna rip off my dress to show you my figure.

Bust: 40
Underbust: 33
Waist: 29
Height: 5'11
Weight: 170
Shoe: USA 11

>it does nothing for me

The question, my child, is what you need it to "do for you" what were you expecting it to "do for you" and how does it feel to live your whole life without this thing that you think it "does" for me? Because I can tell you right now this is just my clothes I think it's cute but It doesn't "do" anything it's just what I threw on this morning.
>The thing is, it's not really about looks, it's about self acceptance.
Then accept your natural birth sex and all its attributes
>It's not about passing 100% of the time
I pass as male 100% of the time, theres greater win than being cis.
>it's about finding friends and lovers who like the way you look regardless.
You can do that while accepting your birth sex
>It's about freeing your mind from the prison of shame
You transitioned because you were ashamed of your birth sex and couldent come to terms with your natural state
>enjoying creation for the majesty that it is without any reservations.
Thats called living as your birth sex.

didnt deny the poop stains.
let me guess, your room is a mess?
Can't imagine going out in public wearing women's clothing holy shit. You have to be extremely genetically gifted or just be an autistic hon who has no self-awareness.
i never leave my house so idgaf what people think, i still won't troon out because i could never bear to look in the mirror everyday thinly masquerading as a grotesque caricature of femininty. it hurts me enough already to see my reflection, i can't imagine how humiliating and soul crushing it would feel if i tried to troon out. why would i do something that i know will bring me only more pain?
Poor attempt. You are merely a mocking demon or ignorant to your own sin and in a state of false deluded religious fervor.

If God wanted you to be a woman, he would have made you born as one. Its as simple as that.

If you truly repented, i mean truly. On your hands and knees, begged God like i did. You would know the Truth in your heart and honour his design by living as a Man and living life to the fullest, grateful for every blessing he granted you.

Trans turn their noses up at what is given to them by God like spoilt children.
Truly a wretched existence.
Bideltoid? Hand span? Head circumference?
step one: go outside

Successful repression requires you to love your life. Look in the mirror every day, force it. embrace that pain, overcome it and love the Man that smiles back at you. I did.
They want you powerless, get out there and fucking show them what you are made of.
real reppers don't even discuss or talk about trooning out or not, they already made up their mind on this matter, get on my level bitches

>poop stains

There's no poop stains idk wtf you're talking about it's a clean cotton dress. You must be seeing a shadow. Is the crux of your argument literally "you're poopy?"

>Room clean

I used to have issues with this but it was never gross, just cluttered. my BF helped me clean and organize my apartment and I've changed my habits so it stays clean.

>I pass as male 100% of the time.
Good for you, passing and being gendered correctly improves a person's self confidence.

>can find friends and lovers with my birth sex.

Yes, I had friends and lovers as my birth sex but they didn't know the real me so it wasn't fulfilling.

>I was ashamed of my birth sex

Uh, no. I wanted to be my birth sex so I tried to repress. I was ashamed of being a tranny. But I worked through it in therapy and transitioned and after a whole I was better than ever.

>enjoy creation while living as your birth sex.

If that's really true for us then why are reppers depressed and saying they need God to give them strength to live with GD?

>Why couldn't you accept your birth sex?

It's not rocket science I just physically didn't like facial and body hair, smelling like a man, veiny muscled limbs, receding hairline, male fashion, male culture, odor, the mental and emotional effects of T. I can however "accept my sex" as a trans female and acceptance feels great.

Anyway, I am not gonna go back to my birth sex because I had my balls removed and am scheduled for SRS and there is not a single minute of a single day where

Idk what a bideltoid is but yes my head and hands are bigger than most women i would assume but whether those attributes are attractive or not is a matter of taste.
I need God to help me regardless of if I have GD or not. inb4 I get banned for mentioning God by the janny tranny atheist.

*not a single minute of a single day where I want to go back.
>my head and hands are bigger than most women i would assume but whether those attributes are attractive or not is a matter of taste
Honestly I liked the rest of your posts, they were nice and I think you have a good attitude and outlook on life. Keep it up!
But this is quite the bonecope ngl
go away witch, this is my mentally ill realm, you are also mentally ill but not the way that is allowed here by the tribunes, shoo shoo or i will put a satanic spell on you and in the next morning you will wake up having a third nipple
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Anime girls are perfect. I want to look like one so fucking bad. If I can't look like an anime girl what's the fucking point?


Nope, fuck you.
>comes to repgen to poke fun and flaunt luckshittery in front of reppers like eating candy in front of a caged monkey at the zoo

You're just saying "if you agreed with me you'd agree with me." But no, God wouldn't make it so complicated that normal people can't figure it out. I "feel" that this is right for me with every breath I take.
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transition for what, i'm barely a person anymore, i'm more like a sack of meat programmed to hate and push away everyone
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I'm gonna make the next thread about satanism fuck you op
t. repper
hello /repgents/. I am going to get my hair cut tomorrow? what do you recommend? how short should i go?
shave your head pussy
I do my best.

To all Reppers, this should be the goal of Ascended Repression.

conquer Life, achieve your biological imperative and be the greatest father of your bloodline, receive the privilege of raising and protecting your own offspring.

That is something the enemy will never be able to do. Never doubt our cause.

Life and Biology itself is on our side, while theirs requires a clown world of delusion to coddle their wretched existence.

Choose Love. Choose Happiness. Choose Manhood.
i will laugh my ass off so hard when you troon out on your wife and kida lmao
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I would be happy if I had a boyfriend who:

>is bigger than me
>is stupid and believes that I am a woman in some way
>is stupid and extremely likes being a man
>make me breakfast
>take me to have fun
>invites me to play video games at his house

I wouldn't feel so bad if this guy existed.
stained with poop or you cant eat a chocolate bar correctly.

>He went to therapy

Weak from the start. says everything about your generation.

You best hope that happiness lasts. But a childish life like yours ruled by “i want, i want, i want”

you are ill equipped to deal with lifes pitfalls. Good luck.
Why does the modern generation worship therapy. Every therapist i've been to was useless
Ill make sure to return as a grandfather too.
thats because only faggots like a hugbox
modern therapy is geared towards females and stopping sadness with kindness

male therapy is giving a man purpose and usefulness.
yea, if your kid will happen to have gd, teach them to suffer it too, like father like son, amirite

Okay there is NO poop or any stains on this dress I've looked myself over 3 times. Circle it in red. This is total schizofaggotry.

Thanks for the well wishes though


Therapy is only useful if you take control and use it to help further your own goals. A therapist is someone to help hold you accountable and say things in confidence you don't want to say to friends. A therapist is a not a smart or enlightened person who can change you, fix you, or have elevated philosophical discourse with you. It's similar to going to the gym. You have to self generate the willpower to use the weight rack, just buying a home gym can't fix weakness/obesity.
it would be an honour to train him.

I'm depressed because I'm not trans. I was psychologically abused.

Not that I care about the definition of “real trans.” I don't believe this shit, to me it's complete nonsense.

I was just a poor, sensitive, neglected boy who had fantasies about being the opposite sex. And, because my life took the direction it did, I became obsessed with this damn topic that is transsexualism.

I could have had these same fantasies and had a normal life if I had had a good education, made better choices during my youth. Or simply be born somewhere else.

Now? I am forced to worry about my “dysphoria” because of the amount of psyop I have been exposed to.

I have a million problems in my life. “Dysphoria” is just one of them. And I have no chance of having a successful transition.

I try to feel better by simply trying to be healthy. Basically, it wouldn't change anything if I went to therapy or not. I try to stay thin and shave, that's what I can say I do to feel relieved. Hrt wouldn't change my appearance at all and I will never have money for surgery because I'm poor and live in a third world country.
dont reply to a post that addresses me without stating you are a different anon.
Was repping strong for months, but now I'm starting to get envious of my trans friends in every way possible. What do I do in this situ?

im a different anon
heres a tip. dont have fucking trans friends. i dont associate with sodomites either.

fucking amateurs
I'm not going to abandon friends of 3/4 years because it makes my life easier
how do you cope knowing you'll never have friends or a romantic partner?
Meh. So many of my friends have been traumatized by relationships. One ended up in a mental hospital. Other ones all broke up and regret it.
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I have a youngshit passoid gf
fucking hell that sounds like suifuel
then you are a cuck

have you never gotten laid? try it.
it might make the rest of you into proper reps.

tell me when you graduate to real women junior.
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I wish I was cute
Why are you repping?
>Can't pass
This one is tricky because sometimes it's genuinely true but sometimes you might turn out better than you think but it's hard to tell because of online hugboxers. The only way to know is to try, maybe visit some far away state and girlmode for a weekend to see how many stares you get.
>Unsupportive family
It's easy for me to say "just ditch them" but just ditch them
>Unsupportive society
It's easy for me to say move to a liberal state but move to a liberal state
this is so fucking funny holy shit.
world's most mentally sound repper. has to make ten thousand ai cope images a day. eats a copy of leviticus every morning.
i have a massive chin and can't afford ffs and don't wanna ruin my life
Do not mock the Lord
>have you never gotten laid?
the idea of having sex disgusts me
>Believe in God is a cope
>believe you are a woman is not a cope

Uhhhh ????
man up. you might enjoy it.

tranners are retarded, this is fact
>why are you repping?
all cards on the table, it's because i'm a pussy
the idea of change scares me, and i get wrapped up in my own head about the negative possibilities of almost anything all the time - let alone trooning
people say "just do diy" but i'm paranoid that people would put acid in the vials and i'm also shitscared of needles and getting hatecrimed in the street or something
i'm like, 20 and four months, and i know i'm coming to the end of the time where transition could actually save me, but at this point i'm the archetypical "self-loathing man of inaction" and given i already tried and failed to claw my way out of the closet when i was like 15 i honestly probably deserve to live like this
it's still so tiring :(
you should become a paranoid man of action instead like me.

I usually craft scenario in my head
It's more about proportion than size. I never had a life so can't speak against you not wanting to ruin yours. Good luck
I got really drunk.
dammit i did it while i was typing that post
>what if someone showed up at work and tried to blow you up
and i pressed post before i got back to my original thought. kek
i am a neet with 0 employment prospects who is codependent on family

probably gonna give hrt a try anyway bc insurance would pay for it but i have low passing prospects (gigalateshit) and cant even afford laser/etc so i can only really see myself as a future detrooner once i get tired of being literally just a man with gyno and nonfunctioning dick (the latter is not something i want but would tolerate if i had better passing prospects)
i cant be the only repper who actually enjoys fucking women? my god you zoomers are weak.
theres no better expression of your masculinity than by fucking her.
you've never touched a pussy in your life
>i usually craft scenario in my head
same here to be honest but i get really wrapped up in them and then they make me paranoid and i just want to recede into a nothing
>i got really drunk
i'm terrified to touch mind-altering substances like nicotine or alcohol or weed or whatever because if it actually nulls your thought process and slows shit down i know almost for a fact i'll get addicted
after seeing firsthand some of the effects of addiction on my own family (some of which really fucked me up mentally, to the point it's probably half the reason i have troon thoughts lol) i can't go down that path
it's the same reason i hate going to the doctors, when i was younger and way more autistic they apparently prescribed me some shit to calm me down and my mum thought of me as some kind of zombie while i was on that shit and the fear in her eyes when she described that just. i don't know it really touched a nerve in me
Ironically being NEET helped me transition. I probably wouldn't have done it if I had a job and friends. But as I knew no-one and had no responsibilities the only people who noticed were the local shopkeepers who have not said anything to this day.
Funny I was teetotal for years for this same reason. I think so long as you keep the mindset you won't get addicted. I've tried even heroin and not gotten addicted because I was VERY careful. When I started doing it more than twice a week I decided it was time to stop. Same with alcohol I got spooked and started cutting down as soon as I started drinking more than 2 beers daily. Most normies just keep on going until they're shooting up daily or downing a bottle of vodka a night and it's too late. It is true though that all drugs and alcohol creep up on you eventually. It just takes one bout of depression. Be careful.
i can definitely admit being neet puts me in a better position than most as far as social acceptance issues go. i am basically invisible. idk how long i could hide from family though and im old enough that i cant reasonably expect good results from just taking pills.
you will never be a woman
i suppose this is the case, and i'm really glad that you're trying to take care of yourself by not falling into the trap too much anon
for what it's worth, i'm proud of you :)
Thanks and good luck bros...I mean sisters!
heh, i wish...
but truly, thank you. best of luck to you too. :)
plus, just lurking on this board and similar communities long enough, i'm pretty sure i'm the exact kind of person who shouldn't transition and the subject of mockery by actual trans people. i'm AGAMP and want to have my cake and eat it too.
I want to be a woman and HRT does not make you a woman ergo I will not take HRT. To me it's pretty simple.
my skin looks so bad right now what the fuck
you repp for god, i repp for satan
we are very different
You are Men. act like it.
John Darksouls
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I should probably kill myself
But I won't
Sorry but I don't believe you. Whenever I see posts like these it's the person trying to convince themselves even more than convincing others.
I have friends who make public posts like these but privately are very depressed regularly.
Transitioning is a treatment at best, not a then and done solution.
God as the cruelest joke of all decided to put the fun button in men's asses. As an even crueler joke he decided to make genetic chimeras a thing. There's weird shit coming out in scientific papers stating gay men actually have female DNA from their relatives inside of their brain. In some cases chimerism arises in the form of a twin absorbed in the early stages of development. Human biology is fucking weird sometimes.

Why would you devote your energy to doubting someone else's happiness? What does it gain you?
How am I "devoting my energy" when all I did was make a reply to a thread the same as they did?
Aged from 16 to 40 in just 4 years: https://unsee cc/album#NoxIPafp1yyN

It's over. HRT repping is the way to go now.
>Aged from 16 to 40 in just 4 years
yeah i aged hard from 20 to 28
i look so much worse than back then twink death is insane
28 year olds can be cute though
well i'm not cute
every goal feels pointless and empty
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I'm looking through my ancient 4chan folder. It has a bunch of memes from 2008. If 2008 me could see into the future and see 2024 me was still posting on 4chan I doubt he'd be surprised.
unsee links fuckng suck just post your fucking face to 4chan you coward bitch
Dysphoria doesent get easier unless you masc-max
Dysphoria can be eroded through willpower and direct confrontation
look in the mirror deliberately
“I am a strong powerful Man, i am perfect as i am.” repeat and eventually you will believe it.
Stop being fucking scared of Dysphoria, embrace the pain and swim in like a masochist, every ounce of pain is only going to make you stronger.

Stay Hard!


The reason David Goggins has been a majorly successful athlete and overall person is a result of his refusal to accept what his body tells him. This idea is slightly confusing, and one must first acknowledge how and why humans feel pain. When sensory receptors on the exterior of our body send a message via nerve fibres (A-delta fibres and C fibres) to the spinal cord and brainstem, pain will be registered by the brain and accordingly felt by the subject (in this case, us). The body is not what truly controls pain; rather, it is the mind. Thus, no amount of physical training can repair what is broken within the mind. Goggins notes that he “doesn’t stop when he’s tired” but instead when “he’s done”. He has actively rewired his mind to ignore these pain signals from the body, effectively improving himself from the core rather than the shell. Athletes must acknowledge that pain exists but follow a philosophy in line with that of David Goggins; realizing that pain is from the mind and not the body should change the way one looks at endurance and limits. The ultimate way to approach this is to unite one’s mind and body such that one’s body will never serve as a limiter but rather a tool that will successfully execute the will of one’s strong mind.

Run 203.5 miles straight is unfeasible. That’s over two days of sustained running. David Goggins, an ex-Navy SEAL, ultrarunner, and motivational speaker, has consistently pushed the boundaries of what is believed to be the body’s limits.
>I am a strong powerful Man, i am perfect as i am

I don't need to believe it, I'm sure. It doesn't helps

Not just in body, but in mind.
Awaken him. WAKE UP
im mascmaxxin and it makes it worse
Clearly i am the David Goggins of Repression. Get on my level.

Do you want to win? or do you want to lose?

Thats all this comes down to.


People who uber-masc repress never make it. Look at that Australian repper, the stop fapping start living guy, didn't make it.
yeah i pre-date him and outlasted him. keep crying

CureAnon will be missed.
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yeah I forgot his name.
Repressing by hoping in God and accepting oneself is the only path forward. That's how I do it.
masc maxxing might just make it easier for you to dissasociate that is why you might feel better, you dummy..
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I've been doing the complete opposite after having spent my early/mid 20s trying to be masculine and it works insanely better. Don't have the itchy sensation of body hair, having a nicer haircut feels good, trimmed eyebrows make me look much less angry than it used to.
So far only two downsides. I get offensive remarks about looking like a fag (including from friends/acquaintances), and I kind of want to push that further and transition.

Working out only "works" because you get the dopamine rush from working out coupled with looking at your body, which is a break from the usual dissociative state you might be in.
It's weird that trannies celebrate ritualized sexual repression and all cheer each other on in doing so.
they do?
based, my apologies.
>Working out only "works" because you get the dopamine rush from working out coupled with looking at your body, which is a break from the usual dissociative state you might be in.
I don't disassociate

I am happy and calm even at rest and havent worked for a while. I told the tranners and i tell you.

I’m built different. My grandchildren are going to know what a massive chad i am.
Tranners are dead ends. Spiritually and Biologically hollow.
>Seven Deadly Sins and Transgenderism

The struggle for identity may lead to pride in one's true self, perceived as challenging societal norms, striving for special status as a result of narcissistic desires

Feelings of envy against women and better passing tranners

confused gender identity can lead to objectification or fetishization. The trans community is rife with sexual predators and fetishes, adultery and depraved behaviour.

transition can foster anger towards (justified) societal rejection or personal turmoil. Making them bitter and wrathful outcasts. (Hate Crime Laws, Trans Protests, Invading Female Spaces)

The desire for acceptance may lead to a perceived greed for validation or recognition.

Overindulgence in seeking external validation can distract from inner peace. Tranners seek ever higher standards and heights they cannot hope to reach (hormones, clothes, voice training, surgery) because they can never be satisfied with what IS.

Apathy towards a true cis life and not a hollow degenerate trans existence can hinder personal growth and authenticity.
Many tranners lack work ethic and success in their lives (eternal renters, dirty rooms and poor hygiene, lacking the will to fight dysphoria in the first place)
Don't know why but I hate the "boymoder" anime girl. I know it's normal for every culture to have their own anime personification but when trannies do it it comes off pathetic.
You spend an awful lot of time reminding others that you're successful at repping and totally free from dysphoria.
To me it only sounds like you're trying to convince yourself.
forgot air quotes for pride mentioning
“True” self, its not in fact a genuine or justified identity.

>Seven Virtues and Repression

Emphasizing restraint and resisting one’s own Dysphoria for the good of society and ones own physical, social and spiritual health.

Practicing moderation in desires that are ultimately harmful to a person, leading to genuine expression of true self.

Focusing on the needs of others while rejecting a selfish dysphoric fantasy, helping other Repressors.

Working hard to become a Man and overcome Dysphoria regardless of the difficulty, rather than embracing the easy and quick path of giving into emotions such as despair and seeking coddling in a trans cult, many Repressors struggle alone with no recognised community or support from anyone but God. Those who succeed have done so with the greatest level of Physical and Spiritual Discipline and Hard work.

Enduring inner conflict, Repressing

>Kindness: Offering love to others while suppressing personal truth can foster compassion.

>Humility: Acknowledging societal normalities and God’s will and choosing that over a false identity born of lust and vanity.
Is your bf ftm or is he c*s
God Jesus Yaweh and Allah can all suck my estrogenized cock
In the first place. We need to do away with the term “repression”. Because it is a negative word and was attributed to us by those who believe that tranism is present in us.

If you consider yourself a repper, you first considered yourself trans. Therein lies the root of the problem.

“Repression” would be if you were sure that troon out would solve your problems, which is not the case for the vast majority here.

We are not repressing, we are simply opting for what will not harm us.
it's because she doesn't look trans at all.
trannies have this habit of picking the least trans looking characters as representation.
Reach for the cure. Ascend.

Become what tranners fear most, a living refutation of their ideology.

He's a cis male. We've been together 6 months.
It's all about looks, but passing doesn't matter. Lmao
>the worst prison of my life and soul was when i was allied with your kind
You're still here, on 4chan, shitposting about theology and whatnot. I don't think you really escaped any prison, anon. It looks like you're just stuck in a different cage. Everything remains eerily the same
denial makes it easier
You're here though. You could be anywhere else but you choose to come here and be surrounded by faggots
you are spreading hateful misinformation
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How do people explain detransitioners if transition fixes all your problems and repression is clearly inferior to ANY life where you transition? Detransitioners should not exist by their logic. But they do and there's more than people will admit.
troonjak is and will always be the more true to life representation
thats why tranners are a cult
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Yeah I don't get it lol.

They say transitioning is 100% better than not transitioning. Repressing doesn't work and in fact no treatment but transitoning works so always transition.

Then they say you can't be wrong about being trans. You are 100% trans or 100% not trans so everyone who wants to be the opposite sex is 100% trans and has to transition.

But yet there are people who detransition and many of them regret transitioning. logically this isn't possible according to their assumptions.
I'm here because there is no other place with discussion about this and psychologists don't help me.

That's why I'm trying to make a better environment.

Shouting to your unconscious mind "I'm repressing transsexuality" all the time will make you unhappy for the rest of your life.
lots of detransitioners do it because they're clocky/non-passing and get too much shit for having transitioned
Which just shows that transitioning is not universally good.
nta but i think i'm at the realization phase
t. 8 months deep into hrt
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I think you're because despite all the layers of repression, at the end of the day you can't change who you are
>Shouting to your unconscious mind "I'm repressing transsexuality" all the time will make you unhappy for the rest of your life.
Isn't that exactly what you're doing here?
Not transitoning really pisses off trannies but for what reason i don't know.
because they used to be like you and see you not only making the same mistakes they did but encouraging others to do the same thing
misery loves company?
Repression is 100% fine and I deserve a place to talk about it with other repressors. I don't go to mtf gen or ftm gen and start shitting on them. I stay here, but they come here and harass me. Very rude, albeit methinks though.
this picture is so funny because if you switch "trannies" and "repressors" it describes my experience with transition perfectly.
this place and its posters used to be responsible for shitting up the board pretty often, and you use it to jerk each other off over r*ghtoid propaganda and hateful damaging misinformation to justify your choices

it's pathetic, and you don't deserve shit
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Blah blah blah, go bother someone else. We exist, we are valid, and many transpeople detransition and repress instead. You are just hating your own, which is pretty funny to be quite thoughbeit. Not everyone gets to live out the fairy tale transition dream and live happily ever after.
transition is a mistake for most. not everyone can succeed.
nah, you post and your shit bubbles up to the front page so I notice, besides I'm not the one hating trannies for being trannies while insisting I'm not a tranny

that's just objectively false, we have good data showing the vast majority of people who transition see a significant improvement to their quality of life
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Many trannies detransition because it doesn't work. You need to accept reality. Sorry not sorrybeit
wow a random screenshot without any additional context. very convincing.
not saying detransers don't exist or aren't valid, but the actual detrans rates are less than 2% and the vast majority of those report not continuing gender-affirming care due to a lack of support

this isn't /pol/, I'm not having a debate with you, and even if you were in a debate that would be a really sad little attempt at pulling out another of your "gotcha" cards (which is curiously the only way oppressive authoritarians, terfs, christians, etc will argue the issue too)
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>due to a lack of support

yeah, I lack support, alongside money, a passable face and body, among other things.
maybe, but not for me so i don't care. why are you even here?
EW are all the pics itt like this? this is sissy hypno for repressors

try reading the post you responded to
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The Machine Girl sweater feels like a personal attack
I mean you might, or you might not, hey who knows - if you're really lucky, you might be suffering with this in your head driving you insane on your deathbed in a few years or a few decades! best case scenario :)
kek is this real
Why do "helpful" anons always turn into bitter psychopaths the moment you reject their help?

>there's more than people will admit

Okay do you have a source? Do all medical treatments have a 100% success rate? Do we tell people not to use chemotherapy because sometimes it doesn't work?
>turn into
lol pls

I'm not offering anyone here help, I'm just remarking on the nature of these things and how hilarious it is that you try to act so high and mighty or even proud of that outcome - personally before I started hormones, spending time in places like this convinced me repression was simply not going to work and I had already wasted too much time doing that to myself
nta but this is kind of the issue with that whole argument, and this review outlines it VERY clearly in its conclusion
>GAHT may be linked to improvements in gender dysphoria, body satisfaction, and uneasiness, subsequently improving psychological well-being and QoL in transgender individuals. However, all current research is of low to moderate quality, making it difficult to draw clear conclusions and do not reflect external social factors, which significantly impact on dysphoria, well-being, and QoL. Research that is ethical precludes high-quality studies. Ideally, more robust longitudinal studies examining the impact of GAHT will provide clinical benefit, allowing for realistic expectations, development of necessary support measures, and guide policy in transgender health. The lack of high-quality studies does not represent the absence of benefit, and our call for more research should not preclude the provision of gender-affirming care based upon published expert consensus guidelines.
Already posted it in the thread.
Also I would tell someone not to get chemotherapy in some circumstances so the analogy doesn't work.
i am the creator of Repgen from 2015.

Stay mad.

from tranner and leftoid doctors

this is not an argument. That implies a debate between equals.

You are not an equal, you are the filth beneath my boot.
Satan does the same thing

Repent, Repress, Rejoice

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When you get judged by the Maker he
is going to look at your heart/soul not your ass and level of gay or not.
>if i cite scripture, i can manipulate him into tolerating my sin! hehe!

The devil cites scripture to manipulate too, nice try demon.

Capitalise the He if you are going to larp as a Christian, tranner.
I capitalized Maker the he is really not the important part bud. I just want you to not feel like your fucked in the afterlife because you got fucked a lot in this life. Because you won't be, he's a loving God not a petty serpent.
bumpin the thread for how based it is
You presume much.
My life is very blessed thanks to God.
Everything improved when i turned my back on trans ideology. I tried your way a long time ago and found only desolation and horror. You are monsters that walk in Human flesh.
He came to me alone in my darkest hour and made me into the Man i needed to be.

Spare you false pity, demon. I can see you for what you are. I can literally sense your demonic energy through the internet.
An all-consuming cult member desperate to manipulate and undermine those who reject your path.
That is why you come here into Repgen, while i have no need to enter your wretched hive.

The idea that Repressors can ascend past repression and Dysphoria can be beaten shakes you to your core. Any Humanity left in you wails at what could have been. You choose poorly.

You cannot go back, not without permanent damage. If you see sense, i am sorry for what that realisation will do to you.

Leave these Men alone.

I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ
and the Lord God Almighty.
you seem like an insanely nasty and vindictive person, very fembrained indeed. i never want to troon if i'd end up anything like you
So this is the power of Repression?
Reject trans insanity so that you go insane and wind up back at sanity again?
I like it
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yeah well good I'm not a nice person and you should aim to do better whatever you do, and I mean look man that's the future I was looking forward to when I was yet again presenting myself with the choice and I ultimately decided that whenever I went out I wanted to at least have given this nonsense a shot to be able to feel like myself before I die - and it worked for that much, at least
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I'm not saying any of your decisions or what your doing now is wrong for you, I'm just saying maybe don't beat yourself up to much while also loving yourself.

He's a Good and loving God I just personally never got the inkling that he would Damm someone just for a minor sin or two when they have been more good than bad through life is all.

Love you and goodluck here on out Fren.
See how quickly they turn when they know they cannot move you.
Many a Repressor has insulted me and called me a fool or deluded. But i still wish with all my heart for God to grant them the same gift He granted me.

We do not choose this path because it is easy, but because it is hard. For in the struggle we will embark upon a journey greater than ourselves. When we are old men we can look back and be proud of our efforts and know that we gave it our all and our hearts will lie peaceful and calm.

I thank God for this journey, this adventure, i was lost but now am found.
He has given me such purpose and meaning i never thought possible. I see the beauty in His will and plan for me, every bit of it. It all makes sense.

then we can eliminate empathy from your list of motivators, we can deduce you are here preaching for selfish interest, to rationalise and justify your own poor choices (that lead to chemical castration/mutilation)

After all, misery loves company.

Meanwhile, i hold no authority or threats over Repressors. I only wish to encourage them to seek a life that gives them purpose and happiness in their birth sex, whatever that may be.

>minor sin
sin is sin

You spat on God’s creation when you chose to alter your body that He designed at birth.

I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ and the Lord God Almighty. your “love” is poison wrapped in fruit that will soon rot and cause decay and sickness.

Leave. These. Men. Alone.
schizo cultist
it is a twisted and misplaced form of pity and unfortunately very direct empathy through shared lived experience that compels to me to go
because I used to twist myself into the exact same kind of logical knots and jump through a lot of the same exact hoops I see the losers here engaging in when I was still repressing, and it was at least in part thanks to a lot of deliberate misinformation and outright propaganda
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I can't fucking transition because 1. I'm autistic 2. I'm reliant on my family 3. I have no fucking money.

I swear to God trannies have no sympathy for people who didn't live life on easy mode. You think everyone is like you. Must be the narcissism (Transgenderism and Personality disorders have a very strong correlation)
did you notice he kind of looks like a penis especially when he pulls back his foreskin to charge up then goes ima firin mah lazor lol

anyway I'm not telling anyone what to do, and I was in that situation too before I started and flailed around trying to change things until that wasn't the case anymore, so I know everyone's situation is different but it's worth looking into what resources if any might be available to help you or at least how you might start taking steps toward becoming more independent
you must think God is a pretty shitty designer if you assume he wouldn't design people that are trans. pretty big creation flaw there.
dont compare yourself to me. we were never on the same level.

You “repressed” for what? 6 months to a year before giving into pinkpiller propaganda. You lacked the spine and will to craft your own individuality, you see pain as something to avoid rather than grow from and learn lessons.

I Repressed for 25 Years, i knew you your kind’s evil was not something to be encouraged even as a young innocent child. You would have preyed upon me then had i not sensed something was wrong, i shudder to think of the path that would have awaited me had they got their claws into me.

I suffered yes, but i became more powerful and happy because of it. I would do it all over again given the chance.

They will gush and spout false love and empathy to get you to sell your soul and join them, then they will abandon you the moment they have burned your bridges.

Someone guided to Repression still has the career, social acceptance and happiness even if the person who helped them leaves.

Trannies leave only destruction in their wake, alienate you from friends and family. Forever dependant on their cult for socialisation and Medically dependant for your mutiliation.

Transition is Slavery, Repression is Freedom.

A Repressor once cured can be any kind of Man he likes.

A tranny cannot even be a woman, they are chained by the reality of their social, physical and emotional bondage.

Repent, Repress, Rejoice.
I started actively repressing my identity and self at 6 years old and kept turning down every positive correlation or revelation and opportunity to ask for help or do something until I finally started hormones a month or so before I turned 31
Transitioning is reddit coded
Repressing is 4chan coded.
>When we are old men
technological singularity within the decade is really gonna throw a wrench in that consolation prize when every repressor can become a 100% passoid by stepping into a hospital and asking for it to be so

>You spat on God’s creation when you chose to alter your body that He designed at birth.
he clearly made me trans too, knumbnuts. is wearing glasses also an act of rebellion?
>is wearing glasses also an act of rebellion?
nta, but yes
any act that seeks to subvert or deviate from the natural order (ie, God's will) is an act of rebellion against the Lord and *will* be divinely punished
>but if you can't see you'll suffer!!
>we already solved this problem!!
>why not just be normal like the rest of us!!
temptation is the weapon of sin
humanity is tasked by the bible to better itself, not to create technological crutches to rely on.
So are you happy now or happier?
no, things are still hard and I've made some things worse (especially by putting it off for so long)
god yes, I'm still figuring things out like how to just be or exist as myself even years in, but the relief is almost indescribable and makes the background radiation of existing in my own body so much more tolerable and even pleasant at times
Sometimes I don't want to transition, and I don't think I would even temporarily transform into a girl. What do you think about that?
>he thinks man isn't a part of the natural order, and that we don't have a license to co-create besides that, being made in the image of God

i don't know what you're trying to say- you have dysphoria over not being a girl but don't... want to be a girl?
>i don't know what you're trying to say- you have dysphoria over not being a girl but don't... want to be a girl?
Sometimes I don't care to be a girl that much
Wrong. Disabilities are a tool of satan.
satan brings pain and suffering upon our world today.

God gets blamed for suffering satan causes.
he can use these disabilities to hold us in bondage. We must not let satan use our weaknesses. He must not be allowed to turn our pain into his triumph.

>Jesus wants to loose us from the bondage of Satan (Luke 13:10-17; John 8:31-36), We must determine to allow our weaknesses to bring us closer to God. Our weaknesses can either be used to bind us under the hand of Satan, or we can choose the freedom of Jesus. God’s “power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Cor. 12:9).

I speak from experience, In the case of Gender Dysphoria, it is a affliction of the soul that God can mercifully intervene, though not without pain and tribulation. It is absolutely worth the cost.

25 Years of Suffering built and overflowed, I could have fallen to despair and given into satans plot.

instead, I defied what satan wanted. I came to God, a desperate man. Shed tears and confessed the sorrow and strife two decades+ of my own effort spill out of my heart to the Lord. I was broken and at my lowest, darkest hour, on the edge of the abyss.

Subtly i felt a change within me, a spark, an energy. I felt His presence, Christ spoke to me in my heart and He assured me that everything would be alright, that my strength would not fail. His Light was an unfathomable comfort and kindness.

I grew up enjoying programs like DBZ, lifting to Repress before i found God and the power that was imbued into me that night. It was a power i had never felt, no endorphins compare to it. a Euphoria no earthly drug could mimic.

To experience that moment when it seems all hope was last, the protagonist is give a new transformation and insane power boost to defeat the enemy. It seems God has a sense of humor. To CURE me and make me feel like one of my heroes in the process.

Dysphoria disintegrated after that night

Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior!
i believe there is a difference between the act of creation and the act of defacing someone's creation
let's take pottery as an example - you could shape clay into a bowl, and that would be creation. taking a hammer to someone else's bowl and claiming the shards to be useful in their own right as utensils is not true creation, it is defacement
to vandalise a creation of God, made in the image of God, is an insult of the highest order
oh, that's totally fine. i don't think actively engendering myself is 100% of my existence either but if given the option for my default mode of being to be "boy" or "girl", I'm going to pick girl every time.
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i understand the pain it brings. embrace your transition journey with courage, not cowardic and repression. be not afraid that god made you a tranny. be authentic to yourself, start estrogen, and know that you are not alone
holy shit reppers are insane. all humans are equally 100% animals regardless of sex. women are arguably more neotenous (youthful) in their faces and skin, which can make them appear more childlike and pure, but remember that they get body hair as well. and more than this diagram shows. some cis women have natural upper arm hair, upper leg hair, hairs between their boobs or around their nipples, a bit of upper lip peach fuzz, and even hair on their fingers (yes!)
and ss much as you feel that being a man is being a disgusting hairy animal there's probably someone that hates being a woman, hates feeling like nothing but a reproductive machine and object if male desire outfitted with expanding hips and milking breasts. there's certainly at least FTMs that appreciate male strength. and body hair can be sexy and masculine. ass hair is bad, sure, but you're just dysphoric
AND GUESS WHAT? i started HRT right before turning 21 and i have way less body hair now. it used to be impossible to shave my leg hair it's like the rasor was already dull and shower drain clogged after the first leg. now my leg hair is more like my mom's and comes off easily when i shave it. i didn't even bother to shave it at this point because my dysphoria genuinely got better. it's only other people that make me anxious instead now. but that's a trade you have to be brave enough to he willing to make
i'm not under 21
stop grooming
i'm 23
i'm 20
but i think i deserve the regret tbqh
a part of me likes to think it'll keep me sane
my hair is so fucked

Speaking from experience, many millenial trannies are shocked at repgen when they first encounter it and are just gobsmacked, in addition to the transphobic and self hating posts. When we were coming of age in the early 2010s and late 2000s, "repping" and "man moding" hardly existed. One either saw themselves as trans or did. Transphobia was also much less widespread and ingrained. It was simply a different world with much less information and pre existing notions. When I first discovered repgen and mmg I was shocked that people could consider themselves trans and having gender dysphoria but argue and fight against transitioning, becauae back in my day if you concluded you were trans you just took the treatment available.

The thing is, back in those days, much fewer people concluded they were trans. It was much easier to "rep successfully" due to lack of community and awareness. Most of us were druggies and were in various music scenes and just believed we weren't trans because we hadn't come out at age 5. I was still tormented by dysphoria and hated being alive, but I didn't think I could ever count as trans. I'm honestly grateful that understanding of being trans as progressed since then but it makes me heartbroken to see people suffer because they think they are too ugly or don't deserve to take medical treatment.

tl;dr the discourse is so rude, hateful and transphobic (and depressing) these days that newfags can't handle it.
he started posting blogs in agpgen and telling people he was more trutrans than trannies who actually transitioned

See, I know I'm right because I don't view anyone as a monster and spend time screaming at people in judgmental hyperbolic wall of text posts. Anyone with a lick of common sense cab see that you're coping badly.
>the crystalia-chan arc
what a time to be alive
>makes me heartbroken to see people suffer because they think they are too ugly or don't deserve to take medical treatment.

That's just life. You don't always get what you want

Repiccolo: Anon may only
have grazed Transgendjiren
but he did connect
Considering he couldn't touch
this guy in his old Repression form,
that's saying something.

Rephan: He's amazing.
I've never seen Anon fight Dysphoria like
this before, not in any Repressor form.
It's not just that he's a lot
stronger, it's more than that...
I can't sense any conflict to his mind at all

Repiccolo: Yeah. His subconscious is like that as well.

Repgeta: What the hell is going on?
I'm watching this
with my own eyes
but I still can't believe what
he's doing is actually possible!

Anon, what have you become?

Troono: You don't know
when to surrender, Anon!
You've already lost this fight!

Master Reproshi: This is no everyday
Repression, boys.

Reprienhan: That masculine aura...
And such male energy ...

Repkrillin: It's crazy!
How is Anon doing this?

Guardian Angel: Hmm...

Troono: Take your pills, scoundrel!
Estrogen Flash!

You want me to stand down?
You wish to
face Anon alone…

FTM Repressor: So, who would you say
has the upper hand now?

Random Gay Anon: I think it's too early to tell.
That said...
There used to be a massive
power gap between them,
but Anon has clearly closed it.
And that's not all.

Repiccolo: As strong as he's become,
seems Anon not done masculinising.
Every time Transgendjiren fends
him off, Anon responds with an even faster, sharper, and harder strike.

Tranner Kai: I'm speechless.
I never imagined any Repressor
could push Gendjiren this far.

Satan: What the...?!
How can this be happening?!

Guardian Angel: It's so wonderful!
I hoped for this!
But I have to admit,
I wasn't sure if the Repressor
would ever be able
to achieve it!

Repkrillin: Then you know
what's happened to him?

Guardian Angel: Yes, I believe so!
Oh, I have tried to steer
him towards this forever!

Repbeerus: …Ultra Repression Instinct.
manmoding on HRT can be a decent midway point but it's a compromise for both "sides" of the angle depending on your perspective and what kinds or how bad your dysphoria is
best part about that . I created the very first edition of Repgen back in the day.

>tl;dr the discourse is so rude, hateful and transphobic (and depressing) these days that newfags can't handle it.

“Pray not for easy lives my friends, pray to be stronger men.”

im allergic to lies and deceit.
Keep telling yourself that.
would someone be willing to kill me

Bro you are literally running a general on a lgbt board dedicated to the concept of being trans and coping about it. If you think you have succeeded at anything other than wasting your own time you are truly delusional.

When I was repressing I was out partying and traveling the world and having sex. I was not lurking on 4chan posting Bible cope and calling perfectly normal people "demons" because they had a different p.o.v. you aren't really repressing anything, you're wallowing in it and you won't stop because you can't let go of the fact that you're trans. You admit yourself you are fueled by people like me, who you call demons, telling you to take your pills, because in that constant struggle you find validation and meaning. if all your validation comes from trannies calling you a tranny on the internet, that almost makes you more of a tranny that me. If you really want to repress than let all of this go and walk away. But you won't you'll just make more posts about how grand and holy your meaningless struggle is.
>When I was repressing I was out partying and traveling the world and having sex.

NTA but you sound too normie for me to take your opinions seriously.
>translation: stop denying me victims to convert
If it were hopeless trans propaganda would be unneeded. And what does it say about you to come down here to Repgen if your utopian idea of transition is so perfect and wonderful?

Why would you need to waste any time trying to convert those who say no to your path.

>travelling the world
thats a pretty sad idea of what you think happiness is. I pity you.

I much prefer the satisfaction of hard work, a career i enjoy and a place of real acceptance and cherishing real love in a place i call home under the protection of God.

>“And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.”

I did leave, for a good many years. When i came back to check out of curiosity and check in on old friends, i found a Repgen, weak and ineffectual, a shadow of its former self. Its worth it to give a little of my time while i can to help other Repressors find the cure that i did.
what cure? you're back here whining about your epic fight by invoking imaginary cosmic entities, this is your future >>36641943
omg besties, you are so mentally ill and deranged, never change, i just hate the occasional braggers that come here
i find it hilarious when people come here to brag about their life, how miserable do you have to be to come literally here which is the 9th circle of Hell to brag to the tormented souls, it is like me going to a bunch of cripples and telling them "haha i can walk and you cannot haha, learn to how to walk losers", that is so fukin pathetic
anyway i like the way the thread is now more than when it was just doomposting and sad shit or even worse agp shit eww, keep it up with that good schizo religious shit gokuanon
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People who brag like that are NOT interested in helping us. They want to feel superior and they are offended by complaining because it kills their "vibe" or whatever.
I'm sorry, you're just being stupid. Or you didn't read what I said earlier.
you cannot conceive that i experience joy in my life. That to visit here is some great effort and time.

its amusing. Our lives are not comparable.

Why do i come back? Honestly? Guilt.
So many Reps back in the day rallied around me. I could not just abandon them to be psy-opped and brainwashed in the absence of a figure like me to prove otherwise.

And when i was cured years ago, and my effort in life was spent not fighting the curse but instead building my life, career and future family.
I thought back to that one fateful night when God took all the pain away and replaced it with strength. Others deserve that salvation too.
I thank Him everyday for that.

This is my way of giving back to a place that helped me back in the day, to help my brothers.

Trannies shill every corner of the internet and spread their propaganda unchallenged.
One person like me dares to reject your lies and show a better path. Everyone loses their minds.

While you post here, agonising over female measurements and whatever vain obsession you tranners find to compare yourselves to. I come to a place to lend advice and share a story of hope and optimism. There is true beauty and kindness in realising your Manhood after years of struggle. Every Repressor deserves that. To win the war.

If you are so sure of my fate, resign to it and be calm. As i am sure of yours.
Or do you have no faith in your prophecies?

Maybe reassess why it enrages you so much to see a Man happy, embracing his faith and Love in God.

I will still be a Man when i am a father, and when i’m a grandfather.

Your kind nearly destroyed my life and took those blessings away. So of course i will take the opportunity every once in a while to remind you.

You lost.
ok schizo
24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

You just don't sound happy. You sound cold, spiteful, angry, bitter, vindictive, paranoid, rigid, harsh, and unlikeable. I can't imagine someone like you meshing well in a conservative church and family oriented community because in my experience those people don't talk like the batman and view life as a spartan struggle against an endless Persian hoarde of trannies. For your sale I hope (and assume) that you're larping.
gtfo of here you fukin bozo, say smth bad about goku poster one more time and i will find you and sneeze in your direction so you will get whatever mental retardation i have going on, and you really don't want that, believe me, i live with that shit daily
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Every Night & every Morn
Some to Misery are Born
Every Morn and every Night
Some are Born to sweet delight
Some are Born to sweet delight
Some are Born to Endless Night
How much pain does a repper experience from reping?
i dont feel pain just numbness
i feel no pain
only pure bliss joy and happiness
To you i may sound like that, but that is because i reject your sin. keep your judgements, i will keep my faith.

“Judge not lest ye be judged.”

Again, why are you so invested in opposing something you deem to be madness?
You are personally offended by what i have to say, you are free to leave or ignore it. But you wont because your Pride demands you refute that which defies your ideology.

Tranners exist, Transphobes exist. Yet tranners do not seek out transphobes to crusade against them. only with those who reject you and you falsely see as your own. Only then will you seek and disrupt such a space.

Because to the tranner that is a crime worse than any hate /pol/ or the right can create. It destroys their entire worldview.

If your new “life” as a “woman” was so successful you would not need to recruit others and waste time fighting the likes of me who disagree. Unless of course you feel threatened.

Deep down, the tranner fears the Repressor

I seek to create, you seek to destroy.
I seek to preserve the body, you wish to mutilate it
I wish to build Manhood in others, You seek to erase it
I believe in God, You believe in nothing

At the end of the day, lets boil it down to its most simplistic scoring.

Which one of us can reproduce naturally and create biological offspring with our partner? take your time.

impressive manipulation attempt though.

Christ keep you Brother.
None. All thanks to the Lord. Praise Him.
But every ounce of pain was worth it to get to Him.
wonder why people transition then
Blessed are the boymoders as they will be comforted
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At this rate the thread schizo is gonna make me transition faster than pinkpillers will
Nice idea but this is like winning the repper lottery
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Hello my brothers. I bring good news. I come from the forbidden land of hrt taker. I tried to transition and yet I constantly felt like I was trying to be someone I was not. I was more anxious than any time in my life. I realized that if transition was for becoming your true self, whatever I was doing was not that. And so I have detransitioned and can honestly say while its not all sunshine and rainbows, and I still have thoughts every now and then about how I dislike being male and wish I was female, I can honestly say now that my life has been slowly getting better and I am happy. You should move on and not wallow so much in self pitty. Killing yourself is pretty hard, I should know, and if dying isnt possible, you much continue on doing all you can to try and make life better and more worthwhile. I find that trying to cultivate meaningful relationships has been what has helped me most so far. Let it be known that transition is not the truth path towards self actualization. No. Real happiness is more complicated and less clear. Go on my brother. You can grow out of this and make life worth living.
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Agpgen deleted

>Do not listen to a demonic female apparition that masquerades as your “self”
Pro-tip, you're either not trans or expect this down the line (even after "death"):
>Romans 12:2
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
Every day I wake up I thank God that I was able to cope with my dysfunction with drugs and/or sex instead of gluttony.
>Repressor couples mog Tranner couples everytime.
No they don't lmao, every single trans widow is a result of a "repressor couple" lmao.
>If God wanted you to be a woman, he would have made you born as one. Its as simple as that.
By this logic, if God wanted us to go to heaven, he'd make it automatic.
BRB converting to satanism.
IDK about you but I read repgen to cope and accept that I am actually something deep down. The world and God himself may say one thing in unison against me. I see you're on some other shit, so it won't work for me. If you actually share my condition, good luck. Otherwise... alright then.

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