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>there are coomer chasers saving every cute picture they can find on here in their personal collection, including clocky ones
>some of them even have scripts that automatically save pictures from unsee in various different gens
>everything you post on the internet stays on the internet
>more trans people use /tttt/ than you realize, one of my coworkers recognized my boymoder hoodie and started laughing at it
>this means you can potentially be recognized for the edgy masochistic stuff you post on /tttt/ in lgbt places
>there are more schizos and weirdos here than you'll ever realize, picrel serving as a great example
>the most attention seeking tripfags have literally had tributes made for them without them asking for it
>there are also many users saving pictures of others on /tttt/ that they mog as a form of hopefuel, it's basically guaranteed someone has saved your photos if you ever uploaded any

Just stick to reddit, unironically. r/transpassing is shit, but if you ask for specific advice and now just an overall assessment you can absolutely get help. r/fitttts is also a great place for twinkhons to post photos where creeps can't find them.
but what about their attention
i guess i just don't see a problem with my pictures being saved
>what if someone recognizes you!
who gives a fuck. ive never said anything i dont agree with irl
meh, i used to trip and have gotten recognized irl by people, was pretty embarassing lol but who cares right
Haven’t been recognized irl but I gotta admit it was a slight when I went to NYC for pride
as long as i keep my face offline, i’m not worried about it but i do like fitttts i’ve posted there before
spamming yourself every day the way some girls do is asking for trouble but posting yourself once is nbd. I will simply befriend anyone who recognizes me from the 2 or 3 selfies I've posted here.
camwhoring is a healthy activity for young women or at least it used to be, this board would be improved if text was banned and it was purely a camwhoring board. women should be seen and not heard.
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no one knows who i am and if they do its only mildly embarrassing
Eh, yeah it's stupid but I've stopped tripping and posting pictures for some years now and people have forgotten me. Sure I'm still around in some chaser's archive but it's basically over.
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i’ve posted myself here a fair few times but im relatively unremarkable so i guess im safe
OINK OINK OINK *cums from frotting
>be recognized for the edgy masochistic stuff you post on /tttt/ in lgbt places
>score a sadistic partner
How is that an issue
why would you talk about the weirdness or risks of posting yourself on 4chan then tell people to post on reddit instead? you know it's a lot more popular and easily archived, right? besides nobody in my life or who has ever known me would be at all surprised by my posts here, I don't think it's that bad
this just sounds weird and kindof funny in a pathetic sort of way

im easily recognized anyways not many people go around wearing veils all the time

i spent most of my life with no one even knowing i existed

i want to exist even if im so agoraphobic i rarely leave my room except for occasional outings for doctors or dates

thanks to my openness here (and surely pictures too), i met the most beautiful wonderful girl in the world that im going to marry

so ill keep being myself here, as always :)

Hahahahaha why should I give a fuck. I'm so tired of these weak worms flipping out whenever I say that my name is Carmen Guzynski, and that I live in Sorrento, FL. I'm allowed to have a fucking voice. I'm allowed to be visible. I've done NOTHING wrong in my past. What are you going to do? SWAT me? Come tf at me. I'm stronger than you. I dare you to do your best.

I am a public fucking icon, and I'm not afraid of internet worms. I will absolutely show my face, tell people my name, and tell people where I live. You want to come to my front door? Let's go - I'll kick your ass, pathetic grub.
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ur cute in a manmode type of way
i like the idea of ending up in peoples computers, the fact that no matter what happens to me there’ll always be a little memory of who i was tucked away in the corner of some random guys hard drive is kind of comforting
this shit is cosmic horror but i do it anyway
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i used to fear posting on 4chan because of those video about users finding out someone exact GPS coordinates based on how many spaces in a sentence there are and other shit

but after posting here for a bit i realised your all faggy retards so something will *PROBABLY* never happen and even if it did the fagslop makes it worth the risk
I feel the karmic scales get heavier with every brazen hon
if you tripfag/namefag/avatarfag (as your self) on the website made so you could remain anonymous then you’re too far gone to be concerned about any of this
Yeah that's part of why I never post myself. If I did post a photo of myself, it'd probably make me real paranoid. Perplexingly, one time an anon asked me to make a video of myself eating bread.
everyone knows I'm a crazy fucker IRL too
>marie and gloves sex
galactically groovy and funky
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im waiting for the day someone recognizes me irl from my being a schizo on tttt but it hasn’t happened yet.
definitely met my fair share of trannys who seem like they would be the type to browse 4chan so maybe it’s happened and they just didn’t verbalize it idk.
>there are coomer chasers saving every cute picture they can find on here in their personal collection, including clocky ones
I posted my ass and someone reposted it the next day and I was very flattered. This is my legacy
you give off amphetamine vibes
i was also in nyc for pride probably saw u
No, if you are a tripfag it means you are an attention whore that loves attention as much as you love cock.
there will be a reckoning
The odds of it affecting me in any way in my daily life are slim, so no I really don't care.

I'm sure there's nudes of mine on some guys' computers from years ago, why would I care about my face being saved if those are already out there?
yea this is pretty much why i do it. don't want to be forgotten
i remember some anon saying he takes creepshots of you in the target you work at
Your mistake is thinking the people who recognize you will let you find out they are watching you
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The unique people i scared are cartel members and i doubt they are here in 4chan seeking trannies
I'm esl, I've seen only a couple people post in my language and every time without fail they were super far, so I'm not worried in the slightest.
Picrel is incredibly hot. Tfw no lagolarpgf
Yeah I'm fucking embarrassed, wish I never started posting
Whack as fuck
Did you have fun? I was bummed when it started raining
yea i was at wash for most of it was p fun people watching, left when it started raiuning :S
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This shit was crazy
lol that's cute!
if someone did this to me I'd have a panic attack, but after I calmed down I'd probably think it's kinda sweet.
the only reason you should care is if you ever plan on being in respectable upper class social circles where being a 4chan poster would be an issue
not a problem for any tripfags who are neets or low class wagies
people like that make the board more interesting
tldr but no not really
also /r/transpassing is a useless hugbox full of a very different and very unbearable breed of chaser vs this board, i do use transpassing but they have been useless 99% of the time
no not really. the shit I post here isn't that deranged or weird or even personal, I'd be more miffed if my irl friends got to know my reddit acc from my teenage years than my trip.

and if ppl in Finland of all places start getting canceled for using imageboards then there's like 100000 Ylilauta /b/ users in line for the chopping block before me.
This is really easy to get around. I only post as anon, post my face very infrequently, and, most crucially, I am super uggo.
These factors together means that I have never seen my photo reposted, even when coomers post their full "collections." Many on this board could learn from this
don't worry you're in my collection
big talk for someone not posting their collection
see i know the things listed are supposed to be bad but some part of me craves the validation i would get from them. ive also had tons of 'tributes' done to me back when i posted n tiktok so im kinda just immune to caring abt that
yeah you'd like that wouldn't you?
i'm stealth and live in a rural town.
if by chance one of my coworkers in this 600 person town recognised me from 4chan's /tttt/ board they'd automatically assume i came here to troll the trannies.
Kinda, to see if I'm right. Not in a horny way though, ya dumb lecher
i've experienced far worse so im not afraid at all
not with that tone
There are transbians larping as you while having sex. Is that just fine by you?
I've posted nudes on Discord un-watermarked. I'm okay with people seeing me naked and jerking off to me and even role playing as me. I'm planning on becoming a sex worker at some point.
that's not happening, and even if it was that's fine behind a bedroom door
read the text in op's picrel
the trick is to be ugly so you’re completely ignored
alright, i just did and i laughed. i don't think i've spoken to marie so this makes it even funnier. can i get a QRD?
Marie is an extremely brainwormed bpd twinkhon that posts videos of herself self-harming and argues vehemently against anyone complimenting her.

There's also some meme about her oinking like a pig but I don't know where that originated
yeah i can see why, then. sort of an "opposites attract" scenario, i guess.
I'm not cute enough for any1 to save my photos so I post my face idc. one time I posted my ID and someone messaged me with my parents information lol
i hope that whoever has pictures of me saved from when i tripped masturbates to them often tbqh
You should ask Marie out the next time she posts
of course i do but i started posting on here when i was 16 because i'm stupid and now there's hundreds of photos of me around here
just kinda fizzled out eventually even if i pop up on the board people don't recognize who it is. as much as people like to meme "don't forget you're here forever" this board is mostly a revolving door of teenagers, chasers and trolls and unless you're particularly annoying or unlucky people aren't gonna make crazy threads about you or dox you, just save your pics and maybe jack off or something
It's actually mostly people in their early 20s from what I've seen

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