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Tucking is so annoying and getting SRS is an irreversible surgery that costs a lot of money and is daunting to approach so we need to start normalizing having a bulge in public. I don't mean boners, either, I mean just squishy soft small bulges that are just THERE. It's not sexual if they are covered up and why wouldn't we be allowed to go out like that if cis women can literally have their tits and asses out with no repercussion?
The other day while picking up a package in the lobby, a woman in the elevator literally walked out wearing a fishnet "dress" on top of a thong and bra and we're the fetishists??????
I refuse to give in, I will wear my bulge with pride!
why do nonopoids
No, you're better than them, wear long skirts, long shirts, tie up your hair and wear light makeup
You can wear SLIGHTLY peach colored lipstick, that's all you get
I do this and that’s what I tell myself when I see these slut girls in public
Shemale gang

if u dont look at ur bulge nobody else will
hard agree on this
>SRS is an irreversible surgery
that's the fucking point. are you a woman or not? you know why troons get srs? so society can't take their identity away from them. regardless of how society treats them, post srs they're supposed to have higher self-esteem because the ego dystonia is resolved.

like, why do they want an orchi? so they never have to fear being denied androgen blockers by society and having their transition stolen from them.

oh you don't want srs? you're cis. you identify with your dick if you want to keep it. means you identify as male. all the other bullshit, hair, clothes, face. it's all bullshit.

shrimple as
Good. Keep it up. These dirty whores don't even deserve our attention....
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I am gonna punch every girlbulge I see in public.
What do I need to buy to get a cute hentai bulge tho?

I can't manage to make it actually look good in any way when wearing tight pants, to the point that I'm considering learning how to tuck just so I can surprise people with gock instead of having a lumpy bulge
Go ahead. Tell us how are t goes
what if somebody punched your bulge?
Oris is a nullo
I saw a pic of Otis’s little tiny penis
As you've noticed it is tiny. I doubt I'd feel it.
>mfw I don't want SRS
>mfw I pass have huge tits and had an orchi
Guess I'm just a big burly dood
Eh, am not trans and nonops aren't men but I do believe nonops are a slightly different gender to postops (who to me are == cis women).
pics or it didn't happen
tits or gtfo
This is true but i lack 10,000$ so i am an epic shemale until the day i no longer need to itch my balls. guess i should get on a waitlist but my parents are being terrorists about my insurance (its thru their company…) so i cant even get hormones with insurance, everything out if pocket
didn’t you have a thread up yesterday about your srs
No, I didn't have SRS. I had a surgery on my urethra which left me with an opening which looks like what transphobes think an srsussy looks like. Dont skip school if your reading comprehension is so bad. Geez.
then get off their insurance, suck it the fuck up, be a wage slave, and get your own.
it's not hard, you just don't want it bad enough. you want the internet clout without putting in the effort. fuck off.
pics or it didn't happen
inb4 they're lies.
I did post pics multiple times.
This is from Saturday or Sunday I dont remember.
https://unsee cc/album#ZND2DC4wY30u
I'm a lesbian, I don't wanna be a vanilla cishet woman anyway, I'm happy with that.
There's still some hanging around from back in the day probably but I won't send new ones
okay rapehon
it will happen in september, im not just doing nothing. the place that will give me insurance eventually shuts down in summer so im working shit jobs in the meantime just to keep up with laser. im not looking for no clout only 8 weeks into hrt.
If you mean that I've been raped then yes! But otherwise nah.
looks like a self-orchi gone wrong
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Thanks but no it doesn't. It inflicts unimaginable suffering upon my mind. I hope it somehow heals into not being as disturbing and stops bleeding soon. :(
>the truth about what really happened to oris, because they're story doesn't add up. they tried for a penile preserving vaginolasty and now regret it. they're hoping if they neglect it that it will just heal itself shut. it doesn't, you just get sepsis that way.
I saw the pic you have a vagina lol
this makes way more sense
captcha 0HPV get your shots people
this is true but our society isn't ready for it yet. guys in exercise clothes have bulges and you are considered the perv for staring. women have visible boobs or cleavage, same deal. we all have bodies and considering every part of them to need to be covered up is sexualization. Extreme end is stuff like burkas or whatever they are called or puritan christian culture. It's the observer that is sexualizing the body most of the time. That being said our society isn't ready for it. I also believe in freeing the nipple but that won't stop hordes of people from thinking boobs are always extremely sexual all the time. Unfortunately we must work with societies standards at all times, even if we have cultures where women are completely topless and that is considered fine and normal, even if that is "proof" that it is okay, we still live in a society with ages of bias baked into it. Yes soft dick making a small imprint on clothing shouldn't be sexual, no we can't live like that yet or possibly in our generation ever.
dude I don’t want to show my boobs to the public any more than I want to see a dude’s cock
well sure, de sexualization doesn't mean you have to strip naked. it gives you choice over your own body. And I agree that genitals shouldn't be totally laid bare because they are sex organs, however if you can see the suggestion of a cock through someone's basketball shorts I'd say it's on the observer for caring unless they have an erection or something. We have had this conversation in the past over women with huge boobs, seeing them as inherently sexual and thus seeing women with large chests as perpetually being sexual. That's where a lot of the asking for it mentality comes from that victim blames for sexual assault, or lets people quickly discredit someone as overly sexual just from having a body that is genuinely impossible to fully conceal the outline of. tl;dr things seem like they are typically better when people have control of their bodies, no I don't think bare cock is appropriate obviously.
if I see a cock outline I get horny but big boobs don’t do anything like that so it seems like they don’t matter
what if I were to tell you that some people don't get horny by cock outlines but get very horny at big boobs
>identify as male
i identify as a crossdressing faggot on hormones. if (most) other people she/her me or think I'm a woman that's their problem. being faketrans/realtrans doesn't mean shit. my boobs are probably bigger than yours too.
>getting SRS is an irreversible surgery that costs a lot of money and is daunting to approach
I just see you being a coward and looking for ways to cope. SRS seperates the posers from the trutrans.
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I want orchi but not SRS because after years on HRT and a couple easy surgeries I finally pass (and I'm also pretty hot ngl) so I fear that a botched neovag will undo all my effort in finally being happy
am I valid or am I cooked chat
Get your orchid, be happy, ignore what other people think. You'll never please everyone and the only person in your life whose opinion matters is yourself.
probably try to show them my boobs
needs to be said over and over until the trenders get it
bulges in public are weird even for cis men why u showing off ur dick in public
Based #freethebulge
you are a wuss and below the ones that risk it all on SRS. they are serious, you are playing
No thanks. I was at a pride parade and some tranny was wearing a micro bikini, it just made me nauseous
Why would you want anyone to see your bulge? Even when I was oblivious pre-transition I would adjust my pants to make sure no one including me could see it. Like how does that not bother you?? I just don't get other trannies sometimes
no way u icky baboon
I show my bulge with those gym shorts foids wear its kyute
booty srunch on it
was she kyute or unpassing
I know this is bait, but genuinely no one is staring at your crotch.
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If people suspect you are a tranny yes they will absolutely sneak glances at your crotch to check.
doesnt matter just wear these or the white ones
i wear leggings in the winter
Okay and if you're displaying your bulge proudly it's gonna answer their question pretty quick I think.
pretty sure my neighbors are convinced I'm cis because I don't have a bulge in a bikini which will never not be hilarious to me
And if you're not, then they will keep stealing glances.
they arent trannies. they are straight guys that think of they become more like women, they will have more success with women. to really get how not trannies these people are you have to realize they are happy sitting there soaking in the humilitation of being cross gender.

real, actual trannies hate this shit. we want to transition and put it behind us like having a tumor removed or some other disease.
ughhh could the optics be worse? this shit is going to create a deserved backlash. we cant condone flaunting social norms like this. society is VERY VERY VERY VERY not post gender, and not at all ready for this shit.
>more like women
>has penis
idk I cut mine off and go ton with life
I always go untucked because the first time I tried tucking I ended up walking around a boardwalk all day and it hurt like crazy!!! NEVER AGIAN! My gock will hang free and I don't give a fuck who has a problem with it.
awesome, love you going around creating hardship for everybody else because you personally need to be comfortable. selfish as fuck.
>creating hardship for everybody else
Fucking how? Like are you delusional or something?
Ima buy these or the black ones and not tuck why would I nobody ever says anything
once a loli boy at the gym smirked when I wore my butt scrunch legggings
honestly i kind of get it though. i do really wish i could just wear normal shorts w a bulge but i dont want others to see it. if it was normal i wouldnt care. (i'd still get srs eventually tho)
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Or you could actually normalize looking feminine. Trannies will do anything but actually transition lol.
nobody wants to see a woman with a bulge on display unless they are queer. how fucking stupid are you to not get that? 99/100 people you come across do not want to think about trannies and if you keep forcing them to think about trannies they will run out of patience and purge all trannies.
i really want to go back to a world where society as a whole goes "you want to be queer and weird? great, we arent giving you hormones or surgery for that. nor are we going to recognize you as whatever gender you want because you seem to be stuck in the middle of all of them".
counterpoint, 99/100 people do not randomly stare at people's crotches
>everybody that notices a bulge was looking for it
jesus fucking christ, how fucking stupid are you? you get that if you are like 10 feet from somebody they see your whole body, right?
>people you come across do not want to think about trannies and if you keep forcing them to think about trannies they will run out of patience and purge all trannies.
Well I don't wanna think about grotesquely fat cis women and yet they keep forcing their way into my day to day experience at work so maybe we should purge them?
You're a faggot, fuck being bound to the flesh of my birth.
in my version of the world you are welcome to transition into being the other gender but this queer nonbinary middle ground aint happening
Also retarded. I love my non binary queer middle ground I exist in. I would puke if I woke up a cis woman.
Honestly I think you are right, but I think a society in which bulge and especially bulge on women is not excessively sexualised would have to be one that has uncoupled the idea of having a penis somehow making a person male/dominant/powerful and like, dissassociating the ideas of penis=male=powerful=dominant is not going to happen any time soon I don't think.
counterpoint, 99/100 cishets may be uncomfortable seeing female bulge but their first thought is still not going to be "fuck it, kill em all"
...i hope...

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