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White bottoms really be like
>OMG how could anyone want this
Do bottoms ever get board of sucking dick or getting fucked?
only if it's not BBC
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>tfw no asian twunk bf
posted to my VIP thread first, but post gym pic
And if it is?
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Thoughts on this?
Society despises the weak. This begs the question as to why it insists upon bringing the weak and vulnerable who come into this world crying with the unreasonable expectation that they will fulfill their own desires (as well as calming their existential worries by allowing their bloodline to continue to exist, ergo, continue their legacy). Why gamble with another person's life?
You just know his hole is godlike
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I want it…. god
tops prefer our pretty pink holes you know it bug not a single porn title praise brown hole that just a fact you and your people bleach their skin and and get plastic surgeries to have double eyelids and higher nose
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Jakub still looks fem and youthful , what’s his secret?
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he's absorbing his bfs life essence, this is common in twink4twink couples
Vitalii is 32, His birthday is on February 7th. Jacob is 26. His birthday is May 12th.

Jacob is still relatively young.
two slavs living in Germany. Everyone keep talking about turks but there's way more slavs.
Are they married or not?
Gaygen posters childhood trauma, reneacted
Stop watching porn
do they switch or vitaliy is only top?
>guy keeps loosing his erection during sex
>would give me endless shit if it was because it sucked so it can't be that
>he thinks porn is "cringe" and apparently doesn't jack off much or at least didn't until we started sleeping together so it probably isn't that
>makes fun of me if I ask if he's in pain or uncomfortable
Barring some kind of medical issue I can't think what it is. He's not exactly the most communicative.
>medical issue
Could be some severe mental case
think I may turn fully straight & chase trans women full time
yeah I been there it's great
it's the promised land
Does he ever get tired of this bit? Like, imagine repeating the same thing over and over and over again
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Sissy will never show her face again we need to do a wellness check Harris just passed Trump in polls
sounds like it's prob regular performance anxiety covered up with false bravado
that doesn't make any sense because why would trump supporters switch because of kammie?
according to this write up/documentary they're married

vitali tops
jakub bottoms
they aren't vers
Victim mentality at best is a rational reaction to facing the injustices of existence, something we have no say in.
At worst, it simply does not exist and is a term used to shame whining or complaining because society finds it annoying and inconvenient, essentially, society has made up the notion that the concept is actually in your best interest, if you just took responsibility, you'd be happier. Says the one with superior genetics raised in a rich family with good work ethic.
If one wants to experience disillusionment, simply take a look at the lives of those who are harbored as paragons of success and hard work. More often than not, you will find out the unfortunate reality of the many privileges they had. Those that challenge this are merely excptions that prove the rule, backed even further by the simple fact that there is so few of them. The only highly successful person I can think of who came from nothing is like Oprah or something.

Life is deterministic. Society simply does not want to acknowledge this because it's entire structure would fall apart once people know their aspirations are either unachievable or unrealistic, they settle for soemthing else. In essence, they give up.

There are no quitters.
There are no lazy people.
There are only people who react accordingly to the cards they've been given.
i can't help but associate Harris with someone else with a similar first name
so anyway I was like BRAAAAAP and then
why does the article focus so much on them being "young erotic boys". photographer is a creepy fujo.
Because Trump got shot in the fucking head and performed a circus show declaring himself the greatest supporter of Israel of all time and chose JD Vance as VP got promised 45 million a month from Elon Musk and innumerable other clown world retardation that have finally sunk the retarded MAGA ship

Trump lost, Kamala just won by not being a psychotic retard
That’s their intention
I want deltoid to have a troon arc so he could destroy kris tyson in OUR name
it's the case with practically all gay porn too featuring twinks, they always call them young lads, I guess because their audience is mostly older men who're into that
keep dreamin
and I'd never heard of that thing till last week
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I'm just talking about the way they sell the product (twinks), they always feature them in highschool like scenarios..
basically loli/shota/yaoi images
Isn’t it yaoi?
How come guys who look like this are always psychotic narcissistic bod schizos? Does handsomeness go hand in hand with mental illness?
going to the gym has activated a new sexuality in me
it's weird
it's like I'm into both dudes and women? I might need to start a new general for it
bishitgen or something
what gives
Also the libs have taken /pol/ back and the nazi larpers are getting mass memed on like sjws were in 2016
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it's ridiculous
look deltoid, that guy diddles kids, he must be stopped and you're the only one who could do it, who else would we send, fucking debaser?
i posted my new figures in the troll thread
I failed a job interview. No matter how I try to improve myself, it always ends in failure.
I mentally broke Debaser and it shows
guys i've been with who look aggressive and mean like that are always not horny and have depressed bipolar attitudes
she hasn't been whole for years
just fucking go ahead and take credit for our collective hard work of like 8 years, totally cool
Post here, dumbass

just look at how this "Twink" is sold with the gay porn video titles he's been in..
probably a bottom in denial
also not unusual for bottoms to go soft while gettin banged if that's the role he takes when it happens

prostate stimulation'll do that to ya lol
I’m the straw that broke the unhinged pedophile sociopath’s back
I'd happily break his face but I ain't turning myself into a 'girl' to do it
wait, there's a debaser pedo scandal now?
come on now he's never shown any interest in twinks
You’re always calling everyone pedo
spiking my bottoms drink with viagra so he stays hard during sex
gag a bit
He just has big pedo energy. holier than thou covering his tracks etc
Post blacked shit chute.
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crazy how boomer this thread is
the haribo situation is INSANE
>sucking his cock after to induce dysphoria
sort of feel like all gays and trannies give off pedo/clown/comedy energy in some way
its why straight people easily get creeped out by us
I don't think that's what's going on and if it is it doesn't impact his interest in sex.

>regular performance anxiety covered up with false bravado
I wonder if this is part of it. I don't think he was very experienced before we started sleeping together and the way he teases me sometimes sounds like he's looking for reassurance.

I wasn't aware of this. This is probably the biggest part of it, then. I wanted to figure out if this is something I should even bring up since he'd probably shut down if he got embarrassed.
I don't think all handsome guys are neccessarily narcissists, but narcissists are probably more likely to care about their appearance
What's a blacked shit chute
/r9gay/ is the gaygen version for zoomers
I've been subpoenaed in the case of Gaygen vs The Guild of Homosexual Intent.
Lord have mercy.
is it still the small town gay thread
gaygen gives odd energies nowadays
blue, what do you think about the kris tyson allegations?
Maybe when he starts to go soft swirl your tongue around his tonsils. That seems to work.
It’s a thread with really schizo twinks
try being comforting and stroking his ego, maybe it'll help
twinks at least hey
not like the people here ain't skitz
i wouldn't say that, but it leans a lot more weeb while this gen is more normie
Haribo belongs in there
I don't fucking care about e drama
This is just modern day celebrity gossip
>be mexican
>fucking hookworm-ridden tranny
>female neighbor being skinned alive by the cartel screams in agony just as the tranny orgasms in a manly voice
>suspension of disbelief maintained
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how many times have you gone swimming this summer?
you dont care about ANYTHING :/
Kamala is going to send you and every white male in America to Palestine to die for Israel
Did Andrew Yang ever stand a chance?
Zero, just like the last.
Kamala just named the jew
>every white male
are you not white now?
I have severe thalassophobia
she's a proud transracial black woman you bigot
Not anymore I'm not. Our founding mother built America for the brown race.
can't swim
helix is weird
meds takey
>dude I don't care about that, don't you have anything more meaningful to discuss?
This is all of /pol/ right now by the way, with the most deranged maga cope sprinkled throughout
Maybe you could find something to do besides posting here for a few hours. Or ever.
Kamala will put estrogen in the water supply to turn all of America trans
why not throw in a topic yourself then? oh, wait you can't because you're a narcissistic freak with no interests other than yourself
Please cure your black schizophrenia, that's why even employers don't want you (cheap black labor).
I go regularly enough. A mate of mine is trying to get me into water polo too, but i'm pretty shit at it. Used to be a stronger swimmer when I was younger but it's just exercise at this point really.
>debaser discovers /pol/
>instantly affects familiar understanding of the board
>debaser discovers /pol/
>instantly becomes rabid hate machine fueled by conflict
Hate to see it.
I have literally spammed politics the entire time I have posted here
Literally none of you are capable of holding a conversation deeper than what the weather is today
I post my rants, you ignore them. They are intellectual and philosophical in nature, and you ignore them out of intellectual laziness.
They said it was because apparently I didn't pay attention and couldn't explain what I was supposed to do in the job
I didn't take notes
But then it begs the question why I got as far as I did if I wasn't 'paying attention', despite quizzing me on a Google form where I literally had to answer the same questions
They wasted my time
You used to take about gay anime and being vers more.
I wish I had power over people but I’m a fat lonely powerless faggot with an imaginary boyfriend
>They are intellectual and philosophical in nature
this isn't the real debaser
Is the real one dead?
Is icon of pony a bad omen?
transitioned. but I've said too much already.
Tragic. Who were you?
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how can you not swim
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Bsh is such a bottom in denial. That boy wants throbbing cock releasing seed deep in his hole. You can tell.
Thats really enough.
I have many interests
That is my rightful place in nature's hierarchy as a result of my less evolved yakubian genes
Now we’re cookin
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Oh yeah?
i need to fill his hole!!
get therapy and meds. you need it badly
or just rope
Plap plap plap plap!
bucko in this position
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This is what he wants.
How pathetic being a bottom and ashamed of it. I’m a bottom and proud. Latinas are very proud in general. With a lot of confidence.
okay, but why did he keep around a minor on his dc server and exchange dsexually charged jokes in the first place?
bucko's wide latino ass impaled on my cock
does this look like the body of a bottom >>36628457

maybe if she was a bit less rotund
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No one tells you about the constipation. I swear the worst part of dying is not being able to shit.
trip on dan
hes jewish
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when they took you swimming in junior school me and another boy were having trouble and kept using the float things
could never get the hang of it and they just sort of skipped over us
swimming never really came up again

And what makes you say that???
Therapists cannot help you, they are not a panacea. My therapist literally said he was basically unable to help me unless I was willing to change. But what if im never ready to change?
This notion that therapy just fixes people is so fucking annoying and disingenuous, literally just tell people to fuck off at that point. That's what's really being said.
>kill yourself!!!!111
Wow so very mental stable, you need therapy hunny
it would be better for everyone if you died :p
i vote for option 2
how can you expect your life and your emotions to change if your not willing to change?
What does the kitty want?
based take the latter advice blu
blu is like the boogie2988 of gaygen, a manipulative sack of shit trying to leech on others empathy, but not succeeding, because unlike boogie he is thin and non-white
huh. i was also a slow learner in school but they let us physically challenged kids get extra lessons on school time until we learned.
drag him peter
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dude i'm seeing has me do this
he's hot, but very domineering
kind of fucking hate idk "presenting" myself (realise this sounds cringy) and the dirty talk around it too, but ngl also turns me on
kind of wish I was on the other end of things, but horniness gets in the way of it i guess
im not schizo
doms getting dommed is hot
"woke" culture under Kamala is going to be ever worst than this
>not the first post from this ip itt
stfu xanthippe you lost
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what even comes off as bottom about me smfh
I'm not even fem
my butt is hairy and stinky
i like tinned fish
who is peter
so yeah, haribo is bit of a schizo
>xantroon gets dragged
>he mysteriously dissappears and the spam begins
lol, xe’s so obvious
i need to leave this place for good like shallo
never had anything like that
i just heard about dark haribo why did nobody tell me about this before
posting that isn't the same as leaving
the horse is here
> iphone poster
killing myself when the cute barista graduates from his chemistry program
me letting pietro know who's harassing him
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ewww i forgot horsetino was a jealous hater for a sec
honestly not sure I can call myself a dom at this stage if i'm being honest
masc maybe but a lot of these terms are cringy and weird imo
did mostly top with guys tho
ngl think I forfeited any "dom" status I had when I begged another dude to make me his bitch laying spreadeagle a la this >>36629492
cool bulge
Do gays like find this attractive?
dude those tattoos ruin it...
yes xan is also a phone poster and when xe was banned and posted as Ms. X xe was banned xe posted from her pc
We get it, too masculine and pubescent for you
Change isn't easy and I don't believe in my ability to change. All I want is to be loved and appreciated but apparently I deserve my condition and my mental degradation. People then put the cart before the horse, the chicken before the egg, and all of a sudden, it was not my misery that degraded me, but I am degraded as a result of my misery. To the world, I deserve my suffering, and those that do not are those that have been fortunate and of clear mind.

Funny how these people criticize and preach about nonsense like being 'manipulative' and 'leeching off empathy' (both very common attacks and insults nowadays mind you, to make someone appear to be an evil boogeyman), and in the very same sentence treat suicide as a laughing matter, suggest I commit it. They are suggesting I commit an act of violence against myself because I grate them. They wish harm upon me even though I've not harmed them.

Cases in point. These are the 'heroes' calling me a monster. Never having given a lick of empathy or understanding. To them, I deserve to suffer. When I peer through their nonsense they throw up their hands and the viper screams "Woah buddy! You're crazy! We just wanna help you!". Wolves in sheep's clothing. Vile psychopaths.
well no
>post exclusively on my phone
pc is not for 4chan it is for school and gaming
Say something nice about Mommy Mala or we are declaring war on your country tomorrow
weird how you always throw this name on when the meltdowns are happening
why are you replying to yourself?
he's definitely a pedophile
need psyllium husk tonight
you see the 'dick' right?
papa jones vs pizza hut?
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theres always a meltdown happening
gays are known for their drama
u know u can take them off right
Her name is malala. And she brings education to all the people In the world. Never said anything bad about her
what’s with his dick?
you write in the same cadence and tone as xanthippe btw
doesn’t change the fact that he wears the brand
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anyone going to watch the summer Olympics?
this is Xan?
evens shave ass hair
odds don't
this, lmao
he's switching from iPhone to pc rn
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better ingredients. better koolaid. papa jones.
beagle tactics lmao
i think it's someone who goes by the name blatino but i'm not sure, they look much worse than any of the selfie pics they posted on here
girl fumbling between her devices and flipping airplane mode on and off as we speak :skull:
It’s giving Poor Little White Guy but like the opposite
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I bet half of them have onlyfans
it's a guy that never really posted here that xanthippe got obsessed with after a couple of his selfies and nudes were posted lol the pics are from a random stan account ;3
do bottoms like tops with muscular asses
I think Xantroon just reversed image search the guy and thought that every result is him.
Guys I don’t even know who that guy with the Afro is. I’m not the one posting him.
probably desu lol the original selfies and nudes came from twitter and she loves to reverse search trying to dox people
i bet you have pics of your pp :3
convince hope
Thank you for acknowledging her sovereignty
The American globohomo empire will reign for 1000 years
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I never doxed anyone or tried to dox anyone. Stop spreading lies about me, hater.
The indecisiveness.
why you so obsessed with me?
Boy, I wanna know
Lyin' that you're sexin' me
When everybody knows
It's clear that you're upset with me
Oh, oh, oh
Using the powers granted to me by my linguistics degree, I can tell this is a lie.
God I hate fags.
nope :3
He got that fat BBC though.
Que gato..
I see why tranthippe wanted you
don't click guys its naked delta
that’s a dick
bitch pls
blu is dropped
found the real BBC
>t. doxxer
Haha maybe. He complains when I kiss up, but he still lets me do it anyway. It's mostly just to be grouchy since he's not shy about telling me to stop something he truly doesn't like.

This is usually what I go for. It's like he wants to hear it, but it also embarrasses him. Sometimes he covers my mouth. It's endearing.
i miss ramen
you should take some then>>36629971
you are actually ugly as shit
I miss Chad
I ended ramen
Agree, fuck the flaky negro (mainly around the knee and elbow area).
i was being short and having fun
what are the measurements?
5/10 face (I think removing the facial hair will make you look more like a twink)
7/10 body
8/10 penis
Short bottoms have more fun :3
how does one dickmaxx is they have a small dick
Looks better than steve at least
day 2 of missing anime blowjob
bish and xan seething rn
it's all angles
taking photos that point upwards from downwards make the dick look bigger
who tf are you
nah i appreciate my man's pingus

i took a boxer pic earlier and the trans applauded my dong outline but i knew it was a fraud
this was from up down tho
but either way boxer pics don't seem accurate
You lost lol
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>tfw no "that guy" bf as is guy who used to be a merd at school but grew a beard in his mid 20 and now listens only to the most generic rock/metal and goes to gym one/two times a week while having a comic/manga collection in his house
I bet you know the guy
How about a game of Zippa the Lip? You go first. Just see how fast you can shoosh and stop making noise.
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The gay version of this - boomer gay and latino. A midlife crisis nuff said.
good for him
you monster you made me cry :(
yeah left his kids and wife behind.... >_>
he sounds cute and bratty and maybe also a pain in the ass lmao
haribo read eroticism death & sensuality
lol <_<
sense of restless emptiness
bad shopped.
These are most of my heterosexual friends.

Not an inaccurate assessment. I think the grouchiness is a cover for when he's flustered or embarrassed. I worry I might be obsessed with him.
she's thai you idiot
grouchiness is never a cover its just masc
Being an adult is tiring
What's that supposed to mean?
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I think it might be natural to do that
very few dads in the animal kingdom stick around
fishing is BORING
time to become a transchild, rejoin kindergarten and finger paint all day
i wonder if bucko is a fishing man
p sure the guy in question is doing this while he has a dick in him famfam. not saying bottoms can't be masc but dude clearly strikes me as a tsundere shitstorm
I post every thought that enters my mind to 4chan.org
Are you fucking retarded? That pic is str8 - chud and gook. I am talking about the gay version of this - just imagine boomer and Latino guy. This is a response to this >>36628935.
>very few dads in the animal kingdom stick around
that's not really true. most birds, for example, are devoted fathers. wolves, lions, monkeys all care for their offspring. it really depends on the species.
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feeling a bit stressed & tarded
me too
Whatever it is, it's endearing when he does it. It makes me feel something like cuteness aggression.

I can't say I'm a fan of it myself.

>he guy in question is doing this while he has a dick in him famfam
Often yes, but sometimes not.
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love that for us
isnt bataille heckin problematic
anyway i was going to read the sailor who fell with grace from the sea pewdiepiesama recommended it to me
I'm so fucking kamalapilled rn, feeling so unburdened by what has been

Me too. I figure AI will eventually archive my algorithms and I will synthetically become immortal, at least as long as there is an internet.
I see why you guys don't have a father figure in your lives.
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you won
tbqh i was just empathising with the guy
Andras rid me of my fat BF, I pledge my soul to you. With my obsessive patterns of behavior I will spread your name far and loud and spread violence-inciting chaos throughout the world as it burns in your glory.
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shutty shutty
wtf is that thing
she's lucky to get a fit odler white man. Jackpot. We all crave white muscle sperms.
ohhhh he got fired from MrBeast. I do think MrBeast made a right decision cuz MrBeast is always visibly uncomfortable when around Kris.



ugly op
>MrBeast is always visibly uncomfortable when around Kris.
that's what you get for trying to be "woke" instead of trusting your instincts
wah wah
it's fake
is he supposed to be an example of quietness lol
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you know it. cope tranny and get the fuck off /gaygen/
you’re an example of a dead end life with nothing going for you
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shhhhh! means quiet time

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