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st4t/ is a general for trans people attracted to trans people of the opposite gender (ftm x mtf)

st4t = straight trans for trans
qott - what is st4t sex like?

> https://tagmap.io/tag/st4tg

don't shit up the thread with discord drama, don't give (you)s to hateposters
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I feel like this is a provocation to post my butt for some horny pooner
Stop with shilling your gayden/transbian Discord group
I wish st4t was actually possible. It seems like it’s completely impossible to actually find a real trans man out in the wild. It’s really depressing.



Please please please

Is this actually good?
The owner is a Leddit enbie and the server is filled with cisoids
some servers owners are so fucking stupid, why let in cissies in a st4t server?
The owner is a theyfab, there's your answer for all the retardation.
Propaganda, its an alternative to the ST4T in the OP. It's not bad, its just new. There are a bunch of st4t trannies already and some retards
elfmoder mtf vs dwarfmoder ftm
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Hi <3 femboy here
theres 5 people with that tag on the map on brazil and one of them is a ftm thats 5km of me...
How much to get my face in between?
nobody wants you here. go post in the shitty discord
what shitty discord?
can i have your shitty discord?
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nta but i like ftms so here :3
>qott - what is st4t sex like?
The only trans guy I ever met was my weed dealer for a bit and he looked 1:1 to the pooner drawings unironically
There is literally a straight relationship blooming in there rn
Youre a woman
E-dating doesn’t count
Do trans girls love elf ftm X elf mtf?
Or do I need to gymaxx?
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a cute ftm guy hit me up on hinge... but i dont want to emasculate him by calling him cute(?) what's the best way to compliment a pooner
are those dog panties and if so are they hiding anything
So hot. You should post pits next and also be my wife.
Handsome, good looking, charming.
When a girl calls me cute I don’t find it emasculating so there’s a chance he might not give a fuck.
some do hate it tho
i called a pooner cute once and he spent like an hour screaming vile things at me in dms
which was kinda hot, but morally i don't think i should do it again
... right?
It depends on how you say it. If you say it the way you’d say it to a cute animal or a baby then you deserve to be screeched at. If it’s normal then he’s just weak or insecure.
>what is st4t sex like?
i wouldn't know :|
i mostly meant his personality, rather than his looks. im not sure if that makes a difference?
>you deserve to be screeched at
i doooooo :P
thank u thank u thank u… now just to wait and see if he actually responds instead of ghosting me like every other person on hinge.
dating as a twinkhon gets me so many matches from like theyfabs but NONE OF THEM actually want to be seen with me i’m holding out for a cute ftm guy who actually sees me as a fucking girl instead of “ethereal elf gender less thing”

qott: made up until proven otherwise
>what is st4t sex like?
My experience:
A lot of sucking, kissing, ass eating, finger fucking and teasing. I find foreplay to be the best part. Kissing her inner thigh, right around her hole, her hole, her tummy, her tits, her neck and making her moan “daddy” is unmatched. So is rubbing, gently biting and sucking on her nipples while she squirms around. Getting sucked off is nice too but I’d much rather lick and grope her desu. Trans girls are so cute when they’re moaning and just lying there letting you take control of their bodies.
One time a girl ended up riding my fingers on her couch after I started rubbing on her hole randomly while we were chilling. No prep or anything, she just wanted something in her right then and there. I’m hard thinking about it lol.
>Trans girls are so cute when they’re moaning and just lying there letting you take control of their bodies
Where are you from?
i DID NOT fantasize about this scenario NOR read this post 10 times
y-yeah, me either
Well, I’m in the tri state area unfortunately. If you were closer I’d be more than willing to help you achieve it. But I wish you luck.
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what did u mean by this? im amab on hrt call me whatever idgaf
yes!! it’s a thong from pink and it’s hiding like seven inches
im taken but here’s some pits :3
no not your penis I mean is it hiding that you're a puppygirl
>Well, I’m in the tri state area unfortunately
Where have you found success in finding submissive sensitive tgirls, fellow tri-state anon? I need one for myself.
How do I get an FtM bf? Don't say Taimi, that shit is awful and full of chasers.
oh lmao no im more of a kittygirl like I think I would look v cute w lifelike cat ears and a collar w a bell and like maybe even a furry assplug tho that might be too cringey even for me
which three states is "the tri-state area"?
>If you were closer
>I wish you luck.
thanks <3
Grindr is where I find them. There are surprisingly some very pretty trans girls on there.
pls respond
Bumble or hinge?
I have never seen a single FtM on Hinge or Bumble.
> im taken
So? He/she doesn’t have to know that we’re married.
>ftm saying how he can find pretty trans girls on dating apps
>mtf cant find a single pretty transman in them
true!! if ur a cute pooner or tranny and mentally stable I’ll add u on disc
That might be because these apps are flooded with cis dudes. You just have to have patience.
I'm serious! I can't find any trans men outside of Taimi, and I met one, and we in fact even had sex, but the problem is, he said he's not ready for a relationship yet :c
I'm just done with cis men, I've been cheated on by two in a row, and the last one I dated wouldn't take no for an answer in terms of sex.
yeah i've seen a couple gigapassoids on there, like supermodel tier
ah. cuz i have family in a different state that i visit 2x/year but
nowhere near there
this is peak poon btw
take notes
Wow what do you have against us goblin looking, mentally unstable ftms
cringe u ruined ur chance for nudes dork
Yeah, surely ftms won’t cheat on you or be pushy when it comes to sex… surely
I've never heard of either happening with trans men, I'm not saying it hasn't happened. But I doubt it compared to most cis men. Especially since as a trans woman, most cis men see me as just a quick fuck, and that's it.
you're describing the perfect man like it's a bad thing
Lower your expectations next time bitch
It's okay anon! I don't mind you being short! How old are you though?
i take bpd meds that were to reduce my libido as a counter-effect and im still a horny beast, the second isnt a problem w me...
ftms r so funny I don’t mind ur short I just know u saying goblin means ur fucking insufferable and not actually a guy
I am in my early twenties and I said goblin because I don’t look human and I’m ugly, not because of my height. I’m perfectly fine with being 5’7.

So based.
Anon, you're taller than me! I'm 5'4". I got lucky as an mtf and am short.
>don’t look human and I’m ugly
Wow, girls pussies must get real moist at your self-deprication for you to do it so much, huh champ? How's it been working out for ya?
I feel like this is most successful st4t thread so far!
It’s just the truth. I’m not going to pretend that I’m cute when I’m the furthest thing from conventionally attractive. I’m okay with being ugly.
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Reminder to the transsexual kings currently being deceived by the MtTs.
What does this mean?
Sheesh you really did luck out. Do you pass?
I don't know, some days I feel like I do, others I don't.
Reminder that anyone can vote on these polls and that there aren’t just mtfs in mtfg and ftms in ftmg.
I do have an FtM friend who thinks I pass though.
>poonerchaser troonhater
>posts misleading image with small sample size
go back
Its some faggot from ftmg who has an obsession with hating MTFs.
fuck off mttnon
this, xe's extremely fucking annoying and shits up our thread. sorry to everyone in this one who got caughr in the crossfire
Why does he hate us?
I think it’s because of the anti-ftm sentiment from some trans women that’s becoming popular in trans spaces. He’s doing some fight fire with fire type shit.
I like ftms they are cute men
men don’t act like this do better
Yeah I've seen some of that, the trans guy I talk to shows me that stuff, and we got into an argument a few days ago because he said I need to keep my people in check. We talked about it though and made up
this dude is allergic to getting laid huh? or just a gayden, ig
I don’t give a flying fuck what other niggas do.
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Where do I find not just an mtf gf, but an mtf wife? I've always wanted to be a father and have kids, and trans girls seem perfect for it. They're sensitive, nurturing. Strong from the hardship that is trannydom. The perfect yin to my yang.
Yet so many of them seem to be polyamorous whores. Hate those types. Where do I go to find a wife, bros
Finding a monogamous trans woman is impossible. I thought I had one and the next thing I knew she wanted to be open and was on Grindr showing me what all the guys were saying to her…
you have to find a girl like me and make her your girlfriend and then make her your wife (I am not polymorphous)
yeah i don't get that either anon. what is the allure of a polycule?
Teach me how to be a real man, senpai
i think having a team 10 house of trans women where none of them have to work more than 5 hours a week is the main appeal i assume
then why in practice do they just incubate molds
Where are you from, dear?
Well then that's not a relationship, is it now? Just an elaborate neet orgy roomate situation. Sounds devoid of affection. Not my thing.
Imagine being a husband to multiple mtf housewives. That’s the only trans polycule I want in my life.
i am in the south united states
the kind of trannies that need to resort to that are also the kind i don't want to fuck
but on the other hand i wanna be in a harem, so maybe im too quick to judge
i swear i typed that before i saw this incredibly based post
Sarah you have my grandma’s name. I think this is a sign.
i think it means i must bear your children anon
yeah i think the gross hons congregate in portland to have this kind of “relationship”
but i’ve definitely spotted a few harem-like polycules with one dominant cissoid and a few trannies/ pooner mix
I'm Mono anon! and desu, I'm getting to an age where I'm ready to settle down.
I'm really young lmao (18) but I'd love to take the milfpill if the older woman in question was okay with that. Since I want that too, to settle down and love one girl.
I'm Northeast, but can probably drive down there if its somewhere like Florida or something
Ahh that is unfortunately a deal breaker for me, I'm 30 and not really comfortable dating anyone 3 years younger than me, max.
3? really? that's a small number. im also 30 and i could probably go as low as 5 years younger. Younger than that feels almost pedophilic, but tbdesu i do actually think i'd be unlikely to have enough in common with someone more than about three years younger than me.
That's why, I worry if I dated someone more than 3 years younger than me, I would have nothing, or very little in common with them. And I have to have some commonality for a relationship.
I’m 23 but can we still have children please?
Literally me.
already did that and
they were overwhelmed
Me me me me I’ve only ever been monogamous and only dated ftms
mtf x ftm frotting...
mtf x from scissoring...
well, i have my dignity. Take me to dinner first
she's a transbian, unless you're a ftm repper it's not a good idea for you to go with her lol
i am continuously shocked that anyone pays any attention to anything i have to say
but yeah, he's right. Sorry :P
i like the personalities of ftms - the T-inhiced horniness and strange perversions, the almost over-compensatory masculinity bordering on toxicity. it's all very hot to me for reasons i don't fully understand.
but, unfortunately, i find male bodies unappealing
Have you ever dated a theyfab.
no, theyfabs are kinda insufferable
Can I get rep4rep where we both start hrt at the same time or he lets me practice black magic to change our sex...
hehehehe i made a similar poll which showed similar results when i had a mental breakdown
>Winter here
>Very cold nights
>Desperately want a bf to cuddle with
>FtMs into MtFs are basically impossible to find
>Doomed to an empty, cold bed
Being into st4t is suffering.
It is not like dating apps help either, since even if any trans guys did use it, they would just be buried under a mountain of cis guys.
Post unsee hole :3
Several polls have been done throughout the years on this board, which have all shown very similar results. Anyone blaming the sample size needs to get off their copium. Any self-respecting FtM should avoid MtTs at all costs.

ST4T lost.
Putting all of the many other methodological problems aside.
I think the biggest problem here is that you are polling all MtFs, in a place where st4t (and to a lesser extent FtMs as a whole) is often outright demonised. The idea that most MtFs here are not into this stuff is not news. Nor does it invalidate the many MtFs that are into st4t and do want a trans bf to love.
I want this but I'm mtftm
I just want an FtM husband. Someone to spend the rest of my life with, to grow old with, to do our HRT injections together, to explore the world, to have him grow a child in him, boy or girl, and raise that child as their parents, and see them being the best of the both of us :c
here’s hole n ass pics!! desperately want to bounce my tiny body on ftm strap want him to grab my little waist
https://unsee cc/album#iMMQ1L7VIq52
Ooh you're delicious. Yeah, saw most of these pics yesterday in chasergen. The red panties are a nice additional touch. Didn't you say you were a lesbo though? Or was that someone larping as you
This would be perfect if the roles were reversed. What I wouldn't give to pay for my mtf wife's srussy and have her bare my child. Hoping some day the science will allow.
kek still had sage on from another thread, my bad.
nooo im not a lesbian im like bi but prefer both cis and trans guys, cis men just suck at sexting, trans guys v good at it tho so yk msg me on unsee lol
Unfortunately, the science just isn't there yet. I wish. But I don't think it'll be in my lifetime. I'm 30, soon to be 31, so it's getting a bit late for me to even have a child anymore :/
my FTM situationship is planning a call later today to "discuss the future of our relationship"
what do?
As someone who has thought 3 FtMs were going to date me, brace yourself. It's not easy.
>What I wouldn't give to pay for my mtf wife's srussy and have her bare my child
>Hoping some day the science will allow
It pains me that medical science has not been able to develop some way to just swap reproductive equipment between people. It seems almost like a cruel joke that what I have (and don't want) between my legs is something that trans guys would love to have, and what they have between their legs (but don't want) is something that I would love to have.
The parts already exist. The people who would want to make such a swap already exist. But yet the best we can actually do is just attempt to cosmetically alter what is already there into something that resembles the parts we actually want.

I actually really like the fantasy of getting into a relationship with a trans guy and eventually agreeing to just swap our genitals. Him being able to impregnate me and us having a kid or two together. It really sucks that I will never get to experience it. I think I would have been a pretty good mom.
there aint one
finished the call and he said basically said he wants to keep being friends with benefits, but not partners. also that he doesn't want to have intercourse with me, he'll only do that with his main boyfriend. he still wants to peg me though so that's cool B^)
I would love to bounce you up and down my lap in the lotus position (my favorite position) while holding onto you tight and sucking those cute perky tits. That waist of yours looks perfect to grab while I do it too. Love to try and put a baby in you, honey.
You can always adopt/go through surrogate. But I know its not the same.
Most all of you ladies are feminine, nurturing, and strong in nature. All qualities of a stellar mother. I wouldn't put yourself so down if having kids is a big goal for you.
Where did you two meet? Would love to find an mtf woman to make sweet love to with my strap.
Anon how old are you? I like your personality.
FUCK. I'm 31. Why are the all the chad ftms so much younger?
Probably because most of the chad ftms your age are deep stealth. I get it sucks though.
A lot of ftms my age are also obese land whales.
Just for context, I've met 2 who are overweight, and one who literally couldn't start T until he lost weight. Like, what the fuck? I'm a121 lbs. at 5'6"
Yeah, I've seen a lot of trannies who let themselves go myself. Feel pity for them, since something must have happened to make them that way, but still sucks in terms of romantic compatibility.
Try to find an outdoorsy guy maybe? Seems like a decent way to lessen those encounters.
>t. 145 lb 5'4"
Wow I’m 5’7 and 175 lbs(bulking). I could pick you up ez. I’m in my early twenties but you should still you be my wife.
Depends how old you are exactly anon. And your personality, do know that I am a little drunk at this second
What’s your age limits and your type?
25 is about how low I'm willing to, I like guys who are protective, and want to keep me safe, guys who are funny, like to watch movies together, play games together, and someone who has a future in mind for himself.
Day two of asking can ftm elf moder X mtf elf moder work out or I need to gymmaxx
what is an elf moder?
Im an elf moder
I wouldn't mind an elf moder bf anon... But I think you deserve someone better than me
I would accept an 18 year old ftm
You in the NE coast?
I'm guessing he means the male adjacent to an ethereal twinkhon if I had to guess. Like a waifish metal smoker guy, as an example.
23 is close to 25, it wouldn’t even make a difference. We should chat.
What's your Discord?
Sorry that was a bit direct, I'm no longer drunk, so what's your discord anon? I'd be interested in chatting.
Yes I'm NE
im the anon u said you want to fuck in the lotus position and im also interested in ur disc lmao
Tell us how it goes Anonette!
Sure its brapobama
would it bother st4t tranners if their ftm bf was extremely homophobic towards gay and bisexual men?
no because i am too
So based
I don't like gay or bisexual men.
If anything that would just make me love my trans bf even more
is it really based if its just because i hate what homosexuality has done to me
revealing your deadnames to each other as a form of intimacy
so based
How many trans girls are willing to take hormones to induce lactation?

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