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Would you consider getting pregnant if you found the right man or woman?
What is up with this board's pregnancy fetish. Actual trans men want hysterectomys so this doesn't happen.
I've gotten mine out last year. And I am in a same sex t4t relationship so, extra no.
Mossad operation albeit
I want to impregnate a beautiful woman with my children and take care of her
I want a faketrans trans man willing to get pregnant.
Based and gaydenpilled
It's the same chud every time
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Most men want to start a family but women have become insufferable hypergamous whores and the more affectionate twinks obviously can't get pregnant. This leave FtM twinks as a possability of starting a family while dating someone appreciative and fun.
You see them as women tho
I thought pooners love getting punished. Wouldn't getting pregnant be a huge punishment?
I think you should kill yourself
Getting punished as in getting hit, not pregnant
Need more data
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I see them as boys that can get pregnant. Socially I won't be treating them as a woman.
castration is my favorite fetish by far it's a shame most people aren't into it
R8 my dinner
you pop out a couple babies and I'll let you trans one of them
Stop lying
Dinner? How much do you weigh you fat motherfucker
Nice cheese spread. Nice stroopwafels. Maybe add some frozen vegetables in there too. Enjoy it bro
Nice cognative bias. Just accept that people can treat FtMs as men and still want to get them pregnant
that's disgusting it would be hotter to cut someone's balls off immediately after they cum in you
least 5 kids and you can do whatever to my balls after
No lol I've seen enough I know what kind of person people like you are
Idk, probably like 230
What makes you think you are even worthy of conceiving children?
plap plap get pregnant
no you're missing the point the whole fun comes from you having no say in it
Well this thread is ruined
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You first
Keep coping. I'm gonna keep shooting ropes of cum inside my FtM twink bf's womb then we're gonna order pizza and play Counter Strike
lose wight piggy
someone make a new thread
Was from the get-go. Old one has posts left, I’m happy to ditch this.
No, kys
visibly pregnant ftm boyfriends competing to see who has the bigger belly
Next time you shoot into the toilet, flush twice for good measure.
I'd rather shoot into you.
This thread was ruined the moment it was posted before bump limit
You'll age like shit and die before 50. Is it really that hard to put the fucking fork down?
i don't know a single ftm personally that would be willing to get pregnant even in the most ideal of circumstances. i couldn't even deal with the idea of stopping blockers to freeze my eggs let alone go through all that it's just bad
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Keep seething
your eggs are the most valuable part of you
I was sterile before any of this shit, so not my problem
No fucking shit. But that’s not going to stop your poor swimmers from spending another day hopelessly navigating drain pipes until they die, or crusting on whatever surface you manage to land them on.
and you're surprised no one wants your kids? no wonder you're after us even normal women don't want you
>Keep seething
does ftmg play fighting games?
I got a bonus at work for excellent performance. So I am going to use that money to buy my first STP.
Yes. Melty Blood and GGST mostly
kino, aacc right?
Type Lumina, but I've been thinking about downloading AACC too.
Fuck I forgot I’m lactose intolerant
why would you ever play lumina
setting up aacc is easy so you should definitely try it out
Idk, is genshin a fighting game
God bless your heart why would you play genshin
Seeing pregnancy related threads about ftms constantly is fucking annoying. Can we have a different thread topic.
start getting pregnant you dumb holes
Wouldn't consider getting myself pregnant but me and my ex bf were considering getting surrogates.
You first
All ftm chasers are forcibly feminized
quads confirm
Implying they don't all inevitably end up doing it voluntarily.
Just to suffer
I’m quitting now but my brain was ruined by childhood wow to get insta-addicted to live service games with no ending
Good luck with quitting I played since 1.3 and quit for about a year but I still log in occasionally now
Chasers are only fuckable after removing their balls
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>meet girl
>don’t disclose
>go out a few times
>get along
>flirting and touching
>inevitably they eventually get hot and heavy and invite me up to their place
>decline and ghost
>meet another girl
>meet girl (bi)
>don't disclose
>go to her house on the first date
>cuddle and watch a movie
>come out after making out with her for a bit
>get laid no problem
This is bar for bar how 'tomboy gf' posters talk
>dating bisluts
bishits were made for trannies
two lesbians
I live and die for blazblue
Guilty gear XRD
>only anime fighters
what is wrong with all of you
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who is it?
I need more data
well I grew up on 2D fighters like street fighter 2 and mortal combat for snes, and then then Powerstone for 3D fighters but there aren't really any fighters like the latter these days. what did you mean? like.. smash bros?
I like the girls
I guess so, more traditional fgs or platform fighters
i didn't really mean anything by it though it's just fun to poke fun at you. I never really got into any anime fighters myself, might try some of the older GGs because Strive sux

pretty malebrained at least
are you unhappy with the results?
I'm sorry your incapable of conceiving how sex and socializing can be seperate dynamics
I need 40 for statistical significance
Yes, one cute femme 5'1 lesbian with nice tits and one 5'10 stallion stud lesbian with stubble and a tongue that could create world peace. The purest form of love.
I could never get good at the smash bros games, i always found nintendo controllers to be uncomfortable to use because i have fat stubby fingers, so it's another reason i leaned towards fast paced fighters, where generally moves and combos are more streamlined. i really liked ready2rumble boxing as a kid too, but i think that's probably considered more a sports game. I'm old so i'm not surprised if none of this rings bells to people lmao
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forgot something important
why do you always post that same unforgivably ugly hefab? he's fucking disgusting. i recognize i'm no looker either but jesus fucking christ his face looks like a bogged ffs
i want a hysterectomy extremely bad but in my state you can only get one if the uterus is threatening your life by being in your body. being ftm, if anything, makes them more desperate to keep it in.
i know someone who got groomed by a guilty gear streamer so i'll never touch that shit, but ive been playing super smash, starting with brawl brawl since about 2010
anyone who sees trans men as women or wants to get pregnant should have their non-vital organs harvested, then publicly executed, then have their vitals removed while onlookers gawk
i have something to criticize, while most of this is hilariously accurate, my hips are near proportionate to my shoulders and my belly is proportionate to my thighs. other than that the greasy hair and gigantic feet made me kek. you're not the first one to make a pooner of me either
I kinda respect trans men that would be willing to, I'm just too dysphoric to. Would adopt.
?What are you talking about?
3/10. No vegetables, no fruit, too much sugar. Fish is good though.
Smart. Bi girls are meta af for trans men.
Yeah but only when a specific friend of mine is over.
I wouldn't say the guy is ugly.
Smash is definitely very very different. I think they're fun and allow for some interesting stuff but you have to think of everything in different ways and whatnot
>ready2rumble boxing
you are definitely correct in guessing I have no clue what this is lol
i played wii sports boxing and that's about it
Are any of you from a Spanish speaking country? I need to ask a shitty question
Used to play Soul Calibur, Blazblue, and all the smash bros
Now it's just casual DBfighterZ and the latest smash. None of my friends play fighting games
I keep getting ads for PrEP on YouTube
Do your targeted ads pass anon?
https://unseecc/album#iElzQLvi2xwA ok almost a year on T now. i need to lose fat but i'm pretty convinced i'll need a thigh reduction after still if i want to fully pass. otherwise fat redistribution is kicking in pretty hard overall, i'm pleased. am i gonna make it bros?
I don't get ads I use ublock and pihole
Your thighs are fine, just work them out. Go deworm your brain by looking at pictures of rugby thighs.
thanks, i'll get horny if i do that though ):
why does G post here? she seems like a normal enough girl, she could be hanging with her boyfriend or friends, yet she’s constantly here with the friendless incel neets, I don’t get it
I’m just a neet with a twink exterior ngl
Is it possible to get an Adblock on iPhone
This might be a retarded question
Well, true, "dating" isn't probably on the table that often unless it's a bisexual woman (see: a normal ass woman) dating an AMAB.

Literally, though

Ma'am, please
How morally wrong is a relationship with a 18 year old ftm and a 15 year old mtf, and no, we both have not had sex and don't plan on it for now because we have bottom dysphoria, most intimate we have ever done is kissing
We met when I was 16 and she was 13 as friends and a year after we started dating after both of us crushing on each other
She is over the age of consent in our country laws but I worry I'm doing something wrong and accidentally hurting her when I love her a lot and care for her
We have similar height (I'm 178cm and she is 175cm) and i look young, so people think we are the same age
Apologies for reposting from other thread but there's more activity here
Big maturity gap. Very wierd
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Fuck android, shit ass camera quality and they’re always slow as hell
Plus IOS looks so sleek n nice and I can have all my funky gay widgets.
Hell nah
You can install different browsers that do block ads from the app store. What you can't do is sideload apps, so you couldn't download an ad free youtube app
>shit ass camera quality and they’re always slow as hell
That used to be the case 10 years ago nowadays it's fine
as long as you are not taking advantage of her and your maturity level is similar, it is fine
Do her parents even know?
I'll be g's pussy is super tight and it takes forever just to tease it enough with your cock head to get it open enough to slide in..
have fun being forced to suck apples cock for everything
I gave five dollars to fucking genshin ONE TIME and then 120% of all ads I got were the most insufferable mobile game ads known to mankind
I actually had to delete my Google account and start over
On my new account I get ads for old spice, dumb ai tech, and schizophrenia medication
>he’s over AOC
so who cares
Do whatever you want
Well it is legal here in our country so I'm not worried about that, it is more of the personal relationship between us, I have told her before I think I'm too old for her but she insists it's fine and that she doesn't view me as a pervert or a creep because I don't ever ask for sexual favors or try to make her uncomfortable.
She is very mature for her age, not academically smart, but knows well the dangers of life and not to trust anyone easily. She knows how to control her emotions and say when something I do bothers her. We have the same hobbies and we're more of like best friends who occasionally have romantic intimacy
She would be heartbroken if we break up, and so would I too, I don't know what to do, we are the only people we have in each other's lives. Really, I have no friends and so doesn't she, and both of our families do not accept us.
They know I am a friend, I visit her house now and then but never got close to her parents. They don't know I'm trans myself. She is not out to her parents because they are not trans or gay accepting so no way I will discuss it with them
are you schizo?
Only according to my family heh
Real, thank you
My bf had an android 2 years ago and it was a slow brick that wouldn’t even load google.
It do be grippy….
You know it’s getting bad when YouTube starts giving you ads for mental health medications
>It do be grippy....
you're so fucking hot g and I'm maybe a little too horny right now, but id love to have you wrapped around my cock
ur intentions are pure and your age gap is quite small. that stuff is only an issue for chronically online kids
my ads are for:
>thc gummies
>weed vapes
>hair loss treatments
>onlyfans merch
so yea probably
Hey you.
Drop your popping pink ass down and do a plank to failure.
FUCK no I would rather die. I wouldn't mind the other way round though
What if I don't wanna
i don't have an hour to spare
Lay down on the floor face down and whine about how much you don't wanna and when you go to get up after whining about it just hold the position for a bit longer before actually getting up
Planking is a vital exercise. I was doing a lot of that to build core strength and side muscle strength/tightness. I just had top surgery yesterday so I won't really be working out anytime soon, but doing those helped prepare me to be more mobile and self sufficient in recovery.
Sir yes sir
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The original is better
i feel like the alt version has been more relevant to ur recent posts
Are women bullshitting when they say they enjoy sex? Is female orgasm just a porn thing?
It feels like shit and I'm pretty sure I did everything right. I truly believe being female and vaginas are divine punishment.
You're probably doing it wrong
no anon's right piv feels cringe
Who said anything about PIV? Clitoral stimulation is the way to go.
Nta, I think doing PIV if you hate it still qualifies as “doing it wrong”.
>caring about her pleasure
Real men don't do that. Sex exists only for reproduction reasons, there is no reason for females to feel anything when it happens. The pussy is designed to be cummed inside and so at most it will grip the cock sliding inside to help it release its load, but there is no requirement for the female to feel anything with that process so a lot of women simply don't orgasm. However that being said you will have a much better chance if you sucked on the clit
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inexperience = bad sex = mainly man enjoying himself

Also, if women cannot get horny from sex alone, why do a significant amount of them orgasm during rape?
Nta, but you answered your question
do you think schizoanon is happy?
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Zoomers having no sex doesn't mean that the ones that do aren't experienced enough. That's just a cultural shift now that women are free to have no sex or even go lesbian.
>if women cannot get horny from sex alone, why do a significant amount of them orgasm during rape?
Because the experience of rape is enjoyable to the body? that's how our ancestors had sex anyway so it makes sense that it would trigger arousal. but it doesn't speak of consent based/normal sex piv alone being enough for orgasm
Lol, I guess I did.
Is there an ideal way of trimming the pubes? I use normal ass scissors to do it and I'm very careful not to cut my clit.
>significant amount
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I use this thing and it works out really well. Get some rechargeable batteries though because peak power helps make it much easier
why don't you let the bush grow for the extra pheromones?
It's true that men and women have different ideas of what turns them on, that of men might be more physical. But it would be inaccurate to assume that women are not wired to get off to penetraive sex. Things like dildos are mostly bought by women, and there are lesbians who use strap ons, all replicating "normal sex." (I don't know piv means, enlighten me.) Women have a lower sex drive, probably so that they don't go and fuck any guy they meet and have 10+ kids by numerous men. Women have to be more sexually responsible, whereas men can just say "yolo" and dip (if they're not married or something). Anyhow, lower sex drives does not equate to not liking 'normal sex.' Women can be just as promiscuous as men, sometimes even more. One could even argue that they're more shallow. Many women would not settle for a guy below a certain height, whereas most guys would not completely rule out a girl for not fitting into one thing.
how prominent is your clit?? im not even sure if i have one
If I am a Spanish speaker, in fact I was the creator of the >>/q/ threads in Hispachan about religious beliefs
I was looking into freezing my eggs so my gf can carry a child with my egg but holy shit it makes me feel dysphoric. I wouldn't even be the one pregnant. Very strange.
But have you ever lived in a Spanish speaking country?
>Things like dildos are mostly bought by women, and there are lesbians who use strap ons
Yes but those are used in combination with oral and other things, so it's true that it provides pleasure by itself but for a lot of people it isn't enough for orgasm. piv means penis in vagina, with that type of sex it is safe to assume that the dick owner gets way more pleasure than the pussy owner. Everyone jokes about how cis men coom in seconds, meanwhile female orgasm is kind of a joke because it requires all sorts of intricacies. For example with me I need to get extremely autistic about angles and the rate at which I rub my tdick . Meanwhile my cis male partner can ejaculate from a few licks lmao
>lower sex drives does not equate to not liking 'normal sex.' Women can be just as promiscuous as men, sometimes even more. One could even argue that they're more shallow.
That is just an aspect of the evolutionary pressures on our species. Women are programmed to be avoidant of sexual behaviors because they will spend 9 months being extremely vulnerable, meanwhile men as you said can just dip in and be done with it. That probably also explains why they are this shallow (I was the same before transition full disclosure) because they need partners that are strong and can provide/defend them, tallness is a very good indicator.
oh I see it got closed, where have you guys moved since then?
picture gave me a good laugh but then I realized that kid will actually have to grow up with those two and now I'm sad
Quote is from an AMA with a sexual assault therapist. She’s talking about her clients, not the general population of rape victims. Considering how much rape occurs in extremely violent ways during war and shit, I feel like that number probably isn’t entirely accurate.

This year there was an academic review acknowledging that more research on the topic needs to be done, so we might see that sometime soon.
>so it's true that it provides pleasure by itself
So you agree? My main point was that women DO enjoy piv sex and that'd it be weird to dismiss that observable fact. Women have lower sex drives and it takes longer for them to get off, I'll give you that.

>That is just an aspect of the evolutionary pressures on our species.
I know, anon.
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Why would you find ftm pregnancy funny? We have the equipment so we might as well use it to further our legacy.
>But have you ever lived in a Spanish speaking country?.
I am Costa Rican by birth, why do you ask?
>oh I see it got closed, where have you guys moved since then?
We went to 8___chan but .moe and also to kraut______chan, also to a telegram group called: Hispagram Provisional
Well, yeah. I don't know the specifics of the numbers themselves which is why I used "significant." Although, it's probably higher than just 5%.

Anyhow, interestinv article.
Does anyone feel this photo in particular is fake and a psyop? Interracial couple, the uninspired art, prop like plants
Oh absolutely I agree with you that they can find it enjoyable, I mean I do too even though I have never had an orgasm from it alone. Now that you have mentioned this "takes longer for them to get off" it's kind of making me want to try it out again and see if I can somehow make it happen. Maybe I should make him use a dildo so he doesn't ejaculate inside of me immediately kek
Makes masturbating annoying. If it werent for that i'd let em grow out tbdesu
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They are a real couple though. I mean yeah the generic decor is kind of shit
I fucking wish I didn't have bottom dysphoria so I can make this happen
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how good do you think this feels?
you can customise android way more than regular iOS. Claiming the camera is bad or they are slow is like saying every Windows PC is in a grey case with 4gb ram
extremely malebrained, iOS is for women and fruits
Most of my targetted ads are for McDonald's. It makes sense as there's a McDicks across the street from my apartment.
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I wish FtM pregnancy had at least one example of a cute twink and not some balding, flabby basedboy
>For example with me I need to get extremely autistic about angles and the rate at which I rub my tdick . Meanwhile my cis male partner can ejaculate from a few licks lmao
glad to hear it's not just me but it's still frustrating. wish testosterone would've changed it. at least my bf is willing to suck me off for the 20 minutes it takes to cum (if the planets are aligned)
they are all on birth control so they can get cummed in raw by 50 different men, none of these whores want a family
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> they are all on birth control so they can get cummed in raw by 50 different men
God bless modern medicine
Same. My guy is fucking addicted to sucking me off, and he has gotten really damn good at making me cum. He's better than when I do it myself lmao. But yes even with his skill it takes forever. I kind of like it though because face humping him as he does it feels incredibly rewarding. So doing it more often and for longer is appreciated
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is this build/fit clocky?
Why are you such a weirdo
Autism turns you into a cumslut?
I see, i feel you, i am also a weirdo and not sure if autistic but i feel pretty misunderstood you feel me
Why are so many ftms autists?
you're on 4chan buddy, this is home to autism
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Prolly, haven’t done enough research yet
You get it
Honestly, if it would benefit your life getting a diagnosis is a good thing.
Most trannies I know have autism, mtf and ftm
It wasn't like this back when I was on tumblr, so it's just really damn weird to see.
>Most trannies I know have autism
Is that actually true? Because if so then maybe I am an autistic fuck myself
You're a cool lil guy G, I'll give you that
why are you so shiny? wtf bro
Thanks anon :)
Good skincare routine
My cis bf needs like 30min to cum at least and too is weird about angles. Can suck him off for 15min and he is moaning and then suddenly asks if I changed angles cus it feels like nothing. Has to be one specific angle and a consistant rhythm with slight variation at some point. I don't experience that problem (yet?)
you look like you have chin lenght greasy hair and spend your freetime playing vidya and watching anime
> Good skincare routine
What do you use.kgvnk
retard moment
So fucking hot. Having a cock to pleasure for 30min like that is making me jealous and horny beyond belief. Need to feel a throbbing member in my mouth right now... problem is I have a gf so no dick taste for me
any of you retards that could still sorta pass as female wanna date a closeted homosexual in Appalachia?
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only if you bottom for me bitch
I don't think this going to work out.
If you're a cute twink sure
sorry i'm strongfat and hairy.
cant sleep. what should i jerk off to
lay down in the dark hand in pant and just jerk it a little to ur imagination. Thats how I fall asleep if I can't sleep, I don't cum at that if I do I'm awake again.
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Alan cumming in cabaret
I'm gonna go inject half a gram of gear in my butt, you guys want anything?
Daily reminder to actual transsexuals that your false sense of solidarity with MtTs is unreturned and misplaced.
Hooooonk.... shoooo...... Hoooooooooonk......... shoooooooooo.......
No surprise women are retarded. They're still women though. There's no reasonable way you can defend only ftm being real or only mtf being real. If you believe in one, the opposite one comes naturally afterwards.
Women are retarded? This is news to me
>women are retarded
Women are stupid. I’m so glad I’m FTM not a woman therefore I am smart.
Does anyone without top go to a gym and shower there? Is it doable or can people tell?
My water heater’s fucked.
Chest has to be top tier but you can. Just say it's gyno.
Not unexpected but still retarded.
Funny that this is the thread’s topic. I actually came here to share that I might be pregnant.

I’m on Nexplanon, and some herbal supplements like St John’s wort can make it ineffective. Yesterday I texted this guy I hook up with and said it’d be hot if I brought over a teabag of St John’s wort and like a chamomile one, and he gave me one without telling me which it was. He said he would do it.

I went over to his place and I still don’t know which one he gave me. It’s so hot knowing I have all this sperm inside me and that it could get me pregnant lol
I don't really care what mtf think about me. I think they're real, and I think ftm are real. That's where it ends. Only losers have such malleable values
Chaser larp
Oh no if anyone saw it would be obvious. I mean more like..eh it doesn’t matter I’ll just take a cold shower.
Just have a cold whore's bath. Chances are it'll be more thorough than a normal shower anyway
least obvious fetish larp
i have decided to become a cool and badass knight, or at least a depressed 1600s poet with chlamydia.
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This is my Nexplanon, not sure what else I can show to prove it’s real. Do not underestimate my sluttiness
Holy fucking shit
Why would you do this
If not fake extremely based
It’s extremely enjoyable
>can't tell between a St. John's Wort and chamomile teabag
Are you fucking noseblind? Did the coof rape your sense of taste and smell? St. John's Wort has a distinct, strong aroma and taste compared to the mild, soothing scent of chamomile. You piss me off. I hope you get an abortion so that you don't bring a child into this world with the shame of having an anosmic simpleton for a parent.
Freaky if real. Still freaky but also cringe if not.
For one I didn’t bring chamomile, I brought this weird blend teabag, but I didn’t specify so as not to be confusing. For second, I don’t drink tea because I’m a hot blooded American and an exclusive consumer of iced coffee
holy cringe enjoy your cancer slushie amerifat
not everyone drinks tea
You need to be put down like a sick dog
if you're not on tea you shouldn't be in this general
drinking tea is macho now?
no it's just better than coffee and iced sugarslop tea
>hot tea warms you up in winter
>hot tea refreshes you in summer by clearing your throat but also activating your sweat to cool down
>has a robust flavor palate when not overpowered by sweeteners
Your frail fembod probably can’t handle potent flavor and 90mg of caffiene
You would faint if you tried an energy drink bitchboy
>complaining to cism friend that my wrists are very thin and girly
>he says they aren't that bad
>argue for a bit
>let him grab my wrist to prove my point
>"They aren't th--... Oh, you're right..."
>he switches gears to try to convince me that it's fine because it'll make my arms look bigger
I feel humiliated but also vindicated
Am I the only one in this gen with a pussy piercing, orrr
Victorian child mindset
Do you want another plate of beans on toast
>samefagging caffeinecuck can't comprehend enjoying drinks based on flavor
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Kill yourself perchance
>ms. paint
pooners forcing shart culture in 2024 is the cringiest thing in current day
I just realized that I haven't seen my jawline in like 7 years. I don't even know how much it's masculinized if at all. I'm just so afraid of shaving it off lest I have like a super girly chin underneath

I want one, but I'm afraid of how much it would hurt.
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Forgot pic
yet you drink coffee which looks like and presumably tastes like sharts
It hurts while it’s going through the skin and then stops hurting immediately after. The skin is really thin so it’s only piercing for less than half a second.
I've showered there, mine has stalls with curtains. just take off your clothes from inside the shower. no one will look at you too hard because that's homo behavior
Is it any worse than any other piercing? Or a different kind of pain? Cuz I've had other piercings in the past
>edited phone screenshot with Samsung image editor
>getting this defensive
>they hated him because he told them the truth
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>Thinks I wasted my time
>genuinely doesn't believe more than 1 person can not like tea
You're an absolute fucking fool and you're making yourself look dumb. Can you try drinking a redbull, I want you to die
don't shave it off. it's always a trap
Yeah. I enjoy the stares though
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Yo how do you have a proper beard instead of turbopubes
>coping samefag starts frogposting AND shilling more slop AND posting death threat reply to a conversation about drinks
yeparooni calm down poonie!
jesus dude put some minox on those cheeks to fill it out and keep the rest trimmed while that grows. looks like a rat's nest
To be clear I don’t go outside like this; I I was going to go outside I’d shave. I’m not a madman.
I’ve only had my vch and earlobes done professionally, vch hurt more during the piercing, but it doesn’t ache after because it’s done with a needle instead of a gun.
Maybe if you stopped acting so annoying you wouldn't get death threats over a conversation about drinks. We're you ever bullied in school?
that's good, a lot of us are lacking self awareness
How do you men even tolerate the state of this general
Prime candidates for manpregnation
I would not get pregnant but I would consider getting someone pregnant but only at like age 35
Log off or kill yourself already, you aren't supposed to be here anymore fat piggie oink oink
Gloves you're the ugliest fat motherfucker I've ever seen, you calling them ugly is hilariously pathetic on your part
I'm not attracted to them either but I'd much rather fuck them than even LOOK at you, you're a disgusting slob and when yoy die you'll go to hell for your gluttony
I have really good facial hair genetics on my dad's side of the family, i've also been on t for almost a decade.

I don't take it too seriously, i really just stop by because i'm on 4chan anyway
You’d think having young people make you “feel old” is a bad thing, but there’s actually a pleasant sense of superiority in feeling old, as if experiences create some kind of earned greater status instead of being a coincidence of time that comes to everyone eventually.
From my experience fucking FtM twinks is always IUDs but I get what you're saying, sadly.
When 50% of FtMs detrans and the biggest representation of the group is yaoi addicted teenage girls changing nothing but their pronouns, it's no wonder so many people believe FtMs don't truely exist
Not because everyone is young and underage (that's also part of the problem) but because it's all women and tripfaggotry
I too am haunted by boogeymen in my head
Based thread for once.

FtMs should be allowed to transition (change their name and wear a binder) ONLY after getting pregnant with at least three kids.
>When 75% of MtFs stroke their male genitalia to little kids, it's no wonder so many people believe MtFs are all sexual predators
Trans people would find it easier to get societal acceptance if they fought against BPD/NPD AFABs and accepted that people shouldn't have access to HRT without gender dysphoria
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Based, same. I see cute ftm twinks as guys (unless they behave like spicy girls).

"Masculine" or fat disgusting ft"m"s will always be only mutilated women tho
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Fem ftms are the best. Nobody wants some gross mutilated fat afabs who think that they are "masculine"
>Trans people would find it easier to get societal acceptance if they fought against pedophile AMABs and accepted that if you don't have a chance of being stealth post transition, you shouldn't even bother
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Gender dysphoria doesen't exist, it's either autogynephilia, incelism (for amabs) or attention seeking (for afabs)
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Nobody cares about some mentally ill/attention seeking girls who mutilate their bodies.
Most normal people don't even know that ftms exist.

Meanwhile trans womacks make cannot stop themselves from grooming kids and destroying female sports
Be my pregnant slave
I don't believe in gatekeeping hrt for anyone over 18
(Attractive) Ftms, what would you do if you would get raped and pregnant?
Here’s a side profile from a 12 year old device that takes better pictures than my brand new phone. Anyone good with anatomy able to estimate how faggy my jaw is? I wanna play with facial hair styles for once but it’s my only brainworm
Women who mutilate their bodies to this degree deserve to be put in labour camps

what does it even mean
I would never get an IUD as it’s way to invasive, also they fucking fail all the time which is retarded. Retard doctors not knowing how to do a procedure they’re getting paid hundreds of dollars to perform. Nexplanon all the way
Gloves don't be a pussy
you should get pregnant
I don't think you should shave it but trimming it a bit to give it more shape would probably look better
Lol, I'm sure that women love 5'6 mentally ill mutilated afabs.
Get pregnant
I probably will later
ftmg gets worse each day
When I become president I’m going to make /ftmg/ great again
I miss what it was a few years ago. It should be masculine bullshit, sex talk and nudes, helping each other transition, and maybe some discussion of anime, all the mtfags and cissies need to gtfo, all the anxious femoids not on T need to stfu, and the pregnancy stuff needs to stop being so retarded. It can stay because it’s my fetish but people need to be more creative and stop essentially spamming the board. The word twink should be banned from the board
I’m gonna start an Onlyfans, not even for money, I just love taking pictures of myself in a sexual way. I’m trying to get verified right now and it’s a pain
I'm pregnant.
Your tiny chronically disabled female body couldn't even handle a baby coming out of your used goods cavernous vagina, that'a how dainty and feminine you are
Tbh it's been pretty bad for a while now, it's always trips and their simps spamming fetish bullshit. It's the only gen I check semi regularly but at this point it's gone beyond annoying and it's just really boring.
Most people in /ftmg/ probably aren't even ftm anyway. It's impossible to find a decent ftm space online
you ever think about popping babies out?
>It's impossible to find a decent ftm space online
I always wish I knew how to code so I could make a forum for ftms. It would die quickly but it'd be fun while it lasted
you're so shit at baiting it makes me mad
> cavernous vagina
I wanna start a band and call it this
do you get mad often?
iuds are birth control
How is your womb? Are you ready to get pregnant?
based, numbers concur
Theyfabs, ftms, and bi women love me. 5'10 btw
you look good, why are you even here ?
i got my first binder, its uncomfortable as fuck but at least i dont have 36Ds anymore
lol good

This coming from a trans man who is pregnant. This is clearly dumb fetishy bait

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