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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Why is there a /lesgen/ but no /HSTSgen/?
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transbians get 2 gens but then they get upset if we even have one??
/lesgen/ is for both cis and trans lesbians. I make it most of the time and I’m cis.
No one is stopping you from making it, lazy faggot.
cuz hsts are disgusting larpers and got purged from the board
y'all literally have /gaygen/ stop complaining
simple, an HSTS would never make a general
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That's what chasergen is for
i really hope trump wins, cuz this faggot larping of hsts is mainly only done in US trannies so yall being purged will make the community better for the rest of the world
It pops up every now and then. It's just not popular enough to survive being up all the time.
I don't know how to make a gen. They have all the info and stuff and the link. I think someone with a computer should do it.
to make a gen you just like type hstsgen in the name like this and a picture and you dont need all the extra stuff hstsgen dosent have that and i only ever post on my phone so its like that
a trans woman than sleeps with a cis man is a faggot and a trans woman that sleeps with a cis woman is straight?
Husstussies are too busy working the streets and hanging with the girlies to be posting on 4chan (terminally malebrained website)
wouldn't this just be like chasergen tho? I mean that's basically it isnt it?
um no i dont want to date chasers i want to date normal straight guys ok
even if i did want to date chasers i dont want to like talk about them all the time like i want them to only see my best so like chasergen is for them but hstsgen is for us so next year after ffs i wont ever say im trans and then when i have srs i can just date whatever guys i want
chasergen is overrun with agp transbians
also lots of chasers turn out to be agp to we need spaces just for huss
Yeah straight trans women are too busy being street prostitutes (fawning/aspirational)
Sometimes I just want to talk to other straight trans women without interacting with men. /chasergen/ is like explicitly for guys who want to fuck trans girls.
hussgen threads are always full of agps seething though
hussies don’t know to post generals because their nails are too long to type on their phone and they don’t know what to say with speech to text. and they don’t use computers
so true like we never do that in agpgen but hstsgen is always like mostly agp
hstsgen never works and agps go into it to call us gay men
and theyre right
stay jelly stay smelly
:c i’m gonna cry stop bullying us
omg girl its ok they are just mean like they dont have a happy life its ok to cry but just dont let them hurt you like they dont even matter they are just mean
i use to, maybe ill make one right now
Already did
This is what a disgusting manipulative AGP rapehon is like.
>ohhh I want to talk to other "straight" transomen but those disgusting MEN are in the way,come on here girlies come to momma and let me gro-talk to each other and cuddle tehee :)
It does exist and is called chasergen
Do you really think a gen full of potential "mating partners" would be safe from chasers?
transbians have overrun chasergen for months now
They have overrun the chasergen discord let alone the gen itself on this board. Either they are the most parasitic organisms imaginable or Unchaser was right about the "all of them are transbians or meta attracted transbians" thingy.
all mtfs become transbians eventually
This. Unchaser was not a shitposter. He was a whistle blower.
we need him back
>tranny larping as a cis woman
bring back shame lmao
I'm an AGP rapehon for wanting a thread to talk to other people like me with no pressure that they're going to try to fuck me? Huh?
I'm an AGP rapehon for wanting a thread to talk to other people like me with no pressure that they're going to try to fuck me? Huh? Sounds like projection
Playing stupid now rapehon? Read the premise of the entire thread again. You are entering the very few straight transwoman spaces when you have literally thousands of transbian spaces of your own. As was the program you are now gonna pretend to be the victim of transphobia when you got called out on your creepy behaviour. Ofc admitting what you are doing would be admitting to being the manipulative rapey parasite you truly are.
>I want to be in a space where there's no pressure that anyone is gonna try to fuck me and I can talk to people like myself
>Waowww she clearly wants to be in a space where everyone wants to fuck her and she can perv out
Wut. Insane levels of assumption. I'm not into women, I never have been, I never will be, and I have a long-term boyfriend.
If you for one second think lying on the internet is gonna divert suspicion off of you you are dead wrong sociopathic rape beast.
jannies unironically are AGP freaks and will delete the thread, it's been tried before
critical support to lago's transphobia
im a gold star transbian and i think /hsts/ gen would be great but the average /hsts/ is too busy to sit on 4chon to post on a general regularly is my theory.....
go to your faggy alien site you dumb bitch /tttt should be for huss only
*Who want to love trans girls

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