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/HSTSgen/ is a thread for all straight trans girls. Guys, talk if you want but please don't get creepy.

QOTT: When did you realize that you were a girl? How long afterwards did it take you to transition?
for as long as i can remember but like my mom says when i was 3 or 4 i used to say like im a girl and i remember that when i was like 5 or 6 and also i wanted a dollhouse in my room and watch girl shows but then in school i wanted to play with the girls not the boys then my hair was so long and pretty so they just caled me a girl but i didnt know what trans is then so i didnt come out to my mom like im trans til i was 15 and started hrt at 16 like i tryed to come out when i was 12 and i passed perfect then but i waited to long
did anyone see lilahs new video yet? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oaz0wQxNzp8
itt: closeted faggots
I have accepted that im such a faggot i may as well be a woman, its better than the alternative of being a coomer skinwalker
never thought i was a girl on the inside, i was just naturally alienated from men, could only ever really interact with women and never thought of myself as different
always hated getting photographed
I'm an open faggot, I'm so gay I get to be a girl <3
i was always a girl on the inside but me to with the photos thing like i didnt like school pictures ever and didnt do them but when i had long hair then i liked photos and now i take lots of selfies but i hope after my ffs i can like that better
just before puberty started i began under eating to try and stunt my development. i didn’t realize it then, but this was the first active step i took to try and become more feminine. closer to the end of puberty i realized i was trans. still took my dumbass a year or two to give in and start hrt, still my biggest regret
i’ve always had girl thoughts and just played with girls as a kid. transitioned at 16. my body passes but my face was kinda bad but i got ffs last week and i had a checkup today and i liked the results and the doctor was happy how i turned out c: my face is still swollen i rolled in my sleep last night so one half is more swollen than the other.
fully realised when i was 15 or 16 then waited for a while before i could start transitioning at uni
i was always pretty dysphoric, but when i was in middle school i think i accepted i was trans even though i didn’t like it and had to fight it really hard because of my family. i remember like this chill going down my spine and getting a little like cold/unfocused whenever i heard or read the word trans. but trans was rare back then (25)

when i was 18 my friend sat me down and kept asking if i was trans and i would dodge the question, but she persisted until i said yes. and then she gave me birth control since it has estrogen in it LOL i got my hrt prescription a few months later. i figured i was going to kill myself anyways, i might as well try
>When did you realize that you were a girl?
Idk, I felt like it was unfair to not be treated as one when I was a kid and I always wished to be one. It made me happy whenever I was seen as a girl or referred to as one. I only learned about trans stuff at 15, but I knew I wanted to transition instantly when I did.
>How long afterwards did it take you to transition?
Got stuck waiting till 18 because of my mother and step-dad being hostile. Ended up being another year while the doctor "took care of my depression" (despite my therapist recommending treatment after seeing me for 9 years at that point).
this !! i could hang out with boys for a little bit but usually they were pretty mean to me, but i felt like this invisible line about being friends with girls and that i’d be socially killed if i crossed it

but when my dysphoria started getting really really bad it felt like something changed and people started treating me different and in high school i stopped being able to be friends with guys at all, and i also realized it was way way way nicer and easier being friends with girls and that they treated me way better, and made sure i didn’t get bullied

i always hated pictures though, i still do, even though i “mostly pass” according to this board and wherever else i’ve posted
idc if it makes me a faggot, i like being seen and treated as a girl, it makes me happy, and it means more to me than anything else in the world
>When did you realize that you were a girl?
I knew something was off before (just a general sense of disease with my body and how I was seen), but I didn't definitively decide that I was a girl until I was around 14.
>How long afterwards did it take you to transition?
I waited to transition until I graduated high school at 18. I don't regret waiting, as I was at a small Texas high school and it would've gone extremely poorly. Also things ended up working out in the end, 10+ years later and I pass/am done transitioning, and am happy.
my parents cut my hair after a certain age and gave me a buzz cut
yeah i didn't get along with men very well, it would always end up with me being bullied since i was never wanted to insult them or fight them, i didn't and still don't understand many male culture things
once i grew older i started to get alienated from women as well though not as much anymore (i don't pass but still look feminine)
to be perfectly honest a lot of why i so desperately wish i transitioned pre puberty is so that i would never have to *worry* about passing and the crushing/debilitating anxieties over if i pass or not. it would be guaranteed since i’d never have gone through male puberty
Totally valid. Honestly if I'd lived anywhere but Texas I likely would've transitioned a lot younger. In some places you just can't without moving though. Just wasn't worth the risk of getting hate crimed & made into a major school issue.
Wished I was a girl since like 6-7 (first grade in the US) but at the time my parents were talking about how bad/demented/twisted it was that my gay cousin would wear dresses so I didn’t say anything. Transitioned at 20 when I learned HRT wouldn’t just give me gyno and make me infertile.
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Is this the AGP polycule thread where AGPs pretend they are HSTS,that their meta attraction is valid and flirt with each other?
>When did you realize that you were a girl?
never, i just realized that every relationship i would ever have with a straight guy would always turn into me longing for them and the guy only giving me bits and pieces of love before going back to his girl. it wasnt enough and i became resentful. i decided transitioning was best option for making the guys i like stay.
How long afterwards did it take you to transition?
late teens the day after i got stood up by a straight guy i liked
As one of the few hussies on this board, let me be clear: I want nothing to do with you bitches.
i've never been attracted to a woman
Yep pretty much. Watch as these "HSTS"s start flirting with each other in 20 posts more. Thus the no men rule. They don't want men to disrupt their larp polycule.
kek ok ima try to figure out a thread idea to weed out the larping coomer agps
Ya can't. They infiltrate everything. This board used to have a chasergen discord for mtfs and cis m to talk to each other and it is now a tranbian discord with transbian mods because they infiltrated even that. Why do that? Because they want to monopolize everything and the idea of mtfs talking and flirting with men triggers their (very) autistic rage and rape instincts.
>i could hang out with boys for a little bit but usually they were pretty mean to me, but i felt like this invisible line about being friends with girls and that i’d be socially killed if i crossed it
I get that.
I only had girls as friends up until like high school, after that I was so scared of more bullying from guys (after rough middle school years) that I kept away. I made 2 guy friends (eventually slept with both) and didn't spend time with girls again until my last year of school. There's truth to it socially killing you. Being seen as gay is bad enough for your social life, but having no guy friends just gives them more ammo.

I'm in a happy monogamous relationship with my bf.

You can't
i think its possible, you just have to make threads centered around what agps/transbians/coomers are truly not interested in: men.
it's possible to not think about dick 24/7 and still be attracted to men, if you think it's impossible maybe you're not really HSTS and only like to fetishize it?
Doesn't work. /chasergen/ is infested with transbians/AGPs despite being a gen specifically made to include men. Nothing stops them from infiltrating shit and taking over communities where they don't belong.
Once I was in a private chat, and one of the most active members ended up being outed as a former prom king, frat boy linebacker who had public dating profiles where he tried to pick up women in college. The owner of the chat was his friend before this came to light and was completely blind-sided. Literally, mtfs will completely rewrite their entire past in order to infiltrate.
Chasergen was open to bisexuals from the start though, and even had a separate channel for girls to talk amongst themselves apart from men. These two components made it doomed from the start.
it's unavoidable
yea they just want what we have it dosent matter if they even like it they dont stop copying us and make fun of us
when I was little I thought I was a girl like my sister until I was forced to get a haircut.
>Thought about it when I was 12 how nice it would be
>Started puberty at 16 and started heavily wanting to transition.
>Came out at 17 because I thought NHS was the only way. It went not great.
>Started hrt through gendergp at 18
>Been doin the past year and half on diy.
>21 in 5 Months. Still in boymode due to parents.

I so wanna be a girl. All I want is nice hair and a good body and just be able to relax and be myself, maybe then I'll get a boyfriend :/
yeah i can definitely see the socially killing you part be true. i think i was very fortunate that the girls at my school were so protective of me, i don’t think i could handle experiencing that, i already had really bad social anxiety from my parents berating me for not being able to act enough like a boy. i really tried
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It kinda makes sense because there’s so many more straight / bi men than gay men. In my high school there was only like 5 out gay guys including me (i transitioned after graduating) and I went to a school of 3000.

Straight transgirls are now the minority of an already marginalized group. every trans girl I’ve met irl used to be a straight dude and they either have cis female girlfriends or they flirt with me. And I just find them.. unrelatable. Like they have different personalities than us. I get along with my online straight trans friends and I feel like we’re sisters but with the bi / lesbians their personalities are a bit stifled.
yea like i dont like the transbian culture at all and they are like all trans girls are like this like no were not like that
and all my irl friends are guys i am tired of being friends with cis women desu.
how do you mean, like saying gaming lingo and being like an ex edgy kids or smth.
omg i hate the ex edgy kids thing like i was bullyed when i was a kid and i hate that agps who used to be like that so that was so creepy to find out and also like all they talk about is like video games or creepy sex things and just being mean and not caring
i once saw hearts of iron iv or something on a cis f female's laptop
Best part,THE BEST FUCKING PART is that when they shit up and take over a space where they don't belong they cry transphobia and play the victims to keep control of said space. Holy fuck I hate them.
i’m ngl i think the mean and uncaring thing applies to a lot of hsts girls as well, especially when it comes to demeaning other trans girls. i think people can only really learn kindness from experience it, and sadly most trans people don’t
Sorry if this sounded rude.
qott: when did i realize i *wanted to be* a girl or when did i realize that becoming a tranner was something *i could actually do*? very diff answers :\
i usually joke that my gayness was so high it hit integer overflow and looped back to straight :3
honestly it only really bothers me when they dont play nice with the chaser/tranner dichotomy. like yea, ur technically a vhaser, but the entire point is that chasers and tranners have their roles in this game to play. transbians and bishits really edge the fence of both of those and disrupt the flow of the threads.
ok yea that is so true im sorry i dont mean to be like that with agps like yea i mean we have blaire white but yea im happy that some people are kind to me so im kind to or i try to be nice but im not nice all the time ether im sorry
how long have you known your online friends?
ew no i have a boyfriend

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