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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Does anyone else feel frustrated having to date and have sex with men?

All throughout my teens and young adulthood, women completely ignored me romantically. I would quickly develop attractions to female friends but I was socially conditioned out of this by women-- once they noticed, they took special effort to make clear they were not interested or available. I soon learned to suppress attraction to women to maintain social relationships.

At the same time, men would always enthusiastically and aggressively pursue me. They always assumed I liked men and would ALWAYS assume I was a bottom. My efforts to be standoffish or frosty just made them assume I was playing hard to get.

After being completely denied sex and romantic affection well into adulthood, I finally couldn't stand it. The need to be with another person was overwhelming. So reluctantly, grudgingly, I submitted.

First it was just a one night stand with one guy. But after more time went past my willpower broke and i did it again, and then again. Soon I was having sex with men regularly and I had started estrogen.

my sexuality quickly began to be overwritten. I became so accustomed to routine penetration and being manhandled that I just couldn't sustain any sexual thoughts or feelings about other women.

I still know women are more attractive and that I was supposed to be having sex with women and becoming a strong husband and father, but now I do things like shave my legs, wear dresses, paint my nails, I even voice trained because looking like a girl while having a male voice was too awkward. I went from never having sex to regularly coupling with my boyfriend. I became accustomed to the taste of cock and started to crave it. Men started to replace women in my fantasies.

I was forcibly feminized by society and my doctors because i was an autistic beta incel failure of a male and I've been trapped inside a seductive, painted female vessel.
A lot of guys experience dry spells where they can't get laid. It forces you to either deep dive into introspection on why you can't get a gf, or give up ig. Straight guys do not turn gay over not getting pussy. You were probably always bi and decided to be with men rather than remain a bincel.

I never has any interest in gay sex. I wanted to have frequent heterosexual intercourse as a dominant misogynistic male chad, and it was completely impossible because I freeze up around women.

I was desperate and miserable, and the only way out was to become a girl and be the girlfriend.

Women did this to me through the collective power of sex selection and social conditioning and I will forever be bitter about it.
I wish I had this option but I would be a disgusting norwooding boomerhon
>tfw no cute incel to fuck the boy out of, and gradually feminize in to being my submissive cocksucking whore
So it's a larp thread or a slide thread to oWn whoever you're mad at. You are a true faggot, dw about losing your manly honor.

I'm sorry you think I'm sliding, larping, or trolling, but I'm just saying the truth that I can only post anonymously online.

I am a seething angry male forcibly trapped in the body of an attractive trans woman. Every time I see a smug confidant chad with his girlfriend in public i get a tremor of envy and anger, I suddenly become deeply aware that. My balls have been removed and I will never have that he has. I will only ever be the sweet submissive girlfriend to a man. I am also deeply ashamed that everything the bullies said about me in school ended up being right.
I had the opposite experience. I got asked out a lot by women and would kinda just awkwardly turn them down, but would have crushes on straight guys who would end up being homophobic towards me.
We are both yearners, just in different ways.
I don't know, I kinda see myself in you despite not even having really started transition.

Any tips?
you were bullied into being trans and taking cock from stronger, more dominant men.
bullying works

Unfortunately I have to admit this is true.

I was constantly bullied for my feminine mannerisms, lisp, limp wrist, crossing legs, skipping, thin pale physique. One large Hispanic bully in my art class in 10th grade just loudly started saying to me in front of me that I liked to suck cock, over and over. I literally broke down in tears and ran away. Because I didn't have the presence of mind to deny it, it was just accepted as true. No matter how hard I tried to fight it, it followed me liek a dark prophecy, eroding my confidence with women and making me act submissive and quiet around other men. I could literally hear that bully's voice in my ears as I finally sucked cock for the first time.

*in front of everyone
Please get an AO3 or something, this is hot.

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