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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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>“I lost my son, essentially. They call it ‘deadnaming’ for a reason. The reason they call it ‘deadnaming’ is because your son is dead. My son, Xavier, is dead — killed by the woke mind virus.”

>The SpaceX founder — who boasts a net worth of nearly $200 billion — said he was making it his mission to stamp out the gender-reassignment procedure for kids in the wake of his child’s transition.

>“I vowed to destroy the woke mind virus after that,” he said. “And we’re making some progress.”


Yes, this is what conservatives actually think about you and your rights. You can stop making excuses for them now.
elon gave his son his agp gene
*his agp mind virus
Kindly sirs,liberal wokeness will lose. I am from virginia oblast i vote trump 2024
So if Musk Jr. just used their deadname, are we to take it that that this fragile bitch would be OK with it?
his daughter is hsts
>He bought Twitter in April 2022 and immediately the website was taken over by anti-trans rhetoric

Did he really buy Twitter just to get back at his kid? How petty
So let me get this straight
>spoiler brat billionaire manages to get it up long enough to get someone pregnant
>refuses to understand their child because they're too busy getting absurdly baked and going down conspiracy rabbit holes
>child transitions
>"this is the woke's fault"
>resolves to eliminate people like his child instead of changing himself

Why do people like elon again? Because he was good at making alot of money? Imagine anyone taking this dude seriously if he was broke.
no shit, every cis men are agp it comes with the y chromosome
he will not be "okay" until all the doctors and scientists are swinging from trees and all the books in the US have been burned
unfathomably insane cope
Based Elon.
As an lgb person, I support the battle against the woke virus
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she kinda look like an agp
Elon talked about how she was obviously a gay kid from a young age. It's very easy to tell in the pictures of her as a boy too
Cool, can he provide a single piece of evidence that any trans medical treatment was given to his kid as a minor?
Any evidence at all of his story.
why is one of the richest men on earth using "woke mind virus" unironically
is he just taking twitter shitposts seriously or something
Back around 2014 he was a guy people liked because they thought the idea of a new west in Mars was cool.
people liked him because he normalized electric cars
Yes because he's a dipshit. He's probably a 4chan regular and unironically complains about the woke mind virus while browing /pol/.

Stop equating wealth with intelligence, it's not what makes them rich.
Probably doesnt even raise his own kids fucking loser
The main thing preventing electric cars from being normalized is Lithium supply and car/gas manufacturers aggressively marketing (lobbying) against it.
electric cars is a scam built on child miners
>not a minor, a MINER
>car/gas manufacturers aggressively marketing (lobbying) against it
What a retarded belief, EVs get massive political subsidies and government regulatory schedules are poised to effectively ban new gas powered vehicles in coming years. What are you smoking?

Wrong reply but yeah electric is a scam. Enjoy starving and sourcing from russia
He’s humanity’s best hope of ascending our current state of decay and degeneration, so if he dies, all our hope dies with him. And if he succeeds, we all may rise up with him.

So is it really a wonder why people like him and wish for him to succeed with his ventures?
>state of decay
>He’s humanity’s best hope of ascending our current state of decay and degeneration
Oh yeah it'll be so different if we go to Mars and just act like the same old assholes out there
Humans need food. He hasnt done anything to progress humanity. A new rocket and car and twitter doesnt solve any problems
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lol wordfiltered sometimes I swear I can call someone a cuck (keck? cuckold keckold?)
Switch to the new sodium-ion batteries & you can destroy the environment without the risk of running out of raw materials, although cost more than lithium at the moment, I imagine it won’t stay that way for long given it’s a far less limited resource compared to lithium.
well if he loved a tranny, he would be a huge advocate for tranny right.. imagine what we've lost with this
I mean Elon is right. Wokeness and troonism are cancerous.
The cyber truck is modeled after him
many such cases
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I remember when I was a kid and liberals and lefties and hippies actually cared about conservation, they worried about endangered species and preserving forests. Now they’ve got their useful idiots convinced it’s actually more environmentally friendly to chop down a forest for a solar farm and if you don’t want your neighborhood woods replaced with projects for illegals, you’re racist
>people liked him before he started acting like a pants-on-head retard
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yea but she is a hsts
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yea look at her and her twin brother and you can see it like he stands like a boy but she is doing that pose and has the wide hsts smile even then

I appreciate the shared psychosis of this board, but idk if it's appropriate to put this dynamic on a literal child.
Elon is right.
its not but elon is the one who said she is gay when she is 4 and she is like 20 now so now we can say shes a hsts
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It appears that Elon is fine with his son being gay, but he has a problem with him being tranny. I believe that being tranny will not help the whole stakeholders. picrelated.
faggots have no place in society and Muslims know it too. trooning is an upgrade from twink death.
elon would probably not actually be fine with his son being gay
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His best friend and partner is gay - Peter Thiel. A gay person will not ask you to use his pronouns properly. A gay person is just another normal dude who happens to be into men.

Trannies DEMAND EVERYTHING - ATTENTION, PRONOUNS, ETC. Elon have a problem with this.
elon would have a problem with his son being gay because he's autistic about his bloodline. That's why he has like 10 kids with a bunch of different women
it's not the same with his "friends" or whatever being gay, because he doesn't expect them to be little copies of himself
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Nope, Elon has a problem with trannies, period.
Shes like 22 or something
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There's an interview with Elon Musk where he is told that a singularity that hates humanity could also come to Mars and destroy things there and he acts completely shocked, he thought Mars colonies would solve all of humanity's problems. Mars under Musk would be a planet sized Epstein's Island
>legalized sex work
>aoc is 15
Wtf I love musk now.
What a snowflake lol
Just accept that your granddaughter is trans, no need to ruin the event over that.
Thanksgiving dinner shouldn't be about you, period. It is really rude. Plus that dinner would be his last before his death. Unless you want him to regret what he fought for.
>stamp out gender-reassignment procedure for kids
Is there any evidence Elon's child had surgeries or HRT before 18? If not, Elon's proscription for banning child transition procedures is unfounded.
I just read a few online news articles and they are super thin on details. The most they said was she came out in a text to her Aunt in 2016. The rest just mention name change at age 18.
This right here gives it away that Elon doesn't really dig gays either. Elon is a white nationalist and likely supremacist. He believes white genes are superior to everything else on earth and the main crime his child committed was sterility, not transition. If Elon's kid went on a rampage and knocked up 5 different chicks and transitioned at, say 25, Guaranteed Elon would not give one shit. Elon, like so many other cishet parents, want grandchildren, PERIOD. So yeah he dresses it up like that, saying he wants his gay *(coughwhisper *white*) gay friends to have kids, you know, for civilization.
She didn't make it about her, he did.
He could just have been polite and not made her transition a topic of discussion, but no he had to be an asshole.
>Unless you want him to regret what he fought for.
My grandparents grew up in nazi germany and they had no issue with me trooning out.
Hell, my grandma even taught me.how to sew and encouraged me to present more feminine.
musk derangement syndrome is real af

How is he a white supremacist when he’s importing poojeets by the cybertruckload?
So, I'm going to guess you are talking about importing H1B visa holders into tech jobs? Ok, thats modern day slavery, work those people at sub-market wages and if they cause trouble and get fired, they are expelled by law. Of course a fucking oligarch would love his slave class operation. What other dumb shit do you have, chud?
It’s amazing how I can read these two posts and tell you anon’s thoughts on Israel-Palestine and a dozen other unrelated things. Original thought is dead. Social media has literally trained their brain with dopamine reward mechanisms. Human AI.
If you actually believe this you are unironically too retarded to live. How much money did you lose buying NFTs, npcAnon?
it's truly pathetic you think it's Elon who is going to get us out of any of that, and not the genius engineers, scientists, mathematicians etc. doing the actual work while he just "owns" things.
>Elon have a problem with this.
1. you're illiterate, it's "Elon has"
2. that's not his problem with trans people, none of these people are ever honest about their reasons.
> yeah cool be gay
> but have straight sex please
yeaaaaaah he supports them alright, lmao...
No, you should shut the fuck up and eat.
>My grandparents grew up in nazi germany and they had no issue with me trooning out.
>Hell, my grandma even taught me.how to sew and encouraged me to present more feminine.
Yeah sure. Rabbi, don't forget your vaginal dilation routine.
You desperately need to edit the flag part to not imply that intersex and black people should be gassed lol
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This thread
I didn’t defend Elon Musk though.
Was raised by an elon type.
If his kid has come out as gay his made up story would be about some preschool “girlfriend” and how he was autistic and too shy to talk to girls and too close to his mother.
It only changes to “he’s gay!” because he’s a troon.
If the kid caved tomorrow and detrooned, musk would start harping on the gay part and try to get that rolled back too.
Give an inch etc
So it was over from day one. Why is he so mad about it.
>Oh no my fruit son now wears a dress and goes by a girl name
>wtf how did this happen???
Thiel hates him and vice versa. He was forced out of PayPal for being an incompetent bitch.
I was prepared to take Elon’s side if they were a rogd transbian but it sounds like his kid was literally born with a fagcent.
I agree. Parents can be more "okay" with a gay kid because it's easier to hide. If the kid starts being more openly gay however then they will get nasty.
>if your kid acts like a whore you get upset
No, more like “being gay is ‘fine’, but if you bring someone you’re dating home I’ll be sure you regret it, and I’ll never stop asking about marriage and kids”
Half the people in the world want desperately to murder us and are willing to destroy the country and world just have the chance to murder us. I wonder a lot if maybe our existence really is that bad and shouldn't be normalized.
That’s only because your parents realize you’re the bottom.
Shut up adults are talking
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My family (including grandfather) loves my manly husband cuz he helps them a lot and takes care of me. I believe my family knows that I am bottom, but they don't care cuz they like my chad more. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

"the woke mind virus" is literally the most retarded name possible they could've given to it
The real mind virus is the early onset dementia we made along the way
It makes them sound like nazis babbling about "judeobolshevism" and "cultural degeneracy", which to be fair, they are.
Musk is a retard but he makes people i despise seethe and, after he bough twitter, cope so i can't dislike him.
Same bestie. Same reason I can’t seem to dislike Israel either.
I hate all governments and i hate muslims so it's complicate with them jews
Elon also got cucked by a trans-woman.
Is that you in the video
this is not a mode that Elon operates in
to Elon his child is indeed dead
Nope, they had the Ahnenenpass
god what a retard
He's got like 200 kids, he'll get over it.
I bet Elon reads these threads
Elon you're the saddest most brainbroken little dick egocuck the world has ever known
Your wife left you for a trans woman with a bigger dick than you and all of your kids hate you and your daughter hates you so much she'd rather have zero money than have to see or speak to you one single time
Comedy will always be legal because your life will always be writ in the Akashic Record for the whole universe to point to and laugh throughout all eternity
Elon the kind of father to wish you were dead rather than accept who you are
i wonder if he would feel differently about his kids if he had spent time with them rather than banging grimes
It was either that or Tumblr, and I guess he already knew that platform wasn’t as popular with the lgbtqia group as much anymore after their whole porn band, which caused the great migration from there.
>You can stop making excuses for them now.
I may be retarded but I'm not veggie tales. I hate conservashits and have for a long time.
>gay and slightly autistic, two attributes that contribute to gender dysphoria
shit theyre onto us
Ya but he's a hyper billionaire, of kourse he was gonna align with the right when being pro LGBTQ took more than a modikum of effort, and the right promises muc lower taxes and regulations
Also he bought Twitter, he was destined to be a right wing skizo
>redditors liked him before they realized he wasnt a self loathing leftist
theyll never get twitter back and its funny
>I was prepared to take Elon’s side if they were a rogd transbian but it sounds like his kid was literally born with a fagcent.
they're not going to pick you
pick ur friends, not ur nose - abraham lincoln
musks have children obsession comes from his father. hes made it pretty clear that his trans daughter being likely sterile is a huge part of why hes so mad about her transitioning
I am them
Trannies are lost in thrall to the transgender demon. They're basically just meat puppets with no human soul, or individual cognition of their own.
Your rights are the woke mind virus. They both need to be destroyed completely.
they hated him because he spoke the truth
>one of the richest and most powerful men in the world using "woke mind virus" unironically
This is actually terrifying. He really bought twitter JUST to shit on trannies rather than trying to understand his child
Why is it terrifying? We've successfully identified the problem, just like unsuccessfully identified your gender identity. Our mode of existence will conquer your shitty one.
Yes, and our goddess is more powerful than any human institution or empire.
Don't reply to me, thing
>gender blob calling anyone else thing
lol lmao even
Do you know what’s actually LEGITIMATELY terrifying? The fact that literally billionaires are being mindbroken by dopamine-delivering social media algorithms and society still scoffs when you try to insinuate that it needs to be regulated like any other drug.

It’s electronic cigarettes with worse quality of life outcomes and we refuse to take it seriously because our stupid monke brains can’t get past the fact it’s not delivered pharmacologically.
Even older folks who didn't grow up on the net are through smartphones and social media glued to the screen. My grandpa does basically nothing but doomscroll and regurgitate Fox News. It's wild, and rather than terrify me it shows that people are glorified animals, reprogrammable animals. Yuval was right about that at least. Instead of lamenting the fact we should be focused on programming them beneficially.
That’s the real reason people hate modern media. It doesn’t have to do with wokeness or whatever it has to do with you unconsciously recognizing each show is de facto written and directed by the same human being, their neural pathways homogenized onto a single track by the social media spaces they share. Actual AI feels less predictable than conversions with and the thoughts of real genuine human beings these days (which is probably why it’s taken off). Just reading one post you can immediately know within a high degree of certainty a person’s opinions and the way they’ll deliver those opinions on a litany of unrelated topics. Feels bad man
>What a snowflake lol
>Just accept that your granddaughter is trans, no need to ruin the event over that.
Ehhhh I just don't out myself to my grandparents and I dress in guy clothes around them. I think it's easier that way since I don't even see them a lot. They still have made remarks about me looking different though but I don't think they know the truth. What's funny is my grandpa specifically told me that I look good which is kinda funny because I look like a weird feminized eunuch faggot but maybe he said it because I stopped being depressed from untreated dysphoria and started taking very good care of myself
Yeah, it's really bad, it really is like a drug. I've been addicted to hard drugs and cigarettes and stuff so I know exactly how it feels. The same cravings, or just like unconsciously picking up a phone to scroll. I try to spend a lot of time away from technology doing other things like crafts and instruments and painting and going for walks and going out to hang out with people. It's really not good to get bombarded with this stuff. I totally avoid the news and political stuff because that's complete mindrot, I mostly use electronics to talk to friends or read books or sometimes play games
you keeping the rust off that cybertruck buddy?
Wow. He is a terrible father. Imagine your own parent posting this kind of stuff about you on Twitter. Like wtaf, that is awful
>There's an interview with Elon Musk where he is told that a singularity that hates humanity could also come to Mars and destroy things there and he acts completely shocked
I'm just continuously amazed by retards who think a computer could ever actually think.
>theyll never get twitter back and its funny
And they know it, which makes them prickly
>Names child Xavier
>Child renames herself to Vivian Jenna Wilson, none of which starts with X
He's just malding about it isn't he?
Has a tranny ever chosen a non cringe name?

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