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what's even the point? we can never come anywhere close
build for bbc.
I wish I had blue eyes.
In what country? I'm willing to move anywhere
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trans women can look like this. even though they're clocky they all look adorable. just shut up and work on your transition. manmode until you can afford the surgeries you need.
I know what you look like, attention whore. You're a hot girl. Between the girl in your webm, and what I've seen of you, it would honestly be a hard choice, I know you won't believe this but it is what it is. Now call me a homosexual faggot, it doesn't affect me because it's your job to go "aw gosh really tee hee am I pretty noooo you're just being nice" because you are a girl and that's what girls do
>ummm counterpoint: look at this hunched over anemic gremlin
homosexual faggot
listen buddy, i spend a large portion of my day looking at females, i think i got a pretty good idea of what one looks like
i feel like i've seen this webm with the same prompt every year for the past 4 years
can we get new material pls
If you only look at the absurdly hot ones your sample size isn't as large as you think it is.
you look like that though
>porn addict has unrealistic beauty standards
are we surprised?
on what planet LMFAO
Mikayla Demaiter is definitely an ugly japanese man who got hit by a truck and reborn into his ideal life.
this place is so mindrotted, no different than Susan's Place
think i got a representative sample group
I just noticed you're a tripfag. Keep it up.
stop watching porn for fucks sake
make me! vote republican to restrict/outright ban pornsites! i dare you.
>just have good bone structure bro
>just have a weak puberty bro
>homosexual faggot
You don't need to be bratty if you a cock in your ass, but I won't mind if you do
aw gosh really tee hee
no, like 1/3 of women have anything resembling hour glass or pear, and most pears are just obese.
I look like this btw
if she thought she looked good she wouldnt be covering her face
hugh, i really think you'd be happier if you detransitioned. you don't like your body, even with hrt, and being a manmoder, it must be very stressful hiding your gyno and such. the only thing hrt is doing for you is making your life harder. of course, you won't detroon. you'll just keep attentionwhoring on the 'cuck and gooning to diaper porn. you just love all the chasers, don't you. it's the only reason you haven't detrooned. you're so pathetic and lonely, it's the only thing in your life that you actually enjoy anymore, apart from being a complete gooner. you live in your mom's house, you have no friends, and you'll die alone at 23. now, if you desisted, you could have a life. you could find a hot woman like the ones you jack off to every day, impregnate her, get a nice job, and actually be happy. sure, you wouldn't get to live as a woman, but let's be honest, that wasn't going to happen anyway.
i think you deserve the way you feel
okay now tear apart big soph
It's why I repress even the ugliest cis woman omega mogs me.
I want to squeeze your sissy faggot neck, till you barely breath, bring you to your stupid useless knees, spit down you throat and slap you across your girly face till your finally happy or dead
the "average female" doesn't look like that
your name is hugh?
you are a statistical anomaly that brings down the rest of the data set and should not be counted
aw gosh really tee hee am I pretty noooo you're just being nice
>aw gosh really tee hee am I pretty
I want to hurt you so bad. Punch you in those exposed ribs, pull that long faggot girly hair and drag you across the room with it, kick you in that tiny anorexic sissy stomach with my 14" steel toes, piss all over your weak useless sexy body with urine the color of apple juice. God, I hate how you make me, and how you make everyone hate you so much
You Male Maxxx

Work out
Get laid
Be happy
can i do this while boymoding?
>God, I hate how you make me, and how you make everyone hate you so much
You sexy retarded sissy-brained piece of rapeable meat! I want you to rip you out of those poorly fitting "boyclothes" and molest you. Fondle those pathetic tiny tits and dig my big burly hands into those girly ribs, smell your greasy hair and bear down on your weak pathetic faggot body
>t. fat crossdresser with a male bone structure
>listen buddy, i spend a large portion of my day looking at females
like, online? lol.
what is this 30 IQ nonsense

Please don't tell me that's what I think it means...
what the fuck else could it mean dumbass?
Maximum Effort Friend :)
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multi ethnic fuckface
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You're delusional. My workplace is majority female staff and customers, they're average looking, by definition. This clip is of a model who has likely made looking good her living and also hit the genetic lottery, nowhere near average.

The middle one is super cute! She is goals and I'm not kidding. A bit disheveled, but cute.
Your understanding of what women looks like has been shaped by porn. I see lots of women everyday and they don't look like this, you can't gaslight me out of the conclusions reached by my own eyes.
u hang out in the ugly woman district i guess
I look exactly 100% identical to the woman in the OP? It was uncanny seeing this post, it was like looking in a mirror
>ugly woman district
You belong there, and I want to beat you till you're so brain damaged that all you can be is a useless blonde bimbo mannequin bitch! I want to rape that stupid faggot hole and mouth till you love it!
>You belong there
at least i would get to be around women
That's because you're a woman, you retarded fucking bitch! Jesus Christ, how bad I want to beat you like a housewife in the 50s that's ruined dinner. You need to be lobotomized and made into my slender fuckdoll! And I bet now you're gonna be upset that I think of you as a woman
I'm not saying that there are no women that look like OP, but it is rare. If you think the majority of cis women look like this, say (roughly) where you live. I've lived in multiple US states, and have traveled repeatedly to Greece and the UK. This is not an average cis woman in any of those places.
The average cis woman doesn't look like that, most are insanely mid. Actually most cis women are like obese. A lot of them are ugly and don't even try to look nice either. I think you mog the average cis woman you just keep looking at supermodels
the middest female has more worth than the hottest male
I've blown loads to mef. She's an angry elf. Cute angry elf lol.
Heya elf girl.
kill yourself RIGHT NOW
You always say that to me. I imagine you making those cute angry faces while shouting it at me. Adorable lol.
And you're the hottest trans female in this thread. You're literally built like a fashion model and made to be manhandled
my breasts are tuberous and my ribcage expansive
And my cock hard when I look at your pics and videos
If only we lived in a world where this was average.
Fucking grotesque
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Your tits are perfectly cute, sexy, suckable, and made to be fondled! Your whole midsection is totally sexy, petite, and made to be hugged by a big strong man forever. You're perfect
>my proof
Wow look at that beautiful hair. Post more of her.
No I'm the guy calling you an adorable elf.
That's not an average female, that's a op tier sexmaxxed bimbo
I want to put a shock collar around the adorable elfs neck and force her to be my housewife.
Nope. We just have the same idea; that you're better as a woman, even as a mentally disturbed trans woman. Dont you understand that there are people who find you attractive and want you to be happy?
>op tier sexmaxxed bimbo
most women
> Dont you understand that there are people who find you attractive and want you to be happy?
ya but they’re freaks tho
forgor tag
where do you live that the "average woman" looks like that
in the real world
ok well I live in the real world too and most women don't look like that by far
u live in ugly woman district
You're delusional as always mef, an average woman is shorter
That being said I'd still use your hair as reins for riding you, tying them together on both ends. Your midface serving as a pleasant addition to the whole roleplay neigh neigh
: — (
There's so many people ready to love you if only you could love yourself
i think so too
but i’m so gross and wnbawic and i don’t know if i want to love any of them or if i’m even capable
>but i’m so gross
Yeah that diaper business needs solving
desu it’s my best attribute
def not the best one
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i think picrel is a better example of the average female, tranners are like brittle twigs in comparison..
u r meanie
Nah that's actually what I like about you
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>they’re freaks tho
I'm definitely a freak, and want to get all freaky with you with you till you forget how stupid you are
>me on the right, cuddling with MEF
She looks disgusting and boring.
T. Afab
we can tell you’re afab by how you try to tear down attractive women
Why do you care about it? Who wants to look like a fish? I'm fishy enough as it is
Front page tourist back from my ban! The coping itt is hilarious, thanks for the laugh!

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