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extreme depression edition
last time >>36626343
qott have you ever felt hope? truly?
I feel hope 4 motherly gf
>>36630975 (lily)
do you think so
said every manchild ever
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SHE doesn't. That's just something you say when your goose is cooked either way.

And, for the record, being gendered correctly isn't a reward for good behavior. She is a woman.
I need more data
everytime I look at my boobs
And this applies to certain unpopular thread members too
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>have you ever felt hope? truly?
Of course I do. In all my endless suffering I never truly lost hope. Hope that things will get better. Hope that life becomes enjoyable. Hope that I can bring joy to those around me instead of being a messy by product of their own life progressing.

I almost lost hope once. It's been a long time since then. I gained it back, although it's not the same. I was pretty naïve back then. I thought things would always work out. I got what I wanted in life and took it for granted. The only way I could realize what I had was to lose it all, quickly. Decades of effort thrown away in a few weeks. It was a slow death. In a way, I did die a year ago. I haven't felt the same since last year. I see things differently. Expect different things. Approach life with a different set of rules. Rules aren't fun. The selfish desire for fun is why I need rules. Not only to protect myself, but to protect those around me. I died that night, I'm glad I did. I became something different. Better? I'm not sure yet. But definitely different.

Of course I have hope. I want to find out what comes next with this new life I have. It may not be as exciting, or rewarding, but who knows what the future holds for me.

Of course I still have hope. I don't think I'll ever lose it.
lagooner cooming buckets to this
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yeah sometimes but it's fleeting.
like earlier this year when i thought i could get my family to help with securing a loan for ffs.

don't know anything about this specific case but i gotta love the "sorry if u got offended" non-apology format.

tho the glasses are a new addition. idk if they look good but i like hiding part of my face behind em.
>have you ever felt hope? truly?
no lmao
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Biological ewie
I need to go to the grocery store. What should I make for dinner chat?
what kind ?
How young
kris is a whole ass man he honbeast with a kid and an ex wife, idk what you are talking about
toilet paper and tide pods soup, get some dog shit from the street too while you are at it
Make fried chicken but with brokenhot cheeto s
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i ended up soloing the extreme mode when my duo rando who helped me do hard mode bailed on me.
it gets a lot easier once u unlock anima power.

i got thin round rim ones and thick large rim ones. crazy how much they make me tweak sometimes by changing how i look.
I like Salad.
My dispensary let me use a preferred name before I legally changed my name, maybe ask if they have that option?
I've been filling out
but if I looked like a girl people wouldn't gender me male
they can tell I'm trans without me saying typically but that's it
I have never worn glasses but I do think the style makes a big difference on how people look
I have been trying to wear sunglasses more often bc I have blue eyes and people say they are weaker to sun damage
8weeks changes hardly anythinglbabygirl
This shit takes a lot of time
Yeah. I'm kinda surprised this isn't in place for anon. My dispensary lets me use a preferred name too
motoko vibe
What if I just tell people I took steroids for years to compete in powerlifting?
>they can tell I’m trans
that’s a pretty big deal considering kinda boymode clothing wise
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I bink I bill sleep soon.
coming up with lies to explain why you look a certain way is kinda cringe ngl

unless it's actually true then it's fine I guess
solve my ocd and suck my dick and you will never ever see me again
does anyone know a body proportions site where you can see how your proportions compare to most men and women
it is storming so hard here
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>men still want to "claim" me for their shit gender while also visible salivating at my body
pretty sure they start referring to you as a girl when they wanna fuck u regardless of ur passing status. it's an easy shortcut for them to take even if they don't believe ur rly a woman.

i got light sensitive eyes (also blue) so i used to wear sunglasses all the time in aus. here they're not really that necessary so regular glasses it is.
i could probably do without em and idk if they improve how i look but it is what it is. brain worms upon brainworms idk which ones are even real.

what was ur pb in this hypothetical?
me too that's why I suggested. I'm gonna have a Caesar salad today probably.
I mean, as a natural I did qualify for nationals back in like 2015
paige should kill himself to be quite honest
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>idk which ones are even real
advanced symptom : (
You could be grinding right now. This would fix all your issues
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I wear almost exclusively womens clothes
have since like 17
that's probably part of the reason because my hairstyle is androgynous and my face looks undeniably male
my shoulders are somewhat comfortably narrow
but even with my blessed weight distro no womans body looks remotely like this
so it honestly kinda confuses me
I spend alot of work on my eyebrows but from thread reactions it obviously that it looks like I don't do much
unironically I resemble picrel face wise
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>trying to find some new mods for the newer RE games
>they're all joke mods or porn mods
I don't know why I expected anything different
It was a reference to a certain vid but that being said
Mods take their existence
I want to scream
emotions r all over the place tonite
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get connection error every time i post and have to refresh page i think i'll go to bed instead fuk u moot.

what if i say i suffered from a hormone condition that caused a lot of testosterone to occur in my body during puberty? technically basically true.

is ur male pb realistic for a performance ennhanced female? the less u lie the better desu.

it might be terminal yeh.
why scream? for ice cream?
really wow I could have sworn you just had baggy sweaters and skinny jeans when I have seen you, I guess those are technically androgynous clothing but I meant like, I have never seen you in a dress
I dunno, in what situation would you need to explain that to someone?

No one's gonna ask
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Once the dings start.. there's no stopping..
deworming is risky and care intensive process but prob worth it
excellent tremor team anon
you're way overthinking your interactions. You mentioned you're only 8 weeks in. You'll grow out of it soon, you'll see.

After I legally changed my name and changed it everywhere else, it still randomly pops up in ways I never expect. Although, overthinking it is kinda pointless.

>few years ago, barely changed my name legally
>went to the oil change place for my car
>they scan my VIN
>Oil Guy: "Okay! So, another oil for [DEADNAME]?"
>take out my new driver's license
>"can you change it to that name?"
>Oil guy: "Sure! So, same oil change as usual [Real Name]?"
I wish I spent my resources getting ut4 on regret faust instead of yurodivy roshu but it's not the worst.
at least you aren't bricked

like 1% of the population is trans why do we need to educate kids in elementary school about hrt. because you're trans and it matters to you? even if you learned about hrt as a child, would your parents have let you transition?
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sometimes it comes up when doctors ask what medications ur on as a routine question and when u tell them hormone replacement they sometimes ask why.
or with laser i think they asked why these areas as part of initial questionnaire.

ivermectin my beloved?
Why would I be a brick. I'm very human
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I feel i can best you in a wrestling match
even less than 1% go to antarctica but u still learn about abtarctica.
can you make a real argument at some point or nah?
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it’s too late for that
can you like solve my ocd you worthless sacks of shit?
>can you make a real argument at some point or nah?
very aggressive, i love it, tell em
Middle to highschool makes sense
But elementary
Even thats a bit much.
I understand your point of view, but in this case were are speaking of those in elementary. They shoupd fpcus on studies rather than identity . Save that for middle to/hs as i have said
you missed out on Grade A voca
My lifts to this day get mugged by current natty girls
405/255/500 squat/bench/dead at 203 isn't particularly impressive
Surely this amount of stupidity can only be attached to an act
I had alot of dresses pre '21
but I didn't have any space to pack them when I got evicted
and before I knew I was going to be living with my mom I heavily prioritized not freezing to death over all else
so that's what I'm stuck with rn
I'd really love to dress nice and feel cute
used to have this pretty sundress I really liked
despite all my anxiety around little these things that don't matter
I don't have an issue looking like a crossdresser
it's just not embarrassing to me
but I do default to baggy jeans and baggy hoodies when feeling really depressed as a saftey behavior
Youre welcome to try
>you missed out on Grade A voca
Sorry. The movie just ended. Ill watch it when i can get the computer from sarah
Lol you cant handle
I got placed in choir for my 6th grade elective, wish I got chosen as castrati.
idk naz you don’t have to justify yourself to me I like the way you look and think of you as my friend
how was the movie I never saw either part
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God I hate living in this city sometimes everyone is so goddamn attractive and blonde meanwhile I'm over here looking like an estrogenized rat boy
>click on nerd video
>female voice
give us some pics of you wearing a dress naz fren, i am really horny rn
i thought they used those ice picks that go past ur eye.

studies of what? no anthropological subjects at all? here's no gendered stuff at all in elementary school?
yeah im gonna take that as a nah.
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I was originally gonna use picrel but it was too suggestive
Feel bad for non passing trains desu. I'm still boymoding and yet everyone I meet (I work a public-facing job and therefore see lots of people in person and on the phone) considers me a woman. It's been so easy for me honestly. With that said, if I wasn't poor, I'd have changed my name and stuff by now
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Bad Dragons have really gotten out of hand lately
You sound like an incel. Fuck off
What would you want to happen?
holy kek
you are god damn right brother, those nasty ass annoying foids enrage me too every time i see or hear them, fuk them for not having sex with me, i didn't want to sex them anyway
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What's the point of being so awesome if I have nobody to share this awesomeness with.
Id do anything to become a mommy to a girl
if you were so awesome you wouldn't be alone, sorry
Do I need to take an anti androgen if I want to take dutasteride?
I'm only on monotherapy e en injections rn
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Show boob
Not possible. I am the best

it's important to study geography because it applies to everyone on earth. it's not important to teach kids in elementary school about hrt because it will not apply to the majority of them. they can and will figure it out on their own. can you provide an actual argument or can you just post shitty analogies.
i am volcel
i just want them to leave me alone
bc it will make.me happy
why did i have to fall in love with one of you demons
I wish I had some to give
have you tried pimozide berry?
ooo, was it meeeee? <3
you don’t have a single thing to apologize for, to me : )
Def navy

when did you graduate.
im trying not to sperg post in every thread anymore about how i can't stop thinking about her and how i dream about her at night
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How's the night going
ebegging was successful then?
no meds, they could fuck up my dissociation and make me a good person again and i don't want that, not like i am bad or anything now, i am pretty nice
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Nigga it's one am. Don't try to be cute
Real very real
I have some stuff saved to engage on but my brain isn't working well and it doesn't let me pursue it
So many games mangas shows comics and movies are just sitting there waiting.. but my brain just thinks of them and says no
read a book nigga
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Erotica is pretty fun
11pm 1 am same thing really
literally have zero energy
this shit is so ass
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i wish i could stop lashing out so naturally when i feel upset or hurt
have you tried not being an alcoholic?
>how was the movie I never saw either part
It was really good. Very respectful to old school revenge flicks and wushu films
Yeah. It is very very hard to be a nonpasser. Im glad im passable too. Its good to be grateful.
Real girlboss shizz
Cute art
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You're actually supposed to be mad at me ma'am.
I wanna be a mommy
sob i didnt even get drunk yesterday i had 1 seltzer
i think most of it is just from depression+heat+extremely low cal dogshit diet where im not getting any real nutrients
If you dont have a trip i dont know who you are or care
absolutely based
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Adopt a little one
Weren't acting like that earlier but aight
>take a quick online version of the evaluation the vocational people did
>the results for jobs that suit me best
>creative writer
>video game designer
im going 2 shoot myself
I wanna be a mommy to a transgirl
was this whole thing just like an online personality quiz what the fuck
Then find the correct little one
You avifagged you moron thats basically the same as tripping but gayer. If you had filenames i would notice u but the world doesnt revolve around you no matter how dense u are
no it's like an official version of some organization's test thing
That's a whole lotta caring
I'm 15 mins from 1 am me personally
need black bf that never grew up around white people so he genuinely thinks i look like a girl
why would you want your kid to be a tranny

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I really really need to get my levels checked one of these days...
lol. Video game designer is cool tho. Best part of gamedev
i just wanna day grendel is a rly funny trip hehe
i loved that book
so what did they tell you
Top kek
We weren't talking about actual children.
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My grendel arc is almost completed im in denmark now just need to get my arm ripped off
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Someone give me a compelling argument for me to go to sleep now.
how tall are you?
if you don't go to sleep now, i will do a satanic spell on you and tomorrow morning you will wake up having an extra nipple so go to sleep
True true
You do not have that power
I didn’t even think of this
no but ik your address and i could send you a dick pic in the mail so be careful
dont you have to ask your mom for permission to breathe
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Why go to sleep when you can farm gacha?
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What's a grendel? A fairy tale creature?
Do you live in Denmark? What are you doing in Denmark?
it feels really good. Like imagine being wrapped in a nice blanket and going ZZzzzzZ mimimi
>Do you live in Denmark? What are you doing in Denmark?
Im here for a month, wanna live here eventually. Got a girlfriend.
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Now that's a good argument. There's no feeling lonely if I'm not conscious.
Because I farmed enough.
Also a good argument very true indeed
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why does thinking about snapping and yelling at my dad and really unbottling all of the anger and rage make me feel like crying and laughing from hurt and pain and joy

what the fuck is wrong with me i feel like an horrible person

they'll get back in touch in a few days they said

mom said that if i vacuum the floor i am allowed to send lagooner my dick pic in the mail so it is alright
i am a poor unfortunate trans woman with bad genetics
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I have decided that I will sleep.
Chat, I am at CostCo, and I am trying to cut back on how much soda I drink. What would y'all recommend to replace it?
water u dumb fuck
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Ah sweet! It's a nice place yes. Probably my favorite scandi country. I live a couple of hours away from Copenhagen, really should've gone this summer.
ZZzzz boring not reading that
ok the council has decided, bed time
I like water but I can't only drink water. I have to have variety.

make agua frescas with sparkling water
get some orange juice then or limes to squeeze into water
If you wake up I'll be right here waiting for you my love <3
desu i think you need a vagina to be a woman
Oh chill. I really like it here too. Its so pretty and i like all the magpies
Stunning & brave
desu I see most trannies as women except gigahons and me
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temper short.
balls tiny.
face uggo.
ass shitty.
pee pee
poo poo
daddy pls daddy pls
dats me baby gurl. you'd think my cock would be yuge because I'm super tall, but it's not
waffle house? be safe ok??
can i fuck your mom while you sit in the cuck chair in the corner
injection days are the only days that i look forward to anymore
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>haven't had in jections in over three weeks
im dyinhg
never change grace
why are you out? or are detransitioning?
i realize now
it never gets better
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Epic prog moment
u'll bounce back.
u was made 2 b a ho <3
it b like dat

unrelated loreena mckennitt megamix
>why are you out?
the medication is on backorder
it will get refilled "eventually"
pharmacist told me to call the doctor's office if it's not in by friday

ty u too
and that's a good thing
brings me pain
can i fuck your surgeon in the ass while he does your ffs to make sure you will become bogged
my life was just downhill when the y chromosome was added
sheesh larry...fucking lol but sheesh none the less.
im already bogged
bogged by God
yes that was the implication
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should i do more grindscape or elden ring or just ldar
want to work on game but im zapped
i had a dream recently where i was too honest in university applications about how i was a depressed useless piece of shit and so the only schools to accept me were shitty sub saharan ones and another for helping incels but the was one decent british based one that offered me a scholarship in LARP and so i tried being a tranny in london and it was so miserable i killed myself
well god did us all wrong here, so you're not alone.

did u know slavic ppl call god bog
>be 23
>join MTF support group suggested by therapist
>somewhat excited to potentially make friends
>go to group
>everyone is overweight and over 30

i knew this was too good to be true. where the hell am i supposed to meet anorexics like me in burgerland
For fucks sake... SHEEN! You can just eat, I don't know... A fucking apple? A glass of water? WEIRD idea! And I know already, now you're going to sad post "boo hoo, nobody likes me because I've had" - no, nobody likes you because you FUCKING DON'T IMPROVE ONE. FUCKING. BIT.

Ever since I've been here in 8 fucking years when my life went to shit, and I crawled out of the gutter over and over again, you have been here eating shit all the time, putting your fucking money towards a fucking graphics card. Because you know, that's exactly what you need right now. A fucking graphics card to sit more on your fucking ass and play fucking video all day. While shoving fucking burgers down your fucking hole. Right? Fuck.

I'm trying to like you, quit making it impossible. Please. Like a fucking clockwork. Sheen, nobody is fucking angry at you for posting about fucking foods. People are angry at you for wasting money on graphics cards, video games. Fast food. A car, as I've been recently told. Instead of you selling the car, getting some fucking vegetables. Eating your fucking veggies, drinking some fucking water for once in your life (without added sugar I might add) And I don't know sell your fucking car get a fucking bike.

Like, yes, you are depressed. Wow. 90% of us are fucking depressed. 90% of us have some fucking mental issue we deal with. Yes, we are here to support you. But you don't want support. You just want a fucking pity party. About poor old fat sheen. Who will never be liked. Nigga You look like a fucking middle aged woman. And you do fuck all with it. It's infuriating, it is sad

Oh, and I'm not done yet. Sheen. We've been over this for like, how many years? Like fuck? I've been fucking pre op. I had a fucking dick when you started posting here. And what changed? What did you do in all those years? Fucking nothing.

You did nothing. Despite people constantly offering you help, offering you advice, constantly offering you to do shit for you and WITH you.
you leave pain alone
thats actually kind of based
i have heard horror stories about tranny support groups
its a big reason why im reluctant to go to any desu
You should really give her remains back to her next of kin.
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>over 30
o-oh no
im anorexic too tho but in recovery
treat that first

pls respond

>its a big reason why im reluctant to go to any desu
i had one therapist specifically ask me to NOT go to tranny support groups :(
ya but your therapists are all horrible and in contact with your mom
i’ve thought about going to groups but i’m afraid i’ll kill the mood and be depressing
>where the hell am i supposed to meet anorexics like me in burgerland
psych ward
you write some fucked up fan fiction
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live and learn, i guess
over 30 isn't a dealbreaker desu. it's just that i don't feel comfortable around these women.
>treat that first
i already did, but i've been accidentally losing weight and was just hyperbolizing :p
not in a while, i've stopped signing releases for them to talk to her
she still sends them emails or texts knowing they won't respond, just so she can tell them what she thinks i should be working on
i had a psychiatrist a psych ward say he had somehow gotten a text from my mother that he should consider changing the dose on my anti-depressant
also the therapist who said that was concerned that i would say transphobic things and i feel that her concern was warranted
best deadlift tutorials?
Do you even go to the gym
>just so she can tell them what she thinks i should be working on
well this behavior does provide some context
lol do you know who you’re talking to ???
she's yoked brosef
my therapist ghosted me
Then why would she be asking how to do deadlifts homie?
i just ate 10 chocolate bars and now i feel ill
she's fishing to see if any gym bros be in thread, pipe down half pint
the only reason i keep going to therapy is to ask for a second opinion on my plans for the future and see if they are ok and if i could improve them somehow but like i do the plans alone by myself and mostly my therapist just agrees bc usually the plans are smart and reasonable, i also like to use her as a tracker of some sorts, someone to monitor my progress, i also like talking to her as a person so yea, i don't really get 'therapy' or 'cbt' or whatever fancy techniques but i get smth out of it..
anyways, about them RDLs then
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this one had rules in place to make sure none of us could share anything depressing. like what's the point, then?
At least I can go back to watching Kamen Rider
wait wdym

lol that sucks wtf

sounds like ocd
any1 else smell they own farts?
what's wrong with you?
how could i not, they are very strong
Is it wickedness?
Is it weakness?
You decide
Mark rippetoe
i don’t like blacks. they gross me out
im stimlocked again
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i just want the suffering to stop
hi stimlocked again
overbearing mothering
at times, it can feel like that yea
i think i made a guy shit himself at work today.
sup kat how you doing
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hardcore gaming
I know. we were working on my abandonment issues.
Need gf to play kusoge fighting games with autistically and tryhard
im still playing it a little right now bc im too depressed to get out of bed
im having zero fun with osrs
what's the appeal
Well guess who was right y'all
>Roommate is sitting on the couch when I get home, bringing up groceries
>Says when I'm done they wanna talk
>Say sure
>Finish unpacking groceries
>"So what's up?"
>"I've been doing some thinking, and, I don't think I'm actually mtf, I think I'm Non-Binary or somewhere along those lines."
>"Oh, okay, cool. Is there anything else?"
>"No not really."
>"Alright, well, what pronouns do you want me to use for you now?"
>"They/Them please."
That's almost exactly word for word. I fucking told y'all he wasn't trans.
i like fighting games but theyre too hard sob
excited for my marvel collection slop
no way you people are real
They are hard but I love them
Id love a transbian tryhard fighting game gf
>enby isn't trans
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this is mef
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i don’t have a license
are you really trans? because i don’t consider you a woman
>fighting games are hard
are you a fucking casual?
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I genuinely just enjoy sitting here and clicking away
listening to short stories and trying to block out the bad thoughts by keeping occupied
I think my adhd helps
that's why you're excited for Marvel
>listening to short stories
i need more stuff to listen to
still only 4 quest points kek
I need to get to 10 at some poin
As the cerified mtfg fighting game expert (I've been to locals and have been playing since SFII HD Remix in 2008), start with DBFZ, best beginner friendly fighter.
just listening to lovecraft on librivox
shadow over innmouth currently since miaq reminded me of it
they/them please pring, they fuking told you to use they/them you disrespectful bigoted transphobic enbyphobic kinder surprise head shape latinx
its honestly more of a nostalgia thing, i grew up on mvc1 and marvel super heroes and xmen vs street fighter
i have tekken 8 and sf6 and gbfvr and ggs but ya im v casual and just suck at fighting games and competitive vidya in general
Nope I'm an extremely talented one
God. i quit fighting games a few years ago because they got too easy. i'd need one week minimum of practice to get my execution back up to snuff
it's something to do ig

ok dsp
Uh, I'm White
i mean if someone would tell me that you sell food and ask me what food i believe that you sell, i would say tacos but sure
>dad didn't show me how to shave until a few months after started growing facial hair
>absolutely hated it
>used duct tape to "wax" it off
>when i told him he looked at me like i was retarded
d-did anyone else do that or just me
u didnt know about douching so ur retarded
i literally dont even have a dad and i knew to shave
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hop on some true Kusoge
Send nudes
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im brainfart and cant remember this characters name from like...dc? or image comics?
he was like a metal dude biker vampire or like goth wolverine lol.
Lobo from DC comics
>u didnt know about douching so ur retarded
i mean i knew it existed bc my ex would give me enemas w water mostly
it just doesn't follow that you should do it for inanimate objects if you clean them before and after, especially if you make sure you don't need to poo first
>i literally dont even have a dad and i knew to shave
don't need 2 brag
Emo your drawings are the shit
paige let me fuck your ass
>Not knowing how to shave
braindead niggerfaggot
shut up dad
it does feel good in osrs
if im mining and there's a particularly good spot in the mining patch that someone already has
to borrow it when they run off to empty their inventory, and then return to a less optimal spot when they get back
it makes me feel like a good person and i hope they appreciate it
i am a man i am good at being a man it comes naturally to me
yes :(
i just dont really care enough to learn the combos :\ esp if theyre more than two-input (like smash bros is the only fighting game ive enjoyed)
i mean, thats kinda sad :\ i do think most enbies are just reppers but u can still be nice and respect what they said
this is the little stuff that makes the world a better place :))
Paige where are you
do i finish my coke tn or save it for saturday
yeah not having a dad is so awesome haha!!!
>this is the little stuff that makes the world a better place :))
ty desu i like doing things like that


>yeah not having a dad is so awesome haha!!!
that's fair enough, im sorry you don't have a dad that is really rough esp with a mother like yours
i really want to play osrs i need an autistic game to play
your efforts are in vain
*hugs Paige*
Does your mom know how you feel about women?
Send nudes
Whatever the fuck happened to you, your progress and journey sounds incredibly based anon.

its good for if you feel like laying down and rotting but still need something to occupy your mind that's not demanding whatsoever
Been too long
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yo tyyyy omg lol
my moon doesn’t know anything about me. she was surprised to find out that i enjoy music
hru doing
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>she was surprised to find out that i enjoy music
Why? Your parents sound very distant
what does this mean?
My greatest fear is being a hon. I think it that ends up happening I'm just gonna rope. Any reason not to is appreciated Anons, I lost all reason not to rope if things don't work out recently so 50/50 in a couple years once I see what hormones do to me.
physically incapable of having a good nude come back 2 me in like 3 months
It's just funny, enjoying music is a very basic thing, it's like your parent being surprised you like junk food or something

why are you such a shitty person
>wow anon u listen to music? you're so autistic i assumed you just listen to clicking noises and beeps!
exactly lmfao
just how it’s always been
>sword shop won't buy a scimitar
try the gay sex exchange in varrock
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become a muscle hon then pussy chincelchuds will b too shook to mess with u and the only ppl who will confront u on ur trannyism are giant jacked dudes (we want them to fuck us to death anyway)
its a flawless method.
visit repgen, maybe the schizo religious anon might convert you
this is cringe. just take hrt
is that actually u?
holy shit bro kill yourself
Thanks for the suggestion anon. I already do. I just started recently though, and I'm being consumed by the guilt of waiting for as long as I did. I'm giving it a few years to work before I decide if I should rope or not.
>thinking enbies are the same as us
parks and recreation sucks i hate nick offerman he's not funny
I’m bi and no one knows, not my bf, not my friends, not my therapist, no one. I’ll never admit to being half agp as long as I live.
is larry becoming a theymab no hrt hon now
that seems about right
need gf to give me goodnight kisses

it doesn't matter if you think they're valid or not

treat others how you want to be treated
>treat others how you want to be treated
that would get me arrested
how do you want to be treated?
i will always appreciate games that let me play as a shield mage desu

do unto others, wherever possible, as they would want to be done to them
i thought it was do unto others as they do unto you
ya, i will become a theymab and start raping theyfabs like that card person that gets posted here sometimes, if anybody complains, i will just call them transphobic bigots, seems like a good plan to escape inceldom
no i trained an ai with pics of Lobo from DC and dylan mulvany and thats what it shit out

yeah but nihilists like mef will say that not everyone wants to be treated how you want to be treated
that's not what i said

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

"So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets."
i put on sum women's clothes and i just feel gross :/
is it bcuz of the massive hardon it gave u?
is that wut makes u feel gross?
the clothes weren't very mef and i did not get a 'rection
just didn't feel right to wear such things
what i said was
>do unto others as they do unto you
whats wrong with being bi
jk lolz about the boner bidniz.
hope u feel comfortable in ur own skin 1 day.
i'm doin me makup b patient!! >::(

what you said was

"i thought it was do unto others as they do unto you"

i assumed that you thought wrong. i thought you misquoted the golden rule, luke 6:31. i have never heard anyone say that you should do to others what they do to you that's kind of sociopathic
how is that sociopathic, it's just a nice way of saying "don't start nothin and there won't be nothing"

if someone is having a bad day and is an asshole to you at work you're just going to be an asshole right back? do you really think that will get you far. i always treat everyone with respect even if they're being mean to me you never know what somebody is going through.
i mean normally im polite but yea if someone is going to be rude then they should expect people to be rude back
true sub
Rate my two months of growth mtfg
hey that's how i act too
im a true sub :(
>cleaning room again
>found og spyro 2 disc
too bad i dont have a platform to play it on hhhhhhhhhhhhh
it's a start! :)) congrats on 2 months !!!
Minding your own business
peoplw start wanting to fuck with you
tfw ur fault
spyro stunts tit growth
its ok my tit growth is doomed anyways <3
ty ty!!!

I am worried that my tatas are going to out me though
sports bra
wayyyyy ahead of you sis
I have five mediums I currently cycle through, and two larges on stand-by
subby wubby :)
*slaps your ass and you say ty*
it's impossible to be friends with people, I want to sleep with almost everyone I meet.
sounds like a personal problem i want to fuck nobody i meet :^)
this has happened before
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not sure if shirt is too big or just massive ribcage, most likely latter
no idea where waist is to go
that's asexual
ur hair is so fucking seriously dope. congratulotions.
hair so long wow
doubt it bc i still have an interest in sex
im just grand wizard and too mentally ill to want to fuck ppl
id never fuck my friends anyways tho
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probably ribcage issue
I didn't say that I do, I just get intrusive thoughts that I don't act on. I hate it.
>I just get intrusive thoughts that I don't act on. I hate it.
that shit fucking sucks so much anon
hair is always the thing people compliment when they have nothing else v_v
killing self
what does it mean if ur not interested in sex at all due to dysphoria? I don’t even entertain the thought. maybe I will once I’m post op?
>trump almost getting assassinated
>biden dropping out
since it's the year of unexpected happenings, will we get bloodborne remaster on pc?

nope it won't
>nope it won't
what makes you say that? personal experience?
ur fit is chill 2.
i wore a turtle neck like that to something i had 2 dress up for. but it was grey and not an interesting color cuz im a coward.
sry this>>36634752
i click wrong thing sry. also HIIII GWACEEEE
no, it's just that srs is a scam and a risky surgery that rarely improves things
plus, you don't need srs to enjoy sucking dick and if you don't like that now why would having a neo"vagina" change that?

really sad/interesting video
u think am wearing this in public? haha!
im wearing a tanktop and tranny shorts today
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How does one stop being hateful?
what would happen if your mom or dad saw you wearing that?
i would cry hysterically
half life 3
She would spurt her cummies faster than you can say "public humiliation"
about what
it is 6am, i have not slept all night, i should wake up now and have a normal productive schedule, why am i like this?
don't tease me
i've been waiting for that since like middle school
post penis
i should fuck a grindr chaser
he will fix me..
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In general, about anything or anyone.
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real women post on 4chan too
real women have expanded ribcages too
real women wait for other women to fall asleep and then kiss then in their sleep too
real women get high and drunk too
real women jerk off to pictures of their friends too
real women sort coacaine, too
and they smoke meth, too
and they spam threads, too
t. manmoding + enbycoping male woman (real, valid, AGP, ASE, AGAMP, MEF)
When I pee, it burns
Let it burn like George Bushy
pre penis
stop posting here lasaga please
they're all ugly
because you're are a lazy piece of shirt and a mentally ill subhuman animals
ive had some rly hot guys msg me
never stop being hateful
accept the lord of darkness as your savior
allow to the purity of evil to guide you
that is boring
hey there
hey methanon
please shit up this thread also
post the transphobic memes, i love them
okay ill admit in just jealous only ugly balding 40yos ever message me because im worthless piece of shit straight man pretending to be gay for attention because im mentally ill and have brain damage plus i stink and im sexist and in evil and my hairline is receeding and i have an asam's apple plus im malebrained and gross and i
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I'm new, don't know what 'lasaga' is.
Do I need electroysis on my face is Laser basically got rid of every single hair for me? I only have to shave about once every 2 months and for like, a minute, at most.
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real hon posting hours
god i fucking want to smash my face into dust
still only fucking ur mom sry
going 2 have stinky lesbian sex with our sweat dripping off each others bodies into our mouths with u in the corner
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I can hail demons without being hateful. Spite gets tiresome.
do you think there's a fucking rulebook or something you have to follow?
i don't have transphobic memes idk what you're talking about i definitely don't jerk off to TRANSPHOBIC memes because i fucking hate ugly trannies and no it's not a joke. hairy armpits hairy legs, hairy face deep-voicdd delusional, pseudobisexual pseudointellecual
kill yourself passoid
No, I'm just asking.
the sheen copypasta is proof the worst thing you can be in the community is an ugly hon. if you are a sociopath that is fine if you pass, if you are a murderer or a pedophile that is fine if you are hot.
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iv nvr had a hot guy even look at me.
just fags :(
it's literally one ugly hon reposting the sheen pasta daily for 6 years? 10 years? idk
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unironically people like this made me repress so hard :(
i shud just drop mean person larp. pring does it way better than me and i'm not even sure if it's a larp. it's astonishing.
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what the fuck
i look like a man, picrel related
I like the axe
neither will never be me
trumped by the queen of mtfg
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Behold, the RAPEhon.
i don't care if you pass you're at least cuter than me therefore you should DIE!!
no shaddap woman. i like men. dont insult moids like dat.
u look like harry potter if she was a chick.
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ok, you won, i want to die now
File deleted.
even if i try to look """cute""" i still look like a pig or a goblin, and definitely neither of those are female

>cuter than me therefore you should DIE!!
idk how that works

i like men... i also got made fun of for looking like the book harry potter lol
>you're a great friend mr shaq
Stop posting your face for validation.
jesus fucking christ please stop posting
Damn Paige, you have some nice boobs desu
lol why this detail so funny
ur prolly gonna get mongo bigtits when u get back on the juice lmao. good luck in the mens room. gn i sleep
pring x paige
this is the worst response imaginable

god no fuck
dont be tsundere
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lol you almost remind me of email
actually nvm that was a cringe post
been thinking about haircuts and it sucks idk what to do but my bangs are touching my lips now if i let them hang low

Paige I love you ;_;

Not really lol, but you're aight. I think your personality is funny
newfag btfo
thanks i guess i could say the same about you but probably not in the same way

yeah im a massive newfag im out of the loop on what email in that context is referring to
Rood. But that's what I like about you Paige. You're very direct.
estrogenized male; an old tripfag
oh maybe that was from when i was taking a break
what years did they post
it also could just be that i don't remember every single tripfag
idk. They were mostly around whenever cindy stopped posting
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>You're very direct.
it's the autism
I mean I'm the same way lol.
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i should develop some self control and self discipline
idk you seem a lot more angry than i do
when you're being blunt it's like because someone coughed and you tell them they should die in a fire or whatever, maybe it's a different strain or something
what is the aspect that makes me ugly? this is the key to understanding and transcendence
paige will be the cute little meek bottom calling pring a man while saying "i love you" under her breath while she takes her to valhalla and pring will be the charismatic stone cold top who will bully lowly retail employees on their first day while they try to figure out where the limited edition MG kit is in the inventory system
You put a lot of effort into this Pring x Paige Yuri. Now, is it gonna be Strawberry Panic level of yuri (garbage), or on the levels of Utena (Masterpiece)?
lets block something out
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i got small gyno and is all your fault
thats what happens when ur dumb and stop hrt
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I had a dream where a guy whose ancestors were slaves found the sldescendant of the slave owners that sibjugated his ancestors. They went back to the plantation where their families had met before abd spent the afternoon talking and became friends. It was a touching dream but the whole time i couldnt understand how the black man could forgive the white man for having ancestors that enslaved his ancestors.
Interesting dream lol all my dreams feel like being on acid
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it always makes me feel depressed when games do this
Thinking of finishing what's left of the wine Matt and I had when he was here. It's about half empty. I'll get fucking wasted on it, but I mean, otherwise it's just gonna sit in the fridge.
ok ill stop kek
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nah, that was a smart choice
i am severely mentally ill
Before that dream i had to find a rare nook as a required textbook for class to finish high school so i went into a really old stone library and my library card had wax seals. I ended up getting the book and reading it and it made me very powerful. All the students were league of legends characters at high school so i killed the evil ones. Then I saw a guy whp i recognized as an old friend who was making wine and i broke one of his wine bottles and i told him he was an expert at making wine but from now on he shouldnt drink his own wine or else something terrible will happen and he listened to me.
This seems more like my dreams lol
life coulda been goated had i just been cis
People are shooting fireworks outside my apartment, the 4th was 3 weeks ago, come on.
congrats, you live near latinos
Is it some Latino Holiday or something?
I have successfully sent a message to a laser provider finally umu

Time to get ignored or told to fuck off somewhere else :3
no they just shoot off fireworks from june-september. make friends with them and they sometimes invite you
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It is too cold in here.
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hii oomfies
Is this AI? I thought it was a cool Iris Van Herpen piece I haven't seen b4 but i cant find it. fookin hate AI
that's a fuckin FACT!! the transgenders are grooming us into trooning and consooming estrogen for us to grow malformed underdeveloped, male mammary glands, i.e. cone tits or gyno, in order to fuel their demonic gooning and cooming
you are inserting thoughts into my head
you are sending subliminal messages
you are making me inject estrogen
you are tricking me into having thoughts i don't wanna have

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