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What are the disadvantages of dating tranner?
>disgusting male body
>disgusting female personality

bored as hell so I made slime gf
also a current song playing display :D

also just woke up from a nap
ai post
fat tranny asses on my face

sex everyday, no pregnancy, epic blowjobs and infinte asshole.

better than women
The reverse is also true sometimes
Some have female bodies but male personalities
Should I just fucking kill myself since I'm only ever gonna be seen as an autistic man
that's pooners
the rarest kind
No but I think you should leave this place before it destroys your mental health even more.
depends if you pass or not
there r no disadvantages
What's your voice like? The voice is the soul of a tranny and can tell you a lot
Lmao, exactly! Need to produce an essay about her passibility with statistical reference models and a fucking Pearson's r value or some shit.
And then you get to be accused of being the evil hugboxer trying to embarass them. It's a mess.
Brother you should not have said that
most of them are fucking insane

show us a picreel and we will decide if you are worthy of worship by the goys and the blacks.
None of them live in Texas
Well a lot of them really fucking hate themselves. Which can be a bit challenging to navigate in a relationship.
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So I'll be purchasing a shotgun shortly
hey guys, im peter griffin!
chasergen is freakin sweet!
Jade the type of nigga to never be able to love another human
They're usually prostitutes and their pair bonding ability is long gone
you have to be beggin for atteention... theres no way you kill urself. you're so pretty no dont do it.
Lol true
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Bro she got our fucking asses.
ur not peter griffin...
This reminds me of that time jade said she was gonna kill herself
if you use ai, you go to hell no matter what
fuck off
You do

jade you are so pretty, like id openly carry you as my wife. why would you kill yourself?
how's this AI at all, I wrote n modeled this all myself
Spice, why don't you just start tripping again at this point?
yes i am!
thats not freakin sweet!
It can be a bit of a tightrope depending on the person. Find the ones who are secure in themselves. Or at least in most of themself.
i freakin love hot transsexuals!
Nah, I like my youtube algorithm recommending me videos.
Eating tranny buttholes gigiti
hey... (with lots and lots and lots of rizz)
I'll ask again. What's the voice like?
You're hot and pass.
t. cis anon
Missed you
When their BPD flip switches and they believe you are a Machiavellian villain trying to ruin their life.
>t. knower
everything, they are only good for a fuck.
>When their BPD flip switches and they believe you are a Machiavellian villain trying to ruin their life.
jokes on them
I AM a machiavellian villain
cause... then people can search mah posts

Better than jennie's voice
Way worse than my tranny's voice but that's a given
I'm going to stop insulting you now at least
We just dont want to waste our youth on men who feign affection. If you love me prove it.
me with all of you guys
prove that you're not a meta attracted transbian then
Yeah blame people like this, not us
Also cis women do this too what are you even talking about
On paper I feel like getting into a relationship should be way easier than this. Doesn't make a lot of sense.
Morty from rick and morty

i love hearing tranny voices, fuck i want to cum for the fifth time today.
Bro you are NOT getting a woman any time soon
This isn't paper.
waow 3 whole chasergens since i fell asleep last night :o
disadvantages? >.> i cry a lot >~< also anal is more work than vaginal sex. but i guess anal is a plus for some hehe
I don't think most cis women have bpd
I like to think my future gf is playing PSP games or something, maybe a very niche vtuber.
Your paper!
Like 75% of all hot people are narcissists
Youre right tho agps manage to be ugly AND narcissistic
I like to think my future gf is eating a really big cheeseburger and it keeps sliding out of the bun.


I do worry about narcissistic traits I might have.
My PSP girlfriend would never be so STUPID to let that happen.
Narcissists don't typically do that, just so you know.
I like to think my future bf is sitting at home being based and red pilled
what if your girlfriend is a vita?
Doesn't exclude me from having some of their traits.
Strange post my friend.

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Your cute Jade

wdym by true transsexual? i find that ppl who say this mean very different things
psp had some rly good games hehe
i used to play lots of sonic on mine. also when i would get grounded as a kid my parents never realized that i could browse the internet on my psp >:3
Suppose that's fair, just a weightier term than that in my mind.
what the heck i thought you were european, or am i just deaf to accents

the lgbt blm trannies are narcs.
true REDpilled trannies like myself worship men and act feminine at the point of no return (aka passing).

fuck you, bbc worshipper.
It's more confusing to think in black and white than to think in gray.
Best we can do around here is fat
As long as she was isn't playing on a Sega Saturn...
Watching 240p AMVs on da psp
Every time I generate an ai shitpost for free the company loses money
I love BWC
>wdym by true transsexual? i find that ppl who say this mean very different things

true transsexual is the DSM-5 condition, meaning that they try everything to deny it like hetero sex, shaving head, working male dominated job ignoring it with straight porn etc and spend years doing so only to COLLAPSE and find that trooning out IS the ONLY way to escape suicide hell living as a chud.

I use too many buzzwords but what I TL;DR:
"Trannies that pass the test of time, are the TRUE trannies. The fake trannies worship those who want them dead and act like shrines to be worshipped themselves: narcissists in the textbook definition. They cling to transsexualism to bypass their shame or their families shame of being gay or queer in some regard, they are frauds."
It sounds okay yeah. Not great but could be worse, could be like Jennie's.
how fat are we talking about
i am from wisconsin
Oh you're a pol schizo type.

at least try, you fucking troll
how do i make it actually good though i dont know what im missing i guess
hey why'd you tag me i didnt even say anything

why are you trying to be mean if you sound like that
Is your butthole poggers?

making the point that they aren't trying at all.
Nice fortune cookie my man lol.
ok yeah see, i was assuming something very diff :\
ur opinion seems really narrow and that u havent considered the nuance of individual experience. the same tranner in two timelines is either dead at 53 from reprope or a youngshit, depending on how much her dad beat her as a kid :(
i do personally view being a tranner as more of a medical issue akin to diabetes however. bc living with gender incongruence without treatment, while possible, drastically reduces quality of life.
ok now im kind of convinced ur just here to be mean. :( pls be nice
great name
No idea, sorry Jade. I just know my tranny sounds like any woman but she probably got lucky.

its fucking loose anon. my tranny voice seems to have improved with practice
Mmmmm, fortune rangoons, very tasty.

im not being mean, im just being a true trans.
Jade keeps sayin bs, so i called her out
Long horse face
Disgusting female personality and disgusting male body
Male aggression
1% are passable
>if i act like what a chud thinks a woman is i am a woman
okay chuddie
You're a little too nice sometimes, Frisson. Should just try not to engage with these types.
i think youre retarded because me not trying is vastly different post face so i can mog u visually too
Dick, male body, female personality
Can't procreate
Feels gay and you might end up being insecure
Likes being a ho
Weird hips that are amab looking
Amab looking tummy
Usually flat and have floppy ass
Always negative and envious of others
Usually neets
Either anorexic or landwhale
Mentally ill

List goes on and on

gross non-virgin

says the chud.

i am a true trans, and that bothers you. you are a fraud and gay passing as trans due to shame.

you fell for the bait, jade.
ewww youre gross and probably fucking ugly dudes
We really did just make a pol bait OP, huh?
ik :\ its why i try to be matter of fact when addressing bait. getting upset only gives them what they want, but hopefully another tranner or chaser that reads it understands that there is a rational way to unravel the things they say w/o degrading others or urself
anon this reads like self-hating, not a chaser reply :\ i rly hope u dont feel this abt urself. if u do u should know that there are ppl out there who do genuinely like many of the things u dislike abt urself. <33 its not easy to see thru the negativity but there is a path to peace in ur future :)
Female voice

Autistic dude
you are 10x the tranny that jade will ever be. its not about attitude: it's about sex appeal.

you and I know this to be true.


Anon, is a true trans it seems. get humbled that they are getting mad dick on the daily! DAMN BONUS POINTS.

100% on the autist remark, they are so autist that they don even realize this shit. BLIND LOL.

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i dunno who u are how can i hate when i dont know you?
this is the last guy i fucked wbu anon???
ugh now its getting gross..
that's not camo maid

at least its not black, props on that!
you guys are all gross cause you're not virgins *nods nods*

You forgot to mention how this guy is 5'6" and therefore had to settle for you
>click into chasergen thread
>about to post "fat tranny ass on my face"
>ask the autist OP if the thread is mtfgen or not
>she doesn't understand
>explain the difference between chasergen and mtfgen
>she still doesn't get it
>post the screenshotted posts to show the difference
>she laughs and says "it's a good thread, chaser"
>post in thread
>it's mtfgen
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>>about to post "fat tranny ass on my face"
that's my line
You've got a good heart.
fat tranny asses?
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oh wow you're cool i like you im attracted to you
fuck off retard
shut up spicebag
not the autistic tranny...

id let you top my hapa bussy daddy, sexy voice.
idk it just seems weird that there are so many non-virgins! virgins need more representation ok, it doesnt make you lesser :) virgin army!!!!!
you shouldn't even be on this board
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The Internet has turned all of you into animals
40 y/o virgins are valid
Holy shit so cute
he was taller than me and im 5'9
post your face then
fuck me, please.
I was an animal before the internet
So he was 5'10 and had to settle for you
Mystery solved
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I hope one day i'll be this guy in some qt's greentext story
thanks for bringing things back to positivity anon :)
you just sound like a boy with a sore throat
i'd have to make another user on another ip on another planet. im too famous to be trolling fake trannies LOL.

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fuck. looks like i have to go in. sigh.
you'd be a perfect wife for anyone. FUCK. your voice is fucking hot
ty anon i feel seen <333
they sound like a fucking retard, lol

im not playing any fucking vocaroo with your fucking voice. fuck you you digusting autist
:3 im glad u think so!!! it took a lot of practice ;3
ya idk y ppl r so worried about it desu.... i would like to have sex ofc but ill wait until im ready
based!! we def need more support though its tough out there *hugs*
i look better than you ever will you ugly fuck

wheres the discord server ive been hearing about? i need some daddies
Could a tranner please post a vocaroo talking about what she ate today
imagine jade saying this to me when I wasn't able to get her McDonald's
you look like kris tyson at best LOL. at least i dont sound like a fucking retard ROFL
too ugly to post face is tragic sorry you rolled so bad
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Thinking about this one
Can at least one of you just shut up.
:0 YOU ATE SPICEBAG!!!!! T-T so evil...
GAAAH!! i have to... its so tasty uwu...
can i sniff you?

LOL, na. im boymoding and love it. also im famous so i WILL NOT do a face reveal.

id let her fuck me

fuck jade, ignore them.

the anons with the top tier voices, i love you.
she lives like 30 minutes from me but she's a transbian
Where does she live? I'm interested
this is your sign to troon out anon.
im gonna eat you now!!! as revenge!!!
nah let them skirts tire themselves out playing with each other, then scoop them up
:0 nooo nooo that would totalyyy be sooo horrible heheh
go outside sometimes, you mog the average woman easily
exactly lmao im better than you ever will be so please keep your mouth shut if you wont post face you ugly man
hey at least i can post face something he cant do apparently
and we love you for it

why cant real life be like this...
I'm in Missouri. Maybe I should move to a blue city where all the sexy tranners are.
i know a tranner from Missouri, she's hot too. we need to trade places chaserbro

nice. also why are the most attractive ts girls living on the west coast? is something in the water? LOL

womp womp ugly tranny. you sorta pass but your attitude is giving AGP. fucking fraud.

you radiate positivity, i like that


you should, also make sure you can afford it. i dont want to see you on grindr pimping yourself to negroids.
You should just not want to live in Missouri lol.
https://voca.ro/1jm8M2wqMaxF :)
whats the trans obession with stardew valley? i dont get it. i must be normal then lol
fuck i love your voice. also makes sense. does this imply that women cant play other games?
question mark>?
West Coast best coast, the beauty standards for the West Coast are much higher than the east
Are you clapping while talking?
woman can play whatever games they want lol. im playing tf2 rn it doesnt really matter
keep coping lil bro until you post face youre just an upset man being unhinged bc i look better than you.
I actually live in Bettendorf, Iowa but thanks for spreading misinfo
love taking photos for everyone here so i took a bunch today in cute lingerie. also there’s a bunch of hole and anal plug pics hehe will be jerking off so come talk to me in under plsss
https://unsee cc/album#dByTxykLG47H
whats the best city for troons to work and "play" in
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Here's a selfie of me w a pamphlet from a weird vacay I took
can you like tell him to fuck off for being a freak
cute!!! and ur butt is so squishable!!!
no that's my keyboard >.< my brother gave it to me and it's on of those clickety clack ones
can you confirm or deny the transbian allegations?
tell who???
I'm bisexual, mostly attracted to men
the TS1<3BWC man do you not read what these freaks say or just because its not about you does it not matter
nobody wants to hear my voice
somebody just showing up and randomly lying about you in small ways is crazy
this tranny claims to be from everywhere. she just likes to mess with you people. obviously from portland or seattle. look at those retarded agp curls
I need you.
thank uuuu mina!! ur ass v cute too would love to use like a double penetration toy w u hehe :3
what do u want me to do lol? im not the police i cant just arrest this dude. ignore him :/
how can i know if im ugly or not
Post a picture well let you know
>https://unsee cc/album#dByTxykLG47H

ok so you are cute, def in heat. imma steal this lingo thanks.

its like those pokemon games but modern, sounds cool. ill prob pirate it if i can and check out videos.

act like a decent human and stop larping as a babe. you act like a mongrel.

t4t is my cup of tea.

nawh mate, she is a solid 3/10

she is mine negroid, back off
call him a freak and tell him to stop lying lmao
can you post a vid of you masturbating and moaning before you off yourself?
im a true ts and will absolutely call out any autistic trannies for their retarded bullshit.

i 2nd this, only for the memes and not sexual gratification.
its never gonna stop is it
fell for the bait, now pay the price autist.
?????? fight ur own stuff im not gonna do it
oh r u trans mb
nah he is acting like a fucking man call him out
sit on my face <3
i need entertainment
wtf ur ass is perfect
how do I actually fuck you
get the sharpies
If I post unsee can chasers tell me my potential for passing
omg ur saying that??? ur ass is great!!!
as long as I'm not seeing nikocado's rancid asshole again
alpha reupload

https://unsee cc/album#fq8Qj0CpYwhN

you have the sexiest ass i have EVER SEEN.

Please post, i will rate. i am s tier rater.
It's almost entirely trannies right now, but sure.
no im scared
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Be honest since we are all anonymous. How many of you are transbians that just came here for male attention and validation from chasers?
why blur ur cock? thats the best part?
omg wtffffffffff ur literally angelic its not fair
maybe tomorrow ill see if i can break my record
thanks but urs is actually insane, im so jealous lol
me. but i t4t aswell
go away spicebag
What about through discord dms
hi cg do i finish the rest of my cocaine tn or do i finish it at the bar on saturday
hi stu, you’re the only trip I recognize here
You’re too sexy to do cocaine give it to a friend or throw it away
autumn..... u dont remember me..... T-T
Doubt it is spicebag. She don't have a QoS tattoo.
yeah i can do this
msg: shadow_marks
pretty much every trip in this thread is one
hi autumn!
i recognize me too!
ok post your disc
Then what is even the point of this fucking gen if it is just transbians?
sex with gracie
your trips will not charm me
this cocaine will be consumed by me one way or another
r u going 2 violently pound my prostate after i take it
waiting for you babes..
no..I’m sorry :( you must be new?
this is just mtfg that allows men to post
ty for this Mina was able to nut which felt great ^_^ srry for blocking u on disc but i felt bad after sending u nudes skkddj
u don’t
gorgeous wtf
im bi but mostly interested in guys and mostly have dated guys only but also they’re boring asf at sexting so i prefer to sext girls or trannies bc they don’t treat u like ur meat lol
did you ever see a vulture perched on a dead tree?
I'm gonna fuck you like I love you
its ok. i only started tripping like a week ago hehe
im not :\ im straight. im glad i found muscleanon bc chasergen is rly weird rn. theres so much arguing and ppl hitting on each other at the same time @-@
really wish more chasers would post. it keeps the thread on track >.>
you follow me on twitter im like 99% sure!!!! or maybe its another autumn??? idk.... im sorta new like only started tripping a few weeks ago
i want rough sex too though
your twitter .. is it your name or what> im simping hard rn
>really wish more chasers would post. it keeps the thread on track
What is even the point of chasers posting when everyone is a transbian? I say let them go and turn this into transbiangen. It basically already is
a lot of them are bi
so far as im aware im the only transbian
ummm i have my normal one and then my sexy one,,,,
Beware, I am fat but I'm only showing for hypothetical potential in terms of body too. I'm not exactly aesthetic as i am now.
https://unsee cc/album#xcrRLCAPIo0q
Why would I want to post in this mess
>mina <3

i want all of you
I'd plap your bussy until you can't walk straight
one view
broken link :(
idk if i wanna post it i dont want trolls :( plus yall have seen my face and i dont want that to spread
it flew away :(
it looked cool af tho, i love vultures
>a lot of them are bi
>so far as im aware im the only transbian
Fixed it
Ah! I’m sorry, I recognize your ass ! I’m bad with names, sorry. (Also I forgot what your twitter is, I can’t find it ><)
send through discord then :D

>a lot of them are bi
Lmao they are just too stuck up to admit they are transbian because of the stigma.
Most of these "bis" haven't looked sexually at a man once in their lives.
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i mean, a transbiangen would be really nice <.< would keep this thread abt chaser + tranner dichotomy.
:\ bc if u dont it stays like this
>picrel this should be the target audience not transbiansrjxs4
lol silly... umm idk if i wanna share it here.. as long as no one trolls me i wont be upset ig.
that name doesn't work :(

typo... im gooning too hard
Oh I thought you had a preference for women. This explains your reaction to me not being shit at writing lol. I was so confused.
Reposting the unsee link
https://unsee cc/album#xcrRLCAPIo0q

It should work this time.
transbians r stinky
bishit supremacy
Lesgen already exists
gah, fair. im gonna newthread
nikocado again, don't open
>typo... im gooning too hard
Last repo. i think some bug in my reply
I need a pity lapdance from an awkward lady
Post what anyway? I'd post my dick four trannies would say nice dick and then try for like five minutes of ERP and that's it. I can just go jerk off instead
>bishit supremacy
"bi" trannies are self hating transbians not legitimately bi
Yet here we are. Was lesgen enough? Nah. Transbians had to take over yet another gen.
??? No it isn't. Stupid troll. I am fat though.
cause its NOT for you

d'aww you too babe <3

its me also stop with that shit.

>i mean, a transbiangen would be really nice <.< would keep this thread abt chaser + tranner dichotomy.
they already have agpgen and mtfg
RIP got ignored. Oh well. Better luck next time.
im a self hating tranny but i am attracted to both men and women
i dont even really want to date another tranny bc im too insecure anyways id rather be with a cis woman
3 gens about them
it is not enough
this was for straight trannies and look what became of it
i mean these threads are supposed to be /soc/ lite
if u wanna masturbate u can do that on the eternal trap thread on /b/ but here we like to talk about our interests. which today seems to be bickering >.>
>this was for straight trannies and look what became of it
all you have to do is look at how things go whenever a hstsgen is made
75% of it is agps seething
I'm starting to think unchaser needs to come back in this cesspit
anyone got a way to contact him?
Have we been going into the same threads? Because this one has been like this for a while, this isn't new.
My point isn't that I want to masturbate, my point is horny posting is clearly what the people want.
>Because this one has been like this for a while, this isn't new.
Is that supposed to make it ok somehow?
If you thought you hated transbians enough trust me. You don't.
I wish we could get him back
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Pls remove the fishing tackle from your lip, and you have georgous eyes that someone's heart could fall into forever.
>t.tourist from /pol/ passing through.
>Here's a selfie of me w a pamphlet from a weird vacay I took
Ginger cutie.
Want a link to a video of her getting fucked?

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