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>misgendering a pedophile rapists trans person is the exact same thing as calling a black person you don't like a nigger
No it isn't.

Calling a black person a nigger is a hostile insult.
Using a trannies PREFERRED pronouns is the exact opposite of this. It is an act of politeness and respect. Everyone knows that a trans woman isn't actually a real woman but we use your preferred pronouns because we want to be respectful of your condition. However respect is a two way street and if you are a pedophile rapists trans person, society and other people owe you no respect.
Misgendering a trans person is a hostile insult. It hurts the group as a whole. When a black person sees a black criminal being openly called a nigger then he realises that's what society really thinks of him. You said it yourself; the people misgendering her are the ones who didn't see her as a woman and just wanted an excuse to voice this. Once you normalise it for "bad trans people" then it becomes harder to stop them doing it to any trans person.

Furthermore it's discriminatory to all trans people because it means we are judged more severely than anyone else for the same actions. As a black person I've long experienced this. If a white person does anything wrong it's because he individually is a bad person. If I do anything wrong it's because my entire race are genetically inferior. This is unfair. She is just a shit person and it has nothing to do with trans people

tl;dr: throwing her under the bus throws us all under the bus
>missing the point
Trans women are NOT women.
They are trans womem(male).
Respect is a two way street.
If you do not deserve respect, no one is going to use your preferred pronouns.
Every pronoun is a preferred pronoun

I am calling you by that pronoun out of respect, I could just kill you instead :3
So you clearly don't think any trans people deserve respect or else you wouldn't be posting this thread in a den full of trannies
>trans people are now trying to co-opt what black people went through during slavery
>calling them "he" is LITERALLY killing them
I can't take this kind of hyperbole seriously. I just can't. Get a fucking grip.
Optics like these does not bare well for you people
Also its rude and violent to be this unhinged over opinions you disagree with.
Trans people who are not monsters deserve respect
>den full of trannies
Its /lgbt/ not /tttt/
>Respect is a two way street.
and you deserve none, so kys.
>Trans people who are not monsters deserve respect
So why did you come here to post this disrespectful thread
>Its /lgbt/ not /tttt/
Still overwhelmingly full of trannies and there are almost no undermoderated spaces on the internet with a higher number of trannies per capita
>Also its rude and violent to be this unhinged over opinions you disagree with.
remind us who is passing laws to outlaw whose "opinions" again?

your "opinions" are parroted nonsense from talking heads.

you are an NPC.

kill yourself.
i wont read that NIGGER
>So why did you come here to post this disrespectful thread
lurk more faggot
Didn't you just prove >>36632850 right?
You never saw transwomen as women and are just using the fact that someone is a bad person to justify misgendering.
So you don't actually believe any of the drivel that comes out of your mouth. Thanks for playing, you can't even troll correctly so just kys
cool strawman.
i said none of that.
i just said OP is a parrot who has never had an original thought in his life.
you too, if you're not the same person.
kill yourself, you are a waste of oxygen.
>kill yourself
Telling someone to kill themselves is a very sociopathic thing to do. Its worse than not using a correct pronouns.

You should talk to your therapists about your violent tendencies. Where you diddled as a kid? Can you greentext it?
This but unironically
>Its worse than not using a correct pronouns.
i don't care if you use my pronouns.
i'd just have security escort you out.

>Where you diddled as a kid?
you fucking illiterate NPC, how do you even function?
>a typo triggers the autists
>Low IQ thinks being able to speak English is autism
No, I'd rather someone straight up call me a man so I know what they think of me from the start, rather than have them reveal it in some way later on.
Helps me filter out people before I start to care about what they think.
your inability to write a coherent sentence isn't the only thing giving away the fact that you've never had an independent thought in your life.

if i were deprived of my brain and had to live like you, i would instantly kill myself. i don't know how you do it.
You don't have to believe shit. I don't care if a white dude doesn't believe blacks are human. How tf am I supposed to know his thoughts? It shouldn't ever be acceptable to voice this thought just because a black person did crime.
>Respect is a two way street.
this is so funny
uuhmmm yeah? that sounds right.
People fundamentally misunderstand why pronouns are dropped for sexual predators.
It isn’t “I always thought you were a man, I think all trannies are men, and now I’m not being polite anymore”.
It’s “I think it’s possible less than 100% of you are truly women, if you are a sexual predator you definitely aren’t a legitimate trans woman, I will stop using what I now realize are the incorrect pronouns for this individual malevolent entity”.
imagine coming to tranny central, saying "YNBAW" and expecting people to take you seriously lmao
Same. I rather the outright racists rather than the ones who come out with it after you do something they don't like. Same with being trans Because I'm left feeling that someone who is supportive is gonna turn on me eventually.
no, you misunderstand.
you're still under the impression it's up to you to 'decide' if someone is trans or not, and it isn't, ever.
Even if Kris is a weirdo who liked weird porn she isn't a predator lmao, people say "She spoke and met up with a minor" ignoring the fact that the meetup literally had the minors family there and was with the whole Mr Beast crew, there's no evidence she's behaved in a predatory way
Now that's what I call gaslighting.
it's really unfortunate how the podiums exaggerate the height in these
im the guy you were arguing with the a while ago about the difference between gender and sex, as well as the dude who made the "nigger example" i actually did not expect to see you still arguing on the front of page one.

get a fuckin life
Cis women engage in predation too though
If you’re are neglectful enough to not police your own others will do it for you.
Not ones with normal female brains
Pedophiles don’t have a gender or sexuality, same as retards
They’re just animals
riiiiiiiiight sure retard...
i'm old enough to remember that rhetoric towards muslims (or sikhs, or anyone brown because you retards can't tell the difference) after 9/11

i don't know every single trans woman, i can do absolutely nothing about them, so what exactly are you talking about?

you want me to waste my time following gossip on twitter like you, so that i'm "contributing" as much as you are?

do you have any fucking clue how pathetic you sound?

i'm busy working, learning, enjoying my life... the fuck is wrong with you?
>pedophiles don't have a gender or sexuality
>and that's why it's extremely important for me to go out of my way to misgender the trans ones
What's with the enormous jacket to look even more huge too. I thought I was bad at clothes but at least I don't intentionally make my silhouette 4 feet wide
stop killing my vibe, faggot
You proved >>36632850 right again. The misgendering is meant to attack the group as a whole "police" them or "put them in their place" as you say.
I have the same feelings about transgender children. Going along with "but it's bad optics!!1!" just admits that it's not a legitimate medical condition to be treated. And it is.
I prefer to call you a nigger, nigger
Exactly. Agreeing with "do what you want but leave the kids out of it" It's admitting that "it's just a weird lifestyle choice" like doing drugs or being poly or whatever.
unironically yes. fucking moron
>some opinions shouldn’t be allowed to be voiced
calling someone a nigger isn't hostile unless the meaning is.
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>Using a trannies PREFERRED pronouns-
is an insult to their intelligence if they think they are genuinely entitled to special treatment. or you attributing to the evil in the world and spreading lies and misinformation.
why are you making this kind of a point on 4chan, it's not inflammatory or bait or esoteric or ironic and it's not even a shitpost
>conflating social acceptability with legality
yeah, well you know that's just like, your opinion, man
It doesn't matter, allegations is the same as guilt for most people. And once you're ostracized no one will ever walk it back for fear of retribution, they usually actually start adding to it
So what happens is the accused loses all support from their "side", while the bigots seize on the opportunity to stoke the rhetoric even further than they would if it was someone cis
The Ezra Miller smear was similar to all this

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