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Any oldfags here? When was the first time you realized trans women could be something other than a freakish sad man cross dressing in private shame? For me it was finding grainy thumbnails of The Reverend Chris Korda after 9/11 and realizing this was probably a real person who probably lived like that most if not all of the time. I admired her confrontational style but it also seemed like a lonely and frightening way to live.

It was a few decades later that I found out what hormone therapy was about and that true passoids existed.
well after I learned about linetrap and that trannies in porn weren't just intersex or surgery, then it took me years more to learn the mechanics of how it worked, then years more to slowly accept I could be a candidate for or want hormones and their effects without necessarily being like the most obvious cultural examples or identifying as a woman
Nadia Almada
some trans youtubers i stumbled upon when i was 12-13. life in transition, aikira21(probably the reason why i started mones at 18), nameissammi, another girl who shared her ffs recovery with spiegel but i can’t remember her name.
when I was a kid I went on the internet and found sites like tsroadmap or transsexual dot org or whatever it is
youtube didn't exist then
Not everyone was 12 in 2004 anon.
When I started to use 4chan over reddit
i didnt see transtimles till 2022. got on hormones a couple months later. the decision was 100% enabled by seeing normal people transitioning into normal people. i didnt think it was possible given the decades of deranged sissies, cross dressers, drag queens and queers I experience before.
Sometime in the mid 2000s, I heard of an acquaintance in an online community that had done it. And I had wanted to do it, so I was like fuck it. Everything was a pain in the ass of course. After a few years I became the trans woman people would meet irl, and go wow, she's relatively cute and normal, maybe I could do this too. I know for sure two people transitioned after meeting me.
What was being trans like in the 00s? Some say better because less awareness, some say worse because of less awareness
This is so fucking embarrassing but it was about 2012 after I had been posting on ponychan, an image board created because moot banned ponies on /co/ before /mlp/. That website has now been declared a tranner cognitohazard superfund site and shut down due to how many of us it created. I tranned out like a year later
Better socially. If anybody noticed to begin with, which they usually didn't because nobody had trannies on the brain, they had no real conceptions about them so they'd treat you as an individual instead of jumping to conclusions first. Everything relating to treatment though was a nightmare. Dealing with docs, shrinks, and government desk jockeys was actually Kafkaesque.
i transitioned 2.5 yrs ago at 17 but i didnt realize until a few months before then what a trans person was bcs im retarded i literally didnt know what a tranny was and i want to kms bcs i could have trooned earlier. literally as soon as i found out i trooned now im an ugly gigahon who gets called sir and i want to kill myself every day
Those are as fake as a fitness timeline claiming natty. They really need to teach you kids better in school.
it isn't still?
I find it super weird how nobody ever misgenders me anywhere but as soon as I step into a hospital it is everywhere. But they make sure to collect my pronouns before doing it!
Well the main thing is there are procedures now, whereas before it was mostly bespoke. You'd go into let's say the DMV one day and meet an employee who wouldn't give you the time of day whether you had a suitcase full of supporting documentation or not. Now they've got a form for it, and the staff are unfazed by it.
lol not in this state
Had to get a lawyer and doctor's notes. Big pain in the butt. At least "she's medically female now" has an air of legitimacy that modern anti-gatekeeping forms don't have. Not that they won't take the recognition away the second they have an excuse to just the same...
>found out what trans is
>6 months later you're a girl
You kids have no idea how good you have it
sorry :(
Be happy for them. Optics have gotten better and a lot of normal trans women are in the spotlight now compared to when you'd see people riled up over pronouns.
it's all the cia or the joos or something, right gramps? they are trying to convince us kids to chop off our balls with fake before and after shots?
I knew that some people had a sex change before I ever heard about the negative stereotypes I think, it was still kind of a funny idea but not like ultimately sad or freakish
I thought about doing it to my enemies
Yup. As I suspected. A common thread is discovering what hormones do to the body, how SRS actually works. Same thing for me. I would have transitioned when I was 14 had I known the reality of how medical transition works. Tell everyone who asks, explain to them in detail, even teenagers deserve to know. I don't give a fuck if they call us groomers. Transition — MEDICAL transition SPECIFICALLY saved my life.
I knew just fine at 14 because I was a smart kid with the internet but... I lived in south carolina and it was 2003
Hey listen I was a smart kid too lol
It's just circumstance, you somehow came across this knowledge and I didn't. The effects of HRT and SRS should be common knowledge. I don't care if people think I'm a total crank for believing this — "female soul" is REAL... In the sense that there is a certain "gender dysphoric" neurological makeup that is resolved ONLY by HRT and SRS.

There is a reason these procedures have been practiced in some capacity for almost a century now. They work. The science is more than settled.
Sometimes knowing isn't enough. There are hundreds of knowers who continue to repress because they accepted their birth.
I completely agree, a textbook or a cringe-inducing health class could have saved me 10-20 years of repression
the skin I live in maxxing
yeah it's really sad even in places where transgender children get healthcare it's not like... an expected thing... they have to have good doctors and good parents and even then it's like a coinflip
fuck off I have a pussy now
The horrors i saw on the internet then scared me into repressing. You claim you saw normal tranners online in 2003? no fucking way. it was all boomer sissies and methed out crossdressers that would sometime dabble in self harm. it was people doing all kinds of sketchy shit to try to get estrogen. there is absolutely no fucking way you saw normal people. there were none.

Literally fucking this, I never even knew HRT existed until I stumbled into the trans subreddits last year. I will never be able to articulate how awestruck I felt when I realized there's a pill that...? Fucking blew my mind and I think in a lot of ways I decided to transition right there, even if I didn't know it. I never imagined it was possible to be this happy.

I'm starting to wonder if there's some kind of campaign to suppress knowledge of HRT, but I'll let my conspiracy theorist brain sleep.
I think you misunderstood what I'm saying, knowing at an early age isn't enough for some people. They try to repress and end up on HRT anyways after marriage or children.
Social media has been a disaster for the human race. Jesus fuck. You can’t even comprehend that you are being gaslit
oh you're right I didn't understand. still in an ideal world that wouldn't happen because everybody would know and understand that isn't the answer. we're not there and we're not going to be there any time soon. even if we "win trans rights" or whatever there's still countless religions that brainwash their constituents to think it's wrong-and as you say unfortunately that group will inevitably include reppers.
it's sad.
Agreed whole heartedly. It's why I can't be bitter towards zoomer trans women, a large portion of the environment they are surrounded by online is so much better than ours was back then. It makes me happy to see that they don't have to suffer through a lot of what we did.
im 38 in september
From since I was a child. Idk why but I thought transgender people were diagnosed at birth and given treatment their whole life, and the fact it didn't happen to me meant I was not transgender
I was a dumb child
a trans woman is still a freakish sad hon dressing in public but living as an unwanted low life
>t. third world agp
I didnt know trannies were a thing until I was already an adult. But I remember praying that the doctors would find out that I was intersex or something. Of course that never happened.
It was ~2005, after i had internet for a bit. Trans stuff wasn't discussed in sex ed & my senpai was evangelical conservatives. Until this, i thought it was normal to feel what i discovered was dysphoria. I was already mid 20s & balding & hairy & almost killed myself because i realized it was too late. I kept repressing & cracked in 2019. I am now a hopeless 43 y/o almost 5y manmoder
when I was 4 years old and came across who Christine Jorgensen was
that would have been 1989
>43 yo manmoder
jesus how is that possible? what does your life look like? why have you not killed yourself yet? you must be rich or have god-tier relationships or something
Not a trans woman
you look every second of it
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I had a kid when I was really young & tried to be straight. Literally the only reason I didn't blow my brains out is because I didn't want my son to grow up to be fucked up like me. I have like 2 important ppl I don't want to leave traumatized + my dogs. I live in pain so others don't have to. I live relatively comfortable otherwise, good job etc
yep i have no reason to look at it with rose tinted glasses
when i learned that i don't have to be a transbian
>A common thread is discovering what hormones do to the body, how SRS actually works.
How does it work?
Why do all zoomzooms seem to associate the near future with dying or suicide? You're going to be 43 before you even know what happened to you.
So when will I get a gf?
I entered by femboy phase around 16 years ago. It wasn't until a couple years into that I realised trans girls existed outside of Susan's Place and that they could be attractive, and I began transitioning 12 years ago.
Man, this thread is sad. So much focus on vanity. So many people who will never achieve the goals they set for themselves.
I know none of you want to hear this, but there is not a single transgender person who passes perfectly. There will always remain a slight element of uncanny valley.

The pictures you see online have passed through so many filters, the massive amounts of makeup that hide the imperfections underneath wasn't even necessary in the first place.
Seriously, your appearance shouldn't even be the most important thing to you in the first place. Your body is merely a vessel for you to move around in. That's it.

Then again, you wouldn't be here if everything upstairs worked as it should be, I suppose. It's just sad to see.
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I don't think you know what that word means.
It means someone who was posting on 4chan before 2007. Not necessarily someone who is old (though oldfags are all actually old now).
that isnt true and is cope LOL
thankyou :)
"Nuh-uh" isn't an argument, anon.
>your body is just a vessel for you to move around in.

uh huh, and who is this "you" character exactly?
I’m not that old but yeah my exposure to trans people growing up were the occasional horrendous hon/crossdresser in public and porn. I thought trans girls in porn were born that way and didn’t know anything about hormones. Once I learned about hormones I figured they didn’t do much and these people who looked like women were still somehow biologically different than me on top of me not fitting the “claimed I was a girl since birth” trope. Then I saw my first transition timeline on here of a normal looking young man turning into a pretty girl and it was over for me. From then on I couldn’t stop thinking about transitioning and confronted all the signs in my youth like crossdressing, praying to be a girl at night as a kid, etc. now I get to live as a woman and it’s pretty great. I pass most of the time and think I’m pretty overall
>other than a freakish sad man cross dressing in private shame
since as a kid I think. my uncle is gay and he used to hang out with a lot of trans women so as a kid I was always like "these women are cool and act funny"
Well, it's you. The one immutable thing within what you consider your self.
You can modify your surroundings, your body, your feelings and your thoughts, but there is one part that remains the same even after modifying everything. That is the self. You.
The whole spiritual and/or philosophical journey towards figuring out what you are brings people to two very opposite answers, which I personally find very interesting.
You're right anon, I'm going to stop shaving, brushing my teeth and showering.
The body is merely a vessel and means nothing LOL
>one part that remains the same
must be nice. all my memories belongs to strangers
im not that old but basically someone in the same local hobby as me transitioned when i was like a middle schooler in the latter half of the 2000s. she was older. she had a blog where she wrote about her transition and i read it. she was early into it at that point and def didnt pass at first, it took her a very long time to get HRT due to incredible levels of gatekeeping etcetc

but it did kinda plant the seed of "oh wow full time trans ppl exist" in my mind n the blog was the first time i learned about medical transition, or in general of transness beyond transvestism and fetishes.
but i heard what all the other ppl in the hobby said about her behind her back. none of it was nice. she was the punchline of a joke to so many. the process of getting medical transition was so difficult and selective as detailed in the blog. so obv i repped cuz i was a weak coward
Posting again but seriously I hate receiving this kind of "love" the most.

Thanks for feeling sad for us I guess? But also fuck off.

HRT works how HRT works, whether you understand it or not. Society exists as it does, whether you like it or not or it vibes with your religious beliefs. Dysphoria is dysphoria.

Imagine you have a cis teenage girl who has a rare disorder causing her body to have MALE levels of testosterone at puberty, to the point where she doesn't grow breasts or hips, but instead becomes unreasonably tall, with a male-sounding voice, body and facial hair.

Imagine she knew this was happening to her, how she might feel with that reality.

Imagine she learns that there's a medical treatment she could take to stop and prevent it from happening.

Like holy shit, taking hrt doesn't cause some change in your appearance that hasn't already been coded for in your genes. All secondary sexual traits are already coded for in both XX and XY people's genes. Hormone levels only affect whether the body reads from one blueprint or the other more.

Sorry, I appreciate that you feel something towards us anyways.
>The body is merely a vessel and means nothing
Meaning is something that you yourself attribute towards something.
If you consider your body to be worth nothing, then you will unthinkingly promote its decay.
If you consider your body to be worth much more than it is, then you might ruin it by overgrooming.
But if you consider it to be a tool, or perhaps a blank canvas for you to make art out of, then you will automatically move to take care of its needs.
And yet, will you keep struggling? Even if it could be all for naught?
If so, then I have the deepest of respect for you.
I am not like most other "critics" on this site, anon.
While I disagree with your actions, I still see you as people.
And I am not against the usage of HRT or transitioning in general, I just feel that most do it out of vanity. That is what I disagree with.
>But also fuck off.
Make me. (You can do this by not replying to me. Why else would I stay if not to communicate? Communicating is fun.)
>But if you consider it to be a tool, or perhaps a blank canvas for you to make art out of, then you will automatically move to take care of its needs.
It's both a tool and the vessel my soul or consciousness resides in.
If you over-emphasize the idea that it's a tool, maybe you just completely disregard pain while doing some sort of manual work?

Being ABLE to do such a thing like that is admirable for sure, and definitely useful. But I see lots of guys who get into this mentality of "the body is just a tool, I am just a tool for a purpose" but rather than genuinely acting in the most rational way given their cards, they just sit around while forcing themselves to be ascetic stupidly.

>And I am not against the usage of HRT or transitioning in general, I just feel that most do it out of vanity.
I mean, so is makeup. So is the reason most guys these days work out. Many guys who lift should be doing more cardio if they're just trying to optimize health. So is quite a lot of fashion. People wear clothes that cost more money and aren't as durable or temperature regulating because of "vanity."

Like anon, please. We live in a society. Depending on how you appear to others, people treat you differently. You can accomplish 100x at least by working with others in society over going into a cave and trying to do whatever-you-made-your-body-a-tool-for by yourself.

That's the point of the teethbrushing and showering being "vanity" thing.

Like, what do you think trannies should do? Simply ignore their dysphoria entirely? Live as robots who act as tools with their actual selves completely hidden? That kind of life is terrible for the vast majority of people who've genuinely tried it.

Guess what, as a proportion of the population, trannies are more likely to try that path genuinely for some time than most people. Most people never try living like that.

The majority of them that you can find visibly at all are hanging out anonymously in /repgen/ and are miserable.
>maybe you just completely disregard pain while doing some sort of manual work?
It takes quite a bit of practice, but you can indeed force your mind to stay calm during times when it is usually panicking.
>but rather than genuinely acting in the most rational way given their cards, they just sit around while forcing themselves to be ascetic stupidly.
Ascetism as a conclusion is noble. Ascetism as a means to achieve something is indeed foolish.
I personally see my body not just as a tool, but as an extension of myself.
I understand not everyone is like me, but I personally could easily live within an entirely differently shaped body and have no difficulty acclimatizing to it.
>so is makeup
I agree.
>So is the reason most guys these days work out.
I agree. While that specific persuit of vanity usually causes most to end up with a healthier body, some go too far and ruin their body instead.
>So is quite a lot of fashion.
I agree. Spending money you do not have on products you do not need only because other people are doing it is idiotic.
>We live in a society.
We live in a society that is made out of factions. And those factions consist out of people.
The rules of society are upheld not by the concept of society, but by the people within it.
>You can accomplish 100x at least by working with others in society over going into a cave and trying to do whatever-you-made-your-body-a-tool-for by yourself.
Debasing yourself to please the members of the group you choose to involve yourself with is a choice. I cannot decide whether that choice was correct. Only you can do so.
Oh, and there's pretty much no way to be alone in our current society. Even the ostracized and self-exiled are high in number these days.
>That's the point of the teethbrushing and showering being "vanity" thing.
Showering is one thing, but not brushing your teeth can actually kill you.
Please brush your teeth, anons.
>Like, what do you think trannies should do?
Staying away from social media would be a start. That's something I'd recommend to anyone. People don't realize how serious the "touch grass" meme really is.
Aside from that; stop eating processed foods, cook your own meals, exercise regularly and make sure you get at least half an hour of sunlight each day.
Learning to meditate is also important. It'll teach you self control and how to self reflect, two skills most people in the modern age simply have never learned.

I am not here with a case of magic cure-all pills, anon.
Everyone here is at least a little mentally abnormal. It's why we're here on 4chan.
The only way for someone to figure out how to feel normal, is for them to figure out why they feel abnormal.
I can assist people with generalities, but to truly help them, I would need to know them.
None of that's bad advice anon, but it's bad advice in the context of telling trannies not to take hrt because doing so is vanity.
We've heard all this before.
I'm supposed to say thanks I guess?
>telling trannies not to take hrt because doing so is vanity
Are you purposefully misquoting what I said or were some parts simply not clear enough? Feel free to ask for clarification!

To reiterate:
Doing anything because of vanity is foolish. This does not mean that doing anything is wrong.
You should put lipstick on in order to attract someone, not because everyone else is doing so.
You should wear what pleases you and what the situation requires, not what you think you will be judged for.
You should run a few miles each day and lift weight in order to ensure your body is healthy, not because of thinking that other people making fun of your fat belly behind your back.

What you do and don't do should be based on what you want. Not on what everyone else wants you to do.
The problem begins when people start to think that what others want is what they want. Then you get a society based entirely on vanity.
>you should do what I think is correct blah blah blah
Such bullshit. I'm mogged so incredibly hard by most everyone. I know some people actually pass. This is a stupid cope. Iwn be a hon
I want to be a woman.
That's generally what trannies (mtf) want.

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I'm a 2014 Midfag, your outta line gramps the cut off should be 2008-2010 or a before and after moot thing.
it sounds so pedestrian, but it was on the reddit timelines back in 2018. Remember seeing this girl standing by a lake wearing a sweater. She was just like normal girl next door who was clearly surrounded by a lot of love.

First time I had seen a transexual that wasn't like an HSTS model or Maury Hon
>When was the first time you realized trans women could be something other than a freakish sad man cross dressing in private shame?
what, did you realize you could be a freakish sad man crossdressing in public instead? you will NEVER be a woman

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